The proverb " Out of sight out of mind " was put into a computer and asked totranslate it into Chinese French and then back to English - what came out?
A: The same phrase ; B: "All those who are blind are crazy" C: " Invisible insane. "
A computer was asked to change " The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak into Russian and then back to English - what came out?
A: The same ; B: " The wine is good - but the meat is spoiled " C: " All ghosts are great but not the steak. "
A computer was aked to translate " Easy come easy go " into Serbo-Croat and back again - what came out?
A: The same ; B: " There and back without problems " C: " I have returned only to go away again without incident. "
'Happiness depends upon ourselves.'
A:Aristotle ; B:Archimedes ; C:Plato
'Money can't buy happiness but it will get you a better class of memories.'
A:George Bernard Shaw ; B: Oscar Wilde ; C: Ronald Reagan
'May all beings be happy.
A: Zen saying ; B: Mr Spock ; C: Annon
The longer we dwell on our misfortunes the greater is their power to harm us
What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health out of debt and has a clear conscience?
A: Oscar Wilde ; B: Adam Smith ; C: Marcel Proust ;
A thing is not neccessarily true because a man dies for it.
A: Oscar Wilde ; B: George Bernard Shaw ; C: Stalin ;
I often quote myself - it adds spice to th conversation.
A: Oscar Wilde ; B: George Bernard Shaw ; C: Malcolm Forbes ;
About whom did Gore Vidal say " A triumph of the embalmer's art. "
A: Tutankhamun ; B: Lenin's body in Red Square ; C: Ronald Reagan ;
An ill-favoured thing sir - yet mine own.
A: David Mellor ; B: George Bernard Shaw ; C: Shakespeare ;
To eat is human ; to digest divine.
A: Mark Twain ; B: PG Wodehouse ; C: Mae West ;
When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour - it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute - and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity.
A: Albert Einstein ; B: Woody Allen ; C: Will Rogers ;
I thought Lacrosse was what you'd find in La church.
A: PG Wodehouse ; B: Robin Williams ; C: Mark Twain ;
Who said " Who could not be moved by the sight of that poor and demoralized rabble - outwitted outflanked and outmanoeuvred by the US military? Yet - given time - I think the press will bounce back. "
A: The then US Home secretary James Baker ; B: Norman Schwarzkopf ; C: Gore Vidal ;
Who said " Sometimes one pays the most for the thing one gets for nothing. "
A: Albert Einstein ; B: Prince Charles ; C: Malcolm Forbes ;
Who said " Rising unemployment and the recession have been th price that we've had to pay to get inflation down : that is a price well worth paying. "
Who said " The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour - whatever he does and whoever he is. "
A: C S Lewis ; B: Malcolm Forbes ; C: John Stuart Mill ;
Who said " Laws are sand and customs are rock. Laws can be evaded and punishment escaped but an openly transgressed custom brings sure punishment. "
A: Pope Jean Paul I ; B: Mark Twain ; C: Malcolm Forbes ;
Who said " We're all in prisons of our own bodies and our minds - there are limits to our imagination - so once you know you're in the prison the main thing is to furnish it properly. "
A: Peter Ustinov ; B: Oscar Wilde ; C: Confucious ;
Who said " We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. "