Labels:book | cushion | earth | paper | person | tribute album OCR: How Run This CD-ROM if the CD-ROM does not automatically start after you insert it into your computer follow these easy instructions launch the program: 1 Locate your CD-ROM drive. Your CD-ROM drive can be found by double-clicking the "My Computer" icon on your desktop Right-click the CD-ROM drive icon and choose "EXPLORE to open the CD Locate the file titled GAMES.EXE Double-click GAMES S.EXE OTHER PRODUGTS WE OFFeR: 0Easy Busnesretrers The Fas 503 Windows Mode Eosy terne CD ROM Mode 105 Made Easy PLATINUM NUM THRAET To purchase additional products contact the person who sold you this CD-ROM title. Copyright Media Masters, Inc. All Rights Reserved Eosyt hternet