16fix.zip Fix by Zest : Fixes the problem with loading *.RAW 16-bit mono sound files into fasttrackerii -- having to press "16-bit" and "no" every time you load a sound, can get boring. this program replaces all your *.RAW files with *.IFF sounds, that load into fasttracker without any fuss. The search for *.RAW files is recursive, i.e. all sub-directories beneath the one you are fix'ing, will be fix'ed too .. careful!! the original .RAW files are ERASED. also, if you have other than 16-bit sound files in your collection, you should sort them first, placing your 16-bit files in a seperate directory, before using FIX. This program is freeware. Enjoy :)
akm_mt24.zip Master Tracker v2.4
amusic11.zip Amusic ADLIB tracker v1.0
ask.zip Ask : Font changer for ST3 and IT
ast110.zip All Sound Tracker v1.10 by Cagliostro : AWE32 only?
compsd13.zip Composer 669 v1.3 by Renaissance : 669
dgtrekr3.zip DigiTrecker v3.00b : S3M
digiti32.zip DigiTracker (improved) by Jari Karppinen : SB,GUS, supporting MDL, XM, MOD, S3M, DMF, PTM, ULT, 669, FAR, DSM, MTM, IST, PAT, XI, IFF, WAV, VOC, SMP
digitr32.zip DigiTrakker v3.2 by N-Factor : MDL
dtrk200a.zip Disorder Tracker v2.00a
edlb105a.zip EdLib v1.05a by Vibrants : EDL
etrck07.zip Extreme's Tracker v0.7b by Extreme : AMS
far100.arj Farandole Composer v1.00 by Digital Infinity : FAR
fmc.arj Faust Music Creator : (adlib tracker)
fnkgld10.zip FunkTracker GOLD v1.0 by JsNO : FNK - tracker for Unix
ft206.zip Fast Tracker 2 v2.06 by Triton : XM
ft2doc.zip Fast Tracker 2 Printable Documentation
funk108d.zip FunkTracker 1.08d by JsNO : FNK
gms100.zip Game Music System v1.00 : track FM music
hsc15ecr.zip HSC-Tracker v1.5 by Electronic Rats : HSC
it212.zip Impulse Tracker V2.12 by Pulse
itinfo02.zip ITInfo v0.2 by Gregorio Javier Gutirrez Barroso : ITInfo gives information of IT Modules and IT Samples