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Text File
1,007 lines
{!title -- The XHelp index.. -- }
{!index Introduction}
A Cross Reference Text Display Utility.
{!index Overview}Overview.
This programme will display an ascii
textfile, just like !Edit. However some
words/sentences are crossreferenced. These
'{⇨annotated}' words show up with a grey back-
ground. DClicking on these words will bring
you to a place in the text which is associa-
ted with this word, a '{⇨reference}'.
Apart from that there is also an {⇨index}, from
were the 'idexed chapters' can be reached
To help you keep track of were you were,
i.e. where you left the 'main text' to read a
{⇨reference}, one further aid has been build
into the programme: {⇨Bookmarkers}.
The work just as regular bookmarkers. You
can {⇨insert them at a certain point} and {⇨flip}
to them quickly at another time. You can
insert them manualy, however when you leave
the text at a certain point to jump to
either the {⇨index} or a {⇨referenced word}, a
{⇨bookmarker} is left automaticly. This
enables you to return to your text after
having read a reference. The bookmarkers are
accesible in a {⇨LastIn-FirstOut} stacked
order, unlike their real-live counterparts.
The programme supports {⇨interactive help}.
{!index Getting started}
Getting started.
You are now reading the !Help file of the
application !XHelp. When you DClick on the
!Xhelp application in the filer window a
demo file will be shown.
You can do that NOW, whilst leaving this
text on the screen. Also start Acorns !Help
application, you can find it on application
disc one.
Right. A window, titled Helper, should have
appeard in the middle of the screen. A
{⇨toolbox} has appeared to the left. It
contains four icons.
The top two icons are for the bookmarker
handling, the bottom two allow you to switch
betwee text and index. Curently the text
should be displayed.
Now click on the bottom icon in the toolbox,
the index icon. (You can verify this by
looking in the {⇨'Interactive Help' window.})
The contents of the window should change
now, a header saying 'The INDEX, compiled'
appears, followed by four items preceeded by
a grey box, numbered 1..4.
You can DClick on each of these items. Let's
try the second item, introduction.
DClick on the grey area. The window will
change and the introductotory text will
Right. Read It ?
Now suppose that you want to return to the
place you left just before you read the
index. Clicking on the second bookmarker
icon in the toolbox will get you there.
Again, studying the 'Interactive help'
explanations should get you going.
Once you have returned there, you will see
that several 'difficult' words have been
referenced, i.e. 'they have a grey
background'. These words are annotated...
DClicking on these words will bring you to a
short reference. Once you have read the
reference you can return to the place you've
left to read that reference by using the
'return to bookmarker' icon, the second icon
from the top.
Right thats all there is to this application
apart from the thing that you can leave a
bookmarker by clicking on it. A black
triangle will show, defining the exact spot
to were you will return when you click the
'return to bookmark' icon.
The bookmarks are stored on a LiFo basis, a
computer boffins term for a certain stacking
method. It works on a LastIn, FirstOut
basis, or if you prefer FirtsIn, LastOut.
This means that Clicking on the 'return to
bookmark' icon will bring you both to the
topmost marker, ie the last marker inserted
AND will remove that marker.
Apart from these there are a few more actions,
these are mainle preformed with the ADJUST
button, refer to the appedix for this.
Now we will deal with the main features..
{!index The Manual}
From the users point of view...
There are three important concepts in this
o The annotation/reference structure
o The bookmarers and
o The index
We will deal with these three in dept,
DClick on these items to get the information
From the 'writers' point of view.
Together with the users-list of concepts, the
following list will give a complete overview.
o main text
o token structure
o coding -annotations
-index items
o configuring
o limits -speed
Apart from these, there is also a reference
section, which is most easly accesed through
the index system.
------- U S E R S G U I D E --------
{!index USERs Guide}
{!index - Annotation/references structure}
{<annotated}{<reference}{<referenced word}
Annotation/Reference structure
Normaly a reference is a bit of text, often
numbered, to which the numbered annotation
An example could be this fragment,
"... however most Acorn¹ Computers were
assembled in the early 1960's on a ..."
Matching the '¹' annotation at the bottom of
the page you would find something like..
{<'Acorn'} ¹) Acorn, a small Camebridebased compagny
building unconventional but very special
homecomputers, among which the elevated
BBC Micro Computer.
The '¹' is called the annotation, Acorn is the
annotated word. The explanation preceeded by the
¹) is the reference.
In this computer versioun one would expect the
word {⇨'Acorn'} to have a grey background.
DClicking on it would lead to the ¹) reference.
Just try....
{!index - On Bookmarkers} {<Bookmarkers}{<bookmarker}
On bookmarkers...
To help you keep track of were you were,
for example where you left the {⇨main text}
to read a {⇨reference}, one further aid has
been build into the programme:
The work just as regular bookmarkers. You
can {⇨insert them at a certain point} and {⇨flip}
to them quickly at another time. You can
insert them manualy, however when you leave
the text at a certain point to jump to
either the {⇨index} or a {⇨referenced word}, a
{⇨bookmarker} is left automaticly. This
enables you to return to your text after
having read a reference. The bookmarkers are
accesible in a {⇨LastIn-FirstOut} stacked
order, unlike their real-live counterparts.
{!index - On indexes}{<index}
On the index
Every {⇨display-file} can have an index. The
index can displayed by clicking on the
index icon. It is not compulsory
to have an index. If there is no index
defined then a text telling you so will be
The index falls into three parts, the
title, the items, and the grey numbered
reference boxes.
Each item is preceeded by a grey numbered
box. These serve as 'clicking pads'. DClicing
on them will bring you to that item. You
can always leave the index by clicking on
the 'main text' icon. You will be brought
to the place you left when you clicked
the 'index icon' in the first place.
I leave it to the interested reader to
discover the obvious title.
{!index Writers Guide...}
------- W R I T E R S G U I D E --------
{<main text}
{!index - Main text}Main text
The main thing the writer has to do is to
write the 'main text', i.e. the text which
is going to be displayed in this window.
The main text is actually the only data-
structure. It can be edited with any ascii
editor, like !Edit, and you do not need
a fancy programme to specify the index or
the references.
This maintext is in stored as a file, the
{⇦'display-file'}{<'display file'}
All the special features are coded into
the ascii text. But first, the character-
istics of the main text...
{!index o filename}Filename
Both filename and file path are completely
free. No assumptions are made. The file
displayed is in the OSvar:
And you can set it to any path by commands
Set Xhelp$Xtext <obey$dir>.ReadMe
Set Xhelp$Xtext IDEFS::Harddisc4.$.Examp
These paths do not depent on the appli-
cation dir of !Xhelp. The var Xhelp$Xtext
is currently defined in the !Run file of
Xhelp, feel free to change things.
{!index o filetype} Filetype
Although no checking is done, use a &FFF or
text type for the time being. Expect the
programme to be adapted in the near future
to autorun certain filetypes.
{!index o tokenstructure} Token structure
Commands always have this format :
'{/}token parameters{\}
A space between token and paramter is
compulsory. Currently the following
tokens are defined :
< annotation , one param
⇨ reference , one param
! subcommand:
title , one param
index , one param
col , 16 params
/ trick to obtain a {/} , no params
\ trick to obtain a {\} , no params
the '{/}' trick
As you cannot use the chars {\} and {/}
freely a little trick allows you to
code them:
In asccifile Displayed
{/}/{\} {/}
{/}\{\} {\}
{!index o Auto run}Auto run
No filetype has been chosen yet, so this
function is switched off.
{!index - The index}
The index
Every {⇨display-file} can have an index. The
index can displayed by clicking on the
index icon. It is not compulsory
to have an index. A suiteble text, see
message {⇨US2}, will be displayed if no
index is available.
The index falls into three parts, the
title, the items, and the grey numbered
reference boxes.
{!index o title}* The title.
The index can have title defined in your
text. If you do not define a title in
your display-file, a preset title will
be used, see message {⇨US1}.
The definition of the title has the form
{/}!title just as title{\}
The 'title' token is case-sensitive, and
the space just after !title is ignored.
The whole {/}..{\} definition MUST be on the
first line of your file. the {/}..{\} must be
the first character.
Hint {/}!index {\} will result in no title
at all.
{!index o items}* The items
Items are the beast which make up the
index. There can be as many as you
like. However there is a small catch,
as the index is compiled on each (re)
draw of the index, long indexes on long
files do take their time.
An index token is placed somewere in
the text, in the line it refers to. It
has the structure :
{/}!index Introduction{\}
Again the word 'index' is case-sensitive,
and the space is ignored. It can be placed
anywere in the text. It is not displayed.
{!index o grey boxes}* The grey reference boxes
Each item is prefixed by a grey box with
a black number in it. Double clicking with
select in these boxes will result in a
jump to that index point, the place
where the matching '!index ..' reference
is found.
{!index - Bookmarkers}Bookmarkers
A bookmarker serves as a temporarily
reminder of a place in the text.
Up to 64 bookmarkers can be defined in
a stackwise fashion.
Either the programme will place bookmarks
or the user.
The programme places bookmarKs if you
switch to the index, and will jump and
remove that bookmarker if you return
to the main text.
It will also place a bookmark if you jump
to a reference or index-rerenced spot.
In addition you can also place the book-
markers with the '{⇨leave bookmark}' icon
in the toolbox.
You can only access the topmost marker, also
referred to as the latest or newest book-
marker. This is done by the '{⇨goto bookmark}'
{!index - Annotations}Annotations
Any word can have an annotation.
This annotation 'points' to a certain reference.
An annotated word(s) looks like
{⇨An Annotation}
and is ASCII coded like
{/}⇨An Annotation{\}
DClicking on these annotation will bring you to
the first associated reference. On DClick
a search is made, starting on the first line
of the main text, for a reference with EXACTLY
the same word(s) as in the annotation. DClick
on {⇨An Annotation} to see the reference.
{!index - References}References
Normaly a reference is a bit of text, often
numbered, to which the numbered annotation
An example could be about The Acorn¹ Computer
build in the early 1960 at Culham. At the
bottom of the page you would find something
¹) Acorn, a small Camebridebased compagny
building unconventional but very special
homecomputers, among which the elevated
BBC Micro Computer.
The XHelp programme uses references in a slightly
stricter sense. A reference is a place in the
text to which any annotation might point.
A reference can be hidden or visible.
The structure is..
Hidden : {/}<string{\}
Visible : {/}<string{\} looks like {⇦string}
The string must be spelled exactly as the
matching annotation. Below you can see the
matching reference to {⇨An Annotation}
{⇦An Annotation} coded as {/}⇦An Annotation{\}
On DClick on '{⇨An Annotation}' to page to
this reference.
{!index - Techo stuff...}
{!index o Memory consumption}Programme memory consumtion
Before the text file is loaded the required
memory is claimed from the free wimp-pool.
This will assure minimal memory consumption,
althoug people with little memory will be
better of, on a four meg machine, the small-
est chunck is 32k.
As the index is compiled during the display
of that index no memory is used up for a
index building.
The same goes for references and annotations
which are checked/found on the spot, no
elaborate tables are set up and stored.
However a small table is build while loading
the text file, storing the addresses where
each sucsessive line starts in memory. This
enables the programme to redraw the screen
quicly. The length of this table is calculated
from the file lenght. This is a guessed process
and a verY short avarage line-lenght can upset
the guessing algorithm. the error 'Too many
lines.., message {⇨ER5} will be given. Very
long lines however will result in a memory
waste of up to 4 percent on long files.
{!index o Speed}Speed
No speed optimalization has been done yet.
I am planning to hand-code things into
arm-assembler. Hold on for now.
You will find that speed does matter,
especially during index display. To
save memory all interpreting actions
are done on the spot.
Colours customizing
{!index o Colours customizing}
Has been build in, but not tested yet, hang
on for this.
Anyway, the first line should read..
{/}!col xxxxxxxxxx{\}
With xxxxxxxxx numbers from 0..F or an X.
Parameter 1 text background, not used.
2 foreground.
3 reference bg
4 gg
5 Annotation bg
6 fg
7 Index bg
8 fg
9 Marker last
10 others
An X indicates that the defaults have to be
used. Example, if the first line looks like
{/}!title the demo index{\}{/}!col xxxxC6xxxx{\}
you can be sure that the colours of the
annotated words are dark-grey on a slightly
off white, yellowish, colour.
{!index Reference Section}
{!index - Features}
o {⇨Asciifile} display in scrollable window
o Length only limited by {⇨memory}
o Full {⇨reference} posibilities
o Easy {⇨bookmarker} actions
o Offers easy access for the beginner, but
remains quick enough to the expert
o {⇨Online index compilation}
o Easy writing of {⇨sourcetext}, just with !Edit
o Small apllication <32Kram
o {⇨Installs} in any directory, especially on
a hardisc.
o interactive help
o adaptable programe dialogues/messages
o Can be auto-run on certain filetypes
o {⇨Multi langual}
{<interactive help}.
{!index - Interactive Help}Interactive Help
This programme supports level-1 interactive
help as asked for by the Acorn !Help appli-
cation on the welcome disk (version 1.13).
You can load this !Help programme.
{<'Interactive Help' window.}
It will open a window titled 'interactive help'
which will display any information avalable
about the object the pointer is curently
pointing at.
This !Xhelp application will make a lot
of information available. All it functions
are covered.
Expert can change the information displayed.
The information messages are coded {⇨H01..H11}
in the message file.
{!index - The toolbox}Toolbox
The toolbox is situated left of the main
window. It has no title bar and it is
attached firmly to the main window. It
has 4 icons on a grey background. Each
icon has a few special functions. The
easiest way to obtain information is to
use the interactive help application.
The four icons function are 'Leave book-
marker','goto bookmarker','show maintext',
and 'show index'. The respond to SELECT
and ADJUST in a different way. Use SELECT
only if you are new to the programme.
{<insert them at a certain point}{<leave bookmark}
{!index o Leave bookmarker}*'Leave bookmarker'
The icon is intended to look like a book-
marker pointing right to the text. It is
the first icon from the top in the toolbox.
Clicking SELECT will leave a bookmarker to
which you can return with the function
'goto bookmarker'. A black triangle will
mark the spot.
ADJUST will bring you to the last marker
and is functionally the same as 'goto
The bookmarkers are stored stackwise. Only
the newest marker is accesible. Up to 64
markers can be placed.
{<flip}{<goto bookmark}
{!index o Goto bookmarker}*'Goto bookmarker'
This is the second icon from the top, it
also looks bookmarker, vertical, pointing
downwards with two black triangles in it,
both pointing back, left.
Clicking on it with SELECT will bring
you to the newest bookmarker. This book-
marker will be removed when you arrive
to its spot. If there are no bookmarkers
a beep will be heard.
However using ADJUST will not remove the
latest bookmarker, you can use it to return
time after time to the same spot.
{!index o Display main text}*'Display main text'
This is the third icon from the top in the
toolbox. It looks like a 'text'
Clicking SELECT will force the main window
to display the main text. If the main
text is already there a beeb will be heard.
Clicking ADJUST will toggle the contents of
the main window. It will switch to the Index
if the main text was on display or the other
way round.
The programme will 'bookmark' the main text
before displaying the index, so on return
you are brought back to the exact spot you
had left.
{!index o Display index}*'Display Index'
This is the bottom icon in the toolbox. It
should look like an 'numbered index'
Clicking SELECT will force the main window
to display the index. If the index is
already there a beeb will be heard.
Clicking ADJUST will toggle the contents of
the main window. It will switch to the Index
if the main text was on display or the other
way round.
The programme will 'bookmark' the main text
before displaying the index, so on return
you are brought back to the exact spot you
had left.
{!index - Internationalizing}
The Message file in the application directory
can be changed. The lines contain a 3 char
code, a double colon and a string terminated
by either a chr(13) or a chr(10).
This string can be freely translated/changed.
However you are oblidged (to rename and) leave
the original message file in the directory if
you pass it along. The USx messages are the
ones a user most likely would like to change.
A short abstract is given below :
ERx: codes, errors after which the
application will quit...
{<ER1} ER1:Cannot find the file to be shown
{<ER7} ER7:Cannot find my sprite file
{<ER2} ER2:Cannot find my template file.
{<ER3} ER3:Unexpected redraw request
{<ER5} ER5:Too many lines..
{<ER6} ER6:Missing { or } at line :
{<ER8} ER8:index_reference not found
{<ER9} ER9:Cannot retrun to bookmarker
{<ER4} ER4:File has lenght ZERO !
Two messages for general use..
{<WAR} WAR:Please note... :
{<AP1} AP1:Displaying 'Xref'ed files
The main user configurable messages
{<US1} US1:Default index header
{<US2} US2:Default 'no index' text
{<US3} US3:Default warning if a annotaion/
reference set is not found!
And finally H01 .. H11:{⇦H01..H11}
are the interactive help messages.
{!index - The window and mouse actions}
The Window and mouse actions
The main window responds to the following
DClick with select on a annotated word/index
Which will jump to the reference/indexed
place in the main text.
DClick with adjust on plain text.
Which doubles the return to last marker
Pressing Menu.
This will bring up a menu with the
items info and quit along with a plain
print options.
{!index - The application}
The application
The application consists of 10 files, which
are stored in the !XHelp dir.
Acorn specific names/functions :
!Run type OBEY ;to start-up
!Help OBEY ;provide help
!Sprites SPRITE ;filer-picture
The running kernel :
!RunImage BASIC ;the worker
This helpfile :
!HelpText TEXT ;this text
And some defintions files :
Messages TEXT ;user editable
Sprites SPRITE ;toolbox icons
Templates TEMPLATE ;window defs
menus DATA ;menu defs
And finally there is the textfile to
be displayed, often named
Textfile TEXT
It uses two system vars..
Xhelp$Dir ; full path to the appl. dir
Xhelp$Xtext ; the text to be displayed
{!index - Printing}
Printing is possible. Use menu on the main
window and use the middle item. The text
file is brutally copied to the Printer:
path, including coded references etc.
There are no subtilities in this, the whole
text is send, with a chr(13) separating the
Not very usefull though...