Sunrise provides the information of when the sun will set and rise relative to GMT, the information can be found by clicking on the sunrise icon. The longitude and latitude which effect the times, can be changed from within the menu, - will change to North or East.
Information will be stored in a textfile format by using the save option. If you have an epson compatiable printer then you will be able to download to a printer by using the print option, which can print as many copies of the data as you want by changing the number option.
I would like to say hi to Matt Browne, Peter Just and Simes.
All comments, suggestions for future improvement are welcome, but please note that I cannot reply to letters without return postage and an addressed envelope.
The address is:-
Craig Beech,
30 The Deerings,
AL5 2PE.
You can also leave me mail in TWOC BBS, username 'Craig Beech'.
Please be patient when waiting for replies as I may not be able to reply immediately, especially when leaving email in the TWOC. I would also, of course welcome details of any bugs discovered so that I can correct them.