Enigma Amiga Life 110
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C/C++ Source or Header
185 lines
// LTKWindow.h
// Copyright 1996 Derek B. Noonburg
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma interface
#include <stddef.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "gtypes.h"
#include "GString.h"
class LTKApp;
class LTKWidget;
class LTKBox;
class LTKWindow;
class LTKMenu;
// callback types
// Key press
typedef void (*LTKWindowKeyCbk)(LTKWindow *win, KeySym key, Guint modifiers,
char *s, int n);
// Property change
typedef void (*LTKWindowPropCbk)(LTKWindow *win, Atom atom);
// Layout window
typedef void (*LTKWindowLayoutCbk)(LTKWindow *win);
// LTKWindow
class LTKWindow {
//---------- constructor and destructor ----------
LTKWindow(LTKApp *app1, GBool dialog1, char *title,
char **iconData1, char *defaultWidgetName,
LTKBox *box1);
//---------- access ----------
LTKApp *getApp() { return app; }
int getWidth() { return width; }
int getHeight() { return height; }
GString *getSelection() { return selection; }
Display *getDisplay() { return display; }
int getScreenNum() { return screenNum; }
Window getXWindow() { return xwin; }
Colormap getColormap() { return colormap; }
unsigned long getFgColor() { return fgColor; }
unsigned long getBgColor() { return bgColor; }
GC getFgGC() { return fgGC; }
GC getBgGC() { return bgGC; }
GC getBrightGC() { return brightGC; }
GC getDarkGC() { return darkGC; }
GC getXorGC() { return xorGC; }
XFontStruct *getXFontStruct() { return fontStruct; }
LTKWindow *getNext() { return next; }
LTKWindow *setNext(LTKWindow *next1) { return next = next1; }
LTKWidget *addWidget(LTKWidget *widget);
LTKWidget *delWidget(LTKWidget *widget);
LTKWidget *findWidget(char *name);
//---------- special access ----------
void setInstallCmap(GBool inst) { installCmap = inst; }
void setMenu(LTKMenu *menu1) { menu = menu1; }
void setKeyCbk(LTKWindowKeyCbk cbk) { keyCbk = cbk; }
void setPropChangeCbk(LTKWindowPropCbk cbk);
void setLayoutCbk(LTKWindowLayoutCbk cbk) { layoutCbk = cbk; }
void setKeyWidget(LTKWidget *widget) { keyWidget = widget; }
LTKWidget *getKeyWidget() { return keyWidget; }
LTKWidget *getSelectionWidget() { return selectionWidget; }
LTKWidget *getPasteWidget() { return pasteWidget; }
LTKWindow *getOverWin() { return overWin; }
//---------- layout ----------
GBool checkFills(char **err);
void layout(int x, int y, int width1, int height1);
void layoutDialog(LTKWindow *overWin1, int width1, int height1);
void map();
//---------- drawing ----------
void redraw();
void redrawBackground();
//---------- selection ----------
void setSelection(LTKWidget *widget, GString *text);
void requestPaste(LTKWidget *widget);
//---------- callbacks and event handlers ----------
void postMenu(int mx, int my);
void keyPress(KeySym key, Guint modifiers, char *s, int n);
void propChange(Atom atom);
//---------- utility functions ----------
// Create a new GC with specified parameters.
GC makeGC(unsigned long color, int lineWidth, int lineStyle);
// Set the window title.
void setTitle(GString *title1);
// Set the cursor to one listed X11/cursorfont.h.
void setCursor(Guint cursor);
// Set the cursor to the default.
void setDefaultCursor();
// If busy is true, set the cursor to the "busy" cursor; otherwise
// set it back to the previous cursor. Calls to this function nest.
void setBusyCursor(GBool busy);
// Raise this window, deiconifying it if necessary. Assumes map()
// has already been called.
void raise();
LTKApp *app; // application
GBool dialog; // dialog window?
GString *title; // window title
char **iconData; // data for icon pixmap
int width, height; // size of window
LTKWidget *widgets; // list of widgets (except boxes)
LTKBox *box; // contents of window
GString *selection; // selection text
Guint savedCursor; // cursor saved by setBusyCursor()
int busyCursorNest; // nesting level for setBusyCursor()
LTKMenu *menu; // the menu
LTKWindowKeyCbk keyCbk; // key press callback
LTKWindowPropCbk propCbk; // property change callback
LTKWindowLayoutCbk layoutCbk; // layout window callback
LTKWidget *defaultWidget; // default widget (activated by return key)
LTKWidget *keyWidget; // current keyboard input focus
LTKWidget *selectionWidget; // widget which owns selection
LTKWidget *pasteWidget; // widget which gets next paste
LTKWindow *overWin; // if window is a dialog, this is the
// window it's placed over
Display *display; // X display
int screenNum; // X screen number
Window xwin; // X window ID
long eventMask; // current event mask
GBool installCmap; // install a private colormap
Colormap colormap; // the colormap
unsigned long fgColor, // foreground pixel number
bgColor; // background pixel number
GC fgGC; // X GC for foreground color
GC bgGC; // X GC for background color
GC brightGC, darkGC; // X GCs for shadow colors
GC xorGC; // X GC for cursors, highlighting, etc.
XFontStruct *fontStruct; // X font info
LTKWindow *next; // LTKApp keeps a list of windows