The demonstration version of nCrypt Light uses a scaled-down variant of Peter Gutman’s Message Digest Cipher which has been limited in its complexity to comply with trade-in-arms regulations (“ITAR”).
Limited or not, nCrypt Light may not be distributed outside of the USA and Canada. That’s a polite but firm request from us, and also a condition of your license to use it. Realize that distributing nCrypt Light outside of Canada or the USA subjects you or someone who aided you to prosecution.
Before you use nCrypt Light or consider giving a copy to anyone else, read the license agreement included in this document make sure you agree with its terms. If you’re not sure about anything in the license agreement, contact CustomWare immediately.
A Personal Appeal from Andy and Reginald
We realize that many people, including Canadian and American citizens, disagree with the laws governing the export of cryptographic software. We also realize that many people feel that the best way to change these laws is to circumvent them.
If you feel this way, please don’t use nCrypt Light to make your personal statement. Much as we sympathise with those who seek to change these laws, we have chosen to respect them. If you feel strongly about distributing cryptographic software for Newton, please write your own. Don’t trample on our rights in a headlong rush to protect the world from itself.
If you are outside of Canada and the USA, please destroy this copy of nCrypt Light. We know we can’t force you to do so, and we know you probably aren’t breaking any of your laws. But you are making it impossible for us to continue to write cryptographic software. Please respect our freedom of choice. Thank-you.What is nCrypt Light?
nCrypt Light is a Newton application which provides communications security for most Newton applications, including the built in Notepad and Names applications. Another product, nCrypt Deluxe, adds public key cryptographic techniques similar to those found in PowerTalk, RIPEM, and PGP.
nCrypt Light is of interest to users who wish to passphrase protect objects for their own privacy.
nCrypt Light transforms almost any Newton object, such as text, graphics, digital ink, or name cards, into a ‘protected’ text note. Protected notes are unintelligible, but when ‘unprotected’ with the correct password, the original object is restored.
nCrypt Light’s protection is so strong, it is classified as a munition and restricted from export (read the chapter “Warning!”). It may offer more security than products incorporating the US government’s DES or Clipper algorithms.
Future Versions
CustomWare is working hard on nCrypt Deluxe, which will include public key technologies similar to PowerTalk, RIPEM, and PGP. Stay tuned for more details.
If you would like to make a donation, please send us $15 to further our efforts. Mail us a cheque or money order in the currency of your choice. The address is:
73 Brooke Avenue
Toronto, ON Canada
M5M 2K1Installing nCrypt Light
nCrypt Light is supplied as a Newton Package. You can install this package using the Newton Connection Kit or Newton Package Installer.
Using Newton Package Installer
First, you need to connect your Newton to your Macintosh. Use LocalTalk connectors or a serial cable (a serial cable is supplied with Newton Connection Kit; you can also use a ‘serial printing cable’—most Mac shops have these for connecting Macs to ImageWriter printers).
Launch Newton Package Installer. If this is the first time you are using Newton Package Installer, you must select the type of connection you have established with Newton:
When you have selected the connection type and clicked OK, choose Install Package… from the File Menu and select the nCrypt Light package and click Open.
On your Newton, open the Extras drawer and tap the Connection icon. Select the type of connection you have established and tap Connect.
The Newton Package Installer will now install nCrypt Light.
Protecting Objects
When nCrypt is installed you can ‘protect’ almost any Newton object, including notes and names. Protecting an object converts the object into an encrypted note. When you ‘unprotect’ the note, the original object is restored.
Protect Options
You have three diferent options to set when protecting an object:
The Algorithm picker chooses which of nCrypt Light’s installed algorithms will be used. nCrypt Light’s built-in algorithm is called Stop and Go. Other algorithms may be available in the future.
The Source Format picker chooses what you will encrypt. The choices are usually “Native” and one or more text formats. To protect the Newton object exactly as it appears in your Newton, choose Native. To encrypt a text representation of the object, choose one of the text formats.
The New Passphrase picker chooses whether you wish to always enter a passphrase or whether you wish nCrypt Light to use the last passphrase you entered.