ARM Club 1
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Which better fits how you see yourself?
Which are you more concerned with?
At a party, is it easier for you to be:
1A participant
2An observer
Is it more accurate to describe the things you know as
If you had to choose, would you prefer to be skillful in games
1That call for team play
2Where you play singly and are solely responsible for results
Which better fits how you see yourself?
Do your core interests tend to be
1Varied (and changing)
2Few (and lasting)
When working on a project:
1Are you mainly just concerned that it gets done
2Do you prefer to have ownership from start to finish
Do you do your most productive work:
1In working with others
2When working alone
Do you generally:
1Have plenty of energy for anything that comes up
2Find it necessary to focus your energy
Which comes closer to describing you:
1A "Jack of all trades"
2Expert in one or two areas
Which do you prefer more:
1Figuring things out by doing
2Figuring things out before doing
When looking up information on a particular topic, do you more often:
1Get sidetracked
2Find out what you need and get back to the project at hand
Would you rather be recognized for
2Something you have done yourself
1Your part in a group undertaking
Can you
2Find a lot to say only to certain people or on certain topics
1Talk easily with almost anyone on almost anything
Which better fits how you see yourself?
Which better fits how you see yourself?
At a social gathering, is it more important for you to:
2Spend more time with a few
1Spend some time with everybody
When you need to re-energize, do you prefer to be
1In a group of people
2By yourself
Which better fits how you see yourself?
Which do you focus on more?
3The way things are
4The way things could be
Which do you do more often?
3Experience the present moment for what it offers
4Experience the present in terms of the future
Do you think it more important to
3Be able to adjust to the facts as they are
4Be able to see the possibilities in a situation
Which better fits how you see yourself?
4An interpreter of life
3An experiencer of life
Do you prefer to be more
Do you prefer dealing more with:
3"Visible" (concrete) information
4"Invisible" (abstract) information
In doing something that many others do, does it appeal to you more to
3Do it the way you have been taught
4Figure out a way of your own
Which work role would suit you better:
3Doing familiar things with some variety
4Doing things that are new and full of unknown possibilities
Which do you prefer more:
3Using what you've learned
4Learning new things
Are you inclined to:
3Fix things that are broken
4See ways to improve things that aren't broken
When you need to solve a problem, are you more inclined to
3Go with a solution that your experience tells you will do the job
4Use your ingenuity to find a novel solution than is better than any you know from experience
Which do you prefer:
3Focusing on what is happening right now
4Looking ahead to the future
Do you more often:
3Accept things as they are
4Want to change things
At home are you more apt to:
3Be more content with the way your furniture is arranged
4Want to rearrange the furniture occasionally
Is it harder for you to accept
4Routine ("the beaten path")
3Constant change
Which better fits how you see yourself?
4Emphasis on possibilities
3Emphasis on facts
Which do you think you have more of:
3Common sense
Do you more often let
5Your head rule your heart
6Your heart rule your head
Do you more readily:
5Objectively critique ideas and people
6Empathize with people and their ideas
Are you more often:
Which better fits how you see yourself?
When you have spoken less than the whole truth to a friend, is your motivation more often:
5An intellectual awareness of likely consequences
6A concern to not give offense
When looking at past events, are you more interested in:
5Understanding why the events happened the way they did
6Seeing how they affected those who were involved
In working out decisions, do you prefer to:
5Make sure things fit together
6Go with what feels best
When you are interested in a new activity, are you more likely to approach it with:
5Calm, keeping your eyes open to see how things work
6Excitement and enthusiasm -- at least inwardly
Which is more important to you in making decisions:
5Cause and effect (consequences)
6Good versus bad
Which would you rather do:
5What you think will work out
6What just feels right to you
Is it more important for you to be appreciated:
5For something you have accomplished
6For the kind of person you are
Which kind of decisions are more natural for you?
6Those that call on your feelings and personally involve you
5Those that call on your knowledge and don't personally involve you
Which is more important to you:
6To recognize the value of individuals
5To follow principles that make sense
Which better fits how you see yourself?
Which kind of decisions are more natural for you?
6Those that call on your feelings
5Those that call on your knowledge
Which are you better at providing:
6Emotional support
5Objective criticism
Do you believe it is a greater strength to
6Be aware of other's feelings
5Be clear about what is true
Are you better at making decisions that:
6Are logically based
5Honor your awareness of emotional values
In deciding something important, which do you trust more
6Your emotions
5Your reason
Are you more inclined to evaluate people as
6Good and evil
7Moral and immoral
Are you more likely to:
6Be aware of other people's feelings
5Hurt other people's feelings without realizing it
Which is more important to you?
6Relationships that are harmonious
5Relationships that are honest
After deciding on a course of action, is it more natural for you to:
7See it through to completion, even if a bit inconvenient
8Reconsider it if unforeseen circumstances become known to you
When you know ahead of time that you will be doing a certain thing at a certain time, is it:
7Comfortable to be able to plan accordingly
8Unduly constraining to be tied down
Which do you more often do:
7Insist that others adjust to your schedule
8Adjust to the schedule of others
Which fits better with how others see you:
Which fits better with how others see you:
Which are you more inclined to do?
7Stick to your plans
8Go with the flow
When a new situation comes up that conflicts with your plans, do you tend to:
8Stick with your original plans
7Adjust to the new situation
When you make decisions, are you more often:
7Concerned with having things wrapped up
8Interested in keeping your options open as long as you can
At a meeting, would you more often prefer to:
7Make sure things are not left "up in the air" unnecessarily
8Make sure your questions have been answered before deciding things
When others make plans will you more often:
7Expect them to be followed through on as agreed
8Expect them to be followed flexibly
In your social life, do you prefer to:
7Schedule commitments
8Stay open to do whatever seems right in the moment
When you are behind schedule:
7Is it essential to catch back up
8Do you accept it as part of the day
When a new situation comes up that conflicts with your plans, do you
8Try first to change your plans to fit the situation
7Try first to change the situation to fit your plans
When others force you to change your plans at the last minute, do you often:
8Adjust fairly quickly
7Feel irritation that an adjustment is required
Do you prefer to
8Be free to do whatever looks like fun when the time comes
7Arrange dates, parties, etc. in advance
Which fits better with how others see you:
When dealing with others, more often than not, are you happier when
8You have enough information, though settling things may be delayed
7Things are settled
Are you more likely to:
9Look before you leap
0Leap before you look
Are you more likely to know something
0Quickly and immediately
9Only after you have checked it out
Is it more natural for you to see life in
9Black and white
0Shades of grey
Are you more likely to make decisions because:
0They fit with your sense of things
9Careful consideration has convinced you
Do you more often
9Double check your perceptions
0Trust your perceptions
Which do you tend to trust more?
0Your perceptions
9Your judgements
Are you more likely to believe something because:
0It simply seems right
9You have sufficient evidence
Which is more natural for you when dealing with other people?
10To be aware of your empathy (or anger) toward people
11To be aware of what works or doesn't work (cause/effect) in people relationships
Which are you better at organizing?
10Ideas on paper
11Your personal possessions
Which do you keep less cluttered?
10Your mind
11Your room or office?
Do you often feel that other people should value the same things you value?
Do you more often make better logical decisions:
11When talking with others
10When you're able to think quietly by yourself
When something goes wrong, who are you more inclined to blame first?
Do you think more logically when you are
11With other people
10By yourself
Do you express your thoughts more clearly
11When you are speaking to other people
10When you are writing
Is it easier for you to think of excuses for
11The actions of others
10Your own actions
When you're dealing with strangers, are you more inclined to
11To tell people what to do
10To ask people to do what you would like
When you know people well, are you more inclined to
11Feel a special bond with them
10Take them for granted
Which are you better at
11Organizing people to complete a project
10Fitting facts into a theoretical structure
Do your feelings come on strongest when you are
10In the company of other people
Which do you tend to focus on more?
11What you are feeling
10What you believe other people are feeling
Are you more prone to be warm and friendly
10With people you have just met
11Only with people you have gotten to know somewhat
When you first meet someone, do you more often
10Act friendly right away
11Keep the person at a distance until you know the person better
Do you regard helping strangers primarily as:
11An expenditure of energy
10A pleasure
Which do you tend to laugh at more?
12"Earthy" humor and stories with a surprise ending
13Absurd situations, sudden and unexpected occurances, and word plays
Do you tend to:
12Have a fairly wide range of appreciation without very often feeling much intensity about what you like or don't like
13Instinctually know what you like or don't like (e.g., in food, art, music, clothing, etc.)
With food, art, music, clothing, etc., are you by nature:
13Rather picky about what you like or don't like
12Fairly tolerant and able to appreciate a range of choices
When first learning about something, do you tend to deal with:
12All the facts because they're there
13Only those facts that you decide are pertinent
When you are taking notes, which do you more often write down?
12What the speaker has said word for word
13The gist of what you think the speaker has said
Are you better at seeing possible solutions to:
12Your own problems
13The problems of others
Is your imagination its most active when you are
13In the company of others
Do you induldge your senses more when you are
12In the company of others
Are you good at brainstorming with a group of people?
When you look around, do you more often
12See whatever is before your eyes
13See mainly what has special signifigance to you