ARM Club 1
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Lesson V1\T
r r r r frf frf frf u u u u juj juj juj juj
frf juj frf juj frf juj frf juj frf juj frf juj\D
fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj
fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj
fru fru fru jur jur jur ruj ruj ruj urf urf urf
fru fru fru ruf ruf ruf urj urj urj fuj fuj fuj
urf urf urf juf juf juf fuj fuj fuj fru fru fru
fur fur fur ruf ruf ruf urf urf urf jur jur jur\D
Lesson V2
(D K E I)\T
(1) Warmup\I
fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj
frf juj frf juj frf juj frf juj frf juj frf juj
fur fur fur ruf ruf ruf jur jur jur ruj ruj ruj
urj urj urj juf juf juf fuj fuj fuj fur fur fur\D
(2) New Key Control\I
d d d d ddd ddd ddd ddd k k k k kkk kkk kkk kkk
ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk\D
e e e e ded ded ded ded ded i i i i kik kik kik
ded kik ded kik ded kik ded kik ded kik ded kik\D
did did did ire ire ire rid rid rid eke eke eke
rid rid rid eke eke eke ire ire ire did did did
kid kid kid fee fee fee red red red fir fir fir
red red red fir fir fir fee fee fee kid kid kid\D
free free free juke juke juke fire fire fire juke
fire fire fire juke juke juke free free free juke
deer deer deer rude rude rude dire dire dire ride
rude rude rude dire dire dire deer deer deer ride\D
fired fired fired rider rider rider freed freed
rider rider rider freed freed freed fired fired
did red ire fee rid deer rude fire feed juke rider
rid fee ire red did juke fire rude juke deed freed\D
Lesson V3
(T Y G H)\T
(1) Warmup\I
fff jjj ddd kkk frf juj ded kik fff jjj ddd kkk
frf juj ded kik fur fur kid kid red red ire ire
kid kid kid juke juke juke dire dire dire fire
rid rid rid rude rude rude ride ride ride feed\D
did red ire fee rid deer rude fire feed juke rider
rid fee ire red did juke fire rude juke deed freed\D
(2) T and Y\I
t t t t ftf ftf ftf ftf y y y y jyj jyj jyj jyj
ftf jyj ftf jyj ftf jyj ftf jyj ftf jyj ftf jyj\D
(3) G and H\I
g g g g fgf fgf fgf fgf h h h h jhj jhj jhj jhj
fgf jhj fgf jhj fgf jhj fgf jhj fgf jhj fgf jhj\D
(4) Word Drill\I
hit hit hit hit hit hit get get get get get get
yet yet yet yet yet yet try try try try try try\D
the the the try try try get get get yet yet yet
try try try the the the yet yet yet get get get
key key key jit hit hit tie tie tie kit kit kit
tie tie tie kit kit kit key key key hit hit hit\D
here here here they they they true true true
they they they true true true here here here
there there there fruit fruit fruit right right right
fruit fruit fruit right right right there there there\D
third third third tired tired tired urged urged urged
tired tired tired urged urged urged third third third
truth truth truth their their their dried dried dried
their their their dried dried dried truth truth truth\D
did they get the right dried fruit there yet
did they get the right dried fruit there yet\D
Lesson V4
(S L W O)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ded kik ftf jyj fgf jhj frf juj ded kik
ded kik ftf jyj fgf jhj frf juj ded kik ftf jyj\D
(2) S and L\I
s s s s sss sss sss sss l l l l lll lll lll lll
sss lll sss lll sss lll sss lll sss lll sss lll\D
(3) W and O\I
w w w w sws sws sws sws o o o o lol lol lol lol
sws lol sws lol sws lol sws lol sws lol sws lol\D
(4) Words Drill\I
sow sow sow sow sow sow low low low low low low
row row row row row row how how how how how how\D
is is is so so so of of of do do do go go go to to to
go go go to to to do do do of of of so so so is is is
too too too low low low set set set wit wit wit wit
sit sit sit lit lit lit wit wit wit low low low low\D
wool wool wool suit suit suit full full full wood wood
hole hole hole wool wool wool suit suit suit good good
style style style order order order those those
loose loose loose style style style order order
desire desire desire rulers rulers rulers worker
worker worker worker desire desire desire rulers\D
hold your wrists low while you strike the keys
we desire the right goods for our wool suits
if you will go with us you will see the fleet
we will try to fill your order for the wool suits
if we get the right goods we will fill your order\D
Lesson V5
(A ; Q P)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ded kik ftf jyj fgf jhj frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj
ded kik sws lol ded kik sws lol frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj\D
(2) A and ;\I
a a a a aaa aaa aaa aaa ; ; ; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;
aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;;\D
(3) Q and P\I
q q q q aqa aqa aqa aqa p p p p ;p; ;p; ;p; ;p;
aqa ;p; aqa ;p; aqa ;p; aqa ;p; aqa ;p; aqa ;p;\D
(4) Word Drill\I
pa; pa; pa; pa; pa; pa; up; up; up; up; up; up;
pa; pa; pa; pa; pa; pa; up; up; up; up; up; up;\D
quay quay quay quay quay quip quip quip quip quip
quay quay quay quay quay quip quip quip quip quip\D
apt apt apt; put put put; sip sip sip; hip hip hip;
sip sip sip; hip hip hip; apt apt apt; put put put;
quip quip quip; quit quit quit; aqua aqua aqua;
aqua aqua aqua; quip quip quip; quit quit quit;
paid paid paid; pair pair pair; pass pass pass;
pair pair pair; pass pass pass; paid paid paid;\D
quote quote quote; paper paper paper; quite quite;
paper paper paper; quite quite quite; quote quote;
prefer prefer prefer; prepay prepay prepay; quires;
prepay prepay prepay; prefer prefer prefer; quires;
postage postage postage; quarter quarter quarter;
poultry poultry poultry; quality quality quality;\D
two quires of high quality paper were shipped today;
we shall pay you well to prepare the reports for us;
we quote a low figure for our high quality paper;
we prefer to prepay the postage for the two quires;
Lesson V6
(Shift Keys for Capitalization)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
aqa ;p; sws lol ded kik frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj
he will pay jed squire for the sugar this week;\D
(2) Capital Letter Drill\I
F F F F F F Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay
J J J J J J Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay
R R R R R R Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray
H H H H H H Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Hal Hal Hal Hal Hal Hal\D
Kay Kay Kay; Joe Joe Joe; Alf Alf Alf; Lou Lou Lou;
Joe Joe Joe; Kay Kay Kay; Lou Lou Lou; Alf Alf Alf;
Dora Dora Dora; Ella Ella Ella; Pete Pete Pete;
Sara Sara Sara; Lola Lola Lola; Will Will Will;
Garry Garry Garry; Harry Harry Harry; Paula Paula;
Harry Harry Harry; Taffy Taffy Taffy; Quail Quail;\D
Uriah Uriah Uriah; Yetta Yetta Yetta; Ollie Ollie;
Yetta Yetta Yetta; Ollie Ollie Ollie; Uriah Uriah;
WAlter WAlter Walter; Esther Esther Esther; Isaiah;
Esther Esther Esther; Walter Walter Walter; Isaiah;
Arthur Arthur Arthur; Lester Lester Lester; Quezon;
Quezon Quezon Quezon; Arthur Arthur Arthur; Philip;\D
Joseph likes to study; Joseph likes to study art;
Esther will write; Esther will write Larry today;
Arthur likes; Arthur likes to play the flute;
Kate says; Kate says she will stay till Friday;
Paul will take Willa to the Park Sherry Theater;\D
Lesson V7
(Shift Lock and :)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
aqa ;p; sws lol ded kik frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj\D
(2) Shift Lock Drill\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
aqa ;p; sws lol ded kik frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
aqa ;p; sws lol ded kik frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj
Paul quoted the old adage: THE THRIFTY ARE WISE
Paul quoted the old adage: THE THRIFTY ARE WISE
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
GOOD WORK will lead to a HAPPT LIFE for you;
GOOD WORK will lead to a HAPPT LIFE for you;
aqa ;p; sws lol ded kik frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj
The DAILY DRILLS will HELP YOU type with EASE;
The DAILY DRILLS will HELP YOU type with EASE;
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
Lesson V8
(Introducing the Period)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
aqa ;p; sws lol ded kik frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj
He will pay Jed Squire for the sugar this week;\D
(2) The Period\I
. . . . . . l.l l.l l.l l.l l.l l.l l.l l.l l.l
Hit it lightly. Hit it lightly. Hit it lightly.
Hit it lightly. Hit it lightly. Hit it lightly.\D
Strike all the keys with pep. Strike the keys
as though they were red hot. This is just how the
fast typist works.
Type with thought. Put forth your greatest efforts.
Let these two ideas guide you while you type.
You should follow the daily drills as you are told.
These drills will show you that it is quite easy
to type well.
Start your daily work without delay. Keep at it
regularly. It is steady work that will take you
to your goal.\P
(4) Keyboard Review\I
for fat few fur foe fit fed fee for fat fir few fro;
fro few fir fat for fee fig foe fop fit fur fat fad;
jug jig jut jar joy jag jaw jar jet jot jog jug joy;
joy jug jog jag jaw jot jig jut jar jig jaw jog jet;\D
rye rut row red rip ray rap rug rig rut rye rug rot;
rot rye rut row red rip rat rap rug rig rut rye rug;
up us use uses urge ugly usage upper uproar upright;
us up use urge uses urge urges udder utters upstart;\D
Lesson V9
(V and M)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
aqa ;p; sws lol ded kik frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj
I will pay Joe Quig for the sugar today.\D
(2) New Keys (V, M)\I
v v v v fvf fvf fvf fvf m m m m jmj jmj jmj jmj
fvf jmj fvf jmj fvf jmj fvf jmj fvf jmj fvf jmj\D
over over over; gave gave gave; have have have;
home home home; seem seem seem; time time time;
ever ever ever; more more more; item item item;
live live live; vast vast vast; five five five;
You must devote more time to your daily work.
You should go over every item with more thought.\D
(4) Paragraph Practice\I
You will surely make good if you give more time to
your daily work here. You must make ever effort
to make good.
You will improve your skill every day if you
devote some thought to your work. You will surely
progress if you keep at your work regularly. Just
have faith.
Skillful typists make very good salaries. All
types of firms require them. So try your utmost to
develop your skill.\P
(5) Exercises on G, H, T, and Y\I
go got get gas gag gap gay gig gray greed great;
go gig gay gap gas gag get gas gray great greed;
her has had his hit hot hut hat hay hag had his;
his had hag hay hat hut hot hit his had has her;
to try tip tap two tag too to try tip tap two;
to two tap tip try too try to top tap tag try;
you yes yet yap yell year yoke your yowl yore;
yap yet yes you yore yowl your yoke year yell;\D
Lesson V10
(B and N)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
fgf jhj fvf jmj fgf jhj fvf jmj fgf jhj fvf jmj
Paul Quigs will devote more time to his work.\D
(2) New Keys\I
b b b b fbf fbf fbf fbf n n n n jnj jnj jnj jnj
fbf jnj fbf jnj fbf jnj fbf jnj fbf jnj fbf jnj\D
(3) Word Drill\I
bin bin bin bin bin bin nib nib nib nib nib nib
big big big big big big now now now now now now\D
bun bun bun; nip nip nip; fib fib fib; win win win;
fib fib fib; win win win; bun bun bun; nip nip nip;
bent bent bent; nine nine nine; vent vent vent;
mend mend mend; vine vine vine; blow blow blow;
We require more time to turn out a very good job.
Be prompt. Never shirk. Make promptness a habit.\D
(5) Practice Paragraph\I
Never put off until tomorrow any job you should
finish today. Try to be prompt at all times. No one
likes to be kept waiting.
Keep on working just as diligently as you have
been doing up to this point. You will soon be a
master of the keyboard. You will have a valuable
skill that will repay you for your efforts.
Remember this: every boy and girl is able to
learn typing. All they have to do is to put forth
their very best efforts. This means thinking while
training every finger to strike the right key.\P
(6) Words with D, E, K, and I\I
do dot due dye day dew dab den dim dog die dig dry dip
do dig dry dip die dog dim dab den dew day dye due dot
ebb eke err eve end egg ever even edge earn east evil
err eke eve end ebb eel evil east earn edge envy easy\D
kid kin kit keg key king kind know knee knot knew
key keg kid kit kin knew knot knee knob king kind
it is in if ire ill ink inn imp idle item isle iron
if in is it imp inn ill ire ink item idle iron isle\D
Lesson V11
(C and Comma)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
fvf jmj fbf jnj fvf jmj fbf jnj fvf jmj fbf jnj
The Ben Mavis firm submitted the lowest quotation.\D
(2) New Key Review\I
c c c c dcd dcd dcd dcd , , , , k,k k,k k,k k,k
dcd k,k dcd k,k dcd k,k dcd k,k dcd k,k dcd k,k\D
(3) Word Drill\I
can, can, can, can, can, cue, cue, cue, cue, cue,
can, can, can, can, can, cue, cue, cue, cue, cue,\D
cash, cash, cash, lack, lack, lack, lace, lace, lace,
lack, lack, lack, lace, lace, lace, cash, cash, cash,
could, could, could, clerk, clerk, clerk, camp, camp,
clerk, clerk, clerk, could, could, could, cane, cane,\D
If you call before five, the bank will cash your check.
Charles Condon, sales manager, was in complete charge.
He may, if convenient, have it charged to his account.\D
Space once after a comma. Space once after a
semicolon. Space twice after a period that ends a
sentence. Strike each key with the same force.
The tabulator is a device which helps you to type faster.
It enables you to skip across the page to any point you
First, set a tab stop at the point to which you
wish the carriage to jump. Second, move the carriage
back to the left margin. Third, hold the tabulator
bar or the tabulator key down until the carriage has
sub sum see sun set sit sin sip she ship shall shame
sit sin sip set sub sum see sod sob slip sweep super
won win who why wet wasweak wear west well what when
was wet why who win won what well wear west when what\D
lad lid lot let log lie lag lug lip last sate sawn
lip lag lug lie log let lot lid lad land lane last
own out owl old one oak out oil off over oven open
off oil out oak one old owl our own open ours over\D
Lesson V12
(X and .)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj fvf jmj fbf jnj fvf jmj
ded kik sws lol aqa ;p; dcd k,k dcd k,k fvf jmj\D
average...special...that is...You do......
You do not\D
(3) Timed Drill:\I
Touch typing is easy to learn. You do not need
a mind that is above the average. You do not
even need a special talent for typing.\P
(4) New Key Tryout\I
x x x x sxs sxs sxs sxs . . . . l.l l.l l.l l.l
sxs l.l sxs l.l sxs l.l sxs l.l sxs l.l sxs l.l\D
(5) Word Drill\I
six six six six six six etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
six six six six six six etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.\D
fixes fixes fixes; mixes mixes mixes; taxes taxes;
mixes mixes mixes; fixes fixes fixes; boxes boxes;
expert expert expert; expect expect expect; excels;
exceed exceed exceed; excuse excuse excuse; excels;
Dr. Lux, tax expert, will examine the tax returns.
Mr. Cox examined the mixture with extreme care.\D
(7) Practice Paragraph\I
Mr. Roxbury and Mr. Saxton will examine the six
boxes of wax with extreme care. These boxes were
returned by Prof. Maxton of Knoxville College.
The Government tax experts were exceedingly
careful in examining the current tax receipts. The
amount showed an excess of six million dollars over
the previous year.
Sixteen boxes of explosives were packed with the
most extreme care and shipped by Fox Express Company.
These explosives are to be used in secret experiments
for the U. S. Government.\P
(8) Drill on A, Q, ;, P\I
act ant and ask apt any art all age anle acid aged
age all art any ask act add axe ant aged able acid
quit quip quote quite queer queen quack quaint quorum
quip quit quite quote queen queer quail quorum quaint
pin pup put; pull palm pant; pint pile push; punch;
put pin pup; pant pull palm; push pick pile; paper;\D
Lesson V13
(Z and /)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
fvf jmj fbf jnj dcd k,k sxs l.l dcd k,k sxs l.l\D
special...lessons...you do...for you...is the
do the...of the...in this\D
Touch typing is easy to learn. You do not need a
mind that is above the average. You do not even
need a special talent for typing.
All you need is the will to learn. The lessons in
this book do the rest of the job for you; they
make touch typing easy for you to learn.\P
(4) New Key Tryout\I
z z z z aza aza aza aza / / / / ;/; ;/; ;/; ;/;
aza ;/; aza ;/; aza ;/; aza ;/; aza ;/; aza ;/;\D
(5) Word Drill\I
zip zip zip zip zip c/o c/o c/o c/o c/o c/o
zip zip zip zip zip c/o c/o c/o c/o c/o c/o\D
zest zest zest; lazy lazy lazy; size size size; zeal;
zero zero zero; zest zest zest; lazy lazy lazy; zeal;
blaze blaze blaze; amaze amaze amaze; zebra zebra;
dizzy dizzy dizzy; blaze blaze blaze; amaze amaze;
The lazy zebra at the zoo quickly drank the mixture.
Ship five dozen boxes of zinc trays by Zale Express.\P
The slant is controlled by the semicolon finger.
It is used in such abbreviations as n/c, which means
NO CHARGE; and c/o, which means CARE OF.
If you work with zeal and zest, you will soon be a
competent typist. The ability to type well is a
very valuable asset.
You can develop your typing skill quickly by the proper
habits of work. You should realize that poor work is a
mere waste of time. Try to be exact.
Every business firm is dependent on the services of
competent typists. You are now equipping yourself with
a skill for which there is a constant demand.\P
bag big bug bit bud bed bid bun bale bend bank bask
but bid bed bun bid big bag bud bask bale band bank
not now nut nor note nose none nude noun nine nest
now not nor nut nose note nude none nine nest next\D
vim vet van vex vet vast vote veto vase vine vial
van vex vet vim vex vial vine vase veto vote vast
man mix mat mad made mail main make mark mask mine
mad met mix men mask mark made main male made mint\D
Lesson 14
(The Question Mark)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
fvf jmj fbf jnj dcd k,k sxs l.l aza ;/; aza ;/;
Liza quickly mixed the very big jar of new soap.\D
lessons...definite...is the...of the
for you...you do...that is...in this
you do not\D
Touch typing is easy to learn. You do not need a mind
that is above the average. You do not even need a
special talent for typing.
All you need is the will to learn. The lessons in this
book do the rest of the job for you; they make touch
typing easy for you to learn.
Try to set aside each day a definite amount of time for
each lesson.\P
(4) New Key Tryout\I
? ? ? ? ? ? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?
? ? ? ? ? ? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?\D
How much? How many? How soon? How early? How fast?
How many? How much? How fast? How large? How soon?
Where is Max? Where is Mary? What is Cora sewing?
Where is Sam? Where is Paul? What is Zeke fixing?
Can Max swim? Can he dance? Can he play tennis?
Can he dance? Deos he swim? Do you like tennis?\D
Did you open the mail? Did you read the note?
Did you read the note? Did you open the mail?
Can Van do the work? Will he require aid? Who knows?
Can Jim complete it? Is he quite capable? Who knows?\D
(7) Practice Paragraph\I
Do you set aside a definite amount of time each
day for practice? Do you start work promptly? Can
you make the various machine adjustments quickly?
Do you keep your fingers curved? Do you strike each key
sharply with the tip of the finger? Do you keep your eyes
on the copy?
Do you throw the carriage without looking up? Do you keep
your right hand on the home keys when you throw the carriage?
Do you use the paper release to remove your paper?
Do you practice the words in which you made errors? Do you
practice them as explained in this book? Do you follow the
instructions exactly as given?\P
lax vex six tax fix taxed fixing mixing taxing vexing
fix tax vex lax six fixed vexing taxing fixing mixing
zip zoo zest zeal zinc zero lazy zone zoom zinc zealot
zoo zip zoom zone lazy zinc zeal zest zero zone zealot\D
Lesson V15
(1, 4, 5, 6, 7)\T
(1) Warmup\I
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj ded kik sws lol aqa ;p;
fvf jmj fbf jnj dcd k,k sxs l.l aza ;/; aza ;/;\D
exactly...quickly...surprised...is the...
of the...in the...in this...for you...
you will...you will be\D
Touch typing is easy to learn. You do not need a
mind that is above the average. You do not even need
a special talent for typing.\P
Touch typing is easy to learn. You do not need a
mind that is above the average. You do not even need
a special talent for typing.
All you need is the will to learn. The lessons in this
book do the rest of the job for you; they make touch
typing easy for you to learn.
Try to set aside each day a definite amount of time for
each lesson. Follow each step in the lesson exactly as
given. You will be surprised how easily and quickly
you will become a touch typist.\P
(5) 4 and 7\I
f4f f4f f4f f4f f4f f4f j7j j7j j7j j7j j7j j7j
f4f j7j f4f j7j f4f j7j f4f j7j f4f j7j f4f j7j
or 4 or 4 or 4 ru 7 ru 7 ru 7 or 4 ru 7 or 4 ru 7
or 4 ru 7 or 4 ru 7 or 4 ru 7 or 4 ru 7 or 4 ru 7\D
June 1; July 4; April 7; January 4; March 17, 1741
July 4; June 1; March 4; October 7; April 14, 1471
What is the sum of 11 and 7 and 4 and 1 and 714?
What is the sum of 17 and 4 and 7 and 1 and 174?\D
Florence is 7 years 14 months and 17 days old today.
Veronica is 4 years 11 months and 14 days old today.
Your order of November 14 was shipped on December 17.
Your order of December 11 was shipped on February 14.
Policy No. 141174 will expire on Monday, November 14.
Policy No. 471714 will expire on Friday, December 17.\D
(8) Practice Paragraph\I
Henry Clay, American statesman and orator, was
born in Hanover County, Virginia, in 1777.
On June 14, 1777, John Paul Jones became commander
of the American warship, THE RANGER.
In April 1777, Lafayette landed at night on the
shore of South Carolina to help the colonies. In
July 1777, Congress made Lafayette a general.
June 14 is now observed as Flag Day because the
flag was adopted by Congress on June 14, 1777. The
house where Betsy Ross, designer of the flag, lived
is now preserved as a shrine.\P
Do not erase. Do not cross out. Do not strike
one letter over another. Let your errors stand.
Finish every line you start.
You correct your typing errors by practicing the
words in which you made errors. You have been doing
this in the previous lessons. Keep right on doing so.
That is the best practice for training your fingers
to strike the right keys.
Try your utmost to turn out attractive work.
Take pride in your typing product.\P
(10) 5 and 6\I
f5f f5f f5f f5f f5f f5f j6j j6j j6j j6j j6j j6j
f5f j6j f5f j6j f5f j6j f5f j6j f5f j6j f5f j6j
if 5 by 6 if 5 by 6 if 6 by 6 if 5 by 6 if 5 by 6
if 5 by 6 if 5 by 6 if 6 by 6 if 5 by 6 if 5 by 6\D
f4f j7j f5f j6j f4f j7j f5f j6j f4f j7j f5f j6j
15 lbs. coffee; 16 doz. eggs; 56 boxes oranges;
65 lbs. coffee; 14 doz. eggs; 75 boxes oranges;
or 4 ru 7 it 5 my 6 or 4 ru 7 it 5 my 6 147 156
The Barton Market is at 516 West 147th Street.
The Baxter Market is at 165 East 165th Street.\D
fr4 ju7 ft5 jy6 f4f j7j f5f j6j f4f j7j f5f j6j
Robert Fulton was born in Pennsylvania in 1765.
William Penn, English Quaker, was born in 1644.
or 4 ru 7 it 5 by 6 or 4 ru 7 it 5 by 6 174 516
The sum of 15 and 51 and 65 and 41 and 475 is 647.
The sum of 51 and 15 and 56 and 14 and 475 is 611.\D
On June 15, 1775, George Washington was elected
by Congress the Chief Commander of the American forces.
He scored a brilliant victory at Trenton on Christmas
night, 1776.
The Declaration of Independence, a famous state
paper, was issued by the American Continental Congress
on July 4w 1776. It was drawn up by Thomas Jefferson.
The invasion fleet consisted of 4 battleships, 15 light
cruisers, 6 aircraft carriers, 17 troopships, six submarines,
and 2 Dr. Strangeloves. Air protection consisted of 14
bombers, 175 fighters, 6 helicopters, and 75 paratroop planes.\P
Lesson 17
(3 and 8)\T
(1) Warmup\I
f4f j7j f5f j6j f4f j7j f5f j6j f4f j7j f5f j6j
417 147 517 157 617 167 617 171 714 471 651 174\D
possible...business...shorthand...it is...
it can...to it...in the...to use...to have
if you...from you...why not\D
Typing is a very valuable skill to acquire. It is
valuable for personal use and as a means of getting
an office job.\P
Typing is a very valuable skill to acquire. It is
valuable for personal use and as a means of getting
an office job. This skill is yours to use; it can
never be taken from you.
So why not put forth your best efforts to become a
good typist? You can become a good typist if you
put your mind to it. You should also, if possible,
learn shorthand. Typing and shorthand are two very
valuable skills to have.
These two skills will help you get a good start
in the business world.\P
(5) New Key Tryout\I
d3d k8k d3d k8k d3d k8k d3d k8k d3d k8k d3d k8k
131 313 311 181 818 381 381 381 183 138 318 813
bid 3 bid 3 bid 3 bid 3 oak 8 oak 8 oak 8 oak 8
bid 3 bid 3 bid 3 bid 3 oak 8 oak 8 oak 8 oak 8\D
d3d k8k d3d k8k d3d k8k d3d k8k 318 813 138 813 381
13 lbs. lamb roast; 38 lbs. lamb chops; 8 lbs. bananas;
31 lbs. lamb chops; 83 lbs. lamb roast; 3 lbs. peaches;
lie 3 dye 3 pie 3 dye 3 Fiji 8 Fiji 8 Fiji 8
18 cans grape juice; 138 cans prune juice; 4 lbs. coffee;
47 cans prune juice; 143 cans grape juice; 8 lbs. onions;\D
d3d k8k d3d k8k d3d k8k 183 381 813 318 138 381
8 lbs. Swiss Cheese; 13 lbs. Kraft Cheese; 4 lbs. pears;
5 lbs. Kraft Cheese; 17 lbs. Swiss Cheese; 6 lbs. beans;
pie 3 dye 3 pie 3 dye 3 Fiji 8 Fiji 8 Fiji 8 Fiji 8
The sum of 13 and 83 and 153 and 75 and 47 is 371.
The sum of 47 and 75 and 153 and 83 and 13 is 371.\D
(8) Practice Paragraph\I
John Jacob Astor was born in 1763 and died in
1848. He came to America from England in 1784 and
set up a prosperous fur trade. In 1811 he founded
the settlement of Astoria near the mouth of the
Columbia River.
Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland on
March 3, 1847. He invented the telephone in 1876.
The Bell Telephone Company was organized in 1877.
Mr. Bell also invented the gramophone in 1887.
John Quincy Adams, sixth President of the
United States, was born in Massachusetts on July 11,
1767. In 1817 he was appointed Secreatry of State.
He died in 1848.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, American jurist, was born
in Massachusetts on March 8, 1841; graduated from
Harvard in 1861; from Harvard Law School in 1866;
admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1867.\P
Lesson 18
(2 and 9)\T
(1) Warmup\I
f4f j7j f5f j6j d3d k8k f4f j7j f5f j6j d3d k8k
or4 ru7 it5 by6 ie3 ok8 or4 ru7 it5 by6 ie3 ok8
The sum of 14 and 16 and 53 and 58 and 174 is 315.\D
instantly...it is...do it...do this...with the...
you get.\D
Strike each key sharply with the fingertip and squarely
in the center. Strike the key quickly, letting the
finger spring back as though the key were red hot.\P
Strike each key sharply with the fingertip and squarely
in the center. Strike the key quickly, letting the
finger spring back as though the key were red hot.\P
To type fast, it is just as important to release the
key quickly as it is to strike it quickly. Expert
typists do this; you too, can do it, with practice.
One good way to develop this technique is to practice
familiar words and phrases. Type them over and over
again until you get the knack of hitting the keys quickly
and releasing the fingers instantly.\P
(5) New Key Tryout\I
s2s s2s s2s s2s s2s s2s l9l l9l l9l l9l l9l l9l
s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l
bow 2 bow 2 bow 2 bow 2 two 9 two 9 two 9 two 9
bow 2 two 9 bow 2 two 9 bow 2 two 9 bow 2 two 9\D
s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l s2s l9l
12 lbs. coffee; 19 lbs. Cottage Cheese; 9 lbs. peaches;
19 lbs. apples; 29 lbs. Cheddar Cheese; 2 lbs. bananas;
low 2 fro 9 low 2 fro 9 low 2 fro 9 low 2 fro 9 29 192;
9 lbs. Smaked Tongue; 2 lbs. tomatoes; 9 lbs. avocados;
2 lbs. Cooked Tongue; 9 lbs. avocados; 2 lbs. tomatoes;\D
s2s l9l s2s l9l 219 921 192 s2s l9l s2s 191 291 129
The sum of 29 and 86 and 33 and 92 and 52 is 292.
The sum of 52 and 92 and 86 and 33 and 29 is 292.
ow 2 to 9 ow 2 to 9 we 23 ok 98 we 23 ok 98 s2s l9l
George Washington was born on February 22, 1732.
Horatio Alger was born in 1834 and died in 1899.\D
Christopher Latham Sholes was the inventor of the first practical
typewriter. He was born in Columbia County, Pennsylvania,
February 14, 1819.
James Monroe, fifth President of The United States, was born on
April 28, 1758. In 1782 he entered politics. In 1799 he was appointed
Governor of Virginia. In 1811 he became Secreatry of State; in 1814,
Secretary of War; in 1816, President of The United States.
On September 1, 1939, Germany launched undeclared war on Poland.
On September 3, 1939, Great Britain declared war on Germany. On
December 8, 1941, The United States declared war against the Axis.
Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor and artist, was born in 1791 and died in
1872. In 1829 he went to Europe for three years. For 12 years he
worked on perfecting the electrical telegraph, which was exhibited at New
York University in 1837.\P
Lesson V19
(0 and the Hyphen)\T
(1) Warmup\I
f4f j7j f5f j6j d3d k8k s2s l9l f4f j7j f5f j6j
s2s l9l d3d k8k f4f j7j f5f j6j f4f j7j f5f j6j
The sum of 47 and 65 and 38 and 92 and 16 equals 258.\D
carriage...typewriter...approaching...you are...
of the...for the...on the...you may...before the\D
Your typewriter is equipped with a bell which
rings to warn you that you are approaching the end
of the line\P
Your typewriter is equipped with a bell which rings
to warn you that you are approaching the end of the
On some machines, the bell rings five spaces before
the margin stop is reached; on other machines, it
rings when there are six or seven spaces left.
The ring of the bell permits you to keep your eyes
on the copy. When you hear the bell, finish the
word you are typing and throw the carriage for the
next line.
Do not look up to watch for the end of the line; you
may lose your place in the copy. Always keep your
eyes on the copy like the expert typist.\P
(5) New Key Tryout\I
;0; ;0; ;0; ;0; ;0; ;0; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;
;0; ;-; ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-;
10-room; 10-room; 10-room; 10-room; 10-room;
20-room; 20-room; 20-room; 20-room; 20-room;\D
f4f j7j f5f j6j d3d k8k s2s l9l ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-;
one-half; one-fourth; one-eighth; three-quarters;
one-half; two-thirds; one-fourth; three-sevenths;
f4f j7j f5f j6j d3d k8k s2s l9l ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-;
20-room house; 30-room house; 40-room house;
50-room house; 60-room house; 70-room house;\D
f4f j7j f5f j6j d3d k8k s2s l9l ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-;
One-fourth may be typewritten like this: 1/4.
One-eighth may be typewritten like this: 1/8.
f4f j7j f5f j6j d3d k8k s2s l9l ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-;
Every expert was once a beginner--with ambition.
Every expert was once a beginner--with ambition.\D
As you have seen in the above sentence practice, the hyphen is used
for typing compound words. Here are a few more examples: up-to-date,
first-class, by-product.
The hyphen is used also to divide words between syllables at the end
of a line. When the bell rings, finish the word if it is short--less
than six letters. If the word is longer, divide it at the end of a syllable.
The hyphens in the following words show where they could be divided
at the end of a line: after-noon, state-ment, hesi-tate, cer-ti-fi-
cate, exami-na-tion.
The sum of 10 and 20 and 30 and 40 and 50 and 60 and 70 and 80 and 90
and 100 and 105 and 106 and 107 and 108 and 109 and 110 equals 1,195.\P
Have you seen the new 7-room house at 175 West
239th Street? It is equipped with every up-to-date,
labor-saving device for the home. You may inspect
it free of charge any day except Sunday between
10 a.m. and 4 p.m.\P
Lesson V20\T
(1) Warmup\I
f4f j7j f5f j6j d3d k8k s2s l9l ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-;
s2s l9l ;-; ;=; d3d k8k f4f j7j ;0; ;-; ;0; ;-;
Max Zale made a long-distance flight of 2,590 miles.\D
touching...slightly...position...right-hand...of the
for the...all the...with the...you have\D
You type capital letters by holding down a key
called the shift key while you strike the letter key.\P
You type capital letters by holding down a key
called the shift key while you strike the letter key.
There are two shift keys. Hold down the left
shift key for typing right-hand capitals; hold down
the right shift key for typing left-hand capitals.
Always use the fourth finger for the shift key.
Keep your wrists low but not touching the frame
of the machine. Raise the other fingers slightly as
you depress the shift key with the fourth finger.
Be sure that you hold the shift key all the way
down until you have struck the letter key; then re-
lease the shift key and return finger to home base.\P
Prepare a bill for the following items: 29 lbs. butter
@ $0.895; 36 doz. eggs @ $0.695; 28 doz. oranges
@ $0.575; 15 bu. potatoes @ $0.795.
Our company ordered 15 Ajax Pencil Sharpeners at
$0.98; 6 doz. Circular Rubber Erasers at $.43; 24 No. 68
Spiral Stenographic Notebooks at $.075.
Deliver the following order to Mrs. Beverly
Vinson at 390 West 135th Street, New York City: 2 lbs.
Temple Oranges at $.135; 3 lbs. Red Circle Coffee at
$.91; 2 lbs. Lima Beans at $.29.
The Johnston Hardware Company, Toledo, Ohio has
ordered the following supplies: 15 Pruning Shears,
10-inch, at $.795; 24 Steel Rakes, 14-inch, at $.815;
16 Steel Spades, D-Handle, at $.935.\P
The backspace key is one of the most useful time-
saving devices on your typewriter. You use it to back
up a space, to darken a light impression, or to pivot.
To pivot means to type a line so that the last letter
is at the right margin or other chosen point.
For example, if you want a date line to end at the
right margin, place the carriage with the printing point
indicator at the right margin and backspace once for
each stroke in the date line.
The most important use of the backspace key is in
centering words or lines.\P