Enigma Amiga Life 109
C/C++ Source or Header
146 lines
#include <exec/libraries.h>
#include "workbench/workbench.h"
/* Programs should NOT change anything in the librarybase!
* Let the user do it through the preferences
struct NewIconBase
struct Library nib_Lib;
APTR nib_SegList;
LONG nib_Precision; /* precision when remapping images via */
/* RemapChunkyImage(). Programs are not supposed */
/* to modify this, it is a value chosen by the user */
/* in the preferences. */
LONG nib_Flags; /* library base flags - see NIFLG_#? defs below */
LONG nib_DPMode; /* Depth Promotion mode value. (V39) */
LONG nib_FOMode; /* Font Online mode (V40) */
LONG nib_Reserved;
/* This mask can be used to isolate the user preferences part of the flags */
#define NIFLG_PUBMASK 0x0000FFFF
/*** Library base flags ***/
#define NIFLG_DO_DITHER (1<<0) /* use dithering when exact pen not available */
#define NIFLG_RESERVED (1<<1) /* Keep your hands away from that one
(V39) */
#define NIFLG_RTGMODE (1<<2) /* Use FastRAM when possible instead of CHIP
Needs Cgfx or something similar that
properly patches graphics.library to
allow graphic/blitter work from FastRAM.
(V39) */
#define NIFLG_NOBORDER (1<<3) /* Won't display any border around icons.
(V39) */
#define NIFLG_TRANSPARENT (1<<4) /* Icons will become transparent.
Requires NoBorder to be enabled.
(V40) */
#define NIFLG_TRANSDRAG (1<<5> /* Icons will become transparent &
borderless while dragging.
(V40) */
/*** System flags (0xFFFF0000) - These are READ-ONLY! ***/
/* Set by the NewIcons exe if it's disabled through Exchange */
#define NIFLG_IS_DISABLED (1<<16) /* Commodity is disabled
**READ-ONLY** (V40) */
/* These flags are set by the library depending on the features it can
support. */
#define NIFLG_LIBRTG (1<<17) /* This library supports RTG Mode
**READ-ONLY** (V40) */
#define NIFLG_LIBDIT (1<<18) /* This library supports dithering
**READ-ONLY** (V40) */
/* Values for nib_DPMode (V39) */
#define NIDPM_NEVER 0 /* Do not depth promote old icons */
#define NIDPM_WBONLY 1 /* Only promote icons opened by Workbench */
#define NIDPM_ALL 2 /* Depth promote all old icons opened */
/* Values for nib_FOMode (V40) */
#define NIFOM_NONE 0 /* Normal */
#define NIFOM_OUTLINE 1 /* Draw an outline border */
#define NIFOM_SHADOW 2 /* Only cast a shadow */
* This structure contains an image in a format unusual to the Amiga: chunky
* pixel. We use this format because it is faster to remap to a given palette.
struct ChunkyImage
UWORD Width; /* width of the image. Must be <= 93 */
UWORD Height; /* height of the image. Must be <= 93 */
UWORD NumColors; /* number of pens defined in the palette. Must be <= 256 */
UWORD Flags; /* see defines below */
UBYTE *Palette; /* array of RGB components of the pens (one byte per gun) */
UBYTE *ChunkyData; /* Width*Height bytes storing the colors of the pixels */
#define CIF_COLOR_0_TRANSP (1<<0) /* color 0 is transparent, not the one */
/* stored in palette */
#define CIF_DEFAULT (1<<1) /* when this bit is set, the image was */
/* obtained via the DEFAULTIMAGE ToolType, */
/* therefore it is not actually part of the */
/* icon and will not be stored in the */
/* ToolTypes on a PutNewDiskObject(). */
struct NewDiskObject
struct DiskObject *ndo_StdObject; /* The old-style icon */
struct ChunkyImage *ndo_NormalImage; /* May be NULL, meaning no new style icon */
struct ChunkyImage *ndo_SelectedImage; /* May be NULL, meaning no secondary image */
/*** The prefs file format (V40)
Prefs file must be named NewIcons.prefs and is located in the
usual ENVARC: (and ENV:) path.
struct NewIconsPrefs
UWORD version; /* Prefs version, currently 0x0002 */
ULONG flags; /* Flags (see NIFLG_#? definitions) */
LONG precision; /* Precision setting (-1 = best, 16=worse) */
ULONG dpmode; /* Depth Promotion mode (see NIDPM_#? definitions) */
ULONG fomode; /* Font Outline mode (see NIFOM_#? definitions) */