Audio Plus 10-94
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Release 2.05 (November 18th, 1993)
- Bugs removed in some Advanced Mode function.
+ Frequency rate can be increased up to 65000 (in setup menu) : you can know
what is the maximum allowed by your card by using the WHICH utility.
+ Improved CMF-VOC playing screens.
+ MIDI support for SoundBlaster Pro, ASP or WAVEBlaster Cards (thru a SBMIDI
driver installed and the PLAYMIDI program stored in your PATH).
+ ROL Bank File now should be present in the MultiPlayer directory.
+ Now LHARC archives can have .LZH or .LHA extensions.
Release 2.01 (November 1st, 1993)
- Bug removed on Jump Command (Classic Mode).
Release 2.00 (October 31st, 1993)
+ A new world : you can play all mods in 4 playing modes (Classic, Advanced,
DMP, Editing). Advanced Playing Mode can pump up the frequency rate up to
22000 Hz, resulting in a very good sound quality! Editing mode invoke Dark
Tracker Editor (if you have it), and allows you to modify module.
+ More powerful sound devices are available in Advanced Mode.
+ MED support!! Since it's not still properly tested, it sounds good with a
good number of OctaMED modules.
+ AMF internal support added (in Advanced/DMP mode).
+ Multiplayer is now a CMF/ROL/VOC (Type 0) player shell too. You should ha-
ve SPUTROL for a correct working on ROL files.
+ LZMOD Archives supported. See documentation for more details.
+ Added the 'D' command during module playback. Like 'S' command, it saves
all module samples to disk, but it converts them before saving (from unsi-
gned to signed, or vice versa)
+ Now loop mode can be toggled by pressing '/' during module playback.
+ 25/28/43/50 line display mode support enhanced. Added an MPENV environment
variable for automatic setting of this parameter.
+ Added a command line module player for all digital formats.
- 286 processor can be used in Classic Mode only, while Advanced and DMP mo-
des use 386 instructions. So, 386 or 486 is strongly recommended now.
- SoundBlaster ASP 16's speaker volume setting removed from mixer. Now mixer
supports only SoundBlaster PRO registers.
Release 1.60 (September 16th, 1993)
+ MultiPlayer Professional is now available! It supports SoundBlaster PRO or
SoundBlaster ASP 16, more memory for mods (about 8k!) and an internal mi-
xer control panel!
+ Added ProTracker Studio 16 (.P16) digital module support.
+ MASTERVOL command in the Virtual Dos Shell is renamed to VOLUME.
+ Added HELP command in the VDS, showing full VDS command list.
+ Included the AMFPLAY program, allowing you to play AMF mods, and RAWPLAY,
a raw-sample player.
Release 1.55 (September 5th, 1993)
+ Added a command in the VDS: you can see compressed archive contents by ty-
ping INSIDE <filename>.
+ Added PAK and ARC archive shell support.
+ Enhanced SoundBlaster Settings: you can change I/O Port, DMA Channel and
IRQ directly from Setup Menu.
+ Added 50 display line mode on VGA cards.
+ Improved Bar Display Mode, making it more real.
+ Added 'S' command: you can save module samples while MultiPlayer plays.
+ Master Volume can be changed smoothly (at a step rate 1), if your keyboard
has NUMLOCK key pressed.
- Removed a bug in the file requester, calculating in a wrong way total disk
drives available.
- Removed a bug in the instrument loader.
- Bugs fixed on the PKZIP archive shell support.
Release 1.50a (August 23th, 1993)
- Bugs Removed.
+ Now you can break a TYPE command in the VDS by pressing a key.
+ In the VDS,if an error occurs when you perform a COPY, a RENAME, or a MOVE
command, the error number will be displayed.
Release 1.50 (August 20th, 1993)
- Several bugs removed.
+ Optimized Main Source Code and Module Library in some critical point.
- Removed Time, since it conflicts with some DOS Interrupt Vector.
+ Added PKZIP 1.x/2.x shell support.
+ Added VDS (Virtual Dos Shell) subsystem: you can use a lot of DOS commands
(especially file operations) while you play mods!
+ Now you can change both Left and Right Covox's Port Address, if you have
this device mounted on another port. Covox SoundMaster ][ can be used if
you specify $22F as Port Address. Also, you can change SoundBlaster port
from setup menu, and SoundBlaster DMA Channel and IRQ line by changing
configuration file directly.
+ Adjusted screen mode so that it can display up to 16 channels (bar mode)
per song and 48 samples (sample mode).
+ Adjusted colors: display uses a 16-color text screen on VGA cards.
+ Enhanced support for MonoChrome Adapters (I know someone continue to use
+ When NUMLOCK light is turned on,you can mute channels 11 to 16 by pressing
1-6 keys. Also, you can change its volume by pressing usual keys assigned
to channels 1-6.
+ Quality Mode added: you can improve sound quality of mods (losing some
chunk of memory).
+ Adjusted file requester on the screen, making it bigger for viewing more
mods at a time.
+ ScreamTracker 3.0 extended commands are displayed correctly now.
+ Added MonoMode and Spatial Stereo Sound for 669 Composer's modules.
+ Who says: 'Intro Screen changed for last time?' :-) A new screen logo is
shown when program is loaded.
Release 1.22 (July 22th, 1993)
- Mr. Bug strikes again! When you select more than one file, and play them,
main window was not cleared. Now it's refreshed totally before a module is
+ Changed Intro Screen, for last time!
Release 1.21 (July 20th, 1993)
- Little bugs fixed...
Release 1.20 (July 18th, 1993)
- A lot of little bugs fixed!
+ File Device added to Sound Device Menu : it's possible to convert a module
to a raw sample file.
+ Now the Sound Device Menu detects automatically sound cards installed on
your system, making other devices unselectable.
+ Mono Mode and Spatial Sound Mode work also on STM mods now.
+ You can change single channel volume 'smoothly' at a step rate 4, while
release 1.15 used step rate 8.
+ Module sample list can be displayed by pressing F7.
+ Module can be paused by pressing P.
+ Multiplayer loads constant strings directly from disk, so a lot of memory
space is saved.
+ Modified the display look a little.
Release 1.15 (July 08th, 1993)
+ Added Intro Screen, including thanks for VangelisTeam support.
+ Increased available memory for mods (about 2K). Maximum Module Size is so
grown up, as described by the following table:
DOS Memory Free Maximum Mod Size
HIMEM.SYS 570k 345k
HIMEM+VIDRAM 670k 445k
QEMM386 635k 410k
QEMM+VIDRAM 700k 475k
+ Added pattern partiture display, 4 channels at a time.
+ Added song time.
+ Added help screens.
+ Changed default bar shape, you can change it by pressing '<' and '>'.
+ Enhanced LHA file selection window.
+ Multiplayer now recognizes the ModEdit format, but it can play only five
octaves (0-4) while ModEdit plays ten octaves (0-9).
- Removed system clock, 'cause of some conflict with song time.
- S2M format is no longer supported.
Release 1.10c (June 27th, 1993)
+ About 5k RAM space more is available for mods. Modules bigger than 400k
can be played now (if you have an expanded or any video memory manager in-
- Fixed some little bug in the soundblaster routines.
Release 1.10b (June 21th, 1993)
- Removed some little bug.
Version 1.10 (June 20th, 1993)
- Fixed some bug causing Loop Mode to work incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug causing a new module loaded to keep tracks muted during last
module playing.
- Fixed a bug displaying an error message if the module is 'short', that is,
with less samples than number declared.
- Fixed a bug causing the configuration to be saved in the directory curren-
tly selected by file requester.
- Fixed a bug displaying an incorrect available memory rate in many circum-
stances (eg. while module is playing).
- Fixed other minor bugs.
+ Improved memory handling routines, so MultiPlayer has now about 20k RAM
free space more for modules.
+ Improved volume settings: now you can change a single channel volume!
+ Added NoiseTracker Mono/Stereo Mode for stereo devices.
+ Added NoiseTracker Spatial Stereo Sound Mode for stereo devices.
+ Added some nice color to text windows, and modified the screen look sligh-
Version 1.00 (June 13th, 1993)
+ Initial release.