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- global gyusho, gbetlist, goddlist, guserlist
- on statuspuppeton
- repeat with i = 11 to 40
- puppetSprite(i, 1)
- end repeat
- end
- on statuspuppetoff
- repeat with i = 11 to 40
- puppetSprite(i, 0)
- end repeat
- end
- on dispnum n, ch
- set the castNum of sprite ch to n + 100
- end
- on dispstatus p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6
- dispnum(p1, 11)
- dispnum(p2, 14)
- dispnum(p3, 17)
- dispnum(p4, 20)
- dispnum(p5, 23)
- dispnum(p6, 26)
- dispnum(s1, 12)
- dispnum(s2, 15)
- dispnum(s3, 18)
- dispnum(s4, 21)
- dispnum(s5, 24)
- dispnum(s6, 27)
- dispnum(l1 * 2, 13)
- dispnum(l2 * 2, 16)
- dispnum(l3 * 2, 19)
- dispnum(l4 * 2, 22)
- dispnum(l5 * 2, 25)
- dispnum(l6 * 2, 28)
- end
- on inuanime ch
- if the castNum of sprite ch = 205 then
- set inucast to 206
- else
- set inucast to 205
- end if
- set the castNum of sprite ch to inucast
- set inuh to the locH of sprite ch
- if inuh >= 563 then
- set the locH of sprite ch to inuh - 5
- else
- puppetSound(3, cast "INUGOE")
- wait(30)
- puppetoff()
- puppetSprite(gyusho + 6, 0)
- go("seisan")
- end if
- end
- on upbet ch
- set n to the castNum of sprite ch
- set m to the money of guserlist
- set kakegoukei to 0
- repeat with i = 1 to 6
- set kakekin to getAt(gbetlist, i)
- if kakekin <> 0 then
- set kakekin to kakekin - 100
- end if
- set kakegoukei to kakekin + kakegoukei
- end repeat
- if n = 199 then
- beep()
- else
- if (m - kakegoukei) <= 0 then
- beep()
- else
- set bet to n + 1
- set the castNum of sprite ch to bet
- setAt(gbetlist, ch - 34, bet)
- end if
- end if
- end
- on downbet ch
- set n to the castNum of sprite ch
- if n = 100 then
- beep()
- else
- set bet to n - 1
- set the castNum of sprite ch to bet
- setAt(gbetlist, ch - 34, bet)
- end if
- end
- on seisan
- set uu to gyusho - 2
- set od to getAt(goddlist, uu)
- set bt to getAt(gbetlist, uu)
- put goddlist
- put gbetlist
- if bt <> 0 then
- set bt to bt - 100
- end if
- set mouke to od * bt
- set hazkei to 0
- repeat with i = 1 to 6
- set haz to getAt(gbetlist, i)
- if haz <> 0 then
- set haz to haz - 100
- end if
- set hazkei to haz + hazkei
- end repeat
- put hazkei
- set sasihiki to mouke - hazkei
- put sasihiki
- return sasihiki
- end