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- WELCOME to the world of Duke "Rambo" Nukem.
- *****************************************************************************
- These "RAMBO" levels may be uploaded to any BBS or placed on a CD-ROM,
- provided that all files including this READ.ME file remain intact.
- If uploading to a BBS, please use DUKERAM.ZIP as the file name and for a
- description use something like: "12 x'tra levels for the original Duke Nukem"
- or something similar.
- *****************************************************************************
- MOST IMPORTANT: The levels are designed for Episode 1 of the ORIGINAL
- Duke Nukem. They will NOT repeat NOT work with the recently released NUKEM II.
- Level 'C' has been modified... So don't let the game go into 'DEMO' mode.
- If 'DEMO' mode is activated you may see dozens of Dukes on your screen
- and you may have to do a warm reboot.
- Legal Stuff: Duke Nukem is (c) Copyright 1991 by Apogee Software.
- DukeEdit is (c) Copyright 1994 by David Bollinger
- The new levels in this file are (c) Copyright 1994 by Bill Witkowski
- Although Copyrighted, these new levels are released into the public domain.
- These "RAMBO" levels may even find themselves on a CD-ROM someday.
- The levels have been tested by the author and are playable, HOWEVER,
- there is no expressed or implied warranty.
- Let me know what you think of the levels.
- The Levels: The 11 levels were designed over the past 10 months
- using "Dukeedit 1.5" (c) Copyright 1992 by David Bollinger.
- Level 2 (the hallway) is included in its unmodified form.
- These are not the typical "extra" levels found on many of the BBSs.
- These are cleverly designed and will give you many hours of entertainment.
- Each level took 10 to 30 hours to design and another 15 to 25 hours to create.
- YOU have plenty of ammo (did Rambo ever run out!), but your enemies are
- constantly attacking.
- YOU must save the world....
- These are NOT easy levels to complete, especially without maps. I designed
- all of the levels and I need a map to complete level 'B.' The fighting
- is INTENSE and there is danger at every turn. Keys are cleverly hidden and
- ACTION is the order of the day. The soda pop cans are meant to be shot as
- they make a neat sound.
- Level Descriptions:
- Worldal1.dn1 - Techbot's and Rockets galore
- Worldal2.dn1 - The Hallway... unmodified
- Worldal3.dn1 - Blast your way through walls and floors
- Worldal4.dn1 - Ohhh... Noooooo... the Techbots keep coming and coming...
- Worldal5.dn1 - They keep coming and coming. I bet you went past the hidden key
- Worldal6.dn1 - Mines, Techbots, Traps and Minor Mazes
- Worldal7.dn1 - Blocks, Rockets and Conveyors
- Worldal8.dn1 - "Where the Hell am I and Where Do I Go From Here" - 'Nuff Said
- Worldal9.dn1 - Some Minor Mazes, Clever Traps, and 'Oh No: More Mines
- Worldala.dn1 - Mazes, Mines, Traps and OUCH: those Electric Arcs
- Worldalb.dn1 - THE MAZE FROM HELL...
- For those under 21: THE MAZE FROM HECK...
- Worldalc.dn1 - Rockets, Mazes and those darn Techbots
- Levels for Duke Designers Only...
- *****************************************************************************
- If you are not into designing new levels you may delete these files along
- with all of the dukeedit.* files. This will save you disk space.
- *****************************************************************************
- Worldal1.dn6 - "David Bollinger's Shopping Mall" - heavily modified with
- my creations. May be useful to you.
- Worldal1.dn8 - A special level used to design new levels. You'll see what I
- mean if you print it out. (especially on a wide carriage
- printer) Once printed You can use pen and pencil to design
- a level.
- How do I get started: Create a new Duke Nukem directory ex: Dukexx. Copy all
- the files from episode 1 to this new directory (these files will end with
- .dn1. Copy the .exe file into the new directory. Then go to the directory
- or disk where the new level files are located and copy the new level
- files into your new duke directory. ex: copy worldal?.dn1 C:\games\dukexx
- You should then see "12 files copied" on your screen. This means that the
- new levels have overwritten the old levels and the game is ready to play.
- I hope you have as much fun playing the levels as I did in designing them.
- Let-Me-Know what you think of them.
- Please send me a postcard of your city.
- Let me know the BBS (Date, Name and City of the BBS) that you D/L'ed from.
- Thank You...
- I can be reached at:
- US Mail: Bill Witkowski
- 169 Nassau Ave. #8 Side
- Kenmore NY 14217-2144
- NOTE: If you are writing for advice on a level describe the level as best
- you can and the problem you are having and enclose a SASE.
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- These were fun to play. How can I design my own levels?
- What is "DukeEdit" ?
- DukeEdit is a tool that allows you to view, edit and print the game
- maps of Apogee Software's Duke Nukem. It will allow you to modify
- existing levels or create completely new levels from scratch. It will
- work on all the levels of all three episodes of Duke Nukem. It allows
- you to edit two levels at once and supports cut and paste editing. It
- contains a complete reference describing every object in the Duke Nukem
- world, and will support any printer capable of compressed mode printing.
- DukeEdit is available as shareware, or you may register directly by
- sending U.S. $10.00 to:
- David Bollinger
- P.O. Box 894
- Denair, CA 95316
- In return you will receive the latest version of the program (please
- specify 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" disks) as well as several new levels.
- As a bonus, extra levels of Duke will be included.
- *****************************************************************************