LACT: 1;1;IFOF 1=1;RESP R,1,As if I ever did.;EDLG;EXIT
LINE: 1;2;A pint of anything but mead, please.; ;
LACT: 1;2;RESP R,1,Sorry, the bar is closed.;RESP R,1,It's been closed for quite a while, actually.;RESP R,1,Perhaps you are not aware that it is eleven o'clock...;RESP R,1,...the morning after!;DSET 1,+1,+6,N2
LINE: 1;3;What is this place?;Where did you say I was?;
LACT: 1;3;RESP R,1,You are in the bar, of course.;NAME bartender;RESP R,1,Every good adventure game has one, you know...;RESP R,1,Monkey Island...;RESP R,1,...Cruise for a Corpse...;RESP R,1,...Simon the Sorcerer...
LACT: 1;3;RESP R,1,This particular bar is called "The Last Bar in Constantinople".;DSET 1,+1,+2,+5
LINE: 1;5;I'm just curious: Why "The Last Bar in Constantinople"?; ;
LACT: 1;5;RESP R,1,Well...;RESP R,1,...most guys that drink our mead the way you did last night just don't survive to try another one.;DSET 1,N5;EXIT
LINE: 1;6;I don't suppose you could tell me what happened last night?;Uh - could you please repeat that thing about last night?;
LACT: 1;6;RESP R,1,Oh, nothing much happened.;RESP R,1,You drank a lot of mead...;RESP R,1, took part in a nice, friendly game of dice...
LACT: 1;6;RESP R,1,...and if my memory serves me right, you lost your ship and crew to some salt merchant from Medina.
LINE: 1;7;Do you know anything about the ship in the harbour?; ;IFOF 2=1
LACT: 1;7;RESP R,1,Oh, you mean Rajah Singhs ship.;RESP R,1,Yes, everyone knows Rajah Singh.;RESP R,1,A wealthy man...
LACT: 1;7;RESP R,1,...but rather a lousy captain, I'm afraid.;RESP R,1,He's better known for his turbans than his seamanship, that's for sure!;DSET 1,N7,+8,+10
LINE: 1;8;What about Rajah Singh's turbans?; ;
LACT: 1;8;RESP R,1,Well, he spends a fortune on them, because he keeps loosing them all the time.;RESP R,1,Haven't you noticed? Go have a look, it's really fascinating.;DSET 1
LINE: 1;9;What can you tell me about Ali Harrod?; ;IFOF 3=1
LACT: 1;9;RESP R,1,Oh, he's quite nice, but a clever businessman.;RESP R,1,Mind you, he cares about his customers.
LACT: 1;9;RESP R,1,He has special sales and campaigns quite often.;DSET 1,+10
LINE: 1;10;Thanks for the information.; ;
LACT: 1;10;RESP R,1,Well, I wouldn't call it information. It's more gossip, really...;EDLG;EXIT
LINE: 1;11;My head hurts.; ;
LACT: 1;11;RESP R,1,That's probably because you've been sleeping with your helmet on all night.;DSET 1,N11
LINE: 1;12;Could you help me, please...; ;
LACT: 1;12;SAY ...I was supposed to be home about half a year ago or so.;RESP R,1,Well, I've heard about people being late for supper...;RESP R,1,...but that's plain ridiculous!;DSET 1,N12
ACTION: 1;IFOBJ SOBJ3;IFOBJ2 5;IFCARR;HOTSP RBOB18,0;MOBJ 5;SAY Here, have some nice mead.;HANDLE;W 50;RESP R,1,What? Do you really think I'm crazy enough to drink that stuff myself?;RESP R,1,Hah hah.;HANDLE -1;EXIT