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File : MPEGA_demo.c
Author : Stéphane TAVENARD
$VER: MPEGA_demo.c 1.2 (05/06/1998)
(C) Copyright 1997-1998 Stéphane TAVENARD
All Rights Reserved
#Rev| Date | Comment
0 |25/10/1997| Initial revision ST
1 |02/05/1998| Added some time features ST
2 |05/06/1998| Added standard access option ST
Demo of how to use MPEGA library
Use of private bitstream access functions (access to ram buffer)
#include <exec/exec.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <libraries/mpega.h>
#include <clib/mpega_protos.h>
#include <pragmas/mpega_pragmas.h>
static char *Version = "$VER:MPEGA_demo 1.2 (05.06.98) (C)1997-1998 Stéphane TAVENARD";
struct Library *MPEGABase = NULL;
char *mpega_name = "mpega.library";
// Ram buffer
#define MPEGA_BUFFER_SIZE (256*1024) // in bytes
BYTE *mpega_buffer = NULL;
ULONG mpega_buffer_offset = 0;
ULONG mpega_buffer_size = 0;
static int break_cleanup( void )
if( mps ) {
MPEGA_close( mps );
mps = NULL;
if( MPEGABase ) {
CloseLibrary( MPEGABase );
return 1;
static void exit_cleanup( void )
// Here start our own bitstream access routines
static ULONG __saveds __asm def_baccess( register __a0 struct Hook *hook,
register __a2 APTR handle,
register __a1 MPEGA_ACCESS *access ) {
switch( access->func ) {
// We don't really need stream_name
// buffer_size indicate the following read access size
printf( "bitstream open: filename='%s'\n", access->data.open.stream_name );
printf( "bitstream open: buffer_size=%d\n", access->data.open.buffer_size );
// Some open errors...
if( !mpega_buffer ) return NULL;
// initialize some variables
mpega_buffer_offset = 0;
// We know total size, we can set it
access->data.open.stream_size = mpega_buffer_size;
// Just return a dummy handle (not NULL)
return 1;
if( handle ) {
// Clean up
printf( "bitstream close\n" );
LONG read_size;
if( !handle ) return 0; // Check valid handle
read_size = mpega_buffer_size - mpega_buffer_offset;
if( read_size > access->data.read.num_bytes ) read_size = access->data.read.num_bytes;
if( read_size > 0 ) {
if( !access->data.read.buffer ) return 0;
// Fill buffer with our MPEG audio data
memcpy( access->data.read.buffer, &mpega_buffer[ mpega_buffer_offset ], read_size );
mpega_buffer_offset += read_size;
else {
read_size = 0; // End of stream
//printf( "bitstream read: requested %d bytes, read %d\n", access->data.read.num_bytes, read_size );
return (ULONG)read_size;
if( !handle ) return 0;
printf( "bitstream seek: pos = %d\n", access->data.seek.abs_byte_seek_pos );
if( access->data.seek.abs_byte_seek_pos <= 0 ) mpega_buffer_offset = 0;
else if( access->data.seek.abs_byte_seek_pos >= mpega_buffer_size ) return 1;
else mpega_buffer_offset = access->data.seek.abs_byte_seek_pos;
return 0;
return 0;
static struct Hook def_bsaccess_hook = {
{ NULL, NULL }, def_baccess, NULL, NULL
int output_pcm( WORD channels, WORD *pcm[ 2 ], LONG count, FILE *out_file )
Ouput the current decoded PCM to a file
Return 0 if Ok
static WORD *pcm_buffer = NULL;
if( !out_file ) return -1;
if( !pcm_buffer ) {
pcm_buffer = (WORD *)malloc( PCM_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WORD) );
if( !pcm_buffer ) return -1;
if( channels == 2 ) {
register WORD *pcm0, *pcm1, *pcmLR;
register LONG i;
pcm0 = pcm[ 0 ];
pcm1 = pcm[ 1 ];
pcmLR = pcm_buffer;
i = count;
while( i-- ) {
*pcmLR++ = *pcm0++;
*pcmLR++ = *pcm1++;
fwrite( pcm_buffer, 4, count, out_file );
else {
fwrite( pcm[ 0 ], 2, count, out_file );
return 0;
} /* output_pcm */
int main( int argc, char **argv )
char *in_filename;
FILE *in_file;
int frame = 0;
char *out_filename = NULL;
FILE *out_file = NULL;
LONG pcm_count, total_pcm = 0;
LONG index;
clock_t clk; // #1
double secs; // #1
int custom = 1; // #2
//ULONG ms;
static const char *layer_name[] = { "?", "I", "II", "III" };
static const char *mode_name[] = { "stereo", "j-stereo", "dual", "mono" };
MPEGA_CTRL mpa_ctrl = {
NULL, // Bitstream access is default file I/O
// Layers I & II settings (mono, stereo)
{ FALSE, { 1, 2, 48000 }, { 1, 2, 48000 } },
// Layer III settings (mono, stereo)
{ FALSE, { 1, 2, 48000 }, { 1, 2, 48000 } },
0, // Don't check mpeg validity at start (needed for mux stream)
32678 // Stream Buffer size
//printf( "MPEGA_demo: sizeof( MPEGA_CTRL ) = %d\n", sizeof( MPEGA_CTRL ) );
//printf( "MPEGA_demo: sizeof( MPEGA_STREAM ) = %d\n", sizeof( MPEGA_STREAM ) );
onbreak( break_cleanup );
atexit( exit_cleanup );
if( argc <= 1 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", &Version[ 5 ] );
fprintf( stderr, "Usage %s <input mpeg audio file> [<output pcm file>] [-d]\n", argv[ 0 ] );
fprintf( stderr, "option: -d = default file access (custom bitstream access otherwise)\n" ); // #2
fprintf( stderr, "This is a demo of how to use mpega.library\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "This also show how to use custom bitstream access\n" );
exit( 0 );
MPEGABase = OpenLibrary( mpega_name, 0L );
if( !MPEGABase ) {
printf( "Unable to open '%s'\n", mpega_name );
exit( 0 );
in_filename = argv[ 1 ];
for( i=2; i<argc; i++ ) { // #2
if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-d" ) == 0 ) {
custom = 0;
else {
out_filename = argv[ i ];
for( i=0; i<MPEGA_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) {
pcm[ i ] = malloc( MPEGA_PCM_SIZE * sizeof( WORD ) );
if( !pcm[ i ] ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Can't allocate PCM buffers\n" );
exit( 0 );
// Open the output file
if( out_filename ) {
out_file = fopen( out_filename, "wb" );
if( !out_file ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Can't create output file '%s'\n", out_filename );
exit( 0 );
if( custom ) { // #2 (custom bitstream access)
printf( "Custom bitstream access used\n" ); // #2
mpega_buffer = (BYTE *)malloc( MPEGA_BUFFER_SIZE );
if( !mpega_buffer ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Can't allocate MPEG buffer\n" );
exit( 0 );
// Load the stream into a ram buffer
in_file = fopen( in_filename, "rb" );
if( !in_file ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open file '%s'\n", in_filename );
exit( 0 );
mpega_buffer_size = fread( mpega_buffer, 1, MPEGA_BUFFER_SIZE, in_file );
fclose( in_file );
printf( "Read %d bytes from file '%s'\n", mpega_buffer_size, in_filename );
// #1 Begin
printf( "Test if MPEG Audio sync inside...\n" );
index = MPEGA_find_sync( mpega_buffer, MPEGA_BUFFER_SIZE );
if( index >= 0 ) {
printf( "Ok, found MPEG Audio sync at position %d\n", index );
else {
printf( "* Error %d *\n", index );
// #1 End
// Set our bitstream access routines and open the stream
mpa_ctrl.bs_access = &def_bsaccess_hook;
else {
printf( "Default bitstream access used\n" ); // #2
printf( "Buffer size = %d\n", mpa_ctrl.stream_buffer_size );
mps = MPEGA_open( in_filename, &mpa_ctrl );
if( !mps ) {
printf( "Unable to find MPEG Audio stream in file '%s'\n", in_filename );
exit( 0 );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "MPEG norm %d Layer %s\n", mps->norm, layer_name[ mps->layer ] );
printf( "Bitrate: %d kbps\n", mps->bitrate );
printf( "Frequency: %d Hz\n", mps->frequency );
printf( "Mode: %d (%s)\n", mps->mode, mode_name[ mps->mode ] );
printf( "Stream duration: %ld ms\n", mps->ms_duration );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "Output decoding parameters\n" );
printf( "Channels: %d\n", mps->dec_channels );
printf( "Quality: %d\n", mps->dec_quality );
printf( "Frequency: %d Hz\n", mps->dec_frequency );
printf( "\n" );
clk = clock(); // #1
while( (pcm_count = MPEGA_decode_frame( mps, pcm )) >= 0 ) {
//MPEGA_time( mps, &ms );
total_pcm += pcm_count;
if( out_file ) output_pcm( mps->dec_channels, pcm, pcm_count, out_file );
if( (frame & 31) == 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "{%04d}\r", frame ); fflush( stderr );
clk = clock() - clk; // #1
secs = (double)clk / (double)CLK_TCK; // #1
printf( "time used = %7.3f secs\n", secs ); // #1
printf( "%ld samples / sec\n", (int)((double)total_pcm / secs) );
printf( "%7.3f % CPU used on real time\n", ((double)mps->frequency * 100) / ((double)total_pcm / secs) );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "last pcm_count = %d\n", pcm_count );
fprintf( stderr, "total_pcm = %d\n", total_pcm );
MPEGA_close( mps );
mps = NULL;
CloseLibrary( MPEGABase );