This is a continuous animation created using Silicon Vision's SolidCAD and FilmMaker. Because of the amount of disc space that the frames would take up, they have been supplied in a compressed form, and will need to be copied to another disc and decompressed before the program can be run. To do this, proceed as follows:
First, copy the !Playful application directory to a blank, formatted disc. Mount the disc by typing '*Mount :0' from the CLI, followed by '*Dir Frames'. Return to the Desktop and configure a 296K RAM disc by dragging its bar in the Task Manager display. Move the file !Playful.FrameArc to the RAM disc by dragging its icon with Shift depressed. Then, to decompress the file, type '*Arc x RAM:FrameArc *'. This should result in the directory !Playful.Frames containing the files PLAYFUL+, PLAYFUL1, ... , PLAYFUL49, as well as the Arc utility, which can now be deleted.
Once this has been done, running !Playful will result in the animation being run in a continuous loop, until the program is terminated by pressing Escape.
A comprehensive description of the steps involved in creating this animation is given in the file !Playful.Read_Me.