Help file for !Quote2, QuoteAbility 2 - The Quote-A-Thon
This version: 2.40 (Feb '94)
QuoteData version 3.15
Hi There!
Welcome to QuoteAbility 2 , the Quote-A-Thon! This follows on from
QuoteAbility - The PD Game of Quotes, which was released last July. The
aim of the game is still the same, you move round a board answering
quote based questions. For that reason, there is a touch of educational
value in there. The difference with Quote2 is that you are racing
another player to reach the end of the board, instead of wandering
around aimlessly!
Techy Bits.
The !Quote2 directory should contain the following files:
!Boot - Obey - Boot file
!Run - Obey - Run file
!Sprites - Sprite - Filer sprites
!RunImage - BASIC - Main program
!Default - Palette - The default palette
!Palette - Palette - The game palette
GameSpr - Sprite - The sprites used in the game
QuoteData - Directory - The quote questions in 4 text files.
!Help - Text - You're reading it!
PM - Module - Tracker Module (see later)
crockets - Tracker Tune - Game tune.
The application is distributed by myself to PD libraries innoculated
against viruses, but no promises!
The game was written entirely in BASIC V, probably the best BASIC in the
world! The programming is reasonably structured, but a little messy in
places. I used the BASIC Editor mainly (once I worked out how to use
My thanks to Dave Holden of APDL for untangling some of the coding!
QuoteAbility used to be supplied with QuoteData; versions 2.40 and later
negate the necessity for this as the data files are in !Edit format.
The Game.
The aim of the game is to get from 'Start' to 'Finish' - complicated, eh!
It can be played with one or two players, but it's more fun with two.
When the board is displayed, pressing space takes you to the next stage;
there's no room to display that request.
The dice rolling is entirely random, and if you like the routine, you're
welcome to have it (see later).
The questions are answered by clicking in the applicable box.
The game has been thoroughly tested on an A3000 with RISC OS2/3.11, ARM2/3 &
an IDE hard disc. I see no reason why it should not work on any other
configuration. It will run from any medium.
It also works from an archive created by ArcFS.
The data files - QuoteData directory.
The data files supplied with this version are text files, so you can edit
them in !Edit or other text editors.
Each question is in the following format:
Have a look at the file for examples (no cheating!).
The files must end with:
There are four files for the four categories; they must be called:
although you can start your own from scratch (copy the originals somewhere
The quotes in the file were all taken from the following sources (with
added typing errors!):
The Oxford Dictonary of Quotations
The Collins Gem MiniDictionary of Quotations
The Penguin Dictionary of Modern, Humourous Quotations
Apt and Amusing Quotations
Quotations To Cheer You Up When The World Is Getting You Down
They Never Said It! (A book of misquotes, so watch out in
True/False questions!)
At the moment, the number of questions can be derrived from the
QuoteData version number entered at the top of this help file, eg v.1.35
has 135 questions. No responsibility is taken by myself for accuracy -
so there! (Currently, 315 questions - that should keep you busy!)
Licence Bits.
This application was released into the PUBLIC DOMAIN, March 1993.
As such no charge may be made for the game, other than P+P etc.
No responsibility is taken by myself for the game screwing up your computer.
If you wish to borrow any routines from the program (I can't imagine
why...) you're welcome to do so, but please credit me as such.
If you really like the game, why not send a donation to a charity - as
the old quote goes 'Charity begins on an Archie'!
v.2.20 and later: I have included the TrackerModule v:3.04 (I don't have
a later one) and that is copyright Hugo Fiennes but may be distributed
as PD. The sound tracker I ported from the PC where it was PD there, so
it may also be distributed as such.
That's all folks!
Right, that's all folks. Thanks for reading this file, hope you're still
awake. QuoteAbility 1 should be available through PD libraries, and who
knows, QuoteAbility 3 may be just around the corner... it might even be
desktop compat..?!?
Revision History.
v.1.11 - Release of QuoteAbility 1 (July 1992). Commited myself to do an
overhaul, by September...?
v.1.95 - Pre Release Version of Quote2. - January 1993 (well I was using
4th Dimension Mean Time!) Doesn't quite work yet..
v.2.00 - Release of Quote 2 - February 1993 - All working, but the sound
is horrible, I must correct it ... Someday, Somehow, Somewhere
v.2.10 - Bug fixing - Thanks to Loso!!! for his help in spotting my
cock-ups (I still had to correct them). 'Least said, soonest
v.2.11 - More bugs - Thanks again (?) to Loso!!!. Fixed the forward 3
places bit and added an 'another game' feature. 2 more GOTOs -
ouch! Fixed dice so now possible to roll a 1!!!
v.2.12 - Changed some FOR..NEXTs to run off TIME making it the same
speed on all machines.
v.2.20 - If music be the food of love, then !Quote2 offers a right orgy!
Sound tracker called 'crockets' added - it was used in the
NatWest ads. Also TrackerModule
v:3.04 - acknowldegments to Hugo Fiennes & co.v.2.21 - Added error
trapping routine so that music stopped and palette restored on
v.2.22 - Changed random feature to be more random using seed=RND(-TIME).
Corrected bug on trapdoor.
v.2.23 - Slight bug in counter position data (you couldn't land on
square 20). Caused some consternation at first (Loso!!!) but
now fixed. There can't be anymore bugs...?
v.2.30 - Sent Quote2 off to David Holden at APDL to enter his competition; he returned it rewritten (he likened my coding to a form of pasta!). I is neater, but there are no bug fixes. At least the GOTOs have gone. Menu system improved by DH. This version only released thorugh APDL and The DataFile. Also larger QuoteData supplied by Loso!!!
v.2.40 - Converted QuoteData to four separate text files so that they can
be edited; adapted the program to load them properly!
Right, that's your lot. See you around.
Happy Quoting !
Nigel Caplan, 1st Feb. 94.
N.B 1: It is acceptable to use 'quote' as a noun according to that
word-god the OED.
N.B. 2: Apologies for spelling mistakes in the data file - I can't
remember if it is Jonathon Swift or Jonathan Swift, and Loso!!! is even
worse (so I blame it on him!)
Also available bt the same author:
- QuoteAbility 1 : A little out-dated, but still good fun; PD
- FrAnglais : The aid to learning French vocab; FREEWARE
- LingoMaster : The aid to learning languages; SHAREWARE - see Advert
inside !Quote2
Details from :
Nigel Caplan,
33 Alwoodley Lane,
LS17 7PU.
SAE please!
Thanks, NAC.