Notes on Bayrisches Berg Spiel, September 20, 1992
COURSE NAME -- Bayrisches Berg Spiel
LOCATION -- Ebersberg, Germany
LENGHT / PAR -- 6887 yards / 72
JNSE DESIGN -- David Namaksy (aka Catfish of the Rockies)
DIFFICULTY -- 70.8 (Funk Factor), Medium by my standard
INSPIRATION -- 8 courses designed by Frank LLoyd Wright, only one that I know
of is built in Bandara, Texas.
THE STORY -- Once upon a time (about 20 years ago) a rich German industrailist named Helmuth Sens decieded to take up the game of golf. Well Herr Sens was a little ecentric and did not like playing with other people around. (He said it was becuase it he was afraid of terrorist but local rumor has that he was a really bad golfer) He would daily buy one of the local golf courses in his home town of Munich for 6 hours and pay for all the lost revenues from only having one golfer on the course. After about 5 years of this, his accountant who, by the way, was also his wife said this has got to stop. Helmuth had spend close to 5 million Mark in green fees. He decided if he had his own course he could play for free each day and his wife would be happy.
Herr Sens found a nice lake set in the mountains just south of Munich in a small country village of Ebersberg. He now needed an Architect. He had heard the story of a Mr. Arron Bensten from Honolulu who had built his own course, so Helmuth looked for Mr. Bensten's Architect - Mark Willett. After an offer of 10 million dollars Mark still refused to do the course saying he was to busy doing revisions to Oakmont and Cherry Hills (something about course routing being lost in the mail). Helmuth did not know what to do. He decided to hire the only other great Architect he had heard of, Frank LLoyd Wright. Well, as everyone knows Frank is dead, but that was not going to stop Herr Sens (I told you he was a little eccentric).
This is where I enter the story, Catfish O. T. Rockies. Not one to pass up a quick buck, I told Helmuth that for 30 million in gold I could channel the spirt of Mr. Wright into me and design a course. Helmuth fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Now it gets strange. In a phony ceremony to call up the spirt of Frank, a funny thing happened - I DID IT!!! So, with money in my pocket, a land plot on the table, and the spirt of Frank LLoyd Wright in me I designed the course.
48 months, 60 million dollars (Helmuth is a real big tipper), and 1000 cases of vodka later (Helmuth is hard to work for and having a dead person in you is a strain), the course was finished - Bayrisches Berg Spiel. The only thing left to do was put in cart paths and a small club house, but Herr Sens wanted to play a round to see if all the holes were to his liking. So I waited at the 18th for him to play his round. 5 hours passed and he did not return; 6 hours, 7 hours, 8, 9, 10 hours still he had not returned. After 12 hours, I deceided to go look for him. I walked the course hole by hole, 1 thru 17. On the tee of the 18th I found his body. Stuffed with golf balls and his favorite putter driven through his heart - obviously a murder of passion. There was also a blood stained bank statement showing exactly what he had spent on the course. The cart paths and club house were never completed.
As I traveled back to my home in Denver, I pieced together what had happened. His wife had found out what he had spent for the course and deceided to put an end to it. Unfortunatly for her, she did not know that the course was essentially finished and the money for the last few things was already sent to the approprate contractors. The tragic death of Herr Helmuth Sens was unnecessary.
When I arrived home the spirit of Frank left me and I resumed my life as a architectural designer, computer game player, and professional Putt Putter. Still, every now and then I hear news of the anuual Bier and Brat golf tourney held on the coures in honor of its founder Herr Helmuth Sens. (By the way, it is the only time the course is used now.)
THE CARD -- For the Bier and Brat Golf Tournament
1 Weissbier 423 yd 4 | 10 Rindswurst 518 yd 5
2 Knockwurst 386 yd 4 | 11 Dunkelbier 408 yd 4
3 Ale 582 yd 5 | 12 Bratwurst 212 yd 3
4 Teewurst 196 yd 3 | 13 Kinderbier 398 yd 4
5 Pilsner 357 yd 4 | 14 Fleischwurst 430 yd 4
6 Mettwurst 353 yd 4 | 15 Radler 386 yd 4
7 Stout 521 yd 5 | 16 Leberwurst 197 yd 3
8 Weisswurst 147 yd 3 | 17 Hellesbier 448 yd 4
9 Maltbier 353 yd 4 | 18 Blutwurst 509 yd 5
Subtotal IN 3,318 yd 36 | OUT 3,569 yd 36
Total 6,887 yd 72
CREDITS -- Background from Mountain View by Ron Enfield
Objects from Bay Bridge Greens by Gene Rodriguez III
Doowrews by G. Chisholm
Muirfield Village by Lee Ritze
Mr. Arron Bensten, Isles
and Mark Willett from Isles by Mark Willett
If you enjoy this course, I have one other course that is currently (09/20/92) available for downloading from the various JNSE bbs. And Look for these up coming courses.
Oakgrove (a long wooded parkland course)
Bayrisches Berg Spiel (a mountainous course)
CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION (Currently on the computer in some form) Pine Valley (George Crumps 184-acre bunker in New Jersy)
Bali Handara (golf Indonesian style)
Dorado Beach (Robert Trend Jones Puerto Rico resort course)
Ile a Vache (a tropical island course with cows)
ON THE DRAWING BOARD (May or May not get done anytime soon)
Turkish Hollow (a lighted nighttime par 3)
The Abyss (a course on the edge of a volcano)
Buck's Gas, Eat, & Putt (a course set in a heavy industry area)
Elephant Butte (a desert style course)
Fairmont (a course set in a cemetary)
Wairakei (New Zealand's best course?)
Vinson Masstif (a course set in Antarctica)
Shatsky Rise (an adult style course x-rated)
Have about 20 more courses planned out on paper but this looks like the batch that will be done first hopfully be the end of the year.
Please relay any comments you have on this or any other course via Prodigy or direct mail. I thank you for your support.