We were glad you approached us with a view to placing an order and to learn that your new venture has got off to a good start.
The question of granting credit for newly established businesses is never an easy one. Not a few get into difficulties because they overcommit themselves before they are thoroughly established, and although we believe that your own business promises well, we feel it would be better for you to make your purchases on a cash basis for the present. If this is not possible for the full amount, may we suggest that you cut the size of your order, say by one half. Should you be willing to do this we will allow you a cash discount of 3 per cent as a special concession, in addition of course to our usual trade terms. At a later date, when your business is firmly established, we shall be very happy to welcome you as one of our credit customers. If you accept our suggestion, as we hope you will, we will arrange for the goods to be delivered to you in three days' time.
Please don't look upon this letter as a refusal, but rather as a mark of our genuine wish to enter into business with you on terms that will bring lasting satisfaction to us both.