Demon Gate Mega Collection
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112 lines
Title : The Mystery of the Marie Celeste
Filename : CELESTE.ZIP
Author : Mark Mackey
Email Address : mdm1004@cus.cam.ac.uk
Misc. Author Info : A PhD student at Cambridge University, doing
chemistry. Author of TEMPLE11.WAD and XQuest,
a PC version of the old Mac classic arcade game
Crystal Quest. Net junkie ;).
Short Description : A fully furnished clipper ship, with rather
hostile sailors. Extensive use of 'teleporter
stairs' to simulate multiple levels.
Description : The year: 1943
The place: Somewhere in the northern Atlantic.
The situation: Grim.
Alone in the middle of the Atlantic. You knew
in your heart that it was the end when the
escort, the HMS Marianna, picked up three U-
boats on the sonar. The Teela Dan didn't have a
chance: the torpedoes split her wide open and
she sank within seconds. You were lucky enough
to launch one of the liferafts before she went
down, but the others who dived overboard all
died in agony when the fuel slick went up.
You were hoping that the Marianna got an SOS
away before she too went down, but no rescue
ships have appeared and your water supply has
nearly run out. You are almost resigned to a
lonely death on the high seas, when...
Wait! Is that.. Yes, it's a ship! An old one,
by the looks of it, since it's running under
sail. Luckily the breeze is very light, and
you manage to paddle the raft into its course.
However, nobody on board is responding to your
hails. Strange... what's the name of the ship?
You squint, and can just make out the name
'Marie Celeste'. The Marie Celeste? Wasn't that
the ship that was found mysteriously abandoned
years and years ago? What the hell is it doing
here? Well, there's only one way to find out!
Grabbing the pistol from the emergency stores
locker, you pull alongside and climb the rope
Additional Credits to : Id, the authors of DEU, Wacker, BSP11X, RMB and
WAD_DWD, and my friends for playtesting.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes (designed for single player)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (best for 2- or 3-player -altdeath)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : One, for v1.666
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DEU (5.21 GCC version), BSP11X, WAD_DWD/IDBSP,
RMB, Wacker, Deluxe Paint II, Graphics Workshop,
PicLab (I've got too much HD space,
obviously :).
Known Bugs : An occasional tiny bit of HOM in v1.2 from the
very rear of the ship. (sigh) :). Some of the
inter-level connections are also a bit dodgy:
in particular, none of the enemies will pursue
a player up or down stairs (they are apparently
too steep).
Other : I *wish* that you could put floors and sprites
properly in PWADS. I originally made this WAD
about four months ago but never quite got
around to releasing it.
Although this WAD was primarily designed for
single player play, it works well for two or
three player deathmatch due to the multiple
connectivity of most of the areas. If you want
to get a really good weapon, though, you may
find yourself trapped! Different weapons are
available at different difficulty levels, and
the plasma rifle and BFG are *not* included :).
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels, since I'm using this as the first in a series.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this work in any electronic
format as long as you include this file intact. However, this WAD may
only be commercially distributed (on CD, magazine cover disk, via a
shareware vendor etc) if I am sent a copy of the distributed material.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and ftp.luth.se in the pub/doom/incoming dirs
Other: posted to UseNet newsgroup alt.binaries.doom