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# Practical Chinese Reader, Elementary Course, Volume I
# Simplified Character Edition, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1988
# Traditional Character Edition, Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 1990
# Vocabulary, Lesson 16
±ø Ìõ tiao2 meas word (flexible things)
¸È¤l **** qun2 zi3 skirt (measure word tiao2)
# ¸È¤l **** qun2 zi3 skirt (measure word ±ø tiao2)
¨â Á½ liang3 two (followed by meas. word)
±i ÕÅ zhang1 meas word (flat things)
²¼ ** piao4 ticket (measure word zhang1)
# ²¼ ** piao4 ticket (measure word ±i zhang1)
¨Ê¼@ **¾ç jing1 ju4 Beijing opera
±ß¤W **** wan3 shang4 evening
¤Ó ** tai4 too, too much
±q ´Ó cong2 from; follow
§ä ** zhao3 look for, call on (a person)
³o¨à Õâ¶ù zher4 here
 ¾É jiu4 old (things)
• ** chuan1 put on (clothing)
¥ó ** jian4 meas word (coats, shirts)
Ũm ³Ä** chen4 shan1 shirt, blouse (measure word jian4)
# Ũm ³Ä** chen4 shan1 shirt, blouse (¥ó jian4)
ºñ ÂÌ lu"4 green
¤j ** da4 big (stative verb)
¥Õ ** bai2 white
ÂÅ À¶ lan2 blue
¤W¦ç **** shang4 yi1 upper coat, jacket (measure word jian4)
# ¤W¦ç **** shang4 yi1 upper coat, jacket (measure word ¥ó jian4)
¿Ç¤l ¿ã** ku4 zi trousers (meas wd tiao2)
# ¿Ç¤l ¿ã** ku4 zi trousers (meas ±ø tiao2)
¤j¦ç **** da4 yi1 greatcoat (measure word jian4)
# ¤j¦ç **** da4 yi1 greatcoat (meas ¥ó jian4)
¶Â ** hei1 black, dark
¼@³õ ¾ç³¡ ju4 chang3 theatre
®y¦ì **** zuo4 wei4 seat
# Practical Chinese Reader, Elementary Course, Volume I
# Simplified Character Edition, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1988
# Traditional Character Edition, Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 1990
# Vocabulary, Lesson 17
ÂI µã dian3 dot (meas wd); o'clock
¹°ó **** shi2 tang2 dining hall
®t ** cha4 lack, be short of
¤À ** fen1 minute
¨è ** ke4 quarter of an hour
¤W ** shang4 go to, attend
½Ò ¿Î ke4 class, lesson
¤W½Ò **¿Î shang4 ke4 go to a class
¤U½Ò **¿Î xia4 ke4 class is over
¤W¯Z **** shang4 ban1 go to work
¤U¯Z **** xia4 ban1 come off work
¥H¦Z **** yi3 hou4 later, afterward, future
¥H«e **** yi3 qian2 before, ago, past
¨Æ¨à **¶ù shir4 business, things to do
¦^ ** hui2 to return
¸ò ** gen1 with; follow
¤@°_ **** yi4 qi3 together
¹q¼v µç** dian4 ying3 film, movie
¹q¼v°| µç**** dian4 ying3 yuan4 movie theatre
©@°Ø **** ka1 fei1 coffee
©@°ØÀ] ****¹Ý ka1 fei1 guan3 coffee house
¥b ** ban4 half
°Ú ** a (modal particle)
µ¥ ** deng3 wait; category
¨« ** zou3 go, walk
¸ô ** lu4 road, way
ªí ** biao3 watch
ÄÁ ÖÓ zhong1 clock, bell
# Practical Chinese Reader, Elementary Course, Volume I
# Simplified Character Edition, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1988
# Traditional Character Edition, Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 1990
# Vocabulary, Lesson 18
¤Ñ ** tian1 day
¨C ** mei3 each, every
°_ ** qi3 get up, rise
§É ** chuang2 bed
°_§É **** qi3 chuang2 get up from bed
¤W¤È **** shang4 wu3 forenoon
¤U¤È **** xia4 wu3 afternoon
¦Y ** chi1 eat
¶º ·¹ fan4 rice; food, meal
¦h ** duo1 many, much, a lot
¥ð ** xiu1 pause
®§ ** xi1 breath
¥ð®§ **** xiu1 xi1 take a rest
®ÉÔ Ê±** shi2 hou4 time
¦³®ÉÔ **ʱ** you3 shi2 hou4 sometimes
°Ý ÎÊ wen4 ask (a question)
°ÝÃD ÎÊÌâ wen4 ti2 question
½Ð Çë qing3 ask (someone to do something)
ºÎ ** shui4 sleep
ı ¾õ jiao4; jue2 a sleep; awake, aware
ºÎı **¾õ shui4 jiao4 to have a sleep
¥_ ** bei3 north
«n ** nan2 south
ªF ¶« dong1 east
¦è ** xi1 west
ªF¦è ¶«** dong1 xi1 thing (meas word jian4)
# ªF¦è ¶«** dong1 xi1 thing (meas wd ¥ó jian4)
¥_¨Ê **** bei3 jing1 Beijing
«n¨Ê **** nan2 jing1 Nanjing
ªF¨Ê ¶«** dong1 jing1 Tokyo
# Practical Chinese Reader, Elementary Course, Volume I
# Simplified Character Edition, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1988
# Traditional Character Edition, Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 1990
# Vocabulary, Lesson 19
n ** yao4 want, be going to, must
ªA ** fu2 serve
°È Îñ wu4 matter
û Ô± yuan2 person (in charge of a task)
ªA°Èû **ÎñÔ± fu2 wu4 yuan2 waiter, attendant, server
¤p©j **** xiao3 jie3 Miss
³ßÅw **»¶ xi3 huan1 to like, happy
¿} ** tang2 sugar, sweets
ªM ** bei1 cup (measure word)
²~ ** ping2 bottle (measure word)
ªá¯ù **** hua1 cha2 flower (i.e. scented) tea
¬õ¯ù ºì** hong2 cha2 red (i.e. black) tea
ºñ¯ù ÂÌ** lu"4 cha2 green tea
°à°s **** pi2 jiu3 beer
¤ô ** shui3 water
¾ï¤l¤ô ½Û**** ju2 zi3 shui3 orange juice
¾ï¤l ½Û** ju2 zi3 orange
Ä«ªG Æ»** ping2 guo3 apple
»¿¼ **** xiang1 jiao1 banana (measure word tiao2)
# »¿¼ **** xiang1 jiao1 banana (meas ±ø tiao2)
ªG ** guo3 fruit
¸²µå **** pu2 tao2 grape
ÁÙ¬O »¹** hai2 shi4 or
Å¥ Ìý ting1 listen
µ¼Ö **ÀÖ yin1 yue4 music
¥j¨å **** gu3 dian3 classical
²{¥N ÏÖ** xian4 dai4 modern
°Û ** chang4 sing
°Û¤ù **** chang4 pian4 phonograph record (measure word zhang1)
# °Û¤ù **** chang4 pian4 phonograph record (meas ±i zhang1)
ºq¨à **¶ù ger1 song (measure word tiao2 or shou3)
# ºq¨à **¶ù ger1 song (meas ±ø tiao2 or º shou3)
¥Á ** min2 folk, the people
¥Áºq **** min2 ge1 folk song
Åý ÈÃ rang4 let, ask
§O ** bie2 separate; don't
# §O ** bie2 separate; don't (¤£n)
ªK ** zhi1 stick, branch; straight thing (meas wd)
# Practical Chinese Reader, Elementary Course, Volume I
# Simplified Character Edition, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1988
# Traditional Character Edition, Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 1990
# Vocabulary, Lesson 20
¤é ** ri4 day of the month (written)
¸¹ ºÅ hao4 day of the month (spoken)
¤ë ** yue4 month
¬P´Á **** xing1 qi1 week
¬P´Á¤é ****** xing1 qi1 ri4 Sunday
¬P´Á¤Ñ ****** xing1 qi1 tian1 Sunday
¦~ ** nian2 year
¤µ¦~ **** jin1 nian2 this year
¥h¦~ **** qu4 nian2 last year
©ú¦~ **** ming2 nian2 next year
¤µ¤Ñ **** jin1 tian1 today
©ú¤Ñ **** ming2 tian1 tomorrow
¥Í¤é **** sheng1 ri4 birthday
·³ Ëê sui4 year, age (meas wd)
¯Z ** ban1 class, squad
¦P¾Ç **ѧ tong2 xue2 classmate
»²¾É ¸¨µ¼ fu3 dao3 to coach
ªÅ¨à **¶ù kongr4 spare time
¯¬¶P **ºØ zhu4 he4 congratulate
¬ù·| Ô¼»á yue1 hui4 appointment, date
»R·| **»á wu3 hui4 a dance, ball
µ¼Ö·| **ÀÖ»á yin1 yue4 hui4 concert
°Ñ¥[ ²Î** can1 jia1 participate, attend
µ²±B ½á** jie2 hun1 to get married
¤@©w **** yi1 ding4 definite
¦³·N«ä ****** you3 yi4 si1 interesting
ª¾¹D **** zhi1 dao4 to know (a datum)
¦a§} **** di4 zhi3 address
¹ï¤£°_ ¶Ô**** dui4 bu2 qi3 sorry
¨SÃö«Y **¹Øϵ mei2 guan1 xi4 it doesn't matter
½Í ̸ tan2 chat
# Practical Chinese Reader, Elementary Course, Volume I
# Simplified Character Edition, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1988
# Traditional Character Edition, Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 1990
# Vocabulary, Lesson 21
§ô ** shu4 meas wd, bunch (of flowers)
¦ê ** chuan4 meas wd, bunch (of grapes)
ªá¨à **¶ù huar1 flower
¤@§ôªá¨à ******¶ù yi1 shu4 huar1 a bunch of flowers
¯u ** zhen1 real, genuine
¦n¬Ý **** hao3 kan4 good looking
¯¬ ** zhu4 to wish (benevolent)
°e ** song4 to give as a present
«D±` **** fei1 chang2 extraordinary
·P ** gan3 feel
·PÁ **л gan3 xie4 thank
°ª ** gao1 high, tall
¿³ ÐË xing4 raise
°ª¿³ **ÐË gao3 xing4 delighted
¤Ó¤Ó **** tai4 tai4 Mrs.
»´ Çá qing1 light
¦~»´ **Çá nian2 qing1 young
¦h ** duo1 many, how
¸õ ** tiao4 jump
¸õ»R **** tiao4 wu3 to dance ("to jump a dance")
©h®Q **** gu1 niang2 girl
§a ** ba (particle) please go ahead, let's
º} ** piao4 dye
«G ** liang4 bright colored
º}«G **** piao4 liang4 pretty, beautiful
§ó ** geng4 still, moreso
¹³ Ïó xiang4 resemble
¶} ¿ª kai1 open
ªù ÃÅ men2 door
¶}ªù ¿ªÃÅ kai1 men2 open a door
¶}¨® ¿ª³µ kai1 che1 drive a car
½ø Á¾ liang4 vehicle (meas wd)
°®²b ¸É** gan1 jing4 clean
·s¦~ **** xin1 nian2 New Year
·³¼Æ ËêÊý sui4 shu4 age
§ Àñ li3 ritual
ª« ** wu4 item, thing (measure word jian4)
#ª« ** wu4 item, thing (measure word ¥ó jian4)
§ª« Àñ** li3 wu4 present, gift
·Ó ** zhao4 shiny, bright
·Ó¤ù **** zhao4 pian4 photograph (measure word zhang1)
# ·Ó¤ù **** zhao4 pian4 photograph (measure word ±i zhang1)
¨à¤l ¶ù** er2 zi3 son
¤k¨à **¶ù nu"3 er2 daughter
# Practical Chinese Reader, Elementary Course, Volume I
# Simplified Character Edition, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1988
# Traditional Character Edition, Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 1990
# Vocabulary, Lesson 22
¤p ** xiao3 small
¤Ö ** shao3 few
«eÃä **±ß qian2 bian1 front side
¦ZÃä **±ß hou4 bian1 back side
®ÇÃä **±ß pang2 bian1 side
¤WÃä **±ß shang4 bian1 top side
¤UÃä **±ß xia4 bian1 under side
ùØÃä **±ß li3 bian1 inside
¥~Ãä **±ß wai4 bian1 outside
¥kÃä **±ß you4 bian1 right side
¥ªÃä **±ß zuo3 bian1 left side
¹ï± ¶Ô** dui4 mian4 opposite, facing
¤¤¶¡ **¼ä zhong1 jian1 middle, space between
¶¡ ¼ä jian1 space
©Ð¶¡ ·¿¼ä fang2 jian1 room in a building
©Ð¤l ·¿** fang2 zi3 house, building
®Ñ©Ð Êé·¿ shu1 fang2 study
¼p©Ð ³ø·¿ chu2 fang2 kitchen
¬~¾þ¶¡ ****¼ä xi3 zao3 jian1 bath room
¬~¾þ **** xi3 zao3 bathe
«ÈÆU **Ìü ke4 ting1 parlor
À\ÆU **Ìü can1 ting1 dining room
ª×«Ç ÎÔ** wo4 shi4 bed room
ªá¶é **Ô° hua1 yuan2 garden ("flower court")
#´È¤l **** yi3 zi3 chair (meas §â ba3)
´È¤l **** yi3 zi3 chair (measure word ba3)
®à¤l **** zhuo1 zi3 table, desk (meas zhang1)
µ¡¤á **»§ chuang1 hu4 window
Á`¬O ×Ü** zong3 shi4 always
¾ã²z **** zheng1 li3 straighten up
À°§U °ï** bang1 zhu4 to help
«ç»ò¼Ë **ôÑù zen3 ma2 yang4 how is it?
®M ** tao4 suite, set (measure word)
§â ** ba3 stick (meas wd)