<LI>The FolderView Gidget provides task switching, program launching, and file browsing services. By default, there are four functions assigned to its icon: Tasks, Files, Start Menu, and Functions.
<LI>Tasks shows a listing of applications currently running on your machine. Tap on one to switch to it, or Tap-Hold to bring up a menu. From there, you can close the application. Also, Tap-Hold in a blank area, and you have the option to Close All.
<LI>Files allows you to browse over the contents of your machine. A single tap will open a directory or launch a file, and a Tap-Hold brings up the menu. From there, you can Cut, Copy, Paste, Rename, Delete or view the file's Properties (size, time, etc.). Tap-Hold in a blank area, and you can create a new folder, or select Multi. In this mode, you can make multiple selections.
<LI>Start Menu browses <I>only</I> the Start Menu. Tap on a shortcut to launch the application.
<LI>Functions browses all of the Icon Functions that have been installed to the GigaBar. If you haven't assigned the function that you're after to a specific icon, you can find it and activate it here.