BASE01.ZIP You've entered a group of structures. You know that you're gonna have to blast your way through.
·-[ Size: 41kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
BASE02.ZIP You've just entered the bases hangars. It's going to be long and hard to complete your mission.
·-[ Size: 9kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
BASE03.ZIP You've entered a group of structures. You'll have to get to the telepad. You've spotted it, you just need the keys!
·-[ Size: 9kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
BASE04.ZIP You've entered a small structure.
·-[ Size: 8kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
BLOGDM1.ZIP My first deathmatch wad for Doom 2. Replaces map 01.
·-[ Size: 21kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
BOOTCAMP.ZIP Another Great Doom2 "Episode"!
8 challenging new levels, filled
with Bad Guys, and strategic
views for deathmatching. Also
includes the Blackfist1 sound
package...I see him, time to die
·-[ Size: 962kb DizDate: 12.04.94 ]-·
BRIANS.ZIP DOOM ][ DEATHMATCH WAD After playing many, many, good Deathmatch PWADS, I decided to build a killer DeathMatch wad.
·-[ Size: 14kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
BRIKYARD.ZIP Arena type deathmatch WAD with plenty of secrets and sniper points.RD.ZIP
·-[ Size: 28kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CAGE1.ZIP A nasty little Deathmatch WAD. For Deathmatch only. Simple, yet elegant. Sleek, yet intricate. Simple, yet deadly. Sweet, yet sour.
·-[ Size: 5kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CAGE2.ZIP Next in the Cage series, new and improved. Deadly, no exit.
·-[ Size: 8kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CAPFEST.ZIP Deathmatch WAD with Ambush sights inspired by thousands of hours of network play.
·-[ Size: 33kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CASTLE.ZIP An open castle with four towers and a medium sized courtyard.
·-[ Size: 141kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CASTLE_C.ZIP Awesome deathmatch WAD for Doom 2 by Mark Barr
·-[ Size: 40kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CATHEDRL.ZIP You find yourself on the holy island of Fragmore.
·-[ Size: 62kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CETIALP6.ZIP This WAD was designed from scratch originally as a deathmatch level. It now works well for co-op or single play as well.
·-[ Size: 147kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CHASEME2.ZIP Yet another deathmatch WAD for Doom 2, works as a small single player level as well.
·-[ Size: 15kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CITADEL2.ZIP Atop the mighty Mount Fragmore the best of the best gather to prove thier mettle in the Citadel of Power. Whoever reaches 100 Frags first will be crowned as the toughest marine on the mountain.
·-[ Size: 123kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CLASSIC.ZIP E1M1 from Doom 1 converted to a Doom 2 map, with more weapons.
·-[ Size: 20kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CLIFFS.ZIP Quite a few secret areas and some unique "camouflage".
·-[ Size: 43kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CMINES.ZIP Carnage Mines: Awesome DM Level!!!
Great for 4 player DM!!!
·-[ Size: 8kb DizDate: 11.29.94 ]-·
CMINES2.ZIP Carnage Mines 2!!! Just as good (if not better) than cmines!!! The ultimate 4 player DM wad!!! Also good for 2 player DM but 4 is best!!!
·-[ Size: 8kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CONDO.ZIP A compact, fast-action deathmatch WAD. Good ambush and sniping spots. Frag-a-second style WAD.
·-[ Size: 16kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CORRIDOR.ZIP A 4-player Deathmatch for Doom 2, works well for 2-player
·-[ Size: 7kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CSRD2_01.ZIP DOOM ][ Wad replacement for
level one. Made from scratch
with DEU2 for DOOM ][.
Home of the Lost demons took
over 23 hours to make and
contains settings for all
modes of play and skill levels
Was made for Co-Op play as
priority one. Deathmatch was
made next in line then single.
A little hard in single player
mode! Made by the author of
comments and suggestions to
Clint Russells Acount on
Software creations.
·-[ Size: 54kb DizDate: 10.16.94 ]-·
CYBERGIO.ZIP Garden of pillars, cyber demon, a fun zoo to visit, fairly small.IO.ZIP
·-[ Size: 7kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
CYBRDTH2.ZIP Cyber death 2 WAD.
·-[ Size: 95kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
D2ARENA.ZIP An arena with several pillars in the center with enemies
·-[ Size: 17kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
D2COOL.ZIP Excellent deathmatch level for Doom 2. Good gameplay.
·-[ Size: 89kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
D9_2_2.ZIP The last 3 levels of the D9 series for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 128kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DANTE21.ZIP DANTE'S GATE, first level of INFERNO series for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 54kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
Features 3 distinct skill levels, both
co-op and deathmatch starts, and a few
new sounds and graphics. It also
comes with a DeHacked 2.1 patch that
improves several aspects of gameplay
without unbalancing the game (requires
DeHacked 2.1 -not included). While
aptly named, it requires no cheating
but will challenge most (give or take
the upper echelon of DOOM gods...)
·-[ Size: 71kb DizDate: 12.16.94 ]-·
DEAD10.ZIP Level 10, get some weapons first, very difficult, all monsters present and listen before you act.
·-[ Size: 40kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DEATH.ZIP Neat Little Start of a level made to be added on to.
·-[ Size: 16kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DEATHNET.ZIP A collection of 5 Doom 2 deathmatch WADs.ET.ZIP
·-[ Size: 81kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DEATHPIT.ZIP Doom 2 WAD designed specifically for 2 player deathmatch 2.0.
·-[ Size: 6kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DEATH_F.ZIP Outdoor deathmatch with plenty of sniper holes, birdseye view, and space to hide for the coward. Chainguns only and plenty of ammo.
·-[ Size: 48kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DETH.ZIP A Great DeathMatch WAD Level. Weapons evenly placed. FRAGS Galore!
·-[ Size: 5kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DETHDUEL.ZIP Death Duel, hopefully this will be a rad deathmatch level.
·-[ Size: 31kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DEVOURDM.ZIP A Doom 2 Death Match level, based on "Deathmatch Court Yard", but with additional weapons, teleports, hidden rooms, textures, and more importantly - monsters.
·-[ Size: 14kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DICKWAD2.ZIP A Doom 2 WAD with multiple levels, no-so-new sounds, new graphics, lots of secrets, deception, and evil tricks.
·-[ Size: 580kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
featuring the last boss... very challenging!
Awesome new graphics included. See if you
can beat this without cheating! Cool menuing
system included. Made by Eric The Great.
·-[ Size: 50kb DizDate: 02.04.95 ]-·
DM2CLSM.ZIP ░▒▓█ DOOM II add-on level: The Colosseum █▓▒░
░▒▓█ ---> Made by: Eric The Great <--- █▓▒░
Hell on Earth is over. Civilization has been
rebuilt. 100 years have passed. And it's all
starting again. The son of our former main
hero has been captured by the entire legions
of Hell and taken to their Colosseum, that
is, Arena, to await a final battle with a
Cyber Demon - certain death! He must escape
to lead Earth's forces against the Spirit
World's! Armed with only the strangled gua-
rd's pistol (at least for now!) can you es-
cape the worst nightmare? * I "took my time"
on this one, resulting in one of the most
detailed WADs ever! * So much detail that
I had to redo it because the first time DOOM
II couldn't handle it! * Over 2 months in the
making * Incredible menuing system included
* Download this big baby now and distribute
·-[ Size: 56kb DizDate: 12.21.94 ]-·
DM2GM1.ZIP A Doom 2 combo deathmatch/single player wad.
·-[ Size: 54kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DM2GM2.ZIP A Doom 2 combo deathmatch/single player wad, rather spread out.
·-[ Size: 54kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DM2GM3A.ZIP A Doom 2 combo co-op/deathmatch/single player WAD.
DM2MUD.ZIP This a a very tough level, designed for the single player. : There is a version for Doom called MUDZAP.WAD!
·-[ Size: 37kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DM2PBALL.ZIP ╔──░▒▓██ DOOM II -- PaintBall Wars ██▓▒░──╗
│ Made by: Eric The Great │
│ New WAD file for DOOM II. You and your │
│DeathMatch buddies rented out a PaintBall│
│field! Many bunkers to hide in or behind,│
│ trenches, Ammo and Gun storage houses, │
│ outhouses, a new idea called a Macro │
│ Center, and more! New graphics included.│
·-[ Size: 44kb DizDate: 01.31.95 ]-·
DM2TIGER.ZIP A new level for Doom][.
Originally planned for DoomI but
I converted it. In the tradition of
ID, its hard. Designed for cooperative
play but supports deathmatch.
·-[ Size: 49kb DizDate: 10.16.94 ]-·
DM2WADS.ZIP This is a collection of Doom 2 wads, some of th look pretty good, but anything is better than playing the regular levels...
·-[ Size: 148kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DM2WOLF.ZIP ░▒▓█ DOOM II: Wolfenstein █▓▒░
The best WAD file add-on level for DOOM II
made yet. While fighting your way through
Hell in DOOM II: Hell on Earth, you stumble
upon a secret portal leading to the Nazi's
hideaway in Hell! In 666 hours, they will
raise Hitler's soul and Armegeddon will
begin! You must stop them dead in their tra-
cks by destroying Hitler's soul in the heart
of Hell.
*Over 7 weeks in the making!
*Entire level planned out and revised before
hand, not "made up as I went along" as many
WAD files are
*Very large, over 92 thousand bytes!
*Many, many secrets - find 'em all!
*Download it now - and distribute it!
Made by: Eric The Great
·-[ Size: 32kb DizDate: 12.13.94 ]-·
DMAT4_2.ZIP The classic Doom deathmatch WAD remade for Doom 2. No monsters... just ultimate frag action!
·-[ Size: 15kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DMCY2.ZIP A small court yard deathmatch for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 8kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
THE FIRST sound changing PWAD to be created
exclusively for use with commercial DOOM II
Hell On Earth! This changes a few of the old
sounds that for some reason Id carried over
into DOOM2, with newer, BETTER sounds! Try
playing DOOM2 straight first. Then add in
this PWAD and you'll see the difference! E-13
·-[ Size: 304kb DizDate: 10.11.94 ]-·
DOOM2DM1.ZIP Finally!!! A NEW Level for Doom ][!
After hours of work I have put together
a nice and challenging Death Match Level
for Doom ][.. Now you don't have to play
the lame (for DeathMatches) levels included
with D][ when you want to kill your pal!
Note: Revised Doom2dm1.wad 10-03-94 4:35p
Improves performance with new Reject map data
·-[ Size: 36kb DizDate: 10.03.94 ]-·
DOOM2DM2.ZIP Another challenging DEATHMATCH WAD for Doom ][
Gotten tired of getting wasted in DOOM2DM1.WAD?
Well, here it is, DOOM2DM2.WAD, the sequel of
death. This is larger than it's predecessor BUT
you need not worry about not finding your buddy
to frag. He'll be around the corner. Lot's of
hours of level design and lots of COFFEE
consumed to make this beast. Great for 2-4 player
·-[ Size: 39kb DizDate: 10.23.94 ]-·
DOOM3D.ZIP First level of new Doom 2 Underground series. Replaces some graphics.
·-[ Size: 88kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DPRISON2.ZIP Deathmatch Prison II.
·-[ Size: 43kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DUDE_II.ZIP This is a deathmatch only WAD. Originally designed for Doom 1, but converted to Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 12kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
DWADS.ZIP 3 cool Doom2 wads!!!
·-[ Size: 203kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
A new DOOM II PWAD adventure by Guy Stockie.
Good quality game. Works best with a 486-66 or
better. Nevertheless, be prepaird to die, Earth
·-[ Size: 120kb DizDate: 12.05.94 ]-·
EFORL.ZIP Pure deathmatch level, for deathmatch 2.0.
·-[ Size: 25kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
EPIC.ZIP Level designed with single player in mind. It has much carnage even at "Hurt me wimpy."
·-[ Size: 65kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FAIR.ZIP These are seven brand-new levels for Hell on Earth!
·-[ Size: 211kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FIFIII.ZIP Out in the middle of Fift's ocean of lava.
·-[ Size: 18kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FINAL_2.ZIP Uncounted teleportesr and lifts and ALMOST impossible to complete w/o cheats.
·-[ Size: 22kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FORTRESS.ZIP The baddies you beat up in Doom 2 are not completely destroyed.
·-[ Size: 42kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FOXHOLE.ZIP 3 big rooms connected like a cloverleaf. Most of the items of value are located in various "foxholes".
·-[ Size: 21kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FRAG4ALL.ZIP "Lock the target, bait the line, spread the net, and FRAG the man!"
·-[ Size: 156kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FRAGEM.ZIP This is a wad designed for deathmatch 2.
·-[ Size: 23kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FRAGME.ZIP This DOOM II pwad was designed specifically with 2-player Deathmatch 2.0 in mind.
·-[ Size: 26kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FRAGPIT.ZIP A Doom 2 deathmatch level, with a pit in the middle that could muss you up, if you're not careful.
·-[ Size: 7kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
FRGMEAGN.ZIP **********Frag Me Again************
DOOM II Deathmatch Wad by Alan Post.
Sequel to Fragme.wad. String them
together as Map 1 and 2 for a
deathmatch frenzy. Created with
EdMap v. 1.22 and 1.23.
·-[ Size: 40kb DizDate: 12.01.94 ]-·
by Ian Springer
·-[ Size: 664kb DizDate: 12.13.94 ]-·
GOREG3.ZIP *────────────────-*
│ "GoRE GALoRE" │
│ rel. 3.0 │
│ DOOM ][ PWAD │
│ by Ian Springer │
│ 12/18/94 │
·-[ Size: 31kb DizDate: 12.18.94 ]-·
GRDNODTH.ZIP A DeathMatch for DOOM II, also single player, but not really made with that in mind.
·-[ Size: 24kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
GRUDGE01.ZIP This level is fast and furious fun for 2 people. With more than 2 people, up goes the frag counts!
·-[ Size: 17kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
H2HMUD01.ZIP Benchmark WAD. This WAD presents a great opportunity to prove just how good you are.
·-[ Size: 57kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
·-[ Size: 6kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
HARTFRD2.ZIP Doom 2 ORIGINAL floor. Replaces floor one.
·-[ Size: 7kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
HAUNTED.ZIP Brand NEW PWAD for Doom 2 !! You gotta get this Simulated 3 level old house!
·-[ Size: 55kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
HELLPORT.ZIP *Doom II Only* After Mars, you find yourself back
on Earth hoping that Hell is back where it belongs.
You decide to get on a transport and get back to
civilization except you find that Hell has already
spawned it's minions on Earth.... I think this is the
first Doom II Pwad.
·-[ Size: 34kb DizDate: 11.05.94 ]-·
HELLVINE.ZIP Doom 2 wad that centered around a courtyard tha is occupied by some of the nastiest dudes around well worth trying, not impossible, but close.
·-[ Size: 44kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
HIDESEEK.ZIP 2-4 player deathmatch WAD with shotguns and chainguns. Lots of hallways and hideyholes.
·-[ Size: 23kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
HILLY.ZIP Up down up down. Deathmatch, semi-lame 1-4 player.
·-[ Size: 38kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
revision 2
A compilation of 5
small 2 player deathmatch
wads with no monsters.
Designed for those players
who like to hunt!
Author: Robert Chapman
·-[ Size: 148kb DizDate: 12.30.94 ]-·
HOUSES.ZIP 11 deathmatch levels. The first 7 are house related.
·-[ Size: 629kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
IDEAL.ZIP I have taken the time to make this [what I feel] to be the most deathmatch- suitable wad.
·-[ Size: 33kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
IDMAP01.ZIP A deathmatch WAD by American McGee at iD.
·-[ Size: 22kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
IGOR2.ZIP A fast-paced, seven-level deathmatch pwad for DOOM2; supports respawn (suggested) or nomonsters.
·-[ Size: 125kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
IGOR5.ZIP A fast-paced, eight-level deathmatch pwad for DOOM2; supports monsters w/ respawn (two-player) or nomonsters (three- or four-player).
·-[ Size: 134kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
INURFAS2.ZIP Doom 2 pwad. Replaces Level 1 and 2.
·-[ Size: 75kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
INVSIEGE.ZIP A spin-off from the Invasion Series...
·-[ Size: 90kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
JEKYL8.ZIP This is the first pwad in the Jekyl Series for Doom 2 deathmatch.
·-[ Size: 19kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
JOHN2_D2.ZIP Here it is, my first Doom 2 wad... Made mostly with Waded... Good Luck
J O J O B E A T -=> DeathMatch Wad for DOOM ][ <=-
Created by Joey Cato
-ever wanted a wad where you could control
a crushing ceiling to nab your opponents?
now you can!
\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\
\\// \\// \\// \\// \\// \\
·-[ Size: 32kb DizDate: 11.23.94 ]-·
KEEP.ZIP I originally made this map as an exercise in building complex maps in DEU II
·-[ Size: 161kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
Purely deathmatch! Designed to keep
you and your opponents on your toes.
In deathmatch mode everyone starts with
one of four weapons and you keep that
weapon... until you die. Ammo at one
end, health at the other, and plenty of
frags in between. Watch your back, aim
well, and KEEP MOVING!
·-[ Size: 22kb DizDate: 11.10.94 ]-·
Purely deathmatch! Designed to keep
you and your opponents on your toes.
In deathmatch mode everyone starts with
one of four weapons and you keep that
weapon... until you die. Ammo at one
end, health at the other, and plenty of
frags in between. Watch your back, aim
well, and KEEP MOVING!
·-[ Size: 22kb DizDate: 11.10.94 ]-·
KEWL2.ZIP ⌠ ArE YoU lOoKINg FoR a REaLlY ⌠
│*KEWL* DooM2 2P-DeaTHmATcH wAD??│
⌡ THeN DoWnLOAd tHiZ !¡! ⌡
·-[ Size: 8kb DizDate: 12.22.94 ]-·
KILLSPR4.ZIP ┌─ DOOM 1 v1.666 Pwad:Da Kills ─┐
│By /│nt (Prerelease #4: 1-6-95)│
│Features: │
│. One Huge, Tough Level │
│. New Graphics, Sounds, & Music│
│. Unique Architecture Layouts │
│. Traps & Special Effects │
│. Designed for 2+ Players │
│. Optimized & Compressed │
│. Single & Multiplayer Supports│
·-[ Size: 602kb DizDate: 01.05.95 ]-·
KING.ZIP Deathmatch 2.0 WAD for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 17kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
KNOB.ZIP This level is the first of more of it's type. It is pure carnage!
·-[ Size: 23kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
KNOB2.ZIP This level is the second of more of it's type. It is pure carnage! This one is better than the first, I promise!
·-[ Size: 469kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
KNOB3.ZIP This level is better than my first attempts at levels. I think you'll like the secrets in this one. Watch your back (as well as the next in the KNOB series.)!
·-[ Size: 379kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
KOKO.ZIP Deathmatch WAD for Doom 2, ambush sights inspired thousands of hours of network play.
·-[ Size: 26kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MANGLE.ZIP After restoring partial peace on earth, you make your way back home to find your family has been captured by terrorists.
·-[ Size: 56kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MANIFEST.ZIP After you defeat all the badass bosses in doom Its time to move on now is the time to enter the MANiFEST.
·-[ Size: 12kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MANSION.ZIP Fight your way through a mansion. Awesome secrets.
·-[ Size: 2598kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MARKII.ZIP This WAD is a big area good for multiplayer Doom. Be prepared to die a lot!
·-[ Size: 8kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MARVIN.ZIP A hard Doom2 level for people who think the have a big set of...
·-[ Size: 73kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MAZEDOOM.ZIP Maze of Doom. Randomly generated map for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 23kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MDK.ZIP Murder Death Kill. This WAD will hurt you bad.
·-[ Size: 51kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MENTZER1.ZIP Deathmatch WAD created for Doom 2. All weapons are available and no monsters are present.
·-[ Size: 24kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MENTZER2.ZIP Second in the series of deathmatch WADs for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 21kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
METALDM2.ZIP Metal Doom 2. Filled with monsters, ammunition and health.
·-[ Size: 42kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MOVEFAST.ZIP A single player or two player co-op WAD. Lots of teleporters and moving targets. Move fast.
·-[ Size: 22kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
MYSTERY.ZIP New WAD for Doom 2 users created with WADED.
·-[ Size: 27kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
NEW7.ZIP Modified map of MAP07 of Doom 2, for more fair altdeath play.
·-[ Size: 11kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
NOHIDE.ZIP This is the round three deathmatch, so
Hurry up and finish Round two:) Its called
Nowhere to Hide because there are no exits,
and nowhere<much> to hide.
·-[ Size: 15kb DizDate: 01.01.95 ]-·
NOVA03.ZIP Deathmatch WAD made while BETA testing EdMap 1.24. All weapons in Doom 2 are in this WAD.
·-[ Size: 36kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
O_LRD01.ZIP Deathmatch WAD for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 13kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
PEACE_D2.ZIP This is a Doom 2 release of peace.wad. If you like fast gameplay with big weapons (like MAP 7) you will enjoy this pwad.
·-[ Size: 26kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
PENTGIO.ZIP Inspired by Doom 2 level 7, except bigger and more stuff. Given very high marks by everyone who's seen it.
·-[ Size: 22kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
PIGGY.ZIP Deathmatch wad file for Doom 2. Small level with hallway's similar to MAP01. All weapons include many, many frags possible in 2-on-2 or 1-on-1,
·-[ Size: 8kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
PIGGYWAV.ZIP Third WAD in the Piggy Series. Fair 1-on-1, kick ass 2-on-2 or free for all 4 player mode.
·-[ Size: 5kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
PILLARS.ZIP A 4 player deathmatch Doom 2, works fairly well for 2 players also.
·-[ Size: 9kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
PIMP.ZIP This is a collection of 27 Doom 1 WADs which have been converted to Doom 2 format using WADCAT and WAD1TO2.
·-[ Size: 1135kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
PPALACE.ZIP 4 levels. UCSD's Price Center, an obnoxious maxe, Warren Apt. at UCSD, and Nye's old house.
·-[ Size: 250kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
PSYCHO_A.ZIP Maximum Psychosis. Fast-paced, you will die!
·-[ Size: 30kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
R2WOLFD2.ZIP Replaces first 10 maps of Doom][ with new maps.
·-[ Size: 724kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RADPLANT.ZIP Large radioactive substance processing plant that's been overrun by hell-spawn.
·-[ Size: 42kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN1.ZIP Part one of the RAVEN SERIES Map 1.
·-[ Size: 24kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN2.ZIP Part two of the RAVEN SERIES Map 2.
·-[ Size: 51kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN3.ZIP Part three of the RAVEN SERIES Map 3.
·-[ Size: 46kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN4.ZIP Part four of the RAVEN SERIES Map 4.
·-[ Size: 43kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN5.ZIP Part five of the RAVEN SERIES Map 5.
·-[ Size: 56kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN6.ZIP Part six of the RAVEN SERIES Map 6.
·-[ Size: 54kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN7.ZIP Part seven of the RAVEN SERIES Map 7.
·-[ Size: 41kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN8.ZIP Part eight of the RAVEN SERIES Map 8.
·-[ Size: 62kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAVEN9.ZIP Part nine of the RAVEN SERIES Map 9.
·-[ Size: 42kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RAZOR.ZIP After you save earth, it seems that no one cares about you. For 4 players.
·-[ Size: 4kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
·-[ Size: 86kb ]-·
REMAINS.ZIP Before the first DOOM missions, you were one of the ones "voluntarily" sent through the portal that caused so many problems in the first place.
·-[ Size: 51kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
RUNDOWN.ZIP Building in the middle of nowhere. Deathmatch level with sniper points and the like.
·-[ Size: 87kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
SABREMAU.ZIP Simple deathmatch 2 WAD for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 4kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
SABRMAU2.ZIP From first look, it looks like SABREMAU.WAD, but in a few seconds, you notice the mass amount of goodies in the middle!
·-[ Size: 12kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
SKILLS.ZIP Deathmatch WAD, no monsters, 4 buildings.
·-[ Size: 36kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
SKULL.ZIP Arrr matey...... dis level t'was designed fer ya landlubbers dat enjoy a good deathmatch.
·-[ Size: 16kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
SLAYER2.ZIP Doom ][, designed for deathmatch or single
player. All difficulty settings. Ultimate
carnage in Ultra-violence mode. Plenty of
hideouts for deathmatch. New sounds and
music. Created by Zman
·-[ Size: 598kb DizDate: 01.11.95 ]-·
SPANKME2.ZIP Update of spankme to run with Doom 2. No real theme to this level, and it's fairly simple.
·-[ Size: 12kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
SPRINGER.ZIP This file is the Doom ][ conversion and modification of tourney.wad.
·-[ Size: 19kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
SQUALOR.ZIP While I have constructed many maps for DOOM and DOOM II this is the first map that I feel proud enough of to post to the net.
·-[ Size: 108kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
SSARENA.ZIP This file is the Doom 2 conversion and modification of tourney.wad. Created for a 4-player deathmatch tournament.
·-[ Size: 19kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
STAND.ZIP This wad is based on HEADLONG.WAD, for Doom 2.
·-[ Size: 20kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
New level for DOOM II. Over 80 hours
in the making. I tried to pay as much
attention to detail as my sanity would
permit. Designed for fast and furious
DEATHMATCH's , but also optimized for
ALL difficulties. ULTRA-VIOLENCE
should be plenty tough for anyone.
·-[ Size: 51kb DizDate: 11.06.94 ]-·
STARGATE.ZIP This DOOM II deathmatch wad with a Stargate theme.
·-[ Size: 141kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
STATIONX.ZIP Station-X. Deathmatch WAD with a center area, and four off-shoots connected to each other through hallways.
·-[ Size: 26kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
TC3_II.ZIP A four room DeathMatch WAD for Doom ][.
·-[ Size: 3kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
TCDOOM11.ZIP 4 levels, some from Doom 1, converted to Doom 2 especially for 4-player play.
·-[ Size: 128kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
THEEND.ZIP The End Complete!!
PWAD For DOOM2, lots of traps, secrets,
etc.. Not For One Player Mode!
Best With 3-4 DeathMatch players..
From The Makers Of SlayTanic:TFD
·-[ Size: 17kb DizDate: 01.05.95 ]-·
THRASHER.ZIP One player map 01. Contains some rooms I wanted to see in a WAD but haven't yet, so I did them.
·-[ Size: 16kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
TLR_II.ZIP The Last Resort. Nine entirely new deathmatch specific levels, each representing a unique theme.
·-[ Size: 1071kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
·-[ Size: 67kb ]-·
TOF01.ZIP Simple WAD for deathmatch, contains no monsters.
·-[ Size: 13kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
·-[ Size: 25kb DizDate: 07.17.87 ]-·
TOWNHOUS.ZIP Map of my town house. New graphics scanned in.