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- global guserlist
- on yokinzumidesu
- set s to the sakuramoney of guserlist
- if s = 0 then
- unLoad()
- else
- beep()
- alert("テウaテ」窶。テゥcテァテテ邃「テ窶テテ暗ィテ催ァテ。テテ陛Aテツョテ窶禿ツエティoテツオテツ敕ァナ禿窶ケテテセテニ津ツゥテテAテェVテテステ窶ヲテツョテウaテテ佚ャツクテテ催ツ催テヲテナステツ「テB")
- go("atm-m")
- end if
- end
- on initsiharaicash
- repeat with n = 31 to 35
- set the visible of sprite n to 0
- end repeat
- updateStage()
- end
- on siharaihyouji
- global guserlist
- set m to the money of guserlist
- set s to the sakuramoney of guserlist
- set gokei to s + getkinri()
- put integer(gokei) into field "sakuMone"
- setfontsakura()
- set mojisuu to the length of field "sakuMone"
- if value(mojisuu) <= 999990 then
- if mojisuu = 2 then
- set no1 to char 1 of field "sakuMone"
- puppetSprite(31, 1)
- set the castNum of sprite 31 to no1 + 720
- set the visible of sprite 31 to 1
- else
- if mojisuu = 3 then
- set no1 to char 1 of field "sakuMone"
- set no2 to char 2 of field "sakuMone"
- puppetSprite(31, 1)
- puppetSprite(32, 1)
- set the castNum of sprite 31 to no2 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 32 to no1 + 720
- set the visible of sprite 31 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 32 to 1
- else
- if mojisuu = 4 then
- set no1 to char 1 of field "sakuMone"
- set no2 to char 2 of field "sakuMone"
- set no3 to char 3 of field "sakuMone"
- puppetSprite(31, 1)
- puppetSprite(32, 1)
- puppetSprite(33, 1)
- set the castNum of sprite 31 to no3 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 32 to no2 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 33 to no1 + 720
- set the visible of sprite 31 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 32 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 33 to 1
- else
- if mojisuu = 5 then
- set no1 to char 1 of field "sakuMone"
- set no2 to char 2 of field "sakuMone"
- set no3 to char 3 of field "sakuMone"
- set no4 to char 4 of field "sakuMone"
- puppetSprite(31, 1)
- puppetSprite(32, 1)
- puppetSprite(33, 1)
- puppetSprite(34, 1)
- set the castNum of sprite 31 to no4 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 32 to no3 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 33 to no2 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 34 to no1 + 720
- set the visible of sprite 31 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 32 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 33 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 34 to 1
- else
- if mojisuu = 6 then
- set no1 to char 1 of field "sakuMone"
- set no2 to char 2 of field "sakuMone"
- set no3 to char 3 of field "sakuMone"
- set no4 to char 4 of field "sakuMone"
- set no5 to char 5 of field "sakuMone"
- puppetSprite(31, 1)
- puppetSprite(32, 1)
- puppetSprite(33, 1)
- puppetSprite(34, 1)
- puppetSprite(35, 1)
- set the castNum of sprite 31 to no5 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 32 to no4 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 33 to no3 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 34 to no2 + 720
- set the castNum of sprite 35 to no1 + 720
- set the visible of sprite 31 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 32 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 33 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 34 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 35 to 1
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- else
- puppetSprite(31, 1)
- puppetSprite(32, 1)
- puppetSprite(33, 1)
- puppetSprite(34, 1)
- puppetSprite(35, 1)
- set the castNum of sprite 31 to 729
- set the castNum of sprite 32 to 729
- set the castNum of sprite 33 to 729
- set the castNum of sprite 34 to 729
- set the castNum of sprite 35 to 729
- set the visible of sprite 31 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 32 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 33 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 34 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 35 to 1
- end if
- end