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67 lines
Title : Steve Sarlls' DeathMatch 1
Filename : SSDM1.WAD
Author : Steve Sarlls
Email Address : steves@io.com
Misc. Author Info : I work, sleep, pay bills and play doom
Not necessarily in that order <Grin>
Description : A deathmatch wad with some monsters.
rooms with lots of halls and
teleporters. Originally Doom 1 I
converted it for Doom 2 and changed
shotguns to Double Barrels.
Additional Credits to : Nat Snell for play testing and bugging
me to 'finish the damn thing'. You
die so well Nat :-)
ps. He stills dies well. :-)
* Play Information *
Map # : map01
Single Player : Yes but boring. No monsters or items
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes but why???????
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES. Designed for DeathMatch.
Difficulty Settings : Yes. see notes.
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Deu 5.21
Known Bugs : None unless you count the missaligned
exit switch texture above the exit
Notes : The monsters and things only show up in Multiplayer mode.
The weapons and bonuses change based on skill level as
Lvl: 1&2 Plasma & 2 Energy Packs, 2 Soul Spheres & Blue
Armor. Also Rocket Launcher and 2 Boxes of rockets in
central room only.
Lvl: 3 Chaingun & 2 Boxes of bullets, 3 MediKits.
Lvl: 4&5 Super Shotgun & 2 Boxes of shells, 3 StimPaks.
Some rooms have both weapons and health, some only have
one or the other. There is Blue Armor and a Soul Sphere
in 3 locations on all skill levels. Got tired of my Frag
Buddy allways being there when I needed them the most so
I spread em out.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You can do whatever you bloody want with it. Feed it to the cat
if you want to. I don't care :-)
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
Other: Alt.Binaries.Doom