# Wait for at least 6 seconds for data. It used to be 5, but some
# smtp services have lately been instituting an artificial pause (see
# FEATURE('greet_pause') in Sendmail, for example)
totalwaitms 6000
match acap m|^\* ACAP \(IMPLEMENTATION \"CommuniGate Pro ACAP (\d[-.\w]+)\"\) | p/CommuniGate Pro ACAP server/ i/for mail client preference sharing/ v/$1/
match acmp m|^ACMP Server Version ([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/Aagon ACMP Inventory/ v/$1/
match activemq m|^\0\0\0\xae\x01ActiveMQ\0\0\0| p/Apache ActiveMQ/
# Microsoft ActiveSync Version 3.7 Build 3083 (It's used for syncing
# my ipaq it disapears when you remove the ipaq.)
match activesync m|^.\0\x01\0[^\0]\0[^\0]\0[^\0]\0[^\0]\0[^\0]\0.*\0\0\0$|s p/Microsoft ActiveSync/ o/Windows/
# AMANDA index server 2.4.2p2 on Linux 2.4
match amanda m|^220 ([-.\w]+) AMANDA index server \((\d[-.\w ]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Amanda backup system index server/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match amanda m|^501 Could not read config file [^!\r\n]+!\r\n220 ([-.\w]+) AMANDA index server \(([-\w_.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Amanda backup system index server/ v/$2/ h/$1/ i/broken: config file not found/
match antivir m|^200 NOD32SS ([\d.]+) \((\d+)\)\r\n| p/NOD32 AntiVirus/ v/$1 ($2)/
match aplus m|^\x01\xff\0\xff\x01\x1d\0\xfd\0\n\x03\x05A\+ API \(([\d.]+)\) - CCS \(([\d.]+)\)\0| p/Cleo A+/ i/API $1; CSS $2/
# arkstats (part of arkeia-light 5.1.12 Backup server) on Linux 2.4.20
match arkstats m|^\0`\0\x03\0\0\0\x1810\x000\x000\x00852224\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Arkeia arkstats/
match artsd m|^MCOP\0\0\0.\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x10aRts/MCOP-([\d.]+)\0\0\0\0|s p/artsd/ i/MCOP $1/
# Asterisk call manager - port 5038
match asterisk m|^Asterisk Call Manager/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Asterisk Call Manager/ v/$1/
match asterisk-proxy m|^Response: Follows\r\nPrivilege: Command\r\n--END COMMAND--\r\n| p/Asterisk Call Manager Proxy/
match audit m|^Visionsoft Audit on Demand Service\r\nVersion: ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n| p/Visionsoft Audit on Demand Service/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match autosys m|^([\w-_.]+)\nListener for [\w-_.]+ AutoSysAdapter\nEOS\nExit Code = 1001\nIP <[\d.]+> is not authorized for this request\. Please contact your Web Administrator\.\nEOS\n| p/CA AutoSys RCS Listener/ v/$1/ i/not authorized/
match avg m|^220-AVG7 Anti-Virus daemon mode scanner\r\n220-Program version ([\d.]+), engine (\d+)\r\n220-Virus Database: Version ([\d/.]+) [-\d]+\r\n| p/AVG daemon mode/ v/$1 engine $2/ i/Virus DB $3/
match afbackup m|^afbackup ([\d.]+)\n\nAF's backup server ready\.\n| p/afbackup/ v/$1/
match backdoor m|^220 jeem\.mail\.pv ESMTP\r\n| p/Jeem backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nYour PassWord:| p/Jeem backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^ \r\n$| p/OptixPro backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^echo o [\d.]+ \d+ >s\r\necho common>> s\r\necho common>> s\r\necho bin>> s\r\necho get m220\.exe| p/JTRAM backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^220 Bot Server \(Win32\)\r\n$| p/Gaobot backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^PWD$| p/Subseven backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^=+\n= +RBackdoor ([\d.]+) | p/RBackdoor/ v/$1/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^220 Windrone Server \(Win32\)\r\n$| p/NerdBot backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^Zadej heslo:$| p/Czech "zadej heslo" backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^Sifre_EDIT$| p/ProRat trojan/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^MZ\x90\0\x03\0\0\0\x04\0\0\0\xff\xff\0\0\xb8\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0fn\0\0\xd0\0\0\0\x0e\x1f\xba\x0e\0\xb4\t\xcd!\xb8\x01L\xcd!This program cannot be run in DOS mode\.| p/Korgo worm/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^\xfa\xcb\xd9\xd9\xdd\xc5\xd8\xce\xd6| p/Theef trojan/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^220 SSL Connection Established - Loading Protocol\.\.\.\.\r\n| p/dhcpse.exe/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^A-311 Death welcome\x001| p/Haxdoor trojan/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match directconnect m=<Hub-Security> Your IP is temporarily banned for (\d+) minutes\.\|= p/Shadows DirectConnect hub/ i/Banned for $1 minutes/
match directconnect m=<Hub-Security> You are being banned for (\d+) minutes \(by SDCH Anti Hammering\)\.\|= p/Shadows DirectConnect hub/ i/Banned for $1 minutes/
match directconnect m=<Hub-Security> You are being redirected to ([\d.]+)\|\$ForceMove [\d.]+\|= p/PtokaX directconnect hub/ i/Redirected to $1/
match directconnect-admin m=^\r\nOpen DC Hub, version ([\d.]+), administrators port\.\r\nAll commands begin with '\$' and end with '\|'\.\r\nPlease supply administrators passord\.\r\n= p/OpenDCHub directconenct hub admin port/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match directupdate m|^OK Welcome <[\d.]+> on DirectUpdate server ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/DirectUpdate dynamic IP updater/ v/$1/
match directupdate m|^OK Welcome <[\d.]+> on DirectUpdate engine VER=\[([\d.]+) \(Build (\d+)\)\]-0x\w+\r\n| p/DirectUpdate dynamic IP updater/ v/$1 build $2/
match ftp m|^220 PizzaSwitch FTP server ready\r\n| p/Xylan PizzaSwitch ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) IronPort FTP server \(V([-.\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/IronPort mail appliance ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) IronPort FTP server \(V[^)]+\) ready\.\r\n| p/IronPort mail appliance ftpd/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 WFTPD (\d[-.\w]+) service \(by Texas Imperial Software\) ready for new user\r\n| p/Texas Imperial Software WFTPD/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220.*\r\n220 WFTPD (\d[-.\w]+) service \(by Texas Imperial Software\) ready for new user\r\n|s p/Texas Imperial Software WFTPD/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) FTP server \(Version (MICRO-[-.\w:#+ ]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Bay Networks MicroAnnex terminal server ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ d/terminal server/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) FTP server \(Digital UNIX Version (\d[-.\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Digital UNIX ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Digital UNIX/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) FTP server \(Version [\d.]+\+Heimdal (\d[-+.\w ]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Heimdal Kerberized ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^500 OOPS: (could not bind listening IPv4 socket)\r\n$| p/vsftpd/ i/broken: $1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^500 OOPS: vsftpd: (.*)\r\n| p/vsftpd/ i/broken: $1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220-QTCP at ([-.\w]+)\r\n220| p|IBM OS/400 FTPd| o|OS/400| h/$1/
match ftp m|^220[- ]FileZilla Server version (\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n| p/FileZilla ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) running FileZilla Server version (\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n| p/FileZilla ftpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 FTP Server - FileZilla\r\n| p/FileZilla ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220-Welcome to ([A-Z]+) FTP Service\.\r\n220 All unauthorized access is logged\.\r\n| p/FileZilla ftpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220.*\r\n220[- ]FileZilla Server version (\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n|s p/FileZilla ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220-.*\r\n220-\r\n220 using FileZilla FileZilla Server version ([^\r\n]+)\r\n|s p/FileZilla ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^431 Could not initialize SSL connection\r\n| p/FileZilla ftpd/ i/Mandatory SSL/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^550 No connections allowed from your IP\r\n| p/FileZilla ftpd/ i/IP blocked/ o/Windows/
# Netgear RP114 switch with integrated ftp server or ZyXel P2302R VoIP
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w]+)? FTP version 1\.0 ready at | p/Netgear broadband router or ZyXel VoIP adapter ftpd/ v/1.0/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server \(GNU inetutils (\d[-.\w ]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/GNU Inetutils FTPd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220-Serv-U FTP Server for Winsock\r\n| p/Serv-U ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Serv-U FTP-Server v([-\w_.]+ build \d+) for WinSock ready\.\.\.\r\n| p/Serv-U ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220-FTP Server v([\d.]+) for WinSock ready\.| p/Serv-U ftpd/ o/Windows/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220-SECURE FTP SERVER VERSION ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n| p/Serv-U ftpd/ v/$1/ i/Name $2/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^431 Unable to negotiate secure command connection\.\r\n| p/Serv-U ftpd/ i/SSL Required/ o/Windows/
match ftp m/^220-Sambar FTP Server Version (\d\S+)\x0d\x0a/ p/Sambar ftpd/ v/$1/
# Sambar server V5.3 on Windows NT
match ftp m|^220-FTP Server ready\r\n220-Use USER user@host for native FTP proxy\r\n220 Your FTP Session will expire after 300 seconds of inactivity\.\r\n| p/Sambar ftpd/
match ftp m/^220 JD FTP Server Ready/ p/HP JetDirect ftpd/ d/print server/
match ftp m/^220.*Check Point FireWall-1 Secure FTP server running on/s p/Check Point Firewall-1 ftpd/ d/firewall/
match ftp m/^220[- ].*FTP server \(Version (wu-[-.\w]+)/s p/WU-FTPD/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220-\r\n220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server \(Version ([-.+\w()]+)\) ready\.\r\n$| p/WU-FTPD/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server \(Version ([-.+\w()]+)\) ready\.\r\n$| p|WU-FTPD or MIT Kerberos ftpd| h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Unix/
# ProFTPd 1.2.5
match ftp m|^220 Server \(ProFTPD\) \[([-.\w]+)\]\r\n| p/ProFTPd/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m/^220 ProFTPD (\d\S+) Server/ p/ProFTPD/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m/^220 FTP Server \[([-\w_.]+)\]\r\n/ p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server ready\r\n| p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match ftp m/^220.*ProFTP[dD].*Server ready/ p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 ProFTP Server Ready\r\n| p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 ProFTP Ready\r\n| p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome @ my\.ftp\.org\r\n$| p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220-.*\r\n220 ProFTPD ([\d.]+) Server|s p/ProFTPD/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 .* FTP Server \(ProFTPD ([\d.]+) on Red Hat linux ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/ProFTPD/ v/$1/ i/RedHat $2/ o/Linux/
match ftp m|^220 ProFTP-Server auf ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/ProFTPD/ i/German/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220.*\r\n220 ProFTPD ([\w-_.]+) Server \(ProFTPD\)|s p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/ v/$1/
# Hope these aren't too general -Doug
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server ready!\r\n| p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 FTP Server ready\.\r\n$| p/ProFTPD/ o/Unix/
match ftp m/^220.*NcFTPd Server / p/NcFTPd/ o/Unix/
match ftp m/^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(SunOS 5\.([789])\) ready/ p/Sun Solaris $2 ftpd/ o/Solaris/ h/$1/
match ftp m/^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(SunOS (\S+)\) ready/ p/Sun SunOS ftpd/ v/$2/ o/Solaris/ h/$1/
match ftp m/^220-([-.\w]+) IBM FTP.*(V\d+R\d+)/ p|IBM OS/390 ftpd| h/$1/ v/$2/ o|OS/390|
match ftp m|^220-IBM FTP, .*\.\r\n220 Connection will close if idle for more than 120 minutes\.\r\n| p|IBM OS/390 ftpd| o|OS/390|
match ftp m/^220 VxWorks \((\d[^)]+)\) FTP server ready/ p/VxWorks ftpd/ v/$1/ o/VxWorks/
match ftp m/^220 VxWorks \(VxWorks(\d[^)]+)\) FTP server ready/ p/VxWorks ftpd/ v/$1/ o/VxWorks/
match ftp m|^220 VxWorks FTP server \(VxWorks ([\d.]+) - Secure NetLinx version \(([\d.]+)\)\) ready\.\r\n| p|AMX NetLinx A/V control system ftpd| v/$2/ i/VxWorks $1/ o/VxWorks/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 VxWorks FTP server \(VxWorks ?([\w-_.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/VxWorks ftpd/ v/$1/ o/VxWorks/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server \(Version ([-.\w]+)/OpenBSD\) ready\.\r\n$| p/OpenBSD ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/OpenBSD/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server \(Version (6.0\w+)\) ready.\r\n| p/FreeBSD ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/FreeBSD/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server \(Version ([\w.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/FreeBSD ftpd/ v/$1/ o/FreeBSD/
# Trolltech Troll-FTPD 1.28 (Only runs on Linux)
match ftp m|^220-Setting memory limit to 1024\+1024kbytes\r\n220-Local time is now \d+:\d+ and the load is [.\d]+\.\r\n220 You will be disconnected after \d+ seconds of inactivity.\r\n$| p/Trolltech Troll-FTPd/ o/Linux/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server \(Hummingbird Ltd\. \(HCLFTPD\) Version (\) ready\.\r\n$| p/Hummingbird FTP server/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server \(Hummingbird Communications Ltd\. \(HCLFTPD\) Version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Hummingbird FTP server/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220- .*\n220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server \(Version (.*)\) ready\.\r\n|s p/BSD ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
# Xitami FTPd
match ftp m|^220- \r\n.*www\.imatix\.com --\r\n|s p/Xitami ftpd/
match ftp m|^220- Welcome to this Xitami FTP server, running version ([\d\w.]+) of Xitami\. \n You are user number (\d+) of a permitted (\d+) users\.| p/Xitami ftpd/ v/$1/ i|$2/$3 users|
# Xitami FTPd
match ftp m|^220- \r\n.*www\.imatix\.com --\r\n|s p/Xitami ftpd/
match ftp m|^220- Welcome to this Xitami FTP server, running version ([\d\w.]+) of Xitami\. \n You are user number (\d+) of a permitted (\d+) users\.| p/Xitami ftpd/ v/$1/ i|$2/$3 users|
# Netware 6 - NWFTPD.NLM FTP Server Version 5.01w
match ftp m|^220 Service Ready for new User\r\n$| p/Netware NWFTPD/
match ftp m|^220-LRN\r\n220 Service Ready for new User\r\n| p/Netware NWFTPD/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w]+) FTP server \(NetWare (v[\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n$| p/Novell Netware ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/NetWare/
match ftp m|220 FTP Server for NW 3.1x, 4.xx \((v1.10)\), \(c\) 199[0-9] HellSoft\.\r\n$| p/HellSoft FTP server for Netware 3.1x, 4.x/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) MultiNet FTP Server Process V(\S+) at .+\r\n$| p/DEC OpenVMS MultiNet FTPd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match ftp m|^220-\r\n220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server \(NetBSD-ftpd ([-.\w]+)\) ready.\r\n$| p/NetBSD lukemftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) Network Management Card AOS v([-.\w]+) FTP server ready.\r\n$| p/APC AOS ftpd/ v/$2/ i/on APC $1 network management card/ d/power-device/ o/AOS/
# G-Net BB0060 ADSL Modem - the ftpd might be by "GlobespanVirata" as that
# is what the t3lnetd on this device said.
match ftp m|^220 FTP Server \(Version 1.0\) ready.\r\n$| p/G-Net DSL Modem ftpd/ v/1.0/ d/broadband router/
# HP-UX B.11.00
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w ]+) FTP server \(Version (1.1.2[.\d]+) [A-Z][a-z]{2} [A-Z][a-z]{2} .*\) ready.\r\n| p/HP-UX ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/HP-UX/
# 220 mirrors.midco.net FTP server ready.
# WarFTP Daemon 1.70 on Win2K
match ftp m=^220-.*\r\n(220-|) WarFTPd (\d[-.\w]+) \([\w ]+\) Ready\r\n=s p/WarFTPd/ v/$2/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) FTP SERVICE ready\r\n500 Please enter a command\. Dunno how to interperet empty lines\.\.\.\r\n500 Please enter a command\. Dunno how to interperet empty lines\.\.\.\r\n$| p/WarFTPd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to Windows FTP Server| p|Windows Ftp Server| i|Not from Microsoft - http://srv.nease.net/|
# UnixWare 7.11
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(BSDI Version ([\w.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p|BSDI/Unixware ftpd| v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server \(Hummingbird Ltd\. \(HCLFTPD\) Version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Hummingbird ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 OpenFTPD server ready\. .*\.\r\n| p/OpenFTPD/
match ftp m|^220 ([\w-_.]+) FTP server \(NetBSD-ftpd 20\w+\) ready\.\r\n| p/NetBSD lukemftpd/
match ftp m|^220-\r\n Your connection logged!\r\n220 ([\w\d_.-]+) FTP server \(NetBSD-ftpd 200\d+\) ready\.\r\n| p/NetBSD lukemftpd/ i/Connection logged/
match ftp m|^220 CommuniGate Pro FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/Communigate Pro ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 CommuniGate Pro FTP Server ready\r\n| p/Communigate Pro ftpd/
match ftp m|^421 Sorry you are not welcomed on this server\.\r\n$| p/BulletProof ftpd/ i/Banned/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220-BulletProof FTP Server ready \.\.\.\r\n| p/BulletProof ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^(220.*\r\n)?220 [Ee]valine FTP server \(Version: Mac OS X|s p/Evaline ftpd/ o/Mac OS X/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to Quick 'n Easy FTP Server\r\n| p/Quick 'n Easy ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to Quick 'n Easy FTP Server DEMO\r\n| p/Quick 'n Easy ftpd/ o/Windows/ i/DEMO/
match ftp m|^421 Too many connections for this IP address, please try again later\.\r\n| p/Quick 'n Easy ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Tornado-vxWorks \(VxWorks([\d.]+)\) FTP server ready\r\n| p/Tornado vxWorks ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 [-\w_.]+ FTP server \(UNIX\(r\) System V Release 4\.0\) ready\.\r\n| p/UNIX System V Release 4.0 ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP Server \(Oracle XML DB/Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release ([\d.]+) - Production\) ready\.\r\n| p/Oracle Enterprise XML DB ftpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP Server \(Oracle XML DB/Oracle9i Release ([\d.]+) - Production\) ready\.\r\n| p/Oracle XML DB ftpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP Server \(Oracle XML DB/Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release ([\d.]+) - Production\) ready\.\r\n| p/Oracle 10g Enterprise XML DB ftpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP Server \(Oracle XML DB/Personal Oracle9i Release ([\d.]+) - Production\) ready\.\r\n| p/Personal Oracle XML DB ftpd/ v/$1/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) PacketShaper FTP server ready\.\r\n| p/PacketShaper ftpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 AXIS 205 version ([\d.]+) \(.*\) ready\.\r\n| p/AXIS 205 Network Video ftpd/ v/$1/ d/webcam/
match ftp m|^220 AXIS 250S MPEG-2 Video Server ([\d.]+) \([^)]+\) ready\.\r\n| p/AXIS 250S Network Video ftpd/ v/$1/ d/webcam/
match ftp m|^220 AXIS (\w+) Video Server ([\d.]+) \([^)]+\) ready\.\r\n| p/AXIS $1 Video Server ftpd/ v/$2/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 AXIS (\w+) Video Server Blade ([\w-_.]+) \([^)]+\) ready\.\r\n| p/AXIS $1 Video Server Blade ftpd/ v/$2/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 WfFTP server\(([\w.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Nortel WfFTP/ v/$1/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220- (.*) WAR-FTPD ([-\w.]+) Ready\r\n220 Please enter your user name\.\r\n| p/WAR-FTPD/ v/$2/ i/Name $1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Canon EB-65 FTP Print Server V([\d.]+) .* ready\.\r\n| p/Canon EB-65 FTP Print Server/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^500 OOPS: .*\r\n$| p/vsftpd/ i/Misconfigured/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^500 OOPS: vsftpd: both local and anonymous access disabled!\r\n| p/vsftpd/ i/Access denied/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 FTP Version ([\d.]+) on MPS100\r\n| p/Lantronix MPS100 ftpd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220.*bftpd ([\d.]+) at ([-\w_.]+) ready\.?\r\n|s p/bftpd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match ftp m|^220 RICOH Aficio ([\w\d_ +-]+) FTP server \(([\d.]+)\w?\) ready\.\r\n| p/RICOH Aficio $1 ftpd/ v/$2/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 RICOH Pro (\d+[a-zA-Z]{0,3}) FTP server \(([\d+.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/RICOH Pro $1 ftpd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 LANIER ([\w\d /-]+) FTP server \(([\d+.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Lanier $1 ftpd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to Code-Crafters Ability FTP Server\.\r\n| p/Code-Crafters Ability ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to Code-Crafters - Ability Server ([\d.]+)\.| p/Code-Crafters Ability ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(ARM_BE - V([\w.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/NetComm NS4000 Network Camera/ h/$1/ i/ARM_BE $2/ d/webcam/
match ftp m|^220 MikroTik FTP server \(MikroTik v?([\w-_.]+)\) ready\r\n| p/MikroTik router ftpd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 lankacom FTP server \(MikroTik v?([\w-_.]+)\) ready\r\n| p/Lankacom router ftpd/ i/MikroTik/ v/$1/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 (.+) FTP server \(MikroTik ([\w-_.]+)\) ready\r\n| p/MikroTik router ftpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 NetPresenz v([\d.]+) \(Unregistered\) awaits your command\.\r\n| p/NetPresenz/ v/$1/ i/Unregistered/ o/Mac OS/
match ftp m|^220 LP-8900-\w+ FTP server \(OEM FTPD version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/EPSON Network Print Server ftpd/ i/runs OEM FTPD $1/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 StylusPhoto750-AF6788 FTP server \(OEM FTPD version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Epson StylusPhoto750 ftpd/ i/runs OEM FTPD $1/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 AL-C900-BB0200 FTP server \(OEM FTPD version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Epson AcuLaser C900 printer ftpd/ i/runs OEM FTPD $1/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 FTP Version ([\d.]+) on MSS100\r\n| p/Lantronix MSS100 serial interface ftpd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match ftp m|^220 Matrix FTP server \(Server \w+#\d\) ready\.\r\n| p/Matrix ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 Titan FTP Server ([\d.]+) Ready\.\r\n| p/Titan ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^421-\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+=\+\r\n421-The evaluation period for this Titan FTP Server has expired\.\r\n| p/Titan ftpd/ i/Evaluation period expired/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ioFTPD \[www: http://www\.ioftpd\.com\] - \[version: ([-\w_. ]+)\] server ready\.\r\n| p/ioFTPD/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 CesarFTP ([\w.]+) Server Welcome !\r\n| p/CesarFTPd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220-This site is running the BisonWare BisonFTP server product V([\d.]+)\r\n| p/BisonWare BisonFTPd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m=^220-Welcome to XBOX FileZilla( \(XBMC\)|)\r\n220-version: XBFileZilla version ([\d.]+), \(based on FileZilla Server ([\d.]+)\)\r\n220 http://sourceforge\.net/projects/xbfilezilla\r\n= p/XBFileZilla/ v/$2/ i/Based on FileZilla $3/
match ftp m=^220-Welcome to XBOX FileZilla( \(XBMC\)|)\r\n220-version: XBMC:FileZilla version ([\d.]+), \(based on FileZilla Server ([\d.]+)\)\r\n220 http://sourceforge\.net/projects/xbfilezilla\r\n= p/XBFileZilla/ v/$2/ i/Based on FileZilla $3/
match ftp m|^220 Session will be terminated after 600 seconds of inactivity\.\r\n| p/Cisco 3000 series VPN ftpd/ o/IOS/ d/security-misc/
match ftp m|^220-SlimFTPd ([\d.]+), by WhitSoft Development \(www\.whitsoftdev\.com\)\r\n| p/SlimFTPd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 BlackMoon FTP Server Version ([\d.]+ Release \d+) - Build \d+\. Free Edition\. Service Ready\r\n| p/BlackMoon ftpd/ i/Free edition/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 BlackMoon FTP Server Version ([\d.]+ Release \d+) - Build \d+\. Chaos Edition\. Service Ready\r\n| p/BlackMoon ftpd/ i/Chaos edition/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220-BlackMoon FTP Server Version ([\d.]+ Release \d+) - Build \d+\r\n| p/BlackMoon ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 BlackMoon FTP Server - Free Edition - Version ([\d.]+)\. Service Ready\r\n| p/BlackMoon ftpd/ i/Free edition/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 netapp ftp server\r\n| p/netapp ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 Oracle Internet File System FTP Server ready\r\n| p/Oracle Internet File System ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 RICOH Aficio (\w+) FTP server \(([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Ricoh Aficio $1 printer ftpd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 NRG 2205/2238/2212 FTP server \(([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p|NRG 2205/2238/2212 copier ftpd| v/$1/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^500 Sorry, no server available to handle request on 66\.90\.74\.155\.\r\n| p/proftpd/ i/Misconfigured/
match ftp m|^220 mandelbrot FTP server \(Version ([\d.]+) \(NeXT ([\d.]+)\) .*\) ready\.\r\n| p/mandelbrot ftpd/ v/$1/ i/NeXT $2/ o/NeXTStep/
# Microsoft Windows .NET Enterprise Server (build 3604-3790)
match ftp m|^220 Net Administration Divisions FTP Server Ready\.\.\.\r\n| p/Net Administration Divisions ftpd/
match ftp m|^220-\r\n220-\r\n220 Please enter your user name\.\r\n| p/MoreFTPd/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(OSF/1 Version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p|OSF/1 ftpd| i|OSF/1 $2| h/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 AXIS StorPoint CD E100 CD-ROM Server V([\d.]+) .* ready\.\r\n| p/AXIS StorPoint E100 CD-ROM Server ftpd/ v/$1/ d/storage-misc/
match ftp m|^220[ -]Gene6 FTP Server v([\d.]+) +\(Build (\d+)\).* ready\.\.\.\r\n| p/Gene6 ftpd/ v/$1 build $2/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 G6 FTP Server v([\d.]+) \(beta (\d+)\) ready \.\.\.\r\n| p/Gene6 ftpd/ v/$1 beta $2/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) by G6 FTP Server ready \.\.\.\r\n| p/Gene6 ftpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 .* by G6 FTP Server ready \.\.\.\r\n| p/Gene6 ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220.*Hello! I'm Gene6 FTP Server v([-\w_.]+) \(Build (\d+)\)\.\r\n|s p/Gene6 ftpd/ v/$1 build $2/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ([\w-_.]+) FTP server ready\.\.\.\r\n| p/Gene6 ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 sftpd/([\d.]+) Server \[[-\w_.]+\]\r\n| p/sftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220-TYPSoft FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\.\.\r\n| p/TYPSoft ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to Pablo's FTP Server\r\n| p/Pablo's ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 PowerLogic FTP Server ready\.\r\n| p/PowerLogic embedded device ftpd/ d/specialized/
match ftp m|^220 INTERMEC 540\+/542\+ FTP Printer Server V([\d.]+) .* ready\.\r\n| p|Intermec 540+/542+ printer ftpd| v/$1/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 EthernetBoard OkiLAN 8100e Ver ([\d.]+) FTP server\.\r\n| p/OkiLAN 8100e print server/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 OKI-([\w+]+) Version ([\d.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/OkiData $1 printer ftpd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
# SpeedStream 5660 ADSL modem/router
match ftp m|^220 VxWorks \(ENI-ftpd ([\d.]+)\) FTP server ready\r\n| p/SpeedStream 5660 ADSL router/ i|Runs ENI-ftpd/$1 on VxWorks| d/router/
match ftp m|^220--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n220-This is the \"Banner\" message for the Mac OS X Server's FTP server process\.\r\n.*220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(Version: Mac OS X Server ([\d.]+) - \+GSSAPI\) ready\.\r\n|s p/Mac OS X Server ftpd/ i/MacOS X $2/ h/$1/ o/Mac OS X/
match ftp m|^220--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n220-This is the \"Banner\" message for the Mac OS X Server's FTP server process\.\r\n| p/Mac OS X Server ftpd/ o/Mac OS X/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to U\.S\.Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router update FTP server v([\d.]+)\.\r\n| p/USR SureConnect ADSL router ftpd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220-Welcome to Xerver Free FTP Server ([\d.]+)\.\r\n220-\r\n220-You can login below now\.\r\n220 Features: \.\r\n| p/Xerver Free ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(tnftpd (\d+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/tnftpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(LundFTPD ([\d.]+) .*\) ready\.\r\n| p/LundFTPd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 HD316\r FTP server\(Version([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Panasonic HD316 Digital Disk Recorder/ v/$1/ d/storage-misc/
match ftp m=^220 \w+ IBM Infoprint (Color |)(\d+) FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\r\n= p/IBM Inforprint $1$2 ftpd/ v/$3/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 ShareIt FTP Server ([\d.]+) \(WINCE\) Ready\.\r\n| p/ShareIt ftpd/ v/$1/ d/PDA/
match ftp m|^220 ShareIt FTP Pro ([\d.]+) \(WINCE\) Ready\.\r\n| p/ShareIt Pro ftpd/ v/$1/ d/PDA/
match ftp m|^220 ISOS FTP Server for Upgrade Purpose \(([\d.]+)\) ready\r\n| p/Billion 741GE ADSL router/ v/$1/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 PV11 FTP Server ready\r\n| p/Unknown wireless acces point ftpd/ i/Runs Phar Lap RTOS/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220-FTP Server ready\r\n220-Welcome to the Sambar FTP Server\r\r\n| p/Sambar ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 SINA FTPD \(Version ([-\d.]+)\).*\r\n| p/Sina ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 DataHive FTP Server ([\d.]+) Ready\.\r\n| p/DataHive ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220--- AlterVista FTP, based on Pure-FTPd --\r\n| p/AlterVista ftpd/ i/Based on Pure-ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to the ADI Convergence Galaxy update FTP server v([\d.]+)\.\r\n| p/ADI Convergence Galaxy update ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^421 You are not permitted to make this connection\.\r\n| p/Symantec Raptor Firewall ftpd/ d/firewall/
match ftp m|^220 copier2FTP server ready\.\r\n| p/Konica Minolta Di3510 Copier ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 DrayTek FTP version ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/DrayTek Vigor router ftpd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server ready \(mod_ftpd/([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Apache mod_ftpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 The Avalaunch FTP system -- enter user name\r\n| p/Avalaunch ftpd/ i/XBox/ d/game console/
match ftp m|^220 Server 47 FTP service\. Welcome\.\r\n| p/bftpd/ o/Unix/
match ftp m%^220-loading\.\.\r\n220-\| W e L c O m E @ SFXP\|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\|\r\n% p/SwiftFXP/
match ftp m|^220 Z-FTP\r\n| p/Z-FTPd/
match ftp m|^220 DELL1700n Dell Laser Printer 1700n FTP Server ([\w.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Dell 1700n laser printer ftpd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 Dell Color Laser 5110cn\r\n| p/Dell Color Laser 5110cn printer ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 \w+ Dell Laser Printer M5200 FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Dell Laser Priner M5200 ftpd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 Plan 9 FTP server ready\r\n| p/Plan 9 ftpd/ o/Plan9/
match ftp m=^220-\+----------------------\[ UNREGISTERED VERSION \]-----------------------\+\r\n220-\| This site is running unregistered copy of RaidenFTPD ftp server \+\r\n= p/RaidenFTPd/ i/Unregistered/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220.*\r\n220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(Version: Mac OS X Server ([\d.]+) - \+GSSAPI\) ready\.\r\n|s p/MacOS X Server ftpd/ i/MacOS X Server $2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 FTP 9500 server \(Version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p|Nokia Smartphone 9300/9500 ftpd| v/$1/ d/phone/ o/Symbian/
match ftp m|^220 [\d.]+ CVX FTP server \(([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/CVX ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220-\.:\.\r\n220-\.:+\r\n220-\.::::::::::\. e1137 FTP Server loading \.::::::::::::::\. WinSock ready \.| p/e1137 ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Connect\(active \d+, max active \d+\) session \d+ to RemoteScan Server ([\d.]+) on .*\r\n| p/RemoteScan ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220.ArGoSoft FTP Server for Windows NT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220.ArGoSoft FTP Server, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to the dvd2xbox ftp server\.\r\n| p/dvd2xbox built-in ftpd/ d/game console/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome To WinEggDrop Tiny FTP Server\r\n| p/WinEggDrop ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220-\n220-Welcome to the HOME Edition of GlobalSCAPE CuteFTP Server, which limits\n| p/GlobalSCAPE CuteFTPd/ i/HOME Edition/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Gestetner DSm622 FTP server \(([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Gestetner DSm622 copier ftpd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 NRG (\w+) FTP server \(([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/NRG $1 printer ftpd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220-<W\x80lC0ME T0 THE \xb0GP - FXP PubSTRO\xb0 by JACK>\r\n| p/Backdoor Pubstro ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 wzd server ready\.\r\n| p/wzdftpd/
match ftp m|^500 Sorry, no server available to handle request on ([-\w_.]+)\.\r\n| p/ProFTPd/ i/No server available/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 Intel NetportExpress\(tm\) 10/100 Single-port FTP server ready\.\r\n| p/Intel NetportExpress print server ftpd/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 NET\+ARM FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/NET+ARM ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220- FTPshell Server Service \(Version ([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n220 \r\n| p/FTPshell ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Connected to ([-\w_.]+) ready\.\.\.\r\n| p/TYPSoft ftpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP Server \(LiteServe\) Ready!\r\n| p/Perception LiteServe ftpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 BetaFTPD ([-\w_.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/BetaFTPd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 NET Disk FTP Server ready\.\r\n| p|NET Disk/NetStore ftpd|
match ftp m|^421 Service not available, closing control connection\.\r\n| p|NET Disk/NetStore ftpd| i/Disabled/
match ftp m|^220 NETWORK HDD FTP Server ready\.\r\n| p/Argosy Research HD363N Network HDD ftpd/ d/storage-misc/
match ftp m|^220 Blue Coat FTP Service\r\n| p/Blue Coat ftpd/
# Can't find any info on this ftpd. Backdoor? -Doug
match ftp m|^220 Homer Ftp Server\r\n| p/Homer ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Personal FTP Server ready\r\n| p/Personal FTPd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 \w+ Lexmark T642 FTP Server ([-\w_.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Lexmark T642 printer ftpd/ i/Firmware $1/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220-InterVations FileCOPA FTP Server Version ([\d.]+) .*\r\n220 Trial Version\. (\d+) days remaining\r\n| p/InterVations FileCOPA ftpd/ v/$1/ i/Trial: $2 days left/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 cab Mach4/300 FTP Server ready\.\r\n| p/CAB MACH4 label printer ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 (KM[\w+]+) FTP server \(KM FTPD version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Konica Minolta $1 ftpd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 Golden FTP Server ready v([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Golden ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Golden FTP Server PRO ready v([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Golden PRO ftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ITC Version ([\d.]+) of [-\d]+ X Kyocera UIO UMC 10base OK \r\n| p/X Kyocera UIO UMC 10base print server ftpd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 ActiveFax Version ([\d.]+) \(Build (\d+)\) - .*\r\n| p/ActiveFax ftpd/ v/$1 build $2/
match ftp m|^220-Welcome to CrushFTP!\r\n220 CrushFTP Server Ready\.\r\n| p/CrushFTPd/
match ftp m|^220 DPO-7300 FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\n| p/NetSilicon DPO-7300 ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to WinFtp Server\.\r\n| p/WinFtpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 - FTP Server ver ([\d:.]+) on .* ready\.\r\n| p|IBM OS/2 ftpd| v/$1/ o|OS/2|
match ftp m|^220 AudioVAULT FTP server\r\n| p/AudioVault ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 FTP/VPP Server ([\d.]+) / Current Date: [-\d]+ [\d:]+\r\n| p/Verteiltes Printen und Plotten ftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 Xerox WorkCentre (\w+) Ver ([\d.]+) FTP server\.\r\n| p/Xerox WorkCentre $1 ftpd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 .* Server \(vftpd ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/vftpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to Network Camera FTP Server\r\n| p/Vivotek 3102 Camera ftpd/ d/webcam/
match ftp m|^220-TwoFTPd server ready\.\r\n220 Authenticate first\.\r\n| p/TwoFTPd/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 WEB TLC FTP SERVER READY TYPE HELP FOR HELP \r\n| p/Overland Storage Neo2000 ftpd/ d/storage-misc/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Lexmark (\w+) FTP Server ([\w.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Lexmark $2 printer ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$3/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) MarkNet (\w+) FTP Server ([\w.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Lexmark $2 printer ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$3/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Dell Laser Printer (\w+) FTP Server ([\w.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Dell $2 laser printer ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$3/
match ftp m|^500 newmedia\.sheridanc\.on\.ca FTP server shut down -- please try again later\.\r\n| p/Mac OS X Server ftpd/ i/disabled/ o/Mac OS X/
match ftp m|^ftpd - accept the connection from [\d.]+\n220-eDVR FTP Server v([\d.]+) \(c\)Copyright WebGate Inc\. \w+-\w+\r\n220-Welcome to (DS\w+)\r\n220 You will be disconnected after 180 seconds of inactivity\.\r\n| p/WebGate $2 eDVR camera ftpd/ v/$1/ d/webcam/
match ftp m|^220 AXIS (.+) FTP Network Print Server V([-\w_.]+) | p/AXIS $1 print server ftpd/ v/$2/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 AXIS ([\d/+]+) FTP Print Server V([-\w_.]+) | p/AXIS $1 print server ftpd/ v/$2/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 Canon iN-E5 FTP Print Server V([-\w_.]+) | p/Canon iN-E5 print server ftpd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 FTP-Backupspace\r\n$| p/STRATO backup ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 SHARP (MX-\w+) Ver ([\w-_.]+) FTP server\.\r\n| p/SHARP $1 printer ftpd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220-.* \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n Synchronet FTP Server ([-\w_.]+)-Win32 Ready\r\n| p/Synchronet ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to DCS-(\w+) FTP Server\r\n$| p/D-Link DCS-$1 webcam ftpd/ d/webcam/
match ftp m|^220 X5 FTP server \(version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Zoom aDSL modem/ i/X5 $1/ d/broadband router/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to zFTPServer\r\n| p/zFTPServer/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN (\d+) FTP server ready\.\r\n| p/FRITZ!Box $1 WAP ftpd/ d/WAP/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP Server \(Oracle XML DB/Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release ([\d.]+) - 64bit Production\) ready\.\r\n| p/Oracle XML DB ftpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/64 bits/
match ftp m|^220 RICOH Aficio MP 2510 FTP server \(([-\w_.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/RICOH Aficio MP 2510 printer ftpd/ d/printer/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 Dell Color Laser (\w+)\r\n| p/Dell Color Laser $1 printer ftpd/ d/printer/
# vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) 1.0.0 on linux with custom ftpd_banner
# We'll have to see if this match is unique enough ... no, it is not enough...
# Turning match line into softmatch because it can match much more than just
# vsftpd and WU-FTPD... (Brandon)
softmatch ftp m|^220 .*\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n|s i/Generally vsftp or WU-FTPD/
match fw1-rlogin m|^\0Check Point FireWall-1 authenticated RLogin server running on ([-.\w]+)\r\n\r| p/Check Point FireWall-1 authenticated RLogin server/ i/$1/
match fyre m|^220 Fyre rendering server ready\n| p/Fyre rendering cluster node/
match galaxy m|^\0\0\0\t\0\0\0\x80\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x042\0\0\0\x01\0\0\t_\0\0\0h| p/Galaxy Client Event Manager/ o/Windows/
match gnats m|^200 ([-.\w]+) GNATS server (\d[-.\w]+) ready\.\r\n| p/GNATS bugtracking system/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1.0 500\r\nContent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\nNo Scan Capable Devices Found\r\n| p/HP Embedded Web Server remote scan service/ i/no scanner found/ d/printer/
# SMC Barricade 7004ABR
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 301 Moved\r\nLocation: http://\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:88\r\n| p/SMC Barricade broadband router/ i/simply redirects to real web admin port 88/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^<HEAD><TITLE>501 Not Implemented</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>501 Not Implemented</H1>\nThe server has not implemented your request type\.<BR>\n</BODY>\r\n$| p/Hummingbird Document Manager httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\n<body>\n<ul><li>\n<i>[^<]+</i>\n<ul><li>\n<i>Nice</i>\n<ul><li>\nNumber: \d+</li></ul>\n<i>ProgramArguments</i>\n<ol>\n<li>String: [^<]+</li>\n| p/Apple lanuchd_debug httpd/ o/Mac OS X/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 200 OK\r\nServer: Motion/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Motion Camera httpd/ v/$1/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\n<body>\n<ul><li>\n<i>com\.apple\.KernelEventAgent</i>\n| p/Apple launchd_debugd httpd/ o/Mac OS X/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Speed Touch WebServer/([\d.]+)\r\n| p|Alcatel/Thomson SpeedTouch aDSL http config| v/$1/ d/broadband router/
# This is here for NULL probe cheat since several probes unpredictably trigger it -Doug
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: OfficeScan Client\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\nFail| p/TrendMicro OfficeScan Antivirus http config/ o/Windows/
match http m|^<HTML><BODY><CENTER>Authentication failed</CENTER></BODY></HTML>\r\n$| p/InterSect Alliance SNARE http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 408 Request Timeout\nContent-Length:0\nContent-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8\n\n$| p/Finchsync PocketPC Synchonizer httpd/
match http-proxy m=^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\n(Server|Proxy-agent): iPlanet-Web-Proxy-Server/([\d.]+)\r\n=s p/iPlanet web proxy/ v/$2/
match hp-gsg m|^220 JetDirect GGW server \(version (\d[.\d]+)\) ready\r\n| p/HP JetDirect Generic Scan Gateway/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match hp-gsg m|^220 HP GGW server \(version ([\w-_.]+)\) ready\r\n\0| p/HP Generic Scan Gateway/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match hylafax m|^220 ([-.\w]+) server \(HylaFAX \(tm\) Version (\d[-.\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n$| p/HylaFAX/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Unix/
# Hylafax 4.1.6 on Linux 2.4
match hylafax m|^130 Warning, client address \"[\d.]+\" is not listed for host name \"([-.\w]+)\"\.\r\n| p/HylaFAX/ i/IP unauthorized/ h/$1/
match hylafax m|^130 Warning, no inverse address mapping for client host name \"[-\w_.]+\"\.\r\n220 ([-\w_.]+) server \(HylaFAX \(tm\) Version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/HylaFAX/ i/Reverse DNS unauthorized/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-/.+\w]+) Solstice \(tm\) Internet Mail Server \(tm\) (\d[-.\w]+) IMAP4 service - at | p/Sun Solstice Internet Mail Server imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Unix/
match imap m|^\* OK GroupWise IMAP4rev1 Server Ready\r\n| p/Novell GroupWise imapd/ o/Unix/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 .*\] GroupWise Server Ready\r\n| p/Novell GroupWise imapd/ o/Unix/
match imap m|^\* OK dbmail imap \(protocol version 4r1\) server (\d[-.\w]+) ready to run\r\n| p/DBMail imapd/ v/$1/ i/imapd version may differ from overal dbmail version number/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.+\w]+) NetMail IMAP4 Agent server ready | p/Novell NetMail imapd/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 Server \(IMail ([-.\w]+)\)| p/IMail imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Merak (\d[-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 |i p/Merak Mail Server imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.+\w]+) IMAP4rev1 Mercury/32 v(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 imapd| h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4 service \(Netscape Messaging Server (\d[-.\w ]+) \(built ([\w ]+)\)\)\r\n| p/Netscape Messaging Server Imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/built $3/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY .*\] ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 (20[\w.]+) at | p/UW imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) IMAP4 server started\r\n| p/eXtremail IMAP server/ v/$1.$2/
match imap m|^\* OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) rev(\d+) IMAP4 server started\r\n| p/eXtremail IMAP server/ v/$1.$2.$3/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) NetMail IMAP4 Agent server ready <.*>\r\n| p/Novell Netmail imapd/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
# Alt-N MDaemon 6.5.1 imap server on Windows XP
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 MDaemon (\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n| p/Alt-N MDaemon imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 MDaemon (\d[-.\w]+) listo\r\n| p/Alt-N MDaemon imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/
# Dovecot IMAP Server - http://dovecot.procontrol.fi/
match imap m|^\* OK [Dd]ovecot ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK [Dd]ovecot MUA ready\r\n| p/Dovecot MUA imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK \[[^\[]+\] Dovecot ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK Welcome to [^.]+\. Dovecot ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK Dovecot at ([-\w_.]+) is ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK.*?Courier-IMAP ready\. Copyright 1998-(\d+) Double Precision, Inc\. See COPYING for distribution information\.\r\n| p/Courier Imapd/ i/released $1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 .*?Courier-IMAP ready\. Copyright 1998-(\d+) Double Precision, Inc\. See COPYING for distribution information\.\r\n| p/Courier IMAP4rev1 Imapd/ i/released $1/
match imap m|^\* OK CommuniGate Pro IMAP Server ([-.\w]+) at ([-.\w]+) ready\r\n$| p/CommuniGate Pro imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
# W-Imapd-SSL v2001adebian-6
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 X-NETSCAPE LOGIN-REFERRALS STARTTLS AUTH=LOGIN\](\S+) IMAP4rev1 ([-.\w]+) at| p/UW-Imapd-SSL/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK Domino IMAP4 Server Release (\d[-.\w ]+) +ready| p/Lotus Domino imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Domino IMAP4 Server Build V([\w_]+ Beta \w+) ready .*\r\n| p/Lotus Domino imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* BYE Domino IMAP4 Server Unable to authenticate session\.| p/Lotus Domino imapd/ i/Unable to connect/
# MS Exchange
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 server version ([-.\w]+) | p/Microsoft Exchange imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange 2000 IMAP4rev1 server version (\d[-.\w]+) \([-.\w]+\) ready\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2000 imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange Server ([\d]+) IMAP4rev1 server version (\d[-.\w]+) \(([-.\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server $1 imapd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$3/
match imap m|^\* OK Der Microsoft Exchange Server \(IMAP4rev1, Version (\d[-.\w]+) \([-.\w]+\)\) steht zur Verf\xfcgung\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2000 imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ i/German/
match imap m|^\* OK Der Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1-Server, Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\), steht zur Verf\xfcgung\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2003 imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/Windows/ i/German/
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 kiszolg\xe1l\xf3 verzi\xf3 (\d[-.\w]+) \(([-.\w]+)\) k\xe9sz\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ i/Hungarian/
match imap m|^\* OK Server Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 verze ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) je p\xf8ipraven\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ i/Czech/
match imap m|^\* OK La version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) du serveur IMAP4rev1 Microsoft Exchange est pr\xeate\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ i/French/
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1 \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb0\xe6\xb1\xbe ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)| p/Microsoft Exchange 2003 imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ i/Chinese/
match imap m|^\* OK Servidor IMAP4rev1de Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 versi\xf3n ([\w-_.]+) \(([\w-_.]+)\) listo\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 IMAP4 service ready\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2007 imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2007 imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 Server DeskNow \(DeskNow ([\w-_.]+)\) ready\r\n| p/DeskNow imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY (IMAP4 )?IMAP4REV1 .*IMAP4rev1 (200\d\.[-.\w]+) at| p/UW imapd/ v/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK (?:\[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*?\] )?([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4? v([-.\w\+]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-.\w\+]+)-Red Hat [-.\w\+]+ server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/RedHat/ o/Linux/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-\w_.]+)-Debian| p/Cyrus imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Linux/ i|Debian/Ubuntu|
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([\w_.]+)-OS X ([\d.]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ i/Mac OS X $3/ o/Mac OS X/
match imap m|^\* OK \[[^\]]+\] ([-\w_.]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-\w_.]+)-OS X Server ([\d.]+):| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ i/Mac OS X $3/ o/Mac OS X/
match imap m|^\* OK (?:\[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*?\] )?([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4? Murder v([-.\w]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus Murder imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK \[.*] ([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-.\w]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK Welcome to Binc IMAP v(\d[-.\w]+)| p/Binc imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 AppleMailServer (\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n| p/AppleMailServer imapd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match imap m/^\* OK IMAP4rev1 Server Classic Hamster (Vr.|Version) [\d.]+ \(Build ([\d.]+)\) greets you!\r\n/ p/Classic Hamster imapd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Oracle Email Server esimap\t([\d.]+) \t is ready\r\n| p/Oracle imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Kerio MailServer ([\d.]+) IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n| p/Kerio imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Kerio MailServer ([\d.]+) patch (\d+) IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n| p/Kerio imapd/ v/$1 patch $2/
match imap m|^\* OK Netscape IMAP4rev1 Service ([\d.]+) on ([-\w_.]+) at .*\r\n| p/Netscape imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 server ready \(Worldmail ([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Worldmail imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK HT Mail Server v([\d.]+) IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n| p/Icewarp imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Softalk IMAP Server ready\r\n| p/Softalk imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK Welcome to Binc IMAP| p/Binc imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Mirapoint IMAP4 ([-\w.]+) server ready\r\n| p/Mirapoint imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK FirstClass IMAP4rev1 server v([\d.]+) at ([-\w_.]+) ready\r\n| p/FirstClass imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 DvISE Mail Access Server MA-([\w.]+) \(\w+\)\r\n| p/DvISE imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 GNU mailutils ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/GNU mailutils imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP ([-\w_.]+) \(Version ([-\w.]+)\)\r\n| p/SurgeMail imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Samsung Contact IMAP server ([\d.]+) ready on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Samsung contact imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK \[([-\w_.]+)\] IMAP4rev1 Mercury/32 v([\w.]+) server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 imapd| v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ACL QUOTA LITERAL\+ NAMESPACE UIDPLUS CHILDREN BINARY LANGUAGE XSENDER X-NETSCAPE XSERVERINFO AUTH=PLAIN\] ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4 service \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([\w. ]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ACL QUOTA LITERAL\+ NAMESPACE UIDPLUS CHILDREN BINARY LANGUAGE XSENDER X-NETSCAPE XSERVERINFO AUTH=PLAIN STARTTLS\] Messaging Multiplexor \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server (\d[-\w_.]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Multiplexor imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4 service \(iPlanet Messaging Server ([\w. ]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun iPlanet Messaging Server imapd/ v/$2/ i/HotFix $3/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Anonymous Mail Server v([\d.]+) IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n| p/Anonymous Mail Server imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) ModusMail IMAP4 Server ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/ModusMail imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 Service at Jana-Server ready\r\n| p/JanaServer imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK \]-:\^:-\[ IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n| p/Merak Mail Server imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4 Service ([\d.()]+) at .*\r\n| p/SCO imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/SCO UNIX/
match imap m|^\* OK CommuniGate Pro IMAP Server ready\r\n| p/CommuniGate Pro imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAPrev1 Service Ready - hMailServer ([\w.-]+)\r\n| p/hMailServer imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 SmartMax IMAPMax (\d+) Ready\r\n| p/IMAPMax/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\+OK X1 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/IMail imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 SmarterMail\r\n| p/SmarterMail imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK Scalix IMAP server ([\d.]+) ready on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Scalix imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK Scalix IMAP server ([\d.]+) on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Scalix imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK .* GoMail V([-\w_.]+) IMAP4rev1| p/GoMail mass mailing plugin imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 ready! [-\w_.]+ Winmail Mail Server MagicWinmail Extend IMAP 101\r\n| p/Winmail imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4rev1 Mailtraq \(([\d.]+)\) ready\r\n| p/Mailtraq imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK CALLPILOT CallPilot IMAP4rev1 v([\d.]+) server ready\r\n| p/Nortel CallPilot imapd/ v/$1/ d/telecom-misc/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Zimbra IMAP4rev1 service ready\r\n| p/Zimbra imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) DKIMAP4 IMAP Server\r\n| p/DBOX DKIMAP4 imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP Module of ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Pro imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server X ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server X imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Mac OS X/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) running EIMS X ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server X imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Mac OS X/
match imap m|^\* OK MERCUR IMAP4-Server \(v([\w.]+) \w+\) for Windows ready| p/Atrium Software's Mercur imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK WebSTAR Mail ready\r\n| p/WebSTAR imapd/ o/Mac OS X/
match imap m|^\* OK Dovecot DA ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot DirectAdmin imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK Zarafa IMAP gateway ready\r\n| p/Zarafa imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK AXIGEN ([\w-_.]+) \(Linux/i686\) IMAP4rev1 service is ready\r\n| p/Axigen imapd/ i|Linux/i686| v/$1/ o/Linux/
match imap m|^\* BYE Hi This is the IMAP SSL Redirect\r\n| p/Lotus Domino secure imapd/ i/SSL redirect/
match imap m|^\* OK Hi This is the IMAP SSL Server .*\r\n| p/Lotus Domino secure imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK TeamXchange IMAP4rev1 server \(([\w-_.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/TeamXchange imapd/ h/$1/
# Fairly General
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 server ready at \d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \r\n| p/MailEnable Professional imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 Ready ([-\w_.]+) \w+\r\n| p/Perdition imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP server ready\r\n| p/hMailServer imapd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK IMAP4 proxy ready\r\n| p/imap proxy/
match imap-proxy m|^\* BYE PGP Universal no imap4 service here\r\n| p/PGP Universal imap proxy/ i/disabled/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK PGP Universal IMAP4rev1 service ready \(proxied server greeted us with: ([^)]+)\)\r\n| p/PGP Universal imap proxy/ i/Banner: $1/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK imapfront ready\. \+ stunnel\r\n| p/Mailfront imapfront imap proxy/ i/with stunnel/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK avast! IMAP Proxy\r\n| p/Avast! anti-virus imap proxy/ o/Windows/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1\] SpamPal for Windows\r\n| p/SpamPal imap proxy/ o/Windows/
softmatch imap m/^\* OK ([-.\w]+) [-.\w,:+ ]+imap[-.\w,:+ ]+\r\n$/i h/$1/
softmatch imap m/^\* OK [-.\w,:+ ]+imap[-.\w,:+ ]+\r\n$/i
# Cyrus IMSPD
match imsp m|^\* OK Cyrus IMSP version (\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n$| p/Cyrus IMSPd/ v/$1/
match intranetchat m|^\d+\0FORWARD\0\x0b\xc2c\x0c\xc1a\x9f@| p/Intranet Chat Server/
match ir-alerts m|^\x12\0\0\0\0Lexmark (\w+)\0| p/Lexmark $1 IR alerts/ d/printer/
# ircd-hybrid 7 on Linux
match irc m=^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (No|Got) Ident response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (Couldn't look up|Found) your hostname\r\n$= p/Hybrid-based ircd/
match irc m=^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (Couldn't look up|Found) your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (No|Got) Ident response\r\n$= p/Hybrid-based ircd/
match irc m=^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (Couldn't look up|Found) your hostname\r\n$= p/Hybrid-based ircd/
# ircu
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname, cached\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\n| p/ircu ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No ident response\r\n| p/ircu ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Couldn't look up your hostname\r\n| p/ircu ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got ident response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Couldn't look up your hostname\r\n| p/ircu ircd/
match irc m|^ERROR..Your host is trying to \(re\)connect too fast -- throttled\r\n| p/ircu ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n| p/ircu ircd/
# Hybrid6/PTlink6.15.0 ircd on Linux
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n$| p/Hybrid ircd/
# ircd 2.8/hybrid-6.3.1 on Linux
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No Ident response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n$| p/Hybrid ircd/
# ircd-hybrid-7.0 - apparently upset because Nmap reconnected too fast
match irc m|^ERROR :Trying to reconnect too fast\.\r\n| p/Hybrid ircd/
# Hybrid-IRCD 7.0 on Linux 2.4
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got Ident response\r\n| p/Hybrid ircd/
match irc m|^ERROR :Closing Link: \[[\d.]+\] \(Throttled: Reconnecting too fast\) -Email ([-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+) for more information\.| p/Unreal ircd/ i/Admin email $1/
# Sometimes multiple emails are specified, bad emails, etc
match irc m|^ERROR :Closing Link: \[[\d.]+\] \(Throttled: Reconnecting too fast\) -Email .* for more information\.| p/Unreal ircd/ i/Admin email $1/
match irc m|^ERROR :Closing Link: \[[\d.]+\] \(Too many unknown connections from your IP\)\r\n| p/Unreal ircd/
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) NOTICE Auth :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n| p/InspIRCd/ h/$1/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Processing connection to ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/ratbox ircd/ h/$1/
# No, Thomas Graf, this isn't leet :)
match irc m|^PING :42\r\n$| p/iacd ircd/
# Many different ircds...
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\n|
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\n| h/$1/
# dircproxy 1.0.3 on Linux 2.4.x
match irc-proxy m|^:dircproxy NOTICE AUTH :Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n:dircproxy NOTICE AUTH :Got your hostname\.\r\n| p/dircproxy/
# dirkproxy (modificated dircproxy)
match irc-proxy m|^:dirkproxy NOTICE AUTH :Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n:dirkproxy NOTICE AUTH :Got your hostname\.\r\n| p/dirkproxy/
# Unreal IRCD Server version 3.2 beta 17
match irc m|^:([-.\w]+) NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n| p/Unreal ircd/ h/$1/
# dancer-ircd 1.0.31+maint8-1
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No identd \(auth\) response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n$| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Couldn't look up your hostname\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname, welcome back\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No identd \(auth\) response\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got ident response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname, welcome back\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got ident response\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No identd \(auth\) response\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\*| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|(^:[-.\w]+) NOTICE AUTH :BitlBee-IRCd initialized, please go on\r\n| p/BitlBee IRCd/ h/$1/
match irc m|^Warning: Unable to read configuration file `.*/bitlbee\.conf'\.\n:[-\w_.]+\. NOTICE AUTH :BitlBee-IRCd initialized, please go on\r\n| p/BitlBee IRCd/
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) NOTICE Auth :Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n| p/Inspircd ircd/ h/$1/
match inspircd-spanning-tree m|^CAPAB START\r\nCAPAB MODULES [\w-_]+\.so,| p/Inspircd spanning tree/
# PTlink6.15.2 on Linux 2.4
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Hostname lookup disabled, using your numeric IP\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\n| p/PTlink ircd/
match irc m|(^:[-.+\w]+) NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\n:[-.+\w]+ NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\n:[-.+\w]+ NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\n| p/Bahamut Dalnet ircd/ i/derived from DreamForge and Hybrid/ h/$1/
match irc m|^ERROR Your host is trying to \(re\)connect too fast -- throttled\r\n| p/IRC2000 Pro ircd/
match irc m|^IRCXPRO ([\w-_.]+)\r\nAUTHREQUEST :Authentication Required\r\n| p/IRCXPRO admin ircd/ v/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!psyBNC@lam3rz\.de NOTICE \* :psyBNC([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ v/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!pb@lam3rz\.de NOTICE \* :pb([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ v/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!psyBNC@lam3rz\.de NOTICE \* :| p/psyBNC/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!psyBNC@[-\w_.]+ NOTICE \* :psyBNC on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ h/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!psyBNC@([-\w_.]+) NOTICE \* :psyBNC([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match irc-proxy m|^:sbnc!sbnc@sbnc\.soohrt\.org NOTICE \* :Wellcum\r\n| p/sbnc/
match issc m|^\rYou do not have permission to connect to the builder port\.\r\nTalk to an admin at port \d+ for entry\.\r\n| p/ISS System Scanner Console/
# ISS RealSecure Server Sensor for Windows 6.5 on Windows NT 4.0 Server SP6a
# ISS RealSecure ServerSensor 7.0 on Windows 2000 Server
# ISS RealSecure Server Sensor 6.0 on Windows NT 4.0 Server SP6a
# ISS RealSecure Server Sensor 7.0 issdaemon on Microsoft Windows NT Workstation with SP6a
match iss-realsecure m|^\0\0\0.\x08\x01\x03\x01\0.\x02\0\0..\0\0.\0\0\0..\0\0\x80\x04..\0.\0\xa0|s p/ISS RealSecure IDS/ o/Windows/
match ksystemguard m|^ksysguardd ([\d.]+)\n\(c\)| p/ksystemguardd/ v/$1/
match landesk m|^TDMM\x1c\0\0\0\x14\0\0\0| p/LANDesk Management Suite/ i/Targeted Multicast Service/
match ldap m|^unable to set certificate file\n6292:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file\.c:| p/OpenLDAP over SSL/ i/broken/
match lisa m|^\d+ \*+\n.*\x000 succeeded\n\0$|s p/LAN Information Server/ i/Sanitized/
match lisa m|^\d+ ([-\w_.]+)\n.*\x000 succeeded\n\0$|s p/LAN Information Server/ h/$1/
match lisa m|^\d+ .*\n\x000 succeeded\n\0$|s p/LAN Information Server/
match lisa m|^0 succeeded\n\0$| p/LAN Information Server/
match lmtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) LMTP Cyrus v(\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n| p/Cyrus Imap Daemon lmtpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match lmtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) LMTP Cyrus v([\d.]+)-Red Hat [\d.-]+ ready\r\n| p/Cyrus Imap Daemon lmtpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Linux/ i/on Red Hat/
match lmtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) DBMail LMTP service ready to rock\r\n| p/DBMail lmtpd/ h/$1/
match lmtp m|^220 DSPAM LMTP ([-\w_.]+) Ready\r\n| p/DSPAM lmtpd/ v/$1/
match lmtp m|^220 ([\w-_.]+) Zimbra LMTP ready\r\n| p/Zimbra lmtpd/ h/$1/
match munin m|^# munin node at ([-\w_.]+)\n$| p/Munin/ h/$1/
match multiplicity m|^MULTIPLICITYP$| p/Stardock Multiplicity KVM daemon/ o/Windows/
# The "^(\* [^\r\n]+\r\n)*?" construct on these matches is much faster
# than just using the matches without an anchor. -- Brandon
match mupdate m|^(\* [^\r\n]+\r\n)*?\* OK MUPDATE \"([-.\w]+)\" \"Cyrus Murder\" \"v([-.\w]+)\" \"\(master\)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus Murder Master/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match mupdate m|^(\* [^\r\n]+\r\n)*?\* OK MUPDATE \"([-.\w]+)\" \"Cyrus Murder\" \"v([-.\w]+)\" \"mupdate://([-.\w]+)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus Murder Slave/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/Master: $3/
softmatch napster m|^1$|
# Ncat --chat mode, since 4.85BETA4
match ncat-chat m|^<announce> [\d.:a-f]+ is connected as <\w+>\.\n<announce> already connected: (.*?)\.\n| p/Ncat chat/ i/users: $1/
match netop m|^\xd6\x81\x81\0\0\xf9\0\xf9\xee\xe3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/NetOp Remote Control/
match netrek m|^<>=======================================================================<>\n Pl: Rank Name Login Host name Type\n| p/Netrek game server player information interface/
match nrpep m|^nrpep - ([\d.]+)\n$| p|NetSaint Remote Plugin Executor/Perl| v/$1/
match ndmp m|^\x80\0\0L\0\0\0\0C\x88\xd7\xcb\0\0\0\0\0\0\x05\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x04\0\0\0%Connected to BlueArc NDMP session \d+\n\0\0\0| p/BlueArc ndmpd/
match nngs m|^>>messages/login\r\n----- Welcome to the No Name Go Server \(NNGS\) -----\r\n\r\n| p/No Name Go Server/
match donkey m|^.*\0\0\0\x06\0Donkey\x01\x0c\0\./donkey\.ini\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0|s p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P GUI port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f[\r\n* ]+Welcome to MLdonkey \r\n| p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P GUI port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\n\n\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n\n Welcome to MLdonkey chrooted| p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P GUI port/ i/chrooted/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f ?Welcome to MLdonkey ?\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n> | p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P server control port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to MLDonkey ([\d.]+)\n\x1b\[3.mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n> | p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P server control port/ v/$1/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n> | p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P server control port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to MLdonkey, visit http://mldonkey\.dyndns\.info for new Versions\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n> | p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P server control port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f([^']+)'s mlDonkey\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n>| p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P server control port/ i/name $1/
match donkey m|^ADDDOWNLOAD\(\d+\)\nhash\(\d+\)\nstate\([\w ]+\)\ntransmit\(\d+\)\nsize\(\d+\)\nfile\(\w+\)\nshared\(\d+\)\nthroughput\(\d+\)\nelapsed\(\d+\)\n;| p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P server information port/
match donkey m|^[\x00-\x10]\0\0\0\0\0[^\0]\0\0\0| p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P server/
match donkey m|^Telnet connection from [\d.]+ rejected \(see allowed_ips setting\)\n| p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P server control port/ i/IP disallowed/
match donkey m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: eserver ([\d.]+)\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>404 File not found - eserver is not a HTTP server</title>| p/Lugdunum eserver/ v/$1/
match monalisa m|^\xac\xed\0\x05sr\0\x1elia\.Monitor\.monitor\.monMessage\x8e\xf8\xad\xb0\x14\xe6`!\x02\0\x03L\0\x05identt\0\x12Ljava/lang/Object;L\0\x06resultq\0~\0\x01L\0\x03tagt\0\x12Ljava/lang/String| p/MonALISA monitoring service/
# Monopoly game server
match monopd m|^<monopd><server version=\"([\d.]+)\"/>.*</monopd>\n| p/monopd/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match mud m|^\n\r\xff\xfbUDo you want ANSI color\? \(Y/n\) $| p|ROM-based MUD| i|http://rrp.rom.org/|
match mysql m/^.\0\0\0\xff.*Host .* is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server$/s p/MySQL/ i/unauthorized/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xff.\x04Too many connections|s p/MySQL/ i/Too many connections/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xff.\x04Host '[-.\w]+' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'|s p/MySQL/ i/Host blocked because of too many connections/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xffj\x04Host hat keine Berechtigung, eine Verbindung zu diesem MySQL Server herzustellen\.|s p/MySQL/ i/unauthorized; German/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0.*Host '[-\w_.]+' hat keine Berechtigung, sich mit diesem MySQL-Server zu verbinden|s p/MySQL/ i/Unauthorized; German/
match mysql m/^.\0\0\0...Al sistema '[-.\w]+' non e` consentita la connessione a questo server MySQL$/s p/MySQL/ i/unauthorized; Italian/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xffi?\x04?Host .* is blocked because of many connection errors\.|s p/MySQL/ i/blocked - too many connection errors/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0...Servidor '[-.\w]+' est\xe1 bloqueado por muchos errores de conexi\xf3n\. Desbloquear con 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'|s p/MySQL/ i/Spanish; blocked - too many connection errors/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0...'Host' '[-.\w]+' n\xe3o tem permiss\xe3o para se conectar com este servidor MySQL| p/MySQL/ i/Spanish; unauthorized/
match minisql m|^.\0\0\x000:23:([\d.]+)\n$|s p/Mini SQL/ v/$1/
# MySQL 4.0.13
match mysql m/^.\0\0\0.(3\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0.*\x08\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$/s p/MySQL/ v/$1/
match mysql m/^.\0\0\0\n(3\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0...\0/s p/MySQL/ v/$1/
match mysql m/^.\0\0\0\n(4\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0/s p/MySQL/ v/$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\n(5\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0|s p/MySQL/ v/$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\n(6\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0...\0|s p/MySQL/ v/$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xffj\x04'[\d.]+' .* MySQL|s p/MySQL/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\n(0[\w-_.]+)\0| p/MySQL instance manager/ v/$1/
match nbd m|^NBDMAGIC\0\0B| p/Network Block Device/
match ncacn_http m|^ncacn_http/([\d.]+)$| p/Microsoft Windows RPC over HTTP/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match netbios-ssn m|^smbd: error while loading shared libraries: libattr\.so\.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n| p/Samba smbd/ i/Broken/
match netbus m|^NetBus ([\d.]+).*\r$| p/NetBus trojan/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match nntp m|^200 ([-.\w]+) DNEWS Version *(\d[-.\w]+).*posting OK \r\n| p/Netwinsite DNEWS/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/posting OK/
match nntp m|^200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version (\d[-.\w]+) running at| p/Leafnode NNTPd/ v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Lotus Domino NNTP Server for ([-./\w]+) \(Release (\d[-.\w]+), .*\) - Not OK to post\r\n$| p/Lotus Domino nntpd/ v/$2/ i/posting denied/ o/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Lotus Domino NNTP Server for ([-./\w]+) \(Release (\d[-.\w]+), .*\) - OK to post\r\n$| p/Lotus Domino nntpd/ v/$2/ i/posting ok/ o/$1/
match nntp m|^200 NNTP Service 5\.00\.0984 Version: (5\.0\.2159.1) Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ v/$1/ i/posting OK/ o/Windows 2000/
match nntp m|^200 NNTP Service Microsoft\xae Internet Services (\d[-.\w]+) Version: (\d[-.\w]+) Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service $1/ v/$2/ i/posting OK/ o/Windows/
match nntp m|^502 Connection refused\r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ i/refused/ o/Windows/
# Windows NT 4.0 SP5-SP6
match nntp m|^20[01] Microsoft Exchange Internet News Service Version (\d\.\d\.[.\d]+) \((.*)\)\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Internet News Service/ v/$1/ i/$2/ o/Windows/
match nntp m|^20. ([-.\w]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN (\d[-.\w ]+) ready \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/InterNetNews (INN)/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/posting ok/
match nntp m|^20. ([-.\w]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN (\d[-.\w ]+) ready \(no posting\)\.\r\n| p/InterNetNews (INN)/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/no posting/
match nntp m|^200 ArGoSoft News Server for WinNT/2000/XP v ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/ArGoSoft nntpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match nntp m|^400 No space left on device writing SMstore file -- throttling\r\n| p/InterNetNews (INN)/ i/HDD full/
match nntp m|^200 Leafnode NNTP daemon, version ([\w.]+) at ([-\w_.]+) \r\n| p/Leafnode nntpd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match nntp m|^\nLeafnode must have a fully-qualified and globally unique domain name,\nnot just \"([-\w_.]+)\"\.\n| p/Leadnode nntpd/ h/$1/ i/misconfigured/
match nntp m|^20\d ([\w.-_]+) NNTPCache server V([\d.]+) \[see www\.nntpcache\.org\]| p/NNTPCache/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^502 access denied <[-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+>, you do not have connect permissions in the nntpcache\.access file\.\r\n| p/NNTPCache/ i/Access denied/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN ([\d.]+) .* \(Debian\) ready \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Linux/ i/on Debian; posting ok/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews (NNRP )?server INN ([\d.]+) .* ready \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$3/ h/$1/ i/posting ok/
match nntp m|^201 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews (NNRP )?server INN ([\d.]+) .* ready \(no posting\)\.\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$3/ h/$1/ i/no posting/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews (NNRP )?server INN ([\d.]+) .* ready\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$3/ h/$1/
#atch nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews server INN 2\.4\.2 \(20040820 prerelease\) ready\r\n
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) NNRP Service Ready - [-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+ \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ h/$1/ i/posting ok/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews server INN ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 nntp//rss v([\d.]+) news server ready\r\n| p|nntp//rss nntpd| v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Hi, you can post \(sn version ([\w.]+)\)\r\n| p/sn nntpd/ v/$1/ i/posting ok/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) NNTP Service Ready, posting permitted\r\n| p/JAMES nntpd/ h/$1/ i/posting ok/
match nntp m|^200 Jana news server ready - posting allowed\r\n| p/Jana nntpd/ i/posting ok/ o/Windows/
match nntp m|^200 NNTP server NOFFLE ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/NOFFLE nntpd/ v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Servizio NNTP [\d.]+ Version: ([\d.]+) Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Servizio nntpd/ v/$1/ i/posting ok/
match nntp m|^502 Could not get your access name\. Goodbye\.\r\n| p/inn2 nntpd/ i/unauthorized/
match nntp m|^201 NNTP server ready \(no posting\)\r\n502 No permission\r\n| p/Symantic Enterprise Firewall nntpd/ i/unauthorized/ d/firewall/
match nntp m|^502 ([-\w_.]+): Transfer permission denied to [\d.]+ - [-\w_.@]+ \(DIABLO ([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n| p/Diablo nntpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
# Windows 2000 Server Windows Media Unicast Service (NsUnicast) - Nsum.exe
match nsunicast m|^4\0\0\0V4\x12\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x004\0\0\0\x04\0\xf0\0.\x07.\0.\0.\0.\0.\0.\0..\0\0\0\0.\0\0\0.\0\0\0\x02\0|s p/Microsoft Windows Media Unicast Service/ i/nsum.exe/ o/Windows/
match nsunicast m|^[4f]\0\0\0V4\x12\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x00[4f]\0\0\0.\0\xf0\0\xd3\x07\t\0.\0.\0.\0.\0.\0..\0\0\0\0.\0\0\0..\0\0.\0|s p/Microsoft Windows Media Unicast Service/ i/nsum.exe/ o/Windows/
match netsupport m|^.\0\x02\0([^\0]+)\0+.\0\x01\0|s p/NetSupport PC remote control/ i/Name $1/
match partimage m|^([\d.]+) SSL( LOG)?\0 +\0$| p/Partimage+SSL/ v/$1/ o/Linux/
match patrol m|^\0\0\0\r..Who are you\?\n\0|s p/BMC Patrol Agent/ o/Unix/
match pcanywheredata m/^\0X\x08\0\}\x08\r\n\0\.\x08.*\.\.\.\r\n/s p/PCAnywhere/ o/Windows/
match pbmasterd m|^pbmasterd(\d[-.\w]+)@[-.+\w]+: | p/Symark Power Broker pbmasterd/ v/$1/ i/privilege separation software/
match pblocald m|^pblocald(\d[-.\w]+)@[-.+\w]+: | p/Symark Power Broker pblocald/ v/$1/ i/privilege separation software/
match p4d m|^..\0\0\0xfiles\0\x01\0\0\x005\0server\0\x01\0\0\x003\0server2\0\x02\0\0\x00..\0|s p/Perforce configuration daemon/
# Pharos Notify 7.1
match pharos m/^PSCOM(\xb6|\$)\0\0.*AUTHENTICATE/s p/Pharos Notify/ i/printing client/
match poweroff m|^201 Welcome to Poweroff ([\d.]+) created by Jorgen Bosman\r\n| p/Poweroffd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match prelude-manager m|^\x01\x04\0\0\0\0\0\rD| p/Prelude IDS manager/
match polycom-mgc m|^NotAuthorized\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Polycom VSX 8000 MGC Manager/ d/webcam/
# This one is probably too specific... need more submissions
match pyro m|^PYRO\0\x04\0\x12\0\0\0\x10\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Python Remote Object Nameserver/
match pksd m|^usage: [/\w]*/etc/pksd\.conf conf_file\n$| p/PGP Public Key Server/ i/broken/
match pioneer-game m|^welcome to the pioneers-meta-server version ([\d.]+)\n| p/Pioneer game meta server/ v/$1/
# UW POP2 server on Linux 2.4.18
match pop2 m|^\+ POP2 [-\[\].\w]+ v([-.\w]+) server ready\r\n$| p/UW POP2 server/ v/$1/
# Novell Groupwise 6.0.1
match pop3 m|^\+OK GroupWise POP3 server ready\r\n$| p/Novell GroupWise pop3d/ o/Unix/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Ready when you are <200\d+\.| p/Hotmail Popper hotmail to pop3 gateway/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Internet Rex POP3 server ready <| p/Internet Rex Pop3 server/
match pop3 m|^\+OK DBMAIL pop3 server ready to rock <| p/DBMail pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 POPFile \(v(\d[-.\w]+)\) server ready\r\n| p/popfile pop3d/ v/$1/
# Dots in Revision to prevent MY CVS from screwing it up
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.+\w]+) Merak (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 | p/Merak mail server pop3d/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK \]-:\^:-\[ \]-:\^:-\[ POP3| p/Merak Mail Server pop3d/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) [-\w_.]+ Mail Server ([\d.]+) POP3 .*\d:\d\d:\d\d \+| p/Merak Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
# Mercury/32 3.32 pop3 Server module on Windows XP
match pop3 m|^\+OK <\d{6,10}\.\d{4,6}@([-.+\w]+)>, POP3 server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 pop3d| o|Windows| h|$1|
# gnu/mailutils pop3d 0.3.2 on Linux
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Ready <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n| p|GNU mailutils pop3d| h|$1|
# Solid POP3 Server 0.15 on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK Solid POP3 server ready\r\n| p/Solid pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Solid POP3 server ready <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n| p/Solid pop3d/ h/$1/
# Cyrus POP3 v2.0.16
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w\+]+) server ready ?\r\n| p/Cyrus POP3/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 Murder v(\d[-.\w\+]+) server ready ?\r\n| p/Cyrus POP3 Murder/ h/$1/ v/$2/
# pop3d (GNU Mailutils 0.3) on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Ready <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@(\w+)>\r\n| p/GNU Mailutils pop3d/ h/$1/
# Solid POP3 Server 0.15_1 on FreeBSD
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([\w\d_-]+\.[\w\d_.-]+) POP3 <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@[-.\w]+>\r\n| p/Solid pop3d/ h/$1/
# pop3d (GNU Mailutils 0.3) on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Ready <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@\w+>\r\n| p/GNU Mailutils pop3d/
# dovecot 0.99.10 on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK [Dd]ovecot ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK dovecot MUA ready\r\n| p/Dovecot MUA pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK [Dd]ovecot ready\. ?<.*@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK [Dd]ovecot on ([\w-_.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Dovecot ready -| p/Dovecot pop3d/
# teapop 0.3.5 on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK Teapop \[v?(\d[-.\w ]+)\] - Teaspoon stirs around again .*\r\n| p/Teapop pop3d/ v/$1/
# Qpopper v4.0.5 on Linux 2.4.19
match pop3 m|^\+OK ready \r\n$| p/Qpopper pop3d/
# Jana Server 1.45 on WIn98
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready <Jana-Server>\r\n| p/Jana POP3 server/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK AppleMailServer (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 server at ([-.\w]+) ready <\d| p/AppleMailServer pop3d/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match pop3 m|\+OK <10\d+\.\d+@([-.\w]+)> \[XMail (\d[-.\w]+) \(([-./\w]+)\) POP3 Server\] service ready; | p/XMail pop3 server/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/$3/
# Mail-Enable pop3 server 1.704
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to MailEnable POP3 Server| p/MailEnable POP3 Server/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server (\d[-.\w]+) <.*>\r\n| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server pop3d/ h/$1/ v/$2/
# Qpopper 4.0.3 on Linux
# QPopper 4.0.4 FreeBSD
match pop3 m|^\+OK ready <\d{1,5}\.10\d{8}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n| p/Qualcomm Qpopper pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Welcome to GNU POP3 Server Version (\d[-.\w]+) <.*>\r\n| p/GNU POP3 Server/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/eXtremail pop3d/ v/$1 rel$2/ h/$3/
match pop3 m|^\+OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) rev(\d+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/eXtrememail pop3d/ v/$1 rel$2 rev$3/ h/$4/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Welcome to vm-pop3d (\d[-.\w]+)| p/vm-pop3d/ v/$1/ i/derived from gnu-pop3d/
# tpop3d v1.4.2 on Linux - http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/tpop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\da-f]{32}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n| p/tpop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK UCB based pop server \(version (\d[-.\w]+) at sionisten\) starting\.\r\n| p/Heimdal kerberized pop3/ v/$1/ i/UCB-pop3 derived/
# VPOP3 (Virtual POP3 server) 2.0.0d on Windows 2000
match pop3 m|^\+OK VPOP3 Server Ready <.*>\r\n| p/PSCS VPop3/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version ([-.\w]+) ready .* on ([^/]+)/([^\.]+)\.\r\n| p/Lotus Domino POP3 server/ v/$1/ i/CN=$2;Org=$3/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version ([-.\w]+) ready on | p/Lotus Domino POP3 server/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version Release ([-.\w]+) ready on | p/Lotus Domino POP3 server/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 hotwayd v(\d[-.\w]+) -> The POP3-HTTPMail Gateway\.| p/hotwayd pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3 service \(Netscape Messaging Server (\d[^(]+) \(built ([\w ]+)\)\)\r\n| p/Netscape Messenging Server pop3/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/built on $3/
match pop3 m/^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+) server ready </ p/Cyrus pop3d/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+)-Red Hat [-\d.]+ server ready <| p/Cyrus pop3d/ h/$1/ v/$2/ i/Red Hat/ o/Linux/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+)-OS X ([\d.]+) server ready <| p/Cyrus pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ i/Mac OS X $3/ o/Mac OS X/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\S+Debian\S+) server ready| p/Cyrus pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ i/Debian/ o/Linux/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([\w-_.]+)> [\w-_.]+ Cyrus POP3 v([\w-_.]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus pop3d/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match pop3 m/^\+OK X1 NT-POP3 Server ([-\w.]+) \(IMail ([^)]+)\)\r\n/ p/IMail pop3d/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match pop3 m/^\+OK POP3 \[cppop (\d[^]]+)\] at \[/ p/cppop pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 ([-\w_.]+) \[cppop (\d[^]]+)\] at \[| p/cppop pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Gpop ready for requests from [\d\.]+ ([\w\d]+)| p/Google Gmail pop3d/ i/$1/
# MS Exchange
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m/^\+OK Microsoft Exchange 2000 POP3 server version (\S+).* ready\.\r\n/ p/MS Exchange 2000 pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m/^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 server version (\S+) ready\r\n/ p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 server version ([\d.]+) ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m/^\+OK Der Microsoft Exchange POP3-Server \(Version ([\d\.]+)\) ist betriebsbereit\.\r\n/ p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/German/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Der Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3-Server, Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\), steht zur Verf\xfcgung\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ i/German/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb0\xe6\xb1\xbe ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ i/Chinese/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m/^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3-server versie ([\d.]+) is gereed\.\r\n/ p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Dutch/
match pop3 m|^\+OK \xd1\xe5\xf0\xe2\xe5\xf0 Microsoft Exchange POP3 \xe2\xe5\xf0\xf1\xe8\xe8 ([\d.]+) \xe3\xee\xf2\xee\xe2\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Unknown language/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 kiszolg\xe1l\xf3 verzi\xf3 ([\d.]+) k\xe9sz\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Hungarian/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Le serveur POP3 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) est pr\xeat\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ i/French/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Le serveur POP3 Microsoft Exchange version ([\d.]+) est pr\xeat\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/French/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 server verze ([\d.]+) je p\xf8ipraven\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Czech/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 \xa6\xf8\xaaA\xbe\xb9\xaa\xa9\xa5\xbb ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) \xa5i\xa5H\xa8\xcf\xa5\xce\xa1C\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Taiwanese?/ h/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Servidor POP3 de Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 versi\xf3n ([\d.]+) \(([\w-_.]+)\) listo\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Spanish/ h/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Server POP3 di Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 versione ([\w-_.]+) \(([\w-_.]+)\) pronto\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/%1/ i/Italian/ h/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 POP3 service ready\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2007 pop3d/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2007 pop3d/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m/^\+OK QPOP \(version ([^)]+)\) at .*starting\./ p/Qpop pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m/^\+OK QPOP Modified by Compaq \(version ([^)]+)\) at .*starting\./ p/QPop pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m/^\+OK Qpopper .*\(version ([^)]+)\) at .*starting\./ p/Qpopper pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m/^\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3 server \(Netscape Mail Server v(\d[-.\w])\) ready/ p/Netscape Mail Server pop3d/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match pop3 m/^\+OK Cubic Circle's v(\d[-.\w]+) .* POP3 ready/ p/Cubic Circle Cucipop pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m/^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware, Version \S+ \(([^)]+)\)\r\n$/ p/ArGoSoft freeware pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server, Version [-.\w]+ \(([-.\w]+)\)\r\n$| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [-.\w]+ \(([-.\w]+)\)\r\n$| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Pro/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Plus for WinNT/2000, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Plus/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Oracle Email Server espop3\t([\d.]+) \t is ready\r\n| p/Oracle pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK InterMail POP3 server ready\.\r\n| p/InterMail pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[-\w_.]+@unspecified.host>\r\n| p/WinRoute Pro pop3/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[-\w_.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/WinRoute Pro pop3/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 server \(Netscape Messaging Server - Version ([\d.]+)\) ready .*\r\n| p/Netscape Messaginging Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK [-\w_.]+ PopMax version ([\d. ]+) POP3 Mail Server Ready, Willing, and Waiting\r\n| p/MailMax PopMax pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Welcome to GNU POP3 ([-\d.]+) <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/GNU POP3/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK popserver ([\d.]+) pop3 server ready\r\n| p/LiberoPops pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 server \(JAMES POP3 Server ([\w.]+)\) ready \r\n| p/JAMES pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server X ([\d.]+) <| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server X pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Mac OS X/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> \[XMail ([\d.]+) POP3 Server\] service ready; | p/XMail pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> \[XMail ([\d.]+) \(Linux/Ix86\) POP3 Server\] service ready; | p/XMail pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Linux/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Samsung Contact POP3 interface ready on: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Samsung Contact pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 service \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([-\d.]+) \(built .*\)| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Messaging Multiplexor \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server (\d[-\w_.]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Multiplexor pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Greetings from minipop ([\d.]+) <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/minipop pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ModusMail POP3 Server ([\d.]+) Ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/ModusMail pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 server \(DeskNow POP3 Server ([\d.]+)\) ready \r\n| p/DeskNow pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 SINA \(([-\d.]+)\) Server Ready\r\n| p/SINA pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) SpearMail POP3 server ready\r\n| p/Spearmail pop3d/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK SCO POP3 server \(version ([-\w.]+)\) at ([-\w_.]+) starting\.\r\n| p/SCO pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/SCO UNIX/
match pop3 m|^\+OK QPOP modified by SCO \(version ([-\w.]+)\) at ([-\w_.]+) starting\. \r\n| p/SCO-modified QPOP pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/SCO UNIX/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 on WebEasyMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.51webmail\.com\r\n| p/WebEasyMail pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK \(POP3\) hMailServer ([-\w.]+)\r\n| p/hMailServer pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Hi\r\n| p/Zoe Java pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Pop server at ([-\w_.]+) starting\.\r\n| p/BorderWare firewall pop3d/ h/$1/ d/firewall/
match pop3 m|^\+OK localhost Winmail Mail Server POP3 ready\r\n| p/Winmail pop3d/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to ([-\w_.]+), with Ability Mail Server ([\d.]+) by Code-Crafters\.\r\n| p/Code-Crafters pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK DAWKCo POP3 Server v([-\w_.]+) ready <| p/DAWKCo pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to ([-\w_.]+), powered by Ocean Mail Server ([\d.]+) <[\d.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n| p/Ocean Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)> ready for action \(Mailtraq ([\d.]+)/POP3\)\r\n| p/Mailtraq pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Solstice \(tm\) Internet Mail Server \(tm\) POP3 ([\d.]+)| p/Sun Solstice Internet Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to RaidenMAILD POP3 service v([\d.]+),| p/RaidenMAILD pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 FTGate4 server ready| p/Floosietek FTGate4 pop3d/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK DBOX POP3 Server ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/DBOX TCL pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 on WinWebMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.winwebmail\.com\r\n| p/WinWebMail pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 Server Version ([\d.]+) Copyright \d{4} International Messaging Associates\r\n| p/IMA pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK MERCUR POP3-Server \(v([-\w_.]+) \w+\) for Windows ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Atrium Software's Mercur pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK 4D Mail ([-\w_.]+) ready <| p/WebSTAR 4D pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS X/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) <[\d.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n| p/IA MailServer pop3d/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/qmail pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/MailMax pop3d/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/qpopper/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Scalix POP3 interface ready on: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Scalix pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) .* GoMail V([\d.]+) POP3| p/GoMail mass mailing plugin pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Welcome to ([-\w_.]+) using the Internet Anywhere Mail Server Version: ([\d.]+)\. Build: (\d+) by True North Software, Inc\.| p/True North Internet Anywhere pop3d/ v/$2 build $3/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK TrendMicro IMSS (\d[-.\w ]+) POP3 Proxy at ([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/TrendMicro IMSS virus scanning POP3 proxy/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK Proxy-POP server \(DeleGate/([\d.]+) by ysato AT delegate DOT org\) at ([-\w_.]+) starting\.\r\n| p/DeleGate pop3 proxy/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3-proxy m|^-ERR 403 The requested host is forbidden by WinProxy\. See your network administrator\.\n| p/WinProxy pop3 proxy/ i/IP forbidden/ o/Windows/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK UserGate: forward ready\r\n-ERR UserGate: Mistake of the protocol\r\n| p/UserGate pop3 proxy/ o/Windows/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK kingate pop3 proxy\r\n| p/kingate pop3-proxy/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK POP3 Proxy Server Ready\r\n| p/IronMail pop3-proxy/
# http://echelon.pl/pubs/poppassd.html
# you give it username, present password and new password, and
# it changes the password of the user.
# poppassd 1.8.1
match pop3pw m|^200 ([-.\w]+ )?poppassd v(\d[-.\w]+) hello, who are you\?\r\n| p|Poppassd| v|$2| i|http://echelon.pl/pubs/poppassd.html|
match pop3pw m|^200 poppassd hello, who are you\?\r\n| p/poppassd/
match pop3pw m|^200 hello there, who are you\?\r\n| p/poppassd/
match pop3pw m|^200 poppassd v([\w.]+) for Digital Unix with C2 security Hello, who are you\?\r\n| p/poppassd/ i/Digital Unix with C2 security/ v/$1/ o/Digital UNIX/
match pop3pw m|^200 courierpassd v(\d[-.\w]+) hello, who are you\?\r\n| p/Courierpassd pop3 password change daemon/
match pop3pw m|^200 ([-.+\w]+) MercuryW PopPass server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 poppass service| o|Windows| h|$1|
match pop3pw m|^200 X1 NT-PWD Server ([-.+\w]+) \(IMail (\d[-.\w]+)\)\r\n| p/IPSwitch Imail pop3 password change daemon/ h/$1/ v/$2/ o/Windows/
match pop3pw m|^200 CommuniGate Pro PWD Server (\d[-.\w]+) ready <| p/CommuniGate Pro pop3 password change daemon/ v/$1/
match pop3pw m|^\+OK ApplePasswordServer (\d[-.\w]+) password server at | p/ApplePasswordServer pop3 password change daemon/ v/$1/
match pop3pw m|^200 Stalker Internet Password Server ready\. V\.([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Stalker Mail Server password change daemon/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS/
match pptp m|^\0\x10\0\x01\x1a\+<M\0\x05\0\0\0\0\0\x01$| p/Point to Point Tunneling Protocol/
match pmud m|^pmud (\d[-.\w]+) \d+\n| p|pmud| i|http://sf.net/projects/apmud|
match printer m|^lpd \[@([-.\w]+)\]: Print-services are not available to your host \([-.\w]+\)\.\n| p/BSD lpd/ i/Unauthorized host/ h/$1/
# BSD lpr/lpd line printer spooling system (lpr v1:2000.05.07) on Linux 2.6.0-test5
match printer m|^([-.\w]+): lpd: Your host does not have line printer access\n| p|BSD/Linux lpd| h|$1| i|hostname denied|
match printer m|^lpd \[@([-\w_.]+)\]: connected from invalid port \(\d+\)\n| p|BSD/Linux lpd| h|$1| i|source port denied|
# Linux 2.4.18 lpr 2000.05.07-4.2
match printer m|^lpd: Host name for your address \(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\) unknown\n$| p/Linux lpd/ i/client IP must resolve/ o/Linux/
match printer m|^([/\w]+/)?lpd: (.*)\n| p/lpd/ i/error: $2/
# Mac OS X?
match printer m|^([-\w_.]+): lpd: hostname for your address \([\d.]+\) unknown\n| p/lpd/ h/$1/
match printer m|^[-\w_.]+: lpd: address for your hostname \([\d.]+\) not matched\n| p/lpd/
# Redhat Linux 7.3 LPRng-3.8.9
match printer m|^\x01no connect permissions\n$| p/LPRng/ i/Not authorized/
match printer m|^([-\w_.]+): lpsched: Malformed from address\n| p/lpsched/ h/$1/
match printer m|^([-\w_.]+): lpsched: Your host does not have line printer access\n| p/lpsched/ h/$1/ i/host denied/
match printer m|^([-\w_.]+): lpsched: Host name for your address \([\d.]+\) unknown\n| p/lpsched/ h/$1/ i/Unauthorized/
match printer m|^([-\w_.]+): /usr/lib/lpd: Malformed from address\n| p/lpd/ h/$1/
match printer m|^Printer Status ---> (.*) \nno entries\n| p/QMC DeskLaser printer/ i/Status $1/ d/printer/
match printer m|^\d+-202 your host does not have line printer access\.| p/AIX lpd/ i/Unauthorized/ o/AIX/
match printer m|^\d+-201 ill-formed FROM address\.$| p/AIX lpd/ o/AIX/
match printer-admin m|^LXK: $| p/Lexmark printer admin/ d/printer/
match pwdgen m|^\w+ \(\w+(-\w+)+\)\r\n$| p/pwdgen/
match qaweb m|^QAS2$| p/QuickAddress Pro for the Web/
match qsp-proxy m|^\x01\x01\0\x08\x1c\xee\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Symantec ManHunt/
# Windows QOTD service only has 12 quotes. Found on Windows XP in
# %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\quotes
match qotd m/^"(My spelling is Wobbly\.|Man can climb to the highest summits,|In Heaven an angel is nobody in particular\.|Assassination is the extreme form of censorship\.|When a stupid man is doing|We have no more right to consume happiness without|We want a few mad people now.|The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to|Here's the rule for bargains:|Oh the nerves, the nerves; the mysteries of this machine called man|A wonderful fact to reflect upon,|It was as true as taxes is\.)/ p/Windows qotd/ o/Windows/
match qotd m/^"(Mi ortograf\xeda tiembla\. Es bueno revisarla,|un hombre puede escalar a las m\xe1s altas cumbre|Algo maravilloso a poner de manifiesto:|Cuando un necio hace algo de lo que se aveg\xfcenza,|En el cielo, un \xe1ngel no es nadie en concreto|Traigamos unos cuantos locos ahora\.|Era tan verdad como los impuestos\. Y no|Hay libros cortos que, para entenderlos como se merecen,|La prosperidad hace amistades, y la adversidad las|El uso principal de un PC es confirmar la ley de|Quedarse en lo conocido por miedo a lo desconocido,|Cuando las leyes son injustas, no obligan en el fuero|Magia equivale a cualquier avance en la ciencia\.|Vale mejor consumir vanidades de la vida,)/ p/Windows qotd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/
# Some Italian qotds start with a space instead of a "
match qotd m/^.(Voce dal sen fuggita|Semel in anno licet insanire|Cosa bella e mortal passa e non dura|Quando uno stupido compie qualcosa di cui si vergogna,|Se tu pagare come dici tu,|Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,|Sperare senza far niente e` come)/ p/Windows qotd/ i/Italian/ o/Windows/
match qotd m/^"(Prazos longos sao f\xa0ceis de subscrever\.|Deus, para a felicidade do homem, inventou a f\x82 e o amor\.|Ao vencido, \xa2dio ou compaixao, ao vencedor, as batatas\.|Quem nao sabe que ao p\x82 de cada bandeira p\xa3blica,|Nao te irrites se te pagarem mal um benef\xa1cio; antes cair|A vida, como a antiga Tebas, tem cem portas\.)/ p/Windows qotd/ i/Portugese/ o/Windows/
# The German version doesn't start with "
match qotd m/^(Wer wirklich Autorit\xe4t hat, wird sich nicht scheuen,|Moral ist immer die Zuflucht der Leute,|Beharrlichkeit wird zuweilen mit Eigensinn|Wer den Tag mit Lachen beginnt, hat ihn|Wenn uns keine Ausweg mehr bleibt,|Gesichter sind die Leseb\xfccher des Lebens|Grosse Ereignisse werfen mitunter ihre Schatten|Dichtung ist verpflichtet, sich nach den|Ohne Freihet geht das Leben|Liebe ist wie ein Verkehrsunfall\. Man wird angefahren)/ p/Windows qotd/ i/German/ o/Windows/
match qotd m/^"(Clovek ma tri cesty, jak moudre jednat\. Nejprve premyslenim|Co je vubec hodno toho, aby to bylo vykonano,|Fantazie je dulezitejsi nez vedeni\.|Potize narustaji, cim vice se clovek blizi|Kdo nezna pristav, do ktereho se chce plavit,|Lidske mysleni ztraci smysl,|Nikdo nevi, co muze vykonat,|Nic neprekvapi lidi vice nez zdravy rozum|Zadny cil neni tak vysoky,)/ p/Windows qotd/ o/Windows/ i/Czech/
match qotd m/^"(L'art de persuader consiste autant|Le peu que je sais, c'est \x85 mon ignorance|Certaines \x83mes vont \x85 l'absolu comme l'eau|Le m\x82rite a sa pudeur comme la chastet|Rien de plus futile, de plus faux, de plus|\xb7 vaincre sans p\x82ril, on triomphe|Le comble de l'orgueil, c'est de se)/ p/Windows qotd/ o/Windows/ i/French/
match quagga m|^\r\nHello, this is [Qq]uagga \(version (\d[-.\w]+)\)\.\r\nCopyright 1996-200| p/Quagga routing software/ v/$1/ i/Derivative of GNU Zebra/
match qtopia-transfer m|^220 Qtopia transfer service ready!\n| p/Qtopia transfer daemon/ d/PDA/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP service \(Netscape Messaging Server ([-.+ \w]+) \(built| p/Netscape Messaging Server/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match smtp m|^220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) NTMail \(v([-.+\w]+)/.* ready| p/Trend Micro InterScan/ h/$2/ v/$1/ i/on NTMail $3/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP Postfix\r\n| p/Trend Micro InterScan/ h/$2/ v/$1/ i/on Postfix/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: ([\d.]+) ready at| p/Trend Micro InterScan/ h/$2/ v/$1/ i/on Microsoft ESMTP $3/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n| p/Trend Micro InterScan/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) InterScan VirusWall NT ESMTP (\d[-.\w]+) \(build (\d+)\) ready at | p/Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall SMTP/ h/$1/ v/$2 build $3/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) GroupWise Internet Agent (\S+) .*Novell, Inc\..*\r\n| p/Novell GroupWise/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match smtp m|^220 Matrix SMTP Mail Server v([\w.]+) on <MATRIX_([\w]+)> Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\r\n| p/Matrix SMTP Mail Server/ v/$1/ i/on Matrix $2/
match smtp m|^220([\s-]\S+) ESMTP Postfix| p/Postfix smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 [\*\d\ ]{2,300}\r\n| p|Cisco PIX sanitized smtpd| d|firewall|
match smtp m|^220 ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version ([-.\w]+) \(([-.\w]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro/ v/$1/ i/$2/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ArGoSoft Mail Server Plus for WinNT/2000, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Plus/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP server \(Post.Office v([-.\w]+) release ([-.\w]+) ID# | p/Post.Office/ h/$1/ v/$2 release $3/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Oracle Email Server SMTP Inbound Server\t([\d.]+) \t Ready\r\n| p/Oracle smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Mail essentials server \(([\d.]+)\) ready for ESMTP transfer\r\n| p/Mail essentials for Exchange smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP - WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/WinRoute Pro smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Lyris ListManager service ready\r\n| p/Lyris ListManager smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Lyris service ready\r\n| p/Lyris smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Lyris ListManager service ready\r\n| p/Lyris ListManager smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP on WebEasyMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.51webmail\.com\r\n| p/WebEasyMail smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) AntiVir MailGate\r\n| p/AntiVir MailGate smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 server ESMTP KEN! v([\d.]+); .*\r\n| p/AVM KEN! smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) NTMail \(v([\d.]+)/[\w.]+\) ready for ESMTP transfer \r\n| p/NTMail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220-([-\w_.]+) Sendmail IBM OS/2 SENDMAIL VERSION ([\w./]+) ready at .*\r\n220 ESMTP spoken here\r\n| p/Sendmail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o|OS/2|
match smtp m|^220 imss-2 ESMTP ready at .*\r\n| p/Trend IMSS smtpd/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Service ready\.\r\n214- Valid commands are:\r\n214- HELO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET QUIT NOOP\r\n214- HELP VRFY\r\n214- Commands not valid are:\r\n214- SEND SOML SAML TURN\r\n.*214- [-\w_.]+ is running the OS/400 operating system\.\r\n|s p|OS/400 smtpd| o|OS/400|
match smtp m|^220 shttp\.srv Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\r\n| p/Small Home Server smtpd/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^501 Domain must resolve\r\n$| p/odmrd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ModusMail ESMTP Receiver Version ([\d.]+) Ready\r\n| p/ModusMail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 mailmatrix SMTP Server \(Mail Matrix Server\) ready| p/Mail Matrix smtpd/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220-([-\w_.]+) ESMTP .* GoMail V([\d.]+);| p/GoMail mass mailing plugin smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 [-\w_.]+ Winmail Mail Server ESMTP ready\r\n| p/Winmail smtpd/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP \(Code-Crafters Ability Mail Server ([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Code-Crafters Ability smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Welcome to the Internet Anywhere Mail Server Version: ([\d.]+)\. Build: (\d+) by True North Software, Inc\.\r\n| p/True North Internet Anywhere smtpd/ v/$2/ i/Build $3/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
# Notice the ; immediatley after the host
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+); .* \+\d+\r\n| p/Webwasher CSM Suite smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^451 Temporary local problem - please try later\r\n| p/Qmail smtpd/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^421 unable to read controls \(#4\.3\.0\)\r\n| p/Qmail smtpd/ i/qmail-smtpd-auth 0.31/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^554 Please check your SMTP server is set to [-\w_.]+\.co\.uk\. Further help is available at| i/Wanadoo blocks smtp - NOT A REAL smtpd!/
match smtp m|^554 Please check that your outgoing mail server settings are correct\. Contact your service provider's technical support for assistance\.\n| i/Wanadoo blocks smtp - NOT A REAL smtpd!/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) V([\w-_.]+), OpenVMS V([\w-_.]+) Alpha ready at .* \r\n| p/OpenVMS smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ i/OpenVMS $3; Alpha/ o/OpenVMS/
match smtp m|^220 rblsmtpd\.local\r\n| p/rblsmtpd wrapped smtpd/ i/Connecting from banned IP/
match smtp m|^rblsmtpd: [\d.]+ pid \d+:.*220 rblsmtpd\.local\r\n|s p/rblsmtpd wrapped smtpd/ i/Connecting from banned IP/
match smtp m|^220 Welcome to the Advanced SMTP Server\r\n| p/SoftStack Advanced smtpd/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 HMailServer ESMTP\r\n| p/HMailServer smtpd/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 SMTP-Server The Croatian Classic Hamster Ver\. [\d.]+ \(Podverzija ([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Classic Hamster smtpd/ v/$1/ i/Croatian/
match smtp m|^220 I, CALLPILOT\[[\d.]+\], speak ESMTP\. Talk to me\.\r\n| p/Nortel CallPilot imapd/ d/telecom-misc/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Welcome to RaidenMAILD E?SMTP service v([\d.]+),| p/RaidenMAILD smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP [^ ]+ CMailServer ([\d.]+) SMTP Service Ready\r\n| p/Youngzsoft CMailServer smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP on WinWebMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.winwebmail| p/WinWebMail smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220-W E L C O M E T O Q U A R K M A I L S M T P S E R V I C E !\r\n220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server \(quarkmail server - version ([\d.]+)\) ready| p/Quarkmail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match sobby m|^obby_welcome:\d+\nnet6_encryption:\d+\n| p/Sobby collaborative editing/
match sophos m|^IOR:[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}| p/Sophos Message Router/ i/Interroperable Object Reference Service/
match sourceoffice m|^200\r\nProtocol-Version:(\d[.\d]+)\r\nMessage-ID:\d+\r\nDatabase .*\r\nContent-Length:\d+\r\n\r\n(\w:\\.*ini)\r\n\r\n| p/Sourcegear SourceOffSite/ i/Protocol $1; INI file: $2/
match sourceoffice m|^250\r\nProtocol-Version:(\d[.\d]+)\r\nMessage-ID:\d+\r\nDatabase .*\r\nContent-Length:\d+\r\nKey Length:(\d+)\r\n\r\n.*(\w:\\.*ini)\r\n\r\n|s p/Sourcegear SourceOffSite/ i/Protocol $1; Key len: $2; INI file: $3/
match spmd m|^SPMD_ACK\0\0\x01\0\x01$| p/Softimage XSI SPMD license server/ o/Windows/
match ssh m|^\0\0\0\$\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x1bNo host key is configured!\n\r!\"v| p/Foundry Networks switch sshd/ i/broken: No host key configured/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-SSF-(\d[-.\w]+)\r?\n| p/SSF French SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-lshd_(\d[-.\w]+) lsh - a free ssh\r\n\0\0| p/lshd secure shell/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-lshd-(\d[-.\w]+) lsh - a GNU ssh\r\n\0\0| p/lshd secure shell/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m/^SSH-([.\d]+)-Sun_SSH_(\S+)/ p/SunSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m/^SSH-([.\d]+)-meow roototkt by rebel/ p/meow SSH ROOTKIT/ i/protocol $1/
# Akamai hosted systems tend to run this - found on www.microsoft.com
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[.\d]*)-(AKAMAI-I*)\r?\n$| p/Akamai SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[.\d]*)-(Server-V)\r?\n$| p/Akamai SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[.\d]*)-(Server-VI)\r?\n$| p/Akamai SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[.\d]*)-(Server-VII)\r?\n| p/Akamai SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[.\d]+)-Cisco-(\d[.\d]+)\r?\n$| p/Cisco SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/IOS/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[.\d]+)-CiscoIOS_([\d.]+)XA\r?\n| p/Cisco SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1; Chinese IOS XA/ o/IOS/
match ssh m|^\r\nDestination server does not have Ssh activated\.\r\nContact Cisco Systems, Inc to purchase a\r\nlicense key to activate Ssh\.\r\n| p/Cisco CSS SSH/ i/Unlicensed/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[.\d]+)-VShell_(\d[._\d]+) VShell\r?\n$| p/VanDyke VShell sshd/ v/$SUBST(2,"_",".")/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-0\.0 \r?\n| p/VanDyke VShell sshd/ i/version info hidden; protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w.]+) VShell\r?\n| p/VanDyke VShell/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) F-SECURE SSH.*\r?\n| p/F-Secure sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-ReflectionForSecureIT_([-\w_.]+) - Process Software MultiNet\r\n| p/WRQ Reflection for Secure IT sshd/ v/$2/ i/OpenVMS MultiNet; protocol $1/ o/OpenVMS/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-ReflectionForSecureIT_([-\w_.]+)\r?\n| p/WRQ Reflection for Secure IT sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[.\d]+)-SSH Protocol Compatible Server SCS (\d[-.\w]+)\r?\n| p/SCS NetScreen sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-SSH Compatible Server\r?\n| p/SCS NetScreen sshd/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_3\.4\+p1\+gssapi\+OpenSSH_3\.7\.1buf_fix\+2006100301\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/3.4p1 with CMU Andrew patches/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w.]+)\.RL\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2.RL Allied Telesis/ i/protocol $1/ d/switch/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w.]+)-(CERN\d+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2-$3/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([-\w.]+)\.cern-hpn| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2-cern-hpn/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([-\w.]+-hpn)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([-\w.]+-pwexp\d+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/AIX/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([p\d.]+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Nortel\r?\n| p/Nortel SSH/ d/switch/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([-\w_.]+) DragonFly-\d+\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/DragonFlyBSD/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nPlease type \[Return\] two times, to initialize telnet configuration\r\nFor HELP type \"\?\"\r\n> | p/HP JetDirect printer telnetd/ d/printer/
# HP JetDirect 300X print server
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nHP JetDirect\r\n\r\nPassword:$| p/HP JetDirect printer telnetd/ d/printer/
# IBM High Performace Switch - Model 8275-416, Software version 1.1, Manufacturer IBM068
match telnet m|^\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[8;38H\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2;1H\(C\) Copyright IBM Corp\. 1999\x1b\[3;1HAll Rights Reserved\.| p/IBM switch telnetd/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[H\x1b\[2JYou have connected to a FirstClass System\. Please login\.\.\.\r\nUserID: | p/FirstClass messaging system telnetd/
# Cisco Catalyst management console
# 3Com 3Com SuperStack II Switch 3300
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01| i|Usually a Cisco/3com switch| d|switch| o/IOS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nSun\(tm\) Advanced Lights Out Manager (\d[-.\w]+) \(v(\d+)\)\r\n\r\nPlease login: | p/Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager/ v/$1/ i/on Sun v$2; for remote system control/ d/remote management/
# Epson Stylus Color 900N telnet
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01Connected to [-/.+\w]+!\r\n\r\nPassword: | p/Epson printer telnetd/ d/printer/
# This one may not technically be considered telnet protocol, but you seem to use it via telnet
match telnet m|^220 SL4NT viewer service ready\r\n250 Currently connected channels: | p/Netal SLANT viewer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff.*\r\rFrontDoor (\d[-.\w]+)/|s p/FrontDoor FIDONet Mailer telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nOK\r\n$| p/Motorola Vanguard router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Check Point FireWall-1 Client Authentication Server running on [-.\w]+\r\n\r\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x03User: | p/Check Point FireWall-1 Client Authenticaton Server/
# Enterasys XP-8600 running E9.0.5.0
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd!| p/Enterasys XSR Security Router telnetd/ d/router/
# Windows 2000 telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd%\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0$| p/Microsoft Windows 2000 telnetd/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01GUI START\n| p/Microsoft Windows 2000 telnetd/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service \r\n| p/Microsoft Windows 2000 telnetd/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0Microsoft \(R\) Windows \(TM\) Version (\d[-.\w]+) \(Build (\d+)\)\r\nWelcome to Microsoft Telnet Service \r\nTelnet Server Build (\d[-.\w]+)\n\rlogin: | p/Microsoft Windows telnetd/ v/$3/ i/OS version $1 build $2/ o/Windows/
# Windows XP telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd%\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0| p/Microsoft Windows XP telnetd/ o/Windows XP/
match telnet m|^\r\nNo more connections are allowed to telnet server\. Please try again later\.\0| p/Microsoft Windows XP telnetd/ o/Windows XP/ i/no more connections allowed/
# IRIX 6.5.18f telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd\$| p/IRIX telnetd/ v/6.X/ o/IRIX/
# OS 400 V4R4M0
# OS/400 V5R1M0
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x18$| p|IBM OS/400 telnetd| o|OS/400|
# JetDirect Model: J4169A Firmware: L.21.11
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x07HP JetDirect\r\nPassword is not set\r\n| p/HP JetDirect printer telnetd/ i/No password/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n.*Bay Networks (Bay[-.: \w]+)\n\r|s p/Bay Networks telnetd/ i/$1/
match telnet m/^Check Point FireWall-1 authenticated Telnet server running on/ p/Check Point Firewall-1 telnetd/
match telnet m/^\r\nSpeedStream ([^(\r\n]+) \(.*\) v(\S+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd/ p/SpeedStream $1/ v/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\rType \"\?\" at the command prompt for a list of commands\.\n\r.*Command-> |s p/SpeedStream 5660 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nHP JetDirect\r\n\r\nPlease type \"?\" for HELP, or \"/\" for current settings\r\n> $| p/HP JetDirect telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m/^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\rD\r \n\r (DES-.*) Command Line Interface\n\r\n/ p/D-Link $1 telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[21;1H\x1b\[0m\*+\x1b\[22;1H\x1b\[0mMessage Area:\x1b\[24;1H\x1b\[7mCTRL\+R = Refresh +\x1b\[9;16H\x1b\[0mDES-3624 Stackable Fast Ethernet Switch Console Management\x1b| p/D-Link DES-3624 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m/^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfc\x1f\n\r\n\rUser Access Verification\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\rShell version (\d\S+).*Maipu Communication Technology Co\./ p/Maipu Router/ i/shell v$1/ d/router/
match telnet m/^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x1b.*Intel Corporation, ([-+. \w()]+)/s p/Intel telnetd/ i/on $1/
match telnet m|^\r\nFlowPoint/(.*) Ready\r\n.*\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb| p/Flowpoint telnet/ i/on $1/
match telnet m/Welcome to Tenor Multipath Switch Telnet Server.*Type: (\S+)/s p/Tenor telnetd/ v/$1/ i/on Multipath Switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aCisco\x20Systems.*Console/Telnet Access of the ([-. \w]+) for Configuration Purposes|s p/Cisco $1 telnetd/
# Cisco 350 Series Wireless AP 11.05
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08 \x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08| p/Cisco WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\r\nUser Access Verification\r\r\n\r\r\nUsername:| p/Cisco PIX 500 series telnetd/ d/firewall/ o/IOS/
# Cisco Catalyst 6509 - WS-C6509 Software, Version NmpSW: 5.5(1)
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\r\n\r\nCisco Systems Console\r\n| p/Cisco Catalyst switch telnetd/ d/switch/ o/IOS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\nPassword required, but none set\r\n| p/Cisco router telnetd/ i/password required but not set/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Access not permitted\. Closing connection\.\.\.\n$|s p/Cisco catalyst switch telnetd/ i/access denied/ d/switch/
# The match below matches Cisco microswitch devices and also Edge-core ES3526XA
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18$| p|Cisco or Edge-core switch telnetd| d/switch/
# OpenBSD 2.3
# FreeBSD 5.1
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd%$| p/BSD-derived telnetd/
# Solaris 9
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd#\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\$$| p/Sun Solaris telnetd/ o/Solaris/
# Redhat Linux 7.3 telnet
match telnet m|\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd'$| p/Linux telnetd/ o/Linux/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\rUser Name : $| p/APC network management card telnetd/ d/power-device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\n\rUser Name : | p|APC telnetd| i|Power/UPS device| d|power-device|
# Note that openwall telnetd is derived from OpenBSD telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\$$| p|Openwall GNU/*/Linux telnetd| o|Linux|
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nHP JetDirect\r\n\r\nPlease type \"\?\" for HELP, or \"/\" for current settings\r\n> $| p/HP Jet Direct printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nAXIS (\S+) TELNET| p/AXIS Webcam/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\nTelebit\'s NetBlazer Version (\S+)\r\n| p/Telebit NetBlazer/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03.*?FORE\x20Systems,\x20FORE\x20ES-2810.*?Version (\d[\d\.-]+)| p/FORE Systems ES-2810/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01.*ForeRunner ES-3810.*Enter Username: | p/FORE Systems ES-3810/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nCopyright \(C\) 1999 by Extreme Networks\r\r\n| p/Extreme Networks telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03.*?ES-1000\x20Fast\x20Ethernet\x20Switch\x20Console| p/Marconi ES-1000/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01login:\x20$| p/telnet/ i/generic/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05Welcome to ([-\w_]+) Debug Terminal - \d*\n\r\n\r\n\rlogin:| p/hp StorageWorks SSL1016 tape autoloader telnetd/ i/Name: $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nWelcome to Print Server\r\n\r\nPS>| p|Generic print server telnetd| d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([-\w_.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : USB Print Server\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nF/W Version : ([\d.]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/TRENDNet TE4100-PS1U telnetd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ i/MAC: $3; Uptime $4/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([-\w_.]+)\r\nServer Model : Pocket Size Print Server\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nF/W Version : ([\d.]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\nPlease Enter Password:| p/Lexmark W810 telnetd/ v/$2/ i/Name $1; MAC $3; Uptime $4/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\npassword: $| p/Cisco LocalDirector telnetd/ d/load balancer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\xfb\xff\xfd\x03\x1b\[H\x1b\[2JYou have connected to a FirstClass System\. Please login\.\.\.\r\nUserID: | p/FirstClass telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nWelcome to GoodTech Telnet Server for Windows 95/98 \(V([\d.]+)\) \(Evaluation Copy\)\n\r\n\(C\) Copyright \d+-\d+ GoodTech Systems, Inc\.\n\r\n\nLogin username: | p/GoodTech telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Ver\. ([\d.]+)\n\rEvaluation copy, \d+ users enabled\. Expiration date is \d+/\d+/\d+\.\n\r\n\rPlease wait\.\.\.\n\rUser \d+ of \d+\n\r\n\r\n\rlogin:| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Evaluation copy/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP Version ([\d.]+)\n\rYour evaluation copy of this product expired, disconnecting\.\.\.| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Expired trial/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Ver\. ([\d.]+)\n\rRegistered copy, \d+ users enabled\.\n\r\n\rPlease wait\.\.\.\n\rUser \d+ of \d+\n\r\n\r\n\rlogin:| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Registered version/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista Ver\. ([-\w_.]+)\n\r| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ o/Windows/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000 Version ([\w-_.]+)\n\rRegistered copy| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Registered version/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\t\tWelcome to X330WAN-2DS1\r\n\t\tSW version ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Avaya X330WAN-2DS1 telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w.]+) \(.*\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n.*root@OpenWrt:/# |s p/OpenWRT telnetd/ i/open; BusyBox $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to DSLink 200 U/E\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rGlobespanVirata Inc\., Software Release VIK-([\w.]+)\n\r| p/DSLink 200 adsl modem telnetd/ v/Software version $1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0This copy of the Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services is registered as licensed to:\r\n\t(.*)\r\n\r\nAccount Name: | p/Ataman TCP Remote Logon Service telnetd/ i/Registered to $1/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18Windows NT Workstation ([\d.]+) \(build \d+\) Service Pack (\d+)\r\nRemotelyAnywhere Telnet Server ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/RemotelyAnywhere telnetd/ v/$3/ i/WinNT $1 SP$2/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\r\nSorry, Access to Telnet is Denied\.\r\n$| p/Motorola VT1000v VOIP Adapter telnetd/ i/Access denied/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\[ORiNOCO-AP-600-[-\w]+\]> Please enter password: | p/ORiNOCO AP 600 telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\xfd\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\rFabric OS \(tm\) Release v([\w.]+)\n\r\n\r| p/Brocade SilkWorm switch telnetd/ i/Fabric OS $1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r-> \x08\x08\x08\x08 \*\*\* EPSON Network Print Server \(([^)]+)\) \*\*\*\n\r\n\r\x08\x08\x08\x08 \n\rPassword: | p/EPSON Network print server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix MSS100 Version V([\d.]+)/\d+\(\d+\)\n\r\nType HELP at the 'Local_2> ' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\n\r\n\nUsername> | p/Lantronix MSS100 serial interface telnetd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\r\0\r\n\x07# \0| p/Lantronix MSS100 serial interface telnetd/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01OPTIBASE MGW5100 COMMAND LINE INTERFACE\r\n| p/Optibase MGW5100 TV streaming device telnetd/ d/media device/ o/VxWorks/
match telnet m|^\r\n\0Videolan Server Administration System\0\r\n\r\n\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\"Login: \0| p/Videolan Server telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nCopyright \d+ Sun Microsystems, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\r\nUse is subject to license terms\.\r\n\r\n\r\nSun\(tm\) Advanced Lights Out Manager ([\d.]+) \(setup\)\r\n\r\nPlease login: | p/Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Solaris/
match telnet m|^rsconfig: port rose not active\n\xff\xfd\"\r\nLinuxNode v([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/LinuxNode telnetd/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/Linux/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n# | p/MacSense HomePod Wireless MP3 Player telnetd/ i/BusyBox $1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n# | p/Netgear DG834G telnetd/ i/BusyBox $1/ d/router/
# Fairly common so relying on release date:
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \(2006\.02\.15-21:18\+0000\) Built-in shell \(msh\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n# | p/DiskEdge storage telnet config/ i/root shell; BusyBox $1/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nRouter>| p/Cisco 806 router telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfc\"\x1b\[2J\x1b\[3;0H\x1b\[0mLogin Menu \x1b\[m\x1b\[4;0H\x1b\[0m_+\x1b\[m\x1b\[1;0H\x1b\[0mMCT-2114 Version ([\d.]+) \x1b\[m\x1b\[20;10H\x1b\[0m| p/MCT-2114 switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nMSDOS [\d.]+ Windows [\d.]+ \([\d.]+\) \(ttyp\d\)\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Windows for Workgroups telnetd/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^USR5450 Telnet server v([\d.]+)\n\r\nPassword : | p/USR5450 access point telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x1b\[1}\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1HLogin Name: | p/HP Integrated Lights Out remote configuration telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[m\x1b\[m\x1b\[m\x1b\[m\x1b\[m\x1b\[16;35H\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[16;35H\x1b\[1;1HLogin Screen\x1b\[8;5HCopyright \(c\) \d+-\d+ Enterasys Networks, Inc\. All rights reserved\x1b.*RoamAbout R2\x1b|s p/Enterasys RoamAbout WAP router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Welcome to the OfficeConnect\(TM\) LAN modem Telnet Server\n\rConnected From IpAddr/Port# \w+/\d+ To Port# \d+\n\r\nLANmodem> Password: | p/3Com OfficeConnect LAN modem telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : [^\0]+\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nModel +: DP-([\d.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nFirmware Version : ([\d.]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUp Time : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/D-Link DP-$1 router telnetd/ i/Firmware $2; MAC $3; Uptime $4/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\d\d-\w+-\d+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d %MSCM-I-NEWTERM: New TELNET connection from ([\d.]+)\r\r\nPassword:| p/Dell PowerConnect switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01User Name:| p/Dell PowerConnect switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\r Copyright \(C\) \d+ Multi-Tech Systems, Inc\.,\n\r Multi-Tech Systems, Inc\.,\n\r 2205 Woodale Drive, Mounds View,\n\r Minnesota 55112, USA\.\n\r\n\r MultiVOIP Version ([\d.]+)\n\r| p/Multicom voip telnetd/ i/MultiVOIP $1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\r\n\r\r\n\r Welcome to the WRT54G Shell Box\r\n\r\r\n\rFirmware version: Wifi-box\.net ([\d.]+)\.wfb \d\d/\d\d/\d\d\r\n| p/Linksys WRT54G with wifi-box.net firmware telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03EthernetBoard OkiLAN 8100e Ver 0([\d.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\n\r\0\nlogin: | p/OkiLAN 8100e print server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\n\nLantronix ETS16 Version V([\d.]+)/\d+\(\d+\)\n\r\0\nType HELP at the 'BRTR-ETS16>' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\0\nUsername> | p/Lantronix ETS16 terminal server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/terminal server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03TELNET session now in ESTABLISHED state\r\n\r\n(.*) login: | p/Allied Telesyn Rapier switch telnetd/ i/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nWelcome to GoodTech Systems Telnet Server for Windows \S+ \(Evaluation Copy\)\n\r\n\(C\) Copyright \d+-\d+ GoodTech Systems, Inc\.\n\r\n\nLogin username: | p/GoodTech Systems telnetd/ i/Evaluation copy/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfd\x1fBytefusion Telnet ([\d.]+), Copyright \d+-\d+ Bytefusion Ltd\.\n\rUnregistered Evaluation\. See www\.bytefusion\.com/telnet\.html\r\n\n\rWIN3 Login: | p/Bytefusion telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Evaluation copy/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^Windows Telnet Server Version ([\d.]+)\r\nCopyright\(C\) Jordan Stojanovski \d+\r\n------------------------------------\r\nUser name: | p/Jordan Stojanovski Windows telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0This is an unregistered copy of the Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services\.\r\nThe Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services has a \d+ day evaluation period\.\r\nThis copy was installed \d+ days ago\.\r\n\r\nAccount Name: | p/Ataman telnetd/ i/Evaluation copy/ o/Windows/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1f\x1b\[37m +\x1b\[2;1f +\x1b\[3;1f +\x1b\[4;1f -+ +\x1b\[5;1f\| KpyM Telnet Server v([\d.]+) +\|= p/KpyM telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[2J\x1b\(0\x1b\[01;00Hlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk\x1b| p/3Com Linkswitch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nD-link Corp\. Access Point login: | p/D-Link DWL access point telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18 \x1bc\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1HTelnet\r\n\x1b\[3;1H CF8720 Olicom Fast Ethernet L3 Switch| p/Olicom CrossFire 8720 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0;1H\x1b\[J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0;1H\x1b\[J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0m =+\r\n AT-8326GB Management System Version ([\d.]+) \r\n Remote - Telnet\r\n| p/Allied Telesyn 8326GB switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n Welcome to Quidway A8010 Expert Multiservice Access Switch\r\n| p/Huawei Quidway A8010 remote access telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0m-.*Enter case-sensitive username\. No username is assigned by default\.|s p/Intel 460T Standalone switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\[TS\]\r\n$| p/Teamspeak VoIP Information telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\*+\n\r\r\* Copyright \(c\) \d+ Nortel Networks, Inc\. \*\n\r\r\* All Rights Reserved +\*\n\r\r\* Passport 8010 +\*\n\r\r\* Software Release ([\d.]+) | p/Nortel Passport 8010 router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Rapture Runtime Environment v([\d.]+) -- \(c\) \d+ -- Iron Realms Entertainment\r\n| p/Rapture-based MUD telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^NPC Telnet permit one connection\.\r\n But One connection\(\) already keep alive\.\r\nGood Bye !! \r\n| p/Samsung printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\n\r\n\r.*\* MWR Ver ([\d.]+) \*.*SMAUG|s p/SMAUG MUD server/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nWelcome to the SoundBridge Shell version ([\d.]+) Release\r\nType '\?' for help or 'help <command>' for help on <command>\.\r\n\r\nSoundBridge> | p/Roku SoundBridge telnetd/ v/$1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to NetLinx v([\d.]+) Copyright AMX Corp\. \d+-\d+\r\n>| p/AMX NetLinx telnetd/ v/$1/ d/media device/ o/VxWorks/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\[Dell TM 1170 AP 2\]> Please enter password: | p/Dell TrueMobile 1170 wireless router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\r\n\rWelcome to the SIA2410R\n\r| p/Net to Net SIA2410R DSL router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Welcome to the DataStage Telnet Server\.\r\0\r\nEnter user name: | p/Ascentia DataStage telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[4;23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HCopyright \(C\) 1991-1994 Hewlett-Packard Co\. All Rights Reserved\.| p/HP switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nReload scheduled for .* \(in .*\)\r\nRouter>| p/Cisco 1601R router telnetd/ o/IOS/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03Telnet access disabled\. Enable in switch CLI\r\n| p/Aruba Networks AP 61 telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x05\r\nCLI access not allowed until the SCC is active\.\r\n\r\n| p/Checkpoint firewall telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01 IP PHONE 2 V([\d.]+) | p/NG VoIP Phone 2 telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\n\r\n\r Huawei HONET UA5000 Universal Access Unit\.\n\r Copyright\(C\) 1998-2005 by Huawei Technologies Co\., Ltd\.\n\r\r\n>>User name:| p/Huawei HONET UA5000 Universal Access Unit telnetd/
# A bit general:
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n?\r\n\r?VxWorks login: | p/VxWorks telnetd/ o/VxWorks/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nVxWorks login: | p/VxWorks telnetd/ o/VxWorks/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0$| p/Netgear FVS318 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n(FVS\w+) login: | p/Netgear $1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03Login Name: | p/HP Remote Lights Out Edition II telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\"\r\n\*$| p/Network Systems Group router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[15;22HAT-(\w+), version ([\d.]+)\x1b| p/Allied Telesyn $1 switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[0J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[0J\x1b\[1;28HAT-([-\w_.]+) Login Menu\x1b\[5;18HAT-[-\w_.]+ Local Management System Version ([\d.]+) \x1b| p/Allied Telesyn $1 switch telnetd/ v/$2/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0m\x1b\[\?3l\x1b\(0\x1b\[2;40H\x1b\(B\x1b\(0\x1b\[2;28H\x1b\(BCSX([-\w_.]+) Local Management\x1b\[0m\x1b\(0\x1b\[5;24H\x1b\(BCABLETRON Systems, Incorporated\x1b| p/Cabletron CSX$1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\rno data rcvd for version string\n\rrecv version id unsuccessful\n\rSSH Session task 0x\w+: Version Exchange Failed\n\r| p/Cisco Aironet 1200 router telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01Foxconn VoIP TRIO 3C| p/Foxconn VoIP TRIO 3C telnetd/
match telnet m|^Sorry telnet connections not permitted\.\n$| p/Aruba router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\r\nSorry, this system is engaged\.\r\n$| p/DirecWay satellite router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBusyBox on \(none\) login: | p/BusyBox telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBusyBox on ([-\w_.]+) login: | p/BusyBox telnetd/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \(| p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1fHummingbird Ltd\., Windows NT, Telnetd \((\w+) Version ([\d.]+)\)\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Hummingbird windows telnetd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Hummingbird Communications Ltd\., Windows NT, Telnetd Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n\r\n login: | p/Hummingbird windows telnetd/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPlease Enter Login Name: | p/Foundry Networks telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPlease Enter Password: | p/Foundry Networks telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03BR-telnet@FI_Core>| p/Foundry FastIron 1500 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\x1b\[\?3l\x1b\[2JPlease enter your user name and password!! \r\n\r\nLogin:| p/Hawking Technology print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nD-Link Access Point login: | p/D-Link Access Point telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03.*\r\n([-\w_.]+) login: |s p/utelnetd/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Select access level \(read, write, administer\): | p/ 3Com SuperStack II Switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Login failed\.\r\n| p/Busybox telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix LPS1 Version V(\d[\w/-_+.]+)\((\d+)\)\n\r\nType HELP at the 'Local_3> ' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\nUsername> | p/Lantronix LPS1 telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Released $2/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\nTA 600R\r\n\n\n\ruser: | p/Adtran TA 600R router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\r\nUser Name:$| p/Dell PowerConnect switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b.*BayStack ([-\w_.]+) Main Menu\x1b|s p/BayStack $1 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to ([-\w_.]+)\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rD-Link Corp\., Inc\. Software Release ([-\w_.)(/]+)\n\rCopyright \(c\) \d+-\d+ by D-Link Corp\., Inc\.\n\r\n\rlogin: | p/D-Link router telnetd/ v/$2/ i/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03# | p/AML M7100 telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nUsing telnet exposes your password\. Using ssh is a safer choice\.\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/Blue Coat telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nPIX passwd: | p/Cisco PIX firewall telnetd/
match telnet m|^TELNET server version ([\d.]+) ready at \r\n\r\r\npassword: \xff\xfc\x01| p/ASCOM ColtSoho router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\n\r\n\rHi! I am your Net Tamagotchi! I love you!!| p/Net Tamagotchi telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\t\t Welcome to P330\r\n\t\tSW version ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Avaya P330 switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\t\tWelcome to P333R\r\n\t\tSW version ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Avaya P333R switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05\xff\xfd\x1fSpeedStream Telnet Server\r\n\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/SpeedStream router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel (\d[\w.]+) \([\d:]+\)\.\r\n\r([-\w_.]+) login: | p/Dreambox DVB telnetd/ d/media device/ i/Kernel $1/ h/$2/ o/Linux/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi dm7000 Helenite \d+ \(based on [-\w_.]+\)\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([-\w_.]+) | p/Dreambox DVB telnetd/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ i/Kernel $1; Helenite firmware/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r[ *\r\n]*Welcome on your dreambox! - Kernel (\d[\w.]+) | p/Dreambox DVB telnetd/ d/media device/ i/Kernel $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\x1b\[34;1m \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \r\n\x1b\[34;1m| p/SAP J2EE engine telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03IB-21E Ver ([\d.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) 2001-2003 KYOCERA CORPORATION\r\0\n| p/Kyocera IB-21E telnetd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([-\w_.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : (DP-[\w+]+)\0| p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ h/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\0\xff\xfc\0\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\n\n\rLocal User Access Verification: \n\n\rLogin: | p/Allied Telesyn switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\x1b\[H\x1b\[JWelcome at ActiveFax Server\.\r\n\r\n| p/ActiveFax telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nLogin: $| p/ActionTec DSL router/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m%^\xff\xfe\x01\r\n\r\n\+=+\+\r\n\| +\[ MGE UPS SYSTEMS SNMP/Web agent Configuration menu \]% p/MGE UPS telnetd/ d/power-device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03root@HD:/# | p/utelnetd/ i/**NO PASSWORD**/ o/Unix/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\*+\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nDell Laser Printer ([\w+]+) Ethernet internal network device| p/Dell Laser printer $1 telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\n\r\nWelcome to the PDP-10 simulator\r\n\n| p/PDP-10 simulator telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\(Enable\) Password\? | p/Enterasys gated config telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Linux \(ZEM200\) for arca\r\n\rKernel ([-\w_.]+) on an arca \r\n\rZEM200 login: | p/ZEM200 biometric device config telnetd/ i/Linux $1/ o/Linux/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\r\n\*\*\* Lantronix Universal Device Server \*\*\*\r\n\r\0Serial Number (\d+) MAC address ([\w:]+)\r\n\r\0Software Version V([\d.]+) \((\d+)\)\r\0\r\n\r\n\r\0Press Enter to go into Setup Mode \r\n\r\0| p/Lantronix Universal Device Server telnetd/ v/$3.$4/ i/Serial $1; MAC $2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Fritz!Box web password: | p/AVM FRITZ!Box 7170 telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nFritz!Box web password: | p/AVM FRITZ!Box telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nDD-WRT v([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/DD-WRT telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03DD-WRT v([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/DD-WRT telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\$$| p/Siemens HiPath PBX telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to Network Camera telnet daemon\r\n\r\nPassword:| p/Vivotek 3102 Camera telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nU\.S\. Robotics\r\nTotal Control \(tm\) NETServer 8/16\r\n\r\nlogin: | p|USRobotics TotalControl NetServer 8/16 telnetd|
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*\*\* ADTRAN TSU ESP \*\*\*\r\n\r\n ENTER PASSWORD -> \xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03| p/Adtran TSU-ESP telnetd/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\rError: \r\n\rTelnet has NOT been enabled on your target VTrak 15100 system\r\n| p/VTrak 15100 telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix (SCS\d+) Version V([\d/().]+)\n\r\nType HELP| p/Lantronix $1 Secure Console Server telnetd/ v/$2/ d/terminal server/
match telnet m|^\r\nMC2E Control Console\r\n| p/Crestron MC2E telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nPassword :| p/Cisco 7940 VoIP Phone telnetd/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome to X2301 version V\.([-\w_+. ()]+) IPSec from [\d/]+ [\d:]+\r\nsystemname is ([-\w_.]+),| p/Bintec X2301 aDSL modem telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Name $2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\(([-\w_.]+)\) Enter password: | p/Ascend DSLPipe aDSL modem telnetd/ h/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r *\**\n\r *Welcome to Viking II\. \n\r *\**\n\r\n\rGlobespanVirata Inc\., Software Release VIK-([-\w_.]+)\n\r| p/GlobespanVirata Viking II telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[J\x1b\[22;0H>\x1b\[1K\x1b\[999D\r\0login: | p/Asante IntraCore 35160 telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n(NE[-\d]+) NetEngine IAD ([\d.]+) \r\nSerial num : Ethernet Address : ([-\w]+)\r\r\n\r\nPress any key to continue\.\.\.| p/Verilink NetEngine IAD $1 telnetd/ v/$2/ i/MAC $3/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nCopyright \(c\) 2004 - 2006 3Com Corporation\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\n\r\n\r\0Username: \n\r\0Password: \n\r\0\r\n\r\nCopyright \(c\) 2004 - 2006 3Com Corporation\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\n\r\n\r\0Username: | p/3Com WX4400 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([-\w_.]+)\0+\r\nServer Model : (DP-\w+)\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\d.]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\nPlease Enter Password: | p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ h/$1/ i/FW version $3; MAC $4; Uptime $5/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\x1bmbedded Telnet Server \r\n\r\nWARNING: Access allowed by authorized users only\.\r\n\r\n| p/WebStar DPX 2203 cable modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05Welcome to Telnet Server ([\d.]+)\r\n\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[05;28HDimension Switch (ES-\w+)\x1b\[07;22H| p/Zyxel $2 dimension switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nPassword required, but none set\r\n| p/Cisco catalyst switch telnetd/ i/no password set/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to your TiVo\r\n\r\n=\[tivo:root\]-# | p/Tivo telnetd/ i/OPEN/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w-_. ]+)\0\r\nServer Model : APSUSB1\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w-_.]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/AirLink USB print server telnetd/ i/name $1; MAC $3; uptime $4/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x1fError2 negotiated with client 18 and get 1 char is a a d\..*VOIP CPE firmware +VG112-D51\(S\) +V([\d.]+)|s p/VG112-D51 VoIP CPE telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to Viking \n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rGlobespanVirata Inc\., Software Release ([\w/.]+)\n\r| p/Viking router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to OSE Shell OSE([\d.]+)\.\r\n\$ | p/Interpeak AB embedded security device telnetd/ i/OSE $1/ d/security-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[1;32m \.-------------\.| p/stchat telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03SHARP (MX-\w+) Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.| p/Sharp $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nUser Access Login\r\n\r\nUsername:| p/Procurve Secure Router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\r\nSorry, unable to access input device\.\r\n$| p/Netgear WG102 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/ i/disabled/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([-\w_.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : ([-\w_.+]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nF/W Version : [-\w_.]+ \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\n| p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ d/print server/ h/$1/ i/MAC $3; Up $4/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to ([-\w_.]+) *\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rZoom Software Release Zoom (X5 GS Ver [-\w_.]+)\n\r| p/Zoom aDSL modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03IB-21E Ver ([\d.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) 2001 KYOCERA CORPORATION\r\0\nlogin:| p/Kyocera IB-21E printer telnetd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to (DCS-\w+) telnet daemon\r\n\r\nPassword:| p/D-Link $1 webcam telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nVoIP Phone V([-\w_.]+) settings\r\nPassword:| p/Soyo G668 VoIP phone telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nAIRAYA login: $| p/Airaya WAP config telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01Welcome to VCSCDCS2\r\r\nTANDBERG Codec Release L([\d.]+)\r\r\n| p/Tandberg T150 Personal VoIP phone telnetd/ d/VoIP phone/ i/Tandberg codec $1/
match telnet m=^\d+\|Connected to foobar2000 Control Server v([\d.]+)= p/Foobar2000 remote control telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff.\x01\0?\xff\xfd.*Welcome to ViewStation.*Password:|s p/Polycom ViewStation Video Conferencing telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^AD6680 Gateway Software\r\n[-\w_]+ \(MAC ([\w:]+)\)\r\n| p/Netcomm V300 VoIP adapter telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/ i/MAC $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r([\d.]+)\r\n\rLinux ([-\w_.]+) on a armv4tl \([\d:]+\)\r\n\r([-\w_.]+) login:| p/AXIS webcam telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Linux $2/ o/Linux/ d/webcam/ h/$3/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nPrecise/RTCS v([\d.]+) Telnet server\r\n\r\0\r\nService Port Manager Active\r\0\r\n<Esc> Ends Session\r\0\r\n| p/Liebert OpenComms remote management telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w-_.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : DP-([\w-_.+]+)\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w-_.]+)\0\x01\0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)| p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ d/print server/ v/$3/ i/name $1; MAC $4/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w-_.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : 2U1P Print Server\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w-_.]+).*\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)| p/Xterasys 2U1P print server telnetd/ d/print server/ v/$2/ i/name $1; MAC $3/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\*.*\r\nServer Name : ([^\0]+)\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : (DP-[-\w_.+]+)\0|s p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ d/print server/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nScarlet One\r\nFirmware version: ([-\w_.]+)\r\nScarlet\r\n\r\nPlease login:| p/Scarlet One telnetd/ i/Firmware $1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18\r\ntelnet session telnet\d+ on /dev/ptyb\d+\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Extreme Networks switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n-> \*\*\* EPSON Network Print Server \(([^)]+)\) \*| p/Epson $1 print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\r\n.*KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - fully functional unregistered version\.\r\n|s p/KpyM telnetd/ i/Unregistered/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\"D-Link Access Point - AVC\" login: | p/D-Link DWL-2100AP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r.*\n\r\n\rSoftware Release R([-\w_.]+)\([^)]+\)\n\rCopyright \(c\) 2001-2003 by D-Link, Inc\.\n\r\n\rlogin: |s p/D-Link D-500G telnetd/ d/broadband router/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\nGO Networks MBW System - WLP\r\nSW Version: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\nUser Name:| p/GO Networks MBW telnetd/ d/WAP/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n +Welcome to Media Gateway Processor\r\n +FW version ([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\nLogin:| p/Avaya Call Manager telnetd/ i/Firmware $1/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe!\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfe\x03IRRd version ([-\w_.]+) \[\w+\]\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification| p/Merit Internet Routing Registry telnet config/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\r\nCrestron Terminal Protocol Console Opened\r\n\r\n| p/Crestron management telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to the WhatRoute TELNET Server\.\r\n| p/WhatRoute telnetd/ o/Mac OS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nCNU-550pro login: | p/C-motech CNU-550pro telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03picotux login: | p/Picotux telnetd/ o/Linux/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\r\nCadant C3 CMTS\r\n| p/Cadant C3 Cable Modem Termination Server telnetd/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\r\n\(c\) Copyright 2005, Extron Electronics, IPL T S2, V([\d.]+),| p/Extron IPL T S2 telnetd/ d/media device/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03NS-30G Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(c\) \d+ KYOCERA| p/Kyocera NS-30G printer telnetd/ d/printer/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to MediaMVP!\r\n| p/Hauppauge MediaMVP telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome to X4100 version V\.([-\w_.]+) Rev\. (\d+) \(Patch (\d+)\) from [\d/]+ [\d:]+\r\nsystemname is ([-\w_.]+),| p/Sun X4100 telnetd/ d/terminal server/ v/$1.$2.$3/ h/$4/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03login: $| p/Axis 2100 Network Camera telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nZyXEL Corporation Embedded Telnet Server \(c\) 2000-2003\r\n| p/ZyZel Prestige cable modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\n\*\*\* Lantronix Universal Device Server \*\*\*\r\0\nSerial Number (\d+) MAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\w-_.]+) | p/Lantronix UDS10 ethernet-serial telnetd/ i/serial $1; MAC $2/ v/$3/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\*\*\* Lantronix UDS1100 Device Server \*\*\*\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\w-_.]+) \((\d+)\) \r\0\nPassword :| p/Lantronix UDS1100 ethernet-serial telnetd/ i/MAC $1/ v/$2 $3/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\r\nMinix (.*)\r\n\r\n([\w-_.]+) login:| p/Minix telnetd/ o/Minix/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 2004-2006 3Com Corp\. and its licensors\.| p/3Com Superstack switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p/Nortel Alteon switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Belkin Network USB Hub Ver ([\w-_.]+) TELNET server\.| p/Belkin network USB hub telnetd/ d/specialized/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\*+\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\* The Gemini Project \*\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\*+\r\n\r\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([\w-_.]+) | p/Dreambox media device telnetd/ i/Linux kernel $1/ o/Linux/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi dm500 Garnet \d+ \(based on ([\w-_.]+)\)\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([\w-_.]+) \([\d:]+\)\.\r\n\rdreambox login: | p/Dreambox 500 media device telnetd/ i/Linux kernel $2; PLi image Garnet, based on $1/ o/Linux/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi\xae jade dm7020si\r\n\r\r\n\rdm7020si login: | p/Dreambox 7020si media device telnetd/ i/PLi image jade/ d/media device/ o/Linux/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* All rights reserved \(1997-2004\) \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent,| p/Huawei Quidway Eudemon firewall telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^Welcome to the DataStage Telnet Server\.\r\0\r\nEnter user name: | p/WebSphere DataStage telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03-?>?\r\nHi, my name is : ([^\r\n]+)\r\nHere is what I know about myself:\r\nModel: VSX ([\w-_.]+)\r\nSerial Number: (\w+)\r\nSoftware Version: Release ([\w-_.]+) -| p/VSX $2 telnetd/ d/telecom-misc/ i/name $1; serial $3/ v/$4/
match telnet m|^\r\nSorry, this system is engaged by a rlogin session\.\r\nHost IP address: ([\d.]+)\.\nLogin name: ([\w-_.]+)\.\n| p/3Com LANplex switch telnetd/ i/in use by $2 from $1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^Connected\r\nUse log command to LOGON\r\n$| p/IBM 2218 Link Level Converter telnetd/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Grandstream (\w+) Command Shell\r\nPassword: | p/Grandstream $1 VoIP phone telnetd/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^Welcome to LDK-300 system\. Press enter\.\r\nYour address is| p/LG Aria LDK-300 PBX telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\d+-NENET AB Ethernet Com Card V([\w-_.]+) Built .*\r\nDebugOutput: \d+ DebugLevel: \d+\r\nHit 0-4 to change debug level, S for socket status\r\n| p/NENET AB ethernet telnet config/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03AH4021\r\nLogin: | p/AliceBox AH4021 telnet config/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Linux \(ZEM300\) for MIPS\r\n\rKernel ([\w-_.]+) ([\w-_.]+) on an MIPS\r\n| p/ZKSoftware ZEM300 embedded linux telnetd/ o/Linux/ i/Kernel $1; MIPS/ h/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\0SNTP Version ([\d.]+) Server ([\w-_.]+)\n\r\0\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V[\d.]+ \(\d+\) ([\w-_.]+)\r\0\nPassword :| p/Larus 54580 NTP clock telnetd/ v/$2/ i/NTP $1; MAC $3/ h/$4/
match telnet m|^uShare \(([\w-_.]+)\) \(Built .*\)\nFor a list of registered commands type \"help\"\n\n> | p/GeeXboX uShare telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^SMPlayer ([\w-_.]+)\r\nType help for a list of commands\r\n| p/SMPlayer telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to the Windows CE Telnet service on MP370\r\n\r\nPocket CMD v ([\w-_.]+)\r\n\\> \n\r\n\\> \\>| p/MP370 PDA Pocket CMD telnetd/ v/$1/ d/PDA/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n3Com Access Point 7760 login: | p/3Com 7760 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 login: | p/Netgear DG834GT telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 2004-2008 3Com Corp\. and its licensors\. All rights reserved\. \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent, +\*\r\n\* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed\. \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin authentication\r\n\r\n\r\nUsername:| p/3Com 4500 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\r\n\*+\r\n\* +Network Services Processor \*\r\n\* Version ([\w-_.]+) \*\r\n\* ESI \(Estech Systems, Inc\.\)| p/Estech Systems Inc Network Services Processor telnetd/ v/$1/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03PRICOM 3100 Ver ([\w-_.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) 2002-2004 silex technology, Inc\.\r\0\nlogin:| p/PRICOM 3100 print server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\r\n\r\r\nWelcome to Aerohive Wireless Product\r\r\n\r\r\nlogin: | p/Aerohive WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nLexmark International Telnet\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Lexmark C500 printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Siemens ADSL SL-2141 IS \r\nSoftware Version: ([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/3Siemens ADSL SL-2141 IS telnetd/ d/broadband router/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01Alcatel-Lucent: A7510\r\nA7510_(R\d+) .*\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Alcatel-Lucent A7510 Media Gateway telnetd/ v/$1/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfd\x17\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) VAX Operating System, Version V([\w-_.]+) \r\n\r\n\r\0Username: | p/MultiNet OpenVMS telnetd/ o/OpenVMS/ i/OpenVMS $1; VAX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n>>> System ([\w-_.]+) - OpenVMS Alpha V([\w-_.]+) <<<\r\n\r\n\rUsername: | p/OpenVMS telnetd/ h/$1/ o/OpenVMS/ i/OpenVMS $2; Alpha/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) Alpha Operating System, Version V([\w-_.]+) \r\n\r\n\rUsername: | p/OpenVMS telnetd/ o/OpenVMS/ i/OpenVMS $1; Alpha/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nGbE2c Ethernet Blade Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem\.\r\n\r\nCopyright\(C\)2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L\.P\.\r\n\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p/HP GbE2c Ethernet Blade Switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to \r\n\r\r\n\r ###### .*Have a good time !! ;-\)\r\n\rCyberVia login:|s p/Cybervia media center telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Wireless Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w-_.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : (DP-\w+)\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w-_.]+)\0\x06\0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)| p/D-Link $2 wireless print server telnetd/ h/$1/ i/FW $3; MAC $4/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\*+\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\* The Gemini Project \*\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\*+\r\n\r\r\n\rOpenDreambox ([\w-_.]+) (\w+)\r\n| p/Dreambox $1 telnetd/ i/OpenDreambox $2/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\0\*\*\* Mitsubishi ProjectorView Server \*\*\*\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\w-_.]+) \((\d+)\) MELCO\r\0\n\n\r\0Press Enter for Setup Mode \n\r\0| p/Mitsubishi Electric XD1000 ProjectorView telnetd/ v/$2 $3/ i/MAC $1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 === IMPORTANT ============================\r\n Use 'passwd' to set your login password\r\n this will disable telnet and enable SSH\r\n.*\r\n KAMIKAZE \(bleeding edge, (r\d+)\)|s p/OpenWRT telnetd/ i/Kamikaze $1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\r\nAG 5000\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Nomadix AG 5000 telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Linux \(ZEM500\) for MIPS\r\n\rKernel ([\w-_.]+) \w+ on an MIPS\r\n\rZEM500 login: | p/ZKSoftware ZEM500 fingerprint reader telnetd/ d/security-misc/ i/Linux $1; MIPS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01Connected\r\n\n\rAironet BR500E V([\w-_.]+) Main Menu| p/Cisco Aironet BR500E telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03login: | p/D-Link WBR-1310 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03TrioLink \(ADSL IAD\)\r\nLogin: | p/Nortel-LG VoIP IAD telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Xcelerator IP \r\nLogin: | p/Vertical Xcelerator IP telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^Console is locked by another telnet/SSH application!\n| p/Arris tm602g cable modem telnetd/ i/console in use/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^odec=\d+ u=\d+, p=\d+, i=\d+, max entries = \d+ \r\n\d+: IMGREQUEST: request_stats, image buffers available = \d+ \r\n\d+: MAIN: (\d+) images\(J=\d+, P=\d+, I=\d+\) stored on disk in last minute| p/Dedicated Micros Digital Sprite 2 DVR debug telnetd/ i/$1 images saved in last minute/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nWelcome to Dinion-IP-NWC [\d.]+ from [\d.]+\r\n| p/Dinion IP NWC webcam telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 =======================\r\n Welcome to ZXDSL 831II\r\n =======================\r\nLogin:| p/ZXDSL 831II ADSL modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to the Agilent PNA Network Analyzer at ([\w-_.]+)\r\n\r\nSCPI> | p/Agilent PNA Network Analyzer SCPI telnetd/ d/specialized/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\n\rCMI SEC\n\rProgram: +\d+\n\rMajor\.Minor\.Rel: ([\w-_.]+)\n\rMAC Address: ([\w:]+)\n\r\n\rPress <ENTER> to go into setup mode\.| p/ADP IP Timeclock telnetd/ v/$1/ i/MAC $2/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\0\r\nser2net port \d+ device (/dev/[-\w_]+) \[\d+ \w+\] \(Debian GNU/Linux\)\r\n|s p/ser2net telnetd/ i/Debian; serial port $1/ o/Linux/
match telnet m|^Port's device already in use\n\r$| p/ser2net telnetd/ i/device in use/
match telnet-proxy m|^nodnsquery/[\d.]+ is not authorized to use the telnet proxy\r\n| p/Gauntlet telnet proxy/
match telnet-proxy m|^Eingabe Servername\[:Port\] : | p/JanaServer telnet proxy/ i/German/
match telnet-proxy m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Telnet Gateway ready=enter computer name to connect to\.\\x0d\\x0a\\xd\\xahost\[:port\]: \r\n| p/602LAN Suite telnet proxy/ o/Windows/
match telnet-proxy m|^\r\n\r\nEnter computer name to connect to\.\r\ne\.g\. \"NetCom\.com\"<CR>| p/WinProxy telnet proxy/ o/Windows/
match telnet-proxy m|^\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfd\"ixProxy V([\d.]+), Copyright \(C\) \d+ Ixia Communications\r\nEnter target port ip address as login name \(example: 10\.0\.1\.1\)\r\nlogin:| p/Ixia ixProxy telnet proxy/
match telnet-proxy m|^Welcome to kingate ([\w-_.]+)-win32 telnet proxy\.\r\nPlease enter host and port\r\nexample: abc\.com 23\r\nkingate >| p/kingate telnet proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match telnets m|^\xff\xfd.$| p|telnetd-ssl/GNU Gatekeeper|
# tinc 1.0.2-2 on Linux
match tinc m|^0 \w+ 17\n| p/tinc vpn daemon/
# This will match systems with clocks set between the
# following 2 dates:
# 0xCA000000 = Thu May 24 14:13:52 2007 GMT
# 0xCEFFFFFF = Tue Jan 19 10:55:11 2010 GMT
# Also needs updating in the UDP Help probe (search for TIME)
match time m|^[\xca-\xce]...$|s i/32 bits/
match time m|^[\xca-\xce]....\0\0\0$|s i/64 bits/
# Need more examples... -Doug
match timeedit m|^\0\0\0H\0\0\0\x02\x0fTimeEdit131\.| p/Evolvera TimeEdit/ v/1.3.1/
# Tiny Personal Firewall 2.0
match tinyfw m|^\x0f\0\n\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xc0\x0ef7\xbb\x9bS\xfc\x86\xe4\x7f\x18\xb8\x97\x06 | p/Tiny Personal Firewall/ v/2.0/
match trackerlink m=^\d+\|\d+\|TrackerLINK Ver\. ([\d.]+)= p/TrackerLINK/ v/$1/
# Kerio Personal Firewall 4.02 on Windows 2000, 4.0.11 on W2K SP4+ too (port 44xxx)
match keriopfservice m|^\x12\0\x03\0\x04\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Kerio PF 4 Service/ i/maybe 4.0.2-11/
# Kerio PF 4.0.11 unregistered - GUI process (Port 1027-1200,44xxx? RPC?) on MS W2K SP4+
match keriopfgui m|^\x12\0\r\0\x03\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x9a\x20\xd0Z\x1e\x1b\xa3\*\xf2\xdd\xe2\(\xc3sp&\xda\xe4Yp\xdbET\xf9\x8cc\xc24\*Y\xbe\xb3\xba\xd6%\xf5\xb668\xad\xab>@D<\x01<i\x80O>\xdd>\)\xdb\x18\xf55\xd1\xba\x96\x1c\x17\x17\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\x01| p/Kerio PF 4 GUI/ i/maybe 4.0.11/
# Kerio Personal Firewall 2.1.4 on Windows
# Tiny Personal Firewall 2.0
# Kerio Personal Firewall, Firewall engine version 2.1.5 Driver version 3.0.0 on WinXP
match tinyfw m|^\x0f\0\n\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Kerio Personal Firewall/ v/2.1.X/ i/or Tiny Personal Firewall/
match venti m|^venti-02-libventi\n| p/Plan 9 venti storage system/
# VMWare has a buch of different auth settings so this gets messy
match vmware-auth m/^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+).*\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n/s p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/
match vmware-auth m/^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+), ServerDaemonProtocol:(SOAP|IPC), MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC/ p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/ i/Uses VNC, $2/
match ssl/vmware-auth m|^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+): SSL Required\r\n| p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/
match ssl/vmware-auth m|^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+): SSL [rR]equired, MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC(?: ,)? \r\n| p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/ i/Uses VNC/
match ssl/vmware-auth m/^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+): SSL Required, ServerDaemonProtocol:(SOAP|IPC), MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC/ p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/ i/Uses VNC, $2/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.00(\d)\n$| p/VNC/ i/protocol 3.$1/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.00(\d)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x1aToo many security failures$| p/VNC/ i/protocol 3.$1; Locked out/
match vnc m|^RFB 003.130\n$| p/VNC/ i/unofficial protocol 3.130/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.88[89]\n$| p/Apple remote desktop vnc/ o/Mac OS X/
match vnc m|^RFB 000\.000\n$| p/Ultr@VNC Repeater/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.00(\d)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0jServer license key is missing, invalid or has expired\.\nVisit http://www\.realvnc\.com to purchase a licence\.| p/RealVNC/ i/Unlicensed, protocol 3.$1/
match vnc m|^RFB 004\.000\n| p/RealVNC Personal/ i/protocol 4.0/
match vnc m|^RFB 103\.006\n| p/Microsoft Virtual Server remote control/ o/Windows/
match vtun m|^VTUN server ver +(\d[-.\w /]+)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Vtun Virtual Tunnel/ v/$1/
match vtun m|^VTUN server ver \. (\d[-.\w /]+)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Vtun Virtual Tunnel/ v/$1/
match vtun m|^VTUN server ver \(.*\) (\d[-.\w /]+)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Vtun Virtual Tunnel/ v/$1/
match vhcs m|^250 OK moleSoftware VHCS2 Server Welcomes You !\r\n| p/moleSoftware virtual hosting control system/ o/Linux/
match weather m|^TrueWeather\r\n\r\n>| p/TrueWeather Desktop Weather Authority server/
# http://www.3w.net/lan/faq.html
match websense-eim m|^\x96\xfeS\xab$| p/Websense EIM/
match websm m|^\+ read portFile\n\+ head -1\n\+ find /var/websm/| p/AIX wsmserver/ o/AIX/
match winshell m/^Microsoft Windows ((2000)|(XP)|(NT 4\.0)) \[Version ([\d.]+)\]\r\n\(C\) Copyright 1985-20\d\d Microsoft Corp\.\r\n\r\n/ p/Microsoft Windows $1 $5 cmd.exe/ o/Windows/ i/**BACKDOOR**/
# CcXstream Media Server 1.0.15 on Linux - Uses XBMSP (X-Box Media Streaming Protocol)
match xbmsp m|^XBMSP-1\.0 1\.0 CcXstream Media Server (\d[-.\w]+)\n| p/CcXstream Media Server/ v/$1/
match xbmsp m|^XBMSP-1\.0 1\.0 Media File XStream Server \n| p/Media File XStream/
match xbmsp m|^XBMSP-1\.0 1\.0 xbmsd ([\w-_.]+)\n| p/xbmspd/ v/$1/
match xinetd m=^([-\w_.]+ (tcp|udp) \d{1,5}\n)+= p/xinetd service display/ o/Unix/
# XFCE Desktop Version 3.99.4 From Gentoo 1.4 Ebuild on Linux 2.4.6
match xfce-session m|^\0\x01\0.\0\0\0\0$|s p/XFCE Session Manager/
# Right now once a softmatch triggers, only match lines with the same
# service name will match. Like with the HTTP softmatch, this is somewhat
# restrictive. If softmatch is ever updated to behave differently
# go ahead and uncomment these (Brandon)
#softmatch xml m|^<\?xml version=\"([^\"]+)\" encoding=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*(?<=\?)>| i/XML version $1; encoding: $2/
#softmatch xml m|^<\?xml version=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*(?<=\?)>| i/XML version $1/
match xine-remote m|^([-\w_.]+) xine-ui ([\d.]+) remote server\. Nice to meet you\.\n| p/Xine-UI remote control/ v/$1/
match yiff m|^\0\0\0\n\0\x03\0\0\0\0$| p/YIFF network sound server/
match zebra m|^\r\nHello, this is zebra \(version (\d[-.\w]+)\)\.\r\nCopyright 1996-20| p/GNU Zebra routing software/ v/$1/
match zebra m|^\r\nHello, this is zebra \(version (\d[-.\w]+)\)\.\r\nCopyright 200\d| p/GNU Zebra routing software/ v/$1/
match zebra m|^Vty password is not set\.\r\n$| p/Quagga routing software/
match zebra m|^\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfd\x1fPassword: | p/GNU Zebra routing software/
match zenworks m|^<AgentInfo><Version>([^<]+)</Version></AgentInfo>\0| p/ZENworks Patch Management/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match pcp m|^\0\0\0\x14\0\0p\0\0\0..\0\0\0\0\x02\x01\0\0|s p/SGI Performance Co-Pilot/
match smtp m|^220 SPAM, we hates it.\r\n| p/Barracuda Spam firewall/
# 13720/tcp
match bprd m|^\0\0\0.EXIT[ _]STATUS \d+$|s p/Veritas Netbackup/
match bprd m|^request daemon can't accept sessions\nanother instance may already be running\.\nAddress already in use\n$| p/Veritas Netbackup/
match bprd m|^bp[-\w]+: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc\+\+-libc6\.2-2\.so\.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n$| p/Veritas Netbackup/ i/broken/
# 13782/tcp
match bprd m|^gethostbyaddr: [\w ]+\n$| p/Veritas Netbackup/ i/refused/
match bprd m|^bpjava-msvc: error while loading shared libraries: libpam\.so\.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n| p/Veritas Netbackup/ i/broken/
# PostCast SMTP server 2.6.0 ( http://www.postcastserver.com/ )
match smtp m|^220 PostCast SMTP server.*\r\n$| p/PostCast SMTP server/
match omapi m|^\0\0\0d\0\0\0\x18$| p/ISC (BIND|DHCPD) OMAPI/
match openvpn m|^\0\x0e@........\0\0\0\0\0\0\x0e@|s p/OpenVPN/
match openvpn m|^\0\*@.*\0\0\0\0\0|s p/OpenVPN/
match openvpn-management m|^>INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version ([\d.]+) -- type 'help' for more info\r\n>| p/OpenVPN Management Interface/ v/$1/
match osiris m|^\x80[=+:]\x01\x03\x01\0.\0\0\0\x10\0|s p/osiris host IDS agent/
match osiris m|^\x16\x03\x01\0.\x01\0\0|s p/osiris host IDS agent/
match bittorrent-tracker m|^This is not a rootkit or other backdoor, it's a BitTorrent\r\nclient\. Really\.| p/Transmission bittorrent tracker/
# bnetd (PvPGN BnetD Mod version 1.5.0) on Debian GNU/Linux (sid)
match bnetd m|^BOT or Telnet Connection from \[[\d.]+\]\r\n\r\nEnter your account name and password\.\r\nSorry, there is no guest account\.\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/PvPGN BnetD Mod/ v/1.5.0/
match bnetd m|^Connection from \[[\d.]+\]\r\n\r\nEnter your account name and password\.\r\nSorry, there is no guest account\.\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/bnetd/
# bnetd server 0.4.25 on Linux
match bnetd m|^Username: $| p/bnetd open source Blizzard Battlenet server/
match bnetd m|^\r\nEnter your account name and password\.\r\n\r\nUsername:| p/bnetd open source Blizzard Battlenet server/
match boinc m|^<unrecognized/>\n\x03$| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/
match boinc m|^<error>unrecognized op</error/>\n\x03$| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/
match boinc m|^<boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n<error>unrecognized op</error>\n</boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n\x03| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/
match boinc m|^<boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n<client_version>(\d+)</client_version>\n<error>unrecognized op</error>\n</boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/ v/$1/
match boinc m|^<boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n<client_version>(\d+)</client_version>\n<unauthorized/>\n</boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/ v/$1/
match boinc m|^<boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n<major_version>(\d+)</major_version>\n<minor_version>(\d+)</minor_version>\n<release>(\d+)</release>| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/ v/$1.$2.$3/
match boinc m|^<boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n<unauthorized/>\n</boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n\x03| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/ i/Unauthorized/
# Cisco PIX 501 running PIX IOS 6.3(1)
match ciscopsdm m|^\xc0\0\x01\0....\0\0\0\x03|s p/Cisco PIX Secure Database Manager/ d/firewall/ o/IOS/
match cisco7200sim m|^200-At least a module and a command must be specified\r\n200-At least a module and a command must be specified\r\n| p/Cisco 7200 Simulator/
match crossmatchverifier m|^Idle\r\n$| p/Cross Match Technologies Verifier fingerprint capture control port/
match clam m|^UNKNOWN COMMAND\n$| p/Clam AV/
match cmae m|^_err=refused%20by%20workers\r\n$| p/Cloudmark cmae_server antispam/
match conserver m|^ok\r\nunknown command\r\nunknown command\r\n$| p/conserver serial console daemon/ d/specialized/
match datamaxdb m|^X01\r\nX01\r\n$| p/MailMax DataMaxDB/ o/Windows/
# HP Digital Sender Service (dss)
match hpdss m|^(53 client not logged in\.\r\n)+$| p/HP Digital Sender client/
match dusk m|^\x03Not a valid name\. This may because you left it blank or used invalid symbols\. Please try again\.\n| p/Dusk Java-based game/
# I think this type of eggdrop banner is only used when customized or such.
match eggdrop m|^\r\nNickname\.\r\nSorry, that nickname format is invalid\.\r\n$| p/Eggdrop irc bot console/
match eggdrop m|\r\nSorry, that nickname format is invalid\.\r\n$| p/Eggdrop irc bot console/
match eggdrop m|^\r\nSurnom\.\r\nSorry, that nickname format is invalid\.\r\n$| p/Eggdrop irc bot console/ i/French/
match finger m|^Gathering system data\.\.\.\nUsername Real name Idletime TTY Remote console location\n| p/Cfingerd/
match finger m|^Punix version ([\d./()]+) - Current Time \(since boot\) \d+:\d\d:\d\d\r\nName pid stat pc cpusec stack pr/sy idle tty\r\n| p/Lantronix ETS16 fingerd/ i/Punix $1/ d/terminal server/ o/Punix/
match finger m|^Finger online user list request denied\.\r\n| p/SLMail fingerd/ o/Windows/
match finger m|^Username Real name Idletime TTY Remote console location\n| p/Configurable Finger-Query Daemon/ o/Unix/
match finger m|^Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone\r\n| p/Debian fingerd/ o/Linux/
match finger m|^\nDebian GNU/Linux Copyright \(c\) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest\n\n Your site has been rejected for some reason\.\n\n This may be caused by a missing RFC 1413 identd on your site\.\n\n| i/Debian Cfingerd/ o/Linux/
match finger m|^Debian GNU/Linux Copyright \(C\) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest\n.*You haven't specified a user\.\n\n A general listing is not provided to the public\.|s p/Debian Cfingerd/ o/Linux/
match ftp m|^220 Service ready\r\n500 Unsupported command\r\n$| p/Multitech MultiVoip 410 VoIP gateway ftpd/ d/VoIP adapter/
# NetportExpress PRO/100 3 port print server
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n530 access denied\.\r\n| p/Intel NetportExpress print server ftpd/ d/print server/
# D-Link Print Server internal FTP daemon (Firmware version 1.38) - D-Link Print Server DP-101
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n501 Command not supported\.\r\n$| p/D-Link Printer Server ftpd/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n$| p/Solaris ftpd/ h/$1/ o/Solaris/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP Server ready \.\.\.\r\n530 \r : User not logged in\. Please login with USER and PASS first\.\r\n530 \r : User not logged in\. Please login with USER and PASS first\.\r\n$| p/Bulletproof ftp server/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
# BulletProof FTP 2.21 on Windows 2000 Server
match ftp m|^220 ftp\r\n$| p/Bulletproof ftp server/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n200 NOOP command successful\.\r\n| p/Tektronix Phaser ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 \"Welcome to Bot FTP service\.\"\r\n331 Please specify the password\.\r\n230 Login successful\. Have fun\.\r\n| p/Unknown trojan ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 OK\n226 OK\n| p/Sasser worm minimal ftpd/ o/Windows/
# USR8022 or AirLive WT-2000R WAPs
match ftp m|^220 FTPd ([\d.]+)\r\n500 Bad command\r\n| p/Generic WAP ftpd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match ftp m|^220 Telindus FTP server ready\.\r\n502 Command not implemented\.\r\n502 Command not implemented\.\r\n| p/Telindus ftpd/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 Server ready\r\n500 '\r': command not understood\.\r\n500 '\r': command not understood\.\r\n| p/Welltech Wellgate VoIP adapter ftpd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match ftp m|^220 muddleftpd \(([\d.]+)\) server ready\. Enter Username\.\r\n500 Only one command at a time\.\r\n| p/Muddleftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 .*\r\n500 Only one command at a time\.\r\n| p/Muddleftpd/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n502 '': command not understood\.\r\n502 '': command not understood\.\r\n| p/lukemftpd/ h/$1/ o/Mac OS X/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n500 \?\r\n500 \?\r\n| p/Kiss DP-558 PVR ftpd/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 ICS FTP Server ready\r\n500 '\r': command not understood\.\r\n500 '\r': command not understood\.\r\n| p/berretz.de mini-ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to pyftpd\. Happy downloading\.\r\n500 I'm gonna ignore this command\.\.\. maybe later\.\.\.\r\n| p/pyftpd/
match ftp m|^220 Ready\r\n502 Not implemented\r\n$| p/Global Cache GC-100 ftpd/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n$| p|TRENDnet/Hawking webcam ftpd| d/webcam/
match ftp m|^220 ([\w-_.]+) server ready\.\r\n502 command not implemented\.\r\n502 command not implemented\.\r\n| p/Konica Minolta Bizhub printer smtpd/ d/printer/ h/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Authentication Required\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Icecast2 Server\"\r\n\r\nYou need to authenticate\r\n| p/Icecast streaming media server/
# Network Flight Recorder v3.2 on Solaris 8 (sparc)
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad request\r\n\r\n$| p/Network Flight Recorder IDS/
# Cisco 350 Series 802.11 AP - THIS MATCH LINE MIGHT BE TOO GENERAL -Doug
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: thttpd/(\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n| p/thttpd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
# OpenPGP Public Key Server 0.9.6
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: pks_www/([-\w+.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HEAD><TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE></HEAD><BODY></BODY>\r\n| p/OpenPGP Public Key Server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"osiris\"\r\n| p/osiris host IDS web interface/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nCache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<html><body><h1>Not Implemented</h1>Whatever the heck you just requested, I can't generate\.</body></html>| p/darkstat network analyzer httpd/ o/Unix/
match http m|^\xff\xf0 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n<HEAD><TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE></END>\r\n<BODY><H1>400 Bad Request</H1></BODY>| p/HP JetDirect printer embedded httpd/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*This is a WebSEAL error message template file\.|s p/Tivoli Access Manager WebSEAL httpd/
# Keep this above the more general thttpd match lines below
match http m|^UNKNOWN 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: thttpd\r\n.*<HTML>\n\t<HEAD><TITLE>Error</TITLE><LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"/std\.css\">.*Your request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy|s p/Linksys NSLU2 http config/ i/embedded thttpd/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^UNKNOWN 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: thttpd/([\w.]+) \w+\r\n| p/thttpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^UNKNOWN 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: \r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n.*<H2>400 Bad Request</H2>\nYour request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy\.\n|s p/thttpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: UnrealEngine UWeb Web Server Build (\d+)\r\n|s p/Unreal Tournament http admin/ v/Build $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nAllow: GET, HEAD\r\n\r\n405 Method Not Allowed\r\n\r\n| p|D-Link printer/webcam http config|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: WDaemon/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/World Client WDaemon httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\nAccept: text/html\nConnection: close\n\n<html>\n<body text=#FFFFFF bgcolor=#000000>\n<center><b><hr height=4 width=400 color=#FF0000>\n<font size=5>PunkBuster Server WebTool for ([-\w_.]+)</font>| p/PunkBuster web admin/ i/Game: $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: MpSconServer/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/ZebraNet print server httpd/ i/MpSconServer $1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: QTSS ([\d.]+) Admin Server/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/QTSS Admin Server httpd/ v/$2/ i/QTSS $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request 2\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<body><h1>HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request 2</h1></body>\r\n$| p/WatchGuard Firebox http config/ d/firewall/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<title>400 Bad Request</title><body>400 Bad Request</body>$| p|Generic router http config| d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: HttpServer/([\d.]+)\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nError:<HR>\n<H1>Server Error: 400 Bad Request</H1>\r\n<P><HR><H2>URL parsing error</H2><P>| p/Cisco ONS MSPP httpd/ i/HttpServer $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 no query\r\n\r\n$| p/pkspxy/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 msg=Bad%20Request&rc=%00%00%03%1b\r\n| p/TimesTen httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad request\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\n<body><h1>HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad request <h1></body>| p/XOSoft WanSync http config/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/\*\.\* 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Type:text/plain\r\nContent-Length:61\r\n\r\nThe received request is either NULL or invalid/wrong format\r\n| p/Kaba application server httpd/
# This lame service responds in many wierd ways - luckily always to GenericLines
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\r\nContent-Type: text/xml\r\n\r\n<\?xml version='1\.0' encoding='UTF-8' \?><autnresponse><action>NONE</action><response>The action you attempted is forbidden by your client</response></autnresponse>| p/Veritas backup exec continuous protection httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\nContent-Type: text/xml\n\n<ACTION>GETSTATUS</ACTION><RESPONSE>The action you attempted is forbidden by your client</RESPONSE>| p/Veritas backup exec continuous protection httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\nCONNECTION NOT AUTHORIZED\n\n\n| p/Veritas backup exec continuous protection httpd/ i/unauthorized/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n\nConnection refused\.\nInvalid IP Address\n| p/Veritas backup exec continuous protection httpd/ i/unauthorized/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: Fastream IQ Web/FTP Server\r\n\r\n| p/Fastream IQ reverse http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: ZNC ZNC ([\d.]+) - by prozac@rottenboy\.com\r\n| p/ZNC IRC bouncer http config/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 -1 Internal Server Error\r\n\r\n| p/Panasonic webcam http config/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 R\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nNot Implemented| p|D-Link router/Airlink NAS http config|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 Internal server error\r\nContent-Length: 7\r\n\r\nBummah\.| p/Sendmail Mailstream Manager http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: IngrianManagementConsole\r\n| p/Ingrian Management Console httpd/ d/security-misc/
match http m|^\(null\) 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*<title>400 Bad Request</title></head>\n<body>\n<h3>400 Bad Request</h3>\nCan't parse request\.\n</body>\n</html>\n|s p/m0n0wall http portal/ o/FreeBSD/ d/firewall/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 505 Server Error\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<HTML><BODY>\n<TITLE>505 Internal Server Error</TITLE><H1>Internal Server Error: Invalid request</H1>\n<BR><BR>Internal Error\.\n</BODY></HTML>\n| p/Google Desktop Search for Linux Beta httpd/ o/Linux/
match http m|^<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>400 Malformed request line</TITLE></HEAD><BODY.*http://tjws\.sourceforge\.net\">Rogatkin's JWS based on Acme\.Serve Version ([-\w_.]+), .Revision: ([-\w_.]+)|s p/TJWS httpd/ v/$2/ i/Based on Acme.Server $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\nTraceback \(most recent call last\):\n File \"/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/gtk_cherrypy_wsgiserver\.py\"| p/Deluge bittorrent http interface/ i/CherryPy httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: HP Web Jetadmin (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/HP Web Jetadmin print server http config/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 \r\n.*<ns1:stackTrace xmlns:ns1=\"http://xml\.apache\.org/axis/\">java\.io\.IOException: Cannot handle non-GET, non-POST, non-HEAD request\n\tat org\.globus\.wsrf\.container\.ServiceThread\.parseHeaders\(ServiceThread\.java:855\)|s p/Globus Web Service httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 511 Not Implemented\r\n\r\n$| p|SMC Barricade/Netgear http config| d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\n.*document\.write\(document\.nxp\.skin\.getProductName\(\)\);\n document\.write\('Security Console :: Error</title>'\);\n|s p/Rapid7 NeXpose http config/ d/security-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: peerguardnf/([\w-_.]+) \(Unix\)\r\nX-Powered-By: You need to wind it\r\n| p/Phoenix Labs PeerGuardian httpd/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match http m|^HTTP/0\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: ([\w-_.]+) \d+/Service Pack (\d+), UPnP/[\d.]+, TVersity Media Server\r\n| p/TVersity Media Server httpd/ v/$1 SP $2/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>HTTP 404 File not found</TITLE></HEAD><BODY TEXT=BLACK BGCOLOR=WHITE>The requested file was not found</BODY></HTML>| p/Websense Block Message httpd/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n<html><body>Invalid request<P><HR><i>This message was created by WinRoute Proxy</i></body></html>| p/WinRoute http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^514 Authentication required\.\r\n$| p/Tor control port/ i/Authentication required/
match icecast m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: icecast/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p|Shoutcast/Icecast streaming audio| v|$1|
# slident 0.0.19
match ident m|^0, 0: ERROR: UNKNOWN-ERROR\n$| p/slident/
# mlidentd 1.1 on Linux
match ident m|^0,0:ERROR:UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n$| p/mlidentd/
# This identd might be BSD derived:
match ident m|^2 , 0 : ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n$|
match ident m|^0 , 0 : ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n$|
match ident m|^:USERID:OTHER:\d+-ident-is-a-completely-pointless-protocol-that-offers-no-security-or-traceability-at-all-so-take-this-and-log-it!\r\n| p/Fake identd/
match ident m|^ : USERID : UNIX : ([-\w_]+)$| p/Klient identd/ i/IRC Nick $1/
match ident m|^\r\n: ERROR : HIDDEN-USER\r\n$| p/Borderware Firewall identd/ d/firewall/
match ident m|^ : USERID : UNIX : [a-z]{4,8}\r\n$| o/Windows/
match ident m|^1 , 1 : USERID : OTHER : chuck-the-bsd-deamon\r\n$| p/widentd/
match solfe m|^\x02\0\x01\xfb\xff\xfb\xff\xff\xff\xff\xffNOSUP| p/HP PNM Solid FlowEngine/
match stargazer m|^ERHD$| p/Stargazer Billing System/
# Giving some problems:
#match stickynote m|^\x01\0\0\0$| p/StickyNote windows freeware/ o/Windows/
match sstp m|^SSTP/([\d.]+) 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n\0$| p/Sakura Script Transfer Protocol/ i/Protocol $1/
match smux m|^A\x01\x02$| p/Linux SNMP multiplexer/ o/Linux/
match sphereicall m|^\x01\0\0\0z\0\0\x003,DBServer,\d+,Restarts,\d+,\d+,UpTime,\d+,\d+,MediaServer| p/Sphericall DBServer MediaServer VoIP/
match telemecanique m|^220 Service ready on ([\w-_.]+) system Version:([\w-_.:]+) Subsystem:([\w-_.:]+)\r\n500 Unsupported command\r\n| p/Telemecanique Magelis XBTGT 7340 industrial control/ d/specialized/ v/$2/ i/Subsystem $3; Name $1/
# This could go into the null probe, but the problem is that it is a prefix
# of what other routers (at least HP JetDirect printer telentd) send.
# And at least the JD sends the string below first, before it send the
# rest in other packets. So it is best to capture this one here in
match whois m|^Query may not be an empty string\n| p/Public Interest Registry whois server/
match whois m|^WHOIS LIMIT EXCEEDED - SEE WWW\.PIR\.ORG/WHOIS FOR DETAILS\n| p/Public Interest Registry whois server/
match irr m|^% No entries found for the selected source\(s\)\.\n$| p/Merit Internet Routing Registry whoisd/
match wincomm m|^128 System Incompatible Windows Communicator client or server version\r\n128 System Incompatible Windows Communicator client or server version\r\n| p/Windows Communicator/
match zebedee m|^\x02\x01$| p/Zebedee encrypted tunnel/
match bmc-perform-service m|^SDPACK$| p/BMC Perform Service Daemon/
# Grisoft AVG antivirus server (distributing virus database updates)
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\nServer: Ubicom/(\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n| p/Ubicom embedded HTTP server/ v/$1/
match http m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3\.2//EN\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>GoodTech Systems Telnet Server Administration Login</title>\n| p/GoodTech Systems telnet server web admin/ o/Windows/
match nntp m|^200 Coruscant BBS News \(Synchronet NNTP Service v(\d[-.\w ]+)\)\r\n| p/Synchronet NNTP Service/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\rSSH service name not present in rcvd msg\n\rSSH Session task 0x\w+: Version Exchange Failed\n\r\n\r\n\rSSH service name not present in rcvd msg\n\r| p/Cisco 350 Series AP telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nAccount Name: \r\nPassword: \r\nThis copy of the Ataman Telnetd Server is registered as licensed to:\r\n\t(.+)\r\n\r\nLogin failed: unknown user name, password or privilege incorrect\.\r\n| p/Ataman telnetd/ i/Registerd to $1/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^Password:\xff\xfb\x01\n\rTry again, you polio:\n\n\rTry again, you polio:\n| p/VLC Player telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nYou must supply a username\r\n\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nYou must supply a username\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Billion or D-Link aDSL router telnetd/ d/router/
# Not sure if this is really a telnet service but many people reported it running on port23:
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01$| p/SMC SMC2870W Wireless Ethernet Bridge/ d/bridge/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nThis is a FirstClass system, from Open Text Corporation\.\r\n\r\n\r\nFirstClass is an e-mail and conferencing system with a graphical user interface\.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Command Line Interface is not available on this sy| p/FirstClass telnetd/ i/CLI disabled/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nPassword:\r\nLogged in as guest\r\n| p/Linkstar Comsat router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Login: \r\nLogin: \r\nLogin: | p/Lingo VoIP config telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nuser: \r\npassword: \r\n\r\nuser: | p/KIRK Wireless Server 600 telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r-> \n\r-> \n\r-> | p/Coresma Phazer Docsis USB cable modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^bad password\r\n$| p/Cybersitter CLI/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\"\xff\xfb\x01SSE version ([\d.]+)\r\nCopyright [\d, ]+ by Motorola\r\nUsername:| p/Motorola Canopy telnetd/ i/SSE $1/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\[ORiNOCO-AP-[-\w]+\]> Please enter password: \r\nIncorrect Password\r\n\r\n\[ORiNOCO-AP-[-\w]+\]> Please enter password: \r\n| p/ORiNOCO wireless router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nlogin: \r\n\r\n\r\r\npassword: $| p/Welltech Wellgate VoIP adapter telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfd\x18Avocent CPS-810 S/W Version ([\d.]+)\r\nUsername: \r\nPassword: \r\nInvalid Login\r\nUsername: | p/Avocent CPS-810 serial port server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\r\nPress return:\*\*\*\*\r\nEnter Password:| p/IPSentry telnetd/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\0\n\r\0\n\r\0\n\r\0\n- NetQue AppleTalk/NetWare/TCP/LAT Printer Server| p/EMULEX NetQue print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPassword: \r\nPassword: \r\nPassword: \r\n% Bad passwords\r\n| p/Cisco telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfe\0\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/freeSSHd telnetd/ o/Windows/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[7l\x1b\[\?1l\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2JUsername: \x1b\[7l\x1b| p/CyberSwitching Dualcom power device rabbit 2000 embedded telnetd/ d/power-device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nRead /disclaimer\.txt and have fun with yadi on your Nokia D-BOX2 - Kernel ([-\w_.]+) \(| p/Nokia D-BOX2 telnetd/ o/Linux/ i/Linux kernel $1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to the Windows CE Telnet service on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\nlogin: \n\r\nPassword:| p/Windows CE telnetd/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\*+\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nLexmark (\w+) Ethernet internal network device, with a hardware\r\naddress of (\w+) (\w+) | p/Lexmark $1 printer telnetd/ i/MAC $2; MAC2 $3/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\*+\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nLexmark (\w+) Ethernet internal network device, with a hardware\r\naddress of (\w+) (\w+) | p/Lexmark $1 printer telnetd/ i/MAC $2; MAC2 $3/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\*+\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nLexmark Optra LaserPrinter internal network device, \r\nwith a hardware address of (\w+) (\w+)\r\n| p/Lexmark Optra LaserPrinter telnetd/ d/printer/ i/MAC $1; MAC2 $2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x1fError2 negotiated with client \d+ and get 1 char is a a d\. \n\r\n\r\*+\n\r\*\* +\*\*\n\r\*\* IP Phone firmware +V([\w-_.]+) | p/Thomson VoIP phone telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nTOSHIBA Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\rlogin:| p/Toshiba print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\r\nPassword: \r\nPassword incorrect\r\n| p/Sun StorEdge 3511 telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03AH4222\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nPassword: | p/Club-Internet telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfc\"\xff\xfd\x1flogin: \r\nlogin: \r\nlogin: | p/GigaVUE-420 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01-> \n\r-> \n\r-> | p/ser2net telnetd/
match transbase m|^\0\0\+\x04\0\0\0@TransBase Multiplexer error report:\nIllegal request| p/Transbase Database/
match remoting m|^\.NET\x01\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02\0\x03\x01\0\x03\0\x01\x01h\0\0\0Server encountered an internal error\. To get more info turn on customErrors in the server's config file\.\x05\0\0\0\0| p/MS .NET Remoting services/
match bitkeeper m|^ERROR-Try help\nERROR-Try help\n$| p/Bitkeeper/
match webcache m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nExpires: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\n<head><title>Bad formed request or url</title>\n| p/webcache/
# Novell ZENworks for Desktops Imaging Proxy 4.01.03
# Not sure if this is netware specific (linux too?) -Doug
match zenimaging m|^\xff\xff\xfb&$| p/Novell ZENworks Imaging Proxy/
match ajp12 m|^Status: 400 Bad Request\r\nServlet-Error: Malformed data sent to JServ\r\n\r\n$| p/Apache Jserv/
match nuttcp m|^KO\nnuttcp-t: v([\d.]+): error scanning parameters\nmay be using older client version than server\n\r\nKO\n| p/nuttcp network throughput tester/ v/$1/
match backdoor m|^sh-2\.05b\$ | p/r0nin rootkit backdoor/
match wesnoth m|^\0\0\0.\0\0\0\x1f\x02version\0\x04[\d.]+\0\0\x02mustlogin\0\x05\x01\0|s p/Battle For Wesnoth game server/ v/$1/
match xboxdebug m|^201- connected\r\n407- unknown command\r\n$| p/Microsoft XBox Debugging Kit/ d/game console/
match xns m|^HELLO XBOX!$| p/Relax XBOX file server/ d/game console/
match zabbix m|^ZBXD\x01\x10\0\0\0\0\0\0\0ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED| p/Zabbix Monitoring System/
match ajp13 m|^AB\0\x13\x04\x01\x90\0\x0bBad Request\0\0\0AB\0\x02\x05\x01$| p/Apache Jserv/
# Kerio PF 4.0.11 unregistered - Service process (Port 44xxx?) on MS W2K SP4+
match keriopfservice m|^(HTTP/1\.0) 200 OK\r\nServer: Kerio Personal Firewall\r\n| p/Kerio PF 4 Service/ i/$1/
match backupexec-remote m|^\xf6\xff\xff\xff\x10\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Veritas BackupExec Remote Agent/
match backdoor m|^:[-\w_.]+ 451 GET :\r\n| p/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Directory /</TITLE>\n<BASE HREF=\"file:/\">\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<H1>Directory listing of /</H1>| p/No-auth shell/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Unix/
match bentley-projectwise m|^ACKNOSEC$| p/Bentley Systems ProjectWise/
match bittorrent m|^Nice try\.\.\.\r\n$| p/Transmission Bittorrent client/
match csta m|^<HTML>\r\n<HEAD>\r\n<TITLE>CSTA-Mono Server Home Page </TITLE>\r\n| p/Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise/ d/PBX/
match dnet-keyproxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Found\r\nLocation: http://www\.distributed\.net/\r\n\r\n$| p/Distributed.Net HTTP Keyproxy/
# Digital UNIX 5.6
match finger m|^Login name: / \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n\r\nLogin name: GET \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n\r\nLogin name: HTTP/1\.0 \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n$| p/Digital UNIX fingerd/ o/Digital UNIX/
# Internet Rex v2.67 Beta 1a
match finger m|^No such user No such user N\n$| p/Internet Rex finger server/
# IQinVision IQeye3 security camera
match finger m|^\n Nodename:\s+(\w+)\r\n| p/IQinVision fingerd/ i/Camera/ h/$1/ d/webcam/
# FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE /usr/libexec/fingerd/
match finger m|^finger: /: no such user\r?\nfinger: GET: no such user\r?\nfinger: HTTP/1\.0: no such user\r?\n$| p/FreeBSD fingerd/ o/FreeBSD/
# Bay Networks Micro Annex Comm. Server R10.0
match finger m|^No such activity\.\r\n$| p/Bay Networks Micro Annex terminal server fingerd/ d/terminal server/
# Mercury/32 3.32 Finger Server module on Windows XP
match finger m|^GET / HTTP/1\.0 is not known at this site\.\r\n$| p|Mercury/32 fingerd| o|Windows|
# ffingerd 1.28
match finger m|^That user does not want to be fingered\.\n$| p/ffingerd/
# Finger 0.17 from debian linux (which is from Linux netkit I believe)
# OpenBSD 2.3
match finger m|^finger: GET: no such user\.\nfinger: /: no such user\.\nfinger: HTTP/1\.0: no such user\.\n$| p|BSD/Linux fingerd|
# Linux port of in.fingerd from OpenBSD network tools - started with -w to show welcome banner
match finger m|^\r\nWelcome to Linux version (\d[-.\w]+) at ([-.\w]+) !\r\n\n.*\n\r\nfinger: GET: no such user\.|s p/OpenBSD fingerd/ i/ported to Linux; $2 users logged in; Linux version $1/ h/$2/ o/Linux/
# Redhat Linux from finger-server-0.17-9 RPM
match finger m|^finger: GET: no such user.\r\nfinger: /: no such user.\r\nfinger: HTTP/1.0: no such user.\r\n$| p/Linux fingerd/ o/Linux/
# NetBSD 1.6ZA (berkeley fingerd 8.1 sibling)
match finger m|^finger: GET: no such user\nfinger: /: no such user\nfinger: HTTP/1\.0: no such user\n$| p/NetBSD fingerd/
# Solaris 9
match finger m|^Login Name TTY Idle When Where\r\nGET \?\?\?\r\n/ \?\?\?\r\nHTTP/1\.0 \?\?\?\r\n$| p/Sun Solaris fingerd/ o/Solaris/
# mlfingerd 1.1
match finger m|^Information for user 'GET\+20\+2F\+20HTTP\+2F1\.0':\r\nUnknown user\.\r\n$| p/mlfingerd/
# SGI IRIX 6.5.18f finger
match finger m|^Login name: GET \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n$| p/SGI IRIX or NeXTSTEP fingerd/
# Windows fingerd
match finger m|^No such user\n$| p/Windows fingerd/ o/Windows/
match finger m|^MSS100 Version V([\d/.]+)\(\d+\) - Time Since Boot: \d+:\d\d:\d\d\r\nName pid stat pc cpusec stack pr/sy idle tty\r\n| p/Lantronix MSS100 serial interface fingerd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match finger m|^finger: GET / HTTP/1\.0: no such user\n| p/efingerd/ o/Unix/
match finger m|^ +-;;=\n +\.;M####\+\n| p/mIRC with ircN script fingerd/ o/Windows/
match finger m|^User not found\r\n| p/XMail fingerd/
match finger m|^EMail : [-\w_.]+@([-\w_.]+)\r\n Real Name : \?\?\r\n Home Page : \?\?\r\n| p/XMail fingerd/ h/$1/
match finger m|^\r\nIntegrated port\r\nPrinter Type: IBM Infoprint (.*)\r\n| p/IBM Inforprint $1 fingerd/ d/print server/
match finger m|^Login name: HTTP/1\.0 In real life: \?\?\?\r\n| p/OpenVMS fingerd/ o/OpenVMS/
match finger m|^No information available\r\n$| p/Post.Office fingerd/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 404 Not Found\r\nServer: gtk-gnutella/(\d[-.\w]+) \(([^\)\r\n]+)\)\r\n| p/gtk-gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R6_2_1\r\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\nExpires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n<!-- DOCTYPE tag is included to support the XHTML -->\n<!DOCTYPE html\n PUBLIC | p/HP LaserJet http config/ i/Embedded webserver: Agranat-EmWeb 6.2.1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R6_2_1\r\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\nExpires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n<!-- DOCTYPE tag is included to support the XHTML -->\n<!DOCTYPE html\n PUBLIC | p/HP LaserJet http config/ i/Embedded webserver: Agranat-EmWeb 6.2.1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<TITLE>Error</TITLE>\n<BODY>\n<H1>Error</H1>\nFW-1 at ([-\w_.]+): Failed to connect to the WWW server\.</BODY>\r\n| p/Check Point Firewall-1 httpd/ h/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"FW-1\"\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<TITLE>Error</TITLE>\n<BODY>\n<H1>Error 401</H1>\n\nFW-1 at ([-\w_.]+):| p/Check Point Firewall-1 httpd/ h/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Check Point SVN foundation| p/Check Point SVN foundation httpd/ d/firewall/
match http m/^GIF89a\xa8\0-\0\xf7\0\0\x03\x03\x03\x83\x83\x83\xc4\xc4\xc4\xfe\x02\x02\xc9\x85c\x85|\xb5\xe2\xe2\xe2\xca\xa2\x8e\xd4RRCCC\xdeb\"\xa5\xa5\xa5\xe7\xc5/ p/Tweak XP web advertisement blocker/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"APC Management Card\"\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/ ?([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n| p/APC Management Web Server/ i/Allegro RomPager $1/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"PDU\"\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/ ?([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Protected Object</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY BGCOLOR=\"WHITE\">\n<H1>Protected Object</H1>\nThis object on the MasterSwitch Web Server is protected\.| p/APC masterswitch http config/ i/Allegro RomPager $1/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"MasterSwitch Plus\"\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/ ?([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Protected Object</TITLE>.*This object on the APC Management Web Server is protected\.|s p/APC masterswitch http config/ i/Allegro RomPager $1/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.0 Transitional//EN\">\n.*<META NAME=Copyright CONTENT=\"Copyright \(c\) 2003 3Com Corporation\. All Rights Reserved\.\">\n.*<META http-equiv=\"3Cnumber\" content=\"([-.\w]+)\">\n|s p/3Com OfficeConnect router webadmin/ i/3Com` $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n.*\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/ ?([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n\n<html>\n\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; iso-8859-1\">\n<title>Summit Management Interface</title>|s p/Summit Management Interface/ i/Allegro RomPager $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n.*Server: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>\n([^&\r\n]+) - Status</title>|s p/Roku Sound Bridge Web Interface/ i/Allegro RomPager $1; Name $2/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: Fri, 09 Jan 1970 11:48:03 GMT\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Sitecom WL-([-.\w]+)\"\r\n| p/Sitecom webadmin/ i/Sitecom WL-$1/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nDate: .*\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.0 Transitional//EN\"><html><body bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\" text=\"#000000\" vlink=\"#800080\" link=\"#0000FF\"><P><h1>TempTrax Digital Thermometer</h1>| p/SensaTronics TempTrax Digital Thermometer/ d/specialized/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>CiscoSecure ACS Login</title>| p/Cisco Secure ACS web interface/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>CiscoSecure ACS for Windows 2000/NT Login</title>\r\n| p/Cisco Secure ACS web interface/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Xitami\r\n|s p/Xitami httpd/
match http m|^ERROR: Malformed startup string$| p/Xitami httpd admin port/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 Server Error\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Radio UserLand/(\d[.\w ]+)-([-.\w ]+)\r\n\r\n| p/Radio Userland blog server/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: (prod )?[Ff]red (\d[-.\w]+) \(build (\d+)\) HTTP Servlets\r\n\r\n|s p/Freenet Fred anonymous P2P/ v/$2 build $3/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 404 Not Found\r\nServer: MLdonkey\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/x-bittorrent\r\nContent-length: 0\r\n\r\n| p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P web interface/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nConnection: close\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"MLdonkey\"\r\n| p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P web interface/
# Docupoint Discovery 3.0(Apache) on Windows 2000 Professional
# World Client for MDaemon (www.altn.com) on Windows 2000
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: WDaemon/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Alt-N MDaemon World Client webmail/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
# pop3proxy web interface from spambayes 1.0a5 on Linux
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\">\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title id=\"title\">Home</title>\r\n<meta content=\"no-cache\" http-equiv=\"Pragma\"/>\r\n<meta content=\"no-cache\" http-equiv=\"Cache\"/>\r\n| p/Spambayes pop3proxy web interface/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nDate: .*\n<TITLE>Samba Web Administration Tool</TITLE>|s p/Samba SWAT administration server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>.*</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>.*</H1>Samba is configured to deny access from this client\n<br>Check your \"hosts allow\" and \"hosts deny\" options in smb\.conf <p></BODY></HTML>\r\n\r\n$| p/Samba SWAT administration server/ i/Access denied/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 Server Error\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>500 Server Error</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>500 Server Error</H1>chdir failed - the server is not configured correctly<p></BODY></HTML>\r\n\r\n| p/Samba SWAT administration server/ i/broken/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: icecast/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Icecast streaming media server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: HP-Web-Server-(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n.*<!-- framework\.ini ([A-Z]:\\[-.\w \\]+)-->|s p/HP Web Jetwebadmin/ v/$1/ i/framework.ini: $2/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: HP-Web-Server-(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n.*<!-- framework\.ini (/[\w\\/-_. ]+)-->|s p/HP Web Jetwebadmin/ v/$1/ i/framework.ini: $2/ o/Unix/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: HP Web Jetadmin/(\d[-.\w]+) (.*)\r\n| p/HP Web Jetadmin print server http config/ v/$1/ i/$2/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: HP-Web-JetAdmin-(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/HP Web Jetadmin print server http config/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Tomcat Web Server/(\d[-.\w ]+) \( ([^)]+) \)\r\n|s p/Apache Tomcat webserver/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Tomcat Web Server/(\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n\r\n|s p/Apache Tomcat webserver/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServlet-Engine: Tomcat Web Server/(\d[-.\w]+) \(([^\)]+)\)\r\n|s p/Apache Tomcat webserver/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServlet-Engine: Tomcat Web Server/(\d[-.\w]+) \(([^\)]+)\) \(([^\)]+)\)\r\n|s p/Apache Tomcat webserver/ v/$1/ i/$2; $3/
match 3dm-http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: 3ware/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n.*<title>3ware 3DM - No remote access</title>|s p/3Ware 3DM Raid Daemon/ v/$1/ i/Access denied/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: publicfile|s p/publicfile httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01].*?\r\nServer: Apache/(\d+\.\d+\.[-.\w]+) ([^\r\n]+)|s p/Apache httpd/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01].*Server: Apache/([\d\.\w-]+)\s*\r?\n|s p/Apache httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: fnord/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Fnord httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Fnord\r\n| p/Fnord httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<title>Not Found</title>This host is not served here\.$| p/Fnord httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: MiniServ/0.01\r\n|s p/Webmin httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: NetWare-Enterprise-Web-Server/([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Novell Netware enterprise web server/ v/$1/ o/NetWare/
match http m|^HTTP/1.1 302 Object Moved Temporarily\r\nServer: NetWare HTTP Stack\r\n| p/Novell Netware HTTP Stack/ i/HTTPSTK.NLM/ o/NetWare/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/([-.\w]+)\r\n.*\r\n\r\n\n<!--\nFile name: index\.html\n\nThis is the 'parent' file that calls the individual child frames\. \nThis is the file that is first accessed when the user types http://<ipaddress> \nin the browser toolbar\. \n\nThe UI Architecture consists of a total of 4 frames\. This file calls 3 high-level |s p/HP LaserJet printer webadmin/ i/Virata-EmWeb embedded server $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Bad Request\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>401 Bad Request</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#cc9999\"><H4>401 Bad Request</H4>\nCann't use wireless interface to access web\.\n</BODY></HTML>\n| p/Linksys WRT54G WAP http config/ d/WAP/ i/Wireless admin disabled/
match http m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.0 Transitional//EN\">\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE>.*<H4>401 Bad Request</H4>Cann't use wireless interface to access web\.\";|s p/Linksys WRT54G WAP http config/ d/WAP/ i/Wireless admin disabled/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Shared Storage Drive\"\r\n| p/Maxtor Shared Storage NAS http config/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"NETWORK HDD\"\r\n| p/Argosy Research HD363N Network HDD http config/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"SimpleShare \(default user name is admin and password is simple\)\"\r\n| p/SimpleShare WAP http config/ d/WAP/
# This might be too general, but this is probably the most common device
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r?\nDate: .*\r?\nServer: NCSA/(([\d.]+))\r?\n| p/NCSA httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Netscape-FastTrack/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Netscape FastTrack web server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: (Oracle[-.\w/]+) Oracle HTTP Server ([-.\w]+)|s p/Oracle HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache\r\n|s p/Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/([-.\w]+)\r\n|s p/Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/([-.\w]+) \(Win32\) ([^\r\n]+)\r\n|s p/Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/ v/$1/ i/$2/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/([-.\w]+) \(Unix\) ([^\r\n]+)\r\n|s p/Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/ v/$1/ i/$2/ o/Unix/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Embedded HTTP Server (\d[.\d]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"([-+.\w]+)\"\r\nConnection:| p/D-Link http config/ v/$1/ i/on D-Link $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: \r\n.*WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Please enter your user name and password on DSL-([\w+]+)\"\r\n\r\n|s p/D-Link DSL-$1 http config/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\nServer: Cougar (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n\r\n$| p/Microsoft Windows Media Server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: video/x-ms-asf\r\nCache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache\r\nServer: Cougar/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Microsoft Windows Media Server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*Server: NetApp/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n|s p/NetApp filer httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: RapidLogic/(\d[.\d]+)\r\nMIME-version: 1\.0\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.0 Frameset//EN\"\r\n\t\t\t\"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/REC-html40/frameset\.dtd\">\r\n<HTML>\r\n<HEAD>\r\n\t<TITLE>Netopia Router Web </TITLE>| p/Netopia RapidLogic admin server/ v/$1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: WebSTAR/(\d[-.()\w]+) ID/| p/WebSTAR httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: 4D_WebSTAR_S/([\d.]+) \(MacOS X\)\r\n| p/WebSTAR httpd/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS X/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Jetty\((\d[-.\w]+)\)\r\n\r\n.*Contexts known to this server are: <ul><li><a href=\"/ninan/\">/ninan|s p/Ninan usenet downloader http interface/ i/Jetty $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\nServer: Anti-Web V([\d.]+) \([\w .-]+\)\n| p/Anti-Web httpd/ v/$1/ i/Best httpd out there!/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\nServer: Anti-Web HTTPD V([\d.]+) \([\w .-]+\)\n| p/Anti-Web httpd/ v/$1/ i/Best httpd out there!/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r?\nServer: Antiweb/([\w-_.]+)\r?\n| p/Antiweb/ v/$1/ i/Best httpd out there!/ o/Unix/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved</TITLE>\n</HEAD><BODY>\n<H2>The requested URL could not be retrieved</H2>\n<HR>\n<P>\nWhile trying to retrieve the URL:\n| p/WebSense http filter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 302 Found\r\nDate: .*\r\nLocation: /iw/webdesk/login/\r\nX-Cache: MISS from .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n| p/Interwoven TeamSite/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: OpenSA/([\d.]+) / Apache/([\d.]+) \((\w*)\) mod_ssl/([\d.]+) OpenSSL/([\d.]+)\r\n.*<LINK REL=\"SHORTCUT ICON\" HREF=\"http://([\w.-_]+)/iss\.ico\">\r\n<TITLE> System Scanner Vista Welcome Page </TITLE>\r\n|s p/ISS System Scanner Vista/ i|OpenSA/$1 Apache/$2 mod_ssl/$4 OpenSSL/$5| o/$3/ h/$6/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Speed Touch WebServer/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-length: \d*\r\n\r\nHTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n: Invalid or incomplete request\.\r\n\r\n| p/Alcatel Speedtouch aDSL router httpd/ v/$1/ d/router/
# Management Interface for Netscape FastTrack web server 2.01
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Netscape-Administrator/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Netscape FastTrack Administrator/ v/$1/
# Siemens SpeedStream 2-port SS2601 Router
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Document follows\r\nServer: IP_SHARER WEB ([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.0 Transitional//EN\">\n\n<html><head><title>Setup</title>| p/Siemens SpeedStream SS2601/ i/IP_SHARER WEB $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*\r\nServer: ZOT-PS-13/([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/Hawking Print Server httpd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK.*\r\nServer: ZOT-PS-11/([\d.]+)\r\n.*\n<head><!-- Simon Hung, Zero One Tech\. 98/8 -->\n|s p/3P print server http config/ i/ZOT-PS-11 $1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n.*\r\nServer: (ZOT-PS-[\d]+/[\d.]+)\r\n|s p/print server http config/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Temporarily Moved\nLocation: /winamp\?page=main\nConnection: close\nContent-type: text/html\n\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Winamp Web Interface</title>| p/Winamp Web Interface/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*Server: Lasso/([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n|s p/Lasso httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: SIMS/([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n<HTML>\r<HEAD>\r <TITLE>Stalker Internet Mail Server: Setup Entrance</TITLE>\r</HEAD>\r<BODY BGCOLOR=white>\r\r<H2><TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0>\r<TR>\r<TD><H3><IMG SRC=\"/Icon\.gif\" ALIGN=MIDDLE>([-\w_.]+)</H3>| p/Stalker Mail Server web config/ v/$1/ h/$2/ o/Mac OS/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Apache -OOPS Development Organization-\r\n.*X-Powered-By: ([^\r\n]+)\r\n|s p/Apache - OOPS Devel Org/ i/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Apache -OOPS Development Organization-\r\n|s p/Apache - OOPS Devel Org/ i/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type:text/html\r\nContent-Length:\d+\r\n\n\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Not Supported</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<body>\n\n<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>The Command sent is not Supported</H1>\n\n\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\n\n\0\0| p/NetWare FTP stats httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\n<title>BNBT Tracker Info</title>\n|s p/BNBT Bittorrent Tracker/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: AnomicHTTPD \(www\.anomic\.de\)\r\n| p/AnomicHTTPD/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n.*\n<html lang=\"(..)\">\n<head>\n<title>POPFile |s p/POPFile web control interface/ i/Lang: $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n<!-- -->\n\n\n\n<!-- \$R..file: i_pagestart\.shtm,v \$ -->\n<html>\n<head>\n| p/Axis 5400 print server web config/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\nAllow: GET, HEAD\r\nServer: Spyglass_MicroServer/([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n<html>\n\n<head>\n\n<title> Software de administración de impresora PhaserLink </title>\n\n| p/Tektronix Phaser printer web config/ i/Spyglass embedded httpd $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: ADSM_HTTP/([\d.]+)\nContent-type: text/html\n\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>\nServer Administration\n</TITLE>\n\n<META NAME=\"IBMproduct\" CONTENT=\"ADSM\">\n<META NAME=\"IBMproductVersion\" CONTENT=\"([\d.]+)\">.*Storage Management Server for AIX|s p/Tivoli Storage Manager http interface/ v/$2/ i/ADSM httpd $1/ o/AIX/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: ADSM_HTTP/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>Server Administration</title></head><body><h1>Not Supported</h1><p>ANR4747W The web administrative interface is no longer supported\. Begin using the Integrated Solutions Console instead\.</p></body></html>| p/Tivoli Storage Manager http interface/ v/$1/ i/discontinued/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: ADSM_HTTP/([\d.]+)\r?\n.*<TITLE>\nServer Administration\n</TITLE>.*<META NAME=\"IBMproductVersion\" CONTENT=\"([\d.]+)\">.*<TITLE>\nAdministrator Login\n</TITLE>.*Storage Management Server for Windows|s p/Tivoli Storage Manager http interface/ v/$2/ i/ADSM httpd $1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/REC-html40/loose\.dtd\">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>ADSL ROUTER Control Panel</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n| p/Dynalink RTA DSL router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( The server denies the specified Uniform Resource Locator \(URL\)\. Contact the server administrator\. \)\r\n| p/MS ISA httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized \( The server requires authorization to fulfill the request\. Access to the Web server is denied\. Contact the server administrator\. \)\r\n| p/MS ISA httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 \( No data record is available\. For more information about this event, see ISA Server Help\. \)\r\n| p/MS ISA httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request \( The data is invalid\. \)\r\nVia:| p/MS ISA httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( The ISA Server denied the specified Uniform Resource Locator \(URL\)\. \)| p/MS ISA httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 \( Connection refused \)\r\n| p/MS ISA httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .* \( El servidor requiere autorizaci\xf3n para satisfacer la petici\xf3n\. Acceso al servidor Web denegado\. P\xf3ngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor\. \)| p/MS ISA httpd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .* \( La p\xe1gina debe visualizarse en un canal seguro \(es decir, en un nivel de sockets seguro\)\. P\xf3ngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor\. \)| p/MS ISA httpd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .* \( El servidor deniega la direcci\xf3n URL \(Uniform Resource Locator\) especificada\. P\xf3ngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor\. \)| p/MS ISA httpd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Oracle Application Server httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g \(([\d.]+)\) - Developer Preview\r\n| p/Oracle Application Server httpd/ v/$1/ i/Developer preview/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/([\d.]+) Oracle-HTTP-Server\r\n| p/Oracle Application Server 10g httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/([\d.]+) Oracle-HTTP-Server|s p/Oracle Application Server 10g httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: OracleAS-Web-Cache-10g/([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/OracleAS Web Cache 10g/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/([\d.]+) Oracle-HTTP-Server OracleAS-Web-Cache-10g/([\d.]+) |s p/Oracle Application Server 10g httpd/ v/$1/ i/OracleAS-Web-Cache-10g $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Oracle Containers for J2EE\r\n.*<TITLE>Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 \(([\d.]+)\)|s p/Oracle Application Server 10g httpd/ v/$1/ i/Oracle Containers for J2EE/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Oracle Containers for J2EE\r\n.*<TITLE>Welcome to Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g \(([\w-_.]+)\)</TITLE>|s p/Oracle Application Server 10g httpd/ v/$1/ i/Oracle Containers for J2EE/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: PRINT_SERVER WEB ([\d.]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"NeedPassword\"\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n| p/Netgear Mini print server http config/ i/PRINT_SERVER WEB httpd $1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: PRINT_SERVER WEB ([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>NETGEAR Setup</title>| p/Netgear print server http config/ i/PRINT_SERVER WEB httpd $1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nMIME-Version: [\d.]+\r\nServer: CERN/([\d.]+)\r\n.*alert\(\"\\r\\nThis version of your browser cannot support the router's configuration completely\. Please refer to the router's CD-ROM for upgrade information\.\"\);|s p/Edimax BR-6004 broadband router http config/ i/CERN httpd $1/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IP_SHARER WEB ([\d.]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"MR814v2\"\r\n| p/Netgear MR814v2 wireless router http config/ i/IP_SHARER WEB httpd $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IP_SHARER WEB ([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.0 Transitional//EN\">\n<html><head>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"SOHO Version ([\d.]+)\">\n\n<title>Setup</title>\n| p/SpeedStream router http config/ i/IP_SHARER WEB httpd $1; SOHO Version $2/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IP_SHARER WEB ([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\nunknown \(.*\) is managing this device| p/SpeedStream router http config/ i/IP_SHARER WEB httpd $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nCache-Control: max-age=3600\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\n<head>\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Pragma\" CONTENT=\"no-cache\"> \n<title>Base Station Management Tool</title>\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"MSThemeCompatible\"| p/Microsoft Wireless Base Station http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Moved Temporarily\r\nContent-Length: 169\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nLocation: /Volumes/\r\n\r\n<head><title>Moved Temporarily</title></head>\r\n<body><h2>Moved Temporarily!</h2>\r\n<p>The requested resource has been temporarily movedto a new location\.\r\n</p>\r\n</body>\r\n$| p/AXIS StorPoint CD http config/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\n.*<!-- \(c\) Copyright Axis Communications.*Network CD-ROM Server</h2>|s p/AXIS StorPoint CD http config/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: PRINT_SERVER WEB ([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"NeedPassword\"\r\n\r\n401 Unauthorized$| p/Linksys wireless print server http config/ i/PRINT_SERVER WEB httpd $1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: MACOS_Personal_Websharing\r\n.*<meta name=Title content=\"([^"]+)\">|s p/Mac OS X Personal Websharing httpd/ i/Name $1/ o/Mac OS X/
# Server line is odd. Somebody's idea of a joke?
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Sinclair ZX-81 Spectrum\r\n| p/Urchin Web Statistics httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: WWW File Share Pro\r\n| p/WWW File Share Pro httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: IP_SHARER WEB ([\d.]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"BEFSR41W\"\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n401 Unauthorized| p/Linksys BEFSR41W router http config/ i/IP_SHARER WEB httpd $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 .*\r\nDate: .*<html>\n<head>\n<title> Sun Java\(tm\) System Messenger Express </title>|s p/Sun Java System Messenger Express httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\nThe requested URL '' was not found on the Divar\.<p>\nReturn to|s p/Bosch Divar closed circuit camera http config/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Cable Modem\"\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nConnect: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head><title>401 Unauthorized</title></head>\r\n<body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1>\r\n<p>Access to this resource is denied; your client has not supplied the correct authentication\.</p></body>\r\n</html>\r\n| p|Coresma/Belkin Cable Modem httpd| d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*<!-- Begin Hiding\n netscapeVersion =|s p/HP Deskjet 5800 http config/ i/Virata embedded httpd $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nVia: [\d.]+ Application and Content Networking System Software ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Cisco ACNS http cache/ v/$1/ o/IOS/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<a href=\"http://www\.cisco\.com/\">Application and Content Networking (System )?Software ([\d.]+)</a>\)\n</BODY></HTML>\n|s p/Cisco ACNS httpd/ v/$2/ o/IOS/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<title>VLC media player</title>\n|s p/VLC media player http interface/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<a href=\"http://www\.videolan\.org/\">VLC media player ([\d.]+)[^<]+</a> \(http interface\)</h2>\n|s p/VLC media player http interface/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: \r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\nDate:.*//inserted by Edward on 2004/01/07 for user pressing \"Enter\" to login if \"Username\" and \"Password\" are right|s p/D-Link DSL router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: OmniHTTPd/([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/OmniHTTPd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: OmniSecure/([\w.]+)\r\n|s p/OmniSecure httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Askey Software ([\d.]+)\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n\r\n<head>\r\n<title>Cable Modem Web Page</title>\r\n<meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 4\.0\">\r\n| p/Motorola VoIP adapter http config/ i/Askey httpd $1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: Askey/([\d.]+)\r\nMIME-version: 1\.0\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n.*<b>This \r\n website is blocked by the URL filter of Wireless Router\. Please browse to another \r\n site or go back\.</b>|s p/Siemens Gigaset SE505 WAP http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 File Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<b>The source you requested could not be found\.</b>\r\n$| p/Icecast http statistics plugin/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n.*<title>Icecast Streaming Media Server</title>\n|s p/Icecast http statistics plugin/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*title>Security</title>.*font size=4 face=Arial>This unit is password protected</font></p><p align=center><font size=3 face=Arial>Please enter the correct password to access the web pages</font>|s p|VoIP/POTS gateway http config| d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\nCONTENT-LENGTH: 42\r\n\r\nYour request cannot be properly processed\.$| p/DVR 2400 Security Camera web interface/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IBM-HTTP-Server/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/IBM httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Masterswitch\"\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n| p/APC Masterswitch power controller http interface/ i/Allegro RomPager $1/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 403 Forbidden\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/ *([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*<H1>Notice</H1>\nSomeone is currently logged into the APC Management Web Server\.<p>|s p/APC Masterswitch power controller http interface/ i/server busy; Allegro RomPager $1/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Authorization Required\r\nWWW-Authenticate: BASIC realm=\"Administrator or User\"\r\n\r\nPassword Error\. \r\n\r\n$| p/D-Link web camera http config/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><FRAMESET COLS=\"23%,\*\"><FRAME NAME=\"side\" SRC=\"MENUNET\.htm\"><FRAME NAME=\"middle\" SRC=\"HOME\.htm\"></FRAMESET><NOFRAMES>Your Browser must support frames to view this page\.</NOFRAMES></HTML>$| p/OkiLan 6020e print server http config/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: Web-Server/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n.*<title>Web Image Monitor</title>\n|s p/Ricoh Afficio printer web image monitor/ i/Web-Server httpd $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: Web-Server/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n.*<title>websys default page</title>\n|s p/Ricoh Afficio printer web image monitor/ i/Web-Server httpd $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nSet-Cookie: ssnid=[^;]+; path=/;\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=[Uu][Tt][Ff]-8\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"sapbc\"\r\n| p/SAP Business Connector/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n.*<!-- Copyright \(c\) \d+-\d+, Fuji Xerox Co\., Ltd\. All Rights Reserved\. -->\r\n.*<TITLE>\r\nDocuColor (\d+) - [\d.]+\r\n</TITLE>|s p/Xerox DocuColor $1 printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^.*<address>Apache/([\d.]+) \([^)]+\) ?(.*) Server at ([-\w_.]+) Port \d+</address>\n</body></html>\n|si p/Apache httpd/ v/$1/ i/$2/ h/$3/
match http m|^.*<address>Apache/([\d.]+) \([^)]+\) Server at ([-\w_.]+) Port \d+</address>\n</body></html>\n|si p/Apache httpd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match http m|^.*<address>Apache/([\d.]+) Server at ([-\w_.]+) Port \d+</address>\n</body></html>\n|si p/Apache httpd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*<TITLE>Main Menu \[[\w-_.]+\]</TITLE>.*<A title=\"Return to Main Menu\" HREF=\"/\">TivoWebPlus</A>|s p/TiveWebPlus Project httpd/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK \r\nCache-Control: max-age=60\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Frameset//EN\" >\r\n<HTML>\r\n <HEAD><TITLE>SandvallsangFSK: (\w+)</TITLE>| p/Kirk $1 VoIP gateway http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n.*<title>POPFile Control Center</title>\n|s p/POPFile http control center/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( Der Server hat den angegebenen URL \(Uniform Resource Locator\) verweigert\. Wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator\. \)\r\n| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ i/German/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: fhttpd/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/fhttpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head><meta charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n<title> Home </title>\r\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">\r\n<!--\r\n// the start of Cookie related function\r\nfunction getCookieVal \(offset\) { \r\n| p/Samsung ML-2251N printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Agranat-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Siemens Web User Interface\"\r\n\r\n401 Unauthorized\r\n| p/Siemens router http config/ i/Agranat embedded httpd $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\" /\"\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-length: 0\r\n\r\n$| p|Casi-Rusco camera/Bestelco VoIP phone http config|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: MyServer ([-\w.]+)\r\n|s p/MyServer httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Cougar ([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/VideoLAN Server streaming media/ i/Cougar $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not found\r\n.*<title>Error 404</title>.*<a href=\"http://www\.videolan\.org\">VideoLAN</a>|s p/VideoLAN Server streaming media/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n.* - - - - >\r?\n< index\.html: VLC media player web interface\r?\n|s p/VLC media player http interface/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: LogMeIn Web Gateway\r\n| p/LogMeIn remote access web gateway/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: Fastream NETFile Web Server ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Fastream httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=180\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<html>\n<head>\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"EXPIRES\" CONTENT=\"0\">\n<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" Content=\"No-cache\">\n</head>\n<body>\n<center>\n<h3><BR>Sorry, the switch is already being managed\. Concurrent management is not allowed!\n</center>\n</body></html>\n\0| p/Compex switch http config/ d/switch/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: JavaWebServer/([\d.]+) \r\nContent-Length: .*<HEAD>\n<TITLE>CentreVu Explorer II</TITLE>\n|s p/Lucent CentreVu Explorer II http config/ d/telecom-misc/
match http m|^<!-- saved from url=\(\d+\)http://internet\.e-mail -->\n<html>\n\n<head>\n<title>HTML-Konfiguration</title>\n\n| p/Deutsche Telekom wireless router http config/ i/micro_httpd/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( The server denied the specified Uniform Resource Locator \(URL\)\. Contact the server administrator\. \)\r\n| p/Microsoft IIS/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( Der Server hat den angegebenen URL verweigert\. Wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator\.| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ i/German/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( Le serveur a refus\xc3\xa9 l'URL \(Uniform Resource Locator\) sp\xc3\xa9cifi\xc3\xa9e\. Contactez l'administrateur du serveur\.| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ i/French/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( El servidor deneg\xc3\xb3 la direcci\xc3\xb3n URL \(Uniform Resource Locator\) especificada\. P\xc3\xb3ngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor\.| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Project Engine Server\r\n| p/Project Engine Server httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nAccept: application/vnd\.syncml\+xml, application/vnd\.syncml\+wbxml\r\nCache-Control: no-store\r\nServer: MultiSync Plugin\r\n\r\nNo such file or directory\.|s p/SyncML PIM sync server for MultiSync/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Authorization Required\r\nServer: servermgrd\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm = \"Server Admin\"\r\n.*The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the requested content\.<P>\r\n<HR>\r\n</BODY></HTML>\r\n\r\n|s p/Apple Server Monitor http interface/ o/Mac OS X/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: BBC ([\d.]+) ; /Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/AutoDiscovery/com\.hp\.openview\.OvAgency\.OvAgencyCommand ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n|s p/HP OpenView AutoDiscovery http interface/ v/$1/ i/BBC httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nX-Powered-By: Servlet/([\d.]+)\r\n.*Server: Sun-Java-System/Application-Server\r\n|s p/Sun Java System Application Server httpd/ i/Servlet $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Sun-Java-System/Application-Server\r\n| p/Sun Java System Application Server httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Sun-Java-System-Application-Server/([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Application Server httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Sun-Java-System-Web-Server/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Sun Java System httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nX-Powered-By: Servlet/([\d.]+)\r\n.*Server: Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition ([\d_.]+)\r\n|s p/Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition httpd/ v/$2/ i/Servlet $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nX-Powered-By: Servlet/([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*Server: Sun Java System Application Server ([\w-_.]+)\r\n|s p/Sun Java System Application Server httpd/ v/$2/ i/Servlet $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\n.*\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n.*<title>Netopia Home Page</title>|s p/Netopia DSL router http config/ i/Allegro RomPager embedded httpd $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: WoWEmu\r\n| p/World of Warcraft emulated server/
match http m=^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: InkHTTP/([\d.]+) Python/([\d.]+)\r\nDate: .*<title>Wirehog \| =s p/Wirehog http transfer interface/ i/InkHTTP $1; Python $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> IP PHONE 2 V([\d.]+) </TITLE>| p/NG VoIP Phone 2 http config/ v/$1/ d/VoIP phone/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE html.*\n<title>WikiHome</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div id='header'>\n<form method='get' action='/?Search'>\n<table border='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td align='left' ><strong>WikiHome</strong> \( <a href='\?edit' title='Edit this wiki page contents\. \[alt-j\]' accesskey='j'>Edit</a> \)|s p/Didiwiki httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Wrong Port\r\nServer: ConferenceRoom/IRC\r\nConnection: Close\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Connection to Wrong Port</TITLE></HEAD>\r\n<BODY>You have connected to an IRC server as if it were a web server</BODY>\r\n</HTML>\r\n| p/ConferenceRoom ircd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer:httpd\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Type:text/html\r\n\r\n<html><title>400 Bad Request </title> <body> <h1> Bad Request or Syntax Error/Not able to understand the request| p/Sagem F@st router httpd/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: NETID/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Optivity NetID httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: WYM/([\d.]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nLast-Modified: .*\r\n\r\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>IP Camera</TITLE>\n| p/Aviosys IP Camera http config/ i/WYM httpd $1/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\n\r\n<H1>\w+: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / has not been defined\.</H1><BR><H3>\w+: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle [-\w_.:/]+ has not been defined\.</H3><BR><I>IBM WebSphere Application Server</I>| p/IBM WebSphere httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\n\r\n<H1>\w+: Un host WebGroup/Virtual per la gestione / non \xe8 stato definito\.</H1><BR><H3>\w+: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle [-\w_.:/]+ has not been defined\.</H3><BR><I>IBM WebSphere Application Server</I>| p/IBM WebSphere httpd/ i/Italian/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: BeOS/PoorMan\r\n|s p/BeOS poorman httpd/ o/BeOS/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML>\r\n<HEAD><TITLE>WJ-NT104 MAIN PAGE</TITLE></HEAD>\r\n| p/Panasonic WJ-NT104 network camera httpd/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Jaguar Server Version ([\d.]+)\r\n.*<TITLE>Sybase EAServer Version ([\d.]+)\n</TITLE>|s p/Sybase EAServer httpd/ v/$2/ i/Jaguar httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: tigershark/([\d.]+) | p/tigershark httpd/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 Document Follows\r\n.*CONTENT=\"TANDBERG ASA \(http://www\.tandberg\.net\)\">\r\n<meta name=\"description\"\r\ncontent=\"TANDBERG is a leading global provider of videoconferencing|s p/Tandberg video conferencing http config/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Oracle_Web_Listener/([\d.]+)EnterpriseEdition\r\n|s p/Oracle Web Listener Enterprise Edition/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: VOMwebserver v([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/VOMwebserver/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: RapidLogic/([\d.]+)\r\n.*<TITLE>Net2Phone Init Page</TITLE>|s p/Net2Phone VoIP adapter http config/ i/RapidLogic embedded httpd $1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<title>IT Temperature Monitor: ([^<]+)</title>.*<TD>Model:</TD><TD width=10 rowspan=3><BR></TD><TD>([-\w_.]+)</TD><TD width=20 rowspan=3><BR></TD><TD>Firmware Version:</TD><TD width=10 rowspan=3><BR></TD><TD>([\d.]+)</TD>|s p/Sensatronics $2 remote temperature monitor httpd/ d/specialized/ i/name $1; Firmware version $3/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<title>IT Temperature monitor: ([^<]+)</title>.*<TD>Model:</TD><TD width=10 rowspan=7><BR></TD><TD>([-\w_.]+)</TD>.*<TD>Firmware Version:</TD><TD>([\d.]+)</TD>|s p/Sensatronics $2 remote temperature monitor httpd/ d/specialized/ i/name $1; Firmware version $3/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*<font color=#FFFFFF size=5>Cisco ATA 186 \(SIP\)</font>|s p/Cisco ATA 186 SIP http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: AKCP Embedded Web Server| p/AKCP embedded httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*Server: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([\d.]+)\r\n.*<meta content=\"Printer with Embedded Web Server\"|s p/Xerox Phaser 4500 printer http config/ i/Allegro httpd $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n<HTML>\r\n<HEAD>\r\n<TITLE>JetDirect Home Page</TITLE>\r\n\r\n</HEAD>\r\n<BODY>\r\n<P>\r\nWelcome to the HP JetDirect print server!\r\n| p/HP JetDirect printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: JVC/([\d.]+)\r\n.*<html>\r\n<head>\r\n.*<title>V\.Networks|s p/JVC V.Networks video httpd/ v/$1/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401\r\nServer: JVC/([\d.]+)\r\n.*\r\n\r\n<html><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></body></html>\r\n|s p/JVC V.Networks video httpd/ v/$1/ i/Authentication enabled/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"pap user\".*<title>Linksys PAP2 Configuration</title>|s p/Linksys PAP2 VoIP http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: SWS-([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Sun WebServer/ v/$1/ o/Solaris/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Found\r\nLocation: /cgi-bin/guestimage\.html\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n.*<title>\r\nRedirect to guestimage: /cgi-bin/guestimage\.html\r\n|s p/Mobotix M10 PRISMB web cam http config/ i/embedded thttpd/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 302 Moved Temporarily\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nLocation: /\?[a-z\d]{7,8}\r\n| p/Urchin RSS aggregator/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Meridian Data/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Meridian Quantum Snap! http config/ v/$1/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Login\"\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>401 Unauthorized</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>401 Unauthorized Access Attempt</H1>\nYou are not authorized to access the requested file\.</BODY></HTML>$| p/Cisco VG248 http config/ d/telecom-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\n.*<H1>(ZBR\d+) - ZebraNet PrintServer</H1>|s p/ZebraNet $1 print server http config/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Aragorn\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Please enter User name and password\"\r\n| p/Astra 480i VoIP phone http config/ d/VoIP phone/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 Ok\r\nServer: snom embedded\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-store\r\n.*\n<TITLE>snom ([-\w_.]+)</TITLE>\n|s p/Snom $1 VoIP phone http config/ d/VoIP phone/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-store\r\nServer: snom embedded\r\n.*<TITLE>snom VoIP phone: Error</TITLE>|s p/Snom 300 VoIP phone http config/ d/VoIP phone/ i/secure connection required/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 Ok\r\nServer: snom embedded\r\n.*\n<html>\n<head>\n\n<title>snom 105 VoIP Phone :: Home</title>|s p/Snom 105 VoIP phone http config/ d/VoIP phone/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: U S Software Web Server\r\n.*\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>StorageLoader</title>\n|s p/Tandberg Data StorageLoader http config/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: VykTor XML WinAmp Server/([\d.]+)\r\nMIME-version: [\d.]+\r\n.*<title>Snow Crash</title>\r\n|s p/Snowcrash WinAmp http control plugin/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\n<TITLE>\nGigaset M740 AV - Experimentelles Web-Interface\n</TITLE>\n|s p/Siemens Gigaset M740 http config/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/plain\nContent-Length: \d+\n\nerror\nno table param specified\n| p/Ingenuity Works ATRT minidb/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Anapod Manager ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Anapod iPod Explorer httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IISGuard\r\n| p/Troxo IISGuard/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<title>Smart VoIP IAD Web Configuration Pages</title>|s p/Patton SmartLink 4020 VoIP adapter http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: nhttpd/([\w-_.]+) \(yhttpd_core/([\w-_.]+)\)\r\n.*<title>dbox yWeb</title>|s p/dbox yWeb httpd/ d/media device/ i/nhttpd $1 based on yhttpd_core $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<meta http-equiv=\"powerstate\" content=\"Switch Port7,0\">\n<meta http-equiv=\"powerstate\" content=\"Switch Port8,0\">\n<TITLE>ExpPowerControl</TITLE>|s p/Expert Power Control NET http config/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*<!-- Copyright \(c\) 2000-2002, Fuji Xerox Co\., Ltd\. All Rights Reserved\. -->\r\n<HTML>\r\n<HEAD>\r\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\r\n<TITLE>\r\nWorkCentre (\w+) -|s p/Xerox WorkCentre $1 http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*<!--\s+/\*-+\*\\\s+Copyright \(c\) 2002-2006 Xerox Corporation\. All Rights Reserved\..*<title>\s*XEROX WORKCENTRE|s p/Xerox WorkCentre http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<body><h2>HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found</h2></body>| p/VypressChat httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nDate: .*\r\nMIME-Version: 1\.0\r\nServer: Rogatkin's JWS based on Acme\.Serve/.Revision: ([\d.]+) .\r\nLast-modified: .*\r\nContent-Range: bytes [-\d/]+\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>\r\nblank page\r\n</title>\r\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"2;URL=about:blank\">\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\nThere is nothing to see here, please move along!\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n| p/SageTV PVR remote control httpd/ i/JWS based on Acme.Serve httpd $1/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: SnapStream\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type:text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<body>\r\n<h1>Beyond TV Web Admin Redirector</h1>| p/SnapStream Beyond TV http config/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Server Manager\"\n\nYou must login to continue\n| p/ServerCP httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\ncontent-type: text/html\r\nconnection: close\r\npragma: no-cache\r\nX-Powered-By: PHP/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1\.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional\.dtd\">\n<html><head>\n<style type=\"text/css\"><!--\nbody {background-color: #ffffff;| p/Miranda mbot plugin/ i/PHP $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Freechal P2P/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Freechal P2P httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Httpinfo olsrd plugin ([\d.]+) HTTP/1\.1\r\n| p/olsrd http info plugin/ v/$1/ o/Linux/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: audio/mpeg\r\nicy-br:([\d.]+)\r\n.*icy-name:([^\r\n]+)\r\n.*Server: Icecast ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n|s p/Icecast streaming media server/ v/$3/ i/Name $2; Bitrate $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nLast-Modified: .*\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Gopher</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>Welcome to Gopherspace! You are browsing Gopher through\na Web interface right now\.|s p/pygopherd web-gopher gateway/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: DirectAdmin Daemon v([\d.]+) Registered to ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/DirectAdmin httpd/ v/$1/ i/Registered to $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=180\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n.*<H2>Wireless LAN Access Point Management</H2><br>\n <Form method=\"POST\" action=\"act_login\">\n|s p/Compex Wifi APN NetPassage http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>WinRoute Pro - Web Interface</TITLE>| p/Kerio WinRoute Pro firewall http config/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Indy/([\d.]+)\r\n.*\r\n<GOTO href=\".*/kiss\.php\"|s p/FreeKiSS DVD player httpd/ i/Indy httpd $1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html.*\n<meta name=robots content=\"none\">\n<title>Sign in to begin \xf92\0\0\xa8o\xee\"\xa8o\xee\"sion.</title>\n\n|s p/Juniper Networks Secure Access SSL VPN http config/ d/security-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nSet-Cookie: SESSIONID=-1 \r\nServer: Easy File Sharing Web Server v([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Easy File Sharing Web Server httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*<title>Welcome to the Galty client depl</title>\r\n|s p/Galty Technologies GaltyExplorer httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nExpires: 0\r\n\r\n\n<html>\n<title>Apt-cacher version ([\d.]+)\n| p|apt-cache/apt-proxy httpd| v/$1/ o/Linux/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\nDate: .*\nContent-type: text/html\n\n<font size=\"-4\">\nIf you can read this, you are sitting too close to the monitor\.\n</font>\n| p/Unknown trojan/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Authorization Required\r\nServer: servermgrd\r\nSupportsXMLRPC\r\nSupportsBinaryPlist\r\nContent-Type: \xe2\x80\xa0%\xc6\x92<\r\n| p/Mac OS X Server Admin http config/ o/Mac OS X/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">\r\n<title>8 Port Gigabit Switch</title>\r\n| p/Longshine LCS-GS8208-A switch http config/ d/switch/
match http m|^<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"it\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"10\">\r\n<title>UPS web page</title>\r\n| p/Netman UPS monitor http config/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 Ok\r\nServer: NAE Server\r\nContent-Length: 73\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<html><center><h1>NAE Server Health Check Succeeded\.</h1></center></html>| p/Ingrian i3xx health monitor httpd/ d/security-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 302 Tempor\xe4r verschoben\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: Indy/([\d.]+)\r\nLocation: /Wikipedia/\r\n\r\n| p/German Wikipedia DVD browser httpd/ i/Indy httpd $1; German/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: .*\n<title>HP Media Vault: Welcome</title>|s p/HP Media Vault http config/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: .*\n<title>HP Media Vault: Browse Shares</title>\n|s p/HP Media Vault browse shares httpd/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: WindWeb/([\d.]+)\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>(\w+) System Control Center</title>\n| p/Hughes $2 satellite modem http config/ i/WindWeb httpd $1/
# auther??
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: Camera Web Server/([\d.]+)\r\nAuther: Steven Wu\r\n| p|D-Link/Airlink IP webcam http config| v/$1/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: Web Server/([\d.]+)\r\nAuther: Steven Wu\r\n| p/D-Link print server http config/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nSet-Cookie: Ipswitch={| p/Ipswitch WhatsUp Professional httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK.*\r\n\tThis machine cannot be used for administration\.\r\n|s p/Cisco Secure ACS httpd/ i/administration disabled/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Wusage\"\r\n| p/Wusage httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Redirection\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: iGuard Embedded Web Server/([-\w_.]+) \(\w+\) SN:([-\w]+)\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nLocation: /Admins/index\.html\r\n\r\n| p/iGuard access control system http config/ v/$1/ i/Serial $2/ d/security-misc/
# Not sure if this will match all:
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nDate: [A-Z]{3}.*</head>\n<body>\n<p>You will automatically be redirected to a secure connection in 2 seconds\.</p>\n</body>\n</html>\n|s p/HP 9000 http service/ o/HP-UX/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: LiteSpeed\r\n|s p/LiteSpeed httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*Powered By <a href='http://www\.litespeedtech\.com'>LiteSpeed Web Server</a>|s p/LiteSpeed httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: Terayon/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>Cable Modem Information Center</title>| p/Terayon cable modem http config/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Tornado/([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Puakma Tornado httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^<html><head><title>Cannot find server</title></head><body>\n<br>Access to this web page is currently unavailable\.<P><HR></BODY></HTML>\n$| p/Arris cm450 cable modem http config/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nMime-Version: 1\.0\r\nServer: Web Transaction Server For ClearPath MCP ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Unisys ClearPath MCP http config/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Access Denied\r\nWWW-Authenticate: NTLM\r\nContent-Length: 24\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nError: Access is Denied\.| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ v/3.X/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: SnapStream\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type:text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>\r\nBeyond TV - Web Admin Redirector\r\n| p/SnapStream Media Beyond TV PVR http config/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>404 Not Found \(Error 3\)<BR></html>$| p/NOD32 windows anti-virus http config/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*/cgi-bin/prodhelp\?prod=axis_540\+/542\+&ver=([\d.]+)&|s p|AXIS 540+/542+ print server http config| v/$1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nRIPT-Server: iTunesLib/([-\w_.]+) \(Mac OS X\)\r\n| p/Apple TV http config/ i/iTunesLib $1/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Redirect\r\nServer: Vistabox\r\n| p/Convision Vistabox security camera http config/ d/webcam/
match http m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2\.0//EN\">\n<html><head>\n<title>400 Bad Request</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Bad Request</h1>\n<p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand\.<br />\nReason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port\.| p/Apache SSL-only mode httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: IP_SHARER WEB 1\.0\r\n.*<title>Setup</title>.*type=\"text/javascript\">\nfunction loadnext\(\)|s p/TrendNet TW100-BRV204 router http config/ i/no admin pass; IP_SHARER httpd/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 302 Moved Temporarily\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nExpires: .*\r\nSet-Cookie: SSLX_SSESHID=| p/SSL Explorer browser-based VPN httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 .*Server: Virata-EmWeb/R([-\w_.]+)\r\n.*<title>NBX NetSet</title>\n<META NAME=\"robots\" CONTENT=\"noindex,noarchive,nofollow\">\n<!-- \(c\) Copyright, 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries|s p/3Com NBX NetSet VoIP adapter http config/ d/VoIP adapter/ i/Virata httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 .*Server: Virata-EmWeb/R([-\w_.]+)\r\n.*<title> HP Color LaserJet ([-\w_.]+)|s p/HP Color LaserJet http config/ d/printer/ i/Virata httpd $1/
match http m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>404 Entity Not Found</title>\n.*The requested file or stream was not found on this server\.|s p/Icecast streaming media server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*<TITLE>optiPoint420Advance Home Page</TITLE>|s p/Siemans optiPoint 420 Advance http config/ i/Virata httpd $1/ d/VoIP phone/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 403 too few slashes in URI /\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n| p|apt-cache/apt-proxy httpd| o/Linux/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: CosminexusComponentContainer\r\n|s p/Cosminexus httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Cisco Systems, Inc\.</TITLE>.*Cisco Systems, Inc\. IP Phone CP-7940G \(|s p/Cisco CP-7940G VoIP phone http config/ d/VoIP phone/ i/Allegro httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: SysMaster Web Server/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-type: text/html;\r\n\r\n<script>\nif\(document\.all\)\n\tlocation=\"app_ie\.htm\";\nelse\n\tlocation=\"app_mz\.htm\";\n</script>| p/Tornado M10 media center http config/ i/SysMaster httpd $1/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Authorization Required\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Linksys-CIT400\"\r\n| p/Linksys CIT400 VoIP phone http config/ d/VoIP phone/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nAllow: GET, POST, OPTIONS\r\nServer: EDA HTTP LISTENER/([\d.]+)\r\n.*<form name=\"form\" action=\"webconsole\" method=\"POST\" >|s p/WebFOCUS httpd/ i/EDA httpd $1/
# Netgear WG302v1 or Linksys WRT54G v8
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 301 Moved Premanently\r\nLocation: https://[\d.]+/\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>Access Denied</title></head><body><h1>You must use SSL based http\(HTTPS\) server\.</h1></body></html>$| p/Netgear or Linksys WAP http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\n.*<title>Colloquy</title>|s p/Colloquy IRC web gateway/ o/Mac OS X/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*content=\"VMware Server is virtual infrastructure software.*\n\n<title>VMware Server ([-\w_.]+)</title>|s p/VMware Server http config/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([-\w_.]+)\r\n.*<font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"4\">Cisco Systems, Inc\. IP Phone CP-7960 \(|s p/Cisco CP-7960 VoIP phone http config/ d/VoIP phone/ i/Allegro RomPager httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: InterMapper/([-\w_.]+)\r\n|s p/Dartware InterMapper httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Authenticate\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"P4Web\"\n| p/Perforce P4Web httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200\r\n.*<!--SELECTserver Full Page Header-->\r\n<html>\r\n\r\n<head>\r\n<title>\r\nSELECTserver: License Manager\r\n</title>|s p/SELECTserver license manager httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Document follows\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: WebminServer\r\n| p/WebminServer httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK.*\* Zimbra Collaboration Suite Web Client\n|s p/Zimbra http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 302 Found\r\n.*\r\nLocation: https://[\d.:]+/zimbraAdmin\r\n|s p/Zimbra admin http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nDate:.*\r\nServer: HighPoint Raidman WebServer/([-.\w\d]+)\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\n| p/HighPoint Raidman web config http/ v/$1/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nconnection: close\r\ncontent-type: text/html\r\ndate: .*\r\nserver: Ruckus/([.\d]+)\r\n\r\n| p/Ruckus Media Player/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
#Novell Groupwise HTTP services
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\n(?:Date: .*\r\n)?Server: GroupWise MTA ([-_.\d\w\(\) ]+)\r\n| p/Novell GroupWise MTA httpd/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: WindWeb/([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*<title>TrueTime - NTS-200 Web Interface -|s p/TrueTime NTS-200 http config/ d/specialized/ i/WindWeb httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 302 Found\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nServer: \r\n.*<!-- this page must have 520 bytes or more, ie is a wonderfull program -->.*<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>302-Found</title>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n<h1>302-Found</h1>\r\n<a href='/login\.html\?id=\d+'>/login\.html</a>|s p|Siemens Gigaset PBX/TARGA DIP VoIP phone http config|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: SimpleHTTP/([\d.]+) Python/([\d.]+)\r\n.*<HTML>\n<TITLE>WifiZoo v([\w-_.]+) - Control Panel</TITLE>|s p/WifiZoo http control panel/ i/SimpleHTTP $1; Python $2/ v/$3/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\n.*\n\n\t\t<title>PGP Universal - Page Not Found</title>\n|s p/PGP Universal httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 Document follows\r\nConnection: Close\r\nServer: Micro-Web\r\n.*<title>Oasis Semiconductor, Inc\.</title>.*<b>Welcome to a live demo of the TCP/IP network stack running Micro-Web!</b>.*\r\nSystem Up Time: ([^\r\n<]+)\r\n.*\r\nMAC Address:\r\n([\w:]+)\r\n|s p/Oasis Micro-Web http demo/ i/Uptime $1; MAC $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: WYM/([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*<TITLE>Video Server \(V([\w-_.]+)\)</TITLE>\n<META NAME=\"Author\" CONTENT=\"ChenXiaohui\">\n<!-- Get Server or DVR-->|s p/Gadspot Video Server httpd/ v/$2/ d/media device/ i/WYM httpd $1/
match http m|^<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Error</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Error</H1>Bad request or resource not found\.</BODY></HTML>\0$| p/Panasonic DP-1820E printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: Contiki/([\w-_.]+) http://www\.sics\.se/~adam/contiki/\r\n| p/Contiki httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: \r\n.*WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Please enter your user name and password on C54APRA\"\r\n|s p/Conceptronic C54APRA WAP http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*<title>HP Photosmart ([\w-_.+]+) series</title>|s p/HP Photosmart $2 series printer http config/ d/printer/ i/Virata httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: HP HTTP Server; HP Photosmart ([\w-_.+]+) series - \w+; Serial Number: (\w+);| p/HP Photosmart $1 series printer http config/ d/printer/ i/Serial $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n.*<br>Ability FTP Server ([\w-_.]+) by Code-Crafters<br>|s p/Code-Crafters Ability ftp http interface/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: sks_www/([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/SKS OpenPGP Key Server httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nCOMMERCE-SERVER-SOFTWARE: Microsoft Commerce Server 2002, Enterprise Edition\r\n| p/Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\n<title>EpsonNet WebManager</title>|s p/EpsonNet WebManager httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: RadiaMessagingService/([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/HP SIM NVDKIT.exe http config/ i/RadiaMessagingService $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*<hr noshade size=\"3\" width=\"100%\">\n<p class=\"alert\">\nYou need to supply a valid user name and password\.\n|s p/Allied Data CopperJet http config/ d/broadband router/ i/Virata httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Moved Temporarily\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: SMSSMTPHTTP\r\n| p/Symantec smtp mail security http config/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: jtvchat\r\n\r\n<html>\n<head><title>Justin\.tv chat servers</title>| p/justin.tv chat server httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*\r\n<TITLE>bric_web_gui</TITLE>\r\n</HEAD>\r\n<BODY bgcolor=\"#555577\">\r\n<!-- URL's used in the movie-->\r\n<!-- text used in the movie-->|s p/Comrex Access BRIC http config/ d/telecom-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Document follows\r\nServer: PRINT_SERVER WEB ([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*<title>Print Server Setup</title>.*name=\"main\" src=\"ps_stat\.htm\"|s p/LevelOne FPS-3001TXU print server http config/ d/print server/ i/PRINT_SERVER WEB httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\n.*Set-Cookie: AUTHKEY=\r\n.*<TITLE>Welcome to Mailtraq WebMail</TITLE>|s p/Mailtraq WebMail httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: TopLayer/([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*ALT=\"Welcome to the AppSwitch\"|s p|Top Layer Networks AppSafe/AppSwitch IDS http config| v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 .*\r\nServer: Mbedthis-AppWeb/([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*<title>BT Home Hub manager - Home</title>|s p/BT Home Hub http config/ d/broadband router/ i/Mbedthis-AppWeb $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 .*\r\nServer: MoxaHttp/([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*<TITLE>NPort Web Console</TITLE>|s p/Moxa NPort serial to IP http config/ i/MoxaHttp $1/ d/specialized/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nCache-Control: no-store\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\n<style>a{text-decoration:none}</style>\n<body vlink=black bgcolor=\"#99ccff\">\n<center>\n<h1>Invalid Access</h1>\n</center>\n</p></body>\n</html>\n\n\n| p/Cisco ATA186 VoIP adapter http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: http server ([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*<title>NAS</title>\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n\nfunction setCookie\(name, value, expires\)\n|s p/QNAP TS-109-II NAS http config/ d/storage-misc/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 no application for: /\r\nServer: HttpServer\r\n\r\n$| p/Galleon TiVo Application Port http config/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 File not found\r\nServer: HttpServer\r\n\r\n$| p/Galleon TiVo Publishing Port http config/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n.*<title>NOTE: The requested URL could not be retrieved</title>.*background-image: url\(/html/de/images/bg_ramp\.jpg\);\r\n|s p/AVM FRITZ!Box WAP http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose\.dtd\">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Mac OS X Personal Web Sharing</TITLE>.*<H1>Your website here\.</H1>|s p/REALbasic 2008 example httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200\r\n.*<TITLE>ProjectorView Control System</TITLE>.*CODE=com\.mitsubishi\.x500u\.X500UApplet\.class\r\n|s p/Mitsubishi Projector XD1000 http config/ d/projector/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\n.*VMware Server provides a virtual machine platform, which can be managed by VMware VirtualCenter Server\.\">\r\n\r\n<title>VMware Server 2</title>|s p/VMware Server 2 http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\n.*document\.write\(\"<title>\" \+ ID_VC_Welcome \+ \"</title>\"\);.*<meta name=\"description\" content=\"VMware VirtualCenter|s p/VMware Server http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: VNC Server Enterprise Edition/([\w-_.]+) \(r(\d+)\)\r\n.*<applet code=\"vncviewer/VNCViewer\.class\" archive=\"vncviewer\.jar\".*<param name=\"port\" value=\"(\d+)\">|s p/VNC Server Enterprise Edition httpd/ v/$1 r$2/ i/VNC port $3/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nServer: UI-WebServer V([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/UI-View Automatic Packet Reporting System httpd/ o/Windows/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Synacast Media Server/([\w-_.]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n| p/Synacast Media Server http config/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: DCLK-HttpSvr\r\n| p/DoubleClick advertising httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nServer: Mono-HTTPAPI/([\w-_.]+)\r\n.*<H1>Ooops!</H1><P>The page you requested has been obsconded with by knomes\. Find hippos quick!</P>|s p/OpenSimulator httpd/ i/Mono HTTP API $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*<title>LaCie Network Space NAS</title>.*<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=/cgi-bin/public/login\">|s p/LaCie Network Space NAS http config/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n.*<br>Ability Mail Server ([\w-_.]+) by Code-Crafters<br>|s p/Ability Mail Server http config/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nServer: FlashCom/([\w-_.]+)\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>Wowza Media Server Pro Unlimited ([\w-_.]+) build(\d+)</title>| p/Wowza Media Server Pro Unlimited http config/ v/$2 build $3/ i/FlashCom httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: \d+Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\r\n<html><body>This site is running <a href='http://www\.TeamViewer\.com'>TeamViewer</a>\.</body></html>\r\n| p/TeamViewer httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n.*<p>Not a recognized search path\.</p>\n<hr />\n<p><i>MWSearch on localhost</i></p>\n</body>\n</html>\r\n|s p/MediaWiki Lucene powered search httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\nDate: \r\nServer: \r\nContent-Length: \d+ \r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n.*<title>Error Page 500</title>|s p/ESET NOD32 anti-virus update httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Not Authorised\r\nServer: Majestic-12 WebServer v([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/Majestic-12 httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 405 Method not allowed: Method not allowed by server: GET\r\nDate: .*\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nServer: openwbem/([\w-_.]+) \(CIMOM\)\r\n| p/Openwbem CIMOM httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Network Monitor\"\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<html><body><font size=\"2\"><b>You could not be authenticated by the GFI N\.S\.M\. web server\.| p/GFI Network Service Monitor http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 Ok\r\n.*<title>\r\nData Frame - Browser not HTTP 1\.1 compatible\r\n</title>.*Your browser must support HTTP 1\.1 to view iLO web pages\.|s p/HP Integrated Lights-Out http config/ d/remote management/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Found\r\nLocation: /html/en/index\.html\r\n\r\n$| p/peercast.org/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not found\r\n\r\n<HEAD><TITLE>File Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>File Not Found</H1></BODY>\n$| p/Bacula http config/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*<html><head><title>WebWasher - Error 400: Bad Request</title>|s p/WebWasher filtering proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\n.*<title>Webwasher - Notification</title>\r\n|s p/WebWasher filtering proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 463\r\nConnection: close\r\nProxy-Connection: close\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>File not found</title></head><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<body text=\"#000000\" bgcolor=\"#99AABB\"| p/Middleman filtering web proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: WWWOFFLE/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/WWWOFFLE caching webproxy/ v/$1/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 400 Host Not Found.*\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>The Proxomitron Reveals\.\.\.</title>|s p/Proxomitron universal web filter/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Jana-Server/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/JanaServer webproxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>DansGuardian - | p/DansGuardian HTTP proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: FreeProxy/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/FreeProxy/ v/$1/
# EZproxy for Linux 2.2d GA (2003-09-01) - http://www.usefulutilities.com
match http-proxy m|HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: EZproxy\r\n|s p/EZproxy web proxy/
# http://bfilter.sourceforge.net/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\">\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n <title>BFilter Error</title>|s p/Bfilter proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*<STRONG>\nUnsupported Request Protocol\n</STRONG>\n</UL>\n<P>\nBFilter does not support all request methods for all access protocols\.\n|s p/Bfilter proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: tinyproxy/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Tinyproxy/ v/$1/
# MS ISA Server 2000 enterprise edition on windows 2000 advanced server
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 502 Proxy Error \( The Uniform Resource Locator \(URL\) does not use a recognized protocol\. Either the protocol is not supported or the request was not typed correctly\. Confirm that a valid protocol is in use \(for example, HTTP for a Web request\)\.| p/Microsoft ISA Server http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 502 Proxy Error \( L'URL \(Uniform Resource Locator\) n'utilise pas de protocole reconnu\. Soit le protocole n'est pas pris en charge, soit la demande n'a pas \xe9t\xe9 tap\xe9e correctement\.| p/Microsoft ISA Server Web Proxy/ i/French/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required \( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request\. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied\. \)\r\n| p/Microsoft ISA Server Web Proxy/ i/Proxy auth required/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required \( El servidor ISA requiere autorizaci\xc3\xb3n para completar la petici\xc3\xb3n\. Acceso denegado al servicio de proxy web\. \)\r\n| p/Microsoft ISA Server Web Proxy/ i/Spanish; Proxy auth required/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^IsException=TRUE\r\nExceptionMsg=| p/Microsoft ISA Server Web Proxy/ o/Windows/
# Privoxy 3.0.0 Filtering Web Proxy - http://www.privoxy.org
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Invalid header received from browser\r\n\r\n$| p|Junkbuster/Privoxy webproxy|
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Invalid header received from browser\n\n| p/Junkbuster webproxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Invalid header received from client\r\nProxy-Agent: Privoxy ([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/Privoxy http proxy/ v/$1/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n.*<title>BorderManager Information Alert</title>|s p/Novell BorderManager HTTP-Proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>InterScan Error</title></head>\r\n<body><h2>InterScan Error</h2>\r\nInterScan HTTP Version ([-\w_.]+) \$Date:| p/InterScan Interscan VirusWall/ v/$1/
# iPlanet-Web-Proxy-Server 3.6
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IBM-PROXY-WTE-US/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/IBM-PROXY web proxy/ v/$1/
match http-proxy m|^<HTML><BODY bgColor=#FFFFFF link=#0000CC text=#000000 vLink=#CCCC88><TITLE>An error has occurred\.\.\.</TITLE><CENTER><TABLE width=600 border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1><TR bgcolor=#FFFFFF vAlign=top><TD width=\"90%\" colspan=2 bgcolor=#707888>| p/AnalogX web proxy/ i/misconfigured/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\nWWW-authenticate: Basic realm=\"\(Password Only\) NAV for MS Exchange\"\r\n\r\n| p/NAV for MS Exchange/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not found\r\nConnection: close\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 48\r\n\r\n<html><body>HTTP/1\.1 404 Not found</body></html>$| p/HTTHost TCP over HTTP tunneling proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Simple, Secure Web Server ([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/Symantec firewall http proxy/ i/Simple, Secure Web Server $1/ d/firewall/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n<H4><font COLOR=\"#FF0000\">Error parsing http request : </font></H2><p><pre>GET / / HTTP/1\.0\r\n\r\n</pre>| p/Kerio Winroute Pro http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*This request is not allowed\n\n\n by One1Stream Fastlane Acceleration Server\., Accelerating Server ([\d.]+)</font></p></body></html>|s p/One1Stream Fastlane accelerating http proxy/ v/$1/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Proxy Error\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2\.0//EN\">\r\n<html><head><title>Proxy Error</title></head>\r\n<body><h1>Proxy Error</h1>\r\nThe proxy server could not handle this request\.\r\n<p>\r\n<b>bad file or wrong URL</b>\r\n</body></html>\r\n| p/Software602 602LAN Suite http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nProxy-agent: Ositis-WinProxy\r\n| p/Ositis-WinProxy http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^<Html><Body><H1> Unauthorized \.\.\.</H1></Body></Html>$| p/CCProxy http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 503 Service unavailable\r\n\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>Connect server failed</title>\r\n</head>\r\n<body >\r\n<h3>503 Can not connect server</h3>\r\nezProxy meets some difficulties to connect this WWW server\.| p/ezProxy http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Mystery WebServer\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2\.0//EN\">\n<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>403 Forbidden</TITLE>\n</HEAD><BODY>\n<H1>Forbidden</H1>\nYou don't have permission to access /\non this server\.<P>\n<HR>\n<ADDRESS>Mystery WebServer/([\d.]+) Server at ([-\w_.]+) Port \d+</ADDRESS>\n| p/Espion Interceptor http proxy/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request .*Server: Traffic inspector HTTP/FTP[/ ]Proxy server \(([\w-_.]+)\)\r\n|s p/Traffic Inspector http proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: no-store\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nX-Bypass-Cache: Application and Content Networking System Software ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Cisco ACNS outbound proxying/ v/$1/ i/**PROXIED**/
match http-proxy m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/html4/loose\.dtd\">.*ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved|s p/Squid http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/html4/loose\.dtd\">.*El URL solicitado no se ha podido conseguir|s p/Squid http proxy/ i/Spanish/
match http-proxy m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/html4/loose\.dtd\">.*A URL solicitada não pode ser recuperada|s p/Squid http proxy/ i/Portugese/
match http-proxy m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/html4/loose\.dtd\">.*La URL richiesta non può essere recuperata</TITLE>|s p/Squid http proxy/ i/Italian/
match http-proxy m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/html4/loose\.dtd\">.*L'URL demandée n'a pu être chargée|s p/Squid http proxy/ i/French/
match http-proxy m|^<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www\.w3\.org/TR/html4/loose\.dtd\">.*FEHLER: Der angeforderte URL konnte nicht geholt werden|s p/Squid http proxy/ i/German/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: FSAV4IGW\r\n.*<html><head><title>F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper Welcome Page</title>|s p/F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper httpd/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: twproxy/([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/ThunderWeb twproxy/ v/$1/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: CF/v([\d.]+)\r\n.*X-Cache: MISS from CacheFORCE\r\n|s p/CacheForce http proxy/ v/$1/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Found\r\nSet-Cookie:.*<TITLE>Novell Proxy</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><b><p>HTTP request is being redirected to HTTPS\.</b></BODY></HTML>\r\n|s p/Novell iChain http proxy/ o/NetWare/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: micro_proxy\r\n.*<ADDRESS><A HREF=\"http://www\.acme\.com/software/micro_proxy/\">micro_proxy</A>|s p/acme.com micro_proxy http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 403 Forbidden\r\n.*<br><b>Access denied due to Proxy\+'s Security settings!</b>|s p/Fortech Proxy+ http admin/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*Server: SonicWALL SSL-VPN Web Server\.?\r\n|s p/SonicWALL SSL-VPN http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 504 Web Acceleration Client Error \(400\.3\) - Missing Host Field in Request Header\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\n\r\n| p/HughesNet Web Acceleration http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\nProxy-Authenticate: Basic realm=.*<h3>Access to requested resource disallowed by administrator or you need valid username/password to use this resource|s p/3Proxy http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d.*server: CoralWebPrx/([-\w_.]+) \(See http://coralcdn\.org/\)\r\n|s p/Coral Content Distribution Network http proxy/ v/$1/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nYou are trying to use a node of the CoDeeN CDN Network\.| p/CoDeeN Content Distribution Network http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 403 Request error by HAVP\r\n.*<title>Yoggie - Unknown Request</title>|s p/HAVP anti-virus web proxy/ i/Yoggie httpd/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 403 Request error by HAVP\r\n| p/HAVP anti-virus web proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 407\r\nProxy-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Proxy\"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nAccess denyed| p/Small HTTP Server http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<b>Bad request format\.\n\t\t</b><p>Please, check URL\.<p>\t\t<hr>\t\tGenerated by <a href=\"http://www\.kingate\.net\"> kingate\(([\w-_.]+)-win32\)</a>\.</body></html>\0\0|s p/kingate http proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^\njava\.net\.UnknownHostException: /\r\n\tat java\.net\.PlainSocketImpl\.connect\(Unknown Source\)\r\n| p/Apache JMeter http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Bad Protocol\r\n.*<H1>I2P ERROR: NON-HTTP PROTOCOL</H1>The request uses a bad protocol\. The I2P HTTP Proxy supports http:// requests ONLY\. Other protocols such as https:// and ftp:// are not allowed\.<BR>|s p/I2P http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 502 Bad Gateway\r\nProxy-Connection: close\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>\r\n<body><h2>502 Bad Gateway</h2><h3>Host Not Found or connection failed</h3></body></html>\r\n| p/3proxy http proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\nProxy-Authenticate: NTLM\r\nProxy-Authenticate: basic realm=\"proxy\"\r\nProxy-Connection: close\r\n.*<h2>407 Proxy Authentication Required</h2><h3>Access to requested resource disallowed by administrator or you need valid username/password to use this resource</h3>|s p/3proxy http proxy/ i|authentication required|
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Object not found\r\n.*<title>MIMEsweeper for Web :: ACCESS DENIED</title>|s p/Clearswift MIMEsweeper for web http proxy/ d/security-misc/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 X-NETSCAPE LOGIN-REFERRALS STARTTLS LOGINDISABLED\] \[[-.\w]+\] IMAP4rev1 (200[-.\w]+) at .*\r\nGET BAD Command unrecognized/login please: /\r\n\* BAD Null command\r\n| p/UW-Imap/
match imap m|^\* OK \[[-.+\w]+\] IMAP4rev1 v1(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n| p/UW-Imap/ v/1$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.+\w]+) IMAP4rev1 v1(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n| p/UW-Imap/ h/$1/ v/1$2/
# gnu/mailutils imap4d 0.3.2 on Linux
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1\r\nGET BAD Invalid command\r\n\* BAD Null command\r\n$| p/GNU Mailutils imapd/
# Cyrus IMAP 2.1.14
match ssl/imap m|^\* BYE Fatal error: tls_start_servertls\(\) failed\r\n$| p/Cyrus imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+)\r\nGET BAD Error in IMAP command received by server\.\r\n\* BAD Error in IMAP command received by server\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK .*\r\nGET BAD Error in IMAP command received by server\.\r\n\* BAD Error in IMAP command received by server\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK .*\r\nGET BAD Please login first\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/ i/auth required/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 Server\r\nGET BAD Unrecognised Command\r\n| p/Floosietek FTgate imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4r1 server \[([-\w_.]+)\] ready\r\nGET BAD Protocol Error: \"Unidentifiable command specified\"\.\r\n\* BAD Protocol Error: \"Tag not found in command\"\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange imapd/ h/$1/ i/Version masked/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 server ready at \d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d?\d:\d\d:\d\d\r\nGET BAD UNKNOWN Command\r\n\r\n BAD UNKNOWN Command\r\n| p/MailEnable imapd/ o/Windows/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\nGET BAD Unknown command '/'\r\n BAD Unknown command ''\r\n| p/Kerio imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK Gimap ready for requests from [\d\.]+ ([\w\d]+)| p/Google Gmail imapd/ i/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK .*IMAP4rev1 Server Completed\r\nGET BAD Protocol Error: Invalid IMAP command specified\r\n| p/Cisco imapd/
# embyte
match imap m|^\* OK MailSite IMAP4 Server ([-.\w]+) ready| p/MailSite imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([\w-_.]+) Welcome \(cimap\)\r\nGET BAD Invalid command \(/\)\r\n\* BAD - command line Insufficient tokens \(\)\r\n| p/SurgeMail imapd/ h/$1/
match ipp m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nDate: .*\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 91\r\nServer: Web-Server/([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>404 Not Found</H1></BODY></HTML>\0| p/NRG copier or Ricoh Afficio/ i/Embedded Web-Server $1/ d/printer/
match ipp m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 89\r\nServer: Web-Server/3\.0\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>404 Not Found</h1></body></html>$| p/NRG copier or Ricoh Afficio/ i/Embedded Web-Server $1/ d/printer/
match ipp m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: CANON HTTP Server Ver(\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n| p/Canon printer web interface/ v/$1/
match ipp m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Canon Http Server (\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n| p/Canon printer web interface/ v/$1/
match ipp m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">\r\n<TITLE>IBM Infoprint Color (\d+)</TITLE>| p/IBM Infoprint Color $1 ippd/ d/printer/
match ipp m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*<TITLE>Common UNIX Printing System</TITLE>.*HREF=\"http://www\.easysw\.com\" ALT=\"Easy Software Products Home Page\">\n|s p/Easy Software Products CUPS/
match ipp m|^<HEAD><TITLE>Not Found</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1><B>Not Found</B></H1><P>The requested URL \"\"was not found on this server\.</BODY>\r\n| p/Epson 980N Printer/ d/printer/
match ipp m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3\.2//EN\">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Invalid Request</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n\n<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\">\n<CENTER>\n<FONT SIZE=\"\+2\" COLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" ALIGN=\"Center\">\n</FONT>\n<B>Invalid Request\. Some Error</B>\n</BODY>\n\n</HTML>\n\n| p/Xerox Phaser 3500/ d/printer/
match irc m|^:Default-Chat-Community 421 \* GET :Unknown command\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Chat Service/ o/Windows/
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) 451 :You have not registered your connection\r\n$| p/Wircsrv/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
match ingrian-xml m|^<GenericError><Success>false</Success><FatalError>101</FatalError><ErrorString>Could not parse client request</ErrorString></GenericError>| p/Ingrian NAE XML daemon/ d/security-misc/
match kazaa-http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r?\nX-Kazaa-Username: (\S+)\r\nX-Kazaa-Network: ([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/KaZaA P2P client/ i/username: $1; network: $2/
match kazaa-http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 404 Not Found\r?\nServer: giFT-FastTrack ([\d.]+)\r\nX-Kazaa-Username: (\S+)\r\nX-Kazaa-Network: ([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/KaZaA P2P client/ v/$1/ i/username: $2; network: $3/
match kazaa-peerpoint m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\n\r\n$| p/KaZaA P2P client Peer Point Manager/
match kerberos-sec m|^\0\0\0.~\x81.0\x81..\x03\x02\x01\x05.\x03\x02\x01\x1e.\x11\x18\x0f|s p/Mac OS X kerberos-sec/ o/Mac OS X/
match lcdproc m|^huh\? Invalid command \"GET\"\n| p/LCDProc screen interface daemon/
match listserv m|^The file name you specified is invalid\. LISTSERV files have names like\r\n\"BOARD\.MINUTES\" or \"XYZ-L LOG9303\" \(without the quotes\)\.\r\n| p/LISTSERV Administration service/
match mosmig m|^GET \0\0\0\0TP/1\.0\r\n$| p/OpenMosix Process Migration Service/ o/Linux/
# Wrongly matches SSL in some cases
# match msdtc m|^...\0..$|s p/Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator/ o/Windows/
match msdtc m|^ERROR\n$|s p/Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator/ i/error/ o/Windows/
# MLDonkey 2.5
match napster m|^1INVALID REQUEST$| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P client/
match napster m|^1$| p/WinMX or Lopster Napster P2P client/
match bittorrent-tracker m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nServer: MLdonkey\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/x-bittorrent\r\nContentlength: 0\r\n\r\n| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P client/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: DSS/([-.\w]+) \[(v\d+)]-(\w+)\r\n| p/DarwinStreamingServer/ v/$1/ i/$2 on $3/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: QTSS/(\d[\d.]+ \[v\d+\]-Win32)\r\nCseq: \r\n| p/Apple QuickTime Streaming Server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: QTSS/([\d.]+) \(Build/[\d.]+; Platform/MacOSX; Release/(\w+); \)\r\n| p/Apple QuickTime Streaming Server/ v/$1/ i/Mac OS X $2/ o/Mac OS X/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: QTSS/(\d[-.\w]+) \(Build/([\d.]+); Platform/([-.\w]+)\)\r\nCseq: \r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n| p/Apple QuickTime Streaming Server/ v/$1 build $2/ i/$3/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: QTSS/(v[-\w.]+)\r\nCseq: \r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n| p/Apple QuickTime Streaming Server/ v/$1/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: QTSS/(\d[-.\w]+) \[\d+\]-Linux\r\nCseq: \r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\nThe following RTSP method: GET, was not understood by the server| p/Apple QuickTime Streaming Server/ v/$1/ o/Linux/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: QTSS/(\d[-.\w]+) \(Build/[\d.]+; Platform/MacOSX; Release/(\w+); Update/3GPP; \)\r\nCseq: \r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n| p/Apple QuickTime Streaming Server/ v/$1/ i/Mac OS X $2/ o/Mac OS X/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 505 Protocol Version Not Supported\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: WMServer/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n\r\n$| p/Microsoft Windows Media Server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 505 RTSP Version not supported\r\nCseq: \d+\r\nServer: fbxrtspd/([\d.]+) Freebox minimal RTSP server\r\n\r\n| p/Freebox minimal rtspd/ v/$1/ d/media device/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nCseq: \d+\r\nServer: fbxrtspd/([\w-_.]+) Freebox RTSP server\r\n| p/Freebox rtspd/ v/$1/ d/media device/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nAllow: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE, STATS\r\n\r\n| p/MediaPortal TV-Server rtspd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n-> GET / HTTP/1\.0\r\nGET / HTTP/1\.0\r\nundefined symbol: GET\r\n-> \r\n-> | p/Konica Minolta Magicolor 2300 DL printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01Login to server\. \r\nUsername: ET / HTTP/1\.0\r\nPassword: \r\nLogin to server\. \r\nUsername:| p/EFCMService telnetd/ o/Windows/
# The Onion Router
match tor-socks m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Tor is not an HTTP Proxy\r\n| p/Tor SOCKS Proxy/
match tor-info m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Encoding: identity\r\n.*signed-directory\npublished .*\nrecommended-software|s p/Tor nodes info httpd/
match tor-info m|^HTTP/1\.0 503 Directory busy, try again later\r\n\r\n$| p/Tor nodes info httpd/
match utsessiond m|^ERR/InvalidCommand\n$| p/Sun Ray utsessiond/
match utsvc m|^protocolErrorInf error=Missing\\040hw\\040string\\040from\\040:\\040null\.\\040Check\\040hardware state=disconnected\n| p/Sun Ray utsvcd/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nCONTENT-TYPE: text/xml\r\nContent-Length: .*<modelName>Xbox 360</modelName>.*<serialNumber>(\w+)</serialNumber>|s p/XBox 360 XML httpd/ i/Serial number $1/ d/game console/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n$| p/Microsoft Windows UPnP/ o/Windows/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: Microsoft-Windows-NT/(\d[-.\w]+) UPnP/(\d[-.\w]+) UPnP-Device-Host/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Microsoft Windows UPnP/ v/$2/ i/UPnP Device Host: $3/ o/Windows NT $1/
match vnc-http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\n\n<HTML>\n <HEAD><TITLE>TightVNC desktop \[[-.\w]+\]| p/TightVNC/
# TightVNC 1.2.8
match vnc-http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK[\r\n]*.*<!-- \n index\.vnc - default HTML page for TightVNC Java viewer applet, to be\n used with Xvnc\. On any file ending in \.vnc, the HTTP server embedded in\n Xvnc will substitute the following variables when preceded by a dollar:\n USER, DESKTOP, DISPLAY, APPLETWIDTH, APPLETHEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, PORT,\n.*<TITLE>\n(\w+)'s X desktop.*<APPLET CODE=VncViewer\.class ARCHIVE=VncViewer\.jar\n WIDTH=(\d+) HEIGHT=(\d+)>\n<param name=PORT value=(\d+)>\n\n</APPLET>|s p/TightVNC/ v/1.2.8/ i/User: $1; Resolution $2x$3; VNC TCP port: $4/
# TightVNC 1.2.8 - I guess it gets cut off sometimes?
match vnc-http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK[\r\n]*.*<!-- \n index\.vnc - default HTML page for TightVNC Java viewer applet, to be\n used with Xvnc\. On any file ending in \.vnc, the HTTP server embedded in\n Xvnc will substitute the following variables when preceded by a dollar:\n USER, DESKTOP, DISPLAY, APPLETWIDTH, APPLETHEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, PORT,\n| p/TightVNC/ v/1.2.8/
# TightVNC 1.2.9
match vnc-http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\n.*<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Remote Desktop</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<APPLET CODE=VncViewer\.class ARCHIVE=VncViewer\.jar WIDTH=(\d+) HEIGHT=(\d+)>\n\t<param name=PORT value=(\d+)>\n</APPLET>\n</BODY></HTML>\n|s p/TightVNC/ v/1.2.9/ i/Resolution $1x$2; VNC TCP port $3/
# NetWare VNCServer
match vnc-http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\n.*<!-- \r\n index\.vnc - default HTML page for TightVNC Java viewer applet, to be.*<TITLE>\r\n([\d\w]+) - NetWare VNCServer desktop.*<APPLET CODE=VncViewer\.class ARCHIVE=VncViewer\.jar\r\n *WIDTH=(\d+) HEIGHT=(\d+)>\r\n<param name=PORT value=(\d+)>|s p/NetWare VNC Desktop/ i/User: $1; Resolution $2x$3; VNC TCP port: $4/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\n\n<HTML>\n<TITLE>VNC desktop \[[\d.]+\]</TITLE>\n<APPLET CODE=vncviewer\.class ARCHIVE=vncviewer\.jar WIDTH=(\d+) HEIGHT=(\d+)>\n<param name=PORT value=(\d+)>\n</APPLET>\n</HTML>\n| p/Wyse Winterm 1200 LE terminal/ i/Resolution $1x$2; VNC TCP port $3/ d/terminal/
match xml-rpc m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Apache XML-RPC (\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n\r\nMethod GET not implemented \(try POST\)$| p/Apache XML-RPC/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0\x20250\x20Ok\r\n.*<title>PowerMTA monitoring</title>|s p/Port25 PowerMTA web monitor/
match aspi m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: ByllSoftware Gurda/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/ASPI server/ v/$1/ o/Solaris/
match sunscreen-adm m|^\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0T\x03\0\0\0\0\0\x01\x1e\0\0\0\0\0\0;\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0Error: incompatible with administration server \(version (\d[-.\w ]*)\)\nc\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0$| p/SunScreen Remote Administration server/ v/$1/
# PopChartServer
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: PopChartServer ([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/PopChart Pro/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 28\r\n\r\n<h1>Service Unavailable</h1>| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ o/Windows/
# A whole bunch of these.. All on win32
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 510 Not Extended\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: CompaqHTTPServer/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Compaq Diagnostics httpd/ i/CompaqHTTPServer $1/
# HP Linux System Management, PSP 7.30 on Linux 2.4
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 302 Found\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: CompaqHTTPServer/([\d.]+) HP System Management Homepage/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/HP Proliant System Management/ v/$2/ i/CompaqHTTPServer $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Ungueltige Anfrage\r\nServer: Web Sharing\r\n| p/Mac OS Personal Web Sharing/ i/German/ o/Mac OS/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nContent-Type:text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Remote Insight</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\r\n<H1>Request Error</H1>\r\nHTTP/1\.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n</BODY></HTML>\r\n| p|HP/Compaq Integrated Lights-Out http config| d/remote management/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Web Sharing\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE>The URL you requested could not be understood by the server\. Do not include double slashes or colon characters in the URL\.</HTML>\r\n\r\n| p/Apple Personal Websharing httpd/ o/Mac OS/
match http m|^Command Not Reconized\r\n$| p/Microsiga httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nAllow: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT\r\n\r\n$| p/Lexmark printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 405-metode ikke tillatt\r\nTillatt: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT\r\n\r\n$| p/Lexmark printer http config/ i/Norwegian/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 \( Die Anforderung wurde vom HTTP-Filter zur\xc3\xbcckgewiesen\. Wenden Sie sich an den ISA Server-Administrator\. \)\r\n| p/Microsoft ISA server httpd/ i/German/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\nServer: GemtekBalticHTTPD/(.*)\n| p/Gemtek Systems GemtekBalticHTTPD/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: ELMO Web Server\r\n.*<TITLE>HV-([\w+/-]+)</TITLE>\r\n|s p/ELMO $1 Visual Presenter http config/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Not Implemented\r\nServer: HTTPD/[\d.]+\r\n.*<a href=\"/\">Return to Web Management</a>.*<A HREF=\"http://www\.juniper\.net/support/\">HTTPD release ([-\w_.]+) built by|s p/Juniper router http config/ i/HTTPD $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not found\r\nServer: BadBlue/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/BadBlue httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Not Implemented\r\nServer: httpd/1\.00\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nExpires: 0\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>501 Not Implemented</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H2>501 Not Implemented</H2>\nThe requested method 'OPTIONS' is not implemented by this server\.\n<HR>\n<I>httpd/1\.00</I></BODY></HTML>\n$| p|Packeteer PacketShaper 4500/ISP httpd|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Not Implemented\r\nDate: .*<H1>501 Not Implemented</H1>\nPOST to non-script is not supported in Boa\.\n</BODY></HTML>\n|s p/Boa httpd/
# HP JetDirect Card in a LaserJet printer
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Unknown or unimplemented http action\r\nMIME-Version: 1\.0\r\nServer: HP-ChaiServer/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<TITLE>Request Not Implemented</TITLE><P><B>Cannot process request, not implemented at server\.</B></P><P>Unknown or unimplemented http action| p/HP JetDirect Card in a LaserJet printer/ i/HP-ChaiServer Embedded VM $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Unknown or unimplemented http action\r\nMIME-Version: 1\.0\r\nServer: HP-ChaiServer/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<TITLE>Request Not Implemented</TITLE><P><B>Cannot process request, not implemented at server\.</B></P><P>Unknown or unimplemented http action| p/HP JetDirect Card in a LaserJet printer/ i/HP-ChaiServer Embedded VM $1/ d/printer/
# Zero One Technology ( http://www.01tech.com/ ) print servers embedded HTTP service
match http m|^HTTP/1\.\d\x20200\x20OK\r\nDate:\x20.*\r\nMIME-version:\x201\.\d\r\nServer:\x20ZOT-PS-(\d+)/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Zero One Technology print server model $1 HTTP server/ v/$2/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Not Implemented\r\nDate: .*\r\nMIME-version: 1\.0\r\nServer: ZOT-PS-19/8\.2\.0016\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<TITLE>ERROR</TITLE><H1>501 Not Implemented</H1>Method \"OPTIONS\" is not supported\.| p/IOGear GPSU01 USB print server http config/ i/ZOT-PS-19 httpd 8.2.0016/ d/print server/
match kmldonkey m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: KMLDonkey/(\d\S+)| p/KMLDonkey/ v/$1/
# webmin version 1.090 on Mandrake 8.2 - not sure why it's not picked up by the getreq probe
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: MiniServ/([\d.]+)\r\n.*\r\n<h1>Error - Bad Request</h1>\n|s p/webmin/ i|MiniServer/$1|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Page not found\r\nServer: GoAhead-Webs\r\nDate: .*\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>Document Error: Page not found</title></head>| p/Motorola SBG900 WAP http config/ i/GoAhead httpd/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nLast-Modified: .*\r\nX-User-Agent: DVArchive\r\nServer: Unknown/0\.0 UPnP/1\.0 Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n| p/DVArchive httpd/ i/Virata embedded httpd $1/ o/Linux/
match http m|^ 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n.*<B>The request is not Implemented\.</B>|s p/Dell 1815dn printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\r\n<body><h1>Not Found</h1>The requested URL / was not found on this server\.<p>\r\n</body></html>\r\n$| p/Mono XSP httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<hr><pre><font size=\+2><b>\nError\. Unsupported method\.\n</b></font>| p/Small Home Server httpd/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>400 Bad Request \(ERR_INVALID_REQ\)</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>400 Bad Request</H1><BR>ERR_INVALID_REQ<HR><B>AR7 Webserver</B>| p/AR7 embedded httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nServer: Cisco AWARE ([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/Cisco ASA AWARE http config/ d/firewall/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request \r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n400 Bad Request Cannot parse request\r\n| p/GotoMeeting httpd/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\ndate: .*\r\nconnection: close\r\n\r\n<html><body><pre><h1>Service unavailable</h1></pre></body></html>\n| p/HTTP Replicator proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\n.*This is a WebSEAL error message template file\.|s p/IBM WebSEAL reverse http proxy/ d/security-misc/
match policy m|^action=defer_if_permit Policy Rejection: Invalid data\n\n$| p/Postfix mail policyd/
match tgcmd m|^\d+ \d+ \d+,Invalid command\.\n$| p/tgcmd.exe support daemon/ o/Windows/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nCSeq: 0\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: RealServer Version (\d[-.\w]+) \(win32\)\r\n| p/Realserver RTSP/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: RealMedia EncoderServer Version (\d[-.\w]+) \(win32\)\r\n|s p/RealMedia EncoderServer/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: RealServer Version (\d[-.\w]+) \(([-.+\w]+)\)\r\n|s p/RealOne Server/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: Helix [\w ]*Server Version ([\d.]+) \(win32\)\r\n|s p/Helix DNA Server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: Helix [\w ]*Server Plus Version ([\d.]+) \(win32\)|s p/Helix DNA Server Plus/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Helix [\w ]*Server Version ([\d.]+) \((linux-[^)\r\n]+)\)|s p/Helix DNA Server/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ i/$2/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Helix [\w ]*Server Version ([\d.]+) \(sunos-([\d.]+)-sparc-server\)|s p/Helix DNA Server/ v/$1/ i/SunOS $2 sparc/ o/SunOS/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Helix Server Version ([\d.]+) \(sunos-([\d.]+)-sparc-server\)|s p/Helix DNA Server/ v/$1/ i/SunOS $2 sparc/ o/SunOS/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Helix Server Version ([\d.]+) \(win32\)|s p/Helix DNA Server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([\d.]+).*This object on the APC Management Web Server is protected and requires a secure socket connection\.|s p/APC http config/ i/Allegro RomPager httpd $1/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: FineGround Performance Server\r\n| p/Fineground performance httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n| p/EMC Navisphere CIM Object Manager httpd/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\ndate: .*\r\nconnection: close\r\n\r\n<html><body><pre><h1>Service unavailable</h1></pre></body></html>\n| p/HTTP Replicator proxy/
match rpcbind m|^\x72\xFE\x1D\x13\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01|
match rpcbind m|^\x72\xFE\x1D\x13\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02|
# OpenAFS 1.2.10 on Linux 2.4.22
match kerberos-sec m|^\x04\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x04code = 4: packet version number unknown\0| p/OpenAFS/
# talk-server-0.17 (linux), ports 517-518/udp
match talk m|^\x01\xfe\x05\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Talk server/
# Mandrake Linux 9.2, xinetd 2.3.11 chargen
match chargen m|NOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]\^_`abcdefghijklm|
match chargen m|^ !\"#\$%&'\(\)\*\+| p/SunOS chargen/ o/SunOS/
match isakmp m|^r\xfe\x1d\x13\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02\0\x01\x86\xa0\x0b\x10\x05\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0|
# Windows qotd service. Same as the TCP version. It's only in this
# Probe because this is the first UDP Probe that nmap tries.
match qotd m/^"(My spelling is Wobbly\.|Man can climb to the highest summits,|In Heaven an angel is nobody in particular\.|Assassination is the extreme form of censorship\.|When a stupid man is doing|We have no more right to consume happiness without|We want a few mad people now.|The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to|Here's the rule for bargains:|Oh the nerves, the nerves; the mysteries of this machine called man|A wonderful fact to reflect upon,|It was as true as taxes is\.)/ p/Windows qotd/ o/Windows/
match qotd m/^"(Mi ortograf\xeda tiembla\. Es bueno revisarla,|un hombre puede escalar a las m\xe1s altas cumbre|Algo maravilloso a poner de manifiesto:|Cuando un necio hace algo de lo que se aveg\xfcenza,|En el cielo, un \xe1ngel no es nadie en concreto|Traigamos unos cuantos locos ahora\.|Era tan verdad como los impuestos\. Y no|Hay libros cortos que, para entenderlos como se merecen,|Quedarse en lo conocido por miedo a lo desconocido,|La prosperidad hace amistades, y la adversidad las|El uso principal de un PC es confirmar la ley de|Quedarse en lo conocido por miedo a lo desconocido,|Cuando las leyes son injustas, no obligan en el fuero|Magia equivale a cualquier avance en la ciencia\.|Vale mejor consumir vanidades de la vida,)/ p/Windows qotd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/
# Some Italian qotds start with a space instead of a "
match qotd m/^.(Voce dal sen fuggita|Semel in anno licet insanire|Cosa bella e mortal passa e non dura|Quando uno stupido compie qualcosa di cui si vergogna,|Se tu pagare come dici tu,|Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,|Sperare senza far niente e` come)/ p/Windows qotd/ i/Italian/ o/Windows/
match qotd m/^"(Prazos longos sao f\xa0ceis de subscrever\.|Deus, para a felicidade do homem, inventou a f\x82 e o amor\.|Ao vencido, \xa2dio ou compaixao, ao vencedor, as batatas\.|Quem nao sabe que ao p\x82 de cada bandeira p\xa3blica,|Nao te irrites se te pagarem mal um benef\xa1cio; antes cair|A vida, como a antiga Tebas, tem cem portas\.)/ p/Windows qotd/ i/Portugese/
# The German version doesn't start with "
match qotd m/^(Wer wirklich Autorit\xe4t hat, wird sich nicht scheuen,|Moral ist immer die Zuflucht der Leute,|Beharrlichkeit wird zuweilen mit Eigensinn|Wer den Tag mit Lachen beginnt, hat ihn|Wenn uns keine Ausweg mehr bleibt,|Gesichter sind die Leseb\xfccher des Lebens|Grosse Ereignisse werfen mitunter ihre Schatten|Dichtung ist verpflichtet, sich nach den|Ohne Freihet geht das Leben|Liebe ist wie ein Verkehrsunfall\. Man wird angefahren)/ p/Windows qotd/ i/German/
match qotd m/^"(Clovek ma tri cesty, jak moudre jednat\. Nejprve premyslenim|Co je vubec hodno toho, aby to bylo vykonano,|Fantazie je dulezitejsi nez vedeni\.|Potize narustaji, cim vice se clovek blizi|Kdo nezna pristav, do ktereho se chce plavit,|Lidske mysleni ztraci smysl,|Nikdo nevi, co muze vykonat,|Nic neprekvapi lidi vice nez zdravy rozum|Zadny cil neni tak vysoky,)/ p/Windows qotd/ o/Windows/ i/Czech/
match qotd m/^"(L'art de persuader consiste autant|Le peu que je sais, c'est \x85 mon ignorance|Certaines \x83mes vont \x85 l'absolu comme l'eau|Le m\x82rite a sa pudeur comme la chastet|Rien de plus futile, de plus faux, de plus|\xb7 vaincre sans p\x82ril, on triomphe|Le comble de l'orgueil, c'est de se)/ p/Windows qotd/ o/Windows/ i/French/
match mohaa m|\xff\xff\xff\xff\x01disconnect| p/Medal Of Honor Allied Assault game server/
match mohaa-gamespy m|^\\final\\\\queryid\\\d+\.1| p/Medal Of Honor Allied Assault gamespy query port/
match quake3 m|^\xff\xff\xff\xffdisconnect$| p/Quake 3 dedicated server/
match ericssontimestep m|^.{8}\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x0b\x10\x05\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\(\0\0\0\x0c\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\x1e$|s p/Ericsson Timestep Permit VPN/
match rtp m|^501 0 Endpoint is not ready - Unrecognized command verb\n|
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*\x0cdnsmasq-([-\w._ ]+)$|s p/dnsmasq/ v/$1/
# Allow 3-12 character version numbers
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*[\x03-\x14]([-\w._ ]{3,20})|s p/ISC BIND/ v/$1/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*[\x03-\x14]BIND ([-\w._]{3,20})|s p/ISC BIND/ v/$1/
# ISC BIND 9.1.3
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0| p/ISC BIND/ v/9.X/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\x07VERSION\x04BIND\0\0\x10\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0| p/ISC BIND/ v/8.X/
# Tinydns 1.05
match domain m|^\0\x06\x81\x81\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03$| p/TinyDNS/
# Microsoft DNS Windows 2000, SP4
match domain m|^\0\x06\x81\x04\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03$| p/Microsoft DNS/ o/Windows/
# MyDNS 0.10.0 on Linux
match domain m|^\0\x06\x81\x04\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/MyDNS/
# PowerDNS 2.9.11
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0.\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x01\0\0\0\x05\0..Served by POWERDNS ([\d.]+) |s p/PowerDNS/ v/$1/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0.\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x01\0\0\0\x05\0..Served by PowerDNS - http://www\.powerdns\.com|s p/PowerDNS/
# This fallback is because many people customize their BIND version to avoid
# revealing specific version information. This rule should always be below the
# detailed rules above.
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*[\x04-\x1f][\x03-\x1e]([-\w._ ,;?()[\]+:/@\n]{3,30})|s p/ISC BIND/ i/Fake version: $1/
# Allow 3-20 character version numbers
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*[\x03-\x14]([-\w._ ]{3,20})$|s p/ISC BIND/ i/Fake version: $1/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*[\x08-\x19]BIND ([-\w._]{3,20})$|s p/ISC BIND/ i/Fake version: $1/
# Symantec Antivirus (rtvscan.exe)
match symantec-av m|^\0\x06\x01\x01\0\x10..........$|s p/Symantec rtvscan antivirus/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\x07VERSION\x04BIND\0\0\x10\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\)\(Meta IP DNS - BIND V([\d.]+)-REL \(Build (\d+)\)| p/Meta IP ISC BIND/ v/$1 build $2/
# ISC BIND 8.2.7-REL
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\x1b\x1arbldnsd ([\d.]+) | p/rbldnsd/ v/$1/
match domain m|^\0\x06\x85\x80\0\x01\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\x07VERSION\x04BIND\0\0\x10\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\('Peticion no permitida/Query not allowed| p/Zyxel Prestige 643 dns cache/ d/switch/
match cisco-sla-responder m|^..\0\x08\0\x03[\0\r][\0\n]$|s p/Cisco SLA Responder/ o/IOS/ d/router/
# These are pretty generic:
match domain m|^\0\x06\x81\x84\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03$| p/pdnsd/
match domain m|^\0\x06\x81\x82\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03$| p/Netware dnsd/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*\x0cdnsmasq-([-\w._ ]+)$|s p/dnsmasq/ v/$1/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*[\x03-\x14]([-\w._ ]{3,20})|s p/ISC BIND/ v/$1/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind.*[\x03-\x14]BIND ([-\w._]{3,20})|s p/ISC BIND/ v/$1/
# ISC Bind 9.1.3
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0| p/ISC BIND/ v/9.X/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\x07VERSION\x04BIND\0\0\x10\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\)\(Meta IP DNS - BIND V([\d.]+)-REL \(Build (\d+)\)| p/Meta IP ISC BIND/ v/$1 build $2/
# ISC BIND 8.2.7-REL
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\x07VERSION\x04BIND\0\0\x10\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0| p/ISC BIND/ v/8.X/
# pdnsd 1.1.7a, 1.1.8b1
# http://www.phys.uu.nl/~rombouts/pdnsd.html
match domain m|^\0\x1e\0\x06\x81\x84\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03$| p/pdnsd/
# Windows 2000 SP4
match domain m|^\0\x1e\0\x06\x81\x04\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03$| p/Microsoft DNS/ o/Windows/
match domain m|\x07version\x04bind\0.*Microsoft DNS ([-\w_.]+) \(|s p/Microsoft DNS/ o/Windows/ v/$1/
# Novell 5.1 DNS Server
# BIND 4.9.7-REL on OpenBSD
match domain m|^\0\x1e\0\x06\x81.\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03$|s p/ISC BIND/ v/4.X/
# PowerDNS 2.9.6 on FreeBSD
# PowerDNS 2.9.8 Linux
match domain m|^\0.\0\x06\x85\0\0\x01\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x01\0\0\0\x05\0..Served by POWERDNS (\d[-.\w]+) |s p/PowerDNS/ v/$1/
match domain m|^\0.\0\x06\x85\0\0\x01\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x01\0\0\0\x05\0..Served by PowerDNS - http://www\.powerdns\.com|s p/PowerDNS/
match domain m|^\0.*\x07version\x04bind.*PowerDNS Recursor ([\d.]+)|s p/PowerDNS/ v/$1/
match domain m|^\0.*\x07version\x04bind.*Incognito DNS \w+ ([\d.]+) \(|s p/Incognito DNS Commander/ v/$1/
# Symantec Enterprise Firewall 6.5.2 DNS proxy on Win2K
match domain m|^\0\x1e\0\x06\x81\x85\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03$| p/Symantec Enterprise Firewall DNS proxy/
match exec m|^\x01Login incorrect\.\n$|
# HP-UX B.11.00 A
match exec m|^\x01rexecd: Login incorrect.?\n$| p/HP-UX rexecd/ o/HP-UX/
match exec m|^\x01rexecd: [-\d]+ The login is not correct\.\n| p/AIX rexecd/ o/AIX/
match exec m|^\x01rexecd: [-\d]+ Connexion incorrecte\.\n| p/AIX rexecd/ i/French/ o/AIX/
match exec m|^\x01INTERnet ACP AUXS failure Status = %LOGIN-F-NOSUCHUSER\r\n\0$| p/OpenVMS execd/ o/OpenVMS/
# MyDNS 0.10.0 on Linux
match domain m|^\0\x0c\0\x06\x81\x04\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/MyDNS/
match login m|^\0\^A\^@\^@\^@\^@\^@\^@\^Gversion\^Dbind\^@\^@\^P\^@\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r#################################################\n\r### ###\n\r### LSI Logic Series 4 SCSI RAID Controller ###\n\r### Copyright \d+, LSI Logic Inc\. ###\n\r### ###\n\r### Series 4 Disk Array Controller ###\n\r### Serial number: (\w+) ###\n\r### Network name: ([-\w_.]+) ###| p/LSI Logic Series SCSI RAID rlogin/ i/Serial $1; Network name $2/
match login m|^\0\r\nSorry, shell is locked\.\r\n$| p/FabricOS switch logind/ d/switch/
match login m|^\0\r\n\nLantronix MSS100 Version V([\d.]+)/\d+\(\d+\)\n\r\nType HELP at the 'Local_\d+> ' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\n\r\n\nUsername> | p/Lantronix MSS100 serial interface logind/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match login m|^\[Thread \d+\(INITIAL\)\] at 0x\w+: Segmentation fault \(Stack bottom 0x0\)\n| p|Aficio/NRG/Ricoh printer logind| d/printer/
match login m|^\x01Winsock RSHD/NT: Protocol negotiation error\.\n\0$| p/Winsock RSHD/ o/Windows/
# We've seen this on Cisco routers and also NetApp filers
match login m|^\x01Permission denied\.\n$| p|Cisco/NetApp logind|
match login m|^\0\^A\^@\^@\^@\^@\^@\^@\^Gversion\^Dbind\^@\^@\^P\^@\r\n-> shell restarted\.\r\n\r\n-> | p/ShoreTel VoIP phone logind/ d/VoIP phone/
match login m|^\x01TCPIP RLOGIN Connection refused\0\0$| p/OpenVMS logind/ o/OpenVMS/
match login m|^\0\r\n-> trcStack aborted: error in top frame\r\ntShell restarted\.\r\n\r\n-> !1 echo_recv: -1\.\r\n| p/ACT VoIP wifi phone logind/ d/VoIP phone/
match login m|^\0\r\nEL-32 EtherLite module\r\n\r\n| p/Digi EtherLite32 logind/
match login m|^\x01in\.rlogind: Permission denied\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Windows Services For Unix logind/ o/Windows/
match login m|^\x01rlogind: Host name for your address \([\d.]+\) unknown\.\r\n| p|A/UX logind| o|A/UX|
# OpenBSD 2.3
# Solaris 9
match login m|^\x01rlogind: Permission denied\.\r\n$|
# HP-UX 11 Kerberized rlogin
match klogin m|^\x01rlogind: Login Incorrect\.\r\n$| p/HP-UX kerberized rlogin/ o/HP-UX/
match klogin m|^\x01rlogind: Kerberos Authentication not enabled\.\.\r\n| p/HP-UX kerberized rlogin/ i/disabled/ o/HP-UX/
# Solaris Kerberos authenticated login
match klogin m|^\x01rlogind: Kerberos authentication failed\.\r\n| p/Solaris kerberized rlogin/ o/Solaris/
match klogin m|^\x01klogind: Kerberos authentication failed\.\r\n| p/Kerberized rlogin/
match klogin m|^\x01eklogin: Kerberos authentication failed\.\r\n| p/Encrypted Kerberized rlogin/
match klogin m|^\x01eklogind: Kerberos authentication failed\.\r\n| p/Encrypted Kerberized rlogin/
# Solaris Kerberos authenticated remote shell
match kshell m|^\x01[kr]shd: Authentication failed: Bad sendauth version was sent\n| p/Solaris kerberised rsh/ o/Solaris/
match kshell m|^\x01krshd: Kerberos Authentication Failed\.\r\n| p/AIX kerberised rsh/ o/AIX/
match kshell m|^\x01krshd: Echec de l'authentification Kerberos\.\r\n\0| p/AIX kerberised rsh/ i/French/ o/AIX/
match kshell m|^\x01kshd: Authentication failed: | p/Kerberised rsh/ o/Unix/
match ssc-agent m|^\0\x1e\0\x06\0\t\0\0$| p/Novell Netware ssc-agent/ o/NetWare/
# http://www.apcupsd.com/ - apcupsd 3.8.5-1.3 on Linux 2.4.X
match apcupsd m|^\0\x11Invalid command\n\0\0\0$| p/apcupsd/
# Avocent AutoView 1000R KVM or HP 3x1x16 KVM or Dell IP KVM model 2161DS Console Switch
match kvm m|^BEEF\x83\0\0| p|KVM daemon|
match klogin m|^\x01krlogind: Kerberos Authentication Failed\.\r\n\0| p/AIX kerberized rlogin/ o/AIX/
match klogin m|^\x01krlogind: Echec de l'authentification Kerberos\.\r\n\0| p/AIX kerberized rlogin/ i/French/ o/AIX/
match klogin m|^\0\0's Password: $| p/AIX kerberized rlogin/ o/AIX/
match kshell m|^\x01rshd ?: [-\d]+ The host name for your address is not known\.\n| p/AIX (kerberized?) rshd/ o/AIX/
match kshell m|^\x01rshd ?: [-\d]+ Le nom d'h\xf4te correspondant \xe0 l'adresse est inconnu\.\n| p/AIX (kerberized?) rshd/ i/French/ o/AIX/
match kshell m|^\x01rshd: [-\d]+ The remote user login is not correct\.\n| p/AIX (kerberized?) rshd/ o/AIX/
match utrmcd m|^\x01in\.utrcmdd \(remote\): protocol error \(1\)\n\0| p/Sun Ray utrmcdd/
# 13724/tcp
match vnetd m|^1\0$| p/Veritas Netbackup Network Utility/
# Sun Cobalt Adaptive Firewall 1.7-0
match pafserver m|^\0&\xeb\xefTQM\xee\[B| p/Sun Cobalt Adaptive Firewall/ o/Sun Cobalt Linux/
# RSA SecureID Ace Server 5
match sdlog m|^\0\0\0\x01\0\x17\0\x14\0\x06\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/RSA SecureID Ace Server/
match sdlog m|^\xe3\r\n\r\n\0\x01\0.\0vInvalid protocol verification, illegal ORMI request or request performed with an incompatible version of this protocol|s p/Oracle Enterprise Manager/
# Sun Cobalt Adaptive Firewall 1.7-0
match pafserver m|^\0&\xeb\xefTQM\xee\[B| p/Sun Cobalt Adaptive Firewall/ o/Sun Cobalt Linux/
match freeciv m|^\0\x03\x02\0\.\x01\0\0\0\0Invalid name ''\0\+1\.14\.0 conn_info team\0\0\x03\x03|s p/Freeciv/ v/1.X/
match freeciv m|^\0\x03X\0.\x01\0\0\0\0Your client is too old\. To use this server please upgrade your client to a CVS version later than 2003-11-28 or Freeciv 1\.15\.0 or later\.\0\0\0\x03\0\0\x03\x01|s p/Freeciv/ v/2.X/
match freeciv m|^\0\x03X\0.\x01\0\0\0\0Tw\xc3\xb3j klient jest zbyt stary\. Aby wej\xc5\x9b\xc4\x87 na ten serwer musisz u\xc5\xbcywa\xc4\x87 klienta w wersji co najmniej 1\.15\.0\. \(Lub z CVS'a po 18\.11\.2003\)\.\0\0\0\x03\0\0\x03\x01|s p/Freeciv/ v/2.X/ i/Polish/
match imaze-game m|^\0\x18\x82iMaze server JC/HUK ([\d.]+)$| p/iMaze game server/ v/$1/
match msrpc m|^\x05\0\r\x03\x10\0\0\0\x18\0\0\0v\x07\0\0\x04\0\x01\x05\0\0.\0$|s p/Microsoft RPC/ o/Windows/
match arkeia m|^\0\x05\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Arkeia Network Backup/
match qcheck m|^.*\$Id: //ral_depot/products/current/ENDPOINT/CODE/client\.c|s p/IXIA Q-Check network performance tester/
match qmqp m|^58:Dnetstring format error while receiving QMQP packet header,| p/Postfix qmqpd/
match telecom-misc m|^\0\x1e\x02\x06\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\xf1\0| p/Radio IP MTG gateway/ d/telecom-misc/
# DNS Server status request: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt
match domain m|^\0\x0C\0\0\x90\x04\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0|
# ARCserve Client Agent v4.0d for Solaris 2.x(Running on SunOS 5.8Generic_108528-13 sun4u)
match arcserve m|^\0\0s\0\0\0\0\0$| p/ARCserve Client Agent/ i/backup software/
# ARCServe Win32 Client Agent v4.0
match arcserve m|^h\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/ARCserve Client Agent/ i/backup software/
# ARCserver Client Agent Discovery service on W2K3
match arcserve m|^([\w\d_-]+)\0$| p/ARCserve Discovery/ h/$1/
match login m|^\0\r\n\nIQinVision IQeye3 Version ([vV].*)\n\r\nType HELP| p/IQinVision IQeye3 logind/ v/version $1/ d/webcam/
match login m|^\0\r\n\nLantronix ETS16 Version V([\d.]+)/\d+\(\d+\)\n\r\nType HELP at the 'BRTR-ETS16>' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\nUsername> | p/Lantronix ETS16 logind/ d/terminal server/
match shell m|^\0rsh: \x10: Command not supported\n| p/Ricoh rshd/ d/printer/
# The remaining fields are all 16-bits: iframe transmit errors; number of receive buffers; tl_timeouts; tl_timeouts; free ncbs; ncbs;
# max_ncbs; number of transmit buffers; max datagram; pending sessions; max sessions; packet_sessions
# I'm not convinced that these next 4 work on a very wide variety of
# machines. I think most of the real matching comes in the next block.
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...(\w{1,15}) *\0\x04\0(\w{1,15}) *\0\x84\0\w{1,15} *\x03\x04\0\w{1,15} *\x04\0\w{1,15} *\x1e\x84\0\w{1,15} *\x1d\x04\0\x01\x02__MSBROWSE__\x02\x01\x84\0(\w{1,15}) *\x03|s p/Microsoft Windows XP netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2 user: $3/ o/Windows XP/ h/$1/
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...(\w{1,15}) *\0\x04\0(\w{1,15}) *\0\x84\0\w{1,15} *\x03\x04\0\w{1,15} *\x04\0\w{1,15} *\x1e\x84\0\w{1,15} *\x1d\x04\0\x01\x02__MSBROWSE__\x02\x01\x84\0\0|s p/Microsoft Windows XP netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2/ o/Windows XP/ h/$1/
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...(\w{1,15}) *\0\x04\0(\w{1,15}) *\0\x84\0\w{1,15} *\x03\x04\0\w{1,15} *\x04\0(\w{1,15}) *\x03\x04\0\w{1,15} *\x1e\x84\0|s p/Microsoft Windows XP netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2 user: $3/ o/Windows XP/ h/$1/
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...(\w{1,15}) *\0\x04\0(\w{1,15}) *\0\x84\0\w{1,15} *\x03\x04\0\w{1,15} *\x04\0\w{1,15} *\x1e\x84\0|s p/Microsoft Windows XP netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2/ o/Windows XP/ h/$1/
# It would be really nice if we could get username and/or OS
# information from this. But it is quite hard to parse out the proper
# information unambiguously, especially with just regular expressions.
# But it certainly would be nice to get more info:
# nbtstat
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0..([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0D\0.*\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0\xc4\0|s p/Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0..([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0D\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0\xc4\0|s p/Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0...*\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0D\0.*\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0\xc4\0|s p/Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0...*\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0D\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0\xc4\0|s p/Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
# Windows NT 4.0 SP6a
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...([\w\-]{1,15}).*\04\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *\0\x84\0|s p/Microsoft Windows NT netbios-ssn/ i/workgroup: $2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
# WinXP
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...([\w\-]{1,15}).*\x04| p/Microsoft Windows XP netbios-ssn/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x85\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...([\w\-]{1,15}).*\04\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *\x1e\x84\0|s p/Novell NetWare netbios-ns/ o/NetWare/
# Samba has a version too
# nmbd version 2.2.7 on Linux 2.4.20
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...([\w\-]{1,15}).*\0([\w\-]{1,15}) *|s p/Samba nmbd/ i/workgroup: $2/ h/$1/
# From an acer PDA
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x84\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...\0\x80H'y\x86\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/WinCE netbios-ns/ o/Windows/
# From a mikrotik router
match netbios-ns m|^\x80\xf0\x85\x80\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0 CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01\0\0\0\0...\d+\.\d+ \0D\0\0\0| p/Mikrotik router netbios-ns/ d/router/
match chat m|^\r\n>STATUS\tset status\r\nINVISIBLE\tset invisible mode\r\nMAINWINDOW\tshow/hide main window\r\n| p/Simple Instant Messenger control plugin/
# CVSD (cvs chrooting service for pserver) cvsd 0.9.18
# CVS 1.11.5 pserver
match cvspserver m|^cvs \[pserver aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\n\n?$| p/cvs pserver/
# CVSNT pserver
match cvspserver m|^cvs \[server aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\n$| p/CVSNT cvs pserver/
match cvspserver m|^cvs \[server aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\nerror \n$| p/CVSNT cvs pserver/
# Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.10.7 (client/server)
match cvspserver m|^cvs-pserver \[pserver aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\n\n| p/cvs pserver/
match cvspserver m|^-f \[pserver aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\n\n| p/SunOS cvs pserver/ o/SunOS/
match echo m|^HELP\r\n$|
match irc-proxy m|^:ezbounce!srv NOTICE \(unknown\) :\x02| p/ezbounce irc proxy/ o/Unix/
# ProFTPD 1.2.5
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PASS ACCT\* CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* \r\n QUIT REIN\* PORT PASV TYPE STRU MODE RETR \r\n STOR STOU\* APPE ALLO\* REST RNFR RNTO ABOR \r\n DELE MDTM RMD XRMD MKD XMKD PWD XPWD \r\n SIZE LIST | p/ProFTPD/ v/1.2.5/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 FTP-Server on \[([-\w_.]+)\]\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n214-USER PASS ACCT\* CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* \r\n214-QUIT REIN\* PORT PASV TYPE STRU MODE RETR \r\n214-STOR STOU\* APPE ALLO\* REST RNFR RNTO ABOR \r\n214-DELE MDTM RMD XRMD MKD XMKD PWD XPWD \r\n214-SIZE LIST| p/ProFTPD/ v/1.2.5/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
# ProFTPD 1.2.6
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n214-USER PASS ACCT\* CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* \r\n214-QUIT REIN\* PORT PASV EPRT EPSV TYPE STRU \r\n214-MODE RETR STOR STOU APPE ALLO\* REST RNFR \r\n214-RNTO ABOR DELE MDTM RMD XRMD MKD XMKD| p/ProFTPD/ v/1.2.6/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+ )?FTP [sS]erver ready\.?\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n214-USER PASS ACCT\* CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* \r\n214-QUIT REIN\* PORT PASV EPRT EPSV TYPE STRU \r\n214-MODE RETR STOR STOU APPE ALLO\* REST RNFR \r\n214-RNTO ABOR DELE MDTM RMD XRMD MKD XMKD| p/ProFTPD/ v/1.2.6/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m@^220 .*\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n(214-| )USER PASS ACCT\* CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* \r\n(214-| )QUIT REIN\* PORT PASV EPRT EPSV TYPE STRU \r\n(214-| )MODE RETR STOR STOU APPE ALLO\* REST RNFR \r\n(214-| )RNTO ABOR DELE MDTM RMD XRMD MKD XMKD \r\n(214-| )PWD XPWD SIZE LIST NLST SITE SYST STAT \r\n@ p/ProFTPD/ v/1.2.8 - 1.2.9/ o/Unix/
# proftpd 1.2.9rc1 on linux 2.4.19
match ftp m|220 localhost FTP server ready\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n214-USER PASS ACCT\* CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* \r\n214-QUIT REIN\* PORT PASV TYPE STRU MODE RETR \r\n214-STOR STOU APPE ALLO\* REST RNFR RNTO ABOR \r\n214-DELE| p/ProFTPD/ v/1.2.9rc1/ o/Unix/
# proftpd 1.2.10
match ftp m|^220 .*\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\):\r\n CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* QUIT PORT PASV \r\n EPRT EPSV ALLO\* RNFR RNTO DELE MDTM RMD \r\n XRMD MKD XMKD PWD XPWD SIZE SYST HELP \r\n NOOP FEAT OPTS AUTH\*? CCC\* CONF\* ENC\* MIC\* \r\n PBSZ\*? PROT\*? TYPE STRU MODE RETR STOR STOU \r\n|s p/ProFTPD/ v/1.2.10/
match ftp m|^220 .*\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\):\r\n CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* QUIT PORT PASV \r\n EPRT EPSV ALLO\* RNFR RNTO DELE MDTM RMD \r\n XRMD MKD XMKD PWD XPWD SIZE SYST HELP \r\n|s p/ProFTPD/
match ftp m|^220[ -].*\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\):\r\n|s p/ProFTPD/
# Solaris 8 ftpd
match ftp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) FTP server \(.*\) ready\.\r\n214-The following commands are recognized:\r\n USER EPRT STRU MAIL\* ALLO CWD STAT\* XRMD \r\n PASS LPRT MODE MSND\* REST\* XCWD HELP PWD \r\n ACCT\* EPSV RETR MSOM\* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD \r\n REIN\* LPSV STOR MSAM\* RNTO NLST MKD CDUP \r\n| p/Sun Solaris ftpd/ h/$1/ o/Solaris/
# Phaser860 printer
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n214- The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PORT STOR MSAM\* RNTO\* NLST\* MKD\* CDUP\* EPLF\*\r\n PASS PASV\* APPE\* MRSQ\* ABOR SITE\* XMKD\* XCUP\*\r\n ACCT\* TYPE MLFL\* MRCP\* DELE SYST RMD\* STOU \r\n SMNT\* STRU MAIL\* ALLO\* CWD\* STAT XRMD\* SIZE\*\r\n REIN\* MODE MSND\* REST\* XC| p/Phaser printer ftpd/ d/printer/
# bsd-ftpd 0.3.3 (port of OpenBSD ftp server) on Linux 2.4.20
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n214- The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PORT TYPE MLFL\* MRCP\* DELE SYST RMD STOU \r\n PASS LPRT STRU MAIL\* ALLO CWD STAT XRMD SIZE \r\n ACCT\* EPRT MODE MSND\* REST XCWD HELP PWD MDTM \r\n SMNT\* PASV RETR MSOM\* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD \r| p/bsd-ftpd/ o/Linux/ h/$1/
# Rhinosoft Serv-U FTP v.4.1 build on Windows XP
match ftp m|^220 .*\r\n214- The following commands are recognized \(\* => unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PORT RETR ALLO DELE SITE XMKD CDUP FEAT\r\n PASS PASV STOR REST CWD STAT RMD XCUP OPTS\r\n ACCT TYPE APPE RNFR XCWD HELP XRMD STOU AUTH\r\n REIN STRU SMNT RNTO LIST NOOP PWD SIZE PBSZ\r\n| p/Rhinosoft Serv-U FTP/
# BulletProof FTP server 2.15 on Windows XP
match ftp m|^220 .*\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS first\.\r\n$| p/BulletProof FTPd/ o/Windows/
# SGI IRIX 6.5.18f ftpd
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n214- The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PORT STOR MSAM\* RNTO NLST MKD CDUP \r\n PASS PASV APPE MRSQ\* ABOR SITE XMKD XCUP \r\n ACCT\* TYPE MLFL\* MRCP\* DELE SYST RMD STOU \r\n SMNT\* STRU MAIL\* ALLO CWD STAT XRMD SIZE \r\n REIN\* MODE MSND\* REST XCWD HELP PWD MDTM \r\n QUIT RETR MSOM\* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD \r\n214 Direct comments to | p/SGI IRIX ftpd/ h/$1/ o/IRIX/
match ftp m|^421 Server is temporarily unavailable - please try again later\.\r\n421 Service closing control connection\.\r\n| p/Serv-U ftpd/ i/Server temporarily unavailable/ o/Windows/
# FreeBSD 4.10 ftpd
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n214- The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PORT TYPE MLFL\* MRCP\* DELE SYST RMD STOU \r\n PASS LPRT STRU MAIL\* ALLO CWD STAT XRMD SIZE \r\n ACCT\* EPRT MODE MSND\* REST XCWD HELP PWD MDTM \r\n SMNT\* PASV RETR MSOM\* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD \r\n REIN\* LPSV STOR MSAM\* RNTO NLST MKD CDUP \r\n QUIT EPSV APPE MRSQ\* ABOR SITE XMKD XCUP \r\n214 End\.\r\n| p/FreeBSD ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 .*\r\n214-CesarFTP server ([\w.]+) supports the following commands:\r\n| p/CesarFTPd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 Private ftp server, anonymous login not allowed\.\r\n214-The following commands are recognized:\r\n USER PASS QUIT CWD PWD PORT PASV TYPE\r\n LIST REST CDUP RETR STOR SIZE DELE RMD \r\n MKD RNFR RNTO ABOR SYST NOOP APPE NLST\r\n MDTM XPWD XCUP XMKD XRMD NOP EPSV EPRT\r\n AUTH ADAT PBSZ PROT FEAT MODE OPTS HELP\r\n214 Have a nice day\.\r\n| p/FileZilla ftpd/ i/No anon login/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220.*\r\n214-The following commands are recognized:\r\n USER PASS QUIT CWD PWD PORT PASV TYPE\r\n LIST REST CDUP RETR STOR SIZE DELE RMD \r\n MKD RNFR RNTO ABOR SYST NOOP APPE NLST\r\n MDTM XPWD XCUP XMKD XRMD NOP EPSV EPRT\r\n AUTH ADAT PBSZ PROT FEAT MODE OPTS HELP\r\n ALLO MLST MLSD\r\n214 Have a nice day\.\r\n| p/FileZilla ftpd/ o/Windows/
# OpenVMS 7.3-1
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP Server \(Version ([\d.]+)\) Ready\.\r\n214-The following commands are recognized:\r\n USER TYPE RETR RNFR NLST PWD ALLO EPSV \r\n PASS STRU STOR RNTO CWD CDUP SYST QUIT \r\n SITE PORT STOU DELE MKD NOOP STAT HELP \r\n MODE EPRT APPE LIST RMD ABOR PASV \r\n214 End of Help\.\r\n| p/OpenVMS ftpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 Speak friend, and enter\r\n214-\r\n ftpd\.bin - Round-robin File Transfer Server, version ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/ftpd.bin round-robin file server/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\. \r\n214-Ethernet Interface\r\n \r\n To access help, cd to the help directory then enter a \"dir\" command\.\r\n \r\n \r\n| p|QMS/Minolta Magicolor 2200 DeskLaser printer ftpd| d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 FTPU ready\.\r\n500 Sorry, no such command\.\r\n| p/Netgear DG632 router ftpd/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(UNIX_SV ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PORT STOR MSAM\* RNTO NLST MKD CDUP \r\n PASS PASV APPE MRSQ\* ABOR SITE XMKD XCUP \r\n ACCT\* TYPE MLFL\* MRCP\* DELE SYST RMD STOU \r\n SMNT\* STRU MAIL\* ALLO CWD STAT XRMD SIZE \r\n REIN\* MODE MSND\* REST XCWD HELP PWD MDTM \r\n QUIT RETR MSOM\* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD \r\n| p/WU-FTPd/ i/UNIX_SV $2/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match ftp m|^220 server ready\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\r\n$| p/Extreme FTPd/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n502 Command not implemented\.\r\n$| p/Aruba router ftpd/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 Type 'site help' or 'quote site help'\.\r\n220-| p/RaidenFTPd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220-\r\n220 Features p a \.\r\n214 Please refer to FTP documentation\.\r\n| p/Sami ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server at \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} ready\.\r\n503 USER expected\.\r\n| p/Linksys NSLU2 ftpd/ d/storage-misc/
match ftp m|^220[ -].*\r\n214-The following commands are recognized:\r\n.*\r\n214 Have a nice day\.\r\n|s p/FileZilla ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n.*\r\n214 Direct comments to|s p/ProFTPD/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 Please enter your login name now\.\r\n502 help is not implemented\.\r\n| p/EvolutionX ftpd/ d/game console/
match ftp m|^220[ -].*\r\n550 SSL/TLS required on the control channel\r\n|s p/ProFTPd/ i/requires SSL/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\r\n214-The following commands are recognized:\r\nHELP\tUSER\tPASS\tQUIT\tLIST\tNLST\r\nRETR\tSTOR\tCWD\tTYPE\tPORT\tPWD\r\nSTRU\tMODE\tALLO\tACCT\tPASV\tNOOP\r\nDELE\tEPRT\tEPSV\r\n214 End of command list\.\r\n| p|TopLayer/Alcatel ftpd|
match ftp m|^220.*This site is running NcFTPd Server software|s p/NcFTPd/
match ftp m|^220 Connection established\.\r\n214-The following commands are supported:\r\n\tUSER\tPORT\tTYPE\tABOR\tCWD \tLIST\r\n\tPASS\tPASV\tSTRU\tPWD \tXCWD\tNLST\r\n\tQUIT\tSTOR\tRETR\tMODE\tXPWD\tNOOP\r\n\tHELP\r\n214 \r\n| p/Canon iR3570 priter ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220.Welcome to ([-\w_.]+)\r\n214-The following SITE commands are recognized\r\n CHMOD\r\n IDLE\r\n214 Pure-FTPd - http://pureftpd\.org/?\r\n| p/PureFTPd/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220.*214 Pure-FTPd - http://pureftpd\.org/?\r\n|s p/Pure-FTPd/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to the update FTP server v1\.0\.\r\n502 'HELP' command not implemented\.\r\n| p/Netcomm V300 VoIP adapter update ftpd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match ftp m|^220 Connection established\.\r\n214-The following commands are supported:\r\n\tUSER\tPORT\tTYPE\tABOR\tCWD \tLIST\r\n| p/Canon iR printer ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 FTP Server Ready\r\n.*\r\n214 Direct comments to psp@amoks\.com\.\r\n|s p/Amoks PlayStation Portable ftpd/ d/game console/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\r\n211 HELP text\r\n| p/Alfresco Document Management System ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 FTP Server Ready\r\n500 Unknown cmd HELP\r\n| p/Optus Speedstream 4200 ADSL router ftpd/ d/router/
match ftp m|^214-The following commands are recognized \(\* => unimplemented\.\)\r\n.*\r\n214 Direct comments to support@arcanesoft\.com\.\r\n|s p/Arcanesoft Vermillion ftpd/ o/Windows/
match ftp m|^220 Connection established\.\r\n214-The following commands are supported\.\r\n USER PORT TYPE ABOR CWD LIST\r\n PASS PASV STRU PWD XCWD NLST\r\n QUIT STOR MODE XPWD NOOP HELP\r\n214 End of HELP\r\n| p/Canon iPF6100 printer ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp-proxy m|^220 Service Ready\r\n502 Command Not implemented\r\n$| p/Novell iChain ftp proxy/
match finger m|^iFinger v(\d[-.\w]+)\n\n| p/IcculusFinger/ v/$1/
match finger m|^\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n Sorry, that user doesn't exist\.\n| p/Stock and Trade Finger Server fingerd/
match freenet m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Parse error: Could not parse request line \(split\.length=1\): HELP\r\n| p/Freenet/
match gnuserv m|^gnudoit: Connection refused\ngnudoit: unable to connect to remote$| p/Gnuserv/
match irc m|^:([\w-_.]+) 451 \* :Connection not registered\r\n| p/ngircd/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 NNTP server ready\r\n100 Avaliable commands:\r\nARTICLE\r\nAUTHINFO\r\nBODY\r\nGROUP\r\nHEAD\r\nHELP\r\nIHAVE\r\nLAST\r\nLIST\r\nNEWGROUPS\r\nNEWNEWS\r\nNEXT\r\nPOST\r\nQUIT\r\nSLAVE\r\nSTAT\r\nXHDR\r\n\.\r\n| p|Hamster Playground/Kerio nntpd|
match nntp m|^200 ([\w-_.]+) news server ready - posting ok\r\n100 Help text follows\r\n$| p/Intersquish nntpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match printer m|^([-\w_.]+): lpd: Illegal service request\n$| p/lpd/ h/$1/
match printer m|^\x01Socket \d+ received unknown command 0x48 with arguments ELP$| p/RPM Print Manager lpd/ o/Windows/
match print-monitor m|^false;error while receiving message from client\n$| p/Genius Bytes print monitor/
# Symantec Enterprise Firewall 6.5.2 SMTP proxy on Windows 2000
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) Generic SMTP handler\r\n214 Help not supported by this implementation\r\n$| p/Symantec Enterprise Firewall smtp proxy/ h/$1/
# Lotus Notes Domino 6.1 smtp server on Win2K
match smtp m|^220 Welcome to ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP Server at .*\r\n214-Enter one of the following commands:\r\n214-HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET NOOP QUIT\r\n214 HELP VRFY EXPN STARTTLS \r\n$| p/Lotus Notes Domino smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220.*?\n214-Commands supported:\r\n214- HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA(?: ETRN)?(?: AUTH)?\r\n214 NOOP QUIT RSET HELP \r\n$| p/Exim smtpd/ v/3.X/
match smtp m|^220.*?\r?\n214-Commands supported:\r\n214 AUTH STARTTLS HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA NOOP QUIT RSET HELP VRFY\r\n| p/Exim smtpd/ v/4.X/
match smtp m|^220.*?ESMTP.*\n214-Commands supported:\r\n214 AUTH (?:STARTTLS )?HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA NOOP QUIT RSET HELP\r\n$| p/Exim smtpd/ v/4.X/
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) ESMTP ?\r\n214[- ]qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html\r\n214[- ]qmail-ldap patch home page: http://www\.nrg4u\.com\r\n| p/qmail-ldap smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
# Some qmails don't have host ... ?
match smtp m|^220[\s-].*ESMTP ?\r\n214[- ]qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html\r\n| p/qmail smtpd/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) (OK )?ESMTP ?\r\n214[- ]qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html| p/qmail smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^220[\s-].*?ESMTP\r\n214 netqmail home page: http://qmail\.org/netqmail\r\n| p/netqmail smtpd/ v/1.04/ o/Unix/
# VirusBuster MailShield for SMTP. Version 1.15.030 on Linux 2.4
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) SMTP version 1\.00;\r\n214 We strongly advise you to study (of )?the RFC ?821\.\.\.\r\n$| p/VirusBuster MailShield for SMTP/ o/$1/
# Postfix 1.1.12, 1.1.13, 2.0.9, 2.0.16
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n402 Error: command not implemented\r\n$| p/Postfix smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 smtpd\r\n502 [\d.]+ Error: command not recognized\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n502 [\d.]+ Error: command not recognized\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n502 5\.5\.2 Error: command not recognized\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP [-\w_.]+\r\n502 5\.5\.2 Error: command not recognized\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP READY\r\n502 5\.5\.2 Error: command not recognized\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 .*\r\n502 Error: command not implemented\r\n$| p/Postfix smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP \w+\r\n$| p/Postfix smtpd/
match smtp m|214-2\.0\.0 This is sendmail version (\S+)\r?\n214-2\.0\.0 Topics:|s p/Sendmail/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) E?SMTP Sendmail;| p/Sendmail/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^220.* Sendmail (\d[-.\w]+) -- HELP not implemented\r\n|s p/Sendmail/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^220.*214-This is America Online mail version [vV](\S+)|s p/AOL smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220.*214 2\.0\.0 http://www\.google\.com/search.*RFC\+2821\s*\r?\n|s p/Google smtpd/
match smtp m|^220.*214 SMTP server comments and bug reports to: \<zmhacks\@nic.funet.fi\>|s p/ZMailer smtpd/
match smtp m|^220.*500 MessageWall: Unrecognized command|s p/MessageWall SMTP proxy/
match smtp m|^220.*500 Unknown or unimplemented command|s p/MAILsweeper SMTP proxy/
match smtp m|^220.*214 See http\:\/\/www\.messagelabs\.com\/support|s p/MessageLabs smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) ESMTP Service\r\n502 5\.3\.0 Sendmail Xserve -- HELP not implemented\r\n$| p/Xserve smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Unix/
# Doesn't look like we can always get the host from the following:
match smtp m|^220 .*\r\n214-Commands Supported:\r\n214-HELO EHLO AUTH HELP QUIT MAIL NOOP RSET RCPT DATA ETRN VRFY STARTTLS\r\n214-Copyright \(c\) 1995-200\d, Stalker Software, Inc\.\r\n| p/Communigate Pro smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 Jana-Server ESMTP Service ready\r\n214- Jana Server ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Jana mail server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server ready .*\r\n214-This SMTP server is a part of the InterMail E-mail system\. For\r\n| p/InterMail smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n400 STARTTLS is required first\.\r\n| p/Courier MSA smtpd/ h/$1/ i/STARTTLS required/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP\r\n214 qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html\r\n| p/qmail smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n214-Gentoo Linux qmail-([-\w.]+)\r\n214 qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html\r\n| p/qmail smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Linux/ i/Gentoo/
match smtp m|^220 .* ESMTP\r\n214-Gentoo Linux qmail-([-\w.]+)\r\n214 qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html\r\n| p/qmail smtpd/ o/Linux/ i/Gentoo/
match smtp m|^554 SMTP synchronization error\r\n$| p/Exim smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n214-The following commands are recognized\r\n214-\tdata\tehlo\thelo\thelp\r\n214-\tmail\tnoop\tquit\trcpt\r\n214 \trset\tvrfy\r\n| p/Ironport C60 smtpd/ h/$1/ o/AsyncOS/ d/specialized/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n214-The following commands are recognized\r\n214-\tauth\tdata\tehlo\teuq_full\r\n214-\thelo\thelp\tmail\tnoop\r\n214 \tquit\trcpt\trset\tvrfy\r\n| p/Ironport C600 smtpd/ h/$1/ o/AsyncOS/ d/specialized/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n214-The following commands are recognized\r\n214-\tauth\tdata\tehlo\t| p/Ironport smtpd/ h/$1/ o/AsyncOS/ d/specialized/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP ready\r\n214 [\d.]+ Commands: HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET NOOP VRFY QUIT STARTTLS\r\n| p/Kerio smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 \[?([-\w_.]+)\]? ESMTP server ready\.\r\n214-Recognized SMTP commands are:\r\n214- HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET\r\n214- AUTH NOOP QUIT HELP VRFY SOML\r\n214 Mail server account is '([-\w_.]+)'\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 smtpd| h/$1/ i/Mail server account $2/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Server ESMTP ready at .*\r\n241-\r\n$| p/BorderWare firewall smtpd/ h/$1/ d/firewall/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n214-Commands supported:\r\n214 AUTH STARTTLS HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA NOOP QUIT RSET HELP\r\n| p/Exim smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) MailShield SMTP\r\n| p/MailShield smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n211 DATA EXPN HELO MAIL NOOP QUIT RCPT RSET SAML SEND SOML TURN VRFY\r\n| p/Imail smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n214 qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html, LinuxMagic Support http://www\.linuxmagic\.com\r\n| p/Linuxmagic qmail-based smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Linux/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP .*\r\n214-qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html\r\n214 qmail-ldap patch home page: http://www\.nrg4u\.com\r\n| p/Qmail smtpd/ h/$1/ i/qmail-ldap support/
match smtp m|^220-([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n220-MagicMail Daemon with Built-In Anti-Spam\r\n220 See http://www\.linuxmagic\.com for info\r\n214 qmail home page: http://cr\.yp\.to/qmail\.html, LinuxMagic Support http://www\.linuxmagic\.com\r\n| p/Linuxmagic qmail-based smtpd/ h/$1/ i/with Anti-Spam/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Service ready at .*\r\n214-Enter one of the following commands:\r\n214-HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET NOOP QUIT\r\n214 HELP \r\n| p/Lotus Domino smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MTA\r\n214-This is Sendmail version AIX([\d.]+)/([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Sendmail/ v/$3/ h/$1/ i/AIX $2/ o/AIX/
match smtp m|^220 Service ESMTP Ready\r\n214-This is Sendmail version ([\d.]+) \((P[-\w_.]+)\)\r\n.*future enhancements, contact your HP representative|s p/Sendmail/ v/$1 patch $2/ o/HP-UX/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n502 Command not implemented\r\n| p/IA Mailserver smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP[^\r\n]*\r\n211 DATA HELO EHLO MAIL NOOP QUIT RCPT RSET SAML TURN VRFY\r\n\r\n| p/hMailServer smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) .*\r\n211 DATA HELO EHLO MAIL NOOP QUIT RCPT RSET SAML TURN VRFY\r\n\r\n| p/hMailServer smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) - Ready at .*\r\n214-Commands:\r\n214- HELO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET NOOP QUIT\r\n214- For more info use 'HELP <topic>'\.\r\n214 End of HELP info\r\n| p/NTMail smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Service ready\r\n500 Command unrecognized\r\n$| p/Zoe Java smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) \r\n502 Command not implemented\r\n$| p/SmarterMail smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP [-\w_.]+ Mail Server ([\d.]+); .*\r\n214-2\.0\.0 This is [-\w_.]+ Mail Server [-\w_.]+\r\n214-2\.0\.0 Topics:\r\n| p/Merak Mail Server smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Relay Service ready\r\n500 Syntax error, command unrecognized\r\n| p/Tumbleweed Email Firewall smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 Mail Server\r\n211 Help:->Supported Commands: HELO,EHLO,QUIT,HELP,RCPT,MAIL,DATA,RSET,NOOP\r\n| p/MailEnable Enterprise/ v/2.0.x/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 Welcome to the mail server\.\r\n211 DATA EXPN HELO MAIL NOOP QUIT RCPT RSET SAML SEND SOML TURN VRFY\r\n| p/IPSwitch iMail smtpd/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 .*\r\n214-This is ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [-\w_.]+ \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Pro smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Service ready\.\r\n214- Valid commands are:\r\n214- HELO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET QUIT NOOP\r\n214- HELP VRFY\r\n214- Commands not valid are:\r\n214- SEND SOML SAML TURN\r\n214- Mail forwarding handled by this server\.\r\n| p|i5/OS V5R4M0 or OS/400 smtpd| h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Simple Mail Tranfer Service Ready \r\n502 Commande not implement \r\n| p/Brother printer smtpd/ d/printer/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server is ready\r\n.*214-Copyright \(c\) 1995-2004, Stalker Software, Inc\.\r\n|s p/Stalker Software Communigate smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n211 DATA HELO EHLO MAIL NOOP QUIT RCPT RSET SAML TURN VRFY\r\n| p/hMailserver smtpd/ h/$1/ o/Windows/
match smtp m|^220 \[[-\w_.]+\] Courier Mail Server ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP service ready\r\n| p/Courier MSA smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n214-This is qpsmtpd \r\n214-See http://smtpd\.develooper\.com/\r\n| p/qpsmtpd smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Generic Ready\r\n502 Command not implemented\.\r\n| p/MailMarshal smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP SubEthaSMTP\r\n214-This is the SubEthaSMTP ([\w-_.]+) server| p/SubEtha smtpd/ h/$1/ v/$2/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w-_.]+) ESMTP.*information about Email Mx, please see http://www\.openwave\.com\r\n|s p/Openwave Email Mx smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w-_.]+) Welcome\r\n214-ESMTP Mail Server\r\n214-Available commands:\r\n214- HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA\r\n214- RSET NOOP QUIT HELP VRFY\r\n214- AUTH ETRN\r\n214-For information on a specific command, type \"HELP <command>\"\.\r\n214 OK\r\n| p/SurgeMail smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 SMTP service ready\r\n214-Commands:\r\n214-\tDATA\tRCPT\tMAIL\tQUIT\tRSET\r\n214 \tHELO\tVRFY\tEXPN\tHELP\tNOOP\r\n| p/WatchGuard smtp proxy/ d/firewall/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ready\r\n214-Commands:\r\n214- HELO MAIL RCPT DATA\r\n214- RSET NOOP QUIT HELP\r\n214- VRFY EXPN\r\n214-For more info use HELP <topic>\r\n214 End of HELP info\r\n| p/602LAN Suite smtpd/ o/Windows/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP service ready\r\n214 Help message\r\n| p/CA Secure Content smtp proxy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^421 ([-\w_.]+) is too busy\. Please try again later\.\r\n| p/Surfcontrol smtp proxy/ h/$1/
# Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) over TCP on Mac OS X
match afp m|^\x01\x03\0\0\xff\xff\xecQ\0\0\x01.\0\0\0\0\0.\0.\0.\0.\x80\xfb.([^\0\x01]+)[\0\x01].*\tMacintosh\x05\x06AFPX03\x06AFP2\.2\x0eAFPVersion 2\.1\x0eAFPVersion 2\.0\x0eAFPVersion 1\.1.\tDHCAST128|s p/Apple AFP/ i/name: $1; protocol 2.2; Mac OS X 10.1.*/
match afp m|^\x01\x03\0\0\xff\xff\xecQ\0\0..\0\0\0\0\0.\0.\0.\0.\x83\xfb.([^\0\x01]+)[\0\x01].*\tMacintosh\x06\x06AFP3\.1\x06AFPX03\x06AFP2\.2\x0eAFPVersion 2\.1\x0eAFPVersion 2\.0\x0eAFPVersion 1\.1.\tDHCAST128|s p/Apple AFP/ i/name: $1; protocol 3.1; Mac OS X 10.2.*/
match afp m|^\x01\x03\0\0\xff\xff\xecQ\0\0..\0\0\0\0\0.\0.\0.\0.\x83\xfb.([^\0\x01]+)[\0\x01].*\tMacintosh\x03\x06AFP3\.1\x06AFPX03\x06AFP2\.2.\tDHCAST128|s p/Apple AFP/ i/name: $1; protocol 3.1; Mac OS X 10.3.*/
match afp m|^\x01\x03\0\0....\0\0..\0\0\0\0\0.\0.\0.\0..\xfb.([^\0\x01]+)[\0\x01].*\tMacintosh\x04\x06AFP3\.2\x06AFP3\.1\x06AFPX03\x06AFP2\.2.\tDHCAST128|s p/Apple AFP/ i|name: $1; protocol 3.2; Mac OS X 10.4/10.5|
match afp m|^\x01\x03\0\0....\0\0..\0\0\0\0\0.\0.\0.\0..\xfb.([^\0\x01]+)[\0\x01].*\tMacintosh\x05\x06AFP3\.3\x06AFP3\.2\x06AFP3\.1\x06AFPX03\x06AFP2\.2.\tDHCAST128|s p/Apple AFP/ i|name: $1; protocol 3.3; Mac OS X 10.5|
match ssl m|^\x16\x03\0\0\+\x02\0\0'\x03\0...\?|s p/PGP Corporation product SSL/
# Unreal IRCd SSL
# RemotelyAnywhere
match ssl m|^\x16\x03\0\0\*\x02\0\0&\x03\0\?|
# Tumbleweed SecureTransport 4.1.1 Transaction Manager Secure Port on Solaris
# Dell Openmanage
match ssl m|^\x15\x03[\x01\x00]\0\x02\x01\0$| p/multi-vendor SSL/
# Probably Oracle https?
match ssl m|^}\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Oracle https/
match ssl m|^\x15\x03\0\0\x02\x02\(31666:error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:no shared cipher:s3_srvr\.c:881:\n| p/Webmin SSL Control Panel/
match ssl m|^20928:error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_srvr\.c:565:\n| p/qmail-pop3d behind stunnel/
match ssl m|^\x16\x03\0\0\*\x02\0\0&\x03\0B| p/Tor over SSL/
match ssl m|^\x16\x03\0\0\*\x02\0\0&\x03.*IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate|s p/Cisco IOS ssl/ d/router/
match xtel m|^\x15Annuaire \xe9lectronique| p/xteld/ i/French/
match tor m|^\x16\x03\0\0\*\x02\0\0&\x03\0.*T[oO][rR]1.*[\x00-\x20]([-\w_.]+) <identity>|s p/Tor node/ i/Node name: $1/
# Sophos Message Router
match ssl/sophos m|^\x16\x03\0.*Router\$([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).*Sophos EM Certification Manager|s p/Sophos Message Router/ h/$1/
match ssl/sophos m|^\x16\x03\0.*Sophos EM Certification Manager|s p/Sophos Message Router/
match airport-admin m|^acpp\0.\0.....\0\0\0\x01| p/Apple AirPort admin/
# Flexlm might be too general: -Doug
match flexlm m|^W.-60\0|s p/FlexLM license manager/
match flexlm m|^W.\0\0\0\0|s p/FlexLM license manager/
# Need more examples of this one -Doug
match kerberos-sec m|^.*Internal KDC error, contact administrator|s p/Shishi kerberos-sec/
# Windows 2000 Server Kerberos
# Windows Server 2003 kerberos
match kerberos-sec m/^\0\0\0\0$/ p/Microsoft Windows kerberos-sec/ o/Windows/
# Longhorn
match microsoft-ds m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88\x01@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0.\n\0\x01\0\x04\x11\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\xfd\xe3\x03\0|s p/Microsoft Windows Longhorn microsoft-ds/ o/Windows/
# Windows XP SP1
match microsoft-ds m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88\x01@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0.\n\0\x01\0\x04\x11\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\xfd\xe3\0\0|s p/Microsoft Windows XP microsoft-ds/ o/Windows/
match microsoft-ds m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88\x01@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0.2\0\x01\0\x04A\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\xfd\xf3\0\0|s p/Microsoft Windows 2000 microsoft-ds/ o/Windows/
# Microsoft Windows 2003
match microsoft-ds m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88\x01@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0.2\0\x01\0\x04.\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\xfd\xf3\x01\0|s p/Microsoft Windows 2003 microsoft-ds/ o/Windows/
# Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
# Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP4
match microsoft-ds m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88\x01@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0.[}2]\0\x01\0\x04A\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\xfd[\xe3\xf3]\0\0|s p/Microsoft Windows 2000 microsoft-ds/ o/Windows/
match microsoft-ds m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88\x01@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0.\x05\0\x01\0\x04\x11\0\0\0\0\x01\0\xad\x05\0\0|s p|IBM OS/400 microsoft-ds| o|OS/400|
# Xerox WorkCentre Pro c3545 and Xerox DocumentCentre 425
match microsoft-ds m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x81\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\r\x03\0|s p/Xerox printer microsoft-ds/ d/printer/
# Microsoft Windows XP SP1
# Windows 2000
match msrpc m|^\x05\0\r\x03\x10\0\0\0\x18\0\0\0....\x04\0\x01\x05\0\0\0\0$|s p/Microsoft Windows RPC/ o/Windows/
# Windows 2000 Advanced Server c:\winnt\system32\Mstask.exe
match mstask m|^\x05\0\r\x03\x10\0\0\0\x18\0\0\0\0\x08\x01@\x04\0\x01\x05\0...|s p/Microsoft mstask/ i/task server - c:\winnt\system32\Mstask.exe/ o/Windows/
# Microsoft Windows 2000
# samba-2.2.7-5.8.0 on RedHat 8
# samba-2.2.7a-8.9.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.x
match netbios-ssn m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x06\0.*\W([-_.\w]+)\0$|s p/Samba smbd/ i/workgroup: $1/
# Samba 2.999+3.0.alpha21-5 on Linux
# Samba 3.0.0rc4-Debian
match netbios-ssn m=^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88..\0\0[-\w. ]*\0+@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x06\0.*([^\0]|([^_A-Z0-9-]\0))(([-\w]\0){2,50})=s p/Samba smbd/ v/3.X/ i/workgroup: $P(3)/
match netbios-ssn m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88..\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x06\0..\0\x01\0..\0\0...\0..\0\0|s p/Samba smbd/ v/3.X/
# Samba 2.2.8a on Linux 2.4.20
match netbios-ssn m|^\x83\0\0\x01\x81$| p/Samba smbd/
# DAVE 4.1 enhanced windows networks services for Mac on Mac OS X
match netbios-ssn m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\x02\0Y\0\x98\x01.\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\0\x07\0|s p/Thursby DAVE Windows filesharing/ i/Runs on Macintosh systems/ o/Mac OS/
# Windows 98
match netbios-ssn m|^\x83\0\0\x01\x8f$| p/Microsoft Windows 98 netbios-ssn/ o/Windows 98/
# Netware might just be using Samba?
match netbios-ssn m|^\0\0\0M\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x80\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0\x032\0\x01\0\xff\xff\0\0\0\0\x01\0| p/Netware 6 SMB Services/
# Network Appliance ONTAP 6.3.3 netbios-ssn
match netbios-ssn m/^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x98\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0.*([^\0]|([^_A-Z0-9-]\0))(([-\w]\0){2,50})/s p/Network Appliance Ontap smbd/ i/workgroup: $P(3)/
match netbios-ssn m|^\x82\0\0\0\n-> doHttp: Connection timeouted!\n\ntelnetd: This system \*IN USE\* via telnet\.\nshell restarted\.\n\x08\x08\x08\x08 \*\*\* EPSON Network Print Server \(([^)]+)\) \*\*\*\n\n\x08\x08\x08\x08 \nPassword: | p/Epson print server smbd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match netbios-ssn m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x88\x01.\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\x11\x07\0|
# HP OpenView Storage Data Protector A.05.10 on Windows 2000
# Hewlett Packard Omniback 4.1 on Windows NT
match omniback m|^\0\0\0.\xff\xfe1\x005\0\0\0 \0\x07\0\x01\0\[\x001\x002\0:\x001\0\]\0\0\0 \0\x07\0\x02\0\[\x002\x000\x000\x003\0\]\0\0\0 |s p/HP OpenView Omniback/ o/Windows/
# HP OpenView Storage Data Protector A.05.10 on Linux
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Mnicht unterst.{1,2}tztes Frontend-Protokoll 65363\.19778: Server unterst.{1,2}tzt 1\.0 bis 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/German/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0MProtocole non support[e\xe9]e de l'interface 65363\.19778: le serveur supporte de 1\.0 [a\xe0] 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/French/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Mprotocole non support\xe9e de l'interface 65363\.19778: le serveur supporte de 1\.0 \xe0 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/French/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Mel protocolo 65363\.19778 no est..? soportado: servidor soporta 1\.0 hasta 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/Spanish/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Mprotocolo 65363\.19778 n\xe3o \xe9 suportado: servidor suporta 1\.0 a 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/Portugese/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Mprotocolo do cliente 65363\.19778 n.{4,6} suportado: servidor suporta 1\.0 a 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/Portugese/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0MProtocole non support\xc3\xa9e de l'interface 65363\.19778: le serveur supporte de 1\.0 \xc3\xa0 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/French; Unicode support/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Mnicht unterst\xc3\xbctztes Frontend-Protokoll 65363\.19778: Server unterst\xc3\xbctzt 1\.0 bis 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0|s p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/German; Unicode support/
match postgresql m|^E\0\0\0\xb1S\xec\xb9\x98| p/PostgreSQL DB/
# SAP Release: SAP ECC (Enterprise Core Component) 6.0 on Windows 2003
match sap-gui m|^\0\0\0\x0e\*\*DPTMMSG\*\*\0\0\xf8| p/SAP Gui Dispatcher/
match serversettingsd m|^\0\0\x004main\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x0c\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x0c\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0quit\xff\xff\xff\xffcrpt$| p/Apple serversettingsd administration daemon/ o/Mac OS X/
match symantec-esm m|^\0\x01#$| p/Symantec Enterprise Security Manager/
# Windows 2000 Server Wins name resolution service
# Windows NT 4.0 Wins
# Windows 2003 WINS service
match wins m|^\0\0\0\x1e\xffS\xad\x80\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0...\0\0\x01\0\0\x81\0\x02|s p/Microsoft Windows Wins/ o/Windows/
match sap-its m|^\0\0\0\x0c\x01\x03\0\0\0\0\x07.\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07.Content-Type: text/html; charset=Windows-\d+\r\n\r\n<!--\r\n This page was created by the \r\n SAP Internet Transaction Server|s p/SAP Internet Transaction Server/
match routersetup m|^\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x80|s p|Nortel/D-Link router instant setup| d/router/
match tally-census m|^\xcd\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Tally Collection Client/
match bacula-fd m|^\0\0\0\x152999 Invalid command\n\xff\xff\xff\xfc$| p/Bacula file daemon/
match bacula-sd m|^\0\0\0\x0b3999 No go\n$| p/Bacula storage daemon/
match opsec-ufp m|^\0\0\0\x0c\x01\x01\0\x04r\0\0\0$| p/Check-Point NG firewall/
match upnp m|\0\0\0\x80<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\?>\r\n<exception requestID=\"0\">\r\n <message>Unable to parse Message\.</message>\r\n</exception>\r\n| p/Lexmark C524 Laser Printer UPnP/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^2[23]0 FTP Server Ready\r\n504 Comand length not supported\.\r\n| p/HP JetDirect ftpd/ d/printer/
match font-service m|^\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x06\0\0\0\0@\x0c\0p\x17\0\0X Consortium\x01\n\x01\0\x05\0\0\0....\0\0..\0\0\0\0$|s p/Sun Solaris fs.auto/ o/Solaris/
# HP-UX 11.11
match font-service m|^\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x06\0\0\0\0@\x0c\0\xd4\x17\0\0X Consortium\x01\n\x01\0\x05\0\0\0....\0\0..\0\0\0\0$|s p/HP-UX X Font Server/ o/HP-UX/
match font-service m|^\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x0e\0\0\0\0 \*\0.\x19\0\0The XFree86 Project[-.\w() ]+..\x01\n\x01\0\x05\0\0\0....\0\0..\0\0\0|s p/XFree86 X Font Server/ o/Unix/
match font-service m|^\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07\0\0\0\0 \x10\0....X\.Org Foundation\x01\n|s p/X.Org X Font Server/ o/Unix/
match font-service m|^\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x07\0\0\0\0.......The X\.Org Group|s p/X.Org X Font Server/ o/Unix/
match font-service m|^\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x04\0\0\0\0.......HD\0@|s p/X Font Server for TrueType Fonts/ o/Unix/
match font-service m|^\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\0\0\0\0.......International Business Machines Corp\.|s p/IBM AIX X Font Server/ o/AIX/
match networkaudio m|^\0\x19\x02\0\x02\0\x07\0Protocol version mismatch\0| p|Network Audio System|
match retrospect m|^\0\xca\0\0\0\0\0\x04\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02\($| p/Dantz Retrospect backup client/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*Sun Microsystems, Inc\.|s p/XSun Solaris X11 server/
match X11 m|^\0\x2D\x0B\0\0\0\x0C\0| i/access denied/
# I think the below means access denied (no authentication protocol
# specified?) or is it a problem w/my probe that I should fix?
match X11 m|^\0\x16\x0b\0\0\0\x06\0No protocol specified\x0a..$|s i/access denied/ o/Unix/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0......\0\0.*The XFree86 Project, Inc|s p/XFree86/ i/open/ o/Unix/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0......\0\0.*The X\.Org Foundation|s p/X.Org/ i/open/ o/Unix/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0.....\x02\0\0..\xff\xff\x1f\0\0\x01\0\0.*Gentoo Linux \(XFree86 (\d[^)]+)\)\0\0|s p/XFree86/ v/$1/ i/Gentoo Linux/ o/Linux/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0.....\x03\0\0..\xff\xff\x1f\0\0\x01\0\0.\0\xff\xff\x01\x07\0\0 \x08\xff....Gentoo Linux \(The X\.Org Foundation ([-\w_.]+), revision ([-\w_.]+)\)\0\0|s p/X.Org/ v/$1 revision $2/ i/Gentoo Linux/ o/Linux/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0.....\x02\0\0.*Mandrake Linux \(XFree86 (\d[^\)]+)\)\0\0|s p/XFree86/ v/$1/ i/Mandrake Linux/ o/Linux/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.*Conectiva Linux \(XFree86 ([\d.]+), patch level (\w+)\)|s p/XFree86/ v/$1 patch level $2/ i/Connectiva Linux/ o/Linux/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0\x4C\0\xA0\xE0\x63\x02\0\0| i/open/
# StarNet X-Win32 v5.4 on Windows XP
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*StarNet Communications Corp\.|s p/StarNet X-Win32/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\0J\x0b\0\0...This copy of X-Win32 will only accept connections from network ([\d.]+)\0\0|s p/StarNet X-Win32/ i/Only accepting connections from net $1/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0=\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\xc0\x06\xff\xff\?.*\0DECWINDOWS Digital Equipment Corporation Digital UNIX V(\d[-.\w]+)\0\0\x01\x01|s p/Digital UNIX X-Window/ v/$1/ i/Version is X Server and not of Digital UNIX/ o/Digital UNIX/
# tightvnc 1.2.3 Xvnc
# Tightvnc 3.3.3 Xvnc
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0%\0\x04\r\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0\0\x01\0\0\x1b\0\xff\xff\x01\x02\0\0 \x08\xff....AT&T Laboratories Cambridge\0|s p/Xvnc/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0......\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0.*AT&T Laboratories Cambridge|s p/Xvnc/
# Exceed X server for Win32
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0.\0..\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff\x1f\0\x01\0\0\0.\0\xff\xff.\x04\0\0\x08 \x08\xfe...\0Hummingbird Ltd\.\x01\x01 \0|s p/Hummingbird Exceed X server/ v/11.X/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0.\0..\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0\x01\0\0\0.\0\xff\xff.\x04\x01\x01\x08 \x08\xfe...\0Hummingbird Ltd\.\x01\x01 \0|s p/Hummingbird Exceed X server/ v/8.X, 9.X, or 10.X/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0\0.\0..\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0\x01\0\0\0.\0\xff\xff\x01\x04\x01\x01\x08 \x08\xfe...\0Hummingbird Communications Ltd\.\0\x01\x01 ...\0\0\x08\x08 ...\0\0\x0c\x0c ...\0\0\x18 ...\0\0.\0\0\0 \0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\0\0\0\0\0|s p/Hummingbird Exceed X server/ v/7.X/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0\x01\0\0\0.\0\xff\xff\x01.\x01\x01\x08 \x08\xfe...\0Hummingbird Communications Ltd\..\x01\x01|s p/Hummingbird Exceed X server/ v/6.X/ o/Windows/
# General catch-alls
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff.\0\x01\0\0..\0\xff\xff......\x08\xfe...\0Hummingbird Communications Ltd\.|s p/Hummingbird Exceed X server/ o/Windows/
# This Hummingbird match isn't quite generic enough in some casses.
# I'm not sure what all of the X11 flags are though so rather than
# just make it more generic, I'll comment it out and include a more generic
# one below. [Brandon]
#match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff.*Hummingbird Ltd\.|s p/Hummingbird Exceed X server/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0......?\0\0\0...?\xff\xff.*Hummingbird Ltd\.|s p/Hummingbird Exceed X server/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0.\0\0..\0\xff\xff......\x08....\0DECWINDOWS compatibility\. Hummingbird|s p/Hummingbird Exceed X server/ i/DECWINDOWS compatibility/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0.\0\0..\0\xff\xff......\x08....\0DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation, eXcursion|s p/DEC eXcursion X server/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0......\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0.\0\0..\0\xff\xff.*Hewlett-Packard Company\0|s p/Hewlett-Packard X server/ o/HP-UX/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0......\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0.\0\0..\0\xff\xff.*Santa Cruz Operation Inc\.\0|s p/SCO X server/ o/SCO UNIX/
# HP MC/ServiceGuard for Linux A.11.14.02
match X11 m|^\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x0c\0\0\0\0$| p|HP MC/ServiceGuard|
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0......\0\0\0..\xff\xff\?\0.*Labtam Europe Ltd\.\0\0\x01\x01|s p/Labtam X-WinPro/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*NetSarang Computer, Inc\.|s p/NetSarang XManager/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*WRQ, Inc\.|s p/ReflectionX/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*RealVNC Ltd|s p/RealVNC/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*Pexus Systems, Inc|s p/Pexus X Server/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*HDS Network Systems, Inc\. \(([^)]+)\)|s p/HDS X Server/ d/terminal server/ o/NetOS/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.*The Cygwin/X Project|s p/Cygwin X Server Project/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*Labtam Europe Ltd\.|s p/Labtam X-WinPro/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*ASTEC, Inc\.|s p/ASTEC-X/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*LabF\.com|s p/LabF WinaXe/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*MicroImages, Inc\.\0|s p/MicroImages MiX/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*Attachmate Corporation\0|s p/Attachmate Kea! X server/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*WebTerm X ([\d.]+) by Powerlan USA\0|s p/Powerlan WebTerm X server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.......\0\0..\xff\xff.\0\0\x01\0\0.\0\xff\xff......\x08\xff....Colin Harrison\0|s p/Xming X server/ o/Windows/
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.......\0\0..\xff\xff.\0\0\x01\0\0.\0\xff\xff......\x08\xff....The Xming Project\0| p/Xming X server/ o/Windows/
# Strange one... X.Org Group?
match X11 m|^\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*The X\.Org Group\0|s p|Xvnc X11/VNC proxy|
match giop m|^GIOP\x01\0\x01\x06\0\0\0\0$| p/omniORB omniNames/ i/Corba naming service/
match domain m|^\x80\xf0\x80\x12\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x20CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01| p/Microsoft DNS/ o/Windows/
match gadu m|^UDAG$| p/Kadu polish IM client/
# Skype - Protocol seems to spew out 14 random characters upon
# connection. Luckily, this shouldn't conflict any other X11 services.
#match skype m|^.{14}$|s p/Skype VoIP data channel/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n404 Not Found: \[/nice ports,/Trinity\.txt\.bak\]$| p/SHTTPD/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\n.*<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"/style\.css\" TYPE=\"text/css\"></HEAD>\r\n<BODY><H2>URL demand\xe9e introuvable\.</H2>|s p/Lexmark Optra T610 printer http config/ d/printer/ i/French/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 403 File not found - unknown extension\r\n\r\n| p|apt-cache/apt-proxy httpd| o/Linux/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden file type or location\r\nConnection: close\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Debian Apt-Cacher NG/([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/Debian Apt-Cacher NG httpd/ o/Linux/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Sorry, not allowed to fetch that type of file: Tri%6Eity\.txt%2ebak\r\n\r\n| p/apt-cache httpd/ o/Linux/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 304 Not Modified\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nServer: Unknown\r\n\r\n| p/McData 4500 fibre switch http config/ d/switch/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nServer: KM-httpd/([-\w_.]+)\r\n.*<em>HTTP Response Code: </em> 404<br><em>From server at: </em> ([-\w_.]+)<br><em>|s p/Konica Minolta printer http config/ v/$1/ h/$2/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Object Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<body><h1>HTTP/1\.0 404 Object Not Found\r\n</h1></body>| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ v/3.X/ o/Windows/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Medusa/([\w.]+)\r\n.*<title>Asterisk/DeStar PBX :: Page not found</title>\n|s p/Destar Asterisk PBX http config/ i/Medusa httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\n.*Server: lighttpd/([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/lighttpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 241\r\n\r\n<html><head><title>POPFile Web Server Error 404| p/POPFile web control interface/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\n.*<a href=\"http://jetty\.mortbay\.org/\">Powered by Jetty://</a>|s p/Jetty httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 No any servlet found for serving /\r\ncontent-type: text/html\r\nconnection: keep-alive\r\ncontent-length: \d+\r\nmime-version: [\d.]+\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>400 No any servlet found for serving /</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=\"#F1D0F2\"><H2>400 No any servlet found for serving /</H2><HR><ADDRESS><A HREF=\"http://tjws\.sourceforge\.net\">Rogatkin's JWS based on Acme\.Serve Version ([\w-_.]+), \$Revision: ([\w-_.]+) \$| p/Rogatkin's JWS httpd/ v/$2/ i/Based on Acme.Serve $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>Linksys PAP2 Configuration</title>\r\n| p/Linksys PAP2 VoIP http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK.*\nServer: HPSMH\n.*\n<title>System Management Homepage</TITLE>|s p/HP System Management Homepage/ o/HP-UX/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 499 Unauthorized user access\. Check User/Password/Scope\. \r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<HTML><TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE><H2>Navi Error\. Access Denied\.</H2><BODY><P>Please check the typed URL\.</P></BODY></HTML>| p|Dell/EMC CX300 Navisphere http config| d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nServer: WEBCAM\r\nCONTENT-LENGTH:\d+\r\n\r\n\r\nHTTP requested /nice%20ports%2C/Tri%6Eity\.txt%2ebak was not found UID (\d+) PID (\d+)\n| p/Pixord IP Camera http config/ d/webcam/ i/UID $1; PID $2/
match http m|^<html>\n<link rel=stylesheet href=form\.css>\n<body onload='document\.login\.passwd\.focus\(\)'>\n<form name=login method=POST>\n.*<td bgcolor=#C1D6FF> System Name : ([\w-_.]+)\n.* MAC Address : ([\w-]+)\n|s p/Web-Smart Gigabit Ethernet Switch http config/ d/switch/ h/$1/ i/MAC $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\n\r\nThis page does not exist or you are not authorized to view it| p/Google Search Appliance httpd/ d/specialized/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Document Follows\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<HEAD><TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>\r\n<BODY><H1>404 Not Found</H1>\r\nUrl '/NICE%20PORTS%2C\\TRI%6EITY\.TXT%2EBAK' not found on server<P>\r\n</BODY>| p/HP StorageWorks MSL4048 http config/ d/storage-misc/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Error\r\n.*<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Extra Systems Proxy Server</TITLE>|s p/Extra Systems http proxy/ o/Windows/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.1 502 Bad Gateway\r\nConnection : close\r\n.*\n<title>The requested URL could not be retrieved</title>\n<link href=\"http://passthrough\.fw-notify\.net/static/default\.css\"|s p/Astaro firewall http proxy/ d/firewall/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nSERVER: Linux/([\w-_.]+), UPnP/([\d.]+), Portable SDK for UPnP devices/([\w-_.]+)\r\n| p/Portable SDK for UPnP devices/ v/$3/ i/kernel $1; UPnP $2/ o/Linux/
match sip-proxy m|^SIP/2\.0 503 Remote end of tunnel is not connected\r\n.*\r\nWarning: \d+ \w+ \"Remote end of the bridge is not connected\"\r\n|s p/3CX PhoneSystem PBX/ o/Windows/ i/misconfigured/
match shivahose m|^\x02\x06$| i/Shiva network modem access/
match wms m|^\x01\0\0.\xce\xfa\x0b\xb0.\0\0\0MMS .\0{7}.{9}\0\0\0\x01\0\x04\0\0\0\0\0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\x0b\0\x04\0\x1c\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xf0\?\x01\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x80\0\0...\0.\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0.\0\0\x00(\d)\0\.\x00(\d)\0\.\x00(\d)\0\.\x00(\d)\x00(\d)\x00(\d)\x00(\d)\0\0\0|s p/Microsoft Windows Media Service/ v/$1.$2.$3.$4$5$6$7/ o/Windows/
match wms m|^\x01\0\0.\xce\xfa\x0b\xb0.\0\0\0MMS .\0{7}.{9}\0\0\0\x01\0\x04\0\0\0\0\0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\x0b\0\x04\0\x1c\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xf0\?\x01\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x80\0\0...\0.\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0.\0\0\x00(\d)\0\.\x00(\d)\x00(\d)\0\.\x00(\d)\x00(\d)\0\.\x00(\d)\x00(\d)\x00(\d)\x00(\d)\0\0\0|s p/Microsoft Windows Media Service/ v/$1.$2$3.$4$5.$6$7$8$9/ o/Windows/
# Cross Match Verifier E TCP/IP fingerprint reader (http://www.crossmatch.com/products_singlescan_vE.html)
# The device runs an embedded Linux
Probe TCP Verifier q|Subscribe\n|
rarity 8
ports 1500
totalwaitms 11000
match crossmatchverifier m/^(Idle|Notify)\r\n$/ p/Cross Match Verifier E fingerprint control/
Probe TCP VerifierAdvanced q|Query\n|
rarity 8
ports 1501
match crossmatchverifier m|^Settings\r\nGain\x20(\d+)\r\nContrast\x20(\d+)\r\nTime\x20(\d+)\r\nIllumination\x20(\d+)\r\nProcessed\r\n$| p/Cross Match Verifier E fingerprint advanced control/
############ SOCKS PROBES ############
# These are some simple probes that query a SOCKS server as specified in the
# following RFCs/documents:
# SOCKS4.Protocol - SOCKS Protocol Version 4
# RFC 1928 - SOCKS Protocol Version 5
# RFC 1929 - Username/Password Authentication for SOCKS V5
# RFC 1961 - GSS-API Authentication Method for SOCKS Version 5
# The following probe is designed to check the status of a SOCKS5 implementation.
# It attempts to create a TCP connection to google.com:80 assuming the SOCKS server
# allows unauthenticated connections. The probe also tells the SOCKS server
# that we support all major types of authentication so we can determine which
# authentication method the server requires.
# We don't try to establish TCP port bindings on the SOCKS server and we don't
# try UDP connections though these could easily be added to new probes.
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x05\x77| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.1399; RTM/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x05\x7e| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.1399.06; RTM/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x07\xff| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.2047; SP1/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x08\x7a| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.2170; SP1+/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x0b\xee| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.3054; SP2+/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x0b\xfc| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.3068; SP2+ MS08-040/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x0c\x01| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.3073; SP2+ MS08-052/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x0c\x05| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.3077; SP2+ MS09-004/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09\x00\x0b\xe2| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.3042; SP2/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00.\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\t\x00\x0f\xc3| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ v/9.00.4035; SP3/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x08\x07| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.2055; SP4+ MS09-004/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x08\x02| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.2050; SP4+ MS08-040/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x07\xf7| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.2039; SP4/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x03\x32| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.818; SP3+/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x02\xfe| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.766; SP3a/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x02\xf8| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.760; SP3/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x02\x16| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.534; SP2/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x01\x7e| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.384; SP1/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x01\x37| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.311; RTMa/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08\x00\x00\xc2| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ v/8.00.194; RTM/ o/Windows/
match ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x0a\x00\x04\x33| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2008/ v/10.0.1075; CTP/ o/Windows/
#Major version match lines - in the event that minor versions do not match
softmatch ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x0a| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2008/ o/Windows/
softmatch ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x09| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ o/Windows/
softmatch ms-sql-s m|^\x04\x01\x00\x25\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x06\x01\x00\x1b\x00\x01\x02\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x03\x00\x1d\x00\x00\xff\x08| p/Microsoft SQL Server 2000/ o/Windows/
match backdoor m|^666(\d+)\xff(\d+)\xff(\d+)\xff$| p/Beast Trojan/ v/version 2/ i/**BACKDOOR**; No password; New server port: $1; New client ports: $2, $3/ o/Windows/