Excalibur 58
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210 lines
Released February 1995
If you are using a harddrive the best thing to do is drag the whole BPaint
draw onto your "WORK" partition, it will then run by double-clicking it's
icon and print using your harddrive prefs. Not everyone owns a harddrive
so the disk is also autobooting, slip it into your internal drive DF0: and
turn on the power, after a short while you'll be looking at a black screen
with a load of buttons at the bottom, most of these buttons are straight
LOAD - Opens a requester to select and load a picture.
SAVE - Opens a requester to select and save a picture.
DELETE - Opens a requester to select and delete a picture.
PALETTE - Allows you to adjust the colour palette, click the
button and the standard palette slider will appear,
select a colour from the palette bar running along
the centre of the screen and move the sliders.
PRINT - Prints the current screen.
FONTS - Opens a requester to select the font to be used,
"Bitmap" or "iff" and then choose a font.
SPARE - Opens and flips to a spare screen.
SHOW - Displays the whole screen.
FLIP-H - Flips the whole screen horizontally.
FLIP-V - Flips the whole screen vertically.
QUIT - ????
FORMAT - Selects the screen mode.
ABOUT - Displays version number.
TOOLS - Moves to the tools menu buttons.
You can move from the "TOOLS" menu to the "PICTURE" menu at any time, the
menu currently selected is shown in the top left-hand corner. The "TOOLS"
menu is a little more complicated, but again is setout like most paint
programs. The colour palette is shown at the top and the selected colour
is highlighted by a small box. Below the palette are the built-in brushes
and paint modes. I'll just mention one or two of the special features:
PATTERN - Selects one of the built-in patterns for filling
objects. To test, select the button and then a
pattern from the display and press USE. If you now
select SOLID and CIRCLE, the circle will auto-fill
with the pattern.
CLEAR - This button clears the current screen, to use it
select CLEAR and a requester will appear to check
if you want to proceed, click YES and the mouse
pointer will move to the palette bar. Click on any
colour and the screen will clear to that colour.
Use the left mouse button (LMB) to select tools and to move from menu to
menu. When a tool is selected move to the drawing area, start drawing and
the menu will disappear leaving only the palette bar, use the LMB to change
colours. To return to the menu simply press the Right Mouse Button (RMB).
When you create a picture and wish to use it in a sequence to produce a
video intro, it must be saved under a special name, which allows the
program to load it when required eg:
^^ ^^
|| Wipe OUT
Wipe IN
In the above example the image will "Wipe IN" with 08 and "Wipe OUT" with 09,
below is a list of all the video wipe codes.
00 = Shape to screen (IN)
00 = Clear screen (OUT)
01 = Centre to 4 corners
02 = 4 corners to centre
03 = Left to right
04 = Right to left
05 = Top to bottom
06 = Bottom to top
07 = Left & right to centre
08 = Left to right & right to left
09 = Top & bottom to centre
10 = Top to bottom & bottom to top
Other points to note are:-
PREFIX ....... Vid.01.pic-name.04.08.09
Your picture MUST have this prefix.
SEQUENCE ..... Vid.01.pic-name.04.08.09
First picture in sequence.
WAIT ......... Vid.01.pic-name.04.08.09
Wait approx 4 seconds.
BACKGROUND ... Vid.01.pic-name.04.99.99
^^ ^^
Set both wipes to 99 on
background pictures.
These quick docs have been cobbled together by Phil of SaddleTramps PD on a
very VERY hot day in August, please don't blame Portia Software if I've got
it a bit wrong. Belles Paint is a great little paint package with that bit
extra added which makes it stand out from the crowd, I've not been able to
do justice to the pattern feature so please don't be afraid to experiment a
NEWS .... NEWS .... NEWS .... NEWS .... NEWS .... NEWS .... NEWS .... NEWS
If you enjoy using Belle's Paint v1.0 then get ready for a treat, 5DL are
proud to announce the release of Belle's Paint v2.0.
Belle's Paint v2.0 is an easy to use paint package which contains many
innovative ideas. Originally designed for children the program as now
grown to include a "Dot2Dot" module, an entire image processing suite,
enhancements to the video titling system, plus many other refinements. The
interface is simple to operate with no dropdown menus, making it suitable
for all age groups.
There are eight specially prepared Dot2Dot pictures included, which are not
only fun to do but educational too. Load in a Dot2Dot picture, connect all
the dots in the correct sequence, and if you like colour in the completed
picture. Extra Dot2Dot data disks are planned for the future.
Belle's Paint v2.0 now includes a complete suite of image processing
buttons to allow you to transform your pictures. A total of 31
predetermined effects are included, but by using different combinations
hundreds of special effects can be created, your mind is the only limit.
** Requires an Amiga with a minimum of 1MB chip ram and WorkBench 2 **
Main Features:
Fully printed manual (not photocopied).
Over 30 built-in image transformers.
Uses colour and IFF fonts.
Links pictures for titling with screen wipes.
Contains 8 Dot2Dot pictures.
Large selection of standard painting tools.
Price ú5.99 +P&P
Please order by sending a cheque or postal order made payable to:
SaddleTramps PD
1 Lower Mill Close
South Yorkshire
S63 9BY
Tel/Fax 01709 888127
E-Mail phil@ware5d.demon.co.uk
All amounts must be in UKP and payable into a British bank account.
Postage costs are:
UK = ú0.50
Europe = ú1.00
ROW = ú1.50
Return this version of Belle's Paint and order Belle's Paint v2.0 for only
*** ú5.00 +P&P ***