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The Membership System is an automated database designed to contain
information about an organization's members. The Membership System
provides everything needed to keep member information current,
print reports about the members, and print various types of mailing
labels. It is menu driven so new users shouldn't have to learn any
Installing the Program
The program should be copied to your hard disk. From a DOS prompt
create a directory called MEMBER-->MD\MEMBER
Make MEMBER subdirectory the default directory--> CD\MEMBER
Copy the files on the program disk to this directory-->COPY
Finally unzip the files-->PKUNZIP MEMBER
Starting the Program
The Membership System is an executable file and can be activated by
typing--> MEMBER
The first time user will be routed to SETUP to install certain defaults
- the Organization's Name, Default Drive for backing up your data files,
the number of labels across that you use - 1, 2 or 3 across and color
defaults. If you should decide later to change the type of labels or color
defaults menu options are available in the File Maintenance menu to make
these changes. In setup you also enter the membership class. Examples -
Full, Associate, Individual, Family, Student. You also enter special
codes - Type of member, Officer/Committee, and Organizational Interest.
After SETUP the Initial Screen (Figure 1) will appear. This screen
introduces the user to the Membership System each time activated.
| Y o u r O r g a n i z a t i o n |
| |
| █ █ ████ █ █ ███▄ ████ ███▄ ▄██▄ █ █ ▐█▌ ███▄ |
| █▌▐█ █ █▌▐█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀ █ █ █ █ █ |
| █▐▌█ ███ █▐▌█ █▄▄█ █▄▄ █▄▄█ █ █▄▄█ █ ███▀ |
| █ █ █ █ █ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▀█ █ █▀▀█ █ █ |
| █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▐▌ ▄ █ █ █ █ █ |
| █ █ ████ █ █ ███▀ ████ █ █ ▀██▀ █ █ ▐█▌ █ |
| |
| |
| ▄██▄ █ █ ▄██▄ ████ ████ █ █ |
| █ ▀ █ █ █ ▀ ▐▌ █ █▌▐█ |
| █ ▐▌▐▌ █ ▐▌ ███ █▐▌█ |
| █ ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ █ █ |
| ▄ █ ▐▌ ▄ █ ▐▌ █ █ █ |
| ▀██▀ ▐▌ ▀██▀ ▐▌ ████ █ █ |
| |
|Version 2.05 Copyright Advanced Data Solutions 1992|
Figure 1
Page 1
Main Menu
The Main Menu (Figure 2) will appear automatically after the
initial screen has been displayed for approximately 5 seconds.
This Menu provides the main options available to the user for the
Membership System. This menu is navigated by using the up and down
arrows, highlighting the selections and pressing the Enter key to
accept. As these arrows are pushed the bottom line of the screen
provides additional information about the selection highlighted.
| Your Organization's Name |
| M A I N M E N U |
| |
| Add Menu |
| Edit Menu |
| Report and Label Menu |
| File Maintenance |
| Remove Non-Paying Member |
| Payment of Dues |
| Telephone No. of Member |
| |
| Leave Membership |
| |
| |
| << This line describes the highlighted menu option>> |
Figure 2
Adding New Member Option
Upon selecting this option a Data Entry Screen (Figure 3) is
| |
|Last Name First Name Initial Title |
|______________________ _____________________ __ ____ |
: |
:Address Line 1 Address Line 2 |
|____________________________ _________________________ _____|
|City State/Prov. Zip/Postal |
|__________________ _____ _________ |
|Telephone: Home Business Fax |
| (___)_______ (___)________ (___)_________ |
| |
|Membership Class Member Since |
|__ __/__ |
|Member Expires (MO/YR) Dues Last Paid |
|__/__ __/__ |
|Amount Dues Paid Donation |
|________ _______ |
|Add Officer/Committee Codes Add Organizational Interest Codes|
| T T |
| |
| Exit - Esc |
Figure 3
Page 2
The cursor first appears at the prompt for the Members last name.
To exit this screen at any time press ESC. Enter the information
requested at the prompt.
The Title prompt can be answered with any of the following titles:
Mr, Miss,Mrs, Ms, Fam (short for FAMILY), Dr. or any four character
Enter the type of membership should be entered at the Membership Class.
Press F10 for list of codes. Highlight the code desired and press the
Enter key. A new class of membership can be entered by selecting
"New-Add New Code". Code letters can only be used once. Type "L" is
reserved for LIFE members.
The "Member Since" is answered by entering the numeric month and
year, i.e. "10/91" for October 1991. The program will not allow a
number in the month larger than "12".
When entering a Life Member in the membership type the program
automatically adds 50 years to the expiration date. Otherwise
enter the month and year (numeric only) to the expiration question.
The program will not allow numbers for months larger than "12".
Some organizations solicit contributions over and beyond the dues.
Enter the contribution(donation) received. A report is available
to list individuals who have contributed to the organization.
You may add Officer/Committee codes applicable for each member. Enter
either a "Y" or "T" to indicate you want to enter codes. When the
Officer/Committee Code Block appears enter the code. Press F10 for a
list of codes or to add a new code. You can also add new codes from
Add Menu.
The last field allows you to enter the organizational interests of
each member. Identify two character codes for this - FR - Fund Raising,
ME - Membership, RE - recreational. Enter a "Y" or "T" to indicate you
want to enter codes. When the Organizational Interest Code Block appears
enter the code. Press F10 for a list of codes or to add a new code.
You can also add new codes from Add Menu.
After completing the this screen the members record is accepted
and saved automatically. The program returns to a blank entry
form. Another member can be added or press ESC to return to
the Main Menu.
Edit Member Record option
There is a constant need to change the information on members.
Examples include new addresses, dues payment (see below for payment
of dues received from more than one person at a time), donations,
change in membership type, officer changes, etc.
Upon selecting the Edit Member Record option the user is asked
whether to edit a single member or the alphabetical letter of the
last name (Figure 4).
| Edit (A)lphabetical Members or (S)ingle Member |
Figure 4
Page 3
Press "S" to edit a single member or "A" to edit all members with
last name beginning for the given letter. If "S" was pressed you
will be asked (Figure 5) for the last name and first name of the
member. This must be entered exactly as when the member was first
added. If the name is misspelled a "This person not in database!"
message will appear. Try again or edit through the alphabetical
option in edit.
| Editing Members Record |
| Last Name: LEE____________ First: RONALD________ |
Figure 5
If the person is located a Edit Screen (Figure 6) will appear with
the name of the person and that person's information displayed.
Press the Enter key until you are at the information you want to
| |
|Last Name First Name Initial Title |
|LEE___________________ RONALD_______________ L MR__ |
: |
:Address Line 1 Address Line 2 |
|RT. 3 BOX 33________________ SUITE 3__________________ _____|
|City State/Prov. Zip/Postal |
|RICHMOND__________ VA___ 22334-1219 |
|Telephone: Home Business Fax |
| (804)555-1234 (804)555-1235 (804)555-1236 |
| |
|Membership Class Member Since (MO/YR) |
| I __/__ |
|Membership Expires Dues Last Paid |
|12/88 12/92 |
|Amount Dues Paid Donation |
|25.00__ __5.00 |
|Edit Officer/Committee Codes Edit Organization Interest Code|
| T T |
| |
| Exit - Esc |
Figure 6
If a "A" for alphabetical member editing was selected, the Edit
Screen (Figure 7) appears with the first member in the data base.
The menu located near the bottom allows you to "(E)dit (D)elete
(N)ext (P)rior (Q)uit" by selecting the appropriate letter.
Selecting "E" allows editing the screen being displayed.
Selection "D" will delete the person being display. This is the
only way to delete someone without selecting the "Remove Non-paying
Members" on main menu. The "N" moves to the next person. The "P"
moves back one person. The "Q" quits alphabetical editing of
your members.
Page 4
|Last Name First Initial Title |
|LEE_____________________ RONALD_______________ R_ Mr_ |
:Address Line 1 Address Line 2 |
|RT. 3 BOX 33________________ SUITE 3__________________ _____|
|City State/Prov. Zip/Postal |
|RICHMOND__________ VA___ 22334-1219 |
|Telephone: Home Business Fax |
| (804)555-1234 (804)555-1235 (804)555-1236 |
| |
|Membership Class Member Since (MO/YR) |
| I __/__ |
|Membership Expires Dues Last Paid |
|12/88 12/92 |
|(E)dit (D)elete (N)ext (P)rior (Q)uit|
Figure 7
Report and Label Menu option
The Report/Label Menu (Figure 8) appears. There are four reports
and two label options available.
| R E P O R T / L A B E L M E N U |
| |
| List of Members |
| Membership Summary |
| Contributing this year |
| Dues Expiring |
| Code List - all codes |
| |
| All Members |
| Officer/Committee Code |
| One class of Member |
| Organizational Interest Code |
| Quit Report Menu |
Figure 8
Report options 1 through 3 and 5 print automatically. You can send
the report to printer or file. Highlight your selection and press
Enter. Be sure the printer is on and with adequate paper available
if you select printer. The reports sent to file will the RPT*.TXT,
with * being 1,2,3 or 4. These may be printed by PRINT RPT1.TXT at
DOS prompt.
If "List of Members" is selected you will be offered the option
to print All Members, One Class of Members, A officer committee code
or a Organizational interest code.
Page 5
Option 4 Dues Expiring will first display Figure 9. Enter the
beginning and ending dates for the report. When the report is
| Enter Period to check expiration dates |
| Beginning Period __/__ Ending Period __/__|
Figure 9
finished printing you will need to remove the paper and load your
labels. Labels will be printed at this time for those members on
the report. This allows you to send them a reminder about their
dues. When printing labels, here and for the two label options
below, the printer will pause after printing two rows of test
labels so you can adjust the labels. Pressing any key starts the
If you decide to change the type of labels established in the
original setup be sure to change them in the File Maintenance menu.
File Maintenance option
The File Maintenance Menu (Figure 10) allows the user several key
| F I L E M A I N T E N A N C E |
| |
| Index all Data Files |
| Backup Data |
| Restore Data from Backup |
| Label Default - Change |
| Change Color Defaults |
| |
| Return to MAIN MENU |
| |
Figure 10
It may be necessary to reindex the data files if reports appear in
error or the edit options do not locate the right person.
Highlight "Index all Data Files" and press enter key. Reindexing is
done automatically.
Backing up the data on a regular basis is highly recommended. It
is best done daily after all editing and adding of new members has
been completed. Highlight "Backup Data" and press the Enter key.
You will be directed to place your backup disk in your defaul drive
designated in setup. Once the disk is in place press any key and
the data files will be copied automatically to the backup disk.
Page 6
Should something happen that destroys or corrupts the data in the
computer, the backup disk can be copied from the floppy to the hard
disk using the restore option. Highlight the "Restore Data from
Backup" and press Enter key. You will be directed to place the
backup disk in Drive A.
The types of labels that can be printed are:
3 1/2 X 15/16 X 1 across
3 1/2 X 15/16 X 2 across
2 1/2 X 15/16 X 3 across
Select Change Label Default to change from one type to another.
You may change the color defaults. The changes will occur as you
return to this menu from the menu option. If you do not like your
changes repeat the process. If you want to return to original defaults
erase the COLORS.MEM file in this directory. MEMBER will restore
original colors.
Remove Non-Paying Member option
This option removes automatically all persons in the data base with
expiration dates prior to the designated date (Figure 11).
| Remove all non-paying members prior to: |
| __/__ |
Figure 11
A list of persons being deleted can be printed prior to actual
deletion. Check the list. If anyone appears which shouldn't be
deleted press "N" when asked "Okay to delete these persons?". This
cancels deletion and allows you to edit the person's record and
then rerun this option.
Payment of Dues option
This option should be used when more than one dues payment is on
hand. The screen (Figure 12) will appear. Leave the last name
blank to exit. If a person pays by changing type of membership use
the edit option to make the changes.
|Today's date will be used to record payment date|
+----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| Last Name :___________| |Leave last name empty to Exit|
| First Name :___________| +-----------------------------+
| Amount Paid :____.__ |
| New Expir. Date:__/__/__ |
| Contribution :_____.__ |
Figure 12
Page 7
Leave Membership option
This allows you to exit from the Membership System and return to
the disk operating system. The exit screen will appear:
| |
| MEMBER is a SHAREWARE program! |
| |
| |
| 15 Springcrest Drive, Luray, VA 22835 |
| (703) 743-4910 |
| |
|See LICENSE.DOC on program disk. Registration Fee $30.00 |
Your comments and suggestions are encouraged.
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