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The Quest for Necronomicon - Doom add-on
This file can be distributed freely, as long as it's untouched.
DOOM is a trademark of iD Software
1.0b - Release for Pelit-Magazine's Doom Competition. This
really an untested beta version <grin>. Hope the jury didn't
find too many bugs.
1.1 - First Public release. This is beta tested and all (hopefully)
the bugs found in the previous release are fixed. Levels and
Installation have been modified. There are also a few new sprites
added to make a nicer interface at the start. This will be the
last version of DOOM I Quest. More info about Quest ][ for
DOOM ][ at the end of this text file.
1.2 - A last minute change! Now the ZIP file is much smaller.
Thanks to DeuSF.
Files included:
README.NEC - Hope you read it already
NECRONOM.NFO - This file
NEC_RAW.WAD - Raw file of sprites
NEC_LVLS.WAD - PWAD with Levels and Textures
NEC_SNDS.WAD - PWAD with Sounds and a few sprites
NEC_HACK.DEH - DeHackEd patch file
NEC_5.GIF - Floor Texture 1
NEC_5_5.GIF - Floor Texture 2
NEC_1.GIF - Floor Texture 3
DEHACKED.EXE - DeHackEd v2.0
DMGRAPH.EXE - DmGraph v1.1
DEUSF.EXE - DeuSF v2.1
INSTALL.BAT - Installation Batch file
UNINSTAL.BAT - UnInstallation Batch file
DOOM.BAT - execution Batch file
I. Story of Necronomicon
II. General info (Installation)
III. About the Graphics
IV. About the Sounds
V. About the Levels
VI. About other minor things
VII. Credits..
VIII. Thanks to..
IX. What Next?
X. End Part
I. Story of Necronomicon
It was the late 16th century. The land was in pure CHAOS and all the
people on this earth were living in slavery. The center of chaos was
located in the Lands of Neador, it was surrounded by huge mountains.
An Old man had told you that it is the place where the chaos can be
The tale included stories about Labyrinths, Castles and Villages,
but these were only tales as the story about a Great Magician who is
the ruler of Chaos. Nobody had ever seen him so he might only be a
myth. And he also told a story about a book, a great book of magic. The
book is supposed to be somewhere inside this ring of mountains, but
II. General info (Installation)
----- Why was it made? -----------------------------
The one and only reason for this was money <grin>. A Finnish game
magazine had a contest for Doom. The idea was to make a level or levels
with graphics and sounds, or just a level. Well we thought to give it
a shot. It was first quite hard to figure out what to do, but after a
while I noticed there wasn't any medieval versions of Doom. There were
just other versions of futuristic Dooms, like the great Alien doom and
Star Wars doom.
----- What programs did you use? -------------------
Well the maps were made with DEUGCC 5.21, of course. It's really
the best there is, just can't wait for v5.3 with 3D preview and all...
Then we used DOOMTEX version something for the textures. DMAUD for
inserting the sound effects. For the graphics we used Autodesk Animator
PRO, excellent!, and inserted them with DMGRAPH v1.1(?). Then the .exe
file was fucked up with DeHackEd v2.0. These are all good programs and
they will have our biggest thanks! Oh, there was also Image Alchemy used.
Then DeuSF of course and also the IDBSP with all its bugs.
----- Installation ---------------------------------
Installation doesn't make permanent modifications to your doom!
- First copy all the files to your Doom directory.
- Then make sure you have about 3Mbs of free disk space.
- You should write INSTALL at the dos prompt :)..
After that you can use this by writing QUEST at the dos prompt.
This is coz we'll have to modify doom.exe and load the PWAD file.
- Uninstalling is easy. Just write UNINSTAL at dos prompt. You must
have all the QUEST files to complete uninstallation.
* To play Multi-Player game do the following:
- Rename Doomexe.exe to doom.exe
- Run Doom with -file nec_spr.wad nec_lvls.wad nec_snds.wad
- Before UnInstalling rename doom.exe to doomexe.exe
----- So what's new??!! ----------------------------
Well this is an easy one. Almost everything is newly done.
Here is a short list and description of some special things.
----- Weapons: -------------------------------------
#1 - LANCE, a very useful thing in the medieval world.
#2 - PISTOL MUSKET, a non-powerful weapon for daily use.
#3 - REPEATING PISTOL, a very-powerful handgun for a hard day.
#4 - MUSKET, not very accurate, but a deadly close distance weapon.
#5 - CROSSBOW, and this comes with fire arrows. (I like this one)
#6 - MINOR SPELL, a lightning spell.
#7 - The SPELL OF NECRONOMICON, a massive spell with awesome destruction
power. But first you need the Necronomicon.
----- Items: ---------------------------------------
Well not many new ones, just new names. Light Amplification is removed,
due the lack of frames in doom.exe ;). I think the rest of the items
you can discover yourself.
----- Textures: ------------------------------------
There are about 40 new textures included. There are also 3 new
floor and ceiling textures.
----- Monsters: ------------------------------------
We used almost all of the DOOM ][ monsters skills, so there are 5
new monsters. I also had to draw new sprites for the old ones, coz
the old ones didn't fit to the theme (in some strange reason).
Monsters are colorcoded coz there are so many of them.
color: description:
Green A guy walking around with a LANCE
Grey Normal PISTOL dude
Brown A guy with a MUSKET
Crossbow dudes: Uses sergeant sprites and you can't tell who's who.
Sergeant1 Shoots NORMAL firearrows
Sergeant2 Shoots HOMING firearrows
MAGE - well see for yourself. The END mage!
----- Musics: --------------------------------------
Yeah right, like someone would have a midi set just for making
sounds for doom. So we had to use ones in doom.wad. They were mixed
with dehacked.
----- Sounds: --------------------------------------
Yes, there are some new ones of course. See section ABOUT THE SOUNDS
for more info.
III. About the Graphics
Graphics were done by me and Mikko. Mikko made the MAGE etc. and
I had to make all the rest of the superb graphics <grin again>. No, I'am
not gonna reveal what graphics coz it would ruin the suprise. Graphics
were, at least for me, the most time taking phase of the project.
IV. About the Sounds
Oh yes the sounds, well this was the fun part of the project. Sounds
were made with Olli's PAS-16.
V. About the Levels
Here are the credits for the levels:
E1M1 - Pasi - The Shop
E1M2 - Mikko - The Labyrinth
E1M3 - Olli - The Pentagram
E1M4 - Pasi - The House of Pilars
E1M5 - Olli - The Fortress of Hell
E1M6 - Pasi - The Blue Village
* E1M7 - Pasi - The Castle of Chaos
E1M8 - Pasi - The END
* = PENTiUM prefered
----- The Shop - Pasi ------------------------------
This small intro level was made in about 1½h. There's nothing fancy
about it, it just starts the Quest.
Technical info: Vertexes: 94
Linedefs: 118
Sidedefs: 156
Things: 40
Size of file: 12 127 bytes
----- The Labyrinth - Mikko ------------------------
This was my first level so don't be too critical about it.
I was asked (forced) to do it. Textures are implanted by Pasi.
Technical info: Vertexes: 634
Linedefs: 545
Sidedefs: 632
Things: 173
Size of file: 63 396 bytes
----- The Pentagram - Olli ---------------------
This was just a fast-made map because we needed one more map
and there was only a week time left. At this time I
had just completed Fortress and I was quite had with Doom...
Without Pasi keeping the pressure on all the time I would
never have made this map. (And if I hadn't done the map
I wouldn't be in condition of writing this text....)
I think this isn't exactly the best map in our episode but
it should be suitable for deathmatch games...
Technical info: Vertexes: 759
Linedefs: 771
Sidedefs: 1143
Things: 227
Size of file: 108 783 bytes
----- The House of Pilars - Pasi -------------------
This was also made in around 2 hours. It was originally made
because Olli's and a friend's computers were at my place. Yes, we
did play 3 player deathmatches the whole weekend. Then we got bored
with the old levels, and I made this while my friends were eating.
The color coded doors have been implanted later so that in single
game you still have to walk around the level.
Technical info: Vertexes: 942
Linedefs: 935
Sidedefs: 1147
Things: 142
Size of file: 103 340 bytes
---- The Fortress of Hell - Olli ---------------
This was the first map I ever made for Doom. I think it's
at least good for a beginner. If I had had more time I
would have changed some textures and improved light sources.
A nice medieval fortress for solo and deathmatch games.
Technical info: Vertexes: 1116
Linedefs: 1265
Sidedefs: 1866
Things: 348
Size of file: 157 811 bytes
----- The Blue Village - Pasi ---------------------
Well this one is also a level we had to make to get a whole
episode ready. It's mainly a deathmacth level, but there is a thing
that makes it quite important. It was made in 6 hours. It has a funny
feeling due to the textures it uses.
Technical info: Vertexes: 748
Linedefs: 729
Sidedefs: 1059
Things: 160
Size of file: 88 185 bytes
----- The Castle of Chaos - Pasi -------------------
This is THE level. It's so huge that Pentium doesn't hurt, though
you can easy play it with any 486DX 33Mhz or faster. (Life below 486
has definitely ended) Anyway, the making took around 3 weeks, and
demanded many headaches. Once IDBSP crashed so I had make it smaller.
There are several new textures and object. Hope you like it!
(there was an ugly bug in v1.0b, but it's gone now.)
Technical info: Vertexes: 2314
Linedefs: 2472
Sidedefs: 3776
Things: 315
Size of file: 340 277 bytes
----- The END - Pasi ------------------------------
The final scene. A bit like the E3M9 in normal doom, but still
quite special. I specially like the center of it, and thing at the
center. Made in approximately 4 hours 2 minutes and 57 seconds ;).
Technical info: Vertexes: 179
Linedefs: 181
Sidedefs: 313
Things: 101
Size of file: 26 938 bytes
VI. About other minor things
DeHackEd patch was made by me (crowd: not again!).
Design was the result of corporated work.
The end text by me.
This text by me.
----- Hardware used --------------------------------
Pasi: i486DX/40Mhz, 8Mb, Diamond Viper VLB, GUS and a 15" Monitor.
(buy me a bigger HD, please. 1Gb could be nice.)
Olli: i486DX/33Mhz, 16Mb, Diamond Stealth, PAS16 and 15" Monitor,
running under OS/2 & DOS. (OS/2 rulez...)
Mikko: i486SX/25Mhz, 4Mb, Paradise, PC beeper ;), 15" Monitor.
(Sounds? what are those...)
Other Hardware:
Screen Machine -Video card (used on the QUEST ][ monsters)
VII. Credits..
This whole package by (in twisted alphabetic order):
Name: Age: Section:
Pasi Nikkanen 17 ALL
Olli Maksimainen 16 LEVELS, SOUNDS
Mikko Korpelainen 17 LEVEL, GFX
VIII. Thanks to..
We would like to thank the following persons:
iD Software - for making Doom (now just make that Quake!)
Brendon Wyber and - for DEU. Thank you guys!
Raphaël Quinet - make that v5.3 soon, please.
Per Allanson - that GCC port of DEU was needed, thanks..
Bill Neisius - DmGraph and DmAud are so important that this
wouldn't been possible without them.
Ron Bossbach - thanks for porting Carmack's code for us. IDBSP
is great, except those nasty bugs it has.
Steve McGrea - DOOMTEX is nice, but the interface ;)...
"easiest program I have ever used"
Olivier Montanuy - DeuTex and DeuSF are great, but of coz a GUI
wouldn't hurt.
Sampsa Ranta - Thanks for lending that mouse for me, it made drawing
a lot easier.
(Floppy Disk Café - 358-0-3461229, I'm the CoSysOp)
Tero Kilkanen - Hmm.. Did you help us? well who cares.
(Grand Slam - 358-0-3513124)
Juha Airio - Well why didn't you help us??!!?? :(
Neptune - Ah, really nice that Screen Machine -Card!
IX. What Next?
Well we are developing a QUEST ][ for DOOM 2. It will
include more graphics, levels and everything. It will also be
tested properly (not like this one). I have already started
to work on some new monsters, like a Stone Troll for example.
We are designing also a huge Dragon, and lots of other fun
stuff. I can't say when this will be finished, but first
some editors have to support DOOM2. Anyway this will be
hopefully be something better than Alien-TC (GREAT!) which
is totally excellent. I'll make sure that you'll notice when
it comes out. (Ideas and wishes are welcome.)
(I already hate the idea of 30 new levels that we have to make :( )
X. End Part
So did you like it? If you did, then let me know. And if you would like
something added to this theme (monsters etc.) then gimme some good ideas.
This package is free, but if you have some spare money feel free to donate
some for me, if not then at least send me a postcard or something,
ANYTHING! <grin> If your interested to make something that suits in this
theme, then please do. Well I think that's enough bullshit for one text
file, see ya!
Pasi Nikkanen
Kaksostentie 6 R 104
00740 Helsinki
Pasi Nikkanen (pasin@mits.mdata.fi)