return false, "MSRPC: ERROR: Ran off the end of SMB packet; likely due to server truncation"
pos = pos + ((4 - ((pos - 1) % 4)) % 4); -- Alignment -- don't ask how I came up with this, it was a lot of drawing, and there's probably a far better way
--- Calls the <code>NetServerGetStatistics</code> function, which grabs a bunch of statistics on the server.
-- This function requires administrator access to call.
-- Note: Wireshark 1.0.3 doesn't parse this packet properly.
--@param smbstate The SMB state table
--@param server The IP or name of the server (I don't think this is actually used, but it's
-- good practice to send it).
--@return A table containing the following values:
-- * 'start' The time when statistics collection started (or when the statistics were last cleared). The value is
-- stored as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00, January 1, 1970, GMT. To calculate
-- the length of time that statistics have been collected, subtract the value of this member from the
-- present time. 'start_date' is the date as a string.
-- * 'fopens' The number of times a file is opened on a server. This includes the number of times named pipes are opened.
-- * 'devopens' The number of times a server device is opened.
-- * 'jobsqueued' The number of server print jobs spooled.
-- * 'sopens' The number of times the server session started.
-- * 'stimedout' The number of times the server session automatically disconnected.
-- * 'serrorout' The number of times the server sessions failed with an error.
-- * 'pwerrors' The number of server password violations.
-- * 'permerrors' The number of server access permission errors.
-- * 'syserrors' The number of server system errors.
-- * 'bytessent' The number of server bytes sent to the network.
-- * 'bytesrcvd' The number of server bytes received from the network.
-- * 'avresult' The average server result time (in milliseconds).
-- * 'reqbufneed' The number of times the server required a request buffer but failed to allocate one. This value indicates that the server parameters may need adjustment.
-- * 'bigbufneed' The number of times the server required a big buffer but failed to allocate one. This value indicates that the server parameters may need adjustment.
function srvsvc_netservergetstatistics(smbstate, server)
return false, "Read off the end of the packet (lsa.lookupnames2)"
if(result['return'] ~= 0 and result['return'] ~= smb.status_codes['NT_STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED'] and result['return'] ~= smb.status_codes['NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED']) then