100 Click this button to install |1 software to the specified destination directory.
101 Click this button to install |1 software to your computer.
200 Welcome to the |1 installation program.
300 Please enter the drive or path containing the |1 source files.
301 Enter or select a destination directory.
302 The destination directory:
303 does not exist. Do you want the directory to be created?
304 Change Directory
305 Install From
400 An error occurred while calculating required disk space.
401 Cannot read drive
402 Please verify the drive door is closed and that the disk is formatted and free of errors.
403 Could not open the file named:
404 Could not read from the file named:
405 Could not write to the file named:
406 Please verify that the destination drive has enough disk space.
407 Could not create directory:
411 Are you sure you want to Exit?
412 |1 Setup was interrupted before your new software was fully installed.
413 You can run |1 Setup in its entirety at a later time to complete the installation.
414 Setup is not yet complete.
415 If you quit now, this product will not be correctly installed.
416 Quit the setup of this product?
417 |1 Setup was completed successfully.
418 |1 Setup was not completed successfully.
419 Error determining allocation unit for drive
420 is in the Setup source files directory. Please type a different directory.
421 Could not create the file named:
422 Please verify that destination drive is not write protected.
423 Please insert the disk labeled:
424 'Disk
425 ' into drive
426 Section:
427 Invalid line in setup information file!
428 The specified directory:
429 is invalid, incomplete, or write protected. Please type a full path with drive letter; for example 'C:\APPS'.
430 The directory doesn't exist!
431 Invalid Directory Name
432 The destination file is write protected.
433 The destination file in in-use. Please ensure that all other applications are closed.
434 Out of space on destination drive
435 An access violation occurred while copying the file.
436 A sharing violation occurred while copying the file.
437 Out of memory trying to copy the file.
438 Cannot create temporary file.
439 Cannot delete existing destination file.
440 Cannot rename temporary file.
441 Cannot read source file.
442 Cannot read destination file attributes.
443 Internal copy error.
444 The file could not be installed.
445 Please check the connection to drive
446 If you ignore a copy error, the file will not be copied. The application may not function properly as a result. Do you want to ignore the error?
447 The drive specified by the 'TMP' or 'TEMP' environment variable is not ready.
448 The line 'device=vshare.386' may need to be added to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file to ensure proper operation of your new software.
449 Cannot read network path '|1'.
450 Please verify that this path is correct and that you have permission to access it.
451 Application removal logfile '|1' not found. Unable to continue.
452 Invalid command-line parameters. Unable to continue.
453 Application removal executable '|1' not found. Unable to continue.
454 Remove |1
455 Error registering the application removal executable with Windows
456 Error creating a Program Manager icon for the application removal utility
457 Setup is about to replace a pre-existing file(s). This may cause loss of data for an existing application.
458 Installing over an existing installation without first removing it may damage that installation or cause future attempts to remove the installation to fail.
459 Cancel setup?
460 Please run setup again and select a new location for application files.
461 Are you sure you want to continue?
462 An error occurred trying to update the Windows registration database.
463 Microsoft Shared\
465 An error occurred trying to create the program group '|1'
466 An error occurred trying to create a program icon for '|1'
467 An error occurred trying to copy '|1' to the application directory
468 The file '|1' could not be registered because it was not found.
469 Windows was unable to run the program '|1'. Your system may be low on memory, or the program may not have been found.
470 Error: 'SETUP.LST' contains no information on how to register the remote component '|1'. This information should have been found in a '|2' key in SETUP.LST
471 Program Manager
472 Unexpected error creating '|1':
473 Cannot copy file, Destination Path is too long.
474 Cannot create Uninstall Icon, Destination Path is too long.
475 No icon was specified in SETUP.LST for |1. Do you want to continue without creating this icon? Click Yes to continue. Click No to Exit Setup.
500 Setup was unable to determine a valid default destination directory. You will need to specify a destination directory.
501 Setup is checking for necessary disk space...
502 Setup is creating program icons...
503 Setup is updating your system...
504 The name of the application's executable file could not be determined.
505 |1 Setup
506 The SETUP.LST file is corrupt or could not be found.
507 An unexpected setup error has occurred!
508 Setup customization error: An icon needs to be created for |1, but no folder or Program Manager group was created for this purpose.
509 Setup error: Missing 'CommitAction()' or 'AbortAction()'.
510 Remote Automation Management
511 Automation Manager
512 RemAuto Connection Manager
513 Warning: It is recommended that you install Service Pack 2 for Windows NT 4.0. This application may not work properly without it.
531 Manual
533 Order form
600 Error determining disk space free for drive
701 Directory:
702 &Change Directory
703 E&xit Setup
704 Begin the installation by clicking the button below.
705 Cancel
706 Destination File:
707 &Install Now
708 &Change Drive
709 Drive
710 Space Available
711 Space Needed
712 Space Required
713 There is not enough free disk space on one or more drives.
714 OK
715 Dri&ves:
716 &Directories:
717 &Path:
718 Setup cannot install system files or update shared files if they are in use. Before proceeding, we recommend that you close any applications you may be running.
719 Click here to begin setup
800 Account Pro - Choose Program Group
801 Setup will add items to the group shown in the Program Group box. You can enter a new group name or select one from the Existing Groups list.
802 &Program Group:
803 E&xisting Groups:
804 &Continue
805 A program group name must be less than |1 characters long and cannot contain any of the following characters: |2
806 "][,)(
900 Network &Address
901 Network &Protocol
902 &Continue
903 E&xit Setup
904 Remote ActiveX Component Configuration
905 Please fill in the requested configuration information about the following remote component:
906 The protocol sequence |1 (|2) is not supported or available on this machine
907 The protocol sequence '|1' ('|2') is invalid
908 An unexpected error occurred while determining the protocol sequences available on this machine
909 Setup error: An error occurred trying to read protocols from the SETUP.LST file.
910 None of the protocols needed by this application appear to be available or installed on this machine.
911 In order to run Setup successfully, you will need to first install one of the following network protocol sequences:
912 This application will not be able to access the remote component '|1' until the protocol '|2' is installed.
950 MS Sans Serif
951 8
952 False
953 Arial
954 System
2000 File currently on disk was already up to date
2001 File was not found or was an older version -- new file copied
2002 ERROR:
2005 Error writing to logfile '|1'
2006 Setup fatal error: Unable to generate installation log file.
2008 This file contains information about the installation of an application.
2009 It will be used to automatically remove all application components from your computer if you choose to do so.
2010 There was an unexpected problem trying to create or write to the logfile '|1'. Error number is |2.
2011 Out of memory trying to create or write to the logfile '|1'
2012 User Responded with '|1'
2013 Error attempting to run the application removal program to remove temporary installation files.
2014 Setup will now start the application removal utility to remove temporary installation files.
2100 OK
2101 Cancel
2102 Abort
2103 Retry
2104 Ignore
2105 Yes
2106 No
2107 (Unknown)
2200 An error occurred while registering the file '|1'
2201 Unexpected error while registering file '|1'
2202 Could not initialize OLE in order to register file '|1'
2203 LoadLibrary() failed while registering file '|1'
2204 No entrypoint for DllRegisterServer() was found in '|1'
2205 DllRegisterServer() in the file '|1' returned failure
2206 One possible cause for this error is that RPC may not be installed on your computer.
2207 If this is the problem, then you will need to exit Setup, install RPC, and restart Setup.
2208 The file '|1' was not copied because it is intended for use under Windows NT 3.51 only. It is not needed under Windows 95 or NT 4.0.
2209 \/:*?"<>|
2210 DISK
2211 Cannot find the source file '|1' to install.
2212 Could not register the TLB file '|1'.
2213 The file '|1' was not copied because it is intended for use under Windows 95 only. It is not needed under Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0.
2214 The file '|1' was not copied because it is intended for use under Windows 95 and NT 4.x only. It is not needed under Windows NT 3.51.
2215 The file '|1' was not copied because it is intended for use under Windows NT 3.51 only. It is not needed under Windows 95 or NT 4.x.
3101 Klicken Sie auf diesen Button, um Account Pro im unten angegebenen Verzeichnis zu installieren.
3200 Willkommen zur Installation von Account Pro
3301 Geben Sie ein Verzeichnis ein oder w‰hlen Sie eines aus.
3302 Das Verzeichnis:
3303 existiert nicht. Soll das Verzeichnis kreiert werden?
3304 Verzeichnis ‰ndern
3411 Setup beenden?
3417 Account Pro wurde erfolgreich installiert.
3423 Bitte laden Sie
3424 Diskette
3425 in Laufwerk
3457 Setup hat eine existierende Installation von Account Pro vorgefunden. Es wird empfohlen, die existierende Installation zuerst zu entfernen (Systemsteuerung/Software). Die bestehenden Buchhaltungsdateien gehen dabei nicht verloren.
3458 Wenn Sie ¸ber die existierende Installation von Account Pro installieren, dann kˆnnen bei einer sp‰teren Deinstallation Schwierigkeiten auftreten.
3459 Setup beenden?
3461 Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie weiterfahren wollen?
3501 Setup pr¸ft ob gen¸gend Platz auf der Festplatte vorhanden ist...
3502 Setup kreiert Programm-Icons...
3503 Setup passt Ihr System an...
3531 Handbuch
3533 Bestell- Formular
3535 Bestell-Hilfe
3701 Verzeichnis:
3702 Verzeichnis ‰ndern
3703 Abbrechen
3704 Klicken Sie auf das untenstehende Bild, um mit der Installation zu beginnen.
3705 Abbrechen
3706 Zieldatei:
3714 OK
3715 Laufwerk:
3716 Verzeichnis:
3717 Pfad:
3718 Setup kann System- oder gemeinsame Dateien nicht installieren, wenn diese benutzt werden. Es wird deshalb empfohlen, alle laufenden Applikationen zu schliessen, bevor Sie fortfahren.
3800 Account Pro - W‰hlen Sie die Programmgruppe
3801 Sie kˆnnen einen neuen Programmgruppennamen eingeben oder einen bestehenden aus der Liste ausw‰hlen.
3802 &Programmgruppe:
3803 E&xistierende Gruppen:
3804 &Weiter
6101 Cliquez sur ce bouton pour installer Account Pro dans le rÈpertoire indiquÈ en bas.
6200 Bienvenu chez l'installation de Account Pro
6301 Entrez un rÈpertoire ou en choisissez un.
6302 Le rÈpertoire:
6303 n'existe pas. Voulez vous qu'il soit crÈÈ?
6304 Changer de rÈpertoire
6411 Terminer Setup?
6417 Account Pro a ÈtÈ installÈ proprement.
6423 S'il vous plaÓt, chargez la
6424 Disquette no.
6425 dans le lecteur
6457 Setup a dÈcouvert une installation existante d'Account Pro. Il est recommandÈ de supprimer l'installation existante avant de procÈder (Menu ContrÙle/Logiciels). Les fichiers existants de comptabilitÈ seront conservÈs.
6458 Si vous continuez ‡ installer Account Pro en dessus de l'installation existante, vous aurez des problËmes si vous deviez dÈcider plus tard de dÈinstaller le logiciel.
6459 Terminer Setup?
6461 Etes vous s˚r, que vous voulez continuer avec l'installation?
6501 Setup vÈrifie la place disponible sur le disque dur...
6502 Setup installe des icÙnes...
6503 Setup adapte votre systËme...
6531 Manuel
6533 Formulaire commande
6701 RÈpertoire:
6702 Changer de rÈpertoire
6703 Quitter
6704 Cliquez sur l'image en bas pour lancer l'installation.
6705 Quitter
6706 Fichier destination:
6714 OK
6715 Disque:
6716 RÈpertoire:
6717 Chemin d'accËs:
6718 Setup ne peut pas installer des fichiers de systËme ou des fichiers communs si ceux l‡ sont en usage. Avant de continuer, il est donc recommandÈ de fermer toutes les application lancÈes.
6800 Account Pro - Choisissez un nom de groupe
6801 Vous pouvez entrer un nouveau nom ou en choisir un de la liste.
6802 &Groupes de logiciels:
6803 Groupes e&xistants:
6804 &Continuer
9101 Haga click en este boton para iniciar la instalaciÛn en el directorio indicado.
9200 Bienvenido a la instalaciÛn de Account Pro
9301 Escriba o seleccione un directorio.
9302 El directorio:
9303 no existe. øDesea crearlo?
9304 Cambiar directorio
9411 øCancelar instalaciÛn?
9417 Account Pro ha sido instalado exitosamente.
9423 Por favor inserte
9424 el disco no.
9425 en la unidad
9457 El programa ha encontrado una instalaciÛn previa de Account Pro. Antes de continuar, se recomienda desinstalar el programa existente (Inicio/configuraciÛn/panel de control/agregar o quitar programas). Los sistemas contables existentes ser·n preservados.
9458 Si decide continuar con la instalaciÛn de Account Pro sobre el programa existente podrÌa tener problemas si mas tarde decide desinstalar el programa.
9459 øCancelar instalaciÛn?
9461 øEst· seguro de que desea continuar con la instalaciÛn?
9501 El instalador esta verificando el espacio en disco...
9502 El instalador est· creando iconos del programa...
9503 El instalador esta adaptando el sistema...
9531 Manual
9533 Formulario de orden
9701 Directorio:
9702 Cambiar directorio
9703 Cancelar
9704 Haga click en la imagen para iniciar la instalaciÛn.
9705 Cancelar
9706 Archivo de destino
9714 OK
9715 Unidad:
9716 Directorio:
9717 Ruta:
9718 El programa no puede instalar los archivos si se encuentran en uso. Antes de continuar se recomienda cerrar todas las aplicaciones.
9800 Account Pro - Seleccione un nombre de groupo
9801 Escriba o seleccione un nombre de grupo.
9802 &Grupos de programas:
9803 Grupes e&xistentes:
9804 &Continuar
12101 Klik p denne knap for at installere Account Pro i den angivne mappe.
12200 Velkommen til Account Pro¥s installationsprogram
12301 IndsÊt eller vÊlg destinationsmappen.
12302 Destinationsmappen:
12303 findes ikke. Vil du oprette den?
12304 Skift mappe
12411 Vil du afslutte installationen?
12417 Installationen af Account Pro er gennemf¯rt.
12423 IndsÊt venligst
12424 Disketten
12425 i Drevet
12457 Installationsprogrammet har fundet en eksisterende version af Account Pro. Det anbefales at fjerne den eksisterende version f¯rst (Windows kontrolpanel/Tilf¯j/Fjern programmer). De eksisterende regnskabers datafiler bliver ikke slettet.
12458 Hvis du installerer Account Pro oven i en eksisterende version, kan du f problemer, hvis du senere vil fjerne den.
12459 Afslut installationen?
12461 Er du sikker p at du vil fortsÊtte?
12501 Installationsprogrammet unders¯ger om der er tilstrÊkkelig plads p harddisken...
12503 Installationsprogrammet opdaterer dit system...
12531 HÂndbog
12533 Bestillingsformular
12535 Bestil-HjÊlp
12701 Mappe:
12702 Skift mappe
12703 AnnullÈr
12704 Klik p nedenstÂende billede for at starte installationen.
12705 AnnullÈr
12706 Destinationsfil:
12714 OK
12715 Drev:
12716 Mappe:
12717 Sti:
12718 Installationsprogrammet kan ikke installere systemfiler eller opdatere fÊlles filer, hvis de er i brug. Inden du fortsÊtter, anbefales det meget, f¯rst at afslutte alle k¯rende programmer.
12800 Account Pro - VÊlg Programgruppe
12801 Installationsprogrammet vil f¯je ikoner til gruppen, som er vist i gruppeboksen. Du kan indsÊtte et nyt navn eller vÊlge et fra listen over eksisterende grupper.
12802 &Programgruppe:
12803 E&ksisterende grupper:
12804 &FortsÊt
15101 Klik op deze knop om Account Pro te installeren in de hieronder getoonde directory.
15200 Welkom bij de installatie van Account Pro
15301 Voer een directory in of kies er een.
15302 Directory:
15303 bestaat niet. Aanmaken?
15304 Wijzig directory
15411 Setup beÎindigen?
15417 Account Pro werd correct geÔnstalleerd.
15423 Diskette
15424 nr.
15425 in de drive steken a.u.b.
15457 Setup heeft een bestaande versie van Account Pro gevonden. Het is raadzaam om eerst de bestaande installatie te verwijderen alvorens verder te gaan (Windows Control Panel). De bestaande data-files blijven behouden.
15458 Wanneer U Account Pro over de bestaande installatie plaatst, kan u problemen hebben bij het de-installeren van het programma.
15459 Setup beÎindigen?
15461 Bent U zeker dat U wil verdergaan met de installatie?
15501 Setup verifieert de beschikbare schijfruimte...
15502 Setup installeert iconen...
15503 Setup past Uw systeem aan...
15531 Handleiding
15533 Bestelformulier
15701 Directory:
15702 Wijzig directory
15703 Einde
15704 Klik op het icoon om de installatie te starten.
15705 Einde
15706 Doeldirectory:
15714 OK
15715 Schijf:
15716 Directory:
15717 Pad:
15718 Setup kan geen systeembestanden of gemeenschappelijk bestanden installeren die in gebruik zijn. Alvorens verder te gaan is het raadzaam om alle programma's die in gebruik zijn af te sluiten.
15800 Account Pro - Kies een groepsnaam
15801 U kan een nieuwe naam invoeren of er een kiezen uit de lijst.
15802 &Programmagroepen:
15803 &Bestaande groepen:
15804 &Doorgaan
18101 Cliccare qui per installare Account Pro nella directory indicata in basso.
18200 Benvenuti alla installazione di Account Pro
18301 Indicare una directory o sceglierne una.
18302 La directory:
18303 non esiste. La si vuole creare?
18304 Cambiare la directory
18411 Terminare il Setup?
18417 Account Pro Ë stato installato correttamente.
18423 Per favore, cambiare il
18424 Disco no.
18425 nel lettore
18457 Setup ha rilevato una installazione precedente di Account Pro. Si consiglia di cancellare l'installazione precedente prima di procedere (Control/programs). I files contabili esistenti saranno conservati.
18458 Se si installa Account Pro sopra un versione esistente, potreste avere dei problemi in una eventuale successiva disinstallazione.
18459 Terminare il Setup?
18461 Siete sicuri di voler continuare nella installazione?
18501 Verifica dello spazio disponibile sul disco...
18502 Installazione delle icone...
18503 Configurazione del sistema...
18533 Modulo d'ordine
18701 Directory:
18702 Cambio di directory
18703 Uscire
18704 Cliccare sulla immagine in basso per lanciare l'installazione.
18705 Uscire
18706 File di destinazione:
18714 OK
18715 Disco:
18716 Directory:
18717 Percorso:
18718 Setup non Ë in grado di installare dei files di sistema o comuni se questi sono in uso. Prima di continuare si raccomanda quindi di chiudere ogni applicazione eventualmente attiva.
18800 Account Pro - Scegliere un nome di gruppo
18801 Potete usare un nome nuovo o sceglierne uno dalla lista.
18802 &Gruppo di programmi:
18803 Gruppi e&sistenti:
18804 &Continuare
21101 Klicka p knappen fˆr att installera Account Pro i din dator.
21200 V‰lkommen till installationsprogrammet fˆr Account Pro.
21301 Verkst‰ll eller v‰lj en mÂlmapp.
21302 MÂlmapp:
21303 finns inte. ÷nskar du att mappen skapas?
21304 Byt mapp
21411 ƒr du s‰ker p att du vill avsluta?
21417 Account Pro upps‰ttningen lyckades.
21423 V‰nligen ins‰tt disketten m‰rkt:
21424 'Diskett
21425 ' i diskenheten
21457 Upps‰ttnings programmet hÂller p att ers‰tta en existerande fil(er). Detta kan fˆrorsaka fˆrlust av data fˆr en existerande till‰mpning.
21458 Att installera ˆver en existerande installation, utan att fˆrst avl‰gsna den, kan skada den installationen eller fˆrorsaka att fˆrsˆk att avl‰gsna installationen i framtiden misslyckas.
21459 Annullera upps‰ttnings programmet?
21461 ƒr du s‰ker p att du vill forts‰tta?
21501 Upps‰ttnings programmet kontrollerar att det finns tillr‰kligt skivutrymme...
21502 Upps‰ttnings programmet skapar program ikoner...
21704 Bˆrja installationen genom att klicka p knappen.
21705 Annullera
21706 MÂlfil:
21714 OK
21715 Diskenheter:
21716 Mappar:
21717 Sˆkv‰g:
21718 Upps‰ttnings programmet kan inte installera systemfiler eller uppdatera delade filer om de ‰r i anv‰ndning. Innan du gÂr vidare, rekommenderar vi att du st‰nger alla till‰mpningar du har i anv‰ndning.
21800 Account Pro - V‰ljer programkatalog
21801 Upps‰ttnings programmet kommer att l‰gga till punkter i katalogen som visas i programkatalog boxen. Du kan mata in ett nytt katalognamn eller v‰lja ett frÂn den existerande katalog listan.