This program is based on one for the BBC micro which I downloaded from
PRESTEL way back in 1988. The code for the original contained no copyright
information so I hope that the original author has no objections to my
producing this conversion for the Archie. It uses substancially the same data
although I have changed the format of the files slightly.
What is it?
This program displays a map of the navigable waterways in Britain (along
with some of the unnavigable ones, which are shown dotted, for reference) and
allows you to 'travel' along them producing an itinerary of your journey.
The co-ordinates displayed by the program refer to the first four figures of
the full co-ordinates of the British National Grid.
Starting the program
===== ==============
Start the program as normal by double clicking on its icon. Clicking on the
icon bar icon will then open the main map window. You should see the area
around Westminster displayed.
Moving around
You can now move around the map in these two ways:
1) By using the window sliders.
2) By clicking in the window, this will open (or update) the 'current
position' window. Now clicking menu over the 'Waterways' entry will produce a
menu showing all the navigable waterways the program knows about. Click on
one of these and it will be shown in the map window. Similarly, clicking menu
over the 'Name' entry will give you a list of all locations on your current
waterway. You may move to any of these by clicking on it.
Using the itinerary
First of all, click menu while in the main window and, if the itinerary
option is not already ticked (and it won't be if you've just started the
program), select it. The itinerary window will open. To begin with, this will
be blank, but if you now click on a location in the main window you should
see some information appear. If you click select somewhere else, this
information will change. If however, you click ADJUST on a subsequent
location (provided you can reach it from your present position) this place
will be added to your itinerary and the various totals updated. And so on and
so on....
You can also use the 'Current position' window menus in exactly the same
way. Note that, following RISC-OS conventions these menus do not close when
you click with adjust, however your itinerary is updated.
For the purposes of the time information that the program gives you about
your journey, a steady 3 miles an hour is assumed and 10 minutes is added for
each lock that you have to go through.
When moving along the waterways, you can only move to a location that is
either on you present waterway or on a waterway directly connected to your
present waterway. If you change waterways then the program will add the
location which is the junction point of the two, to your itinerary.
Note that some of the major waterways are split into more than one section
for the purposes of the program (The Grand Union is the best example) and
this can cause confusion if you are moving by clicking on the map. If in
doubt use the position menus to check which locations are on a given
You can save your itinerary as a text file by clicking menu over the
itinerary window (or by following the main menu itinerary option) and using
the save dialogue box as normal. If you drop the file icon onto your printer
icon then you print your itinerary!
Switching off the itinerary option from the main menu (or closing the itinerary window) finishes the current itinerary. You cannot add any further locations to it, although you can still view it or save it.
**** KNOWN BUG ****
In this current version, the interesection point is only detected if it is at
the end of one of the two waterways. In a very few places on the map, this is
not the case and the program will not let you move between the two. This is
being fixed even as I type this!
Zooming the map
You can zoom the map using the main menu zoom option. Note that the map is
not redrawn until you click OK. Also note that once your zoom factor is less
than 1:1, location names are no longer displayed and once your zoom factor is
less than 1:3, waterway names are not displayed either. However the 'Current
Position' window will still show you the information if you click on the map.
Map Info
This main menu option simply gives you the co-ordinates of the centre of the
Comments, bugs and suggestions are welcome via Arcade.