ARM Club 1
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427 lines
* *
* Adapted For Computer *
* By Michael Marshall *
* Exclusive To The Datafile *
* *
NARR 1:Come with us now on a journey down memory lane
NARR 2:Ding!! Ding!! Fares please!! Brrrrrmmmmmmm.......
NARR 3:And stop
NARR 1:At the first century ad(vert)
ActorA:(Leaping on, speaking at the racy tempo of a TV advert.)
Hi! My name's Quinto Plutonius. I'm a general in the roman army. Many
of my men suffer from dandruff. I use 'Head And Shoulders' (produces
a large crow bar)...... No-one's ever been back to complain
NARR 2:Excuse me!, but the script is actually referring to the 1st century
NARR 3:Not the first century ad?
ActorA:(Miffed) Oh. (Suddenly to the audience). Well, while I'm here, have
you tried 'NEW JELLY-MEAT CHRISTIANS'!!! My lions love 'em!!
NARR 1:Would you go now, please?
ActorA:What, now?!!
NARR 2:NOW!!!! (Exit Actor A)
NARR 3:In the first century
NARR 1:Life was tough
NARR 3:And men were wild
ActorB:(Dressed as a hippy) Wow!! Far out man!! (EXIT)
NARR 1:Watch closely as we enter the little old seaside
NARR 2:Phillipi
NARR 3:A throbbing metropolitis
ActorB:(Appears from offstage) Throb, throb, Throb, Throb, Throb!(EXIT)
NARR 1:Under the hot macedonian sun
ActorB:(Appears again) (Sharp intake of breath) (EXIT)
NARR 2:Cooled only by the merest breath
ActorB:(Appears again) (Little sigh) (EXIT)
NARR 3:Of mediterranean wind
ActorB:(Appears again) (Burp!!!) (EXIT)
NARR 1:Thankyou!!, Nestles Phillipi
NARR 2:As it has done for centuries
NARR 3:Beneath the rugged hills
NARR 1:Betwixt the ribbed slopes
NARR 2:Beside the ragged sea
ActorB:(Appears again) Look, would you mind pushing it along a bit?
NARR 2:We were just setting the scene.
NARR 1:For the story about the Phillipean jailer
NARR 2:Hey you!!, over there!! You be the Phillipean jailer.
ActorC:I don't want to be the flippin' jailer.
NARR 3:Phillipean jailer
ActorC:Don't want to be him either!!
NARR 1:Helmet
NARR 2:Sword
NARR 3:Breastplate
NARR 1:Keys
NARR 2:Truncheon
ActorC:Feel stupid
NARR 3:Good!
NARR 1:Every day
NARR 2:The jailer went about his daily business
NARR 3:Arresting people
NARR 2:Having them flogged
NARR 3:Locking them up
NARR 1:Thumbscrews! The rack! Sorry! (Getting carried away)
NARR 2:And putting their feet in the stocks
NARR 3:Now it was the jailers job to see that everything remained nice and
NARR 1:In this nice, quiet and little town (Total uproar offstage)
NARR 2:Uh-oh, a spot of provocation in the market place.
NARR 3:(In the kind of American accent used in western films.) It's not yet
coffee time and he's landed himself in a whole heap of trouble
NARR 1:Immediately he's at the scene of the crime
NARR 2:(FX Batman ZOOM)
Jailer:Now then. What's all this 'ere?
NARR 3:But, of course, being a Roman jailer, he speaks in Latin
Jailer:Nunc tonk, nonk tunc. Quid omnis, hic hoc.
NARR 1:And in the middle of it were
NARR 2:2 Christians
NARR 3:Old friends
NARR 1:Paul
NARR 2:And Silas
ActorD:I'll be Paul
ActorE:I'll be .......... Silas
Jailer:Silas ........ In jail!!!
Silas :What for
NARR 3:Said Silas
Jailer:You're breaching the peace, laddie. People tell me you're disturbing
our nice quiet town, advocating customs which it is not lawful for us
Romans to accept or practise.
NARR 1:This of course is total rubbish.
Jailer:This, of course, is total rubbish (He coughs and recovers). I must
warn you that anything you say will be taken down and used in
evidence against you. Do you have anything to say?
Paul :God loves me, and Jesus died for my sins.
Jailer:(Writing ponderously.....) God loved me and died for--(realising what
he's writing) All right then, that'll do. Come along!! (He marches
them offstage)
NARR 2:Paul and Silas had only been going about their daily business
NARR 3:As servants of the most high God
NARR 1:Healing people
NARR 2:Exposing racketeers
NARR 3:And preaching the gospel of salvation
NARR 1:The whole charge was dreamed up
NARR 2:(FX Fanfare)
NARR 3:Victims of crowd hysteria
NARR 1:And a downright malicious plot
NARR 2:They were taken in (Enter Paul+Silas+Jailer)
Silas :Hey!! We've been taken in!!
Paul :Ssshhh!!
NARR 3:Having beaten them with rods
NARR 1:And torn their clothes
NARR 2:The magistrates broadmindedly threw them into prison
NARR 3:Charging the jailer to keep them safely
NARR 1:He put them in the inner prison
NARR 2:Fastened their feet in the stocks
NARR 3:And went to bed (EXIT jailer)
NARR 1:Down in the prison --
NARR 2:It was dark (Narrators throw blindfolds to Paul + Silas)
Paul :(After a pause) SILAS!!
Silas :(Puzzled) Didn't say a word!!
Paul :You still there?
Silas :Yeah, are you?
Paul :Yeah, while stock last.Ha ha ha ha. I say, I said while stocks last
ha ha ha ha .....
Silas :That's not funny.
Paul :Sorry
Silas :Been inside much, have you?
Paul :In and out, the lord looks after me
Silas :(Nervously) He'll get us out this time, wont he Paul?
Paul :I was just going to have a little pray about that!!
:(Earthquake rumbling - Paul + Silas are jolted)
Paul :Point 9, closing
Silas :What are you talking about?
Paul :Seismometer
Silas :WHAT?
Paul :It's from the greek. Means earthquake
Silas :(Relieved) Oh, I thought it was my bowels!!
NARR 3:And so Paul and Silas
NARR 1:Spent the night
NARR 2:Praying and singing
P + S :We didn't know we had to sing!!
NARR 3:Come on!! Chop chop!! Get singing!!
P + S :I'm simply the best!! .........
NARR 1:Hymns!!
P + S :Amen, Amen, Amen .......
NARR 2:Joyful hymns!!
P + S :(Reluctantly)Praise be to the Lord ........
NARR 3:So they sang
NARR 1:And sang
NARR 2:And sang
NARR 3:And sang
NARR 1:And sang
Voices:(offstage) OK. We get the message
NARR 2:And the other prisoners listened to them is amazement
Voices:(Offstage) SHUT UP PAUL, AND YOU TO SILAS. Leave it out will yer.
NARR 3:And then at about midnight
NARR 1:cracks appeared in the ceiling
NARR 2:Boulders fell from the roof
NARR 3:The doors were flung open
NARR 1:The foundations were shaken
NARR 2:And everyones chains were unfastened (P + S jump up)
Voice :COR! That bloke Paul's got a voice and a half!!
Jailer:Don't panic, Don't panic, Don't panic, Don't panic......
NARR 3:The jailer had woken up
Jailer:Who's been rearranging the floor then? A very serious offence. Do you
know what this means?
NARR 1:The doors are open
Jailer:Precisely (realises) So they are - Oh my God!!
NARR 2:Well done.
Jailer:Oh Zeus!! Oh Hermes! Oh flippin' heck!! Oh fuck!! (Talking to
himself -thinks:-) The doors are open therefore the doors are
unlocked.The doors are unlocked therefore the doors are open. So if I
was a prisoner I'd be nipping off, sharpish. (To audience) Sorry
folks, But owing to the wrong type of prisoner we...
Voices:Get on with it - no speeches please.
Jailer:I must kill myself (Draws his sword and looks at it). Must kill
myself NOW (points sword towards himself ).
Silas :STOP!! We're all here!!!
Jailer:Evenin all!! (catches sight of sword - swoons)
NARR 1:It was a nasty shock
Paul :(Helping jailer to feet) Her you are
Silas :(Pouring a cup of tea from a thermos) It's good for the nerves.
Paul :Did you know thermos is from the Greek?
Voices:SHUT UP, PAUL!!
Jailer:(Quietly sipping his tea) Look, Paul and ...... er....
Paul :Silas (filling in)
Silas :Well done Paul - You learn fast!!
Jailer:This God of yours..
Paul :Yes??!
Jailer:Well, can he save me from the authorities?
Paul :Yes, just believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in less than 2 weeks
you can see the difference.
Voices: OK, OK.
Jailer:Thanks, I will, I'll start tomorrow!!
NARR 1:How's that for a little on spot evangelism?
NARR 2:Not only did Paul and Silas rejoice with the jailer and his family
NARR 3:They also rejoiced with a trip to the UCI in Clydebank and a slap-up
meal in TGI Fridays!!
NARR 1:All at government expense, of course.
NARR 2:The magistrates came round to apologise for any inconvenience caused
NARR 3:Such as flogging
NARR 1:Or ripping their clothes
NARR 2:It was all rather embarrassing
NARR 1:And so Paul and Silas were released
NARR 2:And so was the jailer
NARR 3:In a way!!!!!
Adapted by Michael Marshall-
I found this lying around, so I adapted it (and added the odd joke)
PS always remember-
There is no gravity-
The earth sucks......
I can be contacted at :
Bridge of Weir Rd
PA13 4NU
(Yes, there is life in Scotland (Well, most of it anyway!!)
P.S. -Here is a small poem I hacked out of the WIMPEXT module:
Silicon valleys,
Germanium hills,
Digital journeys,
And virtual thrills.
Greetings, O hacker,
Feeling unwell?
Microchip tracker,
Welcome to hell.
See you again somewhere!! (I hope)