Audio Toolkit
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174 lines
Audio Toolkit. Sep 1997. Walnut Creek CDROM.
[MOD] Players
path: \msdos\mod\players
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== =============
amod030.zip 77826 11-03-96 Adrenalin Module Player v0.30 by Beta of
| Adrenalin : Assembly '95 Edition
amp201.zip 55012 11-11-96 AMP v2.01 : Module player for SB AWE32
amp211.zip 60372 06-13-97 Amp Player V2.11 by Grinus of Tom : Module
| player for SB AWE32/64 cards.
| XM/S3M/MTM/MOD/PTM modules supported. The best
| possible sound quality. No notes lost due to
| hardware limits. The most correct module
| playback. Events reporting. Now with SBK
| protection and enhanced compatibility.
| Requirements: 386+, DOS+, EGA+, SB AWE32+
ap_0430.zip 80325 09-12-95 AWEPlay 0.430 by Thor
asmod09s.zip 94095 06-30-96 AmoebaSoft MOD Player v0.90 : GUS only,
| includes source
awemod76.zip 36162 07-24-95 AWEMod v0.76 by Infiniti 2001
awereset.zip 8511 12-29-95 AWE32 Reset for Cubic Player v1.6
bbzpl105.zip 156019 06-10-96 BBZPlay v1.05
cheese12.zip 18054 11-15-96 Cheese Player v1.2
cmod313.zip 160039 06-27-96 CapaMod v3.13 by Capacala
cmod313b.zip 160485 05-14-97 Capamod V3.13b by Flap of Capacala :
| MOD/S3M/XM player for GUS (final release)
cp16.zip 1056527 12-14-95 Cubic Player v1.6 Full version
cp1666.zip 495088 02-29-96 Cubic Player v1.666
cp16echo.arj 926 11-02-96 Cubic Player v1.6 Echos by Buzz
cp16l.zip 266576 11-09-95 Cubic Player v1.6 Lite version
cp17.zip 467299 05-31-97 Cubic Player v1.7
cp20a.zip 392968 12-29-96 Cubic Player v2.0a : The Party 6 Version
cp2appe.zip 456545 05-04-97 Cubic Player 2.0 Alpha Plus Plus Enhanced by
| pascal : cubic player 2.0 alpha plus plus
| enhanced: news: Audio MPEG Version 1 and 2,
| Layer 1-3: ESS AudioDrive 688: MP1, MP2
| recording
cpawe17c.zip 7014 04-16-96 Cubic AWE Player Wavetable Driver v1.7c
cpgp17b.zip 3732 04-13-96 Cubic GUS Player Driver v1.7b : bugfixed
| version
cpitl17e.zip 19404 09-10-96 Cubic Player v1.7 IT Loader
cpitpl2.zip 38305 06-23-97 Cubic Player 2 Appe .it Player Beta 2 by
| Pascal : Cubic Player 2 alpha plus plus
| enhanced .IT Player beta 2: -i don't have to
| say that this thing supports NNAs, do i? -new
| mixer driver - plays notes on first row... :)
| -does not crash when playing .IT modules
| anymore -new sb32 driver -better timing (hi
| screamager.) -less clicks in .IT modules
| -duplicate check implemented -fine channel
| volume slide fixed -use the free fast hifi
| stereo (though not perfect in all cases)
| diskwriter for your .IT modules -needs cp2appe
| of course
cpiwd17a.zip 16789 09-26-96 Cubic Player v1.7 GUS PnP Driver
cpwss17f.zip 4938 09-14-96 Cubic Player v1.7 WSS Driver
cpxml17d.zip 15207 09-10-96 Cubic Player v1.7 XM Loader
crlm05b.zip 16513 11-29-95 CoralMod Player v0.5b
crys283.zip 134925 03-10-96 Crystal Modules Player v2.83 : source included
cwd_pp.zip 19444 02-10-96 Pervo Player v1.0
dmp400.zip 326215 03-22-95 Dual Module Player v4.00
e_diamn1.zip 97075 12-19-96 Diamond Player v3.00a
fb100b_m.zip 52620 08-10-94 FairPlay v1.00b by Vibrants
flimp12b.zip 47254 11-03-96 FLI & Module Player v1.2b : Play FLI and
| MOD/S3M at the same time.
fmod104.zip 35016 06-11-95 FireMod v1.04 by FireLight
genmod.zip 433735 01-09-96 GMOD v1.3 : GMOD V1.3 GENERIC-MODule music
| player for DOS converts MOD, S3M, MTM, 669,
| FAR, MED, STM & ULT music files to the new
| .GDM format & then plays elegent stereo music
| thru a variety of sound cards (GUS, SB1x,
| SB2x, SBPro, and PAS) Includes setup and music
| format conversion utilities. Register and get
| a 2 disk set with ZIP support/more + free
| audio CD player. NEW
ghsc106.zip 35818 08-18-95 Grafik HSC Player v1.06
glx212.zip 80617 08-06-94 Galaxy Player v2.12
gmod211.zip 36073 03-28-94 Gusmod v2.11 by Joshua Jensen
grind13.zip 1303308 12-04-94 Grind v1.3 by Trixter of Hornet : MODplayer
| with dancing people
iplay122.zip 151114 11-21-95 Inertia Player v1.22
juicy17.zip 38678 02-20-96 Juicy Player v1.7
jukebox.zip 80685 07-07-94 Jukebox ROL player
kardp161.zip 413317 06-12-95 KaraDos v1.6.1 MIDI Player
ld_pbp11.zip 328800 11-06-96 PBP-Player v1.15a by Legend Design
mega_108.zip 72385 04-26-94 MegaPlay v1.08 by Marco Koetsveld
metal027.zip 32407 08-09-94 Metal v0.2pl7
mgkplay.zip 21317 04-26-94 Magik Player : PC-speaker and LPT ports
midp100b.zip 63910 04-28-95 MIDAS Module Player v1.00b
mikm203.arj 288510 05-14-95 MikMod v2.03 by MikMak
mikm209b.zip 149626 10-21-95 MikMod v2.09B : Player with source
mld220.zip 42491 04-28-97 The Unchained Melody 2.20 by Mak : ProTracker
| and Scream Tracker 3 (MOD/S3M) music module
| player for Gravis soundcards with file
| selector and everything..
mmp5325.zip 123088 05-24-97 The Multi Module Player V5.325 by Charles
| Attard : High quality graphical player for
| mouse. Support for SB Pro/16 with oversampling
| and low- pass filter
mndp_10p.zip 39137 06-26-94 Mind Player v1.0
mod.zip 12018 01-19-96 MOD.EXE : Graphical MOD player "MASSOUND
| Player version 9"
modm22a.zip 126898 11-30-95 Mod Masher player v2.2
morgl110.zip 140550 09-18-95 Morgul v1.10
multp205.zip 546852 04-21-94 Multiplayer v2.00
must077.zip 72724 01-05-95 PipoSoft Musician STudio v0.77b
mxmp15.zip 99777 09-15-96 Mxm Play v1.5 : Tiny XM player for GUS
n_play.arj 54758 04-16-96 N-Player v1.0 by N-Factor : plays MDLs
omega060.zip 60741 06-25-95 Omega SoundBlaster AWE32 Module Player v0.6
oplay100.zip 248437 04-30-95 OmniPlayer v1.00
p669.zip 13521 02-27-94 Player by Jason Nunn
p669gu0.zip 37188 02-27-94 Player (altered) by Jason Nunn
pp.zip 22102 11-19-95 PolyPlay PTM player
pp3_1.zip 105455 10-11-95 Platinum Play v3.1 MOD/S3M/AMM player
randmod.zip 21987 04-18-95 RandMod v2.1 by Cuthalion
realmp.zip 191326 11-03-96 RealTech Module Player v1.20 by Realtech
rmp120.zip 56962 08-29-94 Renaissance Music Player v1.20 by Renaissance
rplay017.zip 437256 01-17-97 RDOS Player v1.7 : OPL2/OPL3 music module
| player for your ears. FIRST generic adlib
| player in PC world at all. Coded in 100%
| assembler. It's fast with x-mode graphic
| analyzers and other. Supports module packing
| and about 16 adlib module formats (AGD, HSC,
| RAD, D00 plus more...)
rt107.zip 92271 05-29-96 Real Tracker v1.07 : MOD, S3M, XM player for
s3m_pl2.zip 14676 02-27-94 S3M Player v2b
sat10.zip 36309 07-01-94 SATplayer v1.0 by Acme : with source
smix12.zip 64702 03-14-94 Superiority MIX v1.2 by Superiority Complex
sonix09b.zip 62936 05-28-95 SONIX v0.9 by Renegade
soundsys.zip 64326 08-22-94 Sound System by Frontman (with source)
sss_10.zip 67689 05-02-94 Triple SSS Module Player by Legend Design
starp225.zip 34842 02-16-96 StarPlay 2.25 by Jedi of Oxygen
swmp141.zip 666660 06-30-96 Sound Wizards Module Player v1.41 : SDK
| included
tc669200.zip 136615 03-03-94 TC669 v2.00 by Jason Nunn
tfmxplay.a01 1456400 09-13-95 TFMXPlay with TFMX files [2/3]
tfmxplay.a02 1033200 09-13-95 TFMXPlay with TFMX files [3/3]
tfmxplay.arj 1456400 09-13-95 TFMXPlay with TFMX files [1/3]
tmpv098b.zip 44503 02-06-95 The Module Player for GUS
tnypl211.zip 173532 06-21-94 16/32-bit Protected Mode Tiny MOD Player v2.11
| : with source
ump507.zip 98833 03-03-97 Universal Module Player : An excellent module
| player! Supports SB, SBPro, SB16, PAS, PAS+,
| PAS16, & several clones. Plays S3M, MOD, STM,
| 669, & UMF. Every module effect 100%
| supported. Has a note spectrum, note dot, and
| three pattern data displays. Palette
| manipulator included!
vacsid.zip 425183 06-20-96 VacSid by Vacuum : C64 Sid-file player
vibrants.zip 112518 05-25-94 Play-Driver v2.02 by Vibrants
vte139b.arj 141449 02-01-94 VangeliSTracker v1.39 (standard player) by
| Iguana
vts139b.arj 304402 02-01-94 VangeliSTracker v1.39 (standard player and
| source) by Iguana
wemp96.zip 37017 01-09-96 Wavefront Extended Module Player v0.96 by
| Daniel Baum : Turtle Beach Maui compatible
| sound card required.
wzone1.zip 745696 12-25-95 WildZone v1.0 [1/2]
wzone2.zip 857456 12-25-95 WildZone v1.0 [2/2]
xmsp23.zip 58379 06-30-96 XMS-Player v2.3
xplay251.zip 68986 06-30-96 X-Tracker DMF Player v2.51
xtcp090c.zip 248121 05-24-97 Xtc-play Version 0.90 by Kilroy of Sanction :
| supports all major formats such as
| layers) rEAl SB support (faster ...) added
| support for Audio MPEG1+2 MPEGs even on SB
| Mono ..... added support for DMF added support
| for IT added diskwriter device major bugfixes