================================================================Title : 808BaseFilename : 808base.bspAuthor : SarTorI, <jay schultze>Email Address : sartori@gate.netDescription : Deathmatch-only level with 4-6 players in mind for nice fragfest...4-tiered
level w/some cool stairs & lighting fx Thanks to id for such a KICK ASS game!
================================================================* Play Information *Single Player : Bwahahahahahah!!!Cooperative 2-4 Player : huh?Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Dammit, YES!!Deathmatch 5 - : um - HELL YA!!!Difficulty Settings : yawnNew Sounds : nopeNew Graphics : noNew Mdls : uh, noNew QuakeC : scheah right...Demos Replaced : none, but check out da GibsX dems at
Scary's Quakeholio... Source Included : No friggin wayCompiled BSP(s) inculded: Ya, I guess i'll throw that in there..* Construction *Base : New level from scratch, re-worked and
re-done...this is actually my first
completely done and vis'd Quake map,
and it came out pretty cool. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.something...* Copyright / Permissions *Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additionallevels.You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, withno modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronicformat (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this fileintact.
Actura (YOU SUCK!!) and other companies like it (BLOW ME! )MAY NOT
distribute this BSP unless this text file is included and you have