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Text File | 1993-02-11 | 39.7 KB | 1,459 lines |
- CRACK by Hawk> CONAN
- File: start.exe
- Search for: 9a 19 02 53 0a
- Replace with: 90 90 90 90 90
- Note: The start.exe file is compressed with lzexe. You might need (I didn't
- try otherwise) to decompress it first !
- CRACK by Hawk> Riders of Rohan
- File: rohan.exe
- Search for: 74 03 e9 5c 01
- Replace with: 90 90 90 90 90
- Search for: 73 03 e9 50 01
- Replace with: 90 90 90 90 90
- Note: After three wrong answers the game starts.
- CRACK by Hawk> Supremacy
- File: game.exe
- Search for: e8 84 71 e8 e4 b8
- Replace with: -- -- -- 90 90 90
- (CRACKS.NEW 38%), (H)elp, (F)ind, (P)gUp, (T)op, (>), More? ns
- Note: The game file is compressed with Microsoft's exepack, you might need
- (I didn't try otherwise) to decompress it first !
- There seem's to be a bug in my Norton Editor. So if DiskEdit doesn't find
- the bytes, search again but leave the last byte out of the search string.
- CRACK by Hawk> Wrath of the Demon
- File: wrath.exe
- Search for: e8 20 02 e8 52 02
- Replace with: -- -- -- 90 90 90
- CRACK by Hawk> Kyrandia
- File: main.exe
- Just change the passwords to whatever you like and fill up with 00 bytes.
- They are located shortly above the message: Find the ....
- CRACK by Hawk> F-29 Retaliator
- File: x.exe
- Search for: e8 14 53 ba e5 db
- Replace with: 90 90 90 -- -- --
- Note: This worked with my version of F-29, the other crack didn't !
- CRACK by Hawk> TSRs Dungeon Master Assistant
- File: start.exe
- Search for: e8 ad fb
- Replace with: 90 90 90
- Crack> Mean 18: Accolade
- crack written by Briggs
- Caution: Do not modify your original disk.
- Copy all your files to another disk or to a subdirectory on your
- hard disk and put the original disk away in a safe place.
- Mean 18 does not indicate a version number but the file size for
- GOLF.EXE should be 89375 bytes. The copy protection scheme
- looks for a bad sector on drive A. We will patch 4 calls to this
- routine with NOP's (no operation) and patch 1 JUMP to an early
- exit with a NOP.
- Put DEBUG.COM (from your DOS disk) in the same directory
- or make sure it is in the DOS path. Type the following commands:
- REN GOLF.EXE GOLF.XXX Rename program for debug
- DEBUG GOLF.XXX Start debug
- RCS Check contents of cs register
- Retype the 4 digits shown, but add 1 to the left digit first. The
- code that we want to change is beyond the current 64K segment.
- E CS:4FE3 90 90 90 NOP the first call
- E CS:4FEC 90 90 90 NOP the second call
- E CS:500A 90 90 90 NOP the third call
- E CS:5019 90 90 90 NOP the fourth call
- E CS:5058 90 90 NOP the early exit jump
- RCS Check cs register again
- Retype the 4 digits shown, but subtract 1 from the left digit first.
- Restore the cs register to its original state.
- W Write file back to the disk
- Q Quit debug
- REN GOLF.XXX GOLF.EXE Restore file name
- Now run GOLF and confirm that the patch works.
- >>>Note from Bob: If this doesn't work, there are two more cracks I
- >>>have on file for Mean 18.
- Crack> Accolade Software (generally)
- crack written by The Mad Hacker
- Here is an easy way to remove the protection schemes of 4th
- & Inches, Test Drive, Fast Break, and other Accolade Software.
- Search for 55 56 57 06 1E and replace with 31 C0 C3 06 1E.
- (Use Norton Utilities, DEBUG, PC-Tools, or other equivalent.)
- Crack> SimCity
- crack written by Mike Basford of Canada
- Use Norton or PCTools to search for 0C 87 00
- 75 3C and change the 75 to EB. Write the bytes.
- Crack> Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain
- crack written by Mike Basford of Canada
- Here's how to get rid of that silly code wheel.
- After this you don't have to tune the radio any-
- more.
- You will need Norton Utilities or Debug,
- Norton is easier. When using Norton Utilities,
- select BOB.EXE and search for 36 24 75 08 B8
- 01 (using the hex field) and change the 75 08 to
- 90 90. Write the data and you're done.
- If you are using Debug:
- R use the value of CS for the next step
- S CS:0000 FFFF 39 87 36 24 75 08 B8 01 00 8B E5
- replace CS with the value
- (Debug should respond with something like
- this:
- CS:xxxx xxxx is used next)
- U xxxx use the value from above in place of xxxx
- (You should see:
- CS:xxxx CMP [BX+2436],AX
- CS:yyyy JNZ 7762)
- E yyyy use value from above
- 75.90 08.90 you type the 90s
- W
- Q
- Now run it and have fun.
- Crack> Pool of Radiance by SSI
- crack written by Les B. Minaker of Canada
- Requirements:
- PC-Tools or Norton Utilities
- I was getting really annoyed at the copy
- protection with this game, so I got out my sector
- editor and started poking around. Eventually I
- found the answer.
- First install the program normally by unarcing
- it onto your hard drive or 7 floppies.
- *Note:* I had absolutely no luck unarcing it onto
- floppies. It took me an hour and didn't even run!
- (But, it did install to the hard drive O.K.) Part of
- the install is configuring the program for your
- system.
- Once you have the program installed:
- 1. Find the file named START.EXE and rename
- it to something else like STARTBAK.EXE.
- 2. Copy the file STARTBAK.EXE to
- START.EXE. This renames the original and
- makes the copy the executable program.
- 3. Using PC-Tools VIEW-EDIT mode or Norton
- Utilities Hex Editor, call up the file
- 4. Find the 13 following words with the Hex-
- Editor and change each one to HAHAHA (or
- any 6 Capital letters - not lowercase!) and save
- the changes to disk in the file START.EXE:
- >>>Note from Bob: It's easier to change all the
- >>>words you find to Hex 00. Then, just press
- >>>'enter' when asked for the code check.
- >>>However, his way works as well.
- 5. When you enter the program and are asked for
- the code from the Translation Wheel, type
- HAHAHA and you're in!
- That's all there is to it. It is understood, of
- course, that this unprotect is only to be used by
- legitimate owners of the game - who have tired o
- spinning that &%@# code wheel!
- Crack> Paladin by Omnitrends
- crack written by Jim Bello
- This patch will remove the jump to the docu-
- mentation check in Paladin.
- Use PCTools or Norton Utilities to search for 3B 46 FC
- 75 0B and change the 75 0B to 90 90.
- The Documentation check window will still
- appear, but just hit 'enter' and the program will
- run.
- >>>Note from Bob: What *is* this game?
- Crack> Games: Summer Edition by Epyx
- crack written by The Mad Hacker
- To unprotect THE GAMES, search for E8 87 00 59 C6 and
- change to 59 59 5F EB 55.
- Crack> California Games by Epyx
- crack written by The Mad Hacker
- Using PCTools, search for FA FC 55 56 57 and replace
- with 00 00 31 C0 C3.
- Crack> Games: Winter edition by Epyx
- crack taken from BBS
- To deprotect The Games: Winter Edition, follow these
- steps:
- S 0000 FFFF 0B C0 74 01 to search for the protection pattern
- The computer should respond with only one address. If
- none or more than one is given, this deprotection may not
- work. Sorry!
- Take the address given (in the form of XXXX:YYYY) and
- subtract 5 from the YYYY address. The numbers are in
- hexadecimal. *Do not attempt this patch if you do not
- understand Hex.*
- >>>Note from Bob: If you don't understand hex, I'm sure
- >>>the person sitting next to you does. If not, email me.
- Use the subtracted number (ZZZZ) and enter it in
- E ZZZZ EB 03 90 90 90 31 C0 NOP the protection scheme
- W Save the modified file
- Q to exit to DOS
- Crack> Elite Plus by Microplay
- crack written by Vartan Narinian
- >>>Note from Bob: I am corrected; this wasn't extremely
- >>>nasty to do. In his words, it "wasn't so bad." :)
- OK, I finally hacked it. Here's what to do:
- Search for:
- BE 0F BF BF 2B 30 E8 E3 FE E8 BD FE
- Replace the first two by: C3 00
- Search for:
- 2E 89 6F C8 E8 B1 24 E9 34 1C
- Replace the first four with NOPs (90)
- This takes care of the check if the word is correct.
- To actually remove the question,
- Search for:
- E8 FF 19 BF D9 06 81 C7 C4 06 B0 18 BB 5A 00
- BA 0A 00 B9 93 00 FF D7
- Replace the first three and the last two with NOPs (90).
- Crack> Eye of the Beholder II
- crack written by anonymous (send questions or comments
- to ri09+@andrew.cmu.edu and I'll forward them)
- This is a nice 1-byte crack for Eye of the Beholder 2.
- The boys from SSI tried to be tricky, (maybe unknowingly)
- but I got through their BS anyway.
- They had some funky way of reading the key-board. I'm still
- not sure how they did it, but Hey... WHO CARES!!!!
- Besides that, putting the protection way INTO the game makes
- things harder sometimes.... (not this time :-))
- Basically, what this crack does is the follwoing......
- The program does the following:
- 1 Get input
- 2 Encode / decode etc. etc. etc.
- 3 Was it the right one?
- If so JUMP and continue the program
- If not, return to protection routine.
- My patch changes the "If so JUMP" line to "JUMP ALWAYS"
- So the patch:
- Scan for: 83 C4 08 0B C0 74 14 47
- ^-------------Change to EB
- Thats it.....
- Have fun.
- Crack> Centurion
- crack written by anonymous (send questions or comments
- to ri09+@andrew.cmu.edu and I'll forward them)
- This is a (maybe THE) crack for Centurion.
- To make it accept any answer as input:
- Scan ovl0.ovl for 5B 5B 0B C0 74 06 FF 46 FE
- If you do not want to press return:
- Scan centurio.exe for AF 02 E8 19 CE 2B F1 F9
- CHANGE THE E8 19 CE --> B8 0D 00
- >>>Note from Bob: Thanks to a fellow netter for sending
- >>>these next few deprotects my way. They were all
- >>>gotten from a bboard.
- Crack> 4-d Boxing
- crack gotten from bboard
- There are 2 changes:
- 1)Find: 32 B8 05 46
- Change: 0A
- 2)Find:EE 03 E1 05 FD 07 01 08 11 0A 20 0C 31 0E 00 1C 50 00
- Change:D1 E0 F4 00 10 27 30 2F
- When you get a picture of boxer face, hit ENTER 2 times.
- Crack> Mike Ditka's Ultimate Football
- crack gotten from bboard
- Change file: MDFB.EXE
- Find: 33 C0 F3 A6 74 07
- Change: EB
- When the prompt for codes comes up, tyype any 4 numbers.
- Crack> Test Drive III
- crack gotten from bboard
- Find: 2A ED 3B C1 74 07
- Change: EB
- >>>Note from Bob: In case there is any confusion about the
- >>>above formats, the 'find' field shows the byte pattern
- >>>to search for (usually in the .exe file). Below is the
- >>>'change' field, showing which of those bytes must be
- >>>changed and to what they must be changed. For example,
- >>>the above file (whichever one you must scan... it doesn't
- >>>really say, does it? Try some ones with an .exe
- >>>extension.) must be searched for '2A ED 3B C1 74 07'
- >>>and the number, 74, must be changed to EB.
- Crack> King's Quest IV by Sierra On-Line
- crack from bboard
- >>>Note from Bob: This crack in almost identical form
- >>>appears in Computist magazine by The Mad Hacker.
- To completely bypass the documentational protection on KING'S QUEST IV, use
- the procedure below.
- 1. First, search your Quality Assurance file for the correct edition date.
- It is found in the ????????.QA file.
- 2. If you do not have your version dated 09-19-88 nor 09-24-88, you cannot
- proceed with this patch. Sorry!
- 4. Enter DEBUG and type the following lines below.
- (if you have the 09-19-88 version, use this patch)
- E 0394 82
- E 0CB4 90 E8 38 98
- E A4A9 B8 08 35 CD 21 89 1E 7E 12 8C 06 80 12 B8 24 35 CD 21 89 1E
- E A4BD 82 12 8C 06 84 12 B8 24 35 CD 21 89 1E 86 12 8C 06 88 12 07
- E A4D1 1E 0E 1F BA F7 A2 B8 24 35 CD 21 BA F8 A2 B8 24 35 CD 21 1F
- E A4E5 E8 5A 00 C7 06 7C 12 01 00 C3 90 80 FB 98 75 16 C7 04 32 95
- E A4F9 C6 44 02 00 2E C7 06 B4 09 FF 97 2E C7 06 B6 09 A0 01 FF A7
- E A50D A0 01 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 83 3E 7C 12 00 75 01 C3 1E
- E A521 07
- W
- Q
- (if you have the 09-24-88 version, use this patch)
- E 0394 74
- E 0CB4 90 E8 2A 98
- E A49B B8 08 35 CD 21 89 1E 5E 12 8C 06 60 12 B8 23 35 CD 21 89 1E
- E A4AF 62 12 8C 06 64 12 B8 24 35 CD 21 89 1E 66 12 8C 06 68 12 07
- E A4C3 1E 0E 1F BA E9 A2 B8 23 25 CD 21 BA EA A2 B8 24 25 CD 21 1F
- E A4D7 E8 5A 00 C7 06 5C 12 01 00 C3 90 80 FB 98 75 16 C7 04 32 99
- E A4EB C6 44 02 00 2E C7 06 B4 09 FF 97 2E C7 06 B6 09 0A 05 FF A7
- E A4FF 0A 05 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 83 3E 5C 12 00 75 01 C3 1E
- E A513 07
- W
- Q
- 5. Rename SIERRA.XXX back to SIERRA.EXE.
- Crack> Leisure Suit Larry II by Sierra On-Line
- crack from bboard
- On-Line has a seriously annoying protection scheme. The player must trudge
- through the manual to look for girl's phone number in order to enter the
- game. This patch force the program to accept any input at the prompt in the
- initialization of the program.
- 2. Enter DEBUG and enter the following lines.
- E 0394 F6
- E 4210 52 5C
- E 9E1D B8 08 35 CD 21 89 1E FC 12 8C 06 FE 12 B8 24 35
- E 9E2D CD 21 89 1E 00 13 8C 06 02 13 B8 24 35 CD 21 89
- E 9E3D 1E 04 13 8C 06 06 13 07 1E 0E 1F BA 6B 9C B8 23
- E 9E4D 25 CD 21 BA 6C 9C B8 24 35 CD 21 1F E8 5A 00 C7
- E 9E5D 06 FA 12 01 00 C3 90 57 51 B9 0F 00 BF 86 BA C6
- E 9E6D 05 00 83 C7 09 E2 F8 59 5F 2E C7 06 10 3F 0E 01
- E 9E7D E9 8F A3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 98 90 83
- E 9E8D 3E FA 12 00 75 01 C3 1E 07
- E F676 8E D8 B1 03
- W
- Q
- 3. Rename SIERRA.XXX back to SIERRA.EXE
- Crack> Police Quest II by Sierra On-Line
- crack from bboard
- >>>Note from Bob: This is perhaps *the* deprotect which was
- >>>published in Computist, because that particular batch was
- >>>from a bboard with no names given. It's identical but
- >>>for a few words.
- The new line of SIERRA software protected with the documentational check
- have almost identical patches to the main EXE file. This one was no sweat.
- Rename SIERRA.EXE to SIERRA.XXX and load DEBUG. Enter these lines:
- E 0394 74
- E 7FDB 05 1F
- E 9E9B B8 08 35 CD 21 89 1E 38 13 8C 06 3A 13 B8 24 35
- E 9EAB CD 21 89 1E 3C 13 8C 06 3E 13 B8 24 35 CD 21 89
- E 9EBB 1E 40 13 8C 06 42 13 07 1E 0E 1F BA E9 9C B8 23
- E 9ECB 25 CD 21 BA EA 9C B8 24 35 CD 21 1F E8 5A 00 C7
- E 9EDB 06 36 13 01 00 C3 90 57 51 B9 38 00 BF B8 AB C6
- E 9EEB 05 00 47 E2 FA 2E C7 06 DB 7C 5B 01 59 5F E9 DE
- E 9EFB E0 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 83
- E 9F0B 3E 36 13 00 75 01 C3 1E 07
- W
- Q
- Rename SIERRA.XXX back to SIERRA.EXE and your unprotection is complete.
- Crack> Prince of Persia
- crack from bboard
- Change file: PRINCE.EXE
- Find: 75 0E 83 3E 9A 00 00 75
- Chg to: 90 C7 06 9E 00 FF FF EB
- and---
- Find: 7E 06 A1 F8 42
- Chg to: EB
- This will bypass security at start and during level refresh.
- Crack> D/Generation by Mindscape
- crack written by anonymous
- Search for A1 96 5E 3B 06 82 5E 74 0E
- Replace with A1 96 5E A3 82 5E EB 0F 90
- Crack> Wing Commander
- crack written by Vartan Narinian
- Search for 55 8B EC 83 EC 04 8D 46 FC 50 9A F3 0B
- Replace the first one with CB (RETF)
- Crack> Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer
- crack from bboard
- (Version 1.2 only)
- 1. Rename AFT.EXE to AFT.XXX
- 2. Enter DEBUG with AFT.XXX open for editing.
- 3. At the DEBUG "-" prompt, type
- Several lines with be displayed on screen. You are interested in the first
- two. They should look EXACTLY like this:
- xxxx:0DBB E9A3A7 JMP B561
- xxxx:0DBE C3 RET
- The "xxxx" represents any four hexadecimal numbers. If you have a match,
- on to the next step. If not, you probably have the wrong version. Sorry!
- 4. At the "-" prompt again, type
- U 0E38 <RETURN>
- Several lines of code will again be displayed on screen. Look at the first
- two following the "U 0E38" command. They should also match exactly with the
- following:
- xxxx:0E38 880E5005 MOV [0550],CL
- xxxx:0Exx 8A0E4D05 MOV CL,[054d]
- If you have a match here, then you should have a compatible version of the
- AFS program. If not, sorry!
- 5. At the "-" prompt, type the following:
- E CS:0DBB 90 90 90 <ENTER>
- E CS:0E38 C3 90 90 90 <ENTER>
- You should now be back in DOS. Only one more step left.
- 6. Rename AFT.XXX back to AFT.EXE
- That's it! You now have an unprotected copy of AFT.
- Crack> Rampage by Activision
- crack from bboard
- Search the file MHVOL.1 for these bytes: 41 06 7A
- and replace them with these bytes: 7F C3 00
- Crack> Rampage and The Last Ninja by Activision
- crack by The Mad Hacker
- The protection scheme can be bypassed with Central Point
- Software's NOKEY (distributed with Copy II-PC), or you can
- search through ST.EXE for CD 13 and replace it with 90 90.
- You can use this patch with most software that NOKEY works
- with, since you are NOP'ing out the INT 13 that checks the disk
- drive.
- Crack> Populous
- crack by Mike Basford of Canada
- I hate looking up codes, pictures, etc in in-
- struction books! If you have Populous and feel
- the same way, here's how to fix the game.
- *Note:* Don't do this to your original, use a
- copy.
- Using Norton Utilities, search POPULOUS.EXE
- for 3B 46 0C 75 09 8B 46 0C A3 82 2A and
- replace the 75 09 with EB 03 then write the data
- and you're done. Now at the verification screen,
- just type enter. (You still have to put in your name
- though.)
- Crack> F-19 Stealth Fighter by Microprose
- crack from bboard
- Make a copy of DISK A (the master disk). Put the copy of DISK
- A in drive A:
- E 2E9E EE EF 6B 8E
- E 2F61 F9 42 43
- E 2F81 F1 F2 DB 64 65
- E 2F91 E1 E2
- E 2FA1 11 12
- E 2F11 61 62
- E 2F19 19 F2
- W
- Q
- This will deprotect the version of SU.EXE that's dated 10-15-
- 88, but probably won't work for other versions.
- Crack> Empire
- crack written by anonymous
- Change file: EMPIRE.EXE
- Find: 39 8F AA 0C 74 03 ?? ?? ??
- Change to: 39 8F AA 0C 74 03 90 90 90
- Crack> Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
- crack written by anonymous
- Change file: NOTCAMP.OVL
- Find: 42 DE 74
- Change to: 42 DE EB
- Crack> BattleChess (supposedly works on Bchess II as well)
- crack written by Majik
- EDITOR: PCshell/Norton
- FILE TO SEARCH: chess.exe
- CHANGE: 74
- TO: 75
- NOTES: This crack does not slow down the computer and action
- as did others. You will still have to press enter 3 times to get
- into the
- game.
- Crack> BattleChess -VGA- (supposedly works on Bchess II as well)
- crack was written by The Flash
- PART 1.
- EDITOR: PCshell/Norton
- TO: 90 90
- PART 2.
- EDITOR: PCshell/Norton
- SEARCH STRING: 3D 02 00 7D
- CHANGE: 02
- TO: 00
- Crack> Civilization
- crack written by the Mooncrow
- This is a quick and simple unprotect for Microprose's CIVILIZATION game.
- The unprotect will remove that annoying request at 3000BC for information
- regarding the requirement to achieve some randomly selected technology.
- FILE: CIV.EXE (mine is date stamped 12/03/91)
- Look for the following hex byte sequence: 7D 05 CD
- It should start at hex offset 276D.
- Change the "7D" to "EB" and save the modified file.
- This patch changes the JGE instruction to a JMP and makes the program assume
- that you have already answered the "protection" question.
- One additional benefit from this unprotect is that you can use the SAVE GAME
- feature as soon as you have completed the first move in the game.
- Crack> Drakkhen
- crack written by anonymous
- File: drakm.cc1
- Find: FA 75 22 F8 06
- Replace: 75 with EB
- Crack> Correction to Chuck Yeager's AFT
- correction by Vartan Narinian
- >If you have a match here, then you should have a
- >compatible version of the
- >AFS program. If not, sorry!
- >
- > 5. At the "-" prompt, type the following:
- >
- > E 0DBB 90 90 90 <ENTER>
- > E 0E38 C3 90 90 90 <ENTER>
- > W <ENTER>
- > Q <ENTER>
- This is not quite right because it assumes that ds = cs. The e
- command
- enters the bytes in the data segment. If ds happens to be equal to
- cs, then
- all is OK. If not, you'll be changing the wrong bytes.
- Use
- E CS:0DBB 90 90 90 <ENTER>
- and
- E CS:0E38 C3 90 90 90 <ENTER>
- instead.
- Hack in Peace!
- Crack> Escape From Hell
- crack from Computist Magazine, written by anonymous
- Better grab a microscope if you haven't got a cracked version.
- This doc check asks about some monsters whose tiny pictures appear
- in the manual.
- Since the portion to be altered is not in the first segment of
- the file, you will have to use Norton, or another good editor.
- DEBUG won't work, unless someone knows how to find where DEBUG
- loads additional segments.
- Below is a list of offsets of the byte to change in the file
- ESCAPE.EXE. Go to the followinf offsets one by one and change the
- bytes 75 05 at each offset to 90 90.
- *offsets*
- 14DFC
- 14E3A
- 14E78
- 14EB6
- 14EF3
- 14F1E
- There are six possible types of questions the game can ask
- about a character, and each has its own routine. The above will
- fix all of the routines.
- Crack> SimCity
- crack from bboard
- Find: 0C 87 00 74 03
- Change: EB
- >>>Note from Bob: This differs from the previous crack I posted.
- >>>I don't know if this means there are two versions, or two ways
- >>>of cracking this.
- Crack> Grand Prix Unlimited by Accolade
- crack written by BUBBLE
- File: GPU.EXE
- Search: 83 7e e6 00 74 4e
- Change: c6 46 e6 00 eb 4e
- Crack> Darkseed
- crack written by BUBBLE
- File: TOS.EXE
- Search: 0b c0 74 03 e9 86 00
- Change: 0b c0 90 90 e9 86 00
- Crack> Rampart by Electronic Arts
- crack written by BUBBLE
- Search: 80 3e c8 81 00 75 03
- Change: c6 06 c8 81 01 eb 03
- Crack> World Tennis Championships by Mindscape
- crack written by BUBBLE
- File: VGA.EXE
- Search: 75 06 b8 01 00 5e cb 90 2b
- Change: eb --------' '------------
- Crack> Death Track USA by Activision; Dynamix
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- You can answer what you want for doc check.
- ORIGINAL: 39 46 06 74 06 C7 06 B8 1F 01 00
- CRACK : == == == EB == == == == == == ==
- Crack> Empire, Version 2.05e, 16-Apr-89 by Interstel
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- ORIGINAL: 74 03 E9 40 FE 8E 06 18 7E
- CRACK : EB == 90 90 90 == == == ==
- Crack> Night Hawk F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0 - Version 473.02 by MicroProse
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- First, use UNLZEXE on the file.
- ORIGINAL: 75 11 C4 1E 06 E1
- CRACK : == 00 == == == ==
- If someone wants to be able to install from a default drive here's the patch.
- First, use UNLZEXE on the file.
- ORIGINAL: 75 0C 50 E8 2C 0B 83 C4 02 3D F8 00 75 0A
- PATCH : == 00 == == == == == == == == == == EB ==
- Crack> Faces by Spectrum Holobyte
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- ORIGINAL: 74 31 83 7E FC 04
- CRACK : EB == == == == ==
- Crack> Harley Davidson by MicroProse
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- ORIGINAL: 72 9A BD 0F 2B 03 9A 04 00 28 0A 40 74 09 B8 87 73
- CRACK : == == == == == == EB 0F 00 00 00 == == == == == ==
- Crack> Lode Runner, version 3.0 by Br0derbund
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- note: needed key-disk in drive a: , ran only from the diskette
- 1)
- ORIGINAL: 3B 06 9D 79 75 06 3B 1E 9F 79 74 11
- CRACK : == == == == EB 17 == == == == EB ==
- 2)
- ORIGINAL: 74 3B A1 75 AA 3D 02 00
- CRACK : EB == == == == == == ==
- 3)
- ORIGINAL: 85 C0 75 66
- CRACK : == == EB ==
- 4)
- ORIGINAL: B2 00 B4 0E CD 21
- CRACK : == == == == 90 90
- 5)
- ORIGINAL: B1 F1 BA 00 00 CD 13
- CRACK : == == == == == 90 90
- 6)
- ORIGINAL: B1 01 BA 00 00 CD 13
- CRACK : == == == == == 90 90
- 7)
- ORIGINAL: 1E 07 90 CD 13
- CRACK : == == == 90 90
- The file LR.COM needs a lot of patching. Explanations:
- #1 to jump over the code destroying the program in memory if it was changed
- #2 allows to view and change the master file
- #3 bypasses the key-disk data verification
- #4 not to change the default drive to a: anymore
- ##5,6,7 not to attempt to read a disk in drive a:
- Crack> Mickey's ABC
- A Day at the Fair, by Walt Disney Co.
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- FILE: Apply to each of the graphics .EXE files (VGA, CGA and TANDY)
- ORIGINAL: 83 7E E8 01 75 09 0E E8 08 1A 2B C0 E9 9D 00
- CRACK : == == == == 90 90 == == == == == == == == ==
- Crack> Street Rod by California Dreams
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- ORIGINAL: 0B C0 75 05 9A
- CRACK : == == EB == ==
- Crack> Welltris by Spectrum Holobyte
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- 1st:
- ORIGINAL: C6 46 E9 FF FF 06 92 10
- CRACK : == == == 00 == == == ==
- 2nd:
- ORIGINAL: 8A 97 29 07 B6 00 3B C2 74 09 B8 06 00 50 E8 8A B3 44 44
- CRACK : == == == == == == == == EB == == == == == == == == == ==
- 3rd:
- ORIGINAL: 8A 97 3A 02 B6 00 3B C2 74 09 B8 06 00 50 E8 83 DC 44 44
- CRACK : == == == == == == == == EB == == == == == == == == == ==
- >>>Thanks to Paul Gosse for sending along these next 5...
- Crack> Death Knights of Krynn
- crack written by anonymous
- 1) Change 9A 25 00 4A 00 in START.EXE
- to EB 4B == == ==
- 2) Change 80 BD F6 01 0A 72 in GAME.OVL
- to == == == == == EB
- Crack> Golden Axe
- crack written by anonymous
- Change E8 AB 04 in AXE.DAT
- to == A4 05
- Crack> Pools of Darkness
- crack written by anonymous
- edited by Todd Gleason
- In GAME.OVR Change 9a 74 0b 25 08 74 03 e9 (use the first occurance only)
- to == == == == == EB == ==
- Change 9a 74 0b 25 08 75 06 c6
- to == == == == == 90 90 ==
- Crack> Search for the King V1.1
- crack written by anonymous
- Change 39 87 22 66 75 05 in EXE.EXE
- to == == == == == 00
- Crack> Test Drive III
- crack written by anonymous
- >>>Note from Bob: This was tested on version 2.0 as well and it
- >>>worked fine.
- Unprotect for Test Drive III
- ----------------------------
- This unprotect is for version 1.1 of Test Drive III. (The version
- number is marked on the original disk.) The TD3.EXE file size is
- 138317. The date and time are 12-3-90 1:42p.
- This may work with other versions or it may not. Your mileage may
- vary, so always work with a copy.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Method 1 (Debug)
- Using Debug:
- U 480
- The first two instructions you see should be:
- JNZ 0487
- MOV BYTE PTR [0088],01
- Change the JNZ to two NOP's:
- E 480 90 90
- Save and rename back to .EXE:
- W
- Q
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Method 2 (Hex editor)
- Find the hex string:
- 75 05 C6 06 88 00 01
- In TD3.EXE. Change it to:
- 90 90 C6 06 88 00 01
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The "cop quiz" will still appear when you start the game. Just type
- in ANY number - 0 will work fine. The cop will still tell you "Wrong,
- you can only play for 2 minutes" but what he doesn't know won't hurt
- him. The game will play exactly as if you answered the question
- correctly.
- It would have been just as easy to eliminate the "cop quiz" entirely,
- but it's a good graphic so I let the nice policeman hassle me once
- at the beginning of the game. Only now his tickets are no good. :-)
- Crack> Powermonger
- crack written by anonymous
- In file game.exe search for hex bytes:E8 CD FD 2B 00 75 33
- replace 75 33 with 90 90
- Crack> Ultima V
- crack written by anonymous
- >>>Note from Bob: The kind netter who sent this to me said that he has
- >>>heard complaints that this won't work on some of the newer versions
- >>>of Ultima V. It worked fine on his however.
- The file size of my copy of ULTIMA.EXE is 36576.
- The date is 06-24-88.
- I hope this is of some help!
- To unprotect Ultima V try this: (On a copy, of course!)
- {Don't type in the comments in curly brackets.}
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- rename ultima.exe ultima.xxx
- debug ultima.xxx
- -d 10e 111
- 17E5:0100 6E 09 n.
- 17E5:0110 64 00 d.
- {If you don't see the "6E 09" and "64 00" here then your copy is
- different than mine and this probably won't work.}
- -e 10e 3b 1b 00 08
- -d 114 117
- 17E5:0110 00 00 1C 08 ....
- {Check for "00 00 1C 08".}
- -e 114 22 03 2d 07
- -w
- Writing 8EE0 bytes
- -q
- rename ultima.xxx ultima.exe
- {done}
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Or use your favorite hex editor (Norton's, etc.) and change the
- string 6E096400 to 3B1B0008
- and 00001C08 to 22032D07
- Change the first occurrence only! The second string appears in the
- file several times.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This just changes the .EXE file header so that execution begins after
- the key disk check. My copy is kind of old so I hope this still works.
- Crack> Silent Service ][
- crack written by Majik
- Using PCshell or Norton Utilities, search the file SS2.EXE. Look for
- 75 41 2B C0 50 50 and change 75 41 to 90 90.
- Crack> Star Control by Accolade
- crack written by Majik
- Using PCshell or Norton Utilities, search the file STARCON.OVL for
- 74 05 1B C0 1D FF FF 3D 01 00 and change 74 05 to EB 05.
- Crack> Castlevania
- crack written by Majik
- Using PCshell or Norton Utilities, search the files CEGA.EXE,
- CTGY.EXE, and CCGA.EXE for 3B 46 E2 75 0B and change 75 to 74.
- Crack> MechWarrior by Activision
- crack written by The Mage
- Using PCshell or Norton Utilities, search the file MW_MAIN.EXE for
- 04 00 FF 1E 2C 00 and change FF 1E 2C 00 to E9 31 01 90.
- Crack> SimEarth by Maxis Software
- crack written by Majik and The Mage
- Using PCshell or Norton Utilities, search the file SIMEARTH.EXE for
- 74 03 E9 46 01 and change 03 to 00 and 46 to 40.
- Crack> Dragons Lair 1
- crack written by The Flash
- Using PCshell or Norton Utilities, search the file GAME.EXE for
- E8 27 36 E8 7F 27 and change 27 36 to 4C 1D.
- Crack> Spirit of Excalibur
- crack written by The Flash
- UNLZEXE the EXCAL.EXE file before you Crack it. After You apply
- the patch then LZEXE it back. If you need LZEXE package get it at your
- fine Shareware systems, Ask a Friend, or just Forget about the crack :>
- Once you've done that, search for 74 36 B8 06 00 and change the
- 74 to EB.
- Crack> Secret of Silverblades from SSI
- crack written by The Flash
- Using PCshell or Norton Utilities, search the file START.EXE for
- 5C 0C 74 33 9A and change 74 to EB. Next, search GAME.OVL for
- 02 1E 72 1D and change 72 to EB.
- Crack> MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS By Core Design/Virgin Mastertronic
- crack written by anonymous
- File : pega.exe
- Seach For : A3F744E88200A1F9443B06F7447404FF
- Replace With : A3F744A3F944A1F9443B06F7447404FF
- ------
- File : pega.exe
- Search For : A3F744E85F00A1F9443B06F7447404FF
- Replace With : A3F944A3F744A1F9443B06F7447404FF
- -- ------
- File : pcga.exe
- Search For : A3AD43E88200A1AF433B06AD437404FF
- Replace With : A3AD43A3AF43A1AF433B06AD437404FF
- ------
- File : pcga.exe
- Search For : A3AD43E85F00A1AF433B06AD437404FF
- Replace With : A3AF43A3AD43A1AF433B06AD437404FF
- -- ------
- Notes : Disables the password protection.
- You will no longer be prompted for a password
- Crack> DRAGON'S LAIR:ESCAPE FROM SINGE'S CASTLE By Sulivan Bluth/Readysoft
- crack written by anonymous
- File : dlescap1.dat
- Search For : 833C0075632BC0CD102BD2B700B402CD
- Replace With : 833C007563C704D204EB5DB700B402CD
- --------------
- File : dlescap2.dat
- Search For : 01E2F30BFB81F739F53B3C7501CB8CD3
- Replave With : 01E2F30BFB81F739F5893C7500CB8CD3
- ---- --
- Notes : Disables the password protection.
- You will no longer be prompted for a password.
- Crack> EYE OF THE BEHOLDER By Strategic Simulations
- crack written by anonymous
- File : eob .exe
- Search For : 9A9D67wwww83C4080BC074194783FF03
- Replace With : 9A9D67wwww83C4080BC0EB194783FF03
- --
- Notes : Disables the password protection.
- When prompted for a password press ENTER.
- The w's are wild. Search for the second bit, then make sure the
- first bit matches.
- Crack> GAUNTLET II By Tengen/Atari Games/Mindscape
- crack written by anonymous
- Files : *.exe
- Search For : 9A0000wwww070BC07403E9
- Replace With : EB0300wwww070BC0EB03E9
- Notes : Disables the password protection.
- You will no longer be prompted for a password.
- The w's are wild. Search for the second bit, then make sure the
- first bit matches.
- Crack> LIGHTSPEED By Microprose
- crack written by anonymous
- File : lightspd.ovl
- Search For : A372A1833EBFE3007419509ADA
- Replace With : A372A1833EBFE300EB19509ADA
- --
- File : lightspd.ovl
- Search For : 9A021A2011EBF9 (Repeat proccess 13 times)
- Replace With : EB039090909090
- --------------
- Notes : Disables the password protection.
- You will no longer be prompted for a password.
- Crack> PGA TOUR GOLF By Electronic Arts
- crack written by anonymous
- File : golf.exe
- Search For : E8AAA9900EE8C9C3C606FE0932B83874
- Replace With : E8AAA9900E909090C606FE0932B83874
- ------
- Notes : Disables the password protection.
- You will no longer be prompted for a password.
- Crack> SIMEARTH By Maxis
- crack written by anonymous
- File : simearth.exe
- Search For : 8C9E52FF833E567B007403E97F02B804
- Replace With : 8C9E52FFC706567B010090E97F02B804
- ---- ------
- Notes : Disables the password protection.
- You will no longer be prompted for a password.
- Crack> F15 STRIKE EAGLE II By Microprose
- crack written by anonymous
- Either
- File : f15.com
- Search For : A73D9044AA96F09D
- Replace With : A73D4BC14844F06D
- -------- --
- or
- File : f15.com
- Search For : AB7BF32FB07321FA
- Replace With : ABFEF3FD6B73C3FA
- -- ---- --
- Notes : Disables the key disk protection
- Does not work properly for Version 451.02
- Crack> Might and Magic III
- crack from wuarchive...
- In /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS in wuarchive.wustl.edu is a crack for MM3 called
- mm3crack.zip. Try it.
- Crack> Budokan
- crack written by anonymous
- Below is a small TSR. It is a cheat & crack by someone else
- which I modified so that it is only a crack. Just load it before
- Budokan. Unfortunately it can not be uninstalled from memory.
- It is unlikely that you will find a search and replace type crack
- for this as it is reasonably well encoded and does several clever
- self checks to make sure it is not modified.
- -----Start------
- begin 755 budo
- MZV:0 %!345)65QX&59S\@/S_=0Z=70<?7UY:65M8N_\ SSTD)74O@?H3
- M('4IB^R+1A0]\!]U'XY&%B;'!I8NN FQ@:8+@ FD)"0D)"0D)"0D)"0Z[Z=
- M70<?7UY:65M8+O\N P&,R([8M FZJP'-(;@A-<TAB1X# 8P&!0&T_\TA@?O_
- M '4,M FZ, +-(;@!3,TAN@<!N"$ES2&T";HX LTAC19H <TG5%-2($]V97)L
- M87D@4')O9W)A;2!F;W(@0E5$3TM!3@T*0G)O=6=H="!T;R!Y;W4@8GD@5%))
- M040A#0I#<F%C:V5D(&)Y(%1H92!#>6)O<F<A#0H-"D)U9&]K86X@8VAE870@
- M8GD@4F5S8W5E(%)A:61E<B!;05!)70T*#0I44U(@:7,@)$%L<F5A9'D@26YS
- )=&%L;&5D#0HD
- end
- >>>Note from Bob: Append the stuff between and including the begin and end to
- >>>a file. Give it some name, {name}. Then, type 'uudecode {name}' and
- >>>it will make a file called budo. Follow the crack instructions above
- >>>on how to run the game. If you don't have uuencode/uudecode, get it from
- >>>wuarchive.wustl.edu... I don't know which directory.
- Crack> StarTrek 25th anniversary by InterPlay
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich (U94_MYAKUBOV@VAXA.STEVENS-TECH.EDU)
- I really need someone's opinion on the StarTrek. I didn't play
- StarTrek much, so I don't know what's gonna happen on the second doc check and
- so on... I tested the patch only for the 1st star, so please send all comments
- to my email address.
- ORIGINAL: A3 82 01 39 06 84 01 74 04
- CRACK : A1 84 01 A3 82 01 90 EB ==
- Note: The color of the planet you see on the screen when arrive won't be
- correct, but it doesn't matter; the rest is all right.
- Crack> Castles by InterPlay
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich (U94_MYAKUBOV@VAXA.STEVENS-TECH.EDU)
- ORIGINAL: 3B 16 46 26 75 06 3B 06 44 26 74 11
- CRACK : == == == == == 00 == == == == EB ==
- Doesn't work alone (needed if you want to change configuration), use the above
- patch too.
- ORIGINAL: 0B C0 74 0C C6 46 F5 00
- CRACK : == == == 00 == == == ==
- Crack> F-29 Retaliator by Ocean Software
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich (U94_MYAKUBOV@VAXA.STEVENS-TECH.EDU)
- This one also needs testing, I din't play much myself (did it for a
- friend), so I'd like to know the results.
- ORIGINAL: E8 46 53 BA C1 DA B8 00 3D
- CRACK : 90 90 90 == == == == == ==
- This patch lets you play the game from any directory, not just \RETAL
- ORIGINAL: BA 95 D3 B8 00 3D
- PATCH : == 9C == == == ==
- Crack> Jack Nicklaus Golf
- crack written by anonymous
- This program is protected by a code-wheel lookup, and is hideously easy
- to defeat. This patch will work for the following version of the game:
- GOLF EXE 82503 09-19-90 9:52a
- The file is compressed with LZEXE v0.90, and its uncompressed size is
- 146164 bytes.
- So, to crack it, uncompress it with UNLZEXE, and change offset 3BDC:
- E8 56 F5 to 90 90 90. This will completely bypass the code-wheel prompt
- and verification.
- Addendum
- --------
- To crack the course designer, UNLZEXE the file DESIGN.EXE (size 76307,
- date 09-19-90), and edit offset 2C47: 9A 34 -> EB 03.
- Crack> Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer v1.2 (from the game-pack)
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- ORIGINAL: 3B 97 3F 05 74 03 E9 03 AF
- CRACK : C3 == == == == == == == ==
- Crack> Chuck Yeager's Air Combat
- crack written by Michael Yakubovich
- First, unOPTLINK the file; if you don't have any utility to do this use NU6.0,
- NUCONFIG program which lets you expand OPTLINKed files. Be sure to rename
- YEAGER.EXE to one of the file NUCONFIG understands (DE,SF,etc.).
- ORIGINAL: 83 C4 0E B8 E8 00 50 9A 1A 55 FF FF 9A B6
- CRACK : == == == == == == == == == == == == EB 03