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- Welcome to F4U Secret Sortie. Copyright 1994 Pie in the Sky Software
- Table of Contents \(( type a number using your keyboard )\)
- -----------------
- 1) Getting Started
- 2) The Story so Far
- 3) Hardware Requirements
- 4) Inflight Keys
- 5) Keyboard Play and How to Handle the Rudder
- 6) Missions: Theaters-of-Operation
- 7) Training Missions
- 8) How to Take Off, Fly Level, and Land
- 9) How to Turn Your Plane
- 10) The Corncob Other Worlds Campaign Order Form
- 11) Technical Information and Disclaimer
- Getting Started
- ---------------
- Welcome to F4U Secret Sortie!
- F4U Secret Sortie is an easy game to use.
- Just make up a name for your 'pilot' when asked. This will be the name
- to reference for accumulated score, etc. You can create many pilots, and fly
- them on missions. The only effect this has is that each pilot has his or her
- own stats and records.
- If you just want to get in the cockpit and fly, then type <CR> at the
- main menu. Doing so will bring up the Training Missions menu. Just
- type <CR> again, and you will receive the pre-flight report, which gives
- information the mission. Hit <CR> again to begin the mission.
- Once in the plane, the blinking message reminds you that the F4 key
- gives inflight help.
- Storyline
- ---------
- The game takes place near the end of World War II. The Allied forces
- have intercepted a message from Hitler to his top field General
- concerning an all-out offensive that the Germans are planning in a
- desperate attempt to break through Allied lines. The German plans
- must be foiled, or the war will be lost. The message contains details
- that will enable the Allies to stop the offensive, but unfortunately
- the message is encoded. The Allies must put their top code crackers
- on this case immediately. These individuals are located in five
- European cities located in strategic underground hideouts behind enemy
- lines. You have been selected as the courier to take copies of the
- message to these top code crackers. To undertake this dangerous
- mission you will fly the most advanced plane of the day, the F4U
- Corsair. To make your Corsair lighter in order to conserve fuel, the
- guns and gun mounts have been removed from your aircraft.
- Hardware Requirements
- ---------------------
- In addition to the other requirements of Aviation Adventure,
- F4U Secret Sortie requires 520k free RAM. An Adlib-compatible
- sound card and a joystick are both optional.
- Inflight Key Definitions
- ------------------------
- F2 - Intelligence Info
- escape - end mission now (for best score, use near your airstrip tower)
- cntl-c - abort mission (end mission, pretend mission never happened)
- Keypad arrow keys (NEVER use cursor keys, use KEYPAD arrow keys only!)
- 7,9 - left, right rudder control (Must use these for taxiing on ground)
- (Tap lightly; Don't hold rudder keys down continuously in flight!)
- 8,2 - nose down, nose up
- 4,6 - roll counterclockwise, roll clockwise
- numlock - toggle between {keypad arrows = views} or {keypad arrows = controls}
- left cntl key - use with keypad arrow keys for views
- left shift key - apply brakes
- f - flaps toggle
- g - ground detail dots toggle on/off
- i - ignite rocket booster (15 second burn, 120 seconds recharge)
- m - map mode (arrows, pgup=move down, pgup=move up, shft arrows=change angle)
- p - pause toggle, (use spacebar to go through help screens when paused)
- r - toggle reverse window on/off
- s - toggle sound on/off, also use for reseting sound board in case of glitch
- t - hold down for accelerated time
- x,z - left/right rudder
- (Tap lightly; Don't hold rudder keys down continuously in flight!)
- keypad +/- increase/decrease throttle
- Keyboard Play
- -------------
- A great deal of effort was put into F4U Secret Sortie in order to make
- keyboard play work well. The keyboard is interrupt driven, and your key
- presses are timed to within 1/1000 th of a second. Also, F4U Secret Sortie
- has no problem detecting keystrokes even when 3 keys are held
- down at once.
- Remember that to apply gentle tweaks to the control, you must press
- keys on and off rapidly, with the average time spent down being the
- desired roll/pitch rate. You have three displays on the front panel
- which show you what you are presently sending to the control stick.
- These meters are just to the right of the ALT light.
- NOTE: if the keypad arrow keys suddenly appear to be not functioning
- properly, perhaps you have bumped the numlock key. See the 'inflight
- keys' section for the function of the numlock key.
- --------------
- This menu is where you select your flying mission. There is one
- training mission and five actual missions.
- You must complete the training mission before you are allowed to fly
- actual missions in enemy territory. To fly the training mission,
- choose the \("\Training mission"\) selection from the menu.
- In the training mission, you must take off and weave between some tall
- rotating markers like a slalom skier. Start at the marker closest to
- your airstrip, and fly past in on the left side. As you do, you will
- see the '1' in your training instrument light up. Then switch to the
- right side as you pass the second marker. The '2' will then light up.
- Continue weaving through markers until your whole training intrument is
- lit up, and the complete light on your dash goes on.
- If you miss a marker, or you go past the markers out of order, you
- will have to start over. If your wheels touch the ground before you
- complete the slalom, you will have to start over.
- You can fly a combat mission in one of the theaters-of-operation by
- choosing the \("\Fly mission"\) selection.
- Most Theaters-of-Operation consists of several airfields. Surrounding
- these airfields are enemy buildings and equipment. You must stay away
- from these to avoid detection by the enemy. If you get too close, your
- radar warning light will go on, and you will hear the warble alarm. The
- alarm has four stages. When the light is grey, you are far enough
- away from the enemy structures that you are in no danger. When it is
- blue, you are getting dangerously close, but you are not close enough to
- be detected. When the light is yellow, you are very close to being
- detected. When the alarm warning light turns red, you will be sighted
- in a matter of seconds!
- There are three types of enemy structure that can detect you.
- 1.) Red buildings
- All the red buildings have enemy personnel inside. If they hear a
- plane go overhead, they will run out and try to identify it. These
- structures have the smallest detection range, and are therefore the
- least threatening to your mission.
- Your altitude affects the ability of the building personnel to detect
- you as hostile. The higher you are, the less likely that they will spot
- you.
- These buildings will show up as dark blue dots on your radar display.
- 2.) Enemy planes
- Since you are behind the lines, all aircraft are hostile. They can
- detect you when get within a certain range. You are most likely to be
- spotted when you are at the same altitude as the enemy plane.
- Since enemy pilots are always observant, the range of detection for
- planes is twice that of buildings. Enemy planes show up as light blue
- on your radar.
- 3.) Radar installations
- Radar buildings have maximum range. Most of the time you cannot see
- the radar before it detects your presence. Keep a careful eye on the
- your radar detection instrument. The green dots are radar units.
- No matter how high your altitude, the radar installations can still
- detect you.
- Low flying, however, is a different story. The radar installations
- are not capable of detecting planes that are flying very low.
- There is no fixed lower ceiling for radar. The closer you get to the
- radar, the lower you must be to pass under it's detection field. By the
- same token, at the maximum range of the radar you can be over 1000 feet
- high and still avoid detection.
- Radar has twice the range of enemy aircraft.
- Airstrips
- ---------
- There are both friendly and unfriendly airstrips in the game.
- Friendly airstrips always have a tall grey tower next to them. When you
- land at a friendly airstrip, your fuel tanks are refilled after you come
- to a complete stop (by lowering the throttle to zero, and applying
- brakes), and then raising the throttle again.
- You can land on the roads, or the grass if you like, but grass
- landings are much trickier!
- You may choose to play with an invulnerable plane with the \("toggle\)
- \(invulnerable \Plane"\) selection. When flying with an invulnerable
- plane, you will be detected by any enemy forces but not forced down,
- nor will you any damaged by any collisions. Flights taken with an
- invulnerable plane are never counted toward a pilot's record.
- While you are inflight, F4U Secret Sortie can put text messages up to
- guide the new user until he/she becomes familiar with the game. After
- the user learns that you must fly back to the airstrip to get points and
- so on, these messages become an annoyance. Also, some non- IBM
- compatible VGA cards may cause this text to come up with '*' characters
- replacing every letter in the message. If this happens, be sure and
- turn off inflight comments!
- Use \(Inflight \Comments\) menu selection to turn off these inflight
- messages.
- New pilots who just start playing F4U Secret Sortie tend to fly into
- the ground frequently, and have much trouble learning to turn.
- Therefore, the game contains two aerodynamic flight models. The
- beginner flight model gently pushes the nose to the correct attitude
- for level flight. This helps prevent crashes, and also causes the plane
- to turn without the player having coordinate the use of the elevators.
- The advanced flight model is much preferred for real combat. Loops,
- flying upsidedown, and dives are much easier with this flight model.
- Choose between these two flight models with the \(Flight \Model\) menu
- item.
- ----------------
- You must complete the training mission before you are allowed to fly
- actual missions in enemy territory. To fly the trainging mission,
- choose the \("\Training mission"\) selection from the menu.
- In the training mission, you must take off and weave between some tall
- rotating markers like a slalom skier. Start at the marker closest to
- your airstrip, and fly past in on the left side. As you do, you will
- see the '1' in your training instrument light up. Then switch to the
- right side as you pass the second marker. The '2' will then light up.
- Continue weaving through markers until your whole training intrument is
- lit up, and the complete light on your dash goes on.
- If you miss a marker, or you go past the markers out of order, you
- will have to start over. If your wheels touch the ground before you
- complete the slalom, you will have to start over.
- How to Take Off, Land, and Fly Level
- ------------------------------------
- The key to success in Aviation Adventure is to become a good flyer.
- Only when a pilot learns the abilities and limitations of his plane can
- he make the complex maneuvers required to make it to the rank of
- General.
- Takeoffs
- --------
- Pulling your plane up into the air is the easiest part of flying.
- Merely put the throttle to the maximum, and pull up on the stick when
- you reach over 150 mph.
- However, there are some details to be aware of. If your plane is not
- lined up on the runway, you will have to maneuver on the ground. The
- joystick controls the tilt of the plane, it cannot turn the plane.
- Therefore, use the rudder controls to steer while on the ground.
- To bring the plane to a stop you must use the brakes. These are the
- left shift key, the '.' key, or the '0' key on the keypad. The brakes
- must be used to bring the plane to a complete stop. (The plane must be
- brought to a complete stop to qualify as a landing.)
- Once you are lined up, bring the throttle up to max. When you reach
- 100 mph the tail of your plane will rise off the ground. Keep the plane
- on the runway by tapping the rudder keys if needed. When you surpass
- 150 mph, pull back gently on the stick. If you pull back too hard the
- tail will swing down so quickly that it will slam back down onto the
- runway, thus kicking down your nose due to the bounce. This can cause a
- crash, so be careful.
- Level Flight
- ------------
- When in the air the most important thing is to avoid crashing into the
- ground. To achieve level flight you must keep your leveling sight above the
- horizon. How high you must keep your nose depends on your airspeed.
- Near the stall speed of 100 mph, the nose must be kept much higher above
- the horizon than when you are flying at 350 mph.
- There is an altimeter and a climb rate meter to help you fly level. A
- warning light will flash if your altitude drops below 150 feet.
- When climbing, keep an eye on your airspeed. If this drops below 100
- mph, then you may not have enough airspeed to fly. This makes a stall
- possible.
- Stalls and Advanced Aerodynamics
- --------------------------------
- A stall occurs when the air traveling over the wings becomes
- turbulent. This results in a dramatic loss of lift, and unless
- corrected, the plane will invariably fall to the ground. Stalling can
- be brought about by letting your airspeed drop below stall speed, or it
- can also occur as a result of an imprudent aerobatic maneuver.
- In a computer sim, the joystick tension does not reflect the flight
- situation. Therefore, Aviation Aventure has in it an automatic stall
- preventer that limits the stick travel to the maximum attainable without
- causing a stall. This does not mean that it is impossible to stall.
- The stall preventer simply limits the control stick from causing a stall
- which would be the result of pulling back too hard.
- The most common cause of a stall is simply that the airspeed has
- dropped too low to sustain flight. Another common cause is excessive
- sideslipping.
- Also, a damaged plane is much more likely to stall. Wing damage will
- lower the lift of the wings, and control damage can make the stick
- jitter beyond what the automatic stall preventer can handle. Of course
- engine damage will lower airspeed, and rudder damage will increase level
- flight sideslip.
- How to get out of a stall
- -------------------------
- To get out of stall means getting your forward airspeed up. Since
- your direction of motion is invariably down when stalled, it is best to
- get the nose pointed down. Of course your throttle should be place to
- maximum also.
- Note that when the stall is so bad that your airspeed is nil, then you
- have lost the ability to control the plane with the control surfaces.
- In fact, it is even possible for your plane to fly backwards with the
- controls operating in a reversed fashion. Even backwards airspeed is
- better than zero. If you are falling backwards, pull the stick back to
- push the nose down. Once the nose is down, hold it there until you get
- some forward airspeed.
- The emergency rocket booster can also be useful in getting out of a
- stall.
- Landing
- -------
- This is one of the hardest parts of learning to fly.
- The biggest problem for beginners is to get lined up properly. One
- point to remember is that you must not fly toward the middle of the
- runway. Fly towards the close end of the runway, or a point on an
- imaginary line running the length of the runway and beyond. Once you
- are over that imaginary line, then turn your nose to point towards the
- end of the runway. Getting lined up is especially difficult in Aviation
- Aventure, due to fact that the plane may be slipping sideways.
- When you get close enough to the runway so that it no longer looks
- like a line, but instead looks like a black rectangle, engage the flaps,
- and drop your throttle to zero. (But don't let your airspeed drop below
- 100 mph.) At this point you should be no higher than 1000 ft.
- Your plane has automatic landing gear that pops down as required.
- Now let the plane drop, shedding altitude before you reach the
- end of the runway. When you get to 100 or 200 feet, level the plane out
- for the final drop to the runway.
- If you are not perfectly lined up, but are low and over the runway,
- then drop and steer with the rudder once your wheels touch. The gear of
- your plane is quite tough, and on the runway surface you can have your
- rate of climb meter almost pegged negative and still survive. Landing
- on the grass can be done, but requires a much more sensitive touch down.
- It is a good idea to hold down the brake key throughout the
- whole landing process. The left shift key is situated conveniently for
- the left hand to operate the brakes and rudder controls. For those that
- use the left hand on the joystick, use the keypad rudder and brake
- controls.
- Once you have solidly touched down you may taxi about using your
- rudder. Be careful to keep your speed down while taxiing (especially if
- your flaps are down) because it may cause you to lift into the air
- inadvertently, and then cause a crashlanding. Please remember than on
- the ground, the stick is useless, and you must steer with the rudder
- keys. Pulling the stick over on the ground may cause your plane to
- flip.
- Crashes
- -------
- There are two different types of crashes. One is a fatal wreck.
- The other is a crashlanding. A crashlanding is where your plane is
- brought down too hard, and the landing gear fails. The plane then spins
- to a stop on the ground. When it stops, your plane is dead and will not
- fly again until repaired. If you were close to your airstrip, the
- repair crew can fix it.
- The other type of crash is the fatal crash. This happens if you slam
- into the ground too hard, or if your plane is so tilted during landing
- that your wing tip hits.
- Midair collisions
- ------------------
- There many types of objects which will destroy your plane if you
- collide with them. When this happens your plane bounces, and the damage
- indicators immediately max out. The screen border turns dark red, and
- the eject light begins to flash. At this point you should bail out,
- since it is likely that you will die if you try to land the plane.
- Don't bother trying to make it back to base. (Although landing such a
- plane has been done on occasion, it most often proves to be a fatal
- mistake.)
- How to Turn Your Plane
- ----------------------
- Please note that Knowledge Aventure's advanced flight model makes
- turning different than on many commercial flight games which have
- simpler models. With a little practice however, you will find the plane
- is just as maneuverable.
- To turn your plane, simply move the stick left or right. The plane
- will begin to bank. Don't be too shy, give the plane a nice 45 degree
- bank. Now that wing's lift is no longer pulling straight up, you will
- lose some lift, and your nose may drop. Pull back on the stick to keep
- the nose above the horizon. You will notice that as you pull back on
- the stick, your nose will be pulled into the turn.
- To make a typical turn, place the plane on its side, so that
- the horizon forms a vertical line. Then pull all the way back on the
- stick, and hold it there until you have the compass reading you desire.
- Then simply flatten your plane back to the level. Be careful not to let
- the nose drop during the turn. You can always bring it up by unbanking
- the plane a little, and the nose will lift since you are holding the
- control stick back. This method of turning is actually easier than a
- slow coordinated turn. The price for the fast turn is airspeed.
- The fastest turns are done with the flaps engaged, since this greatly
- increases the lift from the wings. Be careful not to let your airspeed
- drop too much. Flaps increase drag also.
- Note that the amount of time required for the turn depends very much
- upon your airspeed. (Just like in an automobile, when moving fast you
- cannot make tight turns.)
- Name ________________________________________________________________
- Address _____________________________________________________________
- City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________
- Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________
- CIRCLE DISK SIZE: 5-1/4"(1.2M) or 3-1/2"(720K)
- Price of Corncob Other Worlds Campaign $20.00
- Shipping and Handling in the US 3.00
- Shipping and Handling to Canada 4.00
- Shipping and Handling everywhere else 5.00
- Michigan residents add sales tax 1.38
- --------
- Total enclosed: $
- Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)
- Card number __________________________________________
- Expiration Date ______________________________________
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS: Please help us determine what features you would like
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- Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 12 16 20 25 33 40 50 66 ___
- Circle any that apply: Joystick Mouse Modem_____ Super-VGA card____________
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- Where did you buy Aviation Aventure:
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- Circle preference: Beautiful Graphics Game Complexity
- Circle preference: Solo against computer -OR- Modem 2-Player
- Circle preference: Strategy Action Simulation Other_________
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Send this order form and your check to:
- MVP Software
- 1035 Dallas S.E.
- Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
- The F4U Secret Sortie game
- --------------------------
- F4U Secret Sortie was designed for Knowledge Adventure by Kevin Stokes,
- with a lot of additional programming by George Welch. The program
- documentation was written by Kevin Stokes. Original music was written by
- Jim Collymore, A.S.C.A.P. All music in the game is copyright 1986-1991
- James L. Collymore, and the use of the three music files for any purposes
- other than use in Aviation Adventure is strictly illegal.
- The music is contained in the following files: DESTINY3.ROL, RIDINGT.ROL, and
- DREAMS0.ROL. These files cannot be legally copied or distributed without the
- author's permission.
- The VGA directory (created the first time Aviation Aventure is run)
- contains all the digitized artowrk in the game. These photos were
- extensively retouched using the excellent program MVP Paint, by David
- Johndrow. You can order your own copy of this extremely useful program
- from MVP Software.
- F4U Secret Sortie was written in assembler and C. The excellent library
- of routines Spontaneous Assembly was used in developing the program.
- This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.