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- Title : The Reaper Bot
- Filename : reaprb80.zip
- Version : Beta 0.8
- Date : 11/15/96
- Author : Steven Polge
- Email : polge@ix.netcom.com
- Credits : id software, for making the only computer games I ever play, and for
- releasing QuakeC
- The QuakeC modifications included in this archive are entirely my
- own design.
- Dennis Noordsji for the skins code concepts.
- Build time: about 120 hours so far...
- Type of Mod
- -----------
- Quake C : yes
- Sound : no
- MDL : no
- Format of QuakeC (if a Quake C Mod)
- -----------------------------------
- unified diff : no
- context diff : no
- .qc files : no
- progs.dat : yes
- Description of the Modification
- -------------------------------
- This may be the most advanced bot opponent currently available. It learns levels
- as it plays them, picks up and uses all items, roams around. It understands
- doors, teleports, triggers, and buttons. It will jump off ledges, and avoids
- landing in lava (understanding the gravity level). When fighting you, it picks the
- best weapon it has, and strafes, circles or charges. Variable skill levels are
- provided (skill 3 is very tough).
- Note: This bot does not cheat! At higher skill levels, it rarely misses, and
- shoots at the maximum rate allowed to players, but it never shoots faster than
- allowed or causes more damage on hits than normal. It also does not move
- faster than players.
- If the bot is too tough, try a lower skill level (default skill is 1). If you
- play with skill level 1, the bots automatically adjust their difficulty. You can
- pick any value between 0 and 3 inclusive, including fractional values (e.g.
- 1.4, 1.5, etc.). To select skill, type 'skill n' at the console, where n is the
- value.
- To play with this bot, you should enable deathmatch either by starting quake
- with the -listen parameter, or by typing 'deathmatch 1' at the console, or
- by using the multiplayer game menu to start the game. The included autoexec.cfg
- (formerly reaper.cfg) will automatically set the deathmatch cvar to 1.
- The file autoexec.cfg (included) sets up aliases for common bot functions, and
- binds them to keys. For example, hitting the key b will add a bot at the current
- skill level. You can edit this file to suit your preferences. The key bindings
- are shown below. If you do not want to use this config file, rename it to
- something other than autoexec.cfg.
- Changes from Beta 0.75 to Beta 0.8 are described in B08CHG.TXT, included
- in this archive.
- Commands include:
- [ IMPULSE 200 - Increment skin (if skins support is set)
- ] IMPULSE 201 - Decrement skin (if skins support is set)
- p IMPULSE 202 - Toggle skins support - three settings
- (off, normal, skill skins)
- With skill skins mode, bot skin
- depends on its skill level
- b IMPULSE 205 - add a bot (can do it repeatedly)
- n IMPULSE 208 - add four bots
- IMPULSE 210 - scores (bring up the console -
- hit the ~ key - to read)
- IMPULSE 211 - remove all bots
- o IMPULSE 212 - Toggle limited observer mode
- (you are invisible to bots unless you
- attack them, but move normally)
- IMPULSE 214 - update bots. Use when the
- server cvars are changed.
- v IMPULSE 215 - Toggle verbose mode
- (bots tell you what they're doing).
- IMPULSE 218 - turn on restricted mode (only
- client 0 can add bots or become
- an observer)
- IMPULSE 219 - turn on super restricted mode
- (no client can add bots or become
- an observer)
- m IMPULSE 220 - normal scores (frag count)
- IMPULSE 221 - update team colors (used to tell
- the bots on your team if you change
- colors)
- q IMPULSE 222 - show top three scores (so you
- don't need to bring down the console
- IMPULSE 1XX - Bounds the total number of bots
- + players to XX (XX must no
- greater than 15) Enough bots to
- meet this bound are spawned, and
- they leave and come back as players
- enter and leave the server.
- SKILL N - Change skill level (N = 0 to 3, default
- is 1)
- Note: Make sure your SV_MAXSPEED is not set too
- high. Bots use SV_MAXSPEED to determine their
- speed. The default is 320, and a higher setting will
- make the bots move faster and look jerkier.
- I have included autoexec.cfg, which creates aliases for
- the above commands and binds some common ones
- to keys. Look at autoexec.cfg to see what the aliases
- are, and edit it to change the key bindings if you
- want.
- This release supports teamplay. When teamplay is
- on, IMPULSE 1XX no longer functions as above.
- All bots added with IMPULSE 205 or IMPULSE 208
- belong to the bot only team. IMPULSE 1XX sets the
- number of bots on each player's team to XX (must be no
- greater than 15). Bots on your team will have the same
- color as you (and the same skin, if you're using skins).
- No player.mdl is included with this archive. If you want
- to use skins, get a player.mdl with multiple skins and
- put it in a progs subdirectory to your reaper bot directory.
- Recommended player.mdl files (and where to get them)
- are listed in SKINSPEC.TXT.
- For more information on how the bots use skins and
- available player.mdls, see SKINSPEC.TXT.
- Please read the DEDSERV.TXT readme included with this
- archive.
- Features Include:
- * Skill levels ranging from 0 to 3 (including non-integer values)
- which affect
- - bot accuracy when shooting
- - bot yaw speed (how fast it tracks you)
- - average bot re-fire rate
- - bot reaction time, and pain time
- - bot field of vision, and reaction to nearby noises
- - whether bot leads you with grenades and rockets
- * Uses all player frames
- * Improved following AI
- - can handle following opponents around corners, through
- doorways, doors, teleports, etc.
- * Dynamic level learning
- - Bots build internal map of level as they play, and use
- it to roam around, go find weapons, hunt opponents, etc.
- * Understands jumping
- - predicts jumps based on current gravity level
- - won't jump into lava or slime
- - will jump up onto low ledges or down, to go after goal
- * Combat AI
- - charges, strafes, circles based on its weapon, enemy's
- weapon, the distance between them, and whether enemy
- is running away.
- - picks best weapon depending on range (only uses rocket
- launcher at close range if it doesn't have anything else
- good, and health+armor is high)
- - will even if needed go after health, ammo, or a weapon
- in the middle of combat!
- - trys to avoid combat if health or ammo low, and it
- thinks it can escape
- - avoids combat with invulnerable enemies
- * Improved grenade and rocket aiming
- - leads player at higher skill levels
- - adjusts grenade aiming to compensate for trajectory
- (using current gravity level)
- - adjusts rocket aim to avoid lips and edges
- * Understands triggers and buttons
- - Will go for the triggered entity when it shoots a trigger
- or presses a button.
- - Doesn't go after doors, etc., which must be triggered
- (unless they're already open).
- - Doesn't go after triggers or buttons which have already
- been activated.
- * Understands door, teleporters, secret doors, and wind tunnels
- - Will fire at secret doors before going through
- * Chooses goals according to priorities depending on its current
- inventory, health, armor, etc.
- - Understands and uses all weapons, ammo, powerups, etc.
- - Won't keep going after an item if it can't reach it
- - Will use internal map to go after items it wants but
- can't see
- * Up to 16 bots on a level
- * Multiplayer Server capability - deathmatch bots vs humans!
- - No other files needed by the clients
- (they can use their original progs.dat).
- * Scoring - Impulse 210 gives a break out of kills & deaths
- versus bots and players
- - scoring is 2 * kills - deaths - 2 * suicides
- * Limited observer mode - you are invisible to bots, but
- you walk around rather than flying. Toggled on and off by
- Impulse 212.
- * Bot swims in water
- - avoids drowning, even during combat
- - understands whether it can swim to items
- - can jump out of water
- - chases enemies into water
- - won't use lightning gun underwater unless
- invincible
- * Same number of bots generated in new level after changelevel
- * Bots die in lava and slime, and drown if under water
- too long
- * Bots can telefrag or be telefragged
- Features to be added by version 1.0
- * Observer Mode (improved)
- * Learning AI w/ personalities - chooses camping,
- charging, sniping based on previous successes/failures
- - retreats when health is low, or bad relative weapons
- * Yaw bot model up and down
- * Merge w/ v1.06 Quake source
- And more to come...
- Known bugs
- * Occasional erroneous splash sound by bots, particularly
- when spawning
- How to Install the Modification
- -------------------------------
- Create a directory called RPBOT as a subdirectory in your Quake directory
- (parallel to the ID1 directory) move the PROGS.DAT file included in this archive
- to the RPBOT directory. To play, type QUAKE -GAME RPBOT from the Quake
- directory. This modification only works with the registered version of Quake.
- Make sure you
- run deathmatch when you play with the bots- they don't play coop (either select
- multi-player, or type DEATHMATCH N at the console, where N = 1 or 2). To change skill levels, type SKILL N at the console, where N is a value between
- 0 and 3 (inclusive).
- Technical Details
- -----------------
- The combat and local goal setting AI uses heuristics with fuzzy logic for
- decision making. I am currently working on supporting learned behaviour based
- on combat success for the combat AI, as well as the hunting AI.
- The roaming AI uses dynamically placed botpaths to move from place to place.
- The botpath node placement is optimized to guarantee a valid path followable
- by the bot, while bounding the number of botpath nodes. Botpath routes are
- dynamically merged to minimize the number of botpath nodes. Multiple spanning
- trees point in the upstream route direction for routing updates. These routes
- can be used to go to both static and moving goals (e.g. players). Loop detection
- and avoidance is implemented both for bots following the paths, and for routing
- updates. Route caching has been implemented to improve performance, and
- to instantly provide the bot with the route to the "best" (based on distance and
- type) item of a given class (e.g. health, armor, weapons).
- Author Information
- ------------------
- This is my first publicly distributed quakeC patch.
- I design router software and protocols for a living.
- Copyright and Distribution Permissions
- --------------------------------------
- The modifications included in this archive are Copyright 1996, Steven Polge.
- The original
- QuakeC source is Copyright 1996, id software.
- Authors MAY NOT use these modifications as a basis for other publicly or
- commercially available work.
- You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic format as long as
- all the files in this archive remain intact and unmodified and are distributed
- together.
- Availability
- ------------
- This modification is available from the following places:
- FTP : ftp.cdrom.com in \pub\quake\quakec\bots