iconbar:This is the VerbMaster French icon.|MClick SELECT for the main verb and control windows.|MClick ADJUST to close the main verb and control windows.
ChooseVerb:Click SELECT or MENU and choose a verb.
ChooseTense:Click SELECT or MENU and choose a tense.
ChooseGroup:Click SELECT or MENU and choose a group.
Language:This is the language of this VerbMaster module.
Verb:This is the infinitive of the current verb.|MUse the menu icon on the right to change.
Tense:This is the current tense.|MUse the menu icon on the right to change.
Group:This is the group of the current verb.
SingI:This is the first person singular of the current verb.
SingII:This is the second person singular of the current verb.
SingIII:This is the third person singular of the current verb.
PluralI:This is the first person plural of the current verb.
PluralII:This is the second person plural of the current verb.
PluralIII:This is the third person plural of the current verb.
Inf:This is the infinitive of the current verb.
Fname:Please enter the filename here.
Drag:Drag this icon to a filer window to save.
Modified:This shows if the current file has been changed since it was last saved.
Size:This shows the number of verbs in the current file (excluding the two auxilliaries).
File:This is the filename of the current file. <Untitled> indicates it has not yet been saved.
Topic:This is the topic of the current VerbMaster-French file.
Ref:Click to toggle this option.|MIt should be selected if the verb is reflexive.
Part:Enter the requested part of the verb in the white writable icon.
TestPart:Enter the requested part of the verb in the white writable icon.|MAdd the agreement (for certain questions) using the menu icon to the right.
Endings:Click SELECT or MENU to choose an ending, which will be added to the end of your answer.
Guess:Use this button if you want VerbMaster to guess this part of the verb.|MNote you cannot use it for the 'je' form.|MIt does not work well in all tenses!
AddVerb:This is the French infinitive of the verb you are adding/editing.
AddTense:This is the tense of the verb you are adding/editing.
AddAux:Select which auxilliary to use when conjugating this verb in a compound tense by clicking on the relevant icon.
AddGroup:This is the group of the regular you are adding/editing.|MUse the menu icon on the right to change it.
TestTense:Select which tense(s) to use by selecting the relevant button.
TenseOnly:This is the tense which will only be tested if the button on the left is selected.|MUse the menu icon on the right to change it.
TenseExcept:This is the tense which will not be tested on if the button on the left is selected.|MUse the menu icon on the right to change it.
Quest:Enter the number of questions in the test in the white writable icon or using the arrows.
UseVerbs:Choose the type of verbs to use by selecting or deselecting the regular/irregular verb icons.
Print:Click on this button to print, rather than start the test.|MYou do not need to have a printer connected or a printer driver loaded.
Start:Click on this button to start the test.|MPlease wait a few moments.
Qnumb:This is the question number.
Pass:Click this button to pass on this question.
EnterTest:Click this button (or press RETURN) when you are happy with your answer.
Ncorrect:This is the number of questions you have answered correctly.
Nwrong:This is the number of questions you have got wrong.
Ntotal:This is the total number of questions in the test.
Qleft:This is the number of questions left in the test (including this one).
LastQ:This is how you did in the previous question.
LastAns:This is the correct answer to the last question.
Rev:This is the question and correct answer.
RevQ:Scroll through the questions and answers by clicking on the arrows.
Resp:This was how you did on this question.
TensePart:Please enter the requested part of the tense in the white writable icon.
TenseType:Please select the type of tense by clicking on the relevant icon.
ThisTense:This is the name of the tense being added.
TenseGroup:This is the group for which you should enter the details of the new tense.
Letters:Please enter the number of the letters to remove from the infinitive by entering it in the white writable icon or clicking on the arrows.
TenseEnd:Please enter the endings to be added to the stem for this group in the white writable icon(s).
TenseAux:Please select the tense to use when conjugating the auxilliary using the menu icon on the right.
TenseDel:This is the tense which is to be deleted from the verb specified above.|MUse the menu icon on the right to change it.
AllTenses:Print all the tenses available.
FromTo:Print all the tenses between the two specified (inclusive).|MPlease select the two limits using the menu icons on the right.
Page:Select whether you want everything to be produced on one page or split across several (multiple) pages.
T/p:MULTIPLE PAGES SELECTED - Select the number of tenses (columns) to appear on each page by entering it in the white writable icon or using the arrows.
V/p:MULTIPLE PAGES SELECTED - Select the number of verbs (rows) to appear on each page by entering it in the white writable icon or using the arrows.
Comp:Select this to print compound and simple tenses.|MDeselect to print just simple ones.
Pron:Select whether to print all pronouns or just first person singlular (je).
NewTopic:Please enter the topic name of the current file.
Accent:Click on this button to enter the accent shown.|MThis only works if the caret is in an appropriate VerbMaster-French window.