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DOOM ][ EasyWAD2 v1.01 by M. van der Heide of ThunderWare Research Center
Release date: Februari 18, 1995
This program was made for all those DOOMers with loadsa WAD files. It
produces a nice WAD selection interface, which should put an end to losing
track of all these files. (At least I get more frustrated from finding that
particular WAD file and typing all that things on the command line than from
playing DOOM ][ itself!).
An important feature is that it doesn't take any of your precious memory away.
No new items have been added actually, but I managed to optimize it all,
using a newer compiler/linker version. Things go A LOT smoother now.
I also removed the last few (non-annoying) bugs (thanks go to all people
mentioning them).
This program has been tested on several systems causing no problems
whatsoever. If you want to use this program, though, you do so at your
own risk. This means that it is extremely unlikely to damage your system,
but if the unthoughtful event DOES happen, then you will be on your own.
ThunderWare Research Center can and will accept no claims whatsoever.
You may unpack this program in any directory you like.
You will first have to edit your configuration file: "EASYWAD2.CFG".
Separation between words is very simple: use a space, a tab or a newline.
Empty lines are ignored; comment can be inserted by preceding it with a '#'
The following keywords are available:
- DOOMDIR should be followed by the directory name of the DOOM program
files. The default is the current directory;
- WADDIR After this come all your directories that contain WAD files.
Any directory can be included, when needed preceded by a
drive:. The maximum number of directories is 400. A
directory "." means the current directory on that drive.
After any directory name may come an entry "-S" (or "/S"),
which means: handle all its subdirectories as well. If no
"WADDIR" is found, then the DOOM directory is used;
- WADINFOFILE is followed by a filename. The purpose of this filename is
explaned later in this document. If it is not found, then the
used filename will be "WADS.DSC" in the current directory;
- SETSKILL is used to change the default difficulty level. It is
followed by the skill level (1 = Pathetic, 5 = Megacool);
- NOSEARCH may be included to speed things up. The exact purpose is
explaned in the "THE WADINFOFILE" section;
- DEATHMATCH just selects deathmatch V2 as default.
- AUTOINCLUDE is used to auto-select files that you always want to have
added. The maximum is 5 files. Any (partial) path should
also be found in the "WADDIR" series;
- SETPLAYTYPE must be followed by one of the fixed words
"ALONE", for one player;
"IPX", for IPX compatible multiplayer;
"SERIAL", for (null)modem dualplayer;
- SERDRIVER is followed by the filename of the program you will use in
stead on "SERSETUP".
If this new driver uses parameters, then quote it all with
'"' characters. (e.g. SERDRIVER "RMSSETUP -NODES 3");
- SETCOMPORT takes one parameter: the COM port number (1-4), which is used
when you choose to play with a null-modem link;
This is only used if you have not defined an alternate
- IPXDRIVER is followed by the filename of the program you will use in
stead of "IPXSETUP".
If this new driver uses parameters, then quote it all with
'"' characters.
- SETNODES takes one parameter: the number of players (2-4), which is
used when you choose to play with an IPX compatible link;
- SETSOCKET With this option, you can select the network socket you want
to use when playing network DOOM. (0-255). The default is 0.
SETNODES and SETSOCKET are only used if you have not
defined an alternate IPXDRIVER;
- ADDSWITCHES After the keyword should all the other DOOM switches be
given, that are not handled from within EASYWAD2. Currently
available switches are:
Those switches are passed directly to DOOM;
- SORTFILES must be followed by one of the fixed words
"NAME", to sort all WAD files by name;
"INFO", to sort all WAD files by their info field.
- NOFULLNAME (no parameters). Usually, the INFOFIELD will be filled with
the full name of a patch other than levels, if that patch is
the only one (for example, if only music is patched, then
the INFOFIELD will read "music"). Use this switch to over-
ride this.
- NOAUTORETURN (no parameters). Use this switch if you declared a different
SERDRIVER or IPXDRIVER and this new driver requires you to
press some keys before starting.
Simple modem support is now available through the configuration file.
You should use the following combinations:
SERDRIVER "SERSETUP -COM<port> -DIAL <phonenumber> -<baudrate>"
Anything (as found in the README.COM file) related to the modem can be
included in between the quotes (-ANSWER, -IRQ, -PORT, -DIAL etc.)
Just USE THE QUOTES, as an error-message will be given if you don't!
Start the wadmenu with the command "EW".
You will see a screen with the following items:
- The skills;
- The playtypes;
- The starting map;
- 2 map pagers ("<<<" and ">>>");
- A DEATHMATCH v2.0 item;
- A No monsters item;
- A Respawn monsters item;
- A Fast monsters item;
- Loadsa WAD files with an info field!;
- 2 WAD pagers ("<<<" and ">>>");
- A ( START DOOM2 ) item;
- A ( AUTO SELECT ) item;
- A mouse pointer if a mouse was found :)
When you move the mouse, each line can be highlited. Use the left mouse
button to select each field. You can select as many WAD files as you like.
Just click again on a WAD file to de-select it. If you have more than 54
WAD files, then use the pagers to see the next/previous page.
You can quit directly by pressing the right mouse button or the [ESC] key.
Notice that the files you typed in the configuration file after the keyword
"AUTOINCLUDE" are already selected.
( START DOOM2 ) When you're done clicking, punch the left mouse button on
this field and play the selected DOOM part. What happened
is that the program made a batch file "START.BAT", which is
automatically started. This is useful (Yep, really!). If
you finished playing, but want to play the same thing again,
just type "START" at the command line in stead of "EW".
(READ PREVIOUS) does the opposite. It reads the file "START.BAT" back and
sets all values accordingly. All files are automatically
( AUTO SELECT ) automatically selects the correct episode and level to
start, according to the selected WAD files. This option
does not start the game, you still have to hit [START].
Keyboard equivalents:
'.' Select next map (This is the key with '>' on it!)
',' Select previous map (This is the key with '<' on it!)
'S' Change (S)kill;
'T' Change play(T)ype;
if playtype is 'IPX compatible' and you have no alternative
'N' Change (N)umber of players;
if playtype is 'Null-modem link' and you have no alternative
'C' Change (C)OM port number;
'D' Toggle (D)eathmatch;
'V' Toggle deathmatch (V)2.0. Notice that you cannot select both
the deathmatch items;
'M' Toggle No (M)onsters item;
'P' Toggle Res(P)awn monsters item;
'F' Toggle (F)ast monsters item. Notice that 'No monsters' cannot
be used in conjunction with respawn or fast monsters;
'A' Activate [AUTO] item;
'R' Activate [READ PREVIOUS] item;
[ENTER] Start game;
[PAGE UP] Next page of WAD files;
[PAGE DOWN] Previous page of WAD files;
[ESC] Abort EasyWAD.
Other keys, which have no mouse equivalents, are:
[DEL] Delete the pointed WAD file;
[F1] Show available keys;
[F5] Rescan the given WADDIR directories (the same as EASYWAD2 -R);
[F7] Toggle NOFULLNAME (as found in the configuration file);
[F8] Resort all WAD files in memory. You will toggle between sort
by filename and sort by infofield.
if no mouse was found, then select WAD files with the keys
[CURS UP] (Wraps to bottom)
[CURS DOWN] (Wraps to top)
[CURS LEFT] (Wraps to far right)
[CURS RIGHT] (Wraps to far left)
[SPACE] (Un)select pointed WAD file
After a WAD file name comes the infofield. The first part shows the maps
that are patched by this file;
Mx-y means: Maps x through y;
Mx,y means: Maps x and y;
After this come the other patched parts:
"c" = new (C)olors (palette change);
"d" = new (D)emos;
"s" = new (S)ound effects;
"m" = new (M)usic;
"p" = new s(P)rites;
"g" = new (G)raphics.
If a WAD file patches only one part, then the complete name is printed. For
example, a file that only contains new music will have a field "music", etc.
unless "NOFULLNAME" was given in the configuration file.
This file contains all the above information. Each file is seperated into
four fields: drivenumber directory filename info
The info field contains the exact info as on the screen. This field can be
edited with any ASCII editor. If it exceeds 16 characters, then the rest is
cut off. You could add a mark for how much you like this WAD, or a sign that
says 'especially cool on DEATHMATCH', or anything else; just no longer than
16 characters.
The file is created when it did not exist at startup, or when you run
"EW -R" (or "EASYWAD2 -R", after which you should run "START" yourself :)
Unfortunately this does also overwrite your own additional info.
The option "NOSEARCH" should be used with some caution. Usually, EASYWAD2
will search all given WADDIR directories for WAD files (and write a
WADINFOFILE if needed). "NOSEARCH" forces the program to NOT search the
directories, but to use the WADINFOFILE directly to obtain all WAD file
statistics. This REALLY speeds up things when using LOADS of WAD files or
WAD files on cd-rom. The problem comes if you add or delete a WAD file (or
even a WAD directory). As no directories are scanned, the program will be
unable to notice the changes, and still display the 'old' list. So, if you
use this option and change ANYTHING in your filesystem, including deletion
from within EASYWAD2, be sure to use "EW -R" (or "EASYWAD2 -R") to update
The default configuration file is "EASYWAD2.CFG". You can use a different
file by adding the command line parameter +<new_config_file>. This option
is particularly useful if you have WAD files on a CD-ROM. You could make a
configuration file, say "CDWADS.CFG", which contains the following lines
(assuming that your CD-ROM drive is called E:)
DOOMDIR <your_main_DOOM_directory>
WADDIR E:\ /S # All subdirs from the root
WADINFOFILE CDWADS.DSC # Should be different than the normal
NOSEARCH # The CD-ROM never changes contents
SORTFILES INFO # Sort all files by their info field
If you want to access these file, than start with "EW +CDROM.CFG"
The program can handle a maximum of 1000 WAD files. 54 files are printed in
a page on the selection screen. Just click on a 'pager' and the next page is
displayed. The maximum number of directories is 400.
Notice that you do not have to 'Press return to continue' when you start
DOOM with a selected WAD file (unless you selected NOAUTORETURN in your
configuration file).
Good luck!
If you use this program, please drop a note (you like it, you hate it, you
would like things changed) at the following email address:
This program (and its updates) can be freely obtained from anonymous ftp.
Check out the following sites:
infant2.sphs.indiana.edu in the directory /pub/doom
mimosa.astro.indiana.edu in the directory /pub/doom
bear.montefiore.ulg.ac.be in the directory /pub/doom
This program has NO copyrights whatsoever.
If it causes any problems ... yeah, right!
This absolutely freeware program may be edited and distributed at taste.
The only thing that I ask is to distribute the complete package.
- The makers of DOOM (Id Software). They changed my life completely.
- The makers of DMSPEC13.TXT (Matt Fell & Hank Leukart). This is where I
found the info on the structure of a WAD file;
- The makers of DEU (Doom Editor Utility, by Brendon Wyber & Raphael Quinet)
for their commented source. I use a few of their namings in my source.
- J.J. Kwast of ThunderWare Research Center. He gave me the constructive
criticism I needed when he wasn't DEU-ing.
- B. Castricum for 'play-testing' and giving additional comments.
- Everyone else who gave reactions.
- All those people out there that are constantly creating new WAD files.
This package should contain the following files:
EASYWAD2.DOC - Guess what? You're reading it!
EASYWAD2.EXE - The main thing
EASYWAD2.CFG - An example configuration file
EW.BAT - The usual entrance :)
EASYWAD2.C - The source code of this utility
If any part is missing, please contact me at the above address to receive the
full copy.
The same stuff as for DOOM ][:
- A PC (minumum is a '386 for DOOM ][ and a '286 for this proggie);
- A VGA screen;
- An initialized mouse (recommended);
- A few spare sectors on your harddisk.