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- by Robin G. Kim
- FLEET DEFENDER: F-14 TOMCAT by Microprose is one of the most complicated
- and realistic PC air combat simulators ever created. Unfortunately, the
- two manuals included with the game are just not up to the task of
- training the player on how to use the simulation's many features. The
- purpose of this article is therefore to supplement the error-ridden and
- incomplete documentation included with the game. Corrections will be
- given as appropriate and areas just glossed over or ignored entirely in
- the manuals will be expanded upon. I will also describe workarounds for
- some of FLEET DEFENDER's more bothersome bugs, and will conclude with
- some hints and tactics which the reader may find useful.
- Unless otherwise noted, it is assumed throughout that all difficulty
- levels are set to "authentic."
- Being able to trap safely and "by the book" every time in FLEET DEFENDER
- is not overly difficult once you know what to do and have practiced a
- bit. While the manual describes the general procedure fairly well, it
- leaves out the really important details that can make the difference
- between nailing the three-wire and either crashing into the sea or
- getting waved off repeatedly.
- No matter what the visibility conditions, it is never necessary to fly
- the standard upwind/crosswind/downwind/base/final approach--you can
- always just fly straight in if you desire. In fact, if you choose to do
- it "the right way," you must make sure you fly your upwind leg offset to
- the right of the carrier. If you are in line with the carrier during
- your upwind leg, the Landing Signals Officer (LSO) will think you're on
- final already and start giving you confusing landing instructions
- instead of ignoring you as you would expect him to at this point.
- Once you turn onto final or if you're making a straight in approach, you
- should devote much of your attention to the instrument landing system
- (ILS). Contrary to what the manual says, FLEET DEFENDER does include a
- full ILS system, including a course deviation indicator (vertical
- needle) and glide slope deviation indicator (horizontal needle) overlaid
- on the vertical display indicator (VDI). It is beyond the scope of this
- article to fully describe the procedure for making an ILS approach.
- Basically, the goal is to keep the needles centered until just before
- touching down. The ILS needles appear on the VDI only when you are
- fairly close to and almost directly astern of the carrier and not too
- far off the proper glide slope, i.e., when you're on your final
- approach.
- Real pilots perform a cyclical visual scan as they come in for a
- landing, glancing through a sequence of instruments and out the canopy
- over and over again to make sure everything's in the groove. This
- technique works well in FLEET DEFENDER and many other flight simulators.
- When I'm too far away to see the carrier (this can be less than two
- miles out when landing at night in bad weather), I cycle between the ILS
- needles, airspeed, and heading. Once I'm close enough to "call the
- ball," I add the velocity vector indicator (VVI, incorrectly described
- as a "vertical velocity indicator" in the manual) to my scan, making
- sure it's placed just past the wires on the angled deck.
- The astute reader may notice that I did not include the meatball and the
- AOA indexer in my visual scan. This was intentional. The meatball
- actually guides you in on a steeper approach angle than the LSO wants
- you to use. You can still land safely if you follow the ball, but the
- LSO will complain that you're too high all the way in. Note that your
- ILS agrees with the LSO, not the meatball. The meatball's only real use
- if you follow the LSO's instructions is for signaling when you've been
- waved off by flashing four red lights in a box pattern, providing visual
- backup for the LSO's "wave off!" command. The AOA indexer does not
- function as it should, but instead seems to echo the meatball
- information (glide slope deviation as opposed to angle of attack).
- Because the AOA indexer doesn't work, I use airspeed as a substitute in
- my visual scan and try to keep it between 130 and 140 knots.
- The LSO gives some misleading instructions as you make your approach.
- "Come left" and "come right" are obvious, but when he says "reduce
- power" he does not want you to reduce power. Instead, he means that you
- are above the proper glide slope as defined by the ILS and he wants you
- to increase your descent rate. Conversely, "add power" means that you
- are below the glide slope. If the low speed flight model in FLEET
- DEFENDER were more realistic, you would indeed add or reduce power to
- control your descent rate and get back on the glide slope. In the game,
- however, it is most effective to pitch your nose up and down to control
- your descent rate and use your throttle to control your speed. The LSO
- will never tell you when you're going too slowly, but your wings will
- start to rock from side to side below 130 knots, which should give you a
- clue that you'd better throttle up before you stall out. He will inform
- you if you're coming in too fast, however ("you're fast").
- In order to get better throttle response on the approach and especially
- in case of a bolter, I have heard that real navy pilots will make their
- final approaches with their speed brakes out and use a higher throttle
- setting. This technique translates well to the simulation, and I
- recommend using it.
- Because the carrier is moving forward and the deck is angled to the
- left, you cannot line up your nose with the centerline and expect to
- maintain that lineup as you come in. The carrier will appear to drift
- to the right as it continues to move. Be prepared to compensate for
- this by aiming the VVI to the right of the centerline. With a bit of
- practice, you will get a feel for how much heading bias to the right at
- different stages in your final approach is necessary to touch down on
- the centerline.
- Now all that's left is to hop into the game and practice some landings.
- But where are the "Fleet Readiness Training" missions talked about in
- the manual? They are there in the Oceana theatre as you would expect,
- but they do not have their own campaign heading. Instead, they are
- lumped in as the last few missions in the "Miscellaneous DACT" category.
- These will allow you to practice day or night launches and landings in a
- variety of weather conditions.
- If all this is just too much for you to deal with, take heart.
- Microprose decided at the last minute to allow use of the landing cheat
- key even at the hardest difficulty level with training mode turned off.
- Hitting this key repeatedly will eventually take you to a point just
- before touch down. As long as you don't mess with the controls too
- much, this will quickly zip you through the landing process and put
- you safely on the carrier deck.
- The AWG-9 radar carried by the F-14 is an extremely complicated system
- that is not easy to use. Besides modeling the realistic user-
- unfriendliness of the AWG-9, FLEET DEFENDER throws a few bugs and
- documentation errors into the mix to make operating the radar even more
- confusing. Hopefully, this section will make things a bit clearer.
- You will probably spend much of your time in the two track while scan
- (TWS) radar modes executing AIM-54 attacks, the F-14's bread and butter,
- so they will be discussed first. These radar modes are the most
- complex, but mastering them will give you a much better chance of
- succeeding in your missions.
- Radar blips in the tactical information display (TID) have "aspect
- markers" attached to them only when in TWS-A, TWS-M, and PDSTT modes.
- These little line segments stick out from blips to show the direction
- that the targets are heading, with the angle at which the line segment
- leaves the blip being equal to the target's aspect angle as defined in
- the manual. When any target comes within AIM-54 range while in TWS-A
- mode, the aspect marker will begin to flash, not the entire blip as the
- manual seems to state. This is true regardless of which weapon type you
- currently have selected. In TWS-M mode, only targets you have manually
- designated will have their aspect markers flash when in Phoenix range.
- It is often impossible to select between closely-spaced targets on the
- TID when trying to highlight each of them. You will be able to
- highlight only one of the group, and there is no way around it. This
- usually does not present a problem, however, since if multiple planes
- are flying that close together, it's a good bet that they are in tight
- formation at about the same altitude, flying for the same country.
- Getting information for one is about as good as getting it for all.
- Thankfully, while you cannot highlight them separately, it is still
- possible to designate each target in a group when in TWS-M mode simply
- by clicking repeatedly on the cluster.
- In order to IFF multiple targets quickly, I have discovered an
- undocumented trick of holding down the left mouse button and then
- sweeping the pointer around to the various targets in turn while in TWS
- mode. Hold the mouse button down until you're done and hit the IFF key
- as each target is highlighted in turn. This trick is also useful for
- checking range and altitude for a number of separate targets.
- The manual states that the TWS radar modes at "authentic" level can only
- be used with the 40 degree/2 bar and 20 degree/4 bar scan volume
- settings. While my sources tell me that this would be a realistic
- restriction, it is not actually enforced by the program. You can use
- TWS with a 65 degree/8 bar radar cone if you like with no problem, or
- you can artificially restrict yourself for greater realism.
- In TWS-M mode, the target priority counters beside the blips you've
- designated are decremented each time you fire an AIM-54. The manual
- says this should also happen in TWS-A but it does not. Despite this,
- the missiles do automatically head for the appropriate targets when in
- TWS-A, you just have to keep track yourself of which target will be
- fired at next.
- The other radar modes besides TWS are simpler to deal with, and can
- often be controlled from the front seat with only occasional hops to the
- RIO position as necessary. The backspace key (or rightmost button on
- the FlightStick Pro) can be used to lock up a target at "moderate" or
- "authentic" difficulty level from PDSRCH or RWS modes though the manual
- says otherwise. The manual is correct that this cannot be used to cycle
- through the available targets. It is not possible to transition to
- PDSTT mode from TWS-A or TWS-M modes. This was a big source of
- confusion to me when I was first learning the game until I finally
- realized I had to switch to PDSRCH or RWS first.
- Besides using the backspace key, the only other way to switch to PDSTT
- is to click on a blip in the detailed digital display (DDD). It would
- be much easier if you could choose the target you want to lock up from
- the TID while in TWS or RWS mode since the DDD output is rather arcane,
- but the game does not allow you to do this. The middle button on the
- FlightStick Pro that is supposed to break a PDSTT radar lock does not
- work at "authentic" level (I don't know if it works at any level), but
- the key command does the trick.
- When leaving PDSTT mode, the antenna elevation angle is sometimes left
- pointing at the target that was locked up instead of being reset to
- zero, so don't forget to move it back manually if desired. On the other
- hand, manual elevation adjustments are sometimes lost when switching
- between radar modes. One example (possibly the only one) is when
- switching from PDSRCH to TWS. Speaking of antenna elevation angles,
- it's a good idea to slew the radar cone up or down on occasion to search
- for bandits lurking at different altitudes. It can sometimes prevent
- nasty surprises.
- At the "authentic" difficulty level, the DDD normally shows the bearing
- and closure rate of targets in the radar's scan cone. When you switch
- to PDSTT mode, however, the DDD changes to show a plan view (bearing and
- range), and even shows maximum and minimum ranges for the currently
- selected weapon as faint bars on the left side of the display.
- Many people complain of difficulty getting the datalink feature of the
- TID to work. Datalinked target blips will only show up on the TID if
- you've activated the DL button below the TID and if the targets are
- within either 50 nm (nautical miles) of the carrier or 100 nm of the
- AWACS. You can be datalinked a maximum of eight targets at a time. It
- seems as if the targets must in addition be within 50 nm of your plane
- before they will show up as datalinked blips. The big advantage to
- getting datalink information is that it will show you bandit positions
- (you never get datalink blips for friendly planes) that are outside your
- radar search cone, making it much easier to track enemy planes that are
- far above or below you regardless of your radar mode or whether you even
- have your radar turned on at all.
- The column of warning lights in the right HUD brace ("AI," "AAA," and
- "SAM") is not documented. The lights indicate what type of radar has
- you locked up: "AI" means air intercept radar, "AAA" means anti-aircraft
- artillery radar, and "SAM" means surface-to-air missile radar. If the
- indicator is lit, it means you have been locked up. If the indicator is
- flashing, it means you have been fired upon, so either a missile is
- heading your way or AAA is flinging BBs at you. A bug sometimes occurs
- where the AAA light keep flashing even after you leave the area and all
- the way back to the carrier. If you don't see tracers flying when
- panning around in the external view, you've got nothing to worry about.
- The digital "522" in the left middle portion of the RIO's forward view
- (can be seen from look-up and look-down views) is a non-functional radio
- frequency display.
- Just below the HUD is a row of eight short and wide rectangles
- corresponding to your missile hardpoints. White means a missile is
- hanging there, black means it's empty, striped/checkerboard means it is
- selected to fire next.
- When sitting in the front seat, the zoom and unzoom keys affect the
- television camera system (TCS) in the look-up view and the TID in the
- look-down view. In the latter case, it will zoom the TID in and out
- regardless of whether the TID repeater is currently displayed in place
- of the horizontal situation display (HSD). Note that the TID zoom level
- is totally independent from the radar range. The former can be adjusted
- from the look down view in either the front or the back seat, while the
- latter can only be changed while in the look up view from the back seat.
- The TCS is always slaved to the radar, and can be zoomed in and out only
- when you have a target selected. The camera will track targets locked
- up in PDSTT or highlighted in TWS mode. It is an excellent tool with
- several uses. First, it lets you see if a target is small or large
- while still a great distance away (> 80 nm). Second, it can verify
- target destruction when attacking targets beyond visual range (BVR) so
- you know whether the target needs another missile lobbed at it. Third,
- it will show target facing (aspect) at moderate distances when it's too
- far away to tell by looking directly due to the simulation's limited
- spatial resolution (320x200 pixels).
- Employment of weapons is pretty well covered in the manual, but there
- are some strange situations and bugs that can be frustrating if you
- don't know how to deal with them. This section will provide some
- hints and procedures to follow to get the most out of those expensive
- missiles you've dragged along.
- The manual says that putting the target inside the allowable steering
- error (ASE) circle is not required for a successful missile launch.
- While this is true, you should be warned that if the target is too far
- off the nose of the plane, the missile will not guide at all, but will
- instead either disappear soon after launch or dive for the earth. Take
- the time to point your plane at least in the general direction of the
- target. It is most important to be aware of this when launching AIM-54s
- in TWS mode because there will be no HUD symbology to tell you where the
- next target to be fired at is located with respect to your plane's nose.
- If this gets confusing, try highlighting each target in the target
- priority sequence in turn before you launch so you will get the target
- designator diamond in the HUD. Realize, however, that the missile will
- go for the target it's programmed for, which has nothing to do with
- whether you have it highlighted or not--the missile doesn't know or care
- if you've highlighted the wrong target by mistake.
- Even if you do point your nose right at a target, it is possible for an
- AIM-54 or AIM-7 to fizzle right after launch. When this happens, you
- will see the missile's smoke trail appear in front of you then the smoke
- will dissipate and the missile will have vanished into thin air. I'm
- almost sure this is not a bug but the game's way of modeling enemy ECM,
- since I have also seen radar guided missiles that were launched at me
- spontaneously disappear from the tactical electronic warfare system
- (TEWS) display when my jammer was on. The only ways around this seem to
- be to get very close to the target (near minimum range) before firing,
- use AIM-9s or guns instead to do the job, or tell your wingman to attack
- that particular target. Your wingie's missiles don't disappear right
- after launch like yours do, but they do seem to have a lower hit
- percentage when attacking targets that make your own missiles go poof.
- He won't have a great chance of killing the target, but it's better than
- your zero percent chance--once one missile vanishes, don't bother firing
- any more at the same target for a while because they'll all do the same
- thing.
- Sometimes AIM-54s you fire will fly straight and level after launch,
- never for a moment guiding toward the target you have designated in
- TWS-A or TWS-M mode. This seems to occur if you manually designate some
- targets in TWS-M, fire some missiles, then try to fire any more AIM-54s
- in TWS-M or TWS-A modes. It doesn't happen all the time, but very often
- that second batch of missiles will fly straight and level as if you did
- not have any targets designated. The only workaround I have found is to
- either avoid using TWS-M entirely, or if you do use it, designate as
- many targets as you can before firing any missiles. Once you run out of
- manually designated targets, do not use TWS modes to guide any remaining
- AIM-54s--use PDSTT instead. This is inconvenient, but less frustrating
- than wasting your missiles. Just remember that since the AIM-54 is fire
- and forget, you don't have to stay in PDSTT after you fire which would
- tend to reduce your situational awareness.
- AIM-7s and AIM-9s may not be fired under any circumstances when in TWS
- mode. If you have a target highlighted, you will see a target diamond
- on the HUD and may even get a shoot cue, but pressing the fire button
- will do nothing if you have one of these missiles selected. In the case
- of the AIM-7 this is probably a feature, since you must use PDSTT to
- guide your missile to the target. For the AIM-9, however, this is
- clearly a bug. You cannot fire a Sidewinder while using TWS mode even
- if the seeker head is uncaged or the radar is off! You must switch to
- PDSRCH, RWS, or PDSTT mode to fire.
- Descriptions of the mission briefing and RIO maps are sketchy in the
- FLEET DEFENDER manuals, and waypoints are hardly discussed at all. This
- section tries to fill in the gaps.
- Your waypoints do different things depending on the type of mission
- you're flying. On escort missions, the first assigned waypoint moves
- constantly. It stays close to the strike planes you're supposed to be
- escorting, and is called "near plane." On some intercept missions, the
- first assigned waypoint moves along with the plane(s) you are assigned
- to intercept. The waypoint name in this case will be "plane." Other
- intercept missions will provide you only with a CAP waypoint so you must
- find the bad guys yourself.
- When on an escort mission, it's not really enough to know just the
- current position of the planes you're escorting; you'd really like to
- know their entire flight plan as well. If you're escorting a TARPS F-14,
- you'll be able to see the waypoints that make up this flight plan by
- pressing the "F-14" button on either the mission briefing or RIO map.
- For any other type of escorted plane, you must press the "Other" button.
- If you've forgotten what your mission objectives are or you're wondering
- whether you've accomplished them yet, click on the "Briefing" button in
- the RIO map.
- There are only a few icon types used in the map displays. There are
- separate icons for F-14s (looks like an F-14), cruise missiles (looks
- like a missile), the E-2C Hawkeye (looks like a Hawkeye), U.S. strike
- planes (looks sort of like a B-52), and all other U.S. or allied
- aircraft including helicopters, (looks sort of like a MiG-21). In the
- debriefing map only, all enemy aircraft show up looking sort of like a
- red MiG-21, and all neutral aircraft use the same icon only in blue.
- While the game manual coverage of wingman commands is adequate, it seems
- to be a source of confusion for many people so some clarification seems
- appropriate. Your wingman will engage targets on his own only under the
- following conditions: you put him in combat spread formation, you tell
- him to go tactical, you call for a bracket, you order him to sanitize a
- particular direction, or you declare yourself engaged defensive. Under
- no circumstances will your wingman fire on a target if he is held in
- cruise or parade formation.
- The difference between ordering your wingman into combat spread
- formation and all the other ways you can get him to engage is that
- unless he is attacked, he will stay on close your wing at your 3 o'clock
- position. This is my preferred method of attacking targets at very long
- ranges with AIM-54s. It keeps him close by in case of emergencies and
- it allows me to control when he attacks by moving him between combat
- spread and cruise formations. This minimizes double-targeting, which is
- pretty wasteful when slinging missiles that run about $1,000,000 a
- piece.
- The target directive command works just fine while your wingman is in
- combat spread even though the manual seems to state that you must tell
- your wingman to go tactical before it will work. It probably meant that
- if you issue a target directive and then tell your wingman to go
- tactical, he will forget who you want him to attack so you'll have to
- tell him again. It is not possible to issue a target directive for a
- radar blip highlighted in TWS mode; a PDSTT lock is required.
- Microprose made available a file on their BBS that contained a complete
- list of all digitized voice messages in FLEET DEFENDER along with their
- meanings. I've included an abridged set of only the more obscure ones
- below.
- WINCHESTER Wingman is out of missiles
- FOX1 Wingman has launched Sparrow missile
- FOX2 Wingman has launched Sidewinder missile
- FOX3 Wingman has launched Phoenix missile
- SINGERLAUNCH Ground missile has been launched
- SINGER Ground radar has been detected
- SPIKE Radar has been detected
- LAUNCH Someone has launched at us
- YOURE_A_MORT If you are hit during an Oceana Training mission
- CLEAN No bogeys near
- NOFACTOR Bogeys are not considered a threat (if not at war)
- INVESTIGATE Could be hostiles, check out if possible. Do
- not fire (not at war)
- VID Visual ID bogeys, could be hostiles but friendlys
- are near by. Do not fire (not at war)
- RED_FREE Hostiles have launched at you or at carrier group.
- You have been cleared to fire (had not been at
- war, but situation has changed)
- - Sometimes your plane may explode as soon as you enter the cockpit
- in an Oceana training mission that begins on the carrier deck. This
- is a known bug.
- - Your plane's heading will often drift slowly to one side or the
- other, even while on autopilot. This is a bug. It can be countered
- by applying opposite rudder input or rudder trim, depending on
- whether you have analog rudder control or not. Make sure you
- remember to negate this rudder setting when you start to maneuver.
- - The mach readings from 1.01 through 1.09 inclusive on the HSD are
- incorrectly displayed as 1.1 through 1.9 (the "0" in the tenths
- place was mistakenly omitted).
- - Occasionally, the padlock view will stop working. Normally it will
- cycle through all targets in visual range, coming back to a fixed
- forward view. When padlock stops working, it will instead lock on
- a fixed point in space (if you turn your plane, your view will shift
- to stay focussed on this point), and no matter how many times you
- hit the padlock key, your view will not shift from this point even
- if you are totally surrounded by other planes. Padlocking onto
- a missile that you subsequently evade seems to trigger this problem
- at least some of the time. The only workaround is to start using
- the full motion pilot view and pan the view angle yourself,
- obviously a poor substitute.
- - Using accelerated time seems to have a bad affect on friendly planes
- you're supposed to escort. If used while they are launching, it
- tends to make them take a lot longer to form up, and sometimes they
- won't even bother leaving the area around the carrier. If used while
- they are landing, it sometimes makes them loiter around the carrier
- indefinitely, jamming the pattern so you can't land unless you buck
- your orders to stay at the marshal point and come in on your own.
- You should obviously avoid using accelerated time during these
- periods if you experience these problems.
- - The game does not model single engine failure as the manual states.
- Instead, you will either lose both your afterburners or both engines
- will be damaged so badly they are reduced to a small fraction of
- their normal thrust potential.
- - The sortie counts for the wingmen in the two F-14 squadrons are not
- updated properly. Every time you fly a mission, every single member
- of your squadron gets his sortie count incremented regardless of
- whether that crew flew or not. Also, the sortie counts for the
- alternate squadron stay stuck at zero.
- - In the top ten list, your rank will be displayed as LCDR even if you
- have been promoted above this level.
- - If you earn a Medal of Honor, it will not appear on your medals
- display.
- As of this writing, Microprose is working on a patch which will
- hopefully fix many of the bugs described above. It should be out by the
- time you read this.
- Crew Training:
- The other crews in your squadron seem to improve in ability as the
- number of sorties they have flown increases. There is a very big
- difference between a crew that hasn't flown any sorties and one with 13
- sorties under their belts. This can be seen in the length of time it
- takes them to find and engage targets and in the casualties you take
- during the tougher missions. Training missions in Oceana are an
- excellent way to bring all your crews up to speed. As noted above, a
- bug in the sortie accounting credits every crew in your squadron with a
- sortie every time you fly one. New replacements start out with no
- sorties, so it pays to take a trip to Oceana between campaigns if you
- have a lot of new guys in the squadron.
- Missile evasion:
- As noted in the previous section, the padlock view can lock onto
- missiles that are targeting your plane. This is an invaluable aid in
- defeating them. Use it to beam the missile (make it approach your
- flight path perpendicularly) and then drop the appropriate
- countermeasures when it starts to get close. If the missile goes for
- the countermeasure, you will see it veer off behind you toward the flare
- or chaff cloud and away from you. At that point you'll know you're
- safe. Be careful not to let the missile get too far into your forward
- hemisphere or your countermeasures will do little good.
- Missiles can be outrun. If you are fired at from astern at long range,
- consider pushing into an unloaded dive at full afterburners and trying
- to run outside its maximum range. Similarly, you should not fire your
- own missiles anywhere near their maximum effective range unless the
- target is heading towards you. If in a tail chase situation, you should
- close even further, possibly below half the maximum weapon range, to be
- sure that your missile won't run out of steam.
- Front Seat Radar Control:
- If you're in a hurry and don't want to leave the front seat, you can
- still operate the radar to some degree. You can't really use TWS modes,
- so you're stuck with PDSTT, BRST, and VSL for designating targets. At
- medium ranges, one good technique is to hit the DELETE key until you're
- in RWS or PDSRCH mode (you won't be able to see what mode you're in, so
- you'll have to count keypresses or use trial and error), then hit the
- backspace key to switch to PDSTT with the nearest target locked up.
- This is a good way to set up for an AIM-7 or maximum range AIM-9 attack.
- When you get in close, you should switch to BRST or VSL. In a turning
- fight, VSL is much more useful except when you want to pick out a
- particular target from a crowd. If you find yourself pointed at a
- bandit farther than 5 nm out that you want to attack, you can switch to
- PDSRCH or RWS and then use the backspace key as described above, but in
- between those two steps you must remember to jump to the back seat
- briefly to extend the radar range and widen the scan cone since it will
- still be set to a narrow 5 nm pattern from when you were in BRST or VSL.
- You may also have to adjust the radar range any time you leave PDSTT
- because that mode leaves the range setting at the lowest possible
- distance that can contain the locked up target.
- Maximizing aircraft performance:
- The F-14 is an interceptor, not a dogfighter. As such, maneuverability
- is not one of its strong suits. For optimum turn performance you must
- spend your energy wisely. Try to keep your airspeed above 300 KIAS
- since turn rate drops off rapidly below that. The F-14 is rated to
- withstand 6.5 Gs, but FLEET DEFENDER allows you to pull up to 9 Gs with
- no ill effects, so higher speeds do give greater maneuverability. You
- can't get blood from a stone, however. If you pull too hard for even a
- short amount of time, you will bleed energy like crazy and end up a
- sitting duck.
- Ordnance and fuel load have a drastic effect on all aspects of the F-14's
- performance. It will perform like a dog with full internal and external
- tanks and four AIM-54s, but get it down to half internal fuel and just
- guns and it will accelerate faster to higher speeds and have much
- greater turn performance. As an extreme example, an F-14 fully loaded
- with missiles and fuel may be able to pull 6.5 Gs maximum in a level
- break turn starting at 375 KIAS. Drop the missiles, external tanks, and
- all but 1000 pounds of fuel and the same plane will be able to pull 9.0
- Gs. Big difference! Keep this in mind when deciding whether to dive
- into a furball or get out of dodge.
- The F-14 accelerates very quickly in a dive (in the game, at least).
- Use this to your advantage when you want to disengage. You may be
- surprised how quickly the mach number winds up after you nose over into
- a steep dive. Even in a turning fight, just keeping your nose a few
- degrees below the horizon helps considerably in maintaining your
- airspeed.
- Combat Tactics:
- Because there are many enemy aircraft that can easily outmaneuver your
- F-14, it is in your best interest to engage most threats BVR. In an
- ideal mission, you will dispose of all threats that stand in your way
- without being fired upon in the course of completing your objectives.
- Only wade into a knife fight if you're out of long range missiles and it
- is absolutely necessary for the success of the mission. Even then you
- should think twice about it.
- To make the most of the missiles carried by my wingman, I keep him on a
- tight leash, moving him from cruise formation to combat spread only
- briefly when I have a specific target I want him to engage BVR. Once he
- launches I move him back into cruise. Until I get engaged, I use him
- strictly as an auxiliary missile carrier, an extension of my own plane.
- If a dogfight develops, I cut him loose ("go tactical" or bracket) and
- we try to support each other as best we can.
- Although AIM-54s are really designed for attacking unmaneuverable
- targets like bombers and cruise missiles, you should really save them
- for fighter targets unless you can accomplish your objectives by downing
- larger aircraft at such long range that you are in no danger of
- attracting the attention of the escorting fighters. There are two good
- reasons for doing this. First, in FLEET DEFENDER, AIM-54s are very
- effective against fighters. Second, front line Soviet fighters like the
- Su-27 and MiG-29 carry missiles with longer ranges than your next
- biggest stick, the AIM-7. Engaging such fighters with just AIM-7s and
- AIM-9s practically guarantees that you'll end up in a furball after the
- initial missile exchange. Even worse, unless you sneak up on your
- victims, the other guy will get the first shot, immediately putting you
- on the defensive against a superior dogfighter. This is clearly a
- situation you want to avoid if at all possible.
- You generally want to save long range missiles for fighters, but don't
- hesitate to use them against enemy bombers and reconnaisance aircraft if
- you have to because most of them are armed with deadly radar directed
- tail guns. If you are forced to attack one with your own gun, either
- set up for a deflection shot that keeps you out of the target's rear
- hemisphere both on the approach and on the breakaway (in case you miss),
- or if you must come from behind, set up your lead early and fire bursts
- constantly as you close to within gun range. You can tell you're at
- maximum gun range when the range caret on the 5-mile range scale on the
- right side of the HUD is pointing at the base of the third dot from the
- bottom of the scale. If you enter the firing arc of a tail gun you have
- less than a second to shoot down the bandit before you are shot down
- yourself. Even if you do manage to get the kill, your plane may be
- severely damaged.
- This article is Copyright (C) 1994 by Robin G. Kim for Game Bytes Magazine.
- All rights reserved.