ARM Club 1
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"Psst! Wanta buy a 'H' reg dinghy?" 12th January,'91.
Dear Sir,
We must apologize for not replying to your letter of June 1967 as we have
been very busy replenishing our main warehouse. We have also lost two of
our Directors in that time. One from marrying a lady 51 years his junior
and the other from eating one of the tins of beans returned by the Kaisers
Chamberlain after the battle of the Somme. So you can see that our
venerated staff have been occupied with the well being of the Company.
And, indirectly with our customers welfare.
You may like to know of our latest unrepeatable offer, as we believe you
have been involved in naval matters for some time. This venture should
appeal to your highly developed sense of adventure as we think that it is
likely that you have not had a vacation since we ferried you to Arapari on
an inflated Napoleonic goat skin. We sincerely hope that you enjoyed that
trip and will continue to rely on our superior judgement in these
We have been negotiating with DML for twelve dozen single handed
Vietnamese boats from Hong Kong. We understand these will be re-
registered as they were hand built overseas. If you want one we can give
preferential credit at 5% interest on the first $10,000.00. or 100% down
and 2% interest over 7 years. We are prepared to supply cloth for sails
but you will have to provide your own left-handed palm, needles and
thread. Needless to say the vessel does come equiped with one pair of
whores. We also furnish tin bailers from a food firm now making 58
types of can and will arrange to have yours delivered personally as you
pass Malta by the Lochinver Fishing Patrol. Should you fail to rendezvous
with the suppliers then a surcharge will be made upon arrival at your
The route has been arranged by Abdul Hyme Charts Ltd of Johannesburg.
Your voyage would be via the Bay of Biscay,the Straits of Gibraltar and
the southern Mediterranean passing the Gulf of Sidra. You may re-provision
at Banghazi as special dispensation has been obtained for your visit
although your boat could be used for practice if it enters the 24 to 38
Km Target Zone off the coast.
On reaching Israel you will be expected to serve for a period of four days
as a garbage dispersent. We advise you to wear reversed Boxer Shorts
whilst being so occupied. After this you will be directed overland through
Syria to the River Euphrates. May we say at this point we do not carry
wheels to assist with portage but Messrs. Goldaghad & Sons of Damascus,
give them away free with every fifteen year old camel. We understand that
the cost of a camel is very reasonable at some 5625 Shekels each. There
is approximately 3.75 Shekels to the pound sterling. Please note, that
Mustappa Goldaghad will only except Roubles. On reaching the River
Euphrates we suggest that all occupants of our Economical Models 'Grottie
Terra' Mk I to Mk VII remove the inner tubes from the wheels for use as
life preservers.
Should you need to land at any point and dig a latrine, we suggest that
you are cautious with your excavations as crude oil is difficult to remove
from certain parts of the lower anatomy without our patent solvent,"Raw
Ard" (Only available from our Hong Kong branch). We would also strongly
advise that you take the following medication, should you take up our
offer, a large tapered cork (for Baghdad Belly), a piece of string and a
puncture repair kit suitable for all rubber goods. A large metal dustbin
lid covered by a rubber one, to stop shrapnel from sending you deaf, this
can be tied around either end of your body depending on which end you
prefer to stick in the sand. We regret that all other types of steel
helmet are in very short supply as they are being used as Microwave dishes
by masochistic Radio Hams. We would also suggest taking a modified
Ballista with you as this will probably be the most modern weapon left in
the area by the time you arrive.
A copy of Phileas Foggs' World Travels, Marco Pollos' definitive works on
'Modern Snooker' and the entire works of T. Whingeing Wetbed Bean on "How
to be a Left handed Nerk" will be mostly useless but make good ballast.
After a journey time of some six months, two days and five hours, you
will be in time to meet up with the Welsh Colonial Volunteers ( The old
138th of Tasmanian Foot ), as they enter Baghdad for their "Summer Camp".
Of course, by then you will have earned a well deserved rest and possibly
a rebate if you have not incurred too many penalty points.
Should you take up this highly advantageous offer which will be so
lucrative to this company, then the Managing Director would personally
recommend to the Board that they consider taking you on as a partner in
eighteen months time. This is provided that you buy an extra three boats
and sell them en route to the naval base at Gibraltar, the Upper Volta
Navy or Port of London Police, who have a great sense of humour.
Finally, while awaiting your Lend Lease Hire Purchase and Travel Visas
along with your International Credit Vouchers (Cheques and other form of
plastic not excepted) we suggest that you watch the film of 'Gullivers
Travels' preferable in Afrikaans or Mandarin. This will give you a feel
for the place so long as you watch it from either a wheelbarrow or
porcelain sanitary unit. We also suggest that you take as much excerise as
possible so that you can place your head firmly between your knees so
that you may, if the need or occasion arise, kiss yourself good-bye.
Ha! So, we look forward to hearing from you in the near future as we doubt
that you will recieve a more favourable offer; unless it comes from a
competitor in one of our re-cycled buff envelopes.
Yours faithfully,
David Abdhol Marconious Winston Nelson.
Third Scribe to his Highness.
For and on behalf of Thay Routten Shipping Company Inc.
Incorporating Overseas Division, Grey Funnel Line ( Privatized UK Ltd.)
P.S. Leave a forwarding address so that you can recieve our regular "Once
in a Life time" offers.