Labels:book | car | house | lodestone | newspaper | person | poster | road | rotogravure | sidewalk | sky | tree | truck OCR: POSERN minimalni konfi qurace 17.30 ARTHUR Balance MB volne pameti SVGA 256 barev zvukova karta Daytona USA Deluxe Dungeon Keeper MERLIN Windows 2x CD mys SOFTWARE Podle pozadavku jednotlivych progr amu Amiga Am iga 500 HD 2x CD nebo The Curse Monkey Isl and Myth The Fallen Empire Ami iga CD32 paravis on Vice informaci: Box 414 111 Praha 02/66 Copyr ight Popular Computer Publ ishing Martin Ludvik 1997 NHL 98 Panzer General Made the Czech Repub Vydavatel neruci jakekol iv po Skozeni hardware software zpuso bene pouz itim sof "tware tohoto cencni podm inky obsa zeneho software viz konkretni dokumen tace SODA off Road Racing Test Drive 63 imalni konf ndows jednotl ivych paravision Popu Pub1 Republic