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** printed circuit board printer, Copyright (C) Randy Nevin 1989.
** you may give this software to anyone, make as many copies as you like, and
** post it on public computer bulletin boards and file servers. you may not
** sell it or charge any fee for distribution (except for media and postage),
** remove this comment or the copyright notice from the code, or claim that
** you wrote this code or anything derived from it. you may modify the code as
** much as you want (please document clearly with comments, and maintain the
** coding style), but programs which are derived from this one are subject to
** the conditions stated here. i am providing this code so that people can
** learn from it, so if you distribute it, please include source code, not
** just executables. contact me to report bugs or suggest enhancements; i do
** not guarantee support, but i will make an effort in good faith to help you,
** and i want to act as a central clearing house for future versions. you
** should contact me before undertaking a significant development effort, to
** avoid reinventing the wheel. if you come up with an enhancement you
** consider particularly useful, i would appreciate being informed so that it
** can be incorporated in future versions. my address is: Randy Nevin,
** 1731 211th PL NE, Redmond, WA 98053. this code is available directly from
** the author; just send a floppy and a self-addressed floppy mailer with
** sufficient postage.
** (name date description)
** ----------------------------------------------------
** randy nevin 3/4/89 initial version
** randy nevin 3/4/89 released version 1.00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "cell.h"
** usage: PCBPRINT [/P] [/L] [/Rn] [/Zm] infile
** /P indicates portrait orientation (paper is longer from top to bottom), and
** /L indicates landscape orientation (paper is longer side-to-side). only one
** of /P and /L can be present. n is the laser printer resolution (75, 100,
** 150, or 300) and m is the zoom factor (0, 1, 2, or 3 ). the defaults are:
** /P /R150 /Z1. this program creates 6 output files (H, T, B, HT, HB, and
** HTB). each of these files can be fed to a hewlett-packard laser printer to
** produce a picture of part or all of the routed printed circuit board. H
** contains commands to print only the holes and routing holes. T and B
** contain commands to print only the top-side or bottom-side traces,
** respectively. HT and HB are the same, but also include the holes, and HTB
** contains everything (holes, top-side traces, and bottom-side traces).
#define MAXZOOM 3 /* maximum zoom number; minimum is 0 */
#define ZOOM0 3 /* 3x3 dots per cell */
#define ZOOM1 6 /* 6x6 dots per cell */
#define ZOOM2 10 /* 10x10 dots per cell */
#define ZOOM3 18 /* 18x18 dots per cell */
static int size[MAXZOOM+1] = { ZOOM0, ZOOM1, ZOOM2, ZOOM3 };
#define H 1 /* holes */
#define T 2 /* top-side traces */
#define B 4 /* bottom-side traces */
#define HT (H+T) /* holes and top-side traces */
#define HB (H+B) /* holes and bottom-side traces */
#define HTB (H+T+B) /* holes, top- and bottom-side traces */
static int currnt; /* current image type (one of the six above) */
static int orient; /* 0=portrait, 1=landscape */
static int resol; /* resolution (one of 75,100,150,300) */
static int zoom; /* 0=3x3, 1=6x6, 2=10x10, 3=18x18 */
static int nbytes; /* number of bytes per image row */
int justboard = 1; /* only need the board data structure */
/* board dimensions */
extern int Nrows;
extern int Ncols;
extern void InitBoard( void );
extern long GetCell( int, int, int );
extern void SetCell( int, int, int, long );
void main( int, char *[] );
static void dofile( char *, int );
static void prolog( FILE * );
static void epilog( FILE * );
static void doimage( FILE * );
static void map( long, long, int, FILE * );
static void initbit( void );
static void flushbit( FILE * );
static void outbit( int, FILE * );
void main ( argc, argv ) /* input routed board, output laser printer files */
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *self, *p;
register int r, c;
int i1, i2, i3, i4, i, j;
FILE *fp;
long x;
char oset, rset, zset;
printf( "Copyright (C) Randy Nevin, 1989. Version 1.00\n" );
printf( "See source code for rights granted.\n\n" );
orient = 0; /* portrait mode */
resol = 150; /* 150 dots per inch */
zoom = 1; /* 6x6 cells */
oset = rset = zset = 0; /* so far, just defaults */
self = argv[0];
/* get rid of initial part of path */
if ((p = strrchr( self, '\\' )) || (p = strrchr( self, ':' )))
self = ++p;
if (argc < 2 || argc > 5) { /* need infile and up to 4 switches */
fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s [/P] [/L] [/Rn] [/Zm] infile\n",
self );
fprintf( stderr, " P = portrait orientation\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " L = landscape orientation\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " n = resolution (75,100,150,300)\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " m = zoom (0,1,2,3)\n" );
exit( -1 );
for (i = 1; i < argc-1; i++) { /* process switches */
if (*argv[i] == '/' && (*(argv[i]+1) == 'P'
|| *(argv[i]+1) == 'p') && *(argv[i]+2) == 0) {
if (oset)
fprintf( stderr, "duplicate orientation %s\n",
argv[i] );
else {
oset = 1;
orient = 0;
else if (*argv[i] == '/' && (*(argv[i]+1) == 'L'
|| *(argv[i]+1) == 'l') && *(argv[i]+2) == 0) {
if (oset)
fprintf( stderr, "duplicate orientation %s\n",
argv[i] );
else {
oset = 1;
orient = 1;
else if (*argv[i] == '/' && (*(argv[i]+1) == 'R'
|| *(argv[i]+1) == 'r')) {
if (rset)
fprintf( stderr, "duplicate resolution %s\n",
argv[i] );
else {
rset = 1;
resol = atoi( argv[i]+2 );
else if (*argv[i] == '/' && (*(argv[i]+1) == 'Z'
|| *(argv[i]+1) == 'z')) {
if (zset)
fprintf( stderr, "duplicate zoom %s\n",
argv[i] );
else {
zset = 1;
zoom = atoi( argv[i]+2 );
fprintf( stderr, "unknown option %s\n", argv[i] );
if (!(fp = fopen( argv[argc-1], "rb" ))) {
fprintf( stderr, "can't open %s\n", argv[argc-1] );
exit( -1 );
/* fetch the board dimensions */
if ((i = getc( fp )) == EOF || (j = getc( fp )) == EOF) {
fprintf( stderr, "premature eof\n" );
exit( -1 );
Nrows = (i & 0xFF) | ((j << 8) & 0xFF00);
if ((i = getc( fp )) == EOF || (j = getc( fp )) == EOF) {
fprintf( stderr, "premature eof\n" );
exit( -1 );
Ncols = (i & 0xFF) | ((j << 8) & 0xFF00);
InitBoard(); /* allocate memory for data structures */
for (r = 0; r < Nrows; r++) { /* read in the board, row by column */
for (c = 0; c < Ncols; c++) {
/* first do top-side */
if ((i1 = getc( fp )) == EOF
|| (i2 = getc( fp )) == EOF
|| (i3 = getc( fp )) == EOF
|| (i4 = getc( fp )) == EOF) {
fprintf( stderr, "premature eof\n" );
exit( -1 );
x = (long)i1 | (((long)i2) << 8)
| (((long)i3) << 16) | (((long)i4) << 24);
SetCell( r, c, TOP, x );
/* then do bottom-side */
if ((i1 = getc( fp )) == EOF
|| (i2 = getc( fp )) == EOF
|| (i3 = getc( fp )) == EOF
|| (i4 = getc( fp )) == EOF) {
fprintf( stderr, "premature eof\n" );
exit( -1 );
x = (long)i1 | (((long)i2) << 8)
| (((long)i3) << 16) | (((long)i4) << 24);
SetCell( r, c, BOTTOM, x );
nbytes = (Ncols * size[zoom] + 7) / 8;
dofile( "print.H", H );
dofile( "print.T", T );
dofile( "print.B", B );
dofile( "print.HT", HT );
dofile( "print.HB", HB );
dofile( "print.HTB", HTB );
exit( 0 );
static void dofile ( p, i ) /* create a board image file */
char *p;
int i;
FILE *fp;
printf( "producing %s image file\n", p );
currnt = i;
if (!(fp = fopen( p, "wb" ))) {
fprintf( stderr, "can't open %s\n", p );
exit( -1 );
prolog( fp ); /* initial laser printer commands */
doimage( fp ); /* create the board image */
epilog( fp ); /* final laser printer commands */
if (fclose( fp )) {
fprintf( stderr, "can't close %s\n", p );
exit( -1 );
static void prolog ( fp ) /* output initial laser printer commands */
register FILE *fp;
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
putc( 'E', fp ); /* reset */
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
fprintf( fp, "&l%dO", orient ); /* set image orientation */
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
fprintf( fp, "&a10R" ); /* cursor to row 10 */
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
fprintf( fp, "&a10C" ); /* cursor to column 10 */
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
fprintf( fp, "*t%dR", resol ); /* set resolution in dots per inch */
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
fprintf( fp, "*r1A" ); /* start graphics at cursor */
static void epilog ( fp ) /* output final laser printer commands */
register FILE *fp;
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
fprintf( fp, "*rB" ); /* end graphics */
putc( 0x12, fp ); /* formfeed to eject paper */
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
putc( 'E', fp ); /* reset */
static void doimage ( fp ) /* create the board image, row by column */
FILE *fp;
register int r, c;
int ir;
long x, y;
for (r = Nrows-1; r >= 0; r--) { /* each row */
for (ir = size[zoom]-1; ir >= 0; ir--) { /* each scan line */
putc( 0x1B, fp ); /* <esc> */
fprintf( fp, "*b%dW", nbytes );
for (c = 0; c < Ncols; c++) {
x = GetCell( r, c, TOP );
y = GetCell( r, c, BOTTOM );
map( x, y, ir, fp );
flushbit( fp );
struct x { /* group the bit templates for an object */
long t; /* the object type */
char t0[ZOOM0][ZOOM0]; /* tiny zoom template */
char t1[ZOOM1][ZOOM1]; /* small zoom template */
char t2[ZOOM2][ZOOM2]; /* medium zoom template */
char t3[ZOOM3][ZOOM3]; /* large zoom template */
extern struct x y1[]; /* hole templates */
extern struct x y2[]; /* hole-related templates */
extern struct x y3[]; /* non-hole-related templates */
extern int z1; /* number of hole types */
extern int z2; /* number of hole-related types */
extern int z3; /* number of non-hole-related types */
#define domap1(v) { int i; \
for (i = 0; i < z1; i++) { \
if (v & (y1[i].t)) { \
if (zoom == 0) \
bit |= y1[i].t0[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 1) \
bit |= y1[i].t1[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 2) \
bit |= y1[i].t2[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 3) \
bit |= y1[i].t3[ir][ic]; \
} \
if (bit) \
break; \
} }
#define domap2(v) { int i; \
for (i = 0; i < z2; i++) { \
if (v & (y2[i].t)) { \
if (zoom == 0) \
bit |= y2[i].t0[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 1) \
bit |= y2[i].t1[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 2) \
bit |= y2[i].t2[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 3) \
bit |= y2[i].t3[ir][ic]; \
} \
if (bit) \
break; \
} }
#define domap3(v) { int i; \
for (i = 0; i < z3; i++) { \
if (v & (y3[i].t)) { \
if (zoom == 0) \
bit |= y3[i].t0[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 1) \
bit |= y3[i].t1[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 2) \
bit |= y3[i].t2[ir][ic]; \
else if (zoom == 3) \
bit |= y3[i].t3[ir][ic]; \
} \
if (bit) \
break; \
} }
static void map ( v0, v1, ir, fp ) /* map a cell to the image */
long v0, v1;
int ir;
FILE *fp;
register int ic, bit;
for (ic = 0; ic < size[zoom]; ic++) { /* do each scan column */
bit = 0;
if (v0 & HOLE) {
if (currnt & H) /* plot holes? */
domap1( v0 );
if (!bit && (currnt & T)) /* plot top-side? */
domap2( v0 );
if (!bit && (currnt & B)) /* plot bottom-side? */
domap2( v1 );
else {
if (v0 && (currnt & T)) /* plot top-side? */
domap3( v0 );
if (!bit && v1 && (currnt & B)) /* plot bottom-side? */
domap3( v1 );
outbit( bit, fp );
static int shift; /* how far to shift next bit */
static char byte; /* the byte buffer */
static void initbit () { /* initialize bit output */
byte = 0;
shift = 7;
static void flushbit ( fp ) /* flush bit output */
FILE *fp;
if (shift != 7) /* buffer empty? */
putc( byte, fp ); /* no, output partial byte */
static void outbit( bit, fp ) /* output a bit using byte buffering */
int bit;
FILE *fp;
byte |= ((char)bit << shift);
if (!shift) {
putc( byte, fp );
byte = 0;
shift = 7;