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Assembly Source File
711 lines
;* S W A P A . A S M *;
;* Task : Assembler module for the SWAP unit *;
;* Author : MICHAEL TISCHER *;
;* developed on : 06/01/1989 *;
;* last update : 02/28/1990 *;
;* assembly : TASM - /MX SWAPA *;
;* ... bind to the SWAP unit *;
;== Constants ===============================================================
STACK_LEN equ 64 ;Number of words in the internal stack
;== Structures =============================================================
ExecStruc struc ;Data structure for EXEC function
EsSegEnv dw ? ;Segment address of environment blocks
EsCmdPAdr dd ? ;Pointer to command line parameters
EsFCB1Adr dd ? ;Pointer to FCB #1
EsFCB2Adr dd ? ;Pointer to FCB #2
ExecStruc ends
public SwapOutAndExec ;Gives a Turbo Pascal program the
;ability to pass the address of
;the assembler handler
public InitSwapa ;Initialization procedure
;== Data segment ===========================================================
DATA segment word public
extrn PrefixSeg : word ;Segment address of PSP in Turbo variables
DATA ends
;== Program ===============================================================
CODE segment byte public ;Program segment
;== Variables in code segment ===============================================
CodeStart equ this word ;Code begins here which is copied to
;the Turbo program
;-- Variables needed by the Swap routines for uploading and downloading ----
CoStAddr dd ? ;Orig. address of PARA(CodeStart)
CoStLen dw ? ;Number of words swapped w/ CoStAddr
StackPtr dw ? ;Gets old stack pointer
StackSeg dw ? ;Gets old stack segment
TurboSeg dw ? ;Segment address - Turbo code segment
;-- Variables needed for program configuration and command execution -------
NewStack dw STACK_LEN dup (?) ;New stack
EndStack equ this word ;End of stack
Command dd ? ;Pointer to command
CmdPara dd ? ;Pointer to command line parameters
ToDisk db ? ;True when disk swapping occurs
Handle dw ? ;Disk or EMS handle
Len dd ? ;Number of bytes saved
FCB1 db 16 dup ( 0 ) ;FCB #1 for PSP
FCB2 db 16 dup ( 0 ) ;FCB #2 for PSP
CmdBuf db 128 dup ( 0 ) ;Commands following prg. name
PrgName db 64 dup ( 0 ) ;Program name
ExecData ExecStruc < 0, CmdBuf, FCB1, FCB2 > ;Data structure for EXEC
OldPara dw ? ;Number of previously reserved paragraphs
FrameSeg dw ? ;Segment address of EMS page frame
Error_Code db 0 ;Error code for caller
TerMes db 13,10,13,10
db "╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╗",13,10
db "║ Done_Swap: Stored Turbo Pascal program could ║",13,10
db "║ not be reloaded back into memory. ║",13,10
db "║ Program execution terminated! ║",13,10
db "╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝"
db 13,10,13,10,"$"
Msg1 db 13,10,13,10
db "╔════════════════════════════╗",13,10
db "║ Init_Swap: Swapping out ║",13,10
db "╚════════════════════════════╝"
db 13,10,13,10,"$"
;== Procedures =============================================================
;-- StartSwap : Coordinate swapping of Turbo Pascal program
StartSwap proc far
assume cs:code, ds:nothing
;-- Store current stack and initialize new stack ----------------
cli ;Suppress interrupts
mov StackPtr,sp ;Mark current stack
mov StackSeg,ss
push cs ;Install new stack
pop ss
mov sp,offset EndStack - 2
sti ;Re-enable interrupts
push cs ;Set DS to CS
pop ds
assume cs:code, ds:code
;-- Overwrite unnecessary memory --------------------------------
cmp ToDisk,0 ;Write to EMS memory?
je Ems ;Yes ---> Ems
call Write2File ;No ---> Write to file
jnc ShrinkMem ;No error ---> ShrinkMem
mov Error_Code, 1 ;File output error?
jmp short GetBack ;return to Turbo
Ems: mov ah,41h ;Pass segment address of the page frame
int 67h ;Call EMM
mov FrameSeg,bx ;Place result in variables
call Write2Ems ;Write program to EMS
;-- Provide number of currently allocated paragraphs ------------
ShrinkMem: mov ax,TurboSeg ;Segment address of Turbo code segment
sub ax,11h ;Allocate 10 paragraphs for PSP and 1
;for MCB
mov es,ax ;ES now pointer to Turbo prog. MCB
mov bx,es:[3] ;Get number of paragraphs allocated
mov OldPara,bx ;and place in variable
;-- Calculate the number of paragraphs needed and reduce --
;-- memory requirements by this amount --
inc ax ;AX now points to the PSP
mov es,ax ;for function call to ES
mov bx,CostLen ;Number of words needed by Swap routine
add bx,128+7 ;Recalculate and round off PSP
mov cl,3 ;Divide by 8 words (per paragraph)
shr bx,cl
mov ah,4Ah ;Function number for "change size"
int 21h ;Call DOS interrupt
;-- Execute specified command line using the EXE function ------
mov bp,ds ;Store DS
mov ax,cs ;Set ES and DS to CS
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax
;-- Enter segment address of code segments in the pointer -----
;-- to the EXEC structure
mov word ptr ExecData.EsFCB1Adr + 2,ax
mov word ptr ExecData.EsFCB1Adr + 2,ax
mov word ptr ExecData.EsCmdPAdr + 2,ax
mov bx,offset ExecData ;ES:BX point to parameter block
mov dx,offset PrgName ;DS:DX point to command string
mov ax,4B00h ;Function number for "EXEC"
int 21h ;Call DOS interrupt
mov ds,bp ;Move DS
jnc ReMem ;No error ---> ReMem
mov Error_Code,ah ;Note ErrorCode
;-- Return memory to original size ------------------------------
ReMem: mov ax,TurboSeg ;Set Turbo code segment address
sub ax,10h ;to start of PSP
mov es,ax ;and load into ES
mov bx,OldPara ;Old number of paragraphs
mov ah,4Ah ;Function number for "change size"
int 21h ;Call DOS interrupt
jnc GetBack ;No error ---> GetBack
jmp Terminate ;Error in ReMem --> End program
;-- Return to program -------------------------------------------
GetBack: cmp ToDisk,0 ;Write to EMS memory?
je Ems1 ;Yes ---> Ems1
call GetFromFile ;No, reload as file
jnc CloseUp ;No error ---> CloseUp
jmp Terminate ;Read error, end program
Ems1: call GetFromEms ;Get Turbp Pascal program from EMS memory
;-- Restore old stack -------------------------------------------
CloseUp: cli ;Suppress interrupts
mov ss,StackSeg
mov sp,StackPtr
sti ;Re-enable interrupts
;-- Prepare registers for swap ----------------------------------
push cs ;Push DS to CS
pop ds
assume cs:code, ds:code
mov cx,CoStLen ;Number of words to be swapped
mov di,cx ;Move number of words to DI
dec di ;Decrement by one word
shl di,1 ;Double it
mov si,di ;move to SI
add di,word ptr CostAddr ;DI+offset addr. of Swap routine
mov es,word ptr CostAddr + 2 ;ES gets old CS of Swap routine
mov ds,TurboSeg ;Seg addr. of start of code
ret ;Return to SwapOutAndExec
StartSwap endp
;-- Write2Ems : Write program to be swapped to EMS memory
;-- Input : BX = Segment address of EMS page frame
;-- DS = Codesegment
EMS_PLEN equ 16384 ;Length of an EMS page
HiWLen dw ? ;Remaining Hi-Word length
Write2Ems proc near
push ds ;Push DS onto stack
cld ;Increment on string instructions
mov es,bx ;ES points to the page frame
mov bp,word ptr Len ;Move Lo-Word length to BP
mov ax,word ptr Len + 2 ;Move Hi-Word length to AX
mov HiWLen,ax ;and then to variable
mov dx,Handle ;Move EMS Handle to DX
xor bx,bx ;Start with first logical page
assume cs:code, ds:nothing
jmp short WriECalc ;Jump in the loop
WriELoop: ;-- Register allocation within this loop -----------------------
; AX = Times this, times that
; BX = Number of logical EMS pages to be addressed
; CX = Number of bytes to be copied in this execution
; DX = EMS handle
; ES:DI = Pointer to first page in EMS page frame (Target)
; DS:SI = Pointer to first word to be copied (Start)
; HiWLen:BP = Number of bytes remaining to be copied
mov ax,4400h ;Function number for illustration
int 67h ;Call EMM
mov si,offset CodeEnd ;Offset for Swapping
xor di,di ;Write to the start of the EMS page
mov ax,cx ;Move number to AX
rep movsb ;Copy memory
sub bp,ax ;Remainder of written bytes
sbb HiWLen,0 ;Decrement
inc bx ;Increment number of logical page
mov ax,ds ;Starting segment to AX
add ax,EMS_PLEN shr 4 ;Increment by written paragraphs
mov ds,ax ;and move to DS
WriECalc: mov cx,EMS_PLEN ;Write EMS_PLEN bytes
cmp HiWLen,0 ;More than 64K?
ja WriELoop ;Yes ---> WriELoop
cmp bp,cx ;No ---> More than EMS_PLEN bytes?
jae WriELoop ;Yes ---> Continue writing
mov cx,bp ;No ---> Write remainder
or cx,cx ;No more bytes to write?
jne WriELoop ;No ---> WriELoop
WriERet: pop ds ;Pop DS off of stack
ret ;Return to caller
Write2Ems endp
;-- GetFromEms : Get the swapped program from EMS memory
;-- Input : DS = Code segment
GetFromEms proc near
push ds ;Push DS onto the stack
cld ;Increment on string instructions
mov bp,word ptr Len ;Move Lo-Word length to BP
mov ax,word ptr Len + 2 ;Move Hi-Word length to AX
mov HiWLen,ax ;and from there to variable
mov dx,Handle ;Move EMS handle to DX
xor bx,bx ;Start with first logical page
mov ds,FrameSeg ;DS points to the page frame
push cs ;Set ES to the code segment
pop es
assume cs:code, ds:nothing
jmp short GetECalc ;Jump to the loop
GetELoop: ;-- Register allocation within this loop -----------------------
; AX = times this, times that
; BX = Number of logical EMS pages to be swapped
; CX = Number of bytes to be copied in this execution
; DX = EMS handle
; DS:SI = Pointer to first page in EMS page frame (Start)
; ES:DI = Pointer to target address in memory
; HiWLen:BP = Number of bytes still to be copied
mov ax,4400h ;Function number for illustration
int 67h ;Call EMM
mov di,offset CodeEnd ;Offset for Swapping
xor si,si ;Write to the start of the EMS page
mov ax,cx ;Move number to AX
rep movsb ;Copy memory
sub bp,ax ;Remainder of written bytes
sbb HiWLen,0 ;Decrement
inc bx ;Increment number of logical page
mov ax,es ;Move starting segment to AX
add ax,EMS_PLEN shr 4 ;Increment by written paragraphs
mov es,ax ;and move it to ES
GetECalc: mov cx,EMS_PLEN ;Write EMS_PLEN bytes
cmp HiWLen,0 ;More than 64K?
ja GetELoop ;Yes ---> GetELoop
cmp bp,cx ;No ---> More than EMS_PLEN bytes?
jae GetELoop ;Yes ---> Continue writing
mov cx,bp ;No ---> Write remainder
or cx,cx ;No more bytes to write?
jne GetELoop ;No ---> GetELoop
GetERet: pop ds ;Pop DS off of stack
ret ;Return to caller
GetFromEms endp
;-- Write2File : Write the program to be swapped to a file
;-- Returns : Carry-Flag = 1 : Error
Write2File proc near
NUM_WRITE = 2048 ;Bytes to be written per execution
;to power of 2 (max. 2^16)
assume cs:code, ds:code
push ds ;Push DS onto stack
mov bp,4000h ;Function number for "Write"
mov bx,Handle ;Load file handle
WriFStart: mov di,word ptr Len ;Move Lo-Word length to DI
mov si,word ptr Len + 2 ;Move Hi-Word length to SI
mov dx,offset CodeEnd ;Write offset address
jmp short WriFCalc ;Compute no. of bytes to be written
WriFLoop: ;-- Register allocation within this loop -----------------
; AX = times this, times that
; BX = DOS file handle
; CX = Number of bytes to be read/written
; DS:DX = Address at which they should be read/written
; DI:SI = Number of bytes still to be copied
; BP = Number of DOS funtion to be called
mov ax,bp ;Load DOS function number
int 21h ;Call DOS interrupt
jc WriFEnd ;Error ---> WriFEnd
mov ax,ds ;Starting segment to AX
add ax,NUM_WRITE shr 4 ;Increment by written paragraphs
mov ds,ax ;and move to DS
sub di,cx ;Decrement remainder of
sbb si,0 ;written bytes
WriFCalc: mov cx,NUM_WRITE ;Write NUM_WRITE bytes
cmp si,0 ;More than 64K?
ja WriFLoop ;Yes ---> WriFLoop
cmp di,cx ;No ---> More than NUM_WRITE bytes?
jae WriFLoop ;Yes ---> Continue writing
mov cx,di ;No ---> Write remainder
or cx,cx ;No more bytes to write?
jne WriFLoop ;No ---> WriFLoop
WriFEnd: pop ds ;Reload DS
WriFRet: ret ;Return to caller
Write2File endp
;-- GetFromFile : Return the swapped program to memory
;-- Returns : Carry-Flag = 1 : Error
GetFromFile proc near
assume cs:code, ds:code
push ds ;Push DS onto the stack
;-- Move file pointer to the start of file ----------------
mov ax,4200h ;DOS function number
mov bx,Handle ;Load file handle
xor cx,cx ;CX:DX gives its position
mov dx,cx
int 21h ;Call DOS interrupt
jc WriFRet ;Error ---> WriFRet
;-- Load file into memory with the help of Write2File -----
mov bp,3F00h ;Function number for "Read"
jmp WriFStart ;Jump to Write2File
GetFromFile endp
;-- Terminate : The system can't return to the original Turbo Pascal
;-- program. The program ends with an error code.
Terminate label near
;-- Display error message ---------------------------------------
push cs ;Set DS to CS
pop ds
mov dx,offset TerMes ;DS:DX points to the error message
mov ah,9 ;Function number for "Display string"
int 21h ;Display DOS interrupt
mov ax,4C01h ;End program with error code
int 21h
CodeEnd equ this byte ;Copy code from the start of the Turbo
;Pascal program to this point
;-- SwapOutAndExec : Swaps the current program to EMS memory or hard disk
;-- and starts another program using the DOS EXEC function
;-- Call from Turbo: SwapOutAndExec( Command,
;-- CmdPara : string;
;-- ToDisk : boolean;
;-- Handle : word;
;-- Len : longint );
;-- Info : The Command and CmdPara parameters must be configured
;-- as strings in DOS format.
SwapOutAndExec proc near
ACommand equ dword ptr [bp+16] ;Constants for accessing the
ACmdPara equ dword ptr [bp+12] ;specified arguments
AToDisk equ byte ptr [bp+10]
AHandle equ word ptr [bp+ 8]
ALen equ dword ptr [bp+ 4]
ARG_LEN equ 16 ;Lengths of arguments
assume cs:code, ds:data
push bp ;Enable access to the arguments
mov bp,sp
;-- Copy program name to buffer in code segment -----------------
push ds
push ax
push dx
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset Msg1
int 21h
pop dx
pop ax
pop ds
mov dx,ds ;Mark DS
push cs ;Set ES to CS
pop es
lds si,ACommand ;DS:SI points to command buffer
mov di,offset PrgName ;ES:DI points to PrgName
cld ;Increment on string instructions
lodsb ;Read length of Pascal string
cmp al,64 ;More than 64 characters?
jbe CmdCopy ;No ---> CmdCopy
mov al,64 ;Yes ---> Copy a maximum of 64 characters
CmdCopy: xor ah,ah ;Set Hi-Byte to 0 length and
mov cx,ax ;load into the counter
rep movsb ;Copy string
;-- Copy command line in buffer in code segment -----------------
lds si,ACmdPara ;DS:SI points to CmdPara buffer
mov di,offset CmdBuf ;ES:DI points to CmdBuf
lodsb ;Read length of Pascal string
cmp al,126 ;More than 126 characters?
jbe ParaCopy ;No ---> ParaCopy
mov al,126 ;Yes ---> Copy maximum of 126 characters
ParaCopy: stosb ;Store length as first byte
xor ah,ah ;Set Hi-Byte to 0 length and
mov cx,ax ;load into the counter
rep movsb ;Copy string
mov al,0dH ;Add carriage return
;-- Transfer filename from command line to FCBs -----------------
push cs ;Transfer CS to DS
pop ds
mov si,offset CmdBuf+1 ;DS:SI points to CmdBuf + 1
mov di,offset FCB1 ;ES:DI points to FCB #1
mov ax,2901h ;Function no.:"Transfer filename to FCB"
int 21h ;Call DOS interrupt
mov di,offset FCB2 ;ES:DI now points to FCB #2
mov ax,2901h ;Function no.: "Transfer filename to FCB"
int 21h ;Call DOS interrupt
mov ds,dx ;Move old value into DS
;-- Transfer remaining parameters to variables ------------------
les ax,ALen ;Change length
mov word ptr Len + 2,es
mov word ptr Len,ax
mov al,AToDisk ;Change disk flag
mov ToDisk,al
mov ax,AHandle ;Change handle
mov Handle,ax
push ds ;Push DS onto the stack
;-- Exchange variables and program code between labels CodeStart -
;-- and CodeEnd with the contents of the PSP code segment
mov ax,PrefixSeg ;ES:DI points to start of Turbo
add ax,10h ;program following PSP
mov TurboSeg,ax ;Mark addr. of Turbo code segment
mov es,ax
xor di,di
push cs ;Set DS to CS
pop ds
assume cs:code, ds:code
mov si,offset CodeStart ;DS:SI points to CodeStart
and si,0FFF0h ;Round off at start of paragraph
mov cx,CostLen ;Get number of words to be swapped
mov word ptr CoStAddr,si ;Mark address of
mov word ptr CoStAddr + 2,ds ;PARA(Codestart)
mov dx,es ;Mark target segment in DX
cld ;Increment on SI/DI string instructions
;-- Swap loop ---------------------------------------------------
dl_loop: mov ax,[si] ;Load word from assembler module
mov bx,es:[di] ;Load word from Turbo Pascal program
stosw ;Write assm. module word to Turbo program
mov [si],bx ;Write Turbo program word to assm. module
inc si ;Set SI to next word
inc si ;(increment SI through STOSW)
loop dl_loop ;Use all words
;-- Adapt segment address of code segment before calling the ---
;-- StartSwap procedure so that variable references to the code
;-- segment remain unchanged
mov ax,offset CodeStart ;Compute number of paragraphs between
mov cl,4 ;CodeStart and the start of the
shr ax,cl ;segment, and get segment address in
sub dx,ax ;DX
push cs ;Return address to BACK label
mov ax,offset back ;Move onto the stack
push ax
push dx ;Push segment address onto stack
mov ax,offset StartSwap ;Move offset address onto stack
push ax
retf ;FAR-RET to StartSwap
Msg2 db 13,10,13,10
db "╔════════════════════════════╗",13,10
db "║ Done_Swap: Swapping in ║",13,10
db "╚════════════════════════════╝"
db 13,10,13,10,"$"
back: ;----------------------------------------------------------------
;-- Returns original program to main memory and executes the
;-- program.
;-- Registers have the following contents:
;-- DS:SI = End of assembler code following the PSP
;-- ES:DI = End of Turbo code in the SWAP unit
;-- CX = Number of words
assume cs:code, ds:nothing
std ;Decrement string instructions by SI/DI
;-- Swap back loop ----------------------------------------------
push ds
push ax
push dx
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset Msg2
int 21h
pop dx
pop ax
pop ds
ul_loop: mov bx,es:[di] ;Get byte from old memory range
mov ax,[si] ;Get byte from current memory range
mov [si],bx ;Byte from old memory rng to current rng
dec si ;Set SI to previous word
dec si
stosw ;Byte from current memory rng to old rng
loop ul_loop ;Repeat until memory ranges are exchanged
pop ds ;Pop DS off of stack
assume ds:data
pop bp ;Pop BP
;-- MOV SP,BP must not be given, since SP doesn't change
xor ah,ah ;Place error code in AX
mov al,Error_Code
ret ARG_LEN ;Return to caller, clear arguments
;from stack
SwapOutAndExec endp
;-- InitSwapa : Computes the number of bytes/words allocated for a program
;-- swap with the start of the Turbo program in memory
;-- Input : none
;-- Output : number of bytes
;-- Pascal call : function InitSWapa : word;
;-- Info : This procedure must be called before the
;-- first call to SwapOutAndExec!
InitSwapa proc near
assume cs:code, ds:data
mov bx,offset CodeStart ;AX points to start of code
and bx,0FFF0h ;Round off at start of paragraph
mov ax,offset CodeEnd ;BX points to end of code
sub ax,bx ;Compute number of bytes
inc ax ;Convert CX to words
shr ax,1
mov CoStLen,ax ;Mark number of words to be swapped
shl ax,1 ;Convert to bytes
;-- Return contents of AX as function result
ret ;Return to caller
InitSwapa endp
CODE ends ;End of code segment
end ;End of program