Boink! 1995 February
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OmegaBBS Version 1.01
(C) Copyright 1991 by Rick Harris and DataEast Software
DataEast Software
RFD2 Box 2a
S. Harpswell Me.
DataEast BBS (CompuCom 9600,n,8,1 24 hrs.) 207-833-6597
│COPYRIGHT NOTICE├──────────────────────────────────────────────
OmegaBBS Version 1.01 (C) Copyright Rick Harris & DataEast Software
OmegaBBS is not Public Domain software. OmegaBBS is the
exclusive Copyrighted property of Rick Harris and DataEast
Software and is distributed by the Shareware Marketing concept.
This allows you to try out OmegaBBS for a 45 day evaluation
period to determine OmegaBBS's suitability for your needs. If at
the end of the 45 day trial period you have not registered
OmegaBBS you are legally required to quit using OmegaBBS.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 1
COPYRIGHT NOTICE.................1
LIMITED LICENSE..................2
LIMITED WARRANTY.................2
Compressed Files................7
Script Language.................7
Credit Cards....................8
Money Orders....................9
Minimum Requirements.............9
Configuring OmegaBBS............10
System Parameters...............10
BBS Name.......................10
System Password................10
Co-SysOp Security Level........11
Screen Blank...................11
Max Password Attempts..........11
User Inactivity Timeout........11
Callback Verifier..............11
New User Security Level........11
Upload / Download Ratio........12
UpK / DownK Ratio..............12
Post / Call Ratio..............12
Upload Time Credit.............13
Default Compression Format.....13
Upload Testing Level...........13
Delete Bad Uploads.............14
Minimum Drive Space............14
Sub Board Definition...........14
Message Area Definition........14
System Paths....................15
BBS Startup Path...............15
File Utilities Path............15
Temporary File Work Path.......15
Transfer Protocols Path........15
Trashcan Path..................15
Table of contents - 1
Communications Configuration....16
Communications Port............16
Init Baud Rate.................16
Max Init Attempts..............17
Carrier Wait...................17
Answer Command.................17
Reset Command..................17
Off Hook Command...............17
On Hook Command................17
Modem Response Delay...........18
Modem Init Command.............18
Modem Dialing Command..........18
OK Result Code.................18
Error Result Code..............18
300 Baud Result Code...........19
1200 Baud Result Code..........19
2400 Baud Result Code..........19
4800 Baud Result Code..........19
9600 Baud Result Code..........19
Transfer Protocols..............20
Protocol Name..................20
Executable File Name...........20
Key of Execution...............21
Exits with ERRORLEVEL..........21
Upload Command Line............22
Upload File List...............22
Max Files in Batch.............22
Download Command Line..........22
Download File List.............23
Transfer Log...................23
Security Definitions............23
Security Level.................23
Time Allowed per Day...........23
Download Kbytes per Day........23
Maintenance Events..............24
Event Status...................24
Event Time.....................24
Days to Execute Event..........24
Reboot After...................25
Board Configuration.............26
Table of contents - 2
Misc Board Parameters...........26
Sub-board Title................26
Minimum security level.........26
Sub-board Password.............26
SysOp's Name...................27
Paging Hours...................27
Download Hours.................27
Door Hours.....................27
SysOp Page Bell Length.........27
Maximum SysOp Pages............27
Maximum Message Lines..........27
Board Paths.....................28
Startup Path...................28
Menus Path.....................28
Screens Path...................28
Helps Path.....................28
Bulletins Path.................28
Messages Path..................29
Scripts Path...................29
Menu Definitions................30
Main Menu.......................31
Main Menu Help.................31
Comment to SysOp...............31
Script Menu....................31
User List......................31
Files Menu.....................31
Join a Conference..............32
Message Menu...................32
Remote Applications............32
Door Menu......................32
Page the SysOp.................32
Expert Modes...................32
User Config Menu...............33
Return to Main Board...........33
Prompt Positions...............33
Menu I/O Colors................33
Table of contents - 3
Message Menu....................34
Message Menu Help..............34
Change Active Area.............34
Comment to SysOp...............34
Delete Messages................34
Enter a Message................34
New Scan.......................35
Page the SysOp.................35
Return to Main Menu............35
Read Messages..................35
Expert Modes...................35
User Config Menu...............35
Scan Messages..................35
New Scan config................36
Files Menu.....................36
Prompt Positions...............36
Menu I/O Colors................36
Files Menu......................37
File Menu Help.................37
Comment to SysOp...............37
Download Files.................37
List Files.....................37
Message Menu...................37
New Files Search...............38
Page the SysOp.................38
Return to Main Menu............38
Read a Text File...............38
Filename Search................38
Text Search....................38
Upload a File..................38
View a Compressed File.........39
Expert Modes...................39
User Config Menu...............39
Prompt Positions...............39
Menu I/O Colors................39
Door Configuration..............40
Door Name......................40
Door Name......................40
Execution Mode.................40
Watch Carrier..................41
Minimum Security Level.........41
Door Path......................41
Executable File Name...........41
Command Line Parameters........41
Table of contents - 4
Input Color....................42
Output Color...................42
Message Colors.................43
File Listing Colors............43
Display Screens.................44
Screen File Names..............44
Menu Screens...................45
Selection Screens..............45
Help Screens...................46
Welcome Screens................47
Misc Screens...................47
Embedded Commands..............49
Misc. Embedded Commands........50
Creating Menu Screens...........50
Creating Selection Screens......51
Creating Mouse Screens..........52
Mouse Menu Screens.............52
Mouse Selection Screens........53
OmegaBBS System Files...........54
Call Back Verifier..............57
Verifier Configuration.........57
Verifier File Formats..........58
Creating Sub-boards.............60
Support Programs................62
Transfer Protocols.............62
Virus Scanner..................62
Compression Utilities..........62
Door Conversion................63
Running OmegaBBS................63
Command Line Parameters........64
BBS Startup....................65
SysOp Functions.................66
System Maintenance..............69
User Records...................71
Desqview Setup..................72
Table of contents - 5
APPENDIX A......................73
Port Addressing................73
Communication Links............73
Flow Control...................74
Modem Configurations...........75
Table of contents - 6
│LIMITED LICENSE├───────────────────────────────────────────────
You are hereby granted a LIMITED SOFTWARE LICENSE to use
OmegaBBS for a single evaluation period not to exceed 45 days in
length. This license is only valid if the conditions in the
following LICENSE CONDITIONS section are met.
See the REGISTRATION section for ordering information.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or in any
other way make changes or modifications to OmegaBBS.
The evaluation copy of OmegaBBS may not be used to operate a
paid access or subscription Bulletin Board Service.
OmegaBBS may not be included with any other software or hardware
offerings without a license to do so from DataEast Software.
OmegaBBS may not be offered through Shareware, Freeware, or
Public Domain marketing agencies, i.e. anyone making money
distributing software, without a license to do so from DataEast
OmegaBBS may be posted for downloading on paid and subscription
BBS's as long as no direct fee is charged for downloading
OmegaBBS and all the original distribution files are available
for downloading.
│LIMITED WARRANTY├──────────────────────────────────────────────
Rick Harris and DataEast Software make no warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied, as to the fitness for use of
OmegaBBS and related documentation or support programs.
In no event shall Rick Harris or DataEast Software be liable for
any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages
arising from the use, misuse, or inability to use OmegaBBS. Use
at your own risk.
Exclusion or limitation of liability for damages is not allowed
in some states, so these limitations may not apply.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 2
DataEast Software is proud to announce the OmegaBBS software
package, the first BBS package with remote mouse capabilities!
OmegaBBS is a new product, not a rip-off or remake of an
existing program and has been written from scratch, top to
bottom, over 84000 lines of code for OMEGABBS.EXE alone!
OmegaBBS is written in C and great effort has been taken to
produce the tightest, most efficient code possible.
OmegaBBS is a unique BBS package that incorporates MANY new
features not found in any BBS programs. The following is
a list of some of OmegaBBS's features.
OmegaBBS uses fast internal interrupt driven buffered serial
I/O, with support for high speed modems and locked baud rates.
OmegaBBS uses a fast internal ANSI video driver.
Unlimited number of full featured, password protectable
sub-boards / conferences.
200 message bases per sub-board or main board.
Unlimited number of file areas per sub-board.
3 levels of graphics output-
ANSI with color
ANSI without color
ASCII (mono)
3 levels of prompts-
Regular: full screens and prompts.
Semi-Expert: available keys displayed with prompt.
Expert: prompt only.
SysOp defined Menu Prompts and colors.
SysOp defined Menu Keys and custom Menu Screens.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 3
(Features continued)
SysOp defined paths for Menus, ANSI screens, Bulletins, and
Help screens.
SysOp defined colors for file listings, messages, and prompts.
HotKeys or regular key input.
SysOp defined Mouse Menus and custom ANSI screens.
*** Local & REMOTE Mouse Input! ***
Remote users can manipulate SysOp defined Mouse Menus using our
special ModemMouse driver. The mouse support adds a seamless
'point & shoot' capability to your BBS! Local mouse input uses a
regular mouse driver.
System access password protection.
Call-back verification of new user phone numbers if Verifier is
SysOp defined area codes and exchanges for use with Verifier.
Embedded control codes. SysOp can place control codes in
ANSI/ASCII screens and OmegaBBS will replace the codes with the
information they represent. For example, ^FW would be replaced
with the current user's first name.
SysOp defined chat paging hours.
Split-screen chat. The SysOp and user can type at the same time!
SysOp 'on next' function. If a user is online and the SysOp
wants on before next caller logs in, OmegaBBS will hold the phone
off hook when the current user logs off and audibly page the SysOp.
SysOp defined Maintenance Events that are executed at a
specified time. Events can be .bat files, stand alone executable
programs or Omega Script Language (OSL) scripts.
OmegaBBS is Desqview aware. See the Desqview Setup section on page
72 for information on running OmegaBBS under Desqview.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 4
SysOp defined paths for message files.
SysOp defined max number of lines per message.
SysOp defined display colors for message header and text.
SysOp can view deleted messages and undelete if desired.
Bulletproof message indexing.
Very fast message retrieval.
Message text is stored line by line with no wasted space.
Full screen message editor with split screen quoting. User
configurable text and quoting colors. Easy operation.
Line editor.
Message threading, forwards and backwards. Change direction
on the fly!
Message scanning, scan message headers and mark desired
messages for reading.
Message forwarding. Forward a message to another user and add
a note if you desire.
Read messages specified by Subj, To, or From.
New Scan function will scan multiple message bases for new
New Scan Config allows user to include or exclude message bases
from New Scan.
SysOp defined minimum security level for each message base.
Support for Net / Echo mail.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 5
Forwards and backwards scrollable file lists, change direction
on the fly!
Mark files for downloading, using either the arrow keys and
space bar to mark or unmark files, or point and click with a
a mouse. After marking files, users can review marked files,
delete files from marked list or view contents of marked files
before downloading.
Multiple file searches, enter up to 10 file names or partial
strings at a time and then which file areas to search. Fast!
Multiple text searches of file listings, enter up to 10 strings
at a time and then which file areas to search. Fast!
SysOp defined external transfer protocols ( no .bat files! )
SysOp defined upload time credit factor.
SysOp defined level of uploaded file testing. Either no
testing, compressed file integrity test and or full blown virus
scan using SCANV. SysOp defined path for upload testing so RAM
disks may be used. SysOp determines if files that fail tests are
automatically deleted or moved to a specified directory.
SysOp defined default compression format, either none, .ZIP,
.PAK, or .LZH. If one is selected and a user uploads a file
that is not in the default format, OmegaBBS will convert the
file to the default format and grant credit based on the size of
the default format.
SysOp defined Upload/Download ratio, or none. This ratio uses
upload count compared to download count.
SysOp defined UpK/DownK ratio, or none. This ratio uses upload
kbytes compared to download kbytes.
SysOp defined Post/Call ratio, or none. This ratio uses number
of times user has entered messages compared to number of times
The above ratios determine if a user is eligible to download
SysOp defined minimum security level for each file area.
SysOp defined times that downloading is available.
SysOp can mark and move files and descriptions between
directories, using either the arrow keys or a mouse.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 6
│Compressed Files│
OmegaBBS has interface support for the .ZIP, .PAK, and .LZH
compression formats.
SysOp defined default compression format. If default is
selected, non-default format uploads are converted
View contents of compressed file while listing files. If using a
mouse just point to file name and click a button!
Extract files from compressed files for downloading. If using a
mouse just point to filename and click a button!
Read text files from inside of compressed files. If using a
mouse just point to filename and click a button!
SysOp defined path for compressed file processing so that RAM
disks may be used.
OmegaBBS can handle Door programs written for 14 different BBS
programs without all the hassle of batch files!
SysOp defined times that Doors are available.
SysOp defined Minimum security level on each Door.
SysOp determines whether individual Door is executed as a child
process or from a .bat file.
Carrier Detect monitor for Doors that don't have it.
│Script Language│
OmegaBBS Script Language (OSL) is a script interpreter that uses
a subset of the C programming language. This is a powerful
extension of OmegaBBS that supports many C and internal OmegaBBS
functions that allow you to write scripts for virtually any
purpose imaginable. See the OSL.ZIP included with OmegaBBS for
more information.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 7
OmegaBBS is a new product, and to stimulate growth we are
offering OmegaBBS at the low introductory price of $75.00 U.S.
plus $4.50 shipping and handling.
Payment may be by check, money order, VISA, or MasterCard.
See the appropriate section below regarding method of payment
for specific ordering information.
Mailing address:
DataEast Software
RFD2 Box 2a
S. Harpswell, Me.
DataEast BBS (CompuCom 9600,n,8,1 24 hrs.) 207-833-6597
│Credit Cards│
VISA / MC orders may be made by mail, or online
Mail orders
Print, fill out, and mail the accompanying ORDER.FRM
with your selected method of payment.
Electronic orders
Call the DataEast BBS at 207-833-6597 (CompuCom 9600,n,8,1)
Run the 'OmegaBBS ordering' script from the (S)cripts Menu.
Credit card orders are processed the same day or the following
business day if placed electronically on the weekend.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 8
(Ordering information continued)
│Money Orders│
Print, fill out, and mail the accompanying ORDER.FRM with
payment. Make money orders payable to DataEast Software.
Orders will be processed the day received.
Print, fill out, and mail the accompanying ORDER.FRM with
payment. Make checks payable to DataEast Software.
Certified check orders will be processed the day received.
Uncertified check orders will be processed when funds clear the
bank, usually under 10 days.
No foreign checks please. Use international money orders instead.
Registered users will receive a serialized copy of OmegaBBS
on disk. Be sure to specify either 3.5" or 5.25" disks
when ordering.
Registered users may request an 80186/80286 version at no extra
cost. This version requires less memory and runs faster than the
8088 version. You must have an 80186, 80286, or 80386 CPU to run
this version.
Registered users will get one hour per day access on the
DataEast BBS, and access to the Registered User Support
Conference maintained by the author of OmegaBBS. This equates to
virtually unlimited technical support!
Registered users will also get substantial discounts on future
releases of OmegaBBS and other DataEast Software products.
│Minimum Requirements├──────────────────────────────────────────
IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 compatible computer with a minimum of 256K of
RAM available.
Hayes compatible modem.
10 megabyte or larger hard disk. OmegaBBS could be run on a
floppy based system but it is not recommended.
DOS 3.0 or above.
Microsoft compatible mouse. (Optional)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 9
│Configuring OmegaBBS├──────────────────────────────────────────
NOTE: OCONFIG does not create directories! Create the directories
you will be using with OmegaBBS before running OCONFIG.
To configure your OmegaBBS, return to the OmegaBBS startup
directory and run the configuration utility, OCONFIG.EXE. This
program is a menu driven utility that you will use to choose and
modify the configuration options for your system. When you
execute this program, you will be presented with the following
OmegaBBS Configuration Utility Version 1.01
(1)...System Parameters
(2)...System Paths
(3)...Communications Configuration
(4)...Transfer Protocols
(5)...Security Definitions
(6)...Maintenance Scheduler
(7)...Main Board Configuration
(8)...Sub Boards Configuration
Esc...Exit Configuration Editor
The following is a brief discussion of each of the
configurations items that may be modified in each of the above
│System Parameters├─────────────────────────────────────────────
│BBS Name│
Enter the name that you wish OmegaBBS to display for your BBS
(maximum of 35 characters).
│System Password│
You may specify a System Password if you want to run a private
BBS. Callers will not be allowed into the BBS if they do not
have this password. Leave blank if you plan to run an "Open" BBS.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 10
(System parameters continued)
│Co-SysOp Security Level│
Enter the minimum security level to perform certain SYSOP duties
on the BBS. At present the duties controlled by this option are
limited to moving files between directories.
│Screen Blank│
Specify the number of seconds of local inactivity after which
the local screen display will be cleared. Enter 0 if you do not
want screen blanking.
│Max Password Attempts│
Enter the maximum number of password attempts allowed for System
Password, User's password, and sub board access password. If
the user cannot enter the correct password within allowed number
of attempts the user will be denied access.
│User Inactivity Timeout│
Specify the number of seconds of inactivity that will be allowed
before the system drops carrier (hangs up).
│Callback Verifier│
Enter 'Y' if you want OmegaBBS to call back phone numbers left
by new users before giving them access, or 'N' if you don't want
to use call-back verification. See the section on Callback
Verifier configuration on page 57.
│New User Security Level│
Enter the security level to be assigned to new callers. Be sure
that this level is defined in Security Definitions.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 11
(System parameters continued)
NOTE: The following ratios are computed as (x to 1) where x is a
whole number entered as the value below and 1 is a constant.
(For example 1-1, 2-1, 3-1 etc).
1-1 = 100%
2-1 = 50%
3-1 = 33%
4-1 = 25%
│Upload / Download Ratio│
Enter the minimum ratio value that you wish your users to
conform to in order to allow file downloading. If a value is
entered here the user's upload and download count will be
computed using the value entered to determine if user is
maintaining the minimum ratio required to allow file
downloading. Enter the first value only.
│UpK / DownK Ratio│
Enter the minimum ratio value that you wish your users to
conform to in order to allow file downloading. If a value is
entered here the user's upload and download kbytes will be
computed using the value entered to determine if user is
maintaining the minimum ratio required to allow file
downloading. Enter the first value only.
│Post / Call Ratio│
Enter the minimum ratio value that you wish your users to
conform to in order to allow file downloading. If a value is
entered here the number of messages user has entered and number
of times online will be computed using the value entered to
determine if user is maintaining the minimum ratio required to
allow file downloading. Enter the first value only.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 12
(System parameters continued)
│Upload Time Credit│
Specify the credit ratio that you wish to give a user for time
spent uploading. For example, if the ratio is 2 and a user
spends 15 minutes uploading a file the user will be credited 30
minutes (15*2), with 15 minutes deducted (upload time),
resulting in a net time gain of 15 minutes. If the ratio was 1
then the user's time left would be the same as when the upload
was started. A value of 0 will cause the user to lose the time
spent uploading.
│Default Compression Format│
If you want your BBS to have a default format enter one of the
extensions below (include '.'). If a file is uploaded in a
non-default format OmegaBBS will convert the file to the default
format and give upload credit based on the size of the default
format. Leave blank if you don't want to have a default
compression format. OmegaBBS supports .ZIP, .PAK, and .LZH
compression formats utilizing PKZIP, PAK, and LHARC compression
│Upload Testing Level│
OmegaBBS can test uploaded files to check the integrity of the
compressed file or it can de-compress an uploaded file and run
SCANV to perform a virus check on each file contained in the
compressed file.
Enter 0 if you don't want OmegaBBS to test uploads.
Enter 1 if you want OmegaBBS to test the compression integrity
of uploaded files.
Enter 2 if you want OmegaBBS to do a full test of uploaded
files. OmegaBBS will decompress the uploaded files and run
a virus scanner to perform a virus check on each file contained
in the compressed file. See the Virus Scanner section on page 62
for more information.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 13
(System parameters continued)
│Delete Bad Uploads│
Enter 'Y' if you want bad uploads and files that fail the virus
check to be deleted completely from the system.
Enter 'N' if you want bad uploads and files that fail the virus
check to be moved to the directory specified in the TRASHCAN
path (see System Paths configuration options discussion).
│Minimum Drive Space│
Specify the minimum free drive space in Kbytes required to allow
uploads and entry of messages.
│Sub Board Definition│
Enter the name you wish OmegaBBS to use in referencing sub
boards. Common references are Conference, Subboard and Forum.
OmegaBBS will pluralize when required.
│Message Area Definition│
Enter the name you wish OmegaBBS to use in referencing
message areas. Common references are Area, Base, Forum. OmegaBBS
will pluralize when required.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 14
│System Paths├──────────────────────────────────────────────────
NOTE: Include drive letter in all paths!
│BBS Startup Path│
Specify the directory where OmegaBBS.EXE and the system
configuration files will be kept. This is also the Main Board's
startup directory.
│File Utilities Path│
Specify the directory where compression utilities and virus
scanner program will be kept.
│Temporary File Work Path│
Specify the temporary directory where OmegaBBS will decompress
files and perform virus testing. If you have a large ramdisk
this is an ideal use for it. The ramdisk must be large enough
to hold the original compressed file plus it's decompressed
│Transfer Protocols Path│
Specify the directory where external Transfer Protocols programs
will be kept.
│Trashcan Path│
Specify the directory where OmegaBBS will move bad uploads and
files that fail virus tests. This path is only necessary if you
have the 'Delete bad uploads' option in System Parameters set to
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 15
│Communications Configuration├──────────────────────────────────
OmegaBBS requires that your modem tracks the true state of the
the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal. Do not force DCD on! If
your modem has dip switches check the operating manual for the
correct switch settings. If your modem does not have dip
switches include the correct DCD option command (usually &C1) in
the Modem Init String in the Communications section of OCONFIG.
Disable auto-answer on your modem either by dip switches or a
software command. OmegaBBS detects the ring signal and answers
the phone. If your modem has dip switches check the operating
manual for correct switch settings to disable auto-answer. If
your modem does not have dip switches include the correct
auto-answer option command (usually S0=0) in the Modem Init
Modem cables must have pins 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,20, and 22 connected.
If you don't have these pins connected get a new cable.
Example init string for a modem without dip switches.
NOTE: ~ = 1/2 second delay, | = carriage return in command strings.
See APPENDIX A for detailed communications information.
│Communications Port│
Indicate the communications port number to which your modem is
connected. OmegaBBS supports COM1-COM4.
│Init Baud Rate│
Specify the baud rate at which to initialize the serial port.
Usually this will be the highest speed your modem supports.
If your modem supports locked baud rates see the Command Line
Parameters section on page 64.
See APPENDIX A for more information.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 16
(Communications config continued)
│Max Init Attempts│
Enter the maximum number of attempts to initialize the modem
before aborting.
│Carrier Wait│
Specify the time in seconds to wait for carrier detect signal
after connection.
│Answer Command│
Enter the command string to send to the modem when a ring is
detected. Normally this command is "ATA|" on Hayes compatible
│Reset Command│
Enter the command string to send the modem when a reset is
required. Normally this command is "ATZ|" on Hayes compatible
│Off Hook Command│
Enter the command string to take modem off hook and generate a
busy signal when the system is down or running events. Normally
this command is "ATH1|" on Hayes compatible modems.
│On Hook Command│
Enter the command string to place modem on hook. Normally this
command is "ATH0|" on Hayes compatible modems.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 17
(Communications config continued)
│Modem Response Delay│
Specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for modem responses
to commands (10 = 1/100 second). You should try adjusting this
setting in increments of 10 (starting at 10) if OmegaBBS is having
problems initializing the modem or detecting speeds when a connection
is made.
│Modem Init Command│
Enter the command string to initialize the modem. OmegaBBS
requires that your modem return numeric result codes. Normal
Hayes commands regarding result codes are:
Q0 = return result codes.
V0 = return numeric result codes.
X0-X4 = select result code set.
Auto-answer must be disabled, and the modem must track the true
state of the DCD signal for correct operation. See APPENDIX A.
│Modem Dialing Command│
Enter the command string to dial out on modem. Normally, Hayes
compatible modems use ATDT for touch tone dialing and ATDP for
pulse dialing.
│OK Result Code│
Specify the numeric result code returned by your modem when
previous command was successful. Normally this result code is
"0" for Hayes compatible modems.
│Error Result Code│
Specify the numeric result code returned by your modem if there
was an error on previous command. Normally this result code is
"4" for Hayes compatible modems.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 18
(Communications config continued)
│300 Baud Result Code│
Specify the numeric result code return by your modem for 300
baud connection. Normally this result code is "1" for Hayes
compatible modems.
│1200 Baud Result Code│
Specify the numeric result code return by your modem for 1200
baud connection. Normally this result code is "5" for Hayes
compatible modems.
│2400 Baud Result Code│
Specify the numeric result code return by your modem for 2400
baud connection. Normally this result code is "10" for Hayes
compatible modems.
│4800 Baud Result Code│
Specify the numeric result code return by your modem for 4800
baud connection.
│9600 Baud Result Code│
Specify the numeric result code return by your modem for 9600
baud connection.
System Parameters, System Paths, and Communications
Configuration data is kept in a file named SYSTEM.CFG. This file
must be in the BBS startup directory defined in System Paths.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 19
│Transfer Protocols├────────────────────────────────────────────
OCONFIG allows you to offer an unlimited number of file transfer
protocols. Each protocol will have a separate record in the
XFERS.DAT configuration file.
The following discussion illustrates the input needed for one
transfer protocol. The PgUp/Dn keys can be used to scroll
through the various transfer protocols.
The following function keys can be used to Add, Delete or Clear
a record:
F1: Add a Record
F2: Delete a Record
F3: Clear a Record
OCONFIG will sort records based on the Key of execution in
ascending order (A-Z) before saving data so the order that you
enter the various transfer protocol is not crucial. Records are
kept in a file named XFERS.DAT that must be in the directory
specified in the Transfer protocols path.
NOTE: OmegaBBS uses external protocols for file transfers. You
will need to obtain copies of any protocols you want to
implement. DSZ by Omen Tech. is an excellent protocol engine for
this purpose. See the Transfer Protocols portion of the Support
Programs section on page 62 for more information.
│Protocol Name│
Enter the name of protocol as you want it displayed in the
protocol selection menu.
│Executable File Name│
Specify the executable file name (.com or .exe) for this
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 20
(Protocol config continued)
│Key of Execution│
Specify the key to be used to select this protocol from the
protocol selection menu. OmegaBBS does not check for duplicate
keys so be sure the key assigned here is not used by another
│Exits with ERRORLEVEL│
Enter 'Y' if this protocol's program exits with an exit code
when finished.
Enter 'N' if this protocol's program does not exit with an exit
code when finished.
Specify the efficiency percentage of this protocol. The
efficiency is used when calculating transfer times and
determining if user has enough time remaining for transfer.
Enter the value only, no decimals or % signs.
The following values are typical when using Omen Tech's DSZ
protocol engine.
Zmodem - 96
Xmodem 1k - 92
Xmodem - 80
You can monitor actual times of transfers and compare with
estimates made by OmegaBBS and adjust accordingly here.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 21
(Protocol config continued)
│Upload Command Line│
Enter the command line parameters to pass to protocol program
for uploads. See NOTE below regarding dummy parameters.
NOTE: OmegaBBS will replace the following dummy parameters
with the appropriate information at run time.
Command line dummy parameters are:
$1=comport number.
$2=current baud rate.
$3=file list. This will be the name entered below for
the temporary file containing a list of filenames to
transfer. Use with batch protocols.
$4=name of single file to transfer. Use with non-batch
│Upload File List│
Specify the name of the temporary file OmegaBBS will create
containing list of files to be uploaded. Leave blank if not
│Max Files in Batch│
Specify the maximum number of files allowed in a single
transfer. If protocol is not batch capable enter 1.
│Download Command Line│
Enter the command line parameters to pass to protocol program
for uploads. See NOTE above regarding dummy parameters.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 22
(Protocol config continued)
│Download File List│
Enter the name of the temporary file OmegaBBS will create
containing list of files to be uploaded. Leave blank if not
│Transfer Log│
Enter the name of the file used to log file transfer
information. This can be any name but must be in the same format
as the log file used by DSZ. Some protocols get the log file
name on the command line, others need this set as an
environmental variable. If you are using DSZ put the following
command in your autoexec.bat file:
The path in the set command MUST point to the directory you have
entered as the Transfer Protocols path in System Paths and the
file name MUST be the same as the one entered here for the
Transfer log.
│Security Definitions├──────────────────────────────────────────
│Security Level│
Enter the security level for this record (1- 64000).
│Time Allowed per Day│
Enter the maximum time allowed for this security level per day.
│Download Kbytes per Day│
Enter the maximum download kbytes allowed per day for this
security level.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 23
(Security definitions continued)
Security definitions are kept in a file named SECURITY.DAT. This
file must be in the BBS startup directory as defined in System
Paths. You may define up to 64000 security levels to control
access to functions and areas in the BBS.
│Maintenance Events├────────────────────────────────────────────
│Event Status│
If the event status is set to "ON", the event pointed to by this
record will be executed at the defined time and days of the week.
If the event status is set to "OFF", the event will not execute.
│Event Time│
Enter the time of day (in military format 00:00-23:59) to run
this event.
│Days to Execute Event│
Enter 'Y' next to days to run this event.
Enter 'N' next to days not to run this event.
If a value is entered, OmegaBBS will exit with the DOS
errorlevel set to this value at the specified time. Valid exit
values are 6-255.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 24
(Maintenance config continued)
Enter the full pathname of program or .bat file to execute
directly from OmegaBBS at specified time. Include the command
line if needed.
OmegaBBS stays in memory if the event is run in this manner. If
there is not enough memory to run the event in this manner, then
run OmegaBBS from a .bat file and use an errorlevel exit.
OSL scripts may also be executed as an event. Enter the command
"execscript <fullpathname_of_script>".
│Reboot After│
Enter 'Y' if you want OmegaBBS to reboot the computer after
executing this event, 'N' if not. This applies to events run
directly from OmegaBBS only, not errorlevel exits.
Event records are kept in a file named MAINT.DAT that must be in
the BBS startup directory defined in System Paths.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 25
│Board Configuration├───────────────────────────────────────────
NOTE: OCONFIG does not create directories! Create the directories
you will use with the main or sub-boards before running
OmegaBBS will support up to 63999 full featured sub-boards. Each
sub-board may have it's own welcome screens, menus, help files,
file areas, message bases, bulletins, scripts, and doors.
The configuration for the Main Board and Sub Boards is the same
except sub boards have a sub board title, minimum security
level, and password.
Selecting this option from the OCONFIG main menu will bring up
the following sub-menu:
Current Board: Main Board Configuration
(1)...Misc. Board Parameters
(2)...Board Paths
(3)...Menu Definitions
(4)...Message Bases
(5)...File Areas
ESC...Return to Config Menu
│Misc Board Parameters├─────────────────────────────────────────
│Sub-board Title│
Enter the name of this sub-board as you want it displayed. Applies
to sub-boards only.
│Minimum security level│
Specify the minimum security level required to access this
sub-board (1-64000). Applies to sub-boards only.
│Sub-board Password│
Enter the access password if this is a private sub-board.
Leave this option blank if this is not a private sub-board.
Applies to sub-boards only.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 26
(Board config continued)
│SysOp's Name│
Enter the name of this board's SysOp.
│Paging Hours│
Specify the hours that paging the SysOp is allowed in this
board. Enter the time in military format 00:00-23:59.
│Download Hours│
Enter the hours that file downloading is allowed in this board.
Enter the time in military format 00:00-23:59.
│Door Hours│
Specify the hours that DOOR usage is allowed in this board.
Enter the time in military format 00:00-23:59.
│SysOp Page Bell Length│
Enter the time in seconds to ring the SysOp's bell when paged by
│Maximum SysOp Pages│
Set the maximum times that a user can page the SysOp in this sub
│Maximum Message Lines│
Set the maximum number of lines allowed in messages entered in
this sub board.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 27
(Misc Board parameters continued)
│Board Paths├───────────────────────────────────────────────────
It is recommended that you use a ramdisk wherever possible in
storing menus, ansi screens, bulletins, and help files. This
will save wear and tear on your hard drives and also speed up
output. If you don't have enough ram to put all of the output
files on a ramdisk it's suggested you configure OmegaBBS so that
the most often accessed files are kept in ram. Generally, demand
will be in the following order - menus, screens (welcomes etc),
help files, bulletins.
NOTE: See the Display Screens section for more information.
│Startup Path│
Specify the path where this board's data files will be kept.
This must be a separate directory for each board. The Main
Board's startup path must be the same as the BBS startup path.
│Menus Path│
Enter the path where this board's menu screens will be kept. If
all boards on your system use the same format for menus you can
keep the menus files in one common directory.
│Screens Path│
Enter the path where this board's display screens (welcomes etc)
will be kept.
│Helps Path│
Enter the path where this board's help files will be kept. If
all boards on your system use the same format for menus you can
keep the help files in one common directory.
│Bulletins Path│
Specify the path where this board's bulletins will be kept.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 28
(Board paths continued)
│Messages Path│
Enter the path where this board's message files will be kept.
Must be a separate directory for each board.
│Scripts Path│
Enter the path where this board's .OSL script files will be
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 29
│Menu Definitions├──────────────────────────────────────────────
NOTE: When configuring menus in OCONFIG, put the key of
execution and minimum security level for each item on the same
line, separated by a space. OCONFIG and OmegaBBS will not check
for duplicate key assignments on menus so be sure the keys you
assign are not used by another menu item. Valid security levels
are 0-64000. If a 0 is entered for a particular menu item's
security level any user may access that menu item.
NOTE: OmegaBBS will replace the dummy parameters below with the
appropriate information in the Menu Prompts at run time.
!xx = Color change. OmegaBBS will set the color to the DOS color
specified as xx (valid colors are 1-15). Do not put any spaces
between the ! and xx.
% = If in a sub board the board title defined in Misc. Board
Parameters will be displayed in the current color.
& = Carriage return. If you want to break a long prompt into 2
or more lines place the & character at the point you want the
new line break to start.
" = OmegaBBS will display the current user's time remaining in
the current color.
# = OmegaBBS will display the Title of the current message
area in the current color. Use only on Message Menus.
$ = OmegaBBS will display the Title of the current file area
in the current color.
* = OmegaBBS will display the menu keys available to the user
in the current color. These will only be displayed when the user
has selected semi-expert menus. If you want the available keys
bracketed with either [] or () place either a '[' or '(' (no
quotes) directly after the '*'.
You must define the X (horizontal) screen positions where
OmegaBBS is to display the menu prompts. This allows you to
align your prompts with the beginning edge of your menu screens.
There are separate entries for ANSI color menus, ANSI non-color
menus, and ASCII menus. If the user has selected expert or
semi-expert prompt levels the prompts will be displayed at far
left of screen.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 30
(Menu definitions continued)
│Main Menu├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│Main Menu Help│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to display
Main Menu help screen.
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the Bulletin Menu for this board.
│Comment to SysOp│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to leave a
Comment to the SysOp.
│Script Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the Script Menu. (This is an OSL script named "MAINMENU.OSL").
│User List│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to display
list of Users on this board.
│Files Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the Files Menu on this board.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 31
(Menu definitions continued)
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to log off
system from the Main Menu.
│Join a Conference│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the Sub Board selection menu from this board.
│Message Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the Message Menu on this board.
│Remote Applications│
Reserved for future use.
│Door Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the Doors Menu on this board.
│Page the SysOp│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to page
the SysOp for chat from the Main Menu on this board.
│Expert Modes│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to change
prompt levels.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 32
(Menu definitions continued)
│User Config Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the User Configuration Menu.
│Return to Main Board│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to return
directly to the Main Board from a sub board.
Define the Main Menu prompt to display to the user. See NOTE
on page# 30 for instructions.
│Prompt Positions│
Specify the screen X (horizontal) positions where you want the
Main Menu prompt to be displayed for ANSI color (.ANS), ANSI
non-color(.ANC), and ASCII (.ASC) menus. Enter values (1- 80)
separated by single spaces.
│Menu I/O Colors│
Enter the input and output colors OmegaBBS will use when
displaying system messages to the user and receiving user input
while in the Main Menu. Enter DOS colors (1-15) separated by a
single space.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 33
│Message Menu├──────────────────────────────────────────────────
│Message Menu Help│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to display
Message Menu help screen.
│Change Active Area│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to change
active message area.
│Comment to SysOp│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to leave a
Comment to the SysOp.
│Delete Messages│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to delete
messages. This applies only if the messages are addressed To or
From the user, otherwise a user needs a security level greater
than or equal to the minimum SysOp security level defined for
the current Message Area in the Boards Message Configuration.
│Enter a Message│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to enter
new messages on this board.
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to logoff
system from the Message Menu.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 34
(Menu definitions continued)
│New Scan│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to do a
global new message scan on this board.
│Page the SysOp│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to page
the SysOp for chat from the Message Menu.
│Return to Main Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to quit
the Message Menu and return to the Main Menu.
│Read Messages│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to read
messages on this board.
│Expert Modes│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to change
prompt levels.
│User Config Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the User Configuration Menu.
│Scan Messages│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to scan
message headers in the active message area.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 35
(Menu definitions continued)
│New Scan config│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to select
or de-select message areas for inclusion/exclusion in NewScan.
│Files Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to go
directly to the Files Menu.
Define the Message Menu prompt to be displayed to the user. See
NOTE on page# 30 for instructions.
│Prompt Positions│
Enter the screen X (horizontal) positions where you want the
Message Menu prompt to be displayed for ANSI color (.ANS), ANSI
non-color(.ANC), and ASCII (.ASC) menus. Enter values (1-80)
separated by single spaces.
│Menu I/O Colors│
Enter input and output colors OmegaBBS will use when displaying
system messages to the user and receiving user input while in
the Message Menu. Enter DOS colors (1-15) separated by a single
space. Message header and text colors are defined in the Color
section of the Boards Configuration.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 36
│Files Menu├────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│File Menu Help│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to display
the Files Menu help screen.
│Comment to SysOp│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to leave a
Comment to the SysOp.
│Download Files│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to
download files on this board.
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to logoff
the system from the Files Menu.
│List Files│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to display
file listings on this board.
│Message Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to go
directly to the Message Menu from the Files Menu.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 37
(Menu definitions continued)
│New Files Search│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to search
for new files since user's last call.
│Page the SysOp│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to page
the SysOp for chat from the Files Menu.
│Return to Main Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to quit
the Files Menu and return to the Main Menu.
│Read a Text File│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to read a
text file on-line.
│Filename Search│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to do a
string search of file names.
│Text Search│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to do a
string search of text in file listings.
│Upload a File│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to upload
files to this board.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 38
(Menu definitions continued)
│View a Compressed File│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to view
the contents of compressed files.
│Expert Modes│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to change
prompt levels.
│User Config Menu│
Enter the key of execution and minimum security level to access
the User Configuration Menu.
Define the Files Menu prompt to be displayed to the user. See
NOTE on page# 30 for instructions.
│Prompt Positions│
Enter the screen X (horizontal) positions where you want the
Files Menu prompt to be displayed for ANSI color (.ANS), ANSI
non-color(.ANC), and ASCII (.ASC) menus. Enter values (1-80)
separated by single spaces.
│Menu I/O Colors│
Enter the input and output colors OmegaBBS will use when
displaying system messages to user and receiving user input
while in the Files Menu. Enter DOS colors (1-15) separated by a
single space.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 39
│Door Configuration├────────────────────────────────────────────
OmegaBBS offers 2 methods of running doors (external programs)
on your BBS.
The first method is Direct Execution, where OmegaBBS will take
the information you enter for each Door in the Doors
Configuration and pass it off to the DoorMaster data conversion
utility. You must use version 3.09 of DoorMaster if you run a
door using this method. No other versions will work correctly.
OmegaBBS will run doors written for the following BBS software
using DoorMaster. You must have a copy of DoorMaster 3.09 in the
BBS Startup directory before attempting to run any door programs
directly from OmegaBBS.
Door Types:
1 = DoorWay 8 = MGW
2 = DoorWay 1.43 9 = Opus
3 = DoorWay 2.00 10 = PCBoard 12
4 = Forbes 11 = PCBoard 14
5 = GAP 12 = QuickBBS
6 = Genesis 13 = RBBS
7 = GT Power 14 = Wildcat!
The second method is to run your door program from a DOS .bat file.
OmegaBBS will write a standard DORINFO1.DEF file to the directory
you enter in each record as the Door Directory, and will make that
directory the active directory. OmegaBBS will then run the .bat
file you have entered in the "Executable file name" field. This
.bat file must be in the Door Directory.
│Door Name│
Enter the name of this door as you want it displayed.
│Door Type│
Enter the number from the Door Types list above that corresponds
to the BBS software for which this door was written. This is used
when the "D" direct execution mode is to be used.
│Execution Mode│
Enter "D" if you want this door run directly from OmegaBBS or
"B" if you want it run from a batch file.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 40
(Door config continued)
│Watch Carrier│
Enter "Y" if you want OmegaBBS to monitor the carrier detect
signal while the door is running. Enter "N" if not. If Y is
entered and carrier is dropped in a door, OmegaBBS will reboot
the computer. Don't use this feature unless the door program
does not monitor carrier. The carrier monitor in OmegaBBS chains
to interrupt 1Ch (timer). See the Desqview Setup section on page
72 if you are running OmegaBBS under Desqview.
│Minimum Security Level│
Specify the minimum security level to access this door.
│Door Path│
Enter the full path to this door's executable files. Include the
drive letter in the path.
│Executable File Name│
Specify the executable file name or .bat file for this door.
Enter the name and extension only, command line parameters are
entered below.
│Command Line Parameters│
Enter the command line parameters to be passed to this door's
executable file. Leave blank if not needed or if this door is
run from a batch file.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 41
NOTE: All colors must be configured. Failure to do so will
produce interesting (unpredictable) results. Do not use color 0
(black) or you'll have invisible output. Do not use color 8
(gray) as some older color monitors display it as black. Color 9
(bright blue) causes underlining on some Hercules cards.
DOS color codes:
0 = black
1 = dark blue
2 = dark green
3 = dark cyan
4 = dark red
5 = dark magenta
6 = dark brown
7 = dark white
8 = dark gray
9 = bright blue
10 = bright green
11 = bright cyan
12 = bright red
13 = bright magenta
14 = bright yellow
15 = bright white
│Input Color│
Specify the color of user input on this board.
│Output Color│
Specify the color of non-menu prompts and system messages sent
to users.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 42
(Color config continued)
│Message Colors│
Message color 1: Specify the color of first line in message
headers on this board. Contains message area
title and message number.
Message color 2: Specify the color of the second line in message
headers on this board. This line contains the
date and time that message was left.
Message color 3: Specify the color of the third line in message
headers on this board. This line contains the
identity to whom the message is addressed.
Message color 4: Specify the color of fourth line in message
headers on this board. This line contains the
identity of the message originator.
Message color 5: Specify the color of fifth line in message
headers on this board. This line contains
subject of the message.
Message color 6: Specify the color used in marking messages as
private, deleted, and received on this board.
Message color 7: Specify the color of the message text on this
Message color 8: Specify the color of the message read prompt on
this board.
│File Listing Colors│
File color 1..: Specify the color of the file name in file
listings on this board.
File color 2..: Specify the color of the file size and date
in file listings on this board.
File color 3..: Specify the color of the file description in
file listings on this board.
File color 4..: Specify the color used in highlighting marked
files on this board.
File color 5..: Specify the color of file listing prompt on this
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 43
│Display Screens├───────────────────────────────────────────────
OmegaBBS supports 3 graphics modes: ANSI with color, ANSI
without color, and ASCII (mono). The file extensions for the
various modes are .ANS (ANSI color), .ANC (ANSI non-color), and
.ASC (ASCII mono).
The ANSI non-color mode is a not a standard BBS feature, and was
added to OmegaBBS to support users that don't want color but
still want ANSI screen control and use of the full screen
editor, backwards scrolling file lists, file marking, split
screen chat, and the mouse support functions.
When a particular screen is to be sent, OmegaBBS does a
descending search (.ANS->.ANC->.ASC), starting with the
extension corresponding to the user's Graphics Mode, until a
match is found and the screen is sent.
│Screen File Names│
To help ease the task of creating and maintaining the display
screens required for operation, OmegaBBS uses the following file
naming conventions.
xxxM.A?? Menu screens.
xxxS.A?? Selection screens: Doors, Files, Message Areas etc.
xxxH.A?? Help screens.
All mouse screen filenames are preceded by 'M_'. Mouse support
is only available if a user has ANSI color or ANSI non-color
Graphics Mode, so .ASC files are not required for mouse display
screens. See the "Creating Mouse Screens" section on page 52 for
more information.
M_xxM.A?? Mouse Menu screens.
M_xxS.A?? Mouse Selection screens: Doors, Files, Msgs etc.
M_xxH.A?? Mouse help screens.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 44
│Menu Screens│
Menu screens are display screens that reflect the menu keys and
related commands as you have defined them in OCONFIG. These
menu display files must be in the directory specified as the
Menus Path in the Boards Configuration of OCONFIG.
MAINM.ANS/ANC/ASC Main Menu display screens.
M_MAINM.ANS/ANC Mouse Main Menu display screens.
MSGM.ANS/ANC/ASC Message Menu display screens.
M_MSGM.ANS/ANC Mouse Message Menu display screens.
FILEM.ANS/ANC/ASC File Menu display screens.
M_FILEM.ANS/ANC Mouse File Menu display screens.
│Selection Screens│
Selection screens are display screens used to show the possible
selections of various OmegaBBS functions.
BLTS.ANS/ANC/ASC Bulletins selection screens.
M_BLTS.ANS/ANC Mouse Bulletins selection screens.
MSGS.ANS/ANC/ASC Message Area selection screens.
M_MSGS.ANS/ANC Mouse Message Area selection screens.
FILES.ANS/ANC/ASC File Area selection screens.
M_FILES.ANS/ANC Mouse File Area selection screens.
DOORS.ANS/ANC/ASC Door selection screens.
M_DOORS.ANS/ANC Mouse Door selection screens.
SUBS.ANS/ANC/ASC Sub-board selection screens.
M_SUBS.ANS/ANC Mouse Sub-board selection screens.
NOTE: OmegaBBS will only look in the Main Board's Screens Path
for the Sub-board selection screens.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 45
│Help Screens│
Help screen files must be in the directory specified as the
Helps Path in the Boards Configuration of OCONFIG.
MAINH.ANS/ANC/ASC Main Menu help screens.
M_MAINH.ANS/ANC Mouse Main Menu help screens.
MSGH.ANS/ANC/ASC Message Menu help screens.
M_MSGH.ANS/ANC Mouse Message Menu help screens.
FILEH.ANS/ANC/ASC File Menu help screens.
M_FILEM.ANS/ANC Mouse File Menu help screens.
READH.ANS/ANC/ASC Message Menu Read modes help screens.
M_READH.ANS/ANC Mouse Message Menu Read modes help screens.
FLISTH.ANS/ANC/ASC File List prompt help screens.
M_FLISTH.ANS/ANC Mouse File List prompt help screens.
VIEWH.ANS/ANC/ASC Compressed File Viewing help screens.
M_VIEWH.ANS/ANC Mouse Compressed File Viewing help screens.
READPH.ANS/ANC/ASC Message Read prompt help screens.
M_READPH.ANS/ANC Mouse Message Read prompt help screens.
UCFGH.ANS/ANC/ASC User Configuration Menu help screens.
No Mouse help screens needed for User Configuration help.
LEDH.ANS/ANC/ASC Line Editor help screens.
No Mouse help screens needed for Line Editor help.
FSEDH.ANS/ANC/ASC Full Screen Editor help screens.
No Mouse help screens needed for Full Screen Editor help.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 46
│Welcome Screens│
WELCOME screen files must be in the directory specified as the
Screens Path in the Boards Configuration of OCONFIG.
WELCOMEx.ANS/ANC/ASC Welcome display screens are the first
files displayed when a user logs in or
enters a sub-board. You may have up to 9
welcome screens, numbered 1-9.
Screens will be displayed in sequential order
starting with WELCOME1, and will continue
until a next higher numbered screen is
not found or WELCOME9 is displayed.
xxxxx.ANS/ANC/ASC Security dependant screens displayed
after the WELCOME screens, where xxxxx
is the security level of the users
you want to see these screens. Example,
150.A?? would be displayed to users
with a security level of 150.
│Misc Screens│
OmegaBBS will only look for the following screens in the Main Board's
Screen Path.
ANSITYPE.ANS/ANC/ASC Displayed to user when (G)raphics option
selected from the User Config Menu. This
file contains a list of communications
programs grouped by 'type' relating to
the comm program's ANSI capabilities.
OmegaBBS uses esc[xM (line delete) and
esc[xL (line insert) whenever possible
to speed up screen updates.
Type 1: Does not support line inserts or
line deletes.
Type 2: Supports both line inserts and line
Type 3: Supports line inserts but not line
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 47
(Misc screens continued)
ANSINOTE.ANS/ANC/ASC Displayed if user has selected ANSI
graphics and his/her comm program does
not support enhanced ANSI commands.
Should warn them that Full Screen Editor
and the backwards scrolling file lists
will not be available to them.
CALLBACK.ANS/ANC/ASC Instructions to user about the Call Back
Verifier. Not needed if Call Back not used.
NOCALL.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed to user if user's area code
or prefix are not found in SysOp defined
list for allowed Call Backs. Not needed if
Verifier not used.
GOODBYE.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed to user at log off.
LOGIN.ASC Screen displayed to user's before the login
prompt is sent. This file should be in
ASCII text only.
UPTHANX.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed to user after an upload.
USERSTAT.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed when user selects (V)iew
Stats from the User Configuration Menu.
NOPAGE.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed if attempt to page SysOp
outside of the Paging Hours defined in
Boards Configuration in OCONFIG.
NOTAVAIL.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed if SysOp does not respond
to Page.
MAXPAGE.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed if attempt to page SysOp more
than the allowable number of times defined
in Boards Configuration in OCONFIG.
FILES.HDR When a user lists a file directory
OmegaBBS will check in the file
directory for a file by this name and if
found will display it prior to sending
the file listing.
The following screen files are optional and if used must be in
the directory specified as the Screens Path in the Boards
Configuration of OCONFIG.
BEFOREUP.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed to user when a file
upload is requested.
AFTERUP.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed to user after an upload
session is completed.
BEFOREDN.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed to user when a file
download is requested.
AFTERDN.ANS/ANC/ASC Screen displayed to user after a download
session is completed.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 48
Bulletin files must be in the directory specified as the
Bulletins Path in the Boards Configuration of OCONFIG.
BULLETxx.ANS/ANC/ASC Bulletins may be numbered from 1-99.
│Embedded Commands│
Embedded commands are dummy parameters that can be put in your
screens to display variable information. OmegaBBS will replace
the embedded command with the appropriate data when the screen
is displayed. The control characters are represented here as ^F
and ^K but must be the actual control character in your screens.
For example, to enter ^K, you would press and hold the Ctrl key
and press K. OmegaBBS will pad strings with trailing spaces, and
left justify and pad out integer variables with trailing spaces
to occupy 5 spaces on the screen. ON and OFF will be 3 spaces.
^FA Full name. 35 characters.
^FB City & state. 35 characters.
^FC Password. 15 characters.
^FD Default protocol. 40 characters.
^FE Phone number. 12 characters.
^FF Last time online. 26 characters.
^FG User's ID number. 5 spaces.
^FJ Message editor type.
^FK Sends ON if hotkeys enabled, OFF if not.
^FM Number of times user has posted a message. 5 spaces.
^FN Kbytes downloaded today. 5 spaces.
^FO Security Level. 5 spaces.
^FP Number of times user has called.5 spaces.
^FQ Number of files uploaded. 5 spaces.
^FR Kbytes uploaded. 5 spaces.
^FS Number of downloads. 5 spaces.
^FT Kbytes downloaded. 5 spaces.
^FU Time used today in seconds. 5 spaces.
^FV Screen length. 5 spaces.
^FW User's first name. 35 characters.
^FX Sends graphics mode, ANSI Color, ANSI no Color, ASCII.
13 characters.
^FY Sends ON if user has page prompts on, OFF if not.
^FZ Sends ON if user has mouse support enabled, OFF if not.
^KA Current Sub-board's title. 50 characters.
^KB Last caller's name. 35 characters.
^KC SysOp Paging hours, XX:XX-XX:XX. 11 characters.
^KE Current file area title.
^KF Current message area title.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 49
(Embedded commands continued)
^KG Number of calls on system.
^KH Number of users on system. 5 spaces.
^KK Time connected in minutes. 5 spaces.
^KL Time connected in seconds. 5 spaces.
^KM Time used for today in minutes. 5 spaces.
^KN Time used for today in seconds. 5 spaces.
^KO Time remaining in minutes. 5 spaces.
^KQ Time limit in minutes. 5 spaces.
^KR Baud rate. 5 spaces.
^KT Download kbyte limit. 5 spaces.
^KW Stop user screen aborts.
^KX Turn on user screen aborts.
^KY Turn page prompts on.
^KZ Turn page prompts off.
│Misc. Embedded Commands│
^A When OmegaBBS encounters a ^A character it will output
the string "Any key to continue.." and then wait for
user input.
NOTE: Do not use ^Q or ^S characters in your screens. These
are the standard XON / XOFF flow control characters and
use of them will disrupt communications.
│Creating Menu Screens├─────────────────────────────────────────
Options in the Menu Screens must correspond to the key of
execution and function as you have defined them in the Boards
Menu Definition section of OCONFIG.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 50
│Creating Selection Screens├────────────────────────────────────
OmegaBBS uses the following logic in referencing Options on
Selection Screens.
Doors: option number refers to the entry record number of
specific Door in the Boards Door section of OCONFIG.
The record number is displayed at the top of the screen
when the door is configured.
option number corresponds to the number appended to the
the BULLETx. file name. The SysOp assigns the numbers to
bulletin screens.
File Areas:
option number refers to the entry record number of
specific File Area in the Boards File Selection section
of OCONFIG. The record number is displayed at the top
of the screen when the File Area is configured.
Msg. Areas:
option number refers to the entry record number of
specific Message Area in the Boards Message Selection
section of OCONFIG. The record number is displayed
at the top of the screen when the Message Area is
option number refers to the entry record number of
specific Board # in OCONFIG. The record number is
displayed at the top of the screen when the Sub-board is
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 51
│Creating Mouse Screens├────────────────────────────────────────
OmegaBBS supports remote mouse input for users who have the
ModemMouse driver loaded on their machine, or local mouse input
with a regular mouse driver loaded.
Mouse screens take a little more effort to construct than
regular screens, and good planning will pay off. It's a good
idea to configure the BBS and set up the regular (non-mouse)
menus and selection screens before doing the Mouse equivalents.
The following sections contain suggested approaches to creating
your mouse Menu and Selection screens.
│Mouse Menu Screens│
Make a list of all Menu Options for the Main Menu, Files Menu,
and Message Menu.
Create your Mouse Menu Screens, using the file naming
conventions and names included in the File Names section of this
documentation, and after the menus are done go back in and use
the ruler built into your ANSI screen editor program ( Alt-N in
TheDraw ) and get the line number (Y), beginning column (startX),
and ending column (endX) for each Menu Option and write these
values down. These values represent the 'HOTSPOT' for the mouse
input, and enable OmegaBBS to determine what Menu Option the
user clicked a button on. These values must then be entered in
the appropriate Menu Configuration in MOUSECFG.
NOTE: These values apply to both ANSI color and ANSI non-color
screens. Options must be displayed in the same
positions on both color and non-color screens.
-------------top of screen---------------
3 (Y)-> [ Files Menu ]
4 ^(startX) ^(endX)
In the example above, the 'HOTSPOT' for the Files Menu Option on
the Main Menu would be Y=3, startX=12, and endX=25. If the user
clicks a mouse button on line 3 between columns 12 and 25
OmegaBBS will display the Files Menu.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 52
│Mouse Selection Screens│
The Mouse selection screens are screens displayed that show the
different selections available to the user for Doors, Bulletins,
File Areas, Message Areas, and Sub-boards. These selections must
correspond to the numbered options in the regular (non-mouse)
selection screens. If a selection option is numbered 5 on the
regular screen, the HOTSPOT values for the same option would be
entered as the 5th entry in the appropriate Selection Menu in
Option on regular screen - (5) Space Wars
-------------top of screen---------------
4 (Y)-> [ Space Wars ]
5 ^(startX) ^(endX)
In the example above, the 'HOTSPOT' for the 'Space Wars' Door on
the Door Selection Menu would be Y=4, startX=18, and endX=31. If
the user clicks a mouse button on line 4 between columns 18 and
31 OmegaBBS would load the Space Wars program.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 53
│OmegaBBS System Files├─────────────────────────────────────────
MSGCTRL.DAT Message Control file.
MSGxxx.IDX Message Index file. The 'xxx' will be the number
of the message area# that the index is for.
MSGTEXT.DAT Message Text file. Text for all messages in all
areas on a given board are kept in a single file.
Do not edit this file with a text editor!
The Message files must be in the directory
specified as the Message Path in Boards
Configuration of OCONFIG
SYSTEM.LOG System activity log. File will be in the BBS
startup directory. If not found, OmegaBBS will
start a new one.
ERROR.LOG OmegaBBS will log any system errors in this file.
File will be in the BBS startup directory. If
not found, OmegaBBS will start a new one. If you
encounter any problems with your BBS setup this
is a good place to start looking for a probable
AREACODE.DAT This file is a list of valid area codes for use
with the Call Back Verifier if the verifier is
turned on in OCONFIG. This file is created
by the SysOp and must be in the BBS startup
directory. See the Call Back Verifier section
on page 57 for more information.
EXCHANGE.DAT This file is a list of valid exchanges for use
with the Call Back Verifier if the verifier
option is turned on in OCONFIG. This file is
created by the SysOp and must be in the BBS
startup directory. See the Call Back Verifier
section on page 57 for more information.
DOORCTRL.DAT Door programs record file. This file is created
when the Doors are configured in the Boards
Configuration section of OCONFIG, and must
be in the directory specified in Boards
Configuration as the startup path.
FILECTRL.DAT File Area Control file. This file is created
when the File Areas are configured in the Boards
Configuration section of OCONFIG, and must
be in the directory specified in Boards
Configuration as the startup path.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 54
(System files continued)
MAINT.DAT Automated maintenance event records. This file
is created when maintenance events are configured
in OCONFIG, and must be in the BBS startup
MENUS.DAT Menu definitions file. This file is created when
menus are defined in OCONFIG, and must be in
the directory specified as the startup path in
Boards Configuration.
MOUSECFG.DAT Mouse Menus definition file. This file is created
when mouse menus are defined in MOUSECFG, and
must be in the directory specified as the
startup path in the Boards Configuration section
USERINFO.DAT User records. This file must be in the BBS startup
SECURITY.DAT Security levels definition file. This file is
created when security levels are defined in
OCONFIG. This file must be in the BBS
startup directory.
SUBS.DAT Sub-board records. this file is created when
sub-boards are defined in OCONFIG. This file
must be in the BBS startup directory.
SUBSYS.CFG Sub-board configuration file. This file is
created when the sub-board is configured in
OCONFIG. This file must be in the sub-board
startup path.
SUBUSER.DAT User records for sub-boards. This file must be
in the sub-board startup directory. If not
found, a new one is created when a user enters
the sub-board.
UPEXCEPT.DAT This file contains a list of file extensions
that are considered valid non-compressed uploads
if the "E - compressed with exceptions" option
was selected when configuring the Upload File area
in OCONFIG. This file is created using an ascii text
editor and must be in the main/sub board startup
directory, be sure to include the '.' with the
extension. Entries must be terminated by a carriage
return. Example:
XFERS.DAT Transfer Protocols configuration records. This file
is created when Protocols are defined in
OCONFIG and must be in the path specified as
the Transfer Protocols path in OCONFIG
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 55
(System files continued)
FILES.BBS The FILES.BBS files are lists of downloadable
files in the directories you have defined in
OCONFIG. A copy of FILES.BBS must be in each
defined directory. OmegaBBS appends new file
information to these files. The FILES.BBS files
may be created using an ASCII text editor. An
example entry line is shown below.
Note: Entries cannot be over 80 characters in length,
and MUST be terminated with a carriage return,
this includes the last line in the file as well.
Entries may not contain any tabs.
TREEVIEW.ZIP 110491 01-06-89 McGee's newest: File maintenance etc
| | | |
| | | Description starts at column 34.
| | |
| | Date starts at column 24.
| |
| Size is right justified, ending at column 21.
Name starts at column 1
If your BBS uses the FILES.BBS type of file listing that does
not have the size and date included in the file listing, use
the utility program FCONVERT.EXE included with OmegaBBS to do a
painless switch-over to our format. Type 'FCONVERT ?' for help.
Do not put any headers in the FILES.BBS! Put a FILES.HDR file
in the directory if you want to display something to users before
the actual list. This should be a non-color file, and OmegaBBS will
display it in bright white if the user has color turned on.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 56
│Call Back Verifier├────────────────────────────────────────────
OmegaBBS has an internal Call Back Verifier that will call back
numbers left by new users to verify that the number is
legitimate. This function is useful in helping to know that
users are who they say they are, and that they aren't already a
user and are calling in to open an account under an assumed
OmegaBBS will check new phone numbers against all phone numbers
in the existing user records to determine if it is a duplicate
number. If a duplicate is found an entry will be made in the
OmegaBBS will compare the new user's area code against the valid
area codes in the AREACODE.DAT file. If not found, OmegaBBS will
display the NOCALL.A?? screen that might contain information on
alternative forms of verification such as mail-in registrations
etc, and then terminate the call.
OmegaBBS will compare the new user's exchange against the valid
exchanges in the EXCHANGE.DAT file. If not found, OmegaBBS will
display the NOCALL.A?? screen and terminate the call.
If the area code and exchange are valid, OmegaBBS will display
the CALLBACK.A?? screen. This screen should have instructions to
the user about the call back verification process. OmegaBBS will
then hang up on the user, wait 15 seconds, and dial the new
user's number. If OmegaBBS detects another call during the 10
second wait, OmegaBBS will answer the phone and display a
message that the system is busy and ask the caller to call back
later, and OmegaBBS will terminate that call.
The user must have either auto-answer enabled on his end or
issue an answer command to his modem, usually ATA on Hayes
compatible modems. OmegaBBS will then ask the user to re-enter
his password. If the correct password is entered OmegaBBS will
write the new user's record to disk and terminate the call. The
new user can then call back and re-enter the system.
│Verifier Configuration│
Turn on the Verifier option in the System Parameters section of
OCONFIG by placing a 'Y' in the entry field next to the
'Use Verifier' option.
Go to the Communications Configuration section of OCONFIG and
enter the dialing command for your modem in the field next to
the 'Dialing Commmand' option. This is normally ATDP if you have
pulse dialing or ATDT if you have tone dialing.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 57
(verifier config continued)
Create the AREACODE.DAT and EXCHANGE.DAT files. The file formats
and examples follow this section. After this is done your Call
Back Verifier is ready to run.
│Verifier File Formats│
AREACODE.DAT is a list of the area codes you are willing to
support in the verifier. This file must exist for the verifier
to function, and must contain at least your area code.
AREACODE.DAT is created using any ascii text editor.
Area codes are entered as follows.
Your area code is entered as a 3 digit number.
Long distance area codes are preceded by a 1, then the 3 digit
area code.
207 is the local area code.
301 is a long distance area code.
714 is a long distance area code.
Entries may not contain any spaces or tabs, and each entry
must be terminated by a carriage return.
EXCHANGE.DAT is a list of the exchanges within the area codes
you are willing to support in the verifier. This file must exist
for the verifier to function, and must contain at least your
local exchange.
Exchanges are entered as follows.
Your local exchange is entered as a 3 digit number.
Long distance exchanges within your area code or in a long
distance area code are preceded by a 1, then the 3 digit
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 58
(Verifier config continued)
833 is a local exchange.
729 is a local exchange.
725 is a local exchange.
721 is a local exchange.
784 is a long distance exchange in the local (207) area code.
443 is a long distance exchange in the local (207) area code.
757 is a long distance exchange in the long distance (301) area code.
Entries may not contain any whitespace or tabs, and each entry
must be terminated by a carriage return.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 59
│Creating Sub-boards├───────────────────────────────────────────
A Sub-board is a full featured board with it's own messages,
files, doors, bulletins, and scripts. OmegaBBS supports up to
250 Sub-boards. The following is a diagram of an OmegaBBS set up
with 2 sub-boards.
│ Main Board Main Menu │
├─Message Menu
├─Files Menu
├─Bulletin Menu
├─Doors Menu
│ ┌─────────────────┐
└─│ Sub-boards Menu │
│ └───────────────────┐
┌─────────┴───────────┐ ┌─────────┴───────────┐
│ Sub Board Main Menu │ │ Sub Board Main Menu │
└─────────┬───────────┘ └─────────┬───────────┘
┌───────┘ ┌───────┘
├─Message Menu ├─Message Menu
├─Files Menu ├─Files Menu
├─Bulletin Menu ├─Bulletin Menu
├─Doors Menu ├─Doors Menu
└─Scripts └─Scripts
Each sub-board must be configured in the Sub Boards
Configuration section of OCONFIG. Each sub-board must have
separate startup directories and message directories.
If your sub-board menu layouts are similar you may put the menu
screens in a common directory that is accessed by all the
sub-boards. The same is true of help screens directories.
The only difference between the Main Board Main Menu and a
Sub-Board Main Menu is the "Return to Main Board" function from
a sub-board. The Files Menu and Message Menu functions are
identical whether in a sub-board or the Main Board. You can
create one set of menus and help screens that may be accessed
from either the Main Board or sub-boards.
The Screens directory specified in the Boards Configuration
section of OCONFIG holds the welcome screens and security
dependant display screens, so if you will have welcome screens
to users when they access a sub-board these should be separate
directories from other sub-boards.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 60
(Board config continued)
To save time in defining the regular and mouse menus for your
sub-boards you can copy the menus.dat and mousecfg.dat files
from the Main Board startup directory to your sub-boards startup
directory and make any changes applicable to the sub-board
setups there, otherwise OCONFIG will start out with blank data
records that require complete configuring.
Here is an example of the directory paths for OmegaBBS set up
with 2 sub-boards.
D:\OMEGA\BBS Main board startup directory.
D:\OMEGA\BULLS Main board bulletins directory.
D:\OMEGA\ANSI Main board screens directory.
D:\OMEGA\MENUS Main board menu screens directory.
D:\OMEGA\MSGS Main board message directory.
D:\OMEGA\SCRIPTS Main board scripts directory.
D:\OMEGA\DOORS Main board doors directory.
D:\OMEGA\XFERS File transfer protocols directory.
D:\OMEGA\FUTIL Compression util, virus scanner directory.
D:\TRASHCAN Trashcan for bad uploads.
E:\FILEWORK Temp work directory, use ramdisk if possible.
D:\SUBANSI Common sub display screens directory.
D:\SUBMENUS Common sub menu screens directory.
D:\SUBHELPS Common sub help screens directory.
1st Sub-board:
D:\SUB1 Sub-board startup directory.
D:\SUB1\BULLS Sub-board bulletins directory.
D:\SUBANSI Sub-board screens dierctory. (common)
D:\SUBMENUS Sub-board menu screens directory. (common)
D:\SUB1\MSGS Sub-board message directory.
D:\SUB1\SCRIPTS Sub-board scripts directory.
2nd Sub-board:
D:\SUB2 Sub-board startup directory.
D:\SUB2\BULLS Sub-board bulletins directory.
D:\SUBANSI Sub-board screens dierctory. (common)
D:\SUBMENUS Sub-board menu screens directory. (common)
D:\SUB2\MSGS Sub-board message directory.
D:\SUB2\SCRIPTS Sub-board scripts directory.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 61
│Support Programs├──────────────────────────────────────────────
│Transfer Protocols│
OmegaBBS uses external programs for file transfers. Any transfer
protocol program that uses the DSZ record format will function
perfectly with OmegaBBS. The following protocols have been tested
with OmegaBBS.
Xmodem using the DSZ protocol engine.
Xmodem 1K (Ymodem) using the DSZ protocol engine.
Ymodem (True Ymodem Batch) using the DSZ protocol engine.
Ymodem-g using the DSZ protocol engine.
Zmodem using the DSZ protocol engine.
Jmodem using SuperK by Crater Rim Software.
Jmodem Batch using SuperK by Crater Rim Software.
Super8K using SuperK by Crater Rim Software.
Super8K Batch using SuperK by Crater Rim Software.
WXmodem using SuperK by Crater Rim Software.
WXmodem Batch using SuperK by Crater Rim Software.
Lynx using Lynx by Matthew Thomas.
Puma using Puma by Matthew Thomas.
A BiModem interface will be in a future release of OmegaBBS.
│Virus Scanner│
SCANV by McAffee Associates is the only virus scanner tested
with OmegaBBS. Any scanner should work if the correct command
line is entered in the Virus Scanner field of the System
Parameters section of OCONFIG. The path passed on the command
line should point to the directory entered as the "Temporary
File Work Path" in OCONFIG.
│Compression Utilities│
The following file compression utilities have been tested with
OmegaBBS. These are the only compression formats directly
supported by OmegaBBS.
PKUNZIP compression utility, by Phil Katz.
PKZIP compression utility, by Phil Katz.
PAK compression utility, by NoGate Consulting.
LHARC compression utility, by Yoshi.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 62
│Door Conversion│
DoorMaster v3.09 is the only converter supported directly by OmegaBBS.
DoorMaster, door record converter by TeleLink Software.
│Running OmegaBBS├──────────────────────────────────────────────
You must set the OMEGABBS and DSZLOG environmental variables before
starting OmegaBBS. This requires adding a few lines to your AUTOEXEC.BAT
OMEGABBS - This must be set to the BBS startup directory.
DSZLOG - This must be set to your Transfer Protocols directory.
We have encountered a few internal (DOS) stack errors on a
10 mhz 80286 running PCDOS 3.3 when user's drop carrier in some
Door Programs. This has never happened on the 80386 test
machine, but that's not to say that it couldn't.
If you have this problem change the number of stacks using the
DOS stacks command in your CONFIG.SYS file. The following works
on a 10 mhz 80286 - "stacks=12,256".
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 63
│Command Line Parameters│
/Bxxxx Baudrate passed by calling program. Use if OmegaBBS
is called by another program with a user already
/C Comm debugger.If you are having a modem problem use this
to echo modem commands and result codes returned by your modem.
If you do not see numeric results returned by your modem
consult your modem manual. Hayes compatible modems usually
require Q0V0 in the init string to enable numeric codes.
/Dxxx Delay in seconds before sending LOGIN.ASC and or the login
prompt after a connection is established. Useful for MNP
modem connections.
/Exxx Exit with DOS ERRORLEVEL set to xxx numeric value
after caller. Useful for returning to a calling batch
file with the errorlevel set.
/L Local mode, no modem init.
/LBxxx Lock the baud rate at the value xxxxx. See APPENDIX A
for more information on communications.
/H Use hardware RTS/CTS flow control. Hardware flow control
is faster and more reliable than XON/XOFF software flow
control and should be used with any speeds over 9600.
/N No color locally. OmegaBBS will 'eat' ANSI color
changes and run the local screen in black and white.
/Txxx Time limit (in minutes) passed by calling program. Used
with the /B switch.
NOTE: You must include the '/' before a command line switch.
Separate multiple commands by spaces. Commands may be entered in
any order. Do not put a space between a parameter and it's
associated value if a value is required i.e., /E100 to exit with
DOS errorlevel set to 100.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 64
│BBS Startup│
We run OmegaBBS from a batch file that is called from the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file when the machine is started or rebooted.
BBS batch files can get very involved but for most OmegaBBS
applications this is not necessary due to OmegaBBS's seamless
interface to doors, external protocols, and maintenance events.
The following example is used to copy the screens,menus, and
help screens to ramdisk. A ramdisk is not required for operation
but it suggested that you use one if at all possible to save wear
and tear on your drives.
d: / this is in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
/ this is the BBS.BAT file that copies the
/ menus and screens to a RAMDISK.
e: / this is a RAMDISK for screens etc.
md ansi / create directories on the ramdisk
md menus / these paths are specified in OCONFIG
md helps
copy d:\omega\ansi\*.* e:\ansi / copy all the Misc Screens
copy d:\omega\menus\*.* e:\menus / copy all the Menu Screens
copy d:\omega\helps\*.* e:\help / copy all the Help Screens
omegabbs.exe / start OmegaBBS
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 65
│SysOp Functions├───────────────────────────────────────────────
The following SysOp keys are active at all times. There will
not be an immediate response to SysOp key commands when a door
or transfer protocol is active. The command will be buffered and
executed as soon as the external program returns.
F1......Display SysOp key help screen.
F2......Local logon or SysOp on next. If OmegaBBS is waiting for
a call and F2 is pressed OmegaBBS will take the line off
hook and display the prompt "Fast SysOp log on (Enter)=yes?"
If you press enter, OmegaBBS will get the SysOp's name
from memory, find the matching record in the
USERINFO.DAT file and prompt for the SysOp's Password.
If the password is not entered correctly within the
number of attempts specified in OCONFIG as the max
password attempts OmegaBBS will make a SYSTEM.LOG entry
and switch over to a regular user local login.
If you press 'N' at the "Fast log on" prompt, OmegaBBS
will do a regular user local login.
If F2 is pressed while a caller is online OmegaBBS
will hold the line off hook and audibly page the SysOp
when the current user logs off. This is the 'SysOp Next'
function and comes in handy when the BBS is busy and you
want on.
F3......Displays information from current user's record to the
local screen only. This allows you to check at a glance
what the user's performance has been on your BBS.
F4......Initiate chat with user. If the user has ANSI selected
for graphics mode the split screen chat will be
activated. If user is non-ANSI, a simple line chat
will be activated, with the message
"Hello <user's first name>, this is the SysOp".
Press ESC to exit either chat mode.
F5......Toggle video display off/on.
F6......Toggle Page Bell off/on.
F10.....System Down, exit Omega.
Alt-I...Increase current user's time for this call. You will be
prompted for the amount of time in minutes to add to the
current user's time. User sees nothing.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 66
(Sysop keys continued)
Alt-D...Decrease current user's time for this call. You will
be prompted for the amount of time to decrease the
current user's time. User sees nothing.
ALT-J...Drop to DOS. OmegaBBS loads a second copy of COMMAND.COM
and displays the message "the SysOp has shelled to DOS,
please wait" to the user.
ALT-H...Hang up on user. No excuses, just drops carrier.
ALT-S...Adjust current user's security online. You will
be prompted for the current user's new level.
This will reset the time and kbytes used to 0
just as if the caller had just logged in at the
new security level.
Users with a security level greater than or equal to the
minimum SysOp security level defined for each message
area in OCONFIG will be displayed the prompt
"Display deleted messages (Enter)=yes?" when the (R)ead
Messages function is selected from the message menu.
If the Enter key is pressed, all deleted messages will be
displayed along with active messages. Deleted messages
are marked as such in the message header, and may be
undeleted by pressing (D).
User's with a minimum SysOp security level can see all
messages in a message area, regardless if messages are
marked as private. It is advised that you notify all
users that the messages entered as private may be seen
by others.
User's with a minimum SysOp security level may delete
any messages, or (F)orward a copy of any message to
another user.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 67
User's with a security level greater than or equal to
the Co-Sysop security level defined in OCONFIG may move
files between file areas on the same board.
Mark files for moving using the arrow keys or mouse
as if you were marking for download. Press the '*'
at any filelist prompt and you will be prompted
for the area to move the marked files to. Press (L)
for a list of areas on the current board. Files
and their FILES.BBS entries will be moved to the new
Uploaded files that are designated as private uploads
will be placed in the current board's upload directory
and an entry will be made in the PRIVATE.BBS file
listing. This listing is totally separate from the rest
of the file functions and is not visible from anywhere
in OmegaBBS.
DataEast will be releasing a complete SysOp
configuration and maintenance utility with remote
capabilities in the near future.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 68
│System Maintenance├────────────────────────────────────────────
Message maintenance is done using the MSGMAINT.EXE utility included
with OmegaBBS. This program must be run from the BBS startup
directory, even if you are performing maintenance on a sub-board.
msgmaint < board number > < switches > < area #'s or <A>ll >
The command line switches for msgmaint are:
/Dxxx Delete all messages older than xxx days. Deleted
messages are not removed, just marked as deleted.
Packing actually removes deleted messages.
/Lxxx Limit to last xxx number of messages. This will
remove all messages except the last xxx.
/W Write .bak files for MSGxxx.IDX files.
/PI Pack indexes. Removes all deleted message headers,
renumbers and 're-threads' the messages, and user's
lastread pointers are adjusted.
Packing the indexes speeds up message retrieval and
reduces the amount of disk space used.
/PT Pack text, removes all text not associated with a
message, i.e., text abandoned when indexes have been
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 69
(Msgmaint continued)
If you want all the message areas on a board processed, enter
the letter 'A' instead of the area #'s.
example: msgmaint 0 /D30 /L500 /W 1 2 3 4 5 6
The example above would write MSGxxxx.BAK files for the .IDX
files of areas 1,2,3,4,5,6 of the Main Board, delete all
messages older than 30 days in areas 1,2,3,4,5,6 of the Main
Board (0), and would limit these areas to the last 500 messages
example: msgmaint 1 /W /PI A
The example above would write MSGxxxx.BAK files for the .IDX
files of 'A'll the message areas on Sub-board #1, and pack 'A'll
of the index files, removing deleted message headers, renumbering
and 're-threading' messages.
example: msgmaint 4 /D60 /PI /PT 'A'
The example above would delete messages older than 60 days in 'A'll
message areas on Sub-board #4, pack the indexes of 'A'll areas on
Sub-board #4, and pack the MSGTEXT.DAT file.
MSGMAINT "rethreads" messages when .IDXs are packed. This may take
several minutes if there are alot of messages.
User's lastread pointers will be adjusted automatically when any
.IDXs are packed.
The only internal file maintenance supported by OmegaBBS is the
file moving function discussed in the SysOp Functions section.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 70
│User Records│
User record maintenance is done using the USEREDIT.EXE utility
included with OmegaBBS. This program must be run from the BBS
startup directory.
Editor Keys
F1 Displays editor help screen.
F2 Edit current record displayed. Use the arrow and tab keys to
move through the record fields. Press ESC when done
editing this record.
F3 Goto record #. You will be prompted for the record number
and USEREDIT will retrieve and display the record.
F4 Search for user's record by name. You will be prompted
for the name or partial name to search for. If a partial
name is entered you will be prompted at each match with
the prompt "This user (y/n)?", enter 'Y' if you want this
record, 'N' if you want to continue the search.
F5 Add a new user record.
PgUp/Dn Scroll through records.
Alt-E Toggle EXEMPT status for current user record. The
exemption applies to any ratio monitoring and door,
file downloading, and paging hour restrictions.
Alt-R Reset user's kbytes and time used for today.
Alt-S Sort user records.
Alt-P Pack USERINFO.DAT file. All records with a security level
of 0 will be deleted from the USERINFO.DAT file.
If a user's record is deleted in USERINFO.DAT his/her
records will be deleted in all sub-boards also.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 71
│Desqview Setup├────────────────────────────────────────────────
OmegaBBS will run under the Desqview multi-tasker by Quarterdeck
Office Systems. The following is an example setup for Desqview
2.26 running on a 16 mhz 80386.
foreground ticks: 1
background ticks: 1
Memory Size (in K): 300
Writes text directly to screen...: N
Displays graphics information....: N
Virtualize text/graphics ........: N
Uses serial ports ...............: Y
Requires floppy diskette.........: N
press F1 for advanced features.
System Memory (in K)......: 0
Text Pages: 1 Graphics Pages: 0 Interrupts: 00 to FF
Close on exit .............: Y Uses its own colors.........: Y
Allow Close Window command.: N Runs in background .........: Y
Uses math coprocessor......: N Keyboard conflict ..........: 0
Share CPU when foreground..: Y Share EGA when fore/zoomed..: Y
Can be swapped out.........: N Protection level ...........: 0
OmegaBBS has an internal ANSI driver so there's no need to load
one in the OmegaBBS window unless you need it for doors or
external programs.
**** WARNING ****
Do not attempt to run 2 copies of OmegaBBS under Desqview! This
is a sure way to trash OmegaBBS data files. A future release of
OmegaBBS will have multi-line support.
NOTE: OmegaBBS chains to the timer interrupt (1Ch) when
monitoring carrier in a door program. Process based multi-taskers
use the timer interrupt for time slicing and there is a
potential problem if this interrupt is chained.
OmegaBBS reboots the machine if carrier is dropped in a door and
carrier detect monitoring is turned ON for that door in OCONFIG.
The best approach is to not run any doors under Desqview that
don't monitor carrier on their own.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 72
│ APPENDIX A ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────
│Port Addressing│
OmegaBBS supports serial communications ports 1-4 at the
following standard addresses and IRQs:
COM1 - 03F8h IRQ 4
COM2 - 02F8h IRQ 3
COM3 - 03E8h IRQ 4
COM4 - 02E8h IRQ 3
OmegaBBS installs the serial I/O interrupt service routines
at the following vectors.
COM1 & COM3 at INT 12
COM2 & COM4 at INT 11
│Communication Links│
The following is a diagram of the various communication links
involved in modem/telecommunications.
┌────────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌────────┐
└────────┘ │ └─────┘ │ └─────┘ │ └────────┘
│ │ │
DTE - Data Terminal Equipment.
DCE - Data Communications Equipment.
OmegaBBS supports locked DTE-->DCE link rates up to 38,400 baud
when the /LBxxxxx startup command switch is used. Locked baud
rates maintain a constant DTE-->DCE speed, regardless of the
DCE<-->DCE link rate. Note that some older door programs do not
support speeds above 9600 and will not function correctly if
the locked rate is higher than 9600.
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 73
(Communications links continued)
If you use locked baud rates and your modem returns codes
indicating the varying link connection or carrier rates you
may configure OmegaBBS to recognize these codes by creating
a file named DCELINK.DAT using an ascii text editor. The file
may contain up to 20 entries that must be entered in the
following format.
result_code indicated_speed message<CR>
^ ^ ^
| | carriage return.
| message displayed (30 chars MAX!)
there MUST be a space between the code and speed.
The DCELINK.DAT file must be in the OmegaBBS startup directory
and will be read in automatically at startup.
The following is an example of a DCELINK.DAT file for use with
a USRobotics V.32 modem using the &A1 X1 commands to return ARQ
result codes. The normal (non-ARQ) result codes for 300-9600
baud are entered in the Communications Configuration section of
15 1200
16 2400
17 9600
19 4800
22 7200
24 12000
26 14400
OmegaBBS supports unlocked speeds of up to 19,200 baud.
Unlocked baud rates follow the DCE<-->DCE link rate, with
OmegaBBS lowering the DTE-->DCE rate to match the DCE<-->DCE
link rate, and raising the DTE-->DCE rate back to the rate set
in OCONFIG as the modem init speed when the call is terminated.
The section on the DCELINK.DAT file applies to unlocked baud
rates as well.
│Flow Control│
OmegaBBS uses XON/XOFF software flow control as the default
method of flow control. XON/XOFF flow control is disabled
if the /H (CTS/RTS) command line switch is used.
To enable CTS/RTS hardware flow control use the /H startup
command line switch. Your modem cable must have the RTS and
CTS pins (7 & 8 on 9 pin connectors, 4 & 5 on 25 pin connectors)
connected for hardware flow control.
Use CTS/RTS hardware flow control for speeds above 9600.
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 74
│Modem Configurations│
The following are configurations for modems we have tested with
USRobotics Courier V.32 bis.
Startup command line - "OMEGA /LB38400 /H /D4"
Modem init string - ATH0~~|
B0 C1 E0 F1 M1 Q0 V0 X1
&A2 &B1 &C1 &D2 &G0 &H1 &I0 &K0 &L0
&M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S0 &T5 &X0 &Y1 %R0
S00=000 S01=000 S02=043 S03=013 S04=010
S05=008 S06=002 S07=045 S08=002 S09=006
S10=007 S11=070 S12=050 S13=000 S14=001
S15=008 S16=000 S17=000 S18=000 S19=000
S20=000 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 S24=150
S25=000 S26=001 S27=000 S28=008 S29=020
S30=000 S31=000 S32=001 S33=000 S34=000
S35=000 S36=000 S37=000 S38=000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dip switch settings (I=On, O=Off) O I I I I O O I 0 0
HAYES V-series Smartmodem 9600
Startup command line - "OMEGA /LB19200 /H /D4"
Modem init string - ATH0S0=0M0N1W2&C1&D2&Q0V0Q0&K3S36=3&W~~|
B1 E1 L1 M0 N1 P Q0 V0 W2 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &K3 &L0 &P0
&Q0 &R0 &S0 &T4 &X0 &Y0
S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:045
S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001
S36:003 S37:000 S38:020
(continued on next page)
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 75
(Modem Configurations continued)
CompuCom Speedmodem Combo 9600
Startup command line - "OMEGA /LB19200 /H /D3"
Modem init string - AT+F&F2*H2HQV&C1&D2S0=0S2=255S10=30&W~~|
(Speedmodem Champ would be the same except remove +F)
E1 Q0 V0 M0 L2 &J0 &M0 &D2 &L0 &R0 &C1 &S0 Y0 &X0 X4 T*/P:1 &P0 B1 &G0 &Y0
S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:030
S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:075 S12:050 S16:80H
S23:3DH S00:000 S14:A2H S18:000 S21:30H S22:72H S25:005 S26:001 S27:40H
E1 Q0 V0 M1 L2 &J0 &M0 &D2 &L0 &R0 &C1 &S0 Y0 &X0 X4 T*/P:1 &P0 B1 &G0
S23:3DH S00:000 S14:A2H S18:000 S21:30H S22:76H S25:005 S26:001 S27:40H
E1 Q0 V1 M1 L2 &J0 &M0 &D0 &L0 &R0 &C1 &S0 Y0 &X0 X4 T*/P:1 &P0 B1 &G0
S23:07H S00:000 S14:AAH S18:000 S21:20H S22:76H S25:005 S26:001 S27:40H
Practical Peripherals PM2400 internal.
Startup command line - "OMEGA"
Modem init string - ATH0~~|
B1 E0 L1 M0 Q0 V0 X1 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &L0 &P0 &X0 &Y0
S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:030
S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S12:050 S14:20H S16:00H S18:000 S21:30H
S22:41H S23:17H S25:005 S26:001 S27:40H
USRobotics Courier 2400
Startup command line - "OMEGA"
Modem init string - ATH0E0Q0V0~~|
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dip switch settings (I=On, O=Off) O I I I I O O I 0 0
Maxum Super Modem 2400
Startup command line - "OMEGA"
Modem init string - ATH0E0&C1&D2Q0V0~~|
- OmegaBBS v1.01 Copyright(C) 1991 DataEast Software - page# 76