The following files should be placed in a single directory:
* If you wish, this file can be placed in your "windows\system" directory.
The file VBRUN300.DLL must be either in your windows or windows\system directory. Neither VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL will suffice.
To install the game move the "craps" directory to your "c" drive, open up your favorite "games" group in program manager, select "new item" under "file", and type "c:\craps\craps.exe". The interface is fairly staight-forward, but any questions you may have can be answered by clicking on the "help" item in the menu bar.
If you enjoy the game, please take the time to register it. The registration information can be found in the Help File. If you have any comments or suggestions, or would like a CUSTOMIZED version of the game, please feel free to contact CT Software at the following E-MAIL addressed: