Enigma Amiga Life 113
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218 lines
#include "async.h"
BPTR handle,
OpenModes mode,
LONG bufferSize,
BOOL closeIt,
struct ExecBase *SysBase,
struct DosLibrary *DOSBase )
AsyncFile *
AS_OpenAsyncFH( BPTR handle, OpenModes mode, LONG bufferSize, BOOL closeIt )
struct FileHandle *fh;
AsyncFile *file = NULL;
BPTR lock = NULL;
LONG blockSize, blockSize2;
D_S( struct InfoData, infoData );
if( mode == MODE_READ )
if( handle )
lock = DupLockFromFH( handle );
if( mode == MODE_APPEND )
/* in append mode, we open for writing, and then seek to the
* end of the file. That way, the initial write will happen at
* the end of the file, thus extending it
if( handle )
if( Seek( handle, 0, OFFSET_END ) < 0 )
if( closeIt )
Close( handle );
handle = NULL;
/* we want a lock on the same device as where the file is. We can't
* use DupLockFromFH() for a write-mode file though. So we get sneaky
* and get a lock on the parent of the file
if( handle )
lock = ParentOfFH( handle );
if( handle )
/* if it was possible to obtain a lock on the same device as the
* file we're working on, get the block size of that device and
* round up our buffer size to be a multiple of the block size.
* This maximizes DMA efficiency.
blockSize = 512;
blockSize2 = 1024;
if( lock )
if( Info( lock, infoData ) )
blockSize = infoData->id_BytesPerBlock;
blockSize2 = blockSize * 2;
bufferSize = ( ( bufferSize + blockSize2 - 1 ) / blockSize2 ) * blockSize2;
/* now allocate the ASyncFile structure, as well as the read buffers.
* Add 15 bytes to the total size in order to allow for later
* quad-longword alignement of the buffers
for( ;; )
if( file = AllocVec( sizeof( AsyncFile ) + bufferSize + 15, MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_ANY ) )
if( bufferSize > blockSize2 )
bufferSize -= blockSize2;
if( file )
file->af_File = handle;
file->af_ReadMode = ( mode == MODE_READ );
file->af_BlockSize = blockSize;
file->af_CloseFH = closeIt;
/* initialize the ASyncFile structure. We do as much as we can here,
* in order to avoid doing it in more critical sections
* Note how the two buffers used are quad-longword aligned. This
* helps performance on 68040 systems with copyback cache. Aligning
* the data avoids a nasty side-effect of the 040 caches on DMA.
* Not aligning the data causes the device driver to have to do
* some magic to avoid the cache problem. This magic will generally
* involve flushing the CPU caches. This is very costly on an 040.
* Aligning things avoids the need for magic, at the cost of at
* most 15 bytes of ram.
fh = BADDR( file->af_File );
file->af_Handler = fh->fh_Type;
file->af_BufferSize = ( ULONG ) bufferSize / 2;
file->af_Buffers[ 0 ] = ( APTR ) ( ( ( ULONG ) file + sizeof( AsyncFile ) + 15 ) & 0xfffffff0 );
file->af_Buffers[ 1 ] = file->af_Buffers[ 0 ] + file->af_BufferSize;
file->af_CurrentBuf = 0;
file->af_SeekOffset = 0;
file->af_PacketPending = FALSE;
file->af_SeekPastEOF = FALSE;
file->af_SysBase = SysBase;
file->af_DOSBase = DOSBase;
/* this is the port used to get the packets we send out back.
* It is initialized to PA_IGNORE, which means that no signal is
* generated when a message comes in to the port. The signal bit
* number is initialized to SIGB_SINGLE, which is the special bit
* that can be used for one-shot signalling. The signal will never
* be set, since the port is of type PA_IGNORE. We'll change the
* type of the port later on to PA_SIGNAL whenever we need to wait
* for a message to come in.
* The trick used here avoids the need to allocate an extra signal
* bit for the port. It is quite efficient.
file->af_PacketPort.mp_MsgList.lh_Head = ( struct Node * ) &file->af_PacketPort.mp_MsgList.lh_Tail;
file->af_PacketPort.mp_MsgList.lh_Tail = NULL;
file->af_PacketPort.mp_MsgList.lh_TailPred = ( struct Node * ) &file->af_PacketPort.mp_MsgList.lh_Head;
file->af_PacketPort.mp_Node.ln_Type = NT_MSGPORT;
/* MH: Avoid problems with SnoopDos */
file->af_PacketPort.mp_Node.ln_Name = NULL;
file->af_PacketPort.mp_Flags = PA_IGNORE;
file->af_PacketPort.mp_SigBit = SIGB_SINGLE;
file->af_PacketPort.mp_SigTask = FindTask( NULL );
file->af_Packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Link = &file->af_Packet.sp_Msg;
file->af_Packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Arg1 = fh->fh_Arg1;
file->af_Packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Arg3 = file->af_BufferSize;
file->af_Packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Res1 = 0;
file->af_Packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Res2 = 0;
file->af_Packet.sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name = ( STRPTR ) &file->af_Packet.sp_Pkt;
file->af_Packet.sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
file->af_Packet.sp_Msg.mn_Length = sizeof( struct StandardPacket );
if( mode == MODE_READ )
/* if we are in read mode, send out the first read packet to
* the file system. While the application is getting ready to
* read data, the file system will happily fill in this buffer
* with DMA transfers, so that by the time the application
* needs the data, it will be in the buffer waiting
file->af_Packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Type = ACTION_READ;
file->af_BytesLeft = 0;
/* MH: We set the offset to the buffer not being filled, in
* order to avoid special case code in SeekAsync. ReadAsync
* isn't affected by this, since af_BytesLeft == 0.
file->af_Offset = file->af_Buffers[ 1 ];
if( file->af_Handler )
AS_SendPacket( file, file->af_Buffers[ 0 ] );
file->af_Packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Type = ACTION_WRITE;
file->af_BytesLeft = file->af_BufferSize;
file->af_Offset = file->af_Buffers[ 0 ];
if( closeIt )
Close( handle );
return( file );