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- 10-25-92 Note from the author:
- As of this date, I am making this program totally shareware, with
- no crippling, no registration keys, and no hassles. Feel free to
- use this software for up to 30 days to evaluate it, if you continue
- to use it past the 30 day evaluation period, you must register it.
- There are no extra features that registration enables, nor will you
- need to call my BBS to get the latest versions - future versions will
- be released just as this one has. If you like this software, then
- please register it - it will allow me to continue improving the
- product. I have a number of other PCBoard related projects in the
- works, and the registration response to this product will determine
- how future products are released.
- The registration fee for Weekly Limits is $25 (US).
- Registration fees, suggestions, or comments should be addressed to:
- Robert Briggs
- c/o Bob and Kathey's BBS
- P.O. Box 571241
- Murray, UT 84107
- ----------- Robert Briggs 25 October 92 ----------------------------
- ******************************************************************
- * *
- * Weekly_Limits *
- * *
- * Copyright (c) 1992 *
- * Robert Briggs / Info-Tech *
- * *
- * *
- * Software designed to allow the PCBoard version 14.5a *
- * sysop to implement WEEKLY time and byte ratios. This *
- * is NOT shareware - do not re-distribute !! Thank you *
- * for supporting this product by purchasing it !! *
- * *
- * Support BBS: *
- * *
- * Bob and Kathey's BBS *
- * (801) 262-3822 *
- * 2400 - 16800 HST *
- * FidoNet 1:311/11 *
- ******************************************************************
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Upgrade installation
- --------------------
- Be careful NOT to overwrite your current executables or config file
- just yet, since logon.exe, logoff.exe and weekly.cfg (or whatever
- you are calling it) need to be replaced simultaneously, and with
- no callers on-line...
- NOTE: These upgrade instructions ASSUME that you have the evaluation
- copy installed and functioning.
- ■ Copy your current logon.exe, logoff.exe and weekly.cfg files off
- to a safe place.
- ■ Extract the program wkconfig.exe from this archive. Place it into
- a directory that does NOT contain your current weekly.cfg file.
- ■ Run the wkconfig program. It SHOULD ask if it needs to create a
- new configuration file for you. If it doesn't you are in the
- subdirectory where your old config or some other file named
- weekly.cfg is located. If you DON'T get prompted to create a
- new file - hit ESCAPE and exit the config program. Move to a
- different subdirectory - you need to both create a NEW config
- file and NOT overwrite your old one yet.
- Select PATHS, and enter the fully path qualified filenames to your:
- - users file,
- - users.inf file,
- - log file,
- - reset report file, and
- - PCBDOOR.TXT (NO path qualifier) for the door text file name.
- Select SECLEVEL and set up the single security level that your
- current evaluation copy uses (it was set to 81 in the demo...)
- You need to set up that security level as:
- W (weekly),
- Answer "Yes" to preserve callers upload credits,
- Set the minimum baud rate for weekly limits to 0,
- Set the logging level to 8 (maximum verbose mode), and
- Enter the number of BYTES that the caller is allowed weekly.
- ■ At this point, you should take all nodes down, or have no callers
- on-line - DON'T change over the software with a caller on line
- using a security level that the evaluation copy handled - it MIGHT
- be harmless, but no sense in deliberately courting trouble....
- ■ Copy your new weekly.cfg over the old evaluation copy
- ■ Extract the two files logon.exe and logoff.exe from this
- archive, and overwrite your old copies.
- ■ You may now bring your system back up. Operationally you are at
- exactly the same point with the registered version that you were
- with the evaluation copy. You can now change things around at
- your leisure..... (Snuck the logging level down to zero before
- you even tried it this way, didn't you Ray?)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Recent additions
- ----------------
- ■ The logon.exe file CAN be run in $$logon.bat rather than as an
- auto log-on door, if you prefer. The only problem with this is
- that the caller does not get the settings display with his period
- expiration date and some other info. If you don't care about
- that, then feel free to run logon.exe in $$logon.bat. A config
- option is provided for the name of the info display file that is
- created - this allows you to display it to the caller in some
- alternate manner if you decide to go the $$logon.bat route. The
- text is normally output to the file PCBDOOR.txt (when run as an
- auto log-on door) and automatically displayed to the caller by
- PCBoard when it returns from executing the door. If you go the
- $$logon.bat route, it is up to you to display this text file
- to the caller, if you so desire, in some alternate manner.
- Running in $$logon.bat can be easier than setting up several
- auto log-on doors, and are no problems with a caller that
- discovers the name of the door executing it and getting his
- time limits and download byte limits reset....
- ■ According to several message on SaltAir, you may have a single
- $$logon.bat and $$logoff.bat file somewhere on the search path.
- It is not necessary to have separate files in each node sub-
- directory.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- The balance of this document is the same as the installation guide
- contained in the evaluation copy. See the file config.doc for more
- information about various configuration options that are available
- to you using wkconfig.exe......
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- This document is little more than the notes I used during the development
- of weekly_limits. It presumes that the SYSOP reading it has great deal
- of knowledge about the workings of PCBoard in general - it is NOT for
- the novice. In places it pre-supposes knowledge of PCBoard utilities,
- like PCBSM or PCBSETUP. In any event setting up weekly_limts is NOT like
- setting up a game door - bang, bang, quick batch file, and two minutes
- later it is set up and running. If you know your way around a PCBoard
- system, you can probably set the entire thing up in 5 minutes........
- PLEASE print out this file so that you have it available while you are
- going through the installation process...
- You may or not know that good documentation takes longer to write than the
- program it describes. I have been investing my efforts into the program
- rather than the documentation. I'll clean up my act in the near future,
- honest ! <sigh>
- Both logon.exe and logoff.exe are fairly small and load quickly - they
- are written in fairly optimized C code (I don't write anything else) and
- are optimized for SPEED.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------
- 1. This step must be done with all nodes down.
- Execute PCBSM from any convenient spot.
- Select option D - User Info File Maintenance, then from that menu,
- Select option C - Add/Update Third Party Application
- Add the following TPA :
- Version : 1
- Static Size : 80
- Dynamic Size: 0
- Keyword : - leave blank -
- Press page down to have PCBSM install the TPA area in your users.inf
- file. Please check your spelling - the name must be exactly as
- show above, the two words "weekly" and "limits", with an underscore
- character between them.....
- Do not fill in a key-word......
- 2. Back up your USERS and USERS.INF files (as long as you have everything
- down anyway, might as well - How long HAS it been since you did ???)
- At this point the system can be brought back on-line, but you may
- want to keep it down for just a few more minutes - you have to set
- up an auto log-on door and fix up your $$logoff.bat files for all
- your nodes at the same time before any callers use the system.
- 3. I personally like to keep all of my files in separate directories,
- so.... Create a directory to hold the weekly_limits files. Put
- the archive file there, change to it, and unzip the archive.
- Remeber where you put it - you will need to specify the path to
- the files logon.exe, logoff.exe, and your config file later on in
- the installation process.
- 4. Edit the file weekly.cfg with any convenient ASCII editor. As an
- attempt to save some time when the weekly_limits software is running,
- you have to specify the full location of your USERS file and
- USERS.INF file.
- Edit the item following the keyword USERS so that it points to
- your USERS file. Edit the item following the keyword USERSINF so
- that it points to your users.inf file. Both of these are typically
- located in a directory called MAIN
- Edit the item following the keyword LOG, so that it points to a
- fully "path qualified" file name. Weekly_limts will keep its
- operation log there. At the current time this log is somwhat
- verbose - you may want to check and delete this file from time
- to time.....
- Edit the item following the keyword REPORT so that it points to a
- fully "path qualified" file name. When callers set up using
- weekly limits "roll over" to a new week, a report of their
- previous weeks time used, bytes uploaded, and bytes downloaded
- is entered into this file.
- Edit the item following the keyword SEC.
- There are three fields following the SEC keyword - edit them to suit
- your needs. The first field is the security level that is to be
- done with weekly limits. (You will also need to set up an auto log-on
- door for this security level, later)...
- The second field is a number between 0 and 6, and specifies the day
- of the week that weekly limts are to be reset. I personally use
- Monday (1)....
- The third field is the number of bytes a caller at that security level
- is allowed to download in a week. Do not use any commas in this number.
- Save your edited file. Remember where it is, you will have to specify
- a path to it later.
- 5. Set up a SHELLED auto log-on door for the security level you specified
- in the weekly.cfg file - it does not need users.sys or door.sys.
- (I use the name WEEKLY for mine, which means that the file I need to
- edit in the next step is named "q:\doors\batch\weekly". I also hide
- that door from the caller - none of my auto log-on doors appear in
- my doors menu.
- 6. Edit the batch file that the auto log-on door will be executing. It
- will NOT have a .BAT extension, and will consist of a SINGLE LINE:
- path_to_where_the_file_is\LOGON.EXE name_and_path_of_config_file.
- The "name_and_path_of_config_file" is the fully "path qualified" name
- of the file that you edited in step # 4 - weekly.cfg. If you place the
- config file in a directory that appears on your path, such as \pcb\main,
- it isn't NECESSARY to specify the path to it, but DOS will spend some
- time searching the path for the file. Weekly limits will run a bit
- faster if you specify the full "path qualified" name of the config file.
- The "path_to_where_the_file_is" is the directory that you unzipped the
- weekly_limts software into back in step # 3. On my system, the file
- WEEKLY, stored where I have my door batch files, q:\doors\batch, looks
- like this:
- q:\doors\weekly\logon.exe q:\doors\weekly\weekly.cfg
- THIS IS ALL that need to be contained in the batch file, but you can
- end it with a line that says EXIT if you like. This is a shelled door
- so you MUST NOT re-invoke your board.bat batch file!
- Same note as for the config file - if you place the files logon.exe and
- logoff.exe in your "search path", you don't NEED to specify a path to
- them. DOS will search the path for them - but this can be a slower
- process than if you specify the entire path to the file, especially
- if you have lots of directories in your search path....
- 7. OK - almost done. This last step depends a great deal on how you have
- your system configured. I personally have each node in a separate
- directory on drive q: - so on that drive I have a set of directories
- called "q:\node1", "q:\node2", "q:\node3", etc.
- Each node subdirectory contains a PCBOARD.SYS file and an EVENT.SYS
- file. Some of them have REMOTE.SYS files in them, and they ALL should
- all have a PCBOARD.DAT file in them if you run multiple nodes.
- In each of these node directories create a file called $$logoff.bat (if
- you don't already have one).
- The way that PCBoard operates:
- It will only look for a $$logoff.bat file in the directory that it finds
- itself in when it attempts to execute the $$logoff.bat file. It is not
- possible to have just a single $$logoff.bat file somewhere on the search
- path and have it execute, because PCBoard will NOT search the path looking
- for it.
- If you already have a $$logoff.bat file set up for each node, fine,
- if none at all, you can create a single one and copy it to each
- node directory. The $$logoff.bat file, if you are creating a new
- one, will look just like the batch file that you invoked when you
- set up the shelled door, EXCEPT that, instead of LOGON.exe, you will
- be running the file LOGOFF.exe. My $$logoff.bat file looks like:
- q:\doors\weekly\logoff.exe q:\doors\weekly\weekly.cfg
- ^^^^^^^^^^
- Note the difference from the file "weekly" created in step 6 above.
- 8. Last step... You have to enter the security level you specified in
- the weekly.cfg file above into your PWRD file. (Rr files if you have
- different security levels for each node...)
- Do this using PCBsetup, selection B - File locations 1 - name of
- PWRD file. Add the level with the following "twists":
- In the TIME field, put the number of minutes that the caller is
- allowed PER WEEK. (I use 500 minutes in mine). This field has
- a maximum of 999 minutes - meaning you can allow your callers up
- to 16.7 hours per week on your system.
- In the K Bytes field, put 0. Yes - that IS correct - zero. The
- weekly_limits software will handle allowing callers the correct
- number of bytes according to what you entered in the weekly.cfg file.
- >> _____________________
- (just kidding)
- 9. If you had your system down, you can now bring it back up.
- That is it. Everything from this point on is automatic. Check your
- log file for operational info....
- A couple of last minute notes:
- ------------------------------
- ■ To make sure that callers on my system don't go hog crazy when they
- first get set up, weekly_limts may cheat the caller out of two days
- maximum the first time that they log on using weekly_limts.
- If you have things set up to reset on MONDAY, for example, and the
- caller first uses his security level on Saturday or Sunday,
- weekly_limits may stretch their first expriation period out to
- "a week from the coming Monday". Follow that?
- If I upgrade a caller on Sunday, and things are set up to reset on
- Monday, I don't want them using an entire weeks allowance on Sunday
- and then end up getting another full weeks allowance the very next
- day. If a new caller gets initialized one or two days prior to the
- reset day, they get "stretched" out to 8 or 9 days - the first time only. After that
- ■ If you messed up one of the batch files, so that either logon or logoff
- can't find the configuration file, a file called either logon.err or
- logoff.err will be created in the current directory. Keep an eye
- out for these files - it will indicate that something is seriously
- mis-configured somewhere. DUE TO A BUG IN QMAIL, if a caller exits
- the qmail door by typing BYE, QMAIL executes the $$logoff.bat file
- with most of the PCBOARD.SYS file cleared out. Weekly_limits will
- leave an error message in the logon.err file complaining that the
- user record number could not be found. This is harmless, but
- somwehat annoying.
- ■ When the auto log-on door returns, it will display a screen similar
- to the VIEW USER SETTINGs display to the caller. If you have that
- option (display user settings) on, you probably want to turn it off
- using PCBSETUP.
- The display shown to the user is currently "hardwired" - and looks
- similar to what you would see on R&E.... It will be made a bit more
- sysop configurable in the near future.
- ■ If you have some catastrophe happen, and have to remove the auto log-on
- door, you need to remove the line (executing logoff.exe) from your
- $$logoff.bat files as well.
- Logoff.exe will be VERY UNHAPPY if it gets executed, finds the config
- file, gets a security level match with the SEC option in the config
- file for this caller, and finds that LOGON.exe hasn't been executed
- when this caller logged on. (as happens when a caller types BYE in
- the QMAIL door, and QMAIL executes $$logoff.bat with a cleared out
- PCBOARD.SYS file). You will find the complaints in the LOGON.ERR
- file if they occur. In the case of QMAIL, the error messages generated
- are harmless, but somewhat annoying.....
- ■ I have been running and tweaking this software on my system for
- some time now, but still consider it BETA test software. Back up
- your users file from time to time!
- ■ The binary config file will also allow you to set "file limits" -
- allowing a user to download "nn" files in a set period of time (say
- a year) and expiring the user once that level is reached.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Both logon.exe and logoff.exe are fairly small and load quickly - they
- are written in highly optimized C code (I don't write anything else <g>)
- and are optimized for SPEED. The whole design philosophy has been to
- assure that they execute quickly enough to be thought of as part of
- PCBoard, rather than external utilities, by your callers.....
- I do both custom programming and door writing at reasonable hourly rates..
- ===Bob Briggs 30 March 1992
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------
- Unfortunately in these "sue crazy" days, it is necessary to include
- the following statements:
- There are no warranties, expressed or implied, for the use of this
- program. Neither the author, Robert Briggs, nor Info-Tech will be
- held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential
- damages resulting from the use of this program.
- Your use of this program constitutes your AGREEMENT to this disclaimer
- and your release of the author and Info-Tech from any form of liability
- or litigation, regardless of cause...
- ### END ###