Audio Plus 10-94
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134 lines
Phoneme strings always start with the tilde character (~) followed by each
of the phonemes separated by dashes. A space or any control character
ends the word. (eg. ~v-ey-p-er is the word VAPOR)
SPUT phonemes are not case sensitive, and are compatible with TRAN phonemes.
SmoothTalker phonemes are supported so that any files that already contain
SmoothTalker phonemes will be interpreted correctly by SPUT.
Many of the SmoothTalker phonemes have the same name as the SPUT
phonemes, but those marked with an asterisk (*) are differrent.
To create a SmoothTalker phoneme string, start the word with 2 less than
signs, followed by the tilde character, then the string of phonemes,
followed by 2 greater than signs to end the word. (eg. <<~vEYpER>> )
SmoothTalker phonemes are case sensitive.
SPUT Phonemes SMOOTH TALKER Phonemes
AE fAt AE short 'a' last
AH fAther *AA short 'o' cot
AW lAWn *AO intermediate 'o' caught
AY hIde AY dipthong ice
B soB b plosive in bin
BB Back
CH CHurCH CH in chin
D soD d plosive in din
DD Dime
DH eiTHer DH 'th' in then
EE bEEt *IY long 'e' beet
EH gEt EH short 'e' best
ER mURdER ER 'ur' 'er' in further
EY gAte EY dipthong in ace
F Fault f fricative in fin
G doG g plosive in give
GG Goat
H How h in hit
IH bIt IH short 'i' fit
JJ Jar j in jin or jug
J juDGe
K Coat k plosive in kin
L Laugh l in light or love
MM Moat
M suM m nasal in might
NN Note
N suN n nasal in night
NG suNG NG nasal in sing
OH lOne *OW long 'o' dose
OO fOOl *UW long 'u' lute
OW hOW *AW dipthong loud
OY tOY OY dipthong noise
P Pack p plosive in pin
R Rate r in rate
S Sue s silibant in sin
SH SHoe SH silibant in shin
T Time t plosive in tin
TH eTHer TH fricative in thin
U fUll *UH 'u' sound in book
UH About *AH short 'u' up
V Vault v in vim
W Wear w in wait or water
WH WHere WH in which or where
Y Young y in yet or yes
Z Zoo z in zen
ZH lieSure ZH in pleasure
The following SmoothTalker phonemes (on the right) have no SPUT
equivalents, so the closest sounding phonemes have been substituted.
UH AX schwa 'a' in against
EH IX duration tween IH,AX in David
T DX 't' in butter
K KX non-aspirated 'k' ice cold
T TX non-aspirated 't' misstate
T PX non-aspirated 't' white spot
The special phoneme-functions may be used at the > prompt, in a text file
or in the exception dictionary. The changes caused by a phoneme-function
remain in effect until another matching phoneme-function is processed.
They may appear alone as in the following example:
~A2 loud ~A3 louder ~A3 even louder ~A0 back to normal
or as part of a phoneme string as in this example:
An+/- amplitude change (n or n+ increase / n- decrease / 0 normal)
~A1+ or ~A1 increases the volume 1 step.
~A1- decreases the volume 1 step.
~A0 sets the volume back to normal.
Example: At the > prompt type "this is ~a3 louder"
or "this is ~a3- softer"
or "this is loudly" (this line will play louder)
(because it's in the dictionary)
or type "SPUT .\PHFUNA.TXT" to hear more samples.
Rn+/- rate change (n new-rate / n+ increase / n- decrease/ 0 normal)
~R10+ increases the rate by 10 (relative to current rate)
~R10- decreases the rate by 10 (relative to current rate)
~R202 sets the rate to 202 (absolute setting)
~R0 set the rate back to normal.
Example: At the > prompt type "this is ~r10+ faster"
or "this is ~r10- slower"
or type "SPUT .\SAMPLES.TXT" for more samples.
Mn mode (0=word(default) 1=letter)
Pn punctuation level (0=none 1=some(default) 2=most 3=all)
0 pronounces no punctuation
1 pronounces # $ % & = @ + < > ! /
and . (point) if followed by a character
2 pronounces all level 1 punctuation and
" ' ( ) * , - : ; ? [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
and . (period)
3 pronounces all level 1+2 punctuation
and all control characters (not yet implemented)